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2018 - 2019

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I am extremely thankful to the management of The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company

Limited (TDMCCL), Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha,
District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra, for entrusting assignments of the EIA studies and
Environmental Clearance procurement in respect of proposed expansion of existing commodity
chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit. It was indeed a great experience to have
interactions, involvement and discussions with the management and technical experts of
TDMCCL. Their knowledge and co-operation as well as support given during the EIA Report
preparation impressed me a lot. Sharing of thoughts and planning with Mr. Shirish Pandit (Vice
President, Operations) was always an interesting thing during the course of assignment. Thank
you very much Sir !

The prompt response as well as help from Mr. Shirish Pandit, Mr. M.G.Ganu and Mr. A.K.
Nagarch during providing certain information, documentation and data related to the production,
processes and details of manufacturing is duly appreciated.

I must thank our Technical Directors namely Prof. (Dr.) Jay Samant, Dr. (Mrs.) Anuradha
Samant, and our empanelled experts Mr. Vinaykumar Kurakula, Mr. B. S. Lole, Dr. J.B. Pishte
and Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar N. Thorat for their able and timely contributions in the EIA studies and
report preparation. Despite their busy schedules in the universities, colleges and own professions,
they were always available, on time, for the necessary inputs; field visits and discussions.

My staff of the EIA Study Cell here must receive a commendation and credit for all the in-house
management and inputs during the monitoring, report preparation and presentations. The In-house
experts of various functional areas have contributed their best.

Last but not the least, the contributions from my non-technical staff members and laboratory team
is also duly appreciated here.


Chartered Engineer
Chairman & MD
Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur


The information, data, figures, flow charts and drawings in respect of manufacturing processes,
mass balance, chemical reactions, production lay-outs and instrumentation details included in this
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report are the sole property of The Dharamsi Morarji
Chemical Company Limited (TDMCCL), Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O.
Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra. Some of the products, reactions
and process methodologies may be patented.

The style and format of this EIA Report as well as the data, processing and presentations of
various environmental features, environmental management planning; designs; drawings; plates;
calculations, demonstrations on attributes towards pollution control and abatement aspects etc. are
the intellectual property of M/s. Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur.

Under no circumstances, any part of this report may be used; reproduced; translated; recorded or
copied in any form and manner except by the Govt. authorities requiring this report for taking
decisions, based on details and information provided in same, during the Environmental
Clearance procedure carried out as per EIA Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 as
amended from time to time.


Chartered Engineer
Chairman & MD
Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL); Kolhapur
Environmental and Civil Engineers, Consultants& Analysts
ISO 9001 : 2015 & QCI-NABET accredited Organization

Declaration by Expert contributing to the EIA in respect of proposed expansion of existing
commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit by “The Dharamsi Morarji
Chemical Company Limited (TDMCCL)” located at Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O.
Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra.

We, hereby, certify that we were a part of the EIA team in the following capacity that developed
the above EIA.

 EIA Outward No. P-14-DHARAMSI-CHEMICAL-32018

 EIA Coordinator
1. Name

: Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar N. Thorat

: Ms. Sulakshna Ayarekar

: Dr. Sangram Ghugare

2. Period of Involvement : October 2017 - December 2017

3. Contact Information :
Functional Area Expert:

Sr. Functional
Name of the expert/s (Period & Signature
No. Areas
1 WP* Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar N.

2 EB* Prof.(Dr.) Jay Samant

Ms. Sulakshna Ayarekar

Refer enclosed
Dr. Rohan Lad Separate sheet

3 SE* Dr. Anuradha Samant

Mr. Neeraj Powar

Sr. Functional
Name of the expert/s (Period & Signature
No. Areas
4 AP* Dr. Sangram Ghugare

Mr. Yuvraj Damugade

Dr. Rohan Lad

Mr. Sangram Patil

Mr. Yuvraj Damugade

5 AQ*
Ms. Tejal Patil

Mr. Sangram Patil

6 HG* Dr. J.B. Pishte

7 GEO*
Mr. Vaibhav Survase

8 SHW* Mr. Vinay Kumar Kurakula Refer enclosed

Separate sheet
9 RH* Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar N.

10 NV*
11 LU* Mr. Vinay Kumar Kurakula

12 SC Mr. Balakrishna Lole

Sr. Functional Involvement
No. Areas Period Task
1 WP January 2018 – 1. Detailed study of the production process and operations there
December 2018 under was carried out initially. There under, mass balance of raw
materials, intermediates and final products was conducted along
with the chemists and experts from the Industry.
2. The different chemical reactions involved in manufacturing were
understood and quantification of effluents, emission & residues
was done.
3. Overall water budgeting and effluent generation statistics was
carried out. Categorization of effluent streams based on
characterization done. Based on probable characteristics of the
effluents, separation of various effluent streams in the industry
(depending up on strengths and flow rates) was done.
4. Verification of water supply source and its adequacy was
5. Planning of water quality monitoring in the study area was done
and requisite information was provided to the Lab for
undertaking the assignment.
6. For the environmental clearance, exercise was done towards
preparation of the application, EIA report which included project
framing and report preparation in line with policies, guidelines
and legislation related to water pollution followed by defending
of the project before expert committee at MoEF; for obtaining
actual environmental clearance.
2 EB January 2018 - 1. Planning of survey time table and schedule toward monitoring of
July 2018 ecological & biodiversity status of the study region.
2. Selection of terrestrial and aquatic ecological sites based on
criteria namely location of project, likely sources of pollution,
wind directions in different seasons and location of water bodies
w.r.t their distances from site and direction of flow when
applicable, aerial distances of the sampling sites from project.
3. Interaction with local residents for obtaining information about
various species of animals and birds usually observed their
existence and importance in the study region.
4. Study of terrestrial fauna by sighting, noting pug-marks, calls,
sounds, droppings, nests and burrows etc.
5. Collection of samples from nearby water body for studying the
aquatic flora and fauna.
6. Conducting ecological & wildlife surveys and preparation of
status reports.
7. Interaction with Govt. offices and agencies for certain secondary
data and information pertaining to region specific issues.
8. Review of rules, legislation and criteria towards knowing and
understanding inclusion in the study region of any eco-sensitive
zones, wild life sanctuaries, reserves etc.
9. Collection, compilation and presentation of the data as well as
incorporation of same in to the Draft EIA report.

