Refractories For Induction Furnaces For Display

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Refractories for

Induction Furnaces
Manufacture, Supply and Installation
Capital Refractories

Capital Refractories Limited is one of the largest independent refractory companies

in the UK and yet we are a privately owned, family-run business. We have been
working with the metallurgical and thermal process industries for some 50 years
and have the majority of UK business for induction furnace linings melting steel.
We offer a full manufacture, supply and installation service for both induction
furnace and ladle linings which we produce in the UK, USA and China.

Our products are suitable for:

• All steel grades including high temperature alloys (stainless, duplex etc)
• Iron and its alloys (Ni-hard, Ni-resist etc)
• Copper and copper alloys
• Aluminium and aluminium alloys

Hot Face Dry Rammed Lining:

We manufacture and supply an extensive range of linings including spinel and
mullite forming products. These have been specifically developed for melting a
variety of metals and some allow for a mixed melting programme.

Topping and Spout Material

These are chemically bonded high strength materials that are compatible with our
dry linings.

Coil Screed
High grade fine hydraulic cements are available.

Slip Plane Material:

We can offer mica in sheet or roll form.

Repair Materials
Numerous fine grained chemically bonded products are available for lining repairs
and joint seals.

Castable Materials for Lids and Bases

Hydraulically bonded multipurpose castables.

All of the above materials have been developed through extensive testing. There are
a wide range of products available in order to best meet with the specific
application. Our engineers will be able to advise you on which material is
appropriate for your application.
Induction Fur nace Technology
Common Products for All Induction Fur naces
Capital offer specific products for lining, toppings and repair for each alloy type
(which are summarised on the following pages), but many products are common to
most conditions and some of these are summarised here.

Coil Screed

Silkote 90 Hydraulically bonded, low-silica screed that allows for a slightly

higher surface temperature than Capscreed. High strength
makes it suitable for push out furnaces.
Capscreed Hydraulically bonded, high alumina induction furnace coil
screed. High strength makes it suitable for push out furnaces.

Castable for Lids, Bases & Blocks

Silcast 1600CM Aluminosilicate multipurpose castable.
Silcast 65 Aluminosilicate high strength castable.

Please see pages 8-11 for detailed analysis of the materials listed on this page
Materials for Steels & Special Alloys
Hot Face Dry Rammed Lining
Coral CXL General purpose lining with a wide melting temperature range.
Coral HB High duty, hard wearing lining suitable for most melting applications.
Coral SXL High duty for elevated temperatures.
Coral Vac High duty for high temperatures
Coral SMC Incorporates complex chromes for improved slag resistance.
Coral 85 High performance lining for large furnaces with high temperatures.
Coral GR9 High performance lining for general higher temperature steels.
Coral NGB High performance lining for erosion resistance
Coral V40 Magnesia rich lining designed for vacuum melting.
Cormag 90 Basic ramming mix for use in continuous
melting applications.
CRL 75 Mullite forming material suitable for
mixed melting.
WS90 Rammable High alumina phosphate bonded
rammable for special steels

Topping & Spout Material

Almacap Silicate bonded high alumina hard wearing rammable.
Capram 70 Phosphate bonded high alumina plastic topping and
repair mix
Toppatch Silicate bonded aluminosilicate rammable.
Coral BDT Dry topping for Coral linings
Coral V40DT Dry topping for Coral V40.
Mullite BDT Dry topping for CRL products

Repair Materials
D10 Plaster Aluminosilicate patching plaster.
D10F A finer version of D10 Plaster.
D11 High grade high alumina patching material.
Capram 90F High grade high alumina patching and topping
Induction Fur nace Technology

Materials for Melting Iron and its Alloys

Hot Face Dry Rammed Lining

CRL65 Mullite forming material with excellent resistance to

chemical, thermal and mechanical damage. Suitable for
mixed melting.
CRL75 Higher performance mullite forming material with
excellent resistance to chemical, thermal and
mechanical damage. Suitable for mixed melting.
Silica 60 grade Acid lining based on natural quartz with a 0.6% B2O3
Silica 80 grade Acid lining based on natural quartz with a 0.8% B2O3

Topping & Spout Material

Capram 60 Phosphate bonded high alumina zircon

enriched plastic repair mix.
Capram 85 Silicate bonded aluminosilicate topping mix.
Mullite BDT Dry topping for CRL linings.

