Revised SSS Indicators
Revised SSS Indicators
Revised SSS Indicators
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Revised from: SSS List of Indicators & “Definition of Socionics Type: From A to Z”
Main Indicators
Indicator # and Description Function Parameter
IND#1: Description of how the person directly feels in the Dimension of Experience
terms of individual experience. ( I [personally] like it/dislike (Ex)
it, I feel this way)
IND#3: Learning something through trial and error. (by Dimension of Experience
gaining own experience) (Ex)
IND#6: Being aware of the standards but not being able to One-Dimensionality
make use of them.
* Note that if a dictionary is used to answer the question itself and not as
a supplementary role, this is not a reliable indicator.
IND#48: Being able to model the situation as if looking at its Dimension of Time
development in time, indicating a continuous monitoring of
the information element in time.
IND#52: The person aims to answer the question in their area Plus
of competence.
IND#63: Begins their assessment from the negative side (or Minus
from some global approach).
IND#64: The answer sounds like a vague recollection of the Vital Track
past: how things “usually are”, or how it “sometimes”
IND#69: The individual is only concerned with their personal Vital Track
opinion; disinterested in social opinion. -or-
IND#72: Thinking out loud when answering on the subject, Mental Track
Circumstantial Indicators
Does not always need to be marked. Mark only if the distinction is clear; otherwise, ask a
follow-up question or leave it at ???
IND#90: Use of personal pronouns, or “in my view”, “in my ???
opinion”, “I think”, without suggesting the opinion is
exclusively theirs.
IND#93: Starts their answer with specifics or examples, lacks Plus / Vital /
generalization. Irrational Type
Experimental Indicators
These dichotomies are structurally relevant to Model A, but did not make it to the official
School’s website. They may be added upon experimentation.
IND#96: What there is a purpose for, what the other element Source
serves. [Source]
IND#97: What just exists, markers such as “That’s just how Source
it is” [Source]
Control Emotions
Control Emotions are something that can be observed through typing, although it primarily
manifests in the form of visceral, primal reactions over a specific semantic structure. These
may be particularly visible over audio mediums, even without specific lexical indicators.