Sr. Functional Involvement
No. Areas Period Task
3 SE February 2018 - 1. Collection of data on socio-economic aspects in study area
July 2018 through surveys.
2. To evaluate the parameters defining socio-economic conditions
of the population.
3. Analysis of the identified social attributes like population
distribution, availability of public utilities etc. through
secondary sources and literature like district census handbook.
4. Public opinions and recording of events for future
industrialization in the study area.
5. Collection of socio-economic data from secondary sources like
taluka offices, Collectorate, agriculture dept. irrigation dept.,
central ground water board etc.
6. Compilation of primary and secondary data and its inclusion in
EIA report.
7. Study of sociological aspects like human settlement,
demographic and infrastructural facilities available in study area.
4 AP December 2018 1. Involved in detailed study of mass balance w.r.t. raw materials
- December & products especially from view point of process emissions.
2018 2. Different emissions were analyzed and line of action to control
them was decided. Accordingly, along with interaction with the
process experts from the industry scrubber types and media were
3. Also, solvent recovery plant/system was given a priority thought
from pollution control and economy point of views.
4. Carried out study of the type and capacity of the boiler and its
operations including type and nature of the fuels to be used.
Accordingly, composition of probable stack emissions & their
control measures were thought of.
5. Planning and designing of APC equipment / systems was done
from viewpoints of efficiencies, capital as well as O & M cost &
5 AQ February 2018 - 1. Designing of Ambient AQM network for use in prediction
December 2018 modeling and micro metrological data development
2. Sec. metrological data collection
3. Development and application of air quality models in prediction
of pollutant dispersion,
6 HG February 2018 - 1. Collection, analysis and evaluation of data pertaining to surface
July 2018 hydrology of the region. Hydrogeological studies, data
processing; analysis and evaluation, Ground water table
measurement and monitoring network methodology preparation.
2. Planning and scheduling of groundwater sampling stations in the
3. Computation of ground water recharge, flow rates and allied
4. Determination of impact of withdrawal of groundwater. Studies
w.r.t. artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting. Contribution
to the EIA report preparation.
7 GEO February 2018 - 1. Study of geology & general geological configuration of the
July 2018 region as well as sub-surface geology. Ancillary studies and
data analysis w.r.t. demography, climatic conditions, land uses
and soils
2. Geological and geo-morphological analysis and evaluation.
Preparation of drainage map , geo-morphological map,
Stratigraphy and lithology studies. Evaluation and analysis of
preliminary geological explorations in the region including

Sr. Functional Involvement
No. Areas Period Task
study of structural, physical & Indian geology.
8 SHW February 2018 - 1. Under SHW study, mass balance of raw materials and products'
June 2018 was checked and verified thoroughly. It included detailed study
of process operations under proposed manufacturing activities.
Further, a detailed survey of manufacturing operations including
their mass balance analysis was conducted through actual site
visits and interactions with experts from the industry. This being
commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing
unit involved in all the manufacturing were studied in detailed
2. Solid wastes generation in different steps of manufacturing was
identified and their quantification done was checked.
3. Identification of various hazardous wastes generated through
manufacturing process, their quantification categorically was
done through study of process reactions.
4. Verification was done towards the practices of storage and
disposal of HW under proposed facility which included checked
of the steps towards procurement of CHWTSDF memberships,
maintain of records of the waste generation and forwarding to
the disposal facility, notices and directions received from MPCB
in this regard. Also it was checked that the planning towards
handling of these wastes and their storage were done as per
CPCB and MoEF guidelines.
5. The dedicated areas demarked and developed in the industrial
premises for HW were checked for their adequacy and
functional sufficiency.
6. Had an interaction with process people and management
towards possibilities of recycling and reuse of solid wastes in
order to reduce their quantities which included study of
planning, collection and segregation methodologies.
9 RH February 2018 - 1. All the necessary literature for processes storage of hazardous
June 2018 chemicals for proposed was studied before visit.
2. A walk through survey of the entire proposed hazardous areas
was done.
3. Company has prepared HAZOP report for processes. Suggested
to carry of similar HAZOP studies for all new production plants
and implement recommendations to minimize risk of accident
due to process upsets.
4. Verification of adequacy of on-site emergency preparedness
plan for proposed unit.
5. Identification of probable emergencies and procedures for
preparedness for handling the same was verified.
6. Adequacy of proposed setup for higher production was
guaranteed by the client.
7. Adequacy of disaster management plan prepared was checked.
8. It was suggested to carry out quantities risk analysis.
10 NV February 2018 - 1. Detail study of manufacturing process and identification of
June 2018 probable noise and vibration sources was done. In proposed unit,
prominently the noise sources were production plant, boiler area.
Also, DG set was one of such locations having high potential for
2. Verification of noise levels Monitoring (both work zone and
ambient) in the industrial premises and study region done by the
Lab team during primary data generation for EIA.

Sr. Functional Involvement
No. Areas Period Task
3. Verification of Planning and designing of noise attenuation
measures. Apart from the separation, insulation, isolation
techniques implemented in-hose, outside measures like planning,
designing and implementation of Green Belt was done. Therein,
plants having prominent role in noise attenuation were
4. Site visit was done for verification of sampling locations,
ambient noise monitoring stations and the data collected
5. Evaluation of impact of noise sources on surrounding
community especially in light of – (a) characteristics of noise
sources (instantaneous, intermittent or continuous), (b) the time
of day at which noise occurs, (c) the location of noise w.r.t.
noise sensitive land use implemented.
11 LU February 2018 - 1. Land use land cover mapping using NRSC Satellite image,
June 2018 2. Satellite image processing, Image classification, Technical
analysis and study for setting up of facility, planning of storage
12 SC February 2018 - 1. Involvement physical analysis & characterization of the soils.
June 2018 2. Assessment of fertility and productivity of soils in the region.
3. Evaluation / prediction of impacts on soils due to various liquid,
gaseous & solid pollutants.
4. Studies w.r.t. soil salinity & reclamation management in the
5. Interpretation of soil analysis, results and data including
comparison of same with standard soil classification.
6. Collection, study and evaluation of soil information from data
obtained from secondary sources & its interpretation.

Declaration by the Head of the Accredited Consultant
Organization/authorized person.

