Technological Advances
Technological Advances
Technological Advances
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shakeel Ahmad Khan on 14 September 2017.
Research Methodology:
Introduction: The study used qualitative research method to achieve its objectives. In
.. Technological advances in libraries have forced libraries to adopt technological
phase of the study, in-depth review of the literature was conducted to get a clear pi,
dIgItal sources of information. Libraries have started to use new methods and techniques
of the phenomena under investigation. Websites of various academic libraries '
to acquire, preserve and disseminate information through web-based library services. Use
explored to find out the availability of web-based library services. Researc1
of electronic resources has become an integral part of library collections. This new
experience in the field, his practical engagement in library and information service5
tech~ological enviro?~ent .for libraries is highly dynamic. The revolutionary change is
day to day discussions with IT oriented co-professionals and colleagues to develop
?ffenng . mode~ dIgItal mformation tools for searching, preserving and sharing
based library services has also been used as a source to furnish this study.
mformatlOn. ThiS change has given birth to open source, open archives, open storage,
0pe.n conten.ts and 0p'e~ research.. The .new environment is offering digital publishing,
digItal learnmg and Olgltal educatIOn. LIbrary role has been changed from store house to Review of Related Studies:
Academic libraries are in transit from traditional system to the modem d
a place of learning, education, research and a hub of digital information. This new libraries by allowing their users to consult information material in more sophisti,
s.c_ena~iohas becon:e. mo~e convergence than before. The new technology is impacting ways from anywhere of the world. Due to changing information environment, the
hbranes through dIgItal mfrastructure. Libraries must adopt this new culture to remain and functions of academic libraries are evolving. Academic libraries are trans for
ar:ve ~n.the world. of infor~a.tion. Th~y must develop IT infrastructure, digital projects their resources and services into digital format to support learning and research pre
a~d.dlgltal collectIOn to facIlItate onlme users (Vinitha, Kanthimathi and Devi, 2006)'. The given section presents a detailed review of technological advances in librarie:
I?lglt~1 technology has changed the ways of storing and preserving information in
possibilities to develop ubiquitous library services:
hbranes. It has also changed the users' behavior of seeking information. To fulfill the
ch'l-nging nee~s of library patrons, the academic libraries are now offering online
Technological Advallces ill Libraries:
reference serVIces, chat-service, individual consultations, e-mail and online reference
Research Methodology:
echnological The study used qualitative research method to achieve its objectives. In first
d techniques phase of the study, in-depth review of the literature was conducted to get a clear picture
:ervices. Use of the phenomena under investigation. Websites of various academic libraries were
This new explored to find out the availability of web-based library services. Researchers'
ry change is experience in the field, his practical engagement in library and information services and
md sharing day to day discussions with IT oriented co-professionals and colleagues to develop web-
pen storage, based library services has also been used as a so~ce to furnish this study.
Drehouse to Review of Related Studies:
i. This new Academic libraries are in transit from traditional system to the modern digital
s impacting libraries by allowing their users to consult information material in more sophisticated
e to remain ways from anywhere of the world. Due to changing information environment, the roles
ital projects and functions of academic libraries are evolving. Academic libraries are transforming
evi, 2006)1, their resources and services into digital format to support learning and research process.
Drmation in The given section presents a detailed review of technological advances in libraries and
o fulfiII the possibilities to develop ubiquitous library services:
ring online
e reference Technological Advallces ill Libraries:
In academic libraries a paradigm has been shifted from traditional libraI)' system
to digitization. Digital preservation and cloud computing are the new ways for offering
Teclmological Advances ill Libraries alld Possibilities of Ubiquitous
information resources. Academic libraries are utilizing digital technology to offer more
innovative services. It is essential for academic libraries in developing countries to
embrace new trends in librarianship. Libraries can take full advantage of lCT and can Co~clu~ed ~hat the I.ibra~ professionals should strive hard to offer web-based e-I
an onlme mformatlOn IItcracy programs for their users ".