Repair Materials
D10 Plaster Aluminosilicate patching plaster.
D10F A finer version of D10 Plaster.
D11 High grade, high alumina patching material.

Please see pages 8-11 for detailed analysis of the materials listed on this page
Materials for Melting Copper and its Alloys
Hot Face Dry Rammed Lining

CRL65 Mullite forming material with excellent resistance to chemical,

thermal and mechanical damage.
C65 RFL As CRL 65 but with a low temperature bonding system for fritting
with a removable former.
CRL MCR Mullite based lining with excellent resistance to alkali attack.
Silica 1 Grade Acid lining based on natural quartz with a 1% boric acid addition.
Silica 17 Grade Acid lining based on natural quartz with a 1.7% boric acid

Topping & Spout Material

Capram 60 Phosphate bonded high alumina zircon

enriched plastic repair mix.
Capram 85 Silicate bonded aluminosilicate topping mix.
Mullite BDT Dry topping for CRL products

Repair Materials
D10 Plaster Aluminosilicate patching plaster.
D10F A finer version of D10 Plaster.
D11 High grade high alumina patching material.
Capram 90F High grade high alumina patching and
topping material.

Please see pages 8-11 for detailed analysis of the materials listed on this page
Induction Fur nace Technology

Materials for Melting Aluminium and its Alloys

Hot Face Dry Rammed Lining:

CRL65 Mullite forming material with excellent resistance to

chemical, thermal and mechanical damage. Suitable
for high temperature aluminium alloys.
C65 RFL As CRL 65 but with a low temperature bonding system
for fritting with a removable former.
C65 LS Aluminosilicate mix containing low temperature
bonding systems suitable for a removable former
sintering. Suitable for standard grades of aluminium.
Corvibe 80 High alumina, silicon carbide enriched mix with low
temperature bonding system for removable former
sintering. Suitable for standard grade alumina.

Topping & Spout Material:

Capram 60 Phosphate bonded high alumina, zircon

enriched plastic repair mix.
Capram 85 Silicate bonded aluminosilicate topping mix.
Mullite BDT Dry topping for CRL linings.

Repair Materials
D10 Plaster Aluminosilicate patching plaster.
D10F A finer version of the D10 Plaster
D11 High grade, high alumina patching material.
P12 High grade, high alumina patching material
with non-wetting additives.

D10 Zircon Washcoat Zircon based paint.
Dr y Vibration Linings

Chemical Analysis / %
Principle Raw
Product Name Bonding
Al2O3 SiO2 MgO CaO Fe2O3 Other

Coral CXL White fused alumina Ceramic 85 0.2 14 0.3 0.1 -

Coral HB White fused alumina Ceramic 85 0.5 13 0.1 0.4 -

Coral SXL White fused alumina Ceramic 86 0.2 13 0.3 0.1 -

Coral Vac White fused alumina Ceramic 86 0.2 14 0.2 0.1 -

Coral SMC White fused alumina Ceramic 89 0.2 8 0.5 1.1 Cr2O3 1.5

Coral FG Brown fused alumina Ceramic 82 0.9 14 0.5 0.2 -

Coral 85 White fused alumina Ceramic 86 0.1 13 0.2 0.1 -

Coral GR8 White fused alumina Ceramic 89 0.1 10 0.1 0.1 -

Coral NGB White fused alumina Ceramic 85 0.1 15 0.2 0.1 -

Coral V40 Fused Magnesia Ceramic 38 2.2 58 1.0 0.1 -

Cormag 90 Dead Burnt Magnesia Ceramic 10 1.5 86 1.9 0.5 -

CRL65 Andalusite Ceramic 68 29 <0.5 <0.5 1.0 -

CRL75 Andalusite Ceramic 74 23 <0.5 <0.5 0.6 -

C65 RFL Andalusite Chemical 68 29 <0.5 <0.5 0.8 -

C65 LS Andalusite Chemical 59 36 <0.5 <0.5 0.8 -

Corvibe 80 Brown fused alumina Chemical 81 2.5 <0.5 <0.5 0.4 SiC 10
Silica 60 grade Quartzite Ceramic 0.6 99 - <0.5 0.2 B2O3 0.6

