Revised SSS Indicators

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Version 1.


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Revised from: SSS List of Indicators & “Definition of Socionics Type: From A to Z”

Main Indicators
Indicator # and Description Function Parameter

IND#1: Description of how the person directly feels in the Dimension of Experience
terms of individual experience. ( I [personally] like it/dislike (Ex)
it, I feel this way)

IND#2: Description of the person’s own experience without Dimension of Experience

reference or comparison to some standards (respectful source, (Ex)
accepted social opinions, rules or conventions)

IND#3: Learning something through trial and error. (by Dimension of Experience
gaining own experience) (Ex)

IND#4: Recitation of previously experienced incidents/cases Dimension of Experience

(If there are indications that the interviewee recalls cases (Ex)
from their own past experience even if he might call them

IND#5: Not being able to compare to a norm, standard or One-Dimensionality


IND#6: Being aware of the standards but not being able to One-Dimensionality
make use of them.

IND#7: Use of self-fabricated individual standards. One-Dimensionality

IND#8: Originality of thinking - the way of thinking differs One-Dimensionality

from the generally accepted patterns, disregards such patterns

IND#9: Emphasis of individuality of the interviewee’s Individuality

opinion or outlook - such as “this is just how I feel” or “for (Not f.1,2,3)
me, personally”.

IND#10: Inadequate reaction - non-compliance to socially One-Dimensionality

acceptable behavior, accompanied by a painful control -or-
emotion (CE) Plus (in Minus zone)

IND#11: Something can be understood only experimentally, One-Dimensionality

relying only on the previous experience

IND#12: Painful reception of advice. One-Dimensionality

IND#13: Refusal to agree with the generally accepted, if the One-Dimensionality

generally accepted is not deemed as inevitable.

IND#14: Recurrence – constant repetition of the same One-Dimensionality

experience, it happens “over and over” again. -or-
Vital Track

IND#15: Fixation, inertia, tendency to preserve the current One-Dimensionality

situation accompanied by fear of change.

IND#16: Desire to “cut off” some part of information, “look One-Dimensionality

away”, often accompanied with memory suppression or

IND#17: Gullibility. Lack of critical attitude towards the One-Dimensionality


IND#18: Inadequate self-esteem (demonstrative social mask One-Dimensionality

aimed at hiding fear and uncertainty). -or-

IND#19: Is unable to make self-assessment - is lost when One-Dimensionality

assessment of information related to a certain element is
required - due to lack of reference standards for that element.

IND#20: Uses effort or amount of energy spent as the sole One-Dimensionality

criterion of assessment.

IND#21: Uses personal feelings or sensations as the sole One-Dimensionality

criterion of assessment.

IND#22: Painful sensitivity towards certain information, fear, One-Dimensionality

panic, inferiority complex. -or-
Plus (in Minus zone)

IND#23: Little gradation in the element. Reflection of Low-Dimensionality

information without attention to nuance, in black-or-white,
yes-or-no, right-or-wrong style. Tendency to think in

IND#24: Uncertainty in expressing one’s understanding, or in Low-Dimensionality

how one should act.

IND#25: Uncertain of one’s self-assessment of the element. Low-Dimensionality

IND#26: Hastiness, hurry, fussiness of reactions. Low-Dimensionality

IND#27: Presence of the fatality, unavoidability, which has Low-Dimensionality

subjective grounds.

IND#28: Difficulty to provide examples. Low-Dimensionality

Vital Track
IND#29: Control emotions of low-dimensional functions: Low-Dimensionality
mental tension, uneasiness, weariness, unpleasant -or-
sensations/states, energy draining. Negative feedback causes Plus (in Minus zone)
painful feelings.
* See control emotions section.

IND#30: Tendency to hide one’s weaknesses. Low-Dimensionality

IND#31: Rigidity. Absolute generalizations like: always, Low-Dimensionality

only, everything, everyone, for everyone, ever, never, which
reflect an inflexible stance.

IND#32: Circular logic that carries little explanatory power, Low-Dimensionality

such as “it makes sense to me if I understand it.”

IND#33: Reference to an authoritative source of information Dimension of Norms

like a person, or manual, or dictionary.

* Note that if a dictionary is used to answer the question itself and not as
a supplementary role, this is not a reliable indicator.

IND#34: Arguments like: “I was taught this way” , “I do it Dimension of Norms

like everyone else”.