contribute to the national development in the count!)' (Ifijeh, 2014)5. Yang and Dalal
. The above re.view presents that technological advances are offerin new s
investigated the virtual reference services in academic libraries. Findings revealed that
majority of the surveyed libraries were offering virtual reference services through their i-0~ lI?raI)' user~. TIllS new. environment offers challenges as well as op;ortunit
.1 :anan~ to ha~ness the vIrtue of technology and ensure their survival in ub'
websites. They were offering different type of virtual services including e-mail service, mJonnatlOn envlromnent. I
phone services, text messaging, instant messaging, video chat, interactive knowledge
sharing etc. Study concluded that virtual reference service offers excellent ways to
Possibilities of Ubiquitous Library Services:
connect with libraI)' users and help them in finding required information regardless of
time and space. Online information users can be attracted by offering distance learning t Use
d d of digital
'. technology and World Wide Web' mIraI)' I'b .
pres~n e ynamlc hbraI)' s~rvices for libraI)' users. Web 0 I offered web-based
via Internet and social media. Academic libraries must stmt virtual reference services for
~ervlce~ to ~apture the .attentlOn of online users. Web 2.0 introduced more d na
their users6• Ruan and Qiang concluded that there is a great role of information
7 ~nte~~c~lv~~lbraI)'. serVIces by allowing the users to interact with libraries an~ lib
technology in academic libraries.
Burkhardt studied the use of electronic technology in the United State academic ;~k' el~~~ o~atlOn needs. Libraries started the use of social media in form of
I .IS, , Fhcker an? many other tools to show their presence in modern infon
libraries and found that almost all academic libraries in the United Statc were offering
electronic services and online technological tools for their users. They were providing ::~~~nnc~e~~.I"~he. purpose ?f using web technology in libraries is to enSl
" I ran~s I.n web envIronment. Now, Web 3.0 has made it os'
instructions for using information technology to fulfill digital information needs. Types
of electronic services provided in these libraries include CD-ROM, videotape, pcrsonal ~r~n~~~ ~ffer ubiqUItous libraI)' ~ervices by using dynamic aspects of t~e ~~I
~ '. . rame'Work and ontologIes that include the use of com .
computers, Internet access, OCLC services, LAN service, multimedia services and
interactive video services. Instructional programs for utilizing these services include :;lfi~lal mt~lI~gent a~d t?e use of highly sensitive detecting algorithm ~~~ns~nt:~~nt
e re evant m. ormatlO~ m web-based infornlation environment.
bibliographic instructions, libraI)' orientations, libraI)' tours, libraI)' instructions, tutorials
and use of online database searching. Respondents considered these technological The glVen sectIOn presents in-depth review of the studies that has been con
t~ explore the use of --:eb-based technology for libraI)' services. It hi hli hts the
services to be veI)' effective in locating online information. They also considered the use
dIfferent web tools whIch are useful .
to offer \veb -based l'b . g g
I raI)' servIces .
of electronic tools as time-saving for their libraI)' users. R
Fatoki studied the prospects of GSM technology for academic libraries in . . Ya~man and .Kutluca hIghlighted that the Internet is a fundamental t
Nigeria. Findings showed that the use of this technology has enhanced information and hbrary servICes. Study presented that e-libra'}' offers numbers of adva
communication services for libr~I)' users. Study emphasized that infonnation ~n~ludm~, ea~e of use, comprehensibility, decreased in work load and faster acc'
". m online'
. .envlronment. )2. Kardar dIscussed that the use of Web 2'
professio!'~ls should offer new product and services by using this modem technology in
academic libraries9• Okon, Esin and Edem highlighted that Nigerian academic libraries l~dlspen~lbl.e fo~ h?ranes. Librarians must utilize this technology for informatior
~Ices. :mdl~gs I~dlcated that in academic libraries of Pakistan the use of Web 2 0 .
are offering various type of IT -based libraI)' service for their users. These services mcreasmg WIth high speed Stud . . I
include CD-ROM database, OPAC service, e-mail service, Internet services, facsimile nol . I"b . fi .'. .y re.commended that librarians should utilize this
~gy m I r~nes o.r dlssemmatmg mformation and knowledge among online i
service, reprography services etc. Study recommended that libraries should give priority
mallon. users. . <?arcl.a, Gomez and Colomo reported that web resents new ~
to apply ICT for their libraI)' services. 11) strategIes for dIgital libraries to use Semantic Web to enhance tl p . way.