I, Dr. Sangram Ghugare, hereby confirm that the above mentioned experts prepared the final
EIA in respect of proposed expansion of existing commodity chemicals and speciality
chemicals manufacturing unit by “The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company Limited
(TDMCCL)” located at Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District:
Raigad, State: Maharashtra.

I also confirm that the consultant organization shall be fully accountable for any mis-leading
information mentioned in this statement.

Name: Dr. Sangram Ghugare

Designation: Chairman & MD
Name of the EIA Consultant Organization: M/s. Equinox Environments (I) Pvt. Ltd.
(EEIPL); Kolhapur.
NABET Certificate No. & Issue Date: NABET/EIA/1518/RA 0050 , May 29, 2017

AAQM Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
AGL Above Ground Level
ARL Above Roof Level
AP Air Pollution
AM Arithmetic Mean
AQ Air Quality
ALOHA Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres
ACGIH American Conference Government of Industrial Hygienists
APC Air Pollution Control
BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BEES Battelle Environmental Evaluation System
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CCE Chemistry And Chemical Engineering
CGWB Central Ground Water Board
CMD Cubic Meter per Day
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CHWTSDF Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facility
CREP Corporate Responsibility For Environmental Protection
CER Corporate Environment Responsibility
CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plant
CTE Consent to Establish
CTO Consent to Operate
CWC Central Water Commission
dB (A) Decibel (Ambient)
DG Diesel Generator
DIRD Directorate of Irrigation Research and Development
DO Dissolved Oxygen
ESC Enterprise Social Commitment
EAC Expert Appraisal Committee
EB Ecology And Biodiversity
EC Electrical conductivity
EC Environmental Clearance
ESA Ecologically Sensitive Area
EEIPL Equinox Environments (India) Private Limited
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMC Environmental Management Cell
EMP Environmental Management Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Act
EHS Environment, health and safety
ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
FO Furnace Oil
FAE Functional Area Expert

FDI Foreign Direct Investment
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GPS Global Positioning System
GC Gas Chromatography
GEO Geology
GMP Good Management Practice
GSDA Ground Water Surveys and Development Agency
HVS High Volume Air Sampler
HG-GEO Hydro Geology and Geology
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study
HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
HSD High Speed Diesel
IAEC Indian Atomic Energy Commission
IMD India Metrological Department
IRS Indian Remote Sensing
IS Indian Standards
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
ISO International Organization For Standardization
KL Kilo Liter
KLPD Kilo Liter per Day
KVA Kilo Volt Ampere
LC Land Cover
LDO Light Diesel Oil
LU Land Use
LUP Land Use Planning
MSEDCL Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
MSEB Maharashtra State Electricity Board
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MIDC Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation
MoU Memorandum of understanding
MEE Multiple Effective Evaporator
MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
MPCB Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
MCLS Maximum Credible Loss Scenario
MSL Mean Sea Level
MT Metric Tone
MS Mild Steel
N North
NPC Noise Pollution Control
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NW North - West
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NOx Oxides of Nitrogen
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
NBSS National Bureau of Soil Survey
NV Noise and Vibration
OHS Occupational Health Hazards and Safety
OHC Occupational Health Center
O&M Operation and Maintenance

OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PM Particulate Matter
PEL Permissible Exposure level
PHA Preliminary Hazard Analysis
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PP Project Proponent
R&R Rehabilitation and Resettlement
R&D Research and Development
SSP Single Superphosphate
SEIAA State Environment Impact Assessment Authority
SPCB State Pollution Control Board
SC Soil conservation
SE Socio - Economics
SHW Solid and Hazardous Waste
SAR Sodium Adsorption ratio
SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
SS Suspended Solids
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SW South - west
TDMCCL The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company Limited
TG Turbo Generator
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TFH Thermic Fluid Heater
ToR Terms of Reference
TPH Tones Per Hour
USEPA US Environmental Protection Agency
VOC Volatile organic component
WPC Water Pollution Control
WHC Water Holding Capacity
W West
ZLD Zero Liquid Discharge

Chapter 1 - Introduction

This chapter is an introductory chapter, presenting the background information of the project, its
location, objective of the project and scope of the study and documentation.

Chapter 2 - Project Description

This chapter deals with the technology and process to be used for the proposed expansion
project. It also deals with the sources of pollution and mitigation measures under existing and
expansion activity.

Chapter 3 - Description of the Environment

In this chapter the study of various attributes of environment such as Air, Water, Noise, Soil,
Land Use Pattern, Geology, Hydro-geology and Ecology is carried out so as to know the existing
environmental status. Also, the present social status is discussed to know if there are any
sensitive issues in the area.

Chapter 4 - Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

This chapter presents the conclusion drawn by studying the impact considering both the pre -
project and post - project scenario. It describes the sum impact of the proposed expansion project
and mitigation measures for abatement of the pollution.

Chapter 5 - Analysis of Alternatives

Various alternatives in terms of site selection and technology to be used are discussed in this
chapter and the environment friendly and best suited technology is selected for the expansion

Chapter 6 - Environmental Monitoring Program

This chapter deals with the planning of Environmental Monitoring Program both during
construction phase and operational phase to assess the performance of pollution control
equipments to be installed.

Chapter 7 - Additional Studies

This chapter illustrates the possible risk area under the proposed expansion project and the safety
and disaster management plan prepared to mitigate the same.

Chapter 8 - Project Benefits

This chapter describes the predictable benefits due to proposed expansion project of commodity
chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit.

Chapter 9 - Environment Management Plan

This chapter deals with the protection and mitigation measures for abatement of pollution after
execution of the project. It also deals with the roles and responsibilities of the environmental
management cell for proper implementation of the Environmental Management Plan.

Chapter 10 - Summary and Conclusion

This chapter summarizes the conclusion of the EIA report.

Chapter 11 - Disclosure of Consultants Engaged

In this chapter the name and brief resume of the consultant organization engaged in preparation
of the EIA report is presented.



