The table below shows a matrix of the LED combination with a Level 1: Go/No-Go Status (typically performed by pilot
d by pilot before flight) Level 2 Self-Test Internal Faults
probable corrective action. Level 2: Current Faults (faults existing at the time test was started) Honeywell Level 3: System Configuration (hardware/software/database/config) Enunciation ROM FAILED RAM FAILED EGPWS Troubleshooting Guide External Computer Computer Action Level 4: In-Flight Fault History (last 10 flight legs with faults) NVM RAM FAILED Fault OK Fail Level 5: In-Flight Warning History (last 10 flight legs with warnings) NVM FAILED Level 6: Discrete Input Test (real-time switch tester) The information in this guide is generic and may not precisely WATCHDOG TIMER FAILED OFF GREEN OFF Normal operation. (Level 1) Press the GPWS test switch for less than 2 seconds. VOICE GENERATOR FAILED match your aircraft configuration. Refer to the EGPWS Line NOTE – Pressing the GPWS test switch for more than 2 seconds will ARINC 429 TRANSMITTER FAILED Maintenance Manual (060-4199-180) for further instructions. YELLOW GREEN OFF Troubleshoot External active the Long Level 1 Self-Test (Go/No Go + all configured voices). ARINC 429 RECEIVER FAILED Faults using the Level 2 Self-Test. DO NOT (Level 2) Once the Level 1 Self-Test audio begins press the GPWS test FLASH FILE SYSTEM WRITE FAILED REMOVE OR switch for less than 2 seconds. APPLICATION DATABASE FAILED REPLACE THE (Level 3) When “PRESS TO CONTINUE” message is enunciated at the APPLICATION DATABASE CRC FAILED EGPWS. end of Level 2 Self-Test, press the GPWS test switch for < 2 seconds. TERRAIN DATABASE FAILED ENVELOPE MODULATION DATABASE OFF OFF OFF Ensure that the (Level 4) When “PRESS TO CONTINUE” message is enunciated at the FAILED EGPWS is installed in end of Level 3 Self-Test, press the GPWS test switch for < 2 seconds. CONFIGURATION DATABASE FAILED the rack correctly and (Level 5) When “PRESS TO CONTINUE” message is enunciated at the SUPPORT TASK FAILED (erase fault history) power to the EGPWS end of Level 4 Self-Test, press the GPWS test switch for < 2 seconds. SYSTEM OR MODE TASK FAILED* is applied. (Level 6) When “PRESS TO CONTINUE” message is enunciated at the ANALOG CONVERTER FAILED* end of Level 5 Self-Test, press the GPWS test switch for < 2 seconds. The INTERNAL GPS FAILED* OFF OFF RED Perform Level 2 Self- Test and Bench Test*. voice “DISCRETE INPUT TEST, PRESS TO CANCEL” will be enunciated Probable EGPWS failure Remove EGPWS if every 60 seconds throughout the Level 6 Self-Test. Press the GPWS test Cause: required. switch for less than 2 seconds to end the test. Action: Remove and replace the EGPWS. Useful Tip #2 - pressing the GPWS test switch for more than 2 * Aircraft wiring errors commonly cause these OFF GREEN RED Invalid state; perform seconds during Level 2 through 5 will bypass the test information an faults at initial installation. See Useful Tip #1. Level 2 Self-Test if jump immediately to the end of that level (“PRESS TO CONTINUE” If a cockpit INOP light or a pre-flight Level 1 Self-Test identifies possible. Remove voice). EGPWS if required. Level 2 Self-Test External Faults a portion of EGPWS functionality as INOP: Level 1 Self-Test provides Go/No Go information. Expected voices: TYPE EXAMPLE REASON YELLOW OFF OFF Invalid state; perform "Glideslope", "Pull Up", "Windshear Windshear Windshear" (if 1. Check the LED's on the front panel of the EGPWS. configured), "Terrain Terrain Pull Up", "Runway Awareness OK- ARINC GPS BUS 1 No expected GPS input Level 2 Self-Test if 2. Run a Level 2 Self-Test. Feet/Meters" (if configured). If the voice test indicates function is 429 Bus INACTIVE labels received for more possible. Remove “INOP”, proceed to Self-Test Level 2 for current fault information. Fault than 4 seconds EGPWS if required. The EGPWS has three diagnostic LED's on the front panel. Cockpit annunciations are activated during the test to verify wiring & ARINC ILS BUS 1 The SSM of the input YELLOW OFF RED Perform Level 2 Self- lamps. A terrain display self test pattern may appear showing 9 color 429 GLIDESLOPE data indicates Yellow: External Fault Test and Bench Test*. squares, and the pattern may contain "TDB XXX" (where XXX is the Signal FAULT FW Failure/Warning Green: Computer OK Remove EGPWS if installed Terrain Database) or "RCD XXXXX" (where XXX is the Fault Note: Only the RS232 Red: Computer Fail required. installed RAAS Configuration Database). Present Status will report the ‘FW” part of the fault. YELLOW GREEN RED Invalid state; perform