Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - AWS
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - AWS
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - AWS
ELB only accept request from HTTP and HTTPS other request like ping ip that will
directly communicate if they know each other but ELB is not doing this ip ping
When user search www.highway.com so first DNS resolve through Authority name
Then pass to ELB and ELB is mapped with DNS then ELB convert domain to IP after
page will display
1. Listener
2. Target Group
3. Target
Listener:- It will check requests and decide where that request will go in HTTP or
And the listener is there virtually, listener is two types frontend and backend. Frontend
listener is there up side of ELB and Backend listener is there back side of ELB.
Target Group:- It is a one group of one EC2 instance. Suppose in one group 2 EC2
instance and in another group 2 EC2 instance
Target :- It is a basically EC2 instance, IP or lambda. T1 one target for Ec2 and T2
second target for Ec2.
ELB support IPV4 address only in a VPC
Cross Zone ELB is distribute the traffic by one to one EC2 instance
ELB practical
1. First create 2 EC2 instance in virginia region one create in east-1a zone and second create in
east-1b zone
Availability Zone
Select east-1a
Select east-1b
Click next
Click next
Configure Route
Target group
Name - - - TG1
Click Next
Register Target
Here are no Ec2 instance in LB
Add to register
Click create