Silica 80 grade Quartzite Ceramic 0.6 99 - <0.5 0.2 B2O3 0.8

Silica 1 Grade Quartzite Ceramic 0.6 99 - <0.5 0.2 H3BO3 1.0

Silica 17 Grade Quartzite Ceramic 99 - <0.5 0.2 H3BO3 1.7

Induction Fur nace Technology

Max. Service Suitable for Alloys

Bulk Temp / °C of:
Density Comments
Size Sust- Short- Alumini
/ kg m-3 Steel Iron Copper
/ mm ained term um

General purpose lining with a wide

5 2870 1700 1750  
melting temp range
High duty, hard wearing lining suitable
5 2850 1680 1720 
for most melting applications
5 2850 1700 1750 High duty for elevated temperatures 
5 2900 1720 1800 High duty for high temperatures 
Contains complex chromes for slag
5 2800 1700 1750 
Lower temp lining for manganese &
5 2850 1680 1720 
stainless steels
High performance lining for large
5 2900 1700 1750 
furnaces & high temps
High duty lining for elevated
5 2870 1700 1760 
High performance lining for erosion
5 2880 1720 1780 
8 2750 1700 1750 Magnesia rich lining for vacuum melting 
Basic ramming mix for continuous
4 2700 1700 1750 
Mullite forming, excellent chemical,
5 2600 1650 1700 
thermal and impact resistance.
5 2600 1650 1720 Mullite forming, for mixed melting   
Mullite-forming for removable former
5 2600 1400 1600 
Mullite forming with aluminium non-
5 2600 1300 1400 
wetting additives.
5 2800 1500 1550 For removable former practice 
4 2100 1620 Acid lining based on natural quartzite 
4 2100 1580 Acid lining based on natural quartzite 
4 2100 1620 Acid lining based on natural quartzite 
4 2100 1580 Acid lining based on natural quartzite 
Dense Refractor y Castables

Max. Max. Chemical Analysis / %

Principle Raw Service Grain
Product Name
Materials Temp Size
/ °C / mm Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO Other

Silcast 1600CM Chamotte 1600 10 62 32 0.9 3.0 -

Silcast 65 Mullite 1700 8 65 29 1.0 2.9 -

Capscreed Brown fused alumina 1700 1 91 3.1 0.3 3.6 -

Silkote 90 White fused alumina 1700 1 92 0.3 0.1 7.0 -

A more comprehensive brochure for monolithics is available upon request

Wet Rammables, Patching & Miscellaneous

Princi- Max. Chemical Analysis / % Bulk
ple Ser- Density
Grain Type of
Product Name Raw vice (dried
Size Al O SiO Fe O ZrO Na O P O Set
Materi- Temp 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 5 110°C)
/ mm
als / °C / kg m-3
Capram 60 Mullite 1650 5 51 33 0.9 9.4 - 3.8 2500 Chemical

Capram 66 Mullite 1650 5 64 30 0.9 - - 3.6 2500 Chemical

Capram 70 Mullite 1700 5 68 25 0.9 - - 3.3 2700 Chemical

Capram 90F WFA 1800 3 89 6.6 0.3 - - 5.0 2900 Chemical

Capram 85 Bauxite 1650 5 76 18 1.0 - 1.3 - 2550 Air

Toppatch Bauxite 1650 5 73 17 1.5 - 2.1 - 2500 Air

Almacap Bauxite 1700 5 74 17 1.5 - 2.0 - 2550 Air

WS 90 Rammable WFA 1800 5 92 1.7 0.2 - - 5.0 3350 Chemical

WFA 1750 5 85 13 0.7 - 2.0 - 3250 Air

D10 Bauxite 1700 3 77 13 1.5 - - 5.0 2550 Chemical

D10f Bauxite 1700 1 77 13 1.5 - - 5.0 2550 Chemical

D11 WFA 1800 1 94 2.0 0.1 - - 4.3 2750 Chemical

Zircon Washcoat Zircon 1700 0.1 23 29 0.4 43 1.4 2.1 3200 Chemical
Induction Fur nace Technology