NOTE – If using Internal GPS for position source, Level 1 Self-Test DO NOT REMOVE OR REPLACE THE EGPWS BEFORE ARINC ILS BUS 1 The input label is missing Level 2 Self-Test if may end with the voice "Internal GPS Not Navigating" to indicate lack EXECUTING A LEVEL 2 SELF-TEST 429 GLIDESLOPE or not meeting the possible. Remove of satellite visibility or GPS antenna/cabling/connection problems. Signal FAULT UPD required update rate. EGPWS if required. Level 2 Self-Test provides enunciation of all internal and external Fault Note: Only the RS232 Note: Some installations may be certified with the Yellow External faults existing at the time of the test request. The following are Level 2 Present Status will report Fault LED illuminated. Self -Test enunciations. the ‘UPD” part of the *Useful Tip #1 - The red Computer Fail LED illuminated does not Do not remove or replace the EGPWS until all mating subsystems guarantee the EGPWS is failed. It is possible for invalid Internal Faults usually indicate a problem with the EGPWS. fault. and/or sensors have been tested, adjusted, and/or replaced per strapping/wiring (MK V/VII EGPWS only) to cause the LED to However, experience has shown most internal faults at initial Analog RADIO Open wire monitoring existing maintenance procedures. illuminate. Before returning a MK V/VII for repair, bench test the installation are due to aircraft wiring errors. Internal faults on in- Signal ALTIMETER 1 has detected no unit with power/ground applied, making sure to ground the parity pin. service installations are more often attributed to the EGPWS. The Fault WIRING FAULT connection. This document is an unpublished work. Copyright 2005 Honeywell If the red Computer Fail LED does not illuminate during this bench following table lists the internal fault messages and the probable Analog AOA AOA is not within 4 All rights reserved. test, the aircraft wiring is causing the Computer Fail condition. maintenance response. Signal UNREASONABLE degrees of waterline This document and all information and expression contained herein are Fault during takeoff roll, the property of Honeywell and is provided to the recipient in confidence on External Faults indicate a problem with a system providing input to SELF-TEST the EGPWS. This mating system (and the wiring to it) should be incorrect AOA or aircraft a “need to know” basis. Your use of this document is strictly limited to a verified. configuration, AOA legitimate business purpose requiring the information contained therein. Your use of this document constitutes acceptance of these terms. The EGPWS generates 6 levels of Self-Test. This Troubleshooting potentiometer is worn out guide will only cover Level 1, Level 2, and Level 6.
EXT. EXAMPLE REASON LEVEL 6 Self-Test Annunciation: <BUS><SIGNAL> FAULT Annunciation: SELF-TEST INVALID (RS232 ONLY) FAULT Level 6 Self-Test provides any easy method to test discrete inputs Discrete FLAP SWITCH Landing Flaps indicated for > Example: ILS BUS 1 GLIDESLOPE FAULT Probable Cause: Electrical short at the Self-Test input (GND/Open or 28VDC/Open). If state changes occur on any Input FAULT 60 seconds with airspeed > discrete input (other than the Self-Test input) the EGPWS will Probable Cause: Input signal SSM = Fail/Warn Action: Verify wiring from the Self-Test discrete annunciate the functional name of the discrete followed by its new Faults 250 knots (180 for GA/Prop) Input signal is not being transmitted GEAR SWITCH Landing Gear indicated for > state. For example, if the Glideslope Cancel discrete input is Input signal update rate too slow Annunciation: MOMENTARY TERRAIN SELECT X INVALID defined as GND = Cancel, and the EGPWS input transitions from FAULT 60 seconds with airspeed > 290 knots (210 for GA/Prop) Action: Repair input signal Open to GND, Level 6 Self-Test will enunciate: “GLIDESLOPE Probable Cause: Electrical short at the Terrain Select inputs CANCELED”. Momentary discrete inputs must be held in the AUDIO CANCEL Discrete selected for > 30 Annunciation: <BUS> WIRING FAULT Action: Verify wiring from the terrain “ON” switches active state for a few seconds to hear both the active and inactive INVALID seconds state enunciated. TERRAIN INHIBIT Discrete selected for > 60 Example: RADIO ALTIMETER 1 WIRING FAULT PROGRAM PIN READ ERROR Annunciation: INVALID seconds (Airbus only) Note: For a complete listing of the input discretes see the Line Probable Cause: Open wire monitor has detected no connection PROGRAM PIN PARITY ERROR GPWS INHIBIT Discrete selected for > 60 Maintenance Manual, Honeywell