IND#35: Using and relying on commonly used Dimension of Norms

understanding, notions, documents, rules, laws, methods,
procedures etc.

IND#36: Referring to the information as “common sense”, Dimension of Norms

what “everyone knows”.

IND#37: Obligation, duty, or correctness: markers are words Dimension of Norms

such as “obligated”, “must”, “right”, “ought”, “necessary”,
“normal”, and actually following these standards. (not just
stating them)

IND#38: Proclaiming some rules, doctrines, or instructions. Dimension of Norms

IND#39: Usage of clichés, stereotype expressions (also Dimension of Norms

proverbs and sayings). Stereotypical thinking.

IND#40: Consideration of a situation with reference to Dimension of Situation

certain conditions or circumstances.
* These should be flexible circumstances, not a recollection of
experiences from the past.

IND#41: Many gradations, layers of examples, or nuances High-Dimensionality

present in the response.

IND#42: Goes beyond the common limitations (widens the High-Dimensionality

frame of the common understanding), if the standards are
being concerned, they are acknowledged, however there is
awareness of possibilities of a more flexible approach.

IND#43: Refusing to follow a “correct”, but overly limiting High-Dimensionality


IND#44: Confident and well argumented assertion of own High-Dimensionality

standpoint. -and-

IND#45: Confident self-esteem related to the element. High-Dimensionality

IND#46: Control emotions of high-dimensional functions. High-Dimensionality

* See Control Emotions section.

IND#47: The person feels confident in their assessment in the High-Dimensionality

area to the point of indifference; no need for others to assess Typically Ego
them in this regard.

IND#48: Being able to model the situation as if looking at its Dimension of Time
development in time, indicating a continuous monitoring of
the information element in time.

IND#49: Identification with the element: “I am this element” Function 1

Or the information element is viewed as life itself. “Life is
this element.”

IND#50: Particularization, going into details without being Plus

prompted to.

IND#51: Narrowing the domain of information into the Plus

person’s local sphere. - or -
Vital Track
* Vital only within the context of personal understanding, such as one’s
past experiences.

IND#52: The person aims to answer the question in their area Plus
of competence.

IND#53: Preference to only positive (by quality) information. Plus

IND#54: Incapable of handling negative (by quality) Plus

information: acts similarly to a one-dimensional functions.

IND#55: Refusal from publicizing, hiding it from others. Vital Track

Plus (in minus zone)

IND#56: Protection, defense of local area. Plus

IND#57: Capable of handling negative (by quality) Minus

IND#58: Generalization alongside with particularization. Minus

IND#59: Minimalism or simplification of thinking. Minus

IND#60: Summarization. Minus

IND#61: Global scope, or abstractness of thinking. Minus

- or -
Function 1

IND#62: Direction outwards. Minus

IND#63: Begins their assessment from the negative side (or Minus
from some global approach).

IND#64: The answer sounds like a vague recollection of the Vital Track
past: how things “usually are”, or how it “sometimes”

IND#65: Automation. Something happens by itself, without Vital Track

awareness and is only realized after the fact.

IND#66: Habituality, with signs of non-awareness. Vital Track

IND#67: There is no desire to reason or explain the subject, Vital Track

not paying attention.

IND#68: Something comes spontaneously, unexpectedly, or Vital Track

manifests suddenly.

IND#69: The individual is only concerned with their personal Vital Track
opinion; disinterested in social opinion. -or-

IND#70: Is not capable to correlate their own understanding Vital Track

with the societal norms, is uncertain whether social
understanding is the same.

IND#71: The person’s actions happen instinctually: there is Vital Track

no planning or premeditation to it.

IND#72: Thinking out loud when answering on the subject, Mental Track

IND#73: Rhetorical questions in the process of answering. Mental Track

IND#74: Speaking on behalf of people in general: “we”, Mental Track

“you”, “one”, “people”, unless mirroring the language of the
* This indicator isn’t just about the words, but about speaking for society
as a whole.

IND#75: Reference to society’s thinking, taking into Mental Track

consideration social attitudes.

IND#76: Being aware when perceiving information. Mental Track

Markers: I note, notice, observe, see immediately, catch the

IND#77: Deliberate consideration of one’s actions & Mental Track


IND#78: Awareness of how others might respond to one’s Mental Track


IND#79: Lecturing. Mental Track

IND#80: Consciously assessing oneself and/or others. Mental Track

IND#81: All things considered, lacks indicators of vitality: Mental Track

even if one references their view, primarily speaks about
people or concepts in general.

