TN II Final 1
TN II Final 1
TN II Final 1
Description : Tractatus Numericus II consists of 35 items, most of which are of sequential nature,
whereas some of them are of alphanumerical/abstract nature and/or have to be encountered by parts.
It is highly suggested that one tries Tractatus Numericus before trying Tractatus Numericus II,
especially if one hasn’t encountered such tests in the past.
Knowledge required : Nothing more than simple operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, powers) and knowledge of even, odd and prime numbers. Advanced mathematical
knowledge is not required and is not of any use regarding this test, except for one item, for which
hint is given. Pattern recognition is the main skill required.
Structure : As one proceeds, items tend to get more difficult; that applies as a general rule and not
necessarily on an item-by-item basis. In addition, there is strict stratification regarding ideas
required and their complexity – one will easily understand that while solving through the test.
Rules : There is no time restriction. Discussing items with others and/or sharing them in any way
(eg. public or private fora) is prohibited. Respect others’ work and potential, author’s work and,
above all, respect yourself and your own, unique, potential.
Answers : Send your answers according to instructions found here:
Statistics : Correlation with standard psychometric batteries and various tests/puzzles will be
calculated and published (after sufficient data is gathered); an attempt to provide approximate
Theoretical IQ per raw score will be made.
Examples : I) 1, 2, 3, 4, ?. Answer : 5. (+1)
II) 2, 4, 8, 16, ?. Answer : 32. (x2)
Test begins.