EP3 U1 Higher B
EP3 U1 Higher B
EP3 U1 Higher B
B I _____________________ very well last night. meet / work not rain / leave wait / see
2 A What time will Toby get here?
1 I first _____________ Annie when we
B Well, he _____________________ his house at
_____________ at the same school in Katowice.
11, so he’ll be here in about an hour.
2 She _____________ her keys when she
3 A _____________________ your football match?
_____________the kitchen.
B No, we didn’t. We lost 3–0.
3 I _____________ at the bus stop when John
4 A _____________________ anything nice in the
_____________me and stopped to give me a lift.
4 As Bond _____________ into the car mirror, he
B No, I didn’t. It was all too expensive.
saw that someone _____________ him.
5 A Do you know your way round London?
5 I didn’t bring an umbrella because it
B Yes, I _____________________ there for three
_____________ when I _____________ home this
years when I was a student.
6 Napisz pytania w czasie past continuous.
(10 pkt.)
Use of English
1 (who /Annie/ dance with)
_____________________ when John arrived at 8 Uzupełnij zdania 1–5, wstawiając podane
the party? w nawiasach wyrazy we właściwej formie. Dodaj
niezbędne elementy, tak aby utworzyć logiczne
2 (what/the boys/do) _____________________ when i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. (10 pkt.)
the teacher came into the classroom?
1 I’m afraid the boys broke the kitchen window
3 (how fast/you/go) _____________________ when
________________ (when / play) football.
you fell off your bike?
2 I’m sorry we missed you when you called – I was
4 (where/your mum/work)
out in the garden and John ________________
_____________________when she met your dad?
(listen / music) upstairs.
5 (why/your sister/laugh) _____________________
3 The classroom was empty ________________
this morning? What was so funny?
(when / get) here this morning – I was the first
person here.
4 My brother fell asleep ________________
(while / watch) TV last night.
5 I didn’t answer the phone because I was cycling
home ________________ (when / ring) me.
Unit 1 test B
Reading A That wasn’t very successful either.
B They all said that it was impossible.
9 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto
pięć zdań. Uzupełnij luki 1–5 w tekście zdaniami C With this very limited equipment, he started work.
podanymi poniżej A–F, tak aby był on spójny i D But he continued working on it, and it improved
logiczny. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w luki. Jedno quickly.
zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje
E However, he didn’t finish the course because of
do żadnej luki. (10 pkt.)
the First World War.
John Logie Baird was a Scottish inventor who has
F Other scientists developed the sort of
an important place in the history of television. He
televisions that we know today.
was born in 1888 and went to school at Larchfield
Academy. He later studied at Glasgow University. Communication
10 Uzupełnij dialog. (10 pkt.)
A So, how’s your sister?
As a young man in the 1920s, he tried to make
B Oh great, thanks. She had some really good
money in all sorts of ways. First he tried selling 1
_______________. She got her place at
medicine. When that didn’t work, he started selling
2 university.
soap. _____ 2
A Fantastic! _______________ brilliant.
B Yeah. Anyway, what’s _______________ news?
In 1923, he rented a small room and started an
A I’m in the final of that talent show.
exciting experiment. He wanted to try and send a 4
B What? You’re _______________!
picture over the radio. He had a few bicycle lights, a
A No, I’m serious. It’s in about three weeks.
pair of scissors, a small electric motor and some 5
B Wow, well done. And _______________ luck!
other bits and pieces.
_____ After just a few months, he managed to
send a picture across the room. It was only very 11 Zredaguj wpis na stronę internetową twojej
szkoły na temat młodej wokalistki, która właśnie
simple and it was black and white. But it was an wygrała program typu talent show.
important moment – this was the world’s first
Poinformuj, kim jest zwyciężczyni, gdzie
television picture. The year was 1924.
otrzymała nagrodę i jaka to nagroda.
Opowiedz o tym, co wydarzyło się podczas
To most people, Baird’s first machine seemed like
programów w ostatnich tygodniach.
an extraordinary piece of magic. _____ Soon he
Podziel sie swoimi przewidywaniami co do
was sending moving pictures and even pictures in
przyszłości wokalistki.
(10 pkt.)
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech
In the end, Baird didn’t make much money from his
podpunktów, pamiętając, że długość twojego
idea. _____ But it all started with a single man,
tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów.
working alone in a small room, trying to make a
Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania
dream come true.
informacji, spójność wypowiedzi, bogactwo
językowe oraz poprawność językowa.