EN4 U7 2standard
EN4 U7 2standard
EN4 U7 2standard
1 Listen to the TV news report. Why can’t anyone 4 The underlined words are in the wrong
fly into or out of Gatwick Airport? (2 marks) sentences. Write them next to the correct
_______________________________________ sentences. (5 marks)
1 If you want to understand the issue, don’t just
look at the producer – read the whole story.
2 Listen again. Complete the sentences with up
2 Sam couldn’t concentrate, so he turned off the
to three words in each gap. (8 marks)
sensationalism on his phone. _______________
1 Dan Murphy is reporting from
3 I don’t think that story is true. I think it’s
____________________________, to give an
notifications. _______________
________________________ on the situation.
4 I don’t trust sites that use headlines to attract
2 Alice from Glasgow doesn’t feel angry about the readers. _______________
situation because she ___________________ 5 More people have started watching the
programme since the new fake news started
working on it. _______________
3 The bad weather in Sydney, Australia, has
resulted in disruption to travel on both 5 Find five words in the wordsearch. Then use
_________________ and _________________. them to complete the sentences. (10 marks)
3 Match adjectives 1–5 to definitions A–E. O N E S U O E F
(5 marks)
1 democratic ___ N D T H W F E E
2 repressive ___ P A Y W A L L E
3 tolerant ___
4 global ___
5 idealistic ___ 1 You can’t read that article unless you have a
subscription to the magazine. There’s a
A controlled by individuals who restrict the __________________.
freedom of others
2 It was the only newspaper that had uncovered
B believing in and trying to achieve perfect
the story. It was a __________________.
standards even if this is impossible
C controlled by individuals who are chosen 3 I found out about the fire in the midday news
by the people of a country __________________ on the radio.
D able to accept what others say or do even 4 Anna doesn’t realize that often the stories in her
if you disagree with them social media __________________ are fake.
E relating to or affecting the whole world 5 The politician resigned after his name was
connected to the economic _________________
reported in the news.
Unit 7 test
6 Complete the dialogues with the verbs in 8 Sandy is a presenter on an early morning TV
brackets. Use the correct form of will or show. Look at her daily routine. Then complete
be going to. (10 marks) the sentences about what she will or won’t be
doing tomorrow using the future continuous
1 A Why are you turning on the TV? form of the verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
B I _____________________ (watch) the news.
3.00 a.m. alarm rings
2 A I’ve just realized I haven’t got enough money
3.00–4.00 a.m. shower, clothes and breakfast!
to buy my magazine.
4.00–4.30 a.m. journey to the TV studio
B Don’t worry. I ___________________ (lend)
5.00–5.30 a.m. meeting about the day’s show
you some.
7.00–10.00 a.m. present the show
3 A You haven’t handed in your media studies 10.00–11.00 a.m. discuss the next day’s show
homework, Mark.
B I’m sorry, Miss Turner. I _________________ 1 At 3.30 a.m. she _________________________
(bring) it to you tomorrow, I promise. (get) ready for her day.
4 A This article was so good that the journalist has 2 At 4.15 a.m. she _________________________
won an award for it. (drive) to the TV studio.
B Yes, she ________________________ (have) 3 At 5.10 a.m., she ________________________
a great career. (have) a meeting about the show.
5 A I’m going to see Tolkien at the weekend. 4 At 8.15 a.m., she ________________________
B It looks interesting. I’m sure you (present) the TV show.