Permanent Cold Crushing

Bulk Density
Linear Strength Thermal Approx
/ kg m-3
Change / % / MPa Conductivity, Water
Fired at Fired at Fired at mean 800°C Addition
Fired Dried Fired Dried Fired / W m-1 K-1 litres /25 kg
Service Service Service
1000 °C 110°C 1000°C 110°C 1000°C
Temp Temp Temp.
-0.1 -0.3 25 20 55 2350 2300 2300 1.3 2.5

-0.1 +1.1* 109 102 91* 2530 2480 2440* 1.8 1.75

-0.1 -1.5* 69 75 90* 2690 2600 2700 3.2

-0.3 -0.5* 69 63 26* 2510 2370 2390 3.2

* Fired to 1600°C
Gas Diffusers
For many years our area of specialisation has been the development, manufacture
and supply of induction furnace linings. We have used this knowledge to develop
additional materials, and have established gas diffusers suitable for integration
into one of our furnace linings.

Benefits of gas diffusers:

• Reduction of inclusions and improved
• Reduction in volume of rejects.
• Improved recovery of additions.
• Improved melt homogeneity.
• Cost-effective over time compared
with drip-feed systems.
• Low maintenance.
• Improved melt rate.

The gas diffuser is fitted to the bottom and under the

lining - the gas diffuses through the lining (coloured
yellow in the illustration). In some applications it may be
necessary to use a more permeable lining immediately
above the diffuser. For this we supply Coral GDR which
is coloured to facilitate installation.

For the safe and effective operation of any gas diffuser, we

thoroughly recommend that one of our flow control systems is
installed to regulate and control the pressure and flow of gas delivered from
the source to the diffuser.
This system should be installed and operated in line with our written instructions,
and the first installation should be supervised by our experts using one of our
Induction Fur nace Technology
Guidance on Sintering an Induction Fur nace Lining

We recommend that an individual sintering schedule is developed for each furnace - we

can advise you on this. The type and size of furnace, metals melted and practices at
each foundry vary greatly and so the information within this brochure should be used
as a guide only.

Spinel forming linings

Steel-melting furnaces should be filled with a dense charge and should be typically
heated at 200-300°C per hour. The height of the bath should be raised to slightly above
the lining/joint line and kept at about 1680°C for 1 hour.

Liquid Sinter
In many cases a sintering can be carried out by pouring hot metal into the induction
furnace rather than slowly bringing the temperature up. This is only possible where
there is a convenient nearby supply of hot metal. For non-ferrous melting the former
can be removed, however for ferrous melting the former should be left in place.
The furnace should be loaded with dense flat scrap up to 20% of the total furnace
capacity. This helps to reduce the chance of erosion in the base of the furnace during
metal pouring. The former temperature should be raised to 700-800°C (cherry red
colour) over a 1-2 hour period. This reduces the thermal shock on the former when the
metal is poured in. The temperature should not be raised any higher as this could
increase the risk of deforming the former or splitting its weld.
Metal should be poured in steadily and as quickly as possible without creating too
much turbulence. Typically this would be of the order of 1 tonne per minute. The
minimum temperature of the metal from the donor furnace should be about 1650°C
for steel or normal fritting temperature for other alloys. The remaining schedule would
be identical to that of a melt-out former.
Basic linings
The fritting of basic linings (generally >50% MgO) is broadly similar to spinel forming
linings but the sinter temperature is generally approximately 1650-1670°C.

Acid linings
Acid linings should be ramped at 200-400°C per hour to a temperature 50°C above
the normal maximum operating temperature and held for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Aluminosilicate (mullite-forming) linings

Aluminosilicate linings with a melt-out former should be filled with a dense iron or
copper alloy charge and ramped at 200-400°C per hour to a temperature 100°C above
the normal maximum operating temperature and held for a minimum of 60 minutes.
When using a removable former the initial heat up should be performed either
inductively with a removable susceptor or a thicker former, or by a gas burner to heat
the former at 80-100°C per hour up to 700-800°C. Temperatures above this can lead
to deformation of the former. The furnace should then be cooled to allow the former to
be safely removed and then the furnace should be gently filled with dense scrap
before ramping at 200-300°C per hour to the operating temperature. Covering the
surface of the former with mica or cardboard will facilitate the removal of formers with
a shallow taper.
Contact Details
For supply and additional information about Capital Refractories or CIC, or if your country
is not listed, please contact Capital’s UK Head Office, see back of brochure for details.