1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Project & Proponents 1
1.3 Achievements of TDMCCL 2
1.4 The Place 2
1.5 Project Importance to the Country & Region 2
1.6 Scope of the Study 4
1.6.1 Details of Regulatory Scoping carried out as per Terms of Reference 4

2.1 Type of Project 17

2.2 Need for the Project 17
2.2.1 Employment Generation Potential 18
2.2.2 Export Potential of the Products 19
2.3 Project Location and Site Selection 19
2.4 Details of Land Requirement 21
2.5 Project Operations, Approvals & Implementation 22
2.5.1 Approval and Implementation Schedule 22
2.6 Technology and Process Description 22
2.6.1 Energy Requirement 22
2.6.2 List of Equipment 25
2.6.3 Products, Byproducts and Raw Materials 32 Raw Materials 34
Manufacturing Processes, Flow Charts and Mass Balance of 36
the Products Manufacturing capacity per production block 37
2.7 Sources of Pollution And Mitigation Measures 38
2.7.1 Water Pollution 38 Total Water Requirement 38 Total Effluent Generation 39 Solvent Recovery System 44
2.7.2 Air Pollution 44 Transportation details for Products 45 Transportation details for Raw Materials 46 Process Emissions 46 Fugitive Emissions 47
2.7.3 Solid Waste 48
2.7.4 Hazardous Wastes 48 Storage of the Hazardous Waste 48
2.7.5 Noise Pollution 50 Sources of Noise Pollution 50

2.7.6 Odour Pollution 51
2.7.7 Land Pollution 51
2.7.8 Anticipated Occupational Health Hazards and Safety 51
2.8 Operation and Maintenance Cost 52
2.9 Green Belt Development Plan 52
2.10 Rain Water Harvesting Aspect 52

3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Land Use and Land Cover (LU & LC) 55
3.2.1 Scope of work 55
3.2.2 Study Area 55
3.2.3 Purpose of Land Use Mapping 57
3.2.4 Methodology for LU & LC Study 57
3.2.5 Satellite Data 59
3.3 Land Use Studies 61
3.3.1 Topographical Features 61
3.3.2 Eco-Sensitive Map 63
3.3.3 Land Use Map Analysis 63
3.3.4 Land Use of Study Area 64
3.3.5 Settlement Map 66
3.4 Soil Characteristics 68
3.4.1 Soil Quality: Present status 68
3.4.2 Methodology 68 Methodology of Data Generation 68 Sources of Information 69
3.4.3 Soil Types 69
3.4.4 General Observations 74
3.5 Drainage and Geomorphology 81
3.5.1 Drainage 81
3.5.2 Geomorphology 83
3.6 Geology And Hydrogeology 83
3.6.1 Introduction 83
3.6.2 Geology 85 Study area: EIA Aspect of geology 85
3.6.3 Hydrogeology 85 Study area: EIA Aspect of hydrogeology 88 Ground water Resources 88 Groundwater Quality 90
3.7 Meteorology 91
3.7.1 Introduction 92
3.7.2 Methodology 92 Methodology of Data Generation 93 Sources of Information 93

XVIII Wind Pattern at Project Site during Study Period 93
3.8 Air Quality 93
3.8.1 Introduction 93
3.8.2 Methodology 94 Selection of Sampling Locations 94 Frequency & Parameters for Sampling 94
3.8.3 Presentation of Results 95
3.8.4 Observations based on Period of October 2017 to December 2017 97
3.9 Water Quality 99
3.9.1 Introduction 99
3.9.2 Methodology 99 Methodology of Data Generation 99
3.9.3 Sampling Procedure for Primary Data Generation 100
Presentation of Ground Water Results for Survey from October 2017 - 101
December 2017 General Observations 104
3.10 Noise Level Survey 105
3.10.1 Introduction 105
3.10.2 Identification of Sampling Locations 106 Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations 106 Method of Monitoring 107 Standards for Noise Levels 107
3.10.3 Presentation of Results 109
3.11 Socio-Economic Profile 109
3.11.1 Introduction 109
3.11.2 Methodology 110
3.11.3 Results and discussion 110
3.11.4 General observation in the study area through SIA survey 112
3.11.5 Conclusion 113
3.11.6 Suggestions 113
3.12 Ecology 113
3.12.1 Study area 113
3.12.2 Methodology 114
3.12.3 Ecology 115 Field Observation 115 Questionnaire findings 115
3.12.4 Biodiversity 116 Field Observation 116 Questionnaire findings 116
Environmental Impact of Proposed Project on Ecology and 118
Biodiversity in the region
3.12.5 Recommendations 118 Green Belt 118 Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) Activity 119
3.12.6 General observations and Recommendations 119


4.1 Introduction 121

4.2 Construction Phase 121
4.3 Operation Phase 121
4.3.1 Impacts due to Process & Products 121
4.3.2 Impact on Air Quality 131 GLC Evaluation through Air Dispersion Modeling 132 Mitigation Measures 136
4.3.3 Impact On Climate 137
4.3.4 Impact on Water Resources and Its Quality 137 Calculations for Quantification of Impact on Kundalika 138
River (Surface Water) Mitigation Measures 142
4.3.5 Impact on Geology 143 Mitigation Measures 143
4.3.6 Impact of Solid and Hazardous Wastes 143 Mitigation Measures 144
4.3.7 Impact on Soil and Agriculture 144 Mitigation Measures 144 Cumulative impact 144
4.3.8 Impact on Noise Levels 144 Mitigation Measures 146
4.3.9 Impact on Land Use 146
4.3.10 Impact on Ecology and Bio-diversity 147 Mitigation Measures 147
4.3.11 Impact on Occupational Health and Safety 147
4.3.12 Impact on Historical Places 150
4.4 Evaluation Of Impact 150
4.4.1 Battelle Environmental Evaluation System (BEES) 150
4.5 Environmental Impact Evaluation for TDMCCL Expansion 152
4.5.1 Biological Environment 153 Terrestrial Environment 153 Aquatic Environment 154
4.5.2 Environmental Pollution 154 Water 154 Soil 155 Air 155 Noise 155 Vibration 156
4.5.3 Aesthetics 156 Topographical Character 156
4.5.4 Human Interest 156
4.6 The Mitigation Measures 162
4.7 Impacts due to Decommissioning Activity 164

4.7.1. Decommissioning Phase 164
4.7.2 Planning for Decommissioning of the TDMCCL Project 164

5.1 Introduction 166

5.2 Analysis of Alternative Technologies 166
5.2.1 Raw Material Alternative 166
5.2.2 Technology Alternatives 166
5.3 Analysis of Alternative Sites 170

