Karate Terminology 1

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Karate Trainin g Termin ology

General Terms Counting

Karate ........ Empty Hand Ichi ...................... One

Do .............. The Way Ni ........................ Two

Karate-Do ... Way of the Empty Hand San...................... Three

Dojo ........... the place where one walks the way Shi (Yon).............. Four
Hombu........ Headquarters Go ....................... Five

Rei ............. respect, courtesy (bow) Roku .................... Six

Shomen ...... front (also focal point of the dojo) Shichi................... Seven
Ushiro ........ back Hachi ................... Eight

Sensei ........ teacher (never used for oneself) Ku ....................... Nine

Sempai ....... senior student (never used for oneself) Ju ........................ Ten

Otagai ........ all students

Karategi ...... karate uniform

Karate-Ka ... karate student

Kai ............. Association

Ryu ............ Style

Budo........... Way of War

Bushido....... Way of the Warrier

Bowing Ceremony Terminology

Line Up - From left to right adults first, then youth and kids. Black to white belts.
Stand quietly in Heiko Dachi, hands closed as fists, eyes to the front.

Seiza .......... formal kneeling/sitting position

Mokuso ....... silent thoughts, meditation

Mokuso Yame …. stop meditation

Shomen ni rei …. Bow to front

Sensei Ni Rei …. Bow to Sensei

Otagai Ni Rei …. Bow to each other

Onegaishimasu Please (help/teach me/ do me the honor)

Stand back into Heiko Dachi and await instructions from Sensei

Central Edmonton Karate-Do Karate Terminology – September 2006 Page 1

Courtesy Training Terms
Onegaishimasu .......... Please (help/teach me/ do Yoi.............. Ready Position, Get Ready
me the honor).
Arigato Gozaimushita . Thank you very much. Yame .......... Stop
Sumimasen ............... Excuse me. Haijime ....... Begin, Start
Gomen nasai ............. I’m sorry. Naotte ........ Relax

Major Components of Training Migi ............ right (side)

Kata ............. pre-arranged formal exercise Hidari ......... left (side)
Kihon ............ basic techniques
Kumite.......... sparring Jodan.......... head level
Kobudo ......... weapons study Chudan ....... mid level
Bunkai .......... practical application of techniques Gedan......... lower level

Kiai............. shout
Kumite Kime........... focus
Ippon Kumite ..one step sparring (block and Hara ........... centre of mass
Jiyu Kumite ... free one step sparring Maai ........... distancing (between yourself
and your opponent)
Sanbon Kumite – three step sparring Mawate ....... turn, about face, switch
Jiyu Kumite – controlled continuous free fighting
Shobu Sanbon Kumite (shiai Kumite)..3 point Morote ......... both hands simultaneously
competition karate

Go No Sen..... Defense, then Attack Waza ........... technique

Sen No Sen ... Block and Counter Simultaneously Chikara ........ power
Sen .............. Strike before Attack Arrives

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Standing (Dachi) Positions
The stance is more than just standing. One must concentrate primarily on achieving a relaxed body,
free from tension, to exert maximum stability, speed and control. Do not force the stance or use
unnecessary energy. Hip movement must be coordinated with balance in order to flow smoothly into
the next move.

Heisoku Dachi ........... ready stance (feet together, toes forward)

Musube Dachi............ ready stance (feet together, toes pointed outward)
Heiko Dachi............... natural position (toes forward) or ayumi dachi
Hachiji Dachi ............. natural position (toes pointed outward)
Naifanchi Dachi ......... horse stance (straddle horse, toes forward) (also called Kiba Dachi)
Shiko Dachi ............... square stance (straddle horse, toes pointed outward)
Neko Ashi Dachi ........ cat stance
Zenkutsu Dachi ......... forward stance
Kokutsu Dachi ........... back stance
Kosa Dachi ................ crossed-leg stance
Sanchin Dachi ........... tension stance
Sagiashi Dachi........... one-leg, crane stance
Sochin Dachi ............ free stance
Strikes (tzuki, uchi, ate)
One must relax in order to punch, hit or kick. Tensing up prior to punching is not only unnecessary,
but a waste of your strength as well. The move should be executed with smoothness and speed until
the moment of contact when the power of the entire body—called kime, or focus—is applied to enforce
the strike.

Tzuki (zuki) ............ punching or thrusting strike

Uchi ......................... other strikes
Ate .......................... joint strikes
Oi zuki ...................... lunge punch
Gyaku zuki ................ reverse (rear) punch
Age zuki.................... rising punch
Ura ken uchi.............. backhand snapping strike
Shuto uchi ................ knife hand chop
Gyaku shuto.............. reverse chop
Morote zuki ............... U-punch
Kizami zuki ............... leading punch, jab
Tettsui uchi .............. bottom fist strike
Nuki te zuki............... spearhand strike
Haito uchi ................. ridgehand strike
Kagi zuki................... hook punch
Heiko zuki ................. double punch
Teisho zuki................ palm heel thrust
Keiko ken zuki ........... one knuckle fist

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Elbow Joint (Ate) Techniques
Hijiate....................... upward elbow strike
Yoko Hijiate............... side elbow strike
Mawashi Hijiate ......... circular elbow strike
Hijiate....................... upward elbow strike
Otoshi Hijiate ............ downward elbow strike
Ushiro Hijiate ............ rear elbow strike

Kicking (Geri) Techniques

Kicking requires strength in the hips in order to stand on one leg while executing the kick. Raise your
kicking knee high toward your chest and slightly bend your knee of your standing leg for better

Mae Geri ................... front snap kick with ball of foot

Yoko Geri Kekomi ...... side thrust kick with outside edge of foot (sokuto)
Yoko Geri Keage ........ side snap kick with outside edge of foot (sokuto)
Fumikomi geri ........... stomp kick
Mawashi Geri............. roundhouse kick (outside)
Ushiro Mawashi Geri .. reverse (inside) roundhouse kick
Ushiro Geri................ back thrust kick
Mikazuki Geri ............ crescent kick (outside to inside)
Soto Mikazuki Geri ..... crescent kick (inside to outside)
Hiza Geri................... knee strike
Mae tobi Geri............. jumping/flying front kick
Mae tobi nidan geri .... jumping/flying double front kick
Tobi ushio mawashi ... flying spinning mawashi
Tobi sokuto ............... flying side kick
Ashi barai ................. foot sweep
Kasokutei.................. Heel of the foot

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Blocking (Uke) Techniques
Almost any of the blocks described can be interchanged with any stance. Most blocking techniques
must be executed with a snapping of the hip.

Harai Uke.................. downward block

Age Uke .................... upper block
Yoko Uke .................. inside forearm block (or uchi uke)
Yoko Uchi Uke ........... outside forearm block
Juji Uke .................... X block open hand
Gedan Jiji Uke ........... downward X block (closed hand)
Gedan Ude Uke ......... forearm block (gedan level)
Shuto Uke ................. knife-hand block
Morote Uke ............... double foreman block (augmented)
Tetsui uke ................. hammer fist block
Kakiwake Uke............ separating block
Nagashi Uke .............. sweeping block
Hiji Uke..................... elbow block
Kakete Uke ............... hook and sweep block
Kote Uke................... arch wrist block (back of hand)
Ko Uke...................... wrist block
Sukui Uke ................. scooping block
Osae Uke .................. press block
Tora guchi................. two-handed circular block ending in a push
Kakete ...................... hooking hand block

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