Canada (Quebec) Caprefindia Pvt Ltd
Capital Refractories Europe Tel: +91 96 000 88 486
Tel: + 33680069733 Email:
Email: Indonesia
PT Caprefindo
Tel: +62 21 8805522
Canada (Ontario)
Capital Refractories Inc.
1548 Mims Ave. S.W. Birmingham AL 35211,
Tel: +1205 443 7963, Fax: +1 205 929 0966 Taiwan
Tel: 00 1 856 498 1223 Capital Refractories Taiwan
Email: Tel: +886 2 2367 0154
USA – AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA Email:
Hoffman Foundry Service Thailand
Tel: +1205 542 2586 Pine-Pacific Corporation Limited
Email: Tel: +662 705 5900
USA – AR, KS, LA, OK, TX Email:
Del Sol Services
Tel: +1 830 237 7760 Vietnam
Email: Dieu Long Trading Construction Co., Ltd
USA – Other States Tel: +84 8 39741489
Capital Refractories Inc. Email:
1548 Mims Ave. S.W. Birmingham AL 35211,
Tel: +1 205 443 7963, Fax: +1 205 929 0966 AFRICA
MEXICO Marathon Trade
ASO Alloy de Mexico / Producto Minerales Tel: +202 25190193
Mobile: 002 0100700335
Del Norte S.A.
Tel: +52 (81) 83 51 41 05 Libya
Email: Capital Refractories Limited
Tel: +44 1246 811163
Peru/Bolivia Email:
Mersud-Mercurio SudAmericana SAC Syria
2H Metals
Tel: +511 98 90 75 173
Tel: +961 1 253819 - 240398
Email: Email:
ASIA South Africa
China Mineral Zone
Capital Refractories (Shanghai) Tech. Ltd. Tel: +27 83 273 8067
Tel: +86 21 5204 6960 Email:
Induction Fur nace Technology
Contact Details
For supply and additional information about Capital Refractories or CIC, or if your country is
not listed, please contact Capital’s UK Head Office, see back of brochure for details.

Maghreb countries (Morocco, Tunisia & Algeria) Email:

Capital Refractories Limited Italy
Tel: +33 611 290 436 Lamca
Email: Tel: +39 036 384 9411

Benelux JODOVIT S.r.l.

Capital Refractories Limited Tel: +39 033 130 1086
Tel: +33 680069733 Email:
Czech Republic Capital Refractories sro
Capital Refractories sro Tel: +42 0734 233 870
Tel: +42 0775 909 466 Tel: +42 0734 233 870 Email:
Email: Portugal
Urpol—comércio e indústria química, lda.
Tel: +351 22 967 24 72
Danref A/S
Tel: +48 28 89 00 Romania
Email: Capital Refractories sro
Tel: +42 0734 233 870
Russian Federation, CIS countries and Baltic States
Oy Lux AB
Oy Lux (Finland)
Tel: +35 8 9 6220550
Email: St Petersburg office
Tel: +7 812 415 2215

France Tel: +7 921 933 2509

Capital Refractories Limited Email:
Tel: +33 680069733 Slovakia
Email: Capital Refractories sro
Germany Tel: +42 0775 909 466 Tel: +42 0734 233 870
Capital Refractories Limited Email:
Tel: +33 6 80 06 97 33
Email: Spain
Capital Refractories Limited
Greece Tel: +33 611 290 436
C. Adamacopoulos Ltd Fax: +44 1246 819573
Tel: +301 557 6892 Email:
Zenmet Dis Ticaret
Tel: +90 216 411 69 16
Capital Refractories sro Fax: +90 216 363 60 73
Tel: +42 0775 909466 Email:

©All information contained within the brochure is copyright of Capital Refractories Ltd.
Published May 2023

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