6.1 Introduction 171

6.2 Environmental Monitoring Program during Construction Phase 171
Environmental Monitoring Program during the Post Construction / Operational 171
6.3.1 Air Pollution Management 172
6.3.2 Water Management 172
6.3.3 Noise Level Management 173
6.3.4 Land Management 173
6.3.5 Dust Management 174
6.3.6 Odour Management 174
6.4 Operation Control and Equipment Maintenance 174
6.5 Occupational Health & Safety Measures 175
6.6 Measures for Socio-Economic Development 176
6.6.1 Better Employment Opportunities 176
6.6.2 Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) Plan 176 List of Activities to be undertaken for Corporate Environment 176
Responsibility (CER) Planning Measures for Improvement of Ecology 177
6.7 Environmental Monitoring Program Schedule 179
6.8 Implementation Schedule for Environmental Management Aspects 181
6.9 Environmental Management Plan for Worst Scenarios 181
6.9.1 Operating Phase 181


7.1 Public Consultation 184

7.2 Risk Assessment 184
7.3 Brief Description Regarding Project 184
7.4 Objective of The Risk Assessment And Hazards Management 184
7.5 Methodology 185
7.6 Hazard Identification 185
7.6.1 Classification of Chemicals 185
7.7 Qualitative Risk Analysis 186

7.7.1 Reaction And Separation Sections of Production Plant 186
7.8 Storage and Handling of Hazardous Raw Materials 188
7.8.1 Hazard Identification 188
7.8.2 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals 189
7.8.3 Main Hazards in Storage of Chemicals 191
7.8.4 Mitigation measures for storage of chemicals in warehouse 193
7.8.5 Storage of Toxic Chemicals 195
7.8.6 Storage of Acids and Alkalis 195
7.8.7 Handling of the Materials / Process Equipment 197
7.9 Quantitative Risk Analysis 202
7.9.1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Rating 202
7.9.2 Quantification of Hazards due to Storage of Hazardous Materials 203
7.9.3 Fire Protection 207 Fire Load 208
7.10 Occupational Health Center 209
7.11 Safety Health And Environment Policy 210
7.12 Onsite Emergency & Disaster Management Plan 210
7.13 Off Site Disaster Control Plan 211
7.14 EHS Policy 211
7.15 Quality Policy 211


8.1 Project Benefits 212

8.1.1 Improvement in the Physical Infrastructure 212
8.1.2 Improvement in the Social Status 212
8.2 Activities Done by TDMCCL Under CER 212
8.2.1 Proposed CER Plan 213
8.3 Employment Potential 213
8.4 Other Tangible Benefits 213


9.1 Introduction 214

9.2 Environmental Management Cell (EMC) 214
9.3 Working of Environmental Management Plan 215
9.4 Recommendation & Implementation Schedule 216
9.4.1 Summary of Recommendations 216
9.5 Environmental Post Monitoring Programme 219
9.5.1 Monitoring Equipment 220
9.6 Compliance With Recommendations of the CREP Guidelines 220
9.6.1 Other Compliance 221


10.1 Introduction 222
10.2 Project at a Glance 222
10.3 Process Description 223
10.3.1 Products and Byproducts 223
10.3.2 Raw Material 225
10.4 Manufacturing Processes, Flow Charts And Mass Balance of The Products 226
10.5 Sources of Pollution and Mitigation Measures 227
10.5.1 Water Pollution 227
10.5.2 Air Pollution 228
10.5.3 Noise Pollution 228
10.5.4 Solid Waste 228
10.5.5 Hazardous Waste 229
10.5.6 Odour Pollution 229
10.6 Rainwater Harvesting Aspect 229
10.7 Green Belt Development 230
10.8 Environmental Monitoring Program 230
10.9 Environmental Management Plan 230
10.10 Conclusion 230


11.1 The Organization 232

Sr. No. PAGE No.
Enclosure - I Standard ToR Letter 242-249
Enclosure - II Certificates and Other Documents 250-254
 Appendices
Appendix A Plot Layout Plan 255
Appendix B Statutory Permissions 256-279
Appendix C Land Lease Agreement 280-302
Appendix D Chemical name of Products with CAS Number 303-304
Appendix E Details on manufacturing processes, processes flow charts, 305-394
product-wise raw materials, mass balance for each product
Appendix F Certificate of Merit for Water Resource Management 395
Appendix G Water Permission Letter 396-412
Appendix H Certificate of Merit for Efficient Waste Management 413
Appendix I CHWTSDF Membership Letter 414
Appendix J Heat Pump Based Effluent to Distilled Water Convertor 415
Appendix K Process Hazard Analysis of BSCl plant, Process Hazard 416-430
Analysis of DES plant and Process Hazard Analysis of
SVS plant
Appendix L Layout of Benzene storage tank and Ammonia storage tank 431-432
Appendix M Fire hydrant layout Plan 433
Appendix N Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) study of Sulphuric 434-510
Acid plant
Appendix O Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 511-551
Appendix P Impacts under Accidental Scenarios 552-575
Appendix Q Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA), 576-667
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH),
Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS)
Appendix R Health Check-up Reports 668-678
Appendix S On Site Emergency Plan 679-737
Appendix T EHS policy 738
Appendix U Quality policy 739
Appendix V List of ESA Villages, List of Flora & Fauna Observed in 740-743
Study Area
Appendix W Photographs of Ecology & Biodiversity and Socio 744-747
Economics Survey
 Monitoring Reports
Annexure - I Soil Monitoring Report 748-751
Annexure - II Meteorological Data 752-775
Annexure - III Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Report 776-800
Annexure - IV Ground water Monitoring Report 801-804
Annexure - V Surface water Monitoring Report 804-808
Annexure - VI Noise Monitoring Report 809


Table No. Name of Table Page No.

