CHAPTER ONE Ester Friend Work
CHAPTER ONE Ester Friend Work
CHAPTER ONE Ester Friend Work
To what extent is this information gathered from the news sources being used as
part of the news production processes? These and many other contentious issues
relating to eye-witness accounts and news processing of broadcasting stations have
been the driving force behind this study to ascertain the use of News Media in
citizenship journalism: case study of eye witness report. This study therefore,
purposely chose eye witness report in order to look into how both stations process
their news.
The study major objective is to examine the use of News Media in citizenship
journalism: case study of eye witness report. Specific objectives include;
To ascertain how the information, influence the news package of the broadcast
To ascertain the rate the media stations use eye-witness accounts in their news
The following are the research questions used for the study;
How does the information influence the news package of the broadcast stations?
At what rate do the media stations use eye-witness accounts in their news
The findings of the study would be significant in several ways. It would serve as a
reference material both for students and other researchers, who may have need for
information and documentations on this area of academic study. The findings
would also be helpful to other media organizations in proper utilization of eye
witness. The findings would also offer the respondents the opportunity to air their
views on the way and manner media organizations handle journalism.
The study was faced with time and fund constraints being academic based
research. The time allocated for this study was not enough as in combining the
work on this study with daily academic routine. Also, the study was limited to
some areas due to the problems of funds, shortage of texts, journals and
information relevant to the study.
Broadcast Stations: Media organizations that disseminate news and other content
through television or radio broadcasts.
News Package: The assembled, processed, and polished collection of news items
prepared for broadcast to an audience.