Document 060-4199-180. INVALID seconds between EGPWS and the source LRU PROGRAM PIN X INVALID (X is a number) ALL MODES Inhibit Discrete configured to Action: Verify wiring from EGPWS to source LRU AIRCRAFT TYPE INVALID Common Troubleshooting Problems INHIBIT INVALID suppress both audio and Probable Cause: Wiring error to the program pins 1. Ensure the power to the EGPWS is on. visual outputs and selected Annunciation: GEAR SWITCH FAULT for > 60 seconds Action: Verify wiring to each program pin 2. Ensure all systems connected to the EGPWS are powered GLIDESLOPE Momentary input grounded Probable Cause: Electrical short at the gear discrete input or and indicating valid operation. For the GPS this may CANCEL INVALID for > 15 seconds (short) or gear override switch activated > 290 knots Annunciation: CALLOUTS OPTION INVALID require removing the aircraft from the hangar. improper use of alternate Action: Verify wiring from the gear override switch Probable Cause: Wiring error to the Callout Options program pins 3. Ensure the Radio Altimeter indicates less than 5 feet. action switch ILS SELECT More than 1 ILS discrete and/or gear input discrete Action: Verify wiring to the Callout Options program pins 4. Ensure the Airspeed indicates less than 60 knots. INVALID selected for > 5 seconds Annunciation: AUDIO CANCEL INVALID Annunciation: AUDIO MENU INVALID Have the Line Maintenance Manual, the Ground Test procedure, FLAP ANGLE Invalid combination of flap UNREASONABLE position inputs (none or more and the Aircraft Wiring Diagrams available during Probable Cause: Electrical short at the audio cancel input Probable Cause: Wiring error to the Audio Menu program pins. than one active) troubleshooting. RANGE No valid range provided Action: Verify wiring from the audio cancel switch Action: Verify wiring to the Audio Menu program pins. UNREASONABLE for > 5 seconds Further testing information can be found in the SELF-TEST Momentary input grounded Annunciation: ALL MODES INHIBIT INVALID Annunciation: INTERNAL GPS NOT NAVIGATING Line Maintenance Manual, Honeywell Document INVALID for > 15 seconds (short) or Probable Cause: Electrical short at the audio cancel input TERRAIN AWARENESS NO VALID LATITUDE 060-4199-180 improper use of alternate TERRAIN AWARENESS NO VALID LONGITUDE action switch Action: Verify wiring from the audio cancel input TERRAIN AWARENESS – POSITION ERROR For further assistance: AIR GROUND Indicates On-Ground for > INVALID 60 seconds with an Annunciation: GLIDESLOPE CANCEL INVALID TERRAIN CLEARANCE FLOOR-POSITION ERROR Contact you local Honeywell Customer Support airspeed > 290 knots Probable Cause: External or Internal GPS has not acquired sufficient Engineer (CSE) Probable Cause: Electrical short at the glideslope cancel input number of satellites. MOMENTARY Momentary input grounded or wrong switch type used Remove aircraft from hanger and wait for GPS to Contact Honeywell Customer Response Center – TERRAIN for > 15 seconds (short) or Action: SELECT 1 (or 2) improper use of alternate acquire sufficient number of satellites, verify cabling and Technical Assistance Group (CRC-TAG) toll free Action: Verify wiring from the glideslope cancel INVALID action switch antenna connection for the GPS input, verify proper switch type at telephone 877-436-2005 or from anywhere in Annunciation: ILS SELECT INVALID the world at 1-602-436-2005 Level 2 Self-Test Annunciation External Faults Annunciation: CONFIGURATION MODULE NOT PROGRAMMED Probable Cause: Electrical short at the ILS Select inputs CONFIGURATION MODULE READ ERROR Send e-mail to Annunciation: <BUS> Inactive Action: Verify wiring from the ILS Select switches CONFIGURATION MODULE NOT COMPATIBLE Please visit the Honeywell EGPWS website Example: GPS BUS 1 Inactive Probable Cause: The configuration module is new (and has never been ( for access to additional Annunciation: FLAP ANGLE UNREASONABLE programmed), or is faulty, or the wiring between the EGPWS and configuration module is incorrect information and free PDF documentation Probable Cause: Input source is not powered or a wiring Probable Cause: Electrical short at the flap discrete input(s) problem exists between the source LRU and Action: Program the configuration module (see Line the EGPWS Action: Verify wiring from the flap-input discrete(s) Maintenance Manual for instructions), verify the wiring between EGPWS and configuration module, or replace Action: Verify input source LRU is powered the configuration module Verify wiring from the source LRU Verify program pin configuration