1.1 Promoter of TDMCCL 2
1.2 Summary with the Terms of Reference 4
2.1 Details of Manpower 19
2.2 Salient Features of Project Site 20
2.3 Project Area Statement 21
2.4 Investment Details of Project 22
2.5 Expansion Project Implementation Schedule 22
2.6 Electricity Break Up 23
2.7 List of Equipment and Reactors for Sulphuric Acid Plant (SA Plant) 25
2.8 List of Equipment and Reactors for Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plant (CSA 27
2.9 List of Equipment and Reactors for Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride Plant 28
(BSCL Plant)
2.10 List of Equipment and Reactors for Sodium Vinyl Sulphamate Plant 28
(SVS Plant)
2.11 List of Equipment and Reactors for Diethyl Sulphate Plant (DES Plant) 29
2.12 List of Equipment and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 1 (MPP-1) 30
2.13 List of Equipment and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 2 (MPP-2) 31
2.14 List of Equipment and Reactors for Benzene Sulphonic Acid and Other 31
Sulphonic Acids Plant (BSA Plant)
2.15 Proposed List of Equipment and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 1 32
and Multi Purpose Plant - 2 (MPP-1 and MPP-2)
2.16 List of Equipment for Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) 32
2.17 List of Products and Byproducts 33
2.18 List of Collective quantity of Raw material required per batch 34
2.19 List of Products with e-factor 36
2.20 Manufacturing Capacity of Each Production Block 37
2.21 Total Water Requirement under Existing and Expansion Activities 39
2.22 Total Effluent Generation under Existing and Expansion Activities 39
2.23 Details of ETP 40
2.24 Quantification of Recovered Solvent 44
2.25 Details of Stack 45
2.26 Transportation Details of Final Product 45
2.27 Transportation Details of Raw Material 46
2.28 Details of scrubbers 46
2.29 Solid Waste for Existing and Expansion Activities 48
2.30 Hazardous Wastes for Existing and Expansion Activities 48
2.31 Storage & Disposal of Hazardous Waste 49
2.32 Noise Levels within the Industry 51
2.33 Capital as well as O & M Cost 52
2.34 Details of Roof top area 53
3.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in Raigad district 56

Table No. Name of Table Page No.
3.2 List of major industries near TDMCCL Industry 56
3.3 Source of Satellite Data 59
3.4 Source of Topographical Data 61
3.5 Area Statistics for Land Use & Land Cover Classes 64
3.6 Analytical Techniques for Soil Analysis 69
3.7 Soil Sampling Locations 71
3.8 Existing Soil Characteristics 73
3.9 Standard Soil Classification 80
3.10 Meteorological Parameters 93
3.11 AAQM Locations Details 94
3.12 AAQ Parameters and Monitoring Frequency 94
3.13 Summary of AAQ Levels for Monitoring Season [October 2017 to 95
December 2017]
3.14 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Specified by CPCB 97
Notification (New Delhi, the 18th November, 2009)
3.15 Monitoring Locations for Ground Water 99
3.16 Monitoring Locations for Surface Water 99
3.17 Summary of Ground Water 101
3.18 Summary of Surface Water 103
3.19 Noise Sampling Locations 106
3.20 Ambient Noise Level Standards 108
3.21 Standards for Occupational Exposure 108
3.22 OSHA Standards for Occupational Exposure 108
3.23 Ambient Noise Levels 109
3.24 Details of Sample Size 110
3.25 Study villages, Villages from the Western Ghats ESA and their 114
distance from project site
4.1 Identification of impacts on environment due to operation activities for 122
proposed expansion project of TDMCCL
4.2 Process Product Modifications for pollution Control and Impact 124
4.3 Predominant Wind Directions 132
4.4 Baseline Concentrations 133
4.5 Human Health Impact of Process Emissions 134
4.6 Quantification of pollution from waste water 138
4.7 Quantification of impact due to discharge of untreated effluent into 139
4.8 Quantification of impact due to Contaminated Nalla with untreated 139
effluents into Kundalika River
4.9 Permissible Exposure In Case of Continuous Noise 145
4.10 Standards in Respect of Ambient Noise Levels 146
4.11 Occupational Health and Safety 148
4.12 Application of the Battele Environmental Evalution System (EES) for 158
4.13 Identification of RED Flags to the Potential Areas in BEES for 161

Table No. Name of Table Page No.
4.14 Identification of Impacts Due to Decommissioning activities of 165
TDMCCL project
6.1 Trees with Good Canopy for Noise Attenuation 173
6.2 Health Care Facility Equipment 175
6.3 Budgetary Allocation 176
6.4 CER Implementation Schedule 177
6.5 Environmental Monitoring During Project Operation Stage 179
6.6 Implementation of Environmental Monitoring Program 181
6.7 The Details of Management Plan During Worst Case Scenario 181
7.1 Classification of Chemicals 185
7.2 TLV and IDLH values 188
7.3 List of Flammable solvents Stored in Warehouse 190
7.4 List of Solvents for proposed products and its storage on site 191
7.5 List of Toxic Chemicals (In drums and Warehouse) 195
7.6 List of Acids and Alkalis stored in Tanks/drums 195
7.7 NFPA Rating of Raw Material 202
7.8 Risk Assessment - Worst Case Scenarios and Mitigation Measures 203
7.9 Details of fire Extinguishers 207
7.10 Details of Fire Load 209
7.11 Details of Occupational Health Monitoring 209
8.1 Yearly Expenses incurred on CER & Social Welfare (In INR) 213
9.1 Environmental Management cell 214
9.2 Summary of Recommendations 216
9.3 Compliance against the Consent Condition 219
10.1 Salient Features of TDMCCL Project site 222
10.2 List of Products 224
10.3 List of Byproducts 225
10.4 List of Collective quantity of Raw material required per batch 225
10.5 Solid Waste Details for Existing and Expansion Activities 228
10.6 Hazardous Waste Details for Existing and Expansion Activities 229


Figure No. Name of Figure Page No.