IND#82: Habituality, but as a conscious response that Ego

suggests the person actively thinks through complex
situations in this area. [Ego]

IND#83: Habituality as a result of the individual’s deliberate Ego

changes to the environment. [Ego]

IND#84: Subtle desire for attention, praise, love. Super-Id

IND#85: Emphasizes capability of discussion; wanting to Super-Id

give or receive information in this area, can tolerate criticism. -or-

IND#86: Openly communicates a desire, wants to improve Super-Id

the self in a certain area.

IND#87: Unwillingness to discuss a certain topic. Disinterest Id

or outright avoidance of answering a question. -or-
* Can rarely indicate Super-Id if a lack of knowledge is emphasized.

IND#88: Finds thinking about or discussing information Ego

related to the element socially valuable. -or-

IND#89: Does not find thinking about or discussion of Id

information related to the element socially valuable. -or-
* These do not reflect personal importance, but rather whether something
is socially valuable and painless to discuss or not.

Circumstantial Indicators
Does not always need to be marked. Mark only if the distinction is clear; otherwise, ask a
follow-up question or leave it at ???
IND#90: Use of personal pronouns, or “in my view”, “in my ???
opinion”, “I think”, without suggesting the opinion is
exclusively theirs.

IND#91: “It’s different for everyone”, “It’s subjective” Individuality

* Situationality if recognizing that two people can see the same thing in a
different manner.
* Individuality if the person cannot recognize the common, objective
aspect of the function.

IND#92: Avoidance of the negative area with signs of Minus

competency or lack thereof in the negative zone present. -or-
* Minus if the person demonstrates competence in the negative domain,
but prefers not to.
* Plus if the person seems completely disoriented in the area, it sounds
like a one-dimensional function.

IND#93: Starts their answer with specifics or examples, lacks Plus / Vital /
generalization. Irrational Type

IND#94: “Trying” - usually a sign of low dimensional ???

functions, but can be done by anything. Use as a
supplementary indicator.

IND#95: “Probably”, “Kind of”, “Might be” - signs of mild Low-Dimensionality /

doubt but not complete uncertainty in the area, or the Plus / Vital / Intuitive
presumption of different points of view. Type
* Typically low-dimensionality, but can emerge for a wide variety of

Experimental Indicators
These dichotomies are structurally relevant to Model A, but did not make it to the official
School’s website. They may be added upon experimentation.
IND#96: What there is a purpose for, what the other element Source
serves. [Source]
IND#97: What just exists, markers such as “That’s just how Source
it is” [Source]

IND#98: Being used as a means to an end, a tool. [Result] Result

IND#99: Constancy of processing, a feeling of continual Evaluatory

development. [Evaluatory]
* This overlaps with the Time Indicator, as 4D functions are evaluatory.
This particularly emphasizes constant learning through experience,
without a necessary model through time.

IND#100: Perfectionism, or only describing the person’s Evaluatory

greatest feats. [Evaluatory]

IND#101: Judging of others, or an expectation to be judged Evaluatory

by this information. [Evaluatory]

IND#102: Discreteness of processing, only handled when the Situational

situation calls for it. [Situational]

IND#103: Unconcerned with perfectionism; haphazardness. Situational


IND#104: Analytical thinking; breaking down a subject into Static Type

simpler, discrete parts. [Static]

IND#105: Synthetic thinking; conflux of ideas, creation of Dynamic Type

associations. [Dynamic]
* You can manipulate Mental / Vital on the program to mark these.

Control Emotions
Control Emotions are something that can be observed through typing, although it primarily
manifests in the form of visceral, primal reactions over a specific semantic structure. These
may be particularly visible over audio mediums, even without specific lexical indicators.

Low-Dimensional Functions: A high

energy cost when acting or thinking in terms
of certain information; inferior, uncertain
psychological attitude.

Primary Markers: Uncertainty, Inflexibility,

Soreness, Fixation

Other Markers: Uncertainty, fear, despair,

shame, humiliation, a sense of
powerlessness, anguish, torment, guilt,
worthlessness, being offended, fear of
judgment or looking bad to others, hasty
thoughts, painful recollection of memories,
heavy load, anxiety, confusion, avoidance,
indignance, resistance, denial, irritation.

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