___________________ (enjoy) it.
5 At 10.55 a.m. she ________________________
7 Complete the sentences with the words in the (not go) home. She will still be at the studio.
box. Use the present simple or present
continuous for the future. (10 marks) Everyday English
arrive go publish not spend start
9 Complete the text about e-safety with the words
1 The documentary is on TV tonight, but ________ in the box. (10 marks)
_____________________ at 7.30 or 8.30 p.m.?
always essential if otherwise sure
2 Danny _________________________ to the
theatre tonight. Good morning, everyone. I’m here today to tell
3 Sue’s train _________________________ in the you how to stay safe online. First of all, make
early evening. (1) ____________ you have your privacy settings
4 I can come to the exhibition with you tomorrow. set as high as possible, (2) ____________ anyone
I ___________________________ the day in can access your information. If it’s confusing, ask
London after all. an adult to help you – maybe your parents or a
5 They _________________________ Jake’s teacher. Secondly, it’s (3) ____________ not to
article on fake news in the school magazine. make friends online with people you don’t know in
real life – they might not be who they say they are.
Thirdly, (4) ____________ respect other people’s
opinions even if you don’t agree with them. Think
carefully before you post a comment online. Never
use bad language or say something cruel. Finally,
(5) ____________ you don’t feel comfortable
about something you see or experience online,
make sure you tell an adult. Now, are there any
Unit 7 test
Reading Working with our brain
I think that by 2050 we will have technology that
10 Read the text. Which two paragraphs talk about works with peoples’ brains. For example, a
using technology to advance medical science? paralysed person could wear an electronic body
(1 mark) suit and use their thoughts to control it so that they
_______________________________________ can walk. However, I don’t think we will have truly
intelligent robots. Scientists have made some very
_______________________________________ realistic-looking robots, but they can’t think for
themselves like we do and they don’t have
My predictions for the future feelings, either. The creation of artificial
By Haden White intelligence is very difficult, so I think such robots
Gaming will only exist in science fiction. On the other hand,
In the past two decades, the popularity of online I think we will understand our dreams better. By
games has increased dramatically. I think in the 2050, dream analysts will be able to project
next 25 years games will become even more images from our dreams onto a TV screen. People
interactive, and they will become a part of our real will watch their dreams later and use them as a
lives. There will also be games that are more way to solve problems in their daily lives.
physical. Some of these games might be able to
capture energy from the movement of the gamers 11 Read the text again. Then complete the
sentences with one word in each gap. (9 marks)
and use this ‘green’ energy to charge the devices
in our homes. In addition, many games will solve 1 Haden thinks that games will become more
real-world problems. Players will be less _______________ and more _______________
concerned with winning and more concerned with in the future. He also says that we might get
collaborating and problem-solving. Scientists are _______________ from playing these games.
already getting gamers to play games which they
2 In the future, governments will
hope will help them find ways to treat terrible
_________________ advertising for products
diseases like cancer.
that are bad for us. The products will come in
Advertising plain _______________ , and
I believe that advertising will also change in the _______________ won’t see adverts for them.
future. I don’t think that governments will allow
companies to advertise things that are harmful to 3 Haden doesn’t believe that _______________
our health. People are becoming more and more will change much in the future. However, he
aware of the health risks associated with products thinks we will be able to view our
like junk foods and cigarettes, and although _______________ on a _______________.
governments won’t be able to ban them, they will
control how they are presented to the public. It is
likely that they will only be available in basic, non-
branded packaging. Any advertising that is
permitted won’t be on the TV or radio at times
when children could be the main audience.
Unit 7 test
12 Write a press release for a local newspaper Paragraph 2: Provide details about the event. What
about a fundraising event your school is will people be able to do there? Will they be
organising. Use some of the attitudinal adverbs watching something, or buying things? Will they
below and the prompts to help you. Write about
be taking part in anything?
110 words. (20 marks)
Paragraph 3: Explain how your school will use the
Apparently Currently Evidently
money raised. How will it help people / the school?
Fortunately Hopefully Surprisingly
How much does your school need to raise? Are any
Heading: Write a catchy headline followed by other events planned to raise money?
today’s date and your location.
Paragraph 1: Include the most important
information. What is the fundraising event?
When and where is it going to be? Why is the
school raising money?
Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Grammar _____ / 30
Everyday English _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 Writing _____ / 20
TOTAL __________ / 100