1.1 Location of the Project Site 3
1.2 Expansion Project Site 3
2.1 Photographs of Existing Industrial Setup 24
2.2 Photographs of Existing ETP 41
2.3 Flow Diagram of ETP 42
2.4 Layout of ETP 43
2.5 Hazardous Waste Storage Tank 49
2.6 3D Diagram of Hazardous Waste Storage Tank 50
2.7 Photographs of Existing Green Belt 54
3.1 Google Image Showing 10 Km Radius Study Area Circle 58
3.2 Process Flow Chart 59
3.3 Satellite Image 60
3.4 Visual Interpretation Key Used for the Study 61
3.5 Topographical Map 62
3.6 Map showing Wild Life Sanctuary and National Park in Maharashtra 63
3.7 Graphical Presentation of Land Use & Land Cover Classification 64
3.8 Land Use and Land Cover Map 65
3.9 Settlement Map 67
3.10 Soil Map 70
3.11 Soil Sample Location Map 72
3.12 Drainage Map 82
3.13 Geomorphology Map 84
3.14 Geological Map 86
3.15 Part of Drainage Map showing closer view of streams in the Roha 88
3.16 Geo-Hydrological Map 91
3.17 Age Distribution within Sample size 111
4.1 Wind Rose for October – November - December 2017 135
4.2 Image showing KT Weir 141
5.1 Solar power plant installed on site of TDMCCL 167
5.2 Rain Water Harvesting on site of TDMCCL 167
5.3 Water Pond on site of TDMCCL 168
5.4 Biogas Plant on site of TDMCCL 168
9.1 Environmental Management Cell and Responsibilities 215
9.2 Environmental Management Plan 215

Chapter 1


‘Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)' is the process of evaluating likely environmental

impacts, both positive and negative, of a new or expansion project by taking into account
natural, social and economic aspects. It also comprises of suggesting possible mitigation
measures, for the negative impacts, before implementation of the project. The main
objectives of an EIA report are -

 To describe a pre-project baseline condition with respect to Environmental Indicators.

 To identify possible sources of pollution and their environmental impacts including
identifying risks associated with setting up of a new /expansion project and suggesting
appropriate mitigation measures for alleviating adverse impacts to the extent possible.
 To suggest environmental / risk management plans for implementing the mitigation
 The ultimate aim of the EIA report preparation is that the project proponent (PP) can use
this report as a manual for developing company’s environmental strategy, communication
and formulating environmental policy.


The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company Limited (TDMCCL) headquartered in

Mumbai (India), is an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization. Established in 1919, TDMCCL
was the first producer of Sulphuric Acid and Phosphate fertilizers in India. Over the years,
the brand of the Company ("Ship") came to be recognized as the quality standard for Single
Superphosphate (SSP). Today, TDMCCL is one of the leading chemical companies in India.
A company with innovative products and focus on specialty chemicals. With focused
Research and Development (R&D) efforts, processes for downstream sulphur-based
chemicals were commercialized. What is visible now is a culmination of efforts by the entire
team sustainable performance with zero dependence on Government policy, net foreign
exchange earnings, and sales to over 25 countries in 5 continents. TDMCCL offers
customized products and thoughtful solutions to our global customers.

The Proposed expansion project - The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company Limited
(TDMCCL) is located at Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha,
District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra.

This report is made in the overall context of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Notification No. S. O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 and amendments thereto issued by the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC); New Delhi. As per the said
notification the project comes under Category B, listed at item 5 (f). In light of draft
notifications dated 10.03.2014, 04.09.2015, 27.02.2017 and 03.10.2018 in respect of ESA
(Ecologically Sensitive Area) of Western Ghats and due to applicability of general
conditions, the category of the project change from Category “B” to Category “A”. The EIA
report is prepared by incorporating required information with regards to the project as
mentioned in the Standard Terms of Reference (ToR) issued by MoEFCC, New Delhi vide
letter No. IA-J-11011/74/2018-IA-II (I) to TDMCCL on 3rd May 2018.


Table 1.1 Promoter of TDMCCL

Sr. No. Name Designation

1. Mr. Laxmikumar Narottam Goculdas Chairman
2. Mr. Haridas Tricumdas Kapadia Director
3. Mr. Madhu Thakorlal Ankleshwaria Director
4. Mr. Arvind Wasudeo Ketkar Director
5. Ms. Mitika Laxmikumar Goculdas Director


TDMCCL have been honored by -

 Indian Chemical Council (ICC) granted permission to TDMCCL for use of Responsible
Care Logo, for a period of one year from August, 2016 to July, 2017.
 Indian Chemical Council (ICC) awarded Certificate of Merit to TDMCCL for Water
Resource Management in Chemical Industry on 30th September, 2015.
 Indian Chemical Council (ICC) awarded Certificate of Merit to TDMCCL for Efficient
Waste Management in Chemical Industry on 30th September, 2016.


The proposed expansion will be carried out at existing set up of TDMCCL. Total plot area
acquired by TDMCCL 88355 m2 (8.84 Ha), the total built up area is 40925 m2 (4.09 Ha). For
more details about area break-up refer Chapter - 2 (Table 2.3). (Refer Figure 1.1 and
Figure 1.2)


 Every business needs to reconcile innovative technologies and novel products to achieve
sustainability, stability and to set new horizons.
 These new products and processes are outcome of the intellect, hardship and integrity of
in-house built R&D team.
 This project will provide additional employment for the local communities.
 The additional monetary gains to the organization will provide opportunity for the
implementation of corporate social activities. This will result into overall improvement of
the standard of living of the society.
 As all the processes are environment friendly, it will help in conservation of natural
resources and environment protection.
 Some of the products are import substitutes. Hence, it will contribute in saving of foreign
 Some of the products will attract additional export business which will boost the chemical
sector and economy.
 Amongst the proposed products, some are pharmaceutical intermediates which will
contribute and support growth of the healthcare sector.
 This project will provide additional business to the supporting commercial enterprises.
 This project will improve the overall growth and sustainability of the organization, which
in turn contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of our country.


Figure 1.1 Location of the Project Site

Figure 1.2 Expansion Project Site

18°25'33.00'' N Latitude, 73°08'31.41" E Longitude



1.6.1 Details of Regulatory Scoping carried out as per Terms of Reference

The TDMCCL has submitted a duly filled online Form-I application to MoEFCC, New Delhi
on 27.02.2018 for grant of Terms of Reference (ToR). This EIA report has been complied
with the Standard ToR issued by the MoEFCC. The summarized details of same are provided
in following table -