Balaji presented the use of Web 2.0 and social media services among university ity f d' "t I . le processmg and u~
~ I.gla c~ntents m more effective ways. Study indicated the need to develo •
libraries. Study found that academic libraries are utilizing web technology to offer web-
based libraI)' services. Results showed that the use of web technology in libraries is appl~catlOns w~~h.enhanc~~ Semantic functionalities for digital libraries to ensu~(
maximum usa Ihty of dIgItal contents. Author concluded that thc ote f I f
increasing. Findings identified that funding for university libraries, manpower training
tcchnology o~fe.rsopen field for digital libraI)' researchers to harness the ~ebn la 1"0 .
and development and use of information infrastructure are the major challenges in and offer unhmlted contents to the users. I~ app Ica
developing web-based informatio~ services for online information users. Study
d I"b C~itical anal~si.s of the above review presents that web is not a threat for libr
an I ranans rather It IS an important source for libraries to show their presence in ;
based information environment and facilitate the information seekers. The given review
offer insights into the means by which libraries can offer various web-based services for Technological Advances in Libraries and Possihilities of Ubiquitous
web users.
Sadeh identified new library interfaces in web environment to facilitate the
Keeping in view the various benefits of web tools for libraries, it is essent
today's information seekers by offering up-to-date and user-c~ntric libra.ry services. libraries to introduce web services for library uscrs who are interested to explo
Study stressed that libraries should develop their Internet-based lIbrary servIces to show information in online medium.
their presence on the web. Study concluded that libraries should adopt web tools ~nd
services for library users.15 Medeiros studied the transformation to the next generatIOn Conclusions and Recommendations:
services in libraries for the new digital realm. It explored the California Library services
The study concludes that web is offering great potential for libraries to offel
for the next generation of library users. Findings showed that Google is going to become based library services for ubiquitous library users. Libraries must utilize eb tec 1
a library of the world and libraries are needed to highlight their unique collections that to compete their online competitors such as Google, websites, e-publishers and v
Google does not possess. 16 Madhusudhan and Nagabhushanam exami.ned ~he potential. of other digital sources which are available on the web. It is concluded that web is
web for providing web-based library services. Findings showed that hbr~nes. are of~enng threat for libraries and librarians rather; it is an important source for librarie 0
different innovative web-based library services to show their presence In vIrtual IJbrary
their presence in web-based information environment. Study also concludes that lit
environment. Study presented that libraries are offering online text-books, databases, can offer different web-based services for their online users. These services include
tutorials and'virtually linked data for their users. The usc of web in libraries has enabled
based reference services, online document delivery services, electronic cunent awal
them to survive in ubiquitous library environment. Web has introduced new ways for services, electronic research guide, online reference desk, OPAC services, (
libraries to offer their services beyond the library walls and meet the demand for 24 hours reservation of library books, SMS alert services and FAQ services and many
access to information. Web-based reference tools are helpful to offer electronic services which are available by the virtue of web.
documents delivery services to the users. Now, it is possible for e-users to access library
It is recommended that libraries must develop web-based services to attl a
resources in e-form through internet. Electronic current awareness services. SDI
attention of online infonnation seekers who usually prefer to use the web re a
services, web-based reference services, electronic research guide, virtual reference
instea~ of physically visiting thc library. Librarians have a greater responsibil
desk/ask a librarian services, news regarding new arrivals and web-based patron account
acquire kpowledge of web technology and develop their skills to tailor online Ii
to facilitate the patron in checking out their over due dates and information ab~ut fine
services for the web users who are accessing the web through their iPhone, iPad, An
statements at their convenience are the main services that can be offered m web mobiles and Kindle.
environment. Libraries can also offer online circulation with the help of web-based
library automation software. Online reservation of books, cancellation of reserved books References: ,
and online renewal of loan documents are the s~rvices which are possible for e-users.
