Karate Terminology 1
Karate Terminology 1
Karate Terminology 1
Dojo ........... the place where one walks the way Shi (Yon).............. Four
Hombu........ Headquarters Go ....................... Five
Kiai............. shout
Kumite Kime........... focus
Ippon Kumite ..one step sparring (block and Hara ........... centre of mass
Jiyu Kumite ... free one step sparring Maai ........... distancing (between yourself
and your opponent)
Sanbon Kumite – three step sparring Mawate ....... turn, about face, switch
Jiyu Kumite – controlled continuous free fighting
Shobu Sanbon Kumite (shiai Kumite)..3 point Morote ......... both hands simultaneously
competition karate