I. Vinitha, K., Kanthimathi, S. and Devi. K.T. Impact of information and commu
Web technologies have made it possible to pro~de web-based table of content services
tion technology on libraries and its services. DRTC-ICT Conference on D
and article alert. services for online users. LIbraries can get the users' feedback by Learning Environment. (2006). Imprint c( mpletc?
providing online suggestions form and web-based FAQ (F.requently Asked Question)
2. Campbell, J. D. Changing a cultural icon:' the academic library as a v
library services. Online li~rary news can be offered to the lIbrary patrons to keep .t~em destination. 2006. Retrieved:
up-to-date regarding library even~and facilitate learning pro~ess. T~ey can be.facIlltat-
3. Bazillion, R. J. Academic libraries in the digital revolution: libraries in the mic
ed by providing online chat services, virtual library tours and InformatIOn regardmg many
revolution need new ways of thinking about their miJsion. Educause Quarterly. :
other services. Ii 'Madhusudhan and Aggarwal''explored the provision of web-based
Retrieved from:
OPACs services for library users. Results indicated that web-based library OP AC is a
4. Hobohm, H. C. The impact of new technologies on libraries: an introductory
useful tool to offer up-to-date information regailiing library collection. Multiple users INSPEL,30. 1996 p303-307.
can access it to locate the required information. It offers greater access points for a single
5. lfijeh, G. Adoption of digital preservation methods for theses in Nigerian acad,
item of information. Library users can access a wide range of information by using
libraries: application and implications. The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Boolean search facility. Study suggested incorporating the short message service (SMS) 2014.p399-404
in the web-based OPAC is helpful to facilitate the search of library books on user's
6. Yang, S. Q. and Dalal, H. A. Delivering virtual reference services on the Wet
investigation into the current practice by academic libraries. The Journal of Aca(
ic Librarianship. 41. 2014 P 68-86.
acilitate the Keeping in view the various benefits of web tools for libraries, it is essential for
ry services. libraries to introduce web services for library users who arc interested to explore the
ices to show information in online medium.
:b tools and
t generation Conclusions and Recommendations:
-ary services The study concludes that web is offering great potential for libraries to offer web-
g to become based library services for ubiquitous library users. Libraries must utilize web tech ology
lections that to compete their online competitors such as Google, websites, e-publishers and various
: potential of other digital sources which are available on the web. It is concluded that web is not a
are offering threat for libraries and librarians rather; it is an important source for libraries to show
irtual library their presence in web-based information environment. Study also concludes that libraries
s, databases, can offer different web-based services for their online users. These services include web-
has enabled based reference services, online document delivery services, electronic cunent awareness
ew ways for services, electronic research guide, online reference desk, OPAC services, online
for 24 hours reservation of library books, SMS alert services and FAQ services and many other
er electronic services which are available by the virtue of web.
Iccess library It is recommended that libraries must develop web-based services to attract the
ervices. SDI attention of online infonnation seekers who usually prefer to use the web resources
lal reference instead of physically visiting the library. Librarians have a greater responsibility to
atran account acquire knowledge of web technology and develop their skills to tailor online library
)n about fine services for the web users who are accessing the web through their iPhone, iPad, Android
'ered in web mobiles and Kindle.
)f web-based
:served books References:
e for e-users. I. Vinitha, K., Kanthimathi, S. and Devi, K T. Impact of information and communica-
ntent services tion technology on libraries and its service. DRTC-ICT Conference on Dlgllal
feedback by Learning Environment. (2006). Imprint c( mpletc?
:ed Question) 2. Campbell, J. D. Changing a cultural icon:. the academic library as a virtual
to keep them destination. 2006. Retrieved:
ill be facilitat- 3. Bazillion, R. J. Academic libraries in the digital revolution: libraries in the midst of
:garding many revolution need new ways of thinking about their miJsion. Educause Quarterly. 2001.
of web-based Retrieved from:
ry OPAC is a 4. Hobohm, H. C. The impact of new technologies on libraries: an introductory note.
\t1ultiple users INSPEL, 30. 1996 p303-307.
Its for a single 5. Ifijeh, G. Adoption of digital preservation methods for theses in Nigerian academic
ltion by using libraries: application and implications. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 40.
service (SMS) 201 4.p399-404
loks on user's 6. Yang, S. Q. and Dalal, H. A. Delivering virtual reference services on the Web: an
investigation into the cunent practice by academic libraries. The Journal of Academ-
ic Librarianship. 41. 2014 P 68-86.