Table 1.2 Summary with the Terms of Reference

Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

A Standard Terms of Reference
1. Executive Summary Refer Chapter 10, Pages 222-231
2. Introduction
i. Details of the EIA Consultant including Refer Chapter 11, Pages 232-241
NABET accreditation.
ii. Information about the project proponent. Refer Chapter 1, Table 1.1 Pages
iii. Importance and benefits of the project. Refer Chapter 1, Section 1.5,
Page 2-3 Refer Chapter 8, Pages
3. Project Description
i. Cost of project and time of completion. Capital investment for proposed
expansion of existing commodity
chemicals and speciality chemicals
manufacturing unit is Rs. 10.00
Crores. For more details, Refer
Chapter 2, Section 2.5, Table 2.4,
Page 22, Section 2.5.1 Table 2.5,
Page 22
ii. Products with capacities for the proposed Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.6.3,
project. Table 2.17, Pages 33-34
iii. If expansion project, details of existing Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.6.3,
products with capacities and whether Table 2.17, Pages 33-34 Refer
adequate land is available for expansion, Appendix - B for existing
reference of earlier EC if any. Consent Orders, Pages 256-279

iv. List of raw materials required and their Refer Chapter 2, Section,
source along with mode of transportation. Table 2.18, Pages 34-35, Section, Table 2.27, Pages 46
v. Other chemicals and materials required Refer Chapter 7, Section 7.8.6,
with quantities and storage capacities. Table 7.6 Pages 195-196,
Appendix - E for product wise
raw materials, Pages 305-394
vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous Refer Chapter 2, Effluent Details -
waste generation and their management. Section, Table 2.22, Page


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

39, Emission Details - Section
2.7.2, Table 2.25, Page 45,
Hazardous waste generation &
management - Section 2.7.4 Pages
vii. Requirement of water, power, with source Refer Chapter 2, Section,
of supply, status of approval, water balance Pages 38-39 (Water consumption),
diagram, man-power requirement (regular Section 2.6.1, Pages 22-23
and contract). (Electricity requirement), Section
2.2.1, Pages 18-19 (Manpower),
Appendix - G, Pages 396-412
(status of approval for water),
Enclosure - II, Pages 250-254
(status of approval for electricity)
viii. Process description along with major Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.6.2,
equipments and machineries, process flow Table 2.7 to Table 2.16, Pages 25-
sheet (quantative) from raw material to 32 (List of Equipment), Appendix
products to be provided. - E, Pages 305-394 (Process
description, process flow sheet
ix. Hazard identification and details of Refer Chapter - 7, Section 7.6 to
proposed safety systems. 7.8, Pages 185-201
x. Expansion/modernization proposals:
c. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance The plot of TDMCCL in
(s) including Amendments thereto obtained MIDC Dhatav, Taluka: Roha,
for the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be District: Raigad was
attached as an Annexure. A certified copy procured in year 1976 on
of the latest Monitoring Report of the which existing unit of
Regional Office of the Ministry of TDMCCL is established.
Environment and Forests as per circular Subsequently, the existing
dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of unit was commissioned in
compliance of conditions stipulated in all year 1978. Therefore, it is
the existing environmental clearances observed that establishment
including Amendments shall be provided. of existing unit of TDMCCL
In addition, status of compliance of Consent in MIDC Dhatav is well
to Operate for the ongoing / existing before the “EIA Notification
operation of the project from SPCB shall be No. S.O. 60 (E) dated
attached with the EIA-EMP report. 27.01.1994 and “EIA
Notification No. S.O. 1533
(E) dated 14.09.2006
published by MoEFCC. In
light of fact presented above,
it could be seen that, the
existing unit did not attract
the condition for
procurement of
Environmental Clearance
(EC) and hence only MPCB


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

consent was procured in case
of TDMCCL. Recent Consent
to Operate (CTO) is
procured from Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board
(MPCB) in the year 2015
vide Consent order No.
Formate 1.0 / BO / CAC -
Cell / EIC No RD - 2952 -
15 / 28 t h CAC / 4541 dated
21.04.2015. Refer Appendix
- B copy of Consent to
Operate (CTO) issued by
MPCB, Pages 256-279
d. In case the existing project has not obtained The plot of TDMCCL in
environmental clearance, reasons for not MIDC Dhatav, Taluka: Roha,
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA District: Raigad was
Notification 1994 and / or EIA Notification procured in year 1976 on
2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent which existing unit of
to Establish / No Objection Certificate and TDMCCL is established.
Consent to Operate (in case of units Subsequently, the existing
operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, unit was commissioned in
CTE and CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained year 1978. Therefore, it is
from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, observed that establishment
compliance report to the conditions of of existing unit of TDMCCL
consents from the SPCB shall be submitted. in MIDC Dhatav is well
before the “EIA Notification
No. S.O. 60 (E) dated
27.01.1994 and “EIA
Notification No. S.O. 1533
(E) dated 14.09.2006
published by MoEFCC. In
light of fact presented above,
it could be seen that, the
existing unit did not attract
the condition for
procurement of
Environmental Clearance
(EC) and hence only MPCB
consent was procured in case
of TDMCCL. Recent Consent
to Operate (CTO) is
procured from Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board
(MPCB) in the year 2015
vide Consent order No.
Formate 1.0 / BO / CAC -
Cell / EIC No RD - 2952 -
15 / 28 t h CAC / 4541 dated


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

21.04.2015. Refer Appendix
- B copy of Consent to
Operate (CTO) issued by
MPCB, Pages 256-279,
Appendix - B Consent
compliance report issued by
MPCB, Pages 256-279
4. Site Details
i. Location of the project site covering The proposed expansion of
village, Taluka / Tehsil, District and State,
commodity chemicals and
Justification for selecting the site, whether
speciality chemicals will be
other sites were considered. conducted under existing unit of
TDMCCL. No any other site is
considered for expansion project.
Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.3,
Pages 19-21
ii. A toposheet of the study area of radius of Refer Chapter 3, Figure 3.5 for
10 km and site location on 1:50,000 Toposheet on Page 62
/1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 sheet.
(including all eco-sensitive areas and
environmentally sensitive places)
iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for selection As the expansion of commodity
of site. chemicals and speciality chemicals
will be conducted under existing
premises of TDMCCL. Industry
has sufficient land for expansion
and hence no any alternative sites
were considered.
iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners (i) 18°25'29.92"N
of the site. 73° 8'41.55"E
(ii) 18°25'23.89"N
73° 8'38.04"E
(iii) 18°25'33.98"N
73° 8'25.67"E
(iv) 18°25'37.87"N
73° 8'26.89"E
(v) 18°25'38.44"N
73° 8'31.33"E
(vi) 18°25'36.93"N
73° 8'35.37"E
(vii) 18°25'32.63"N
73° 8'33.51"E
v. Google map-Earth downloaded of the Refer Chapter 3, Figure 3.1, Page
project site. 58


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

vi. Layout maps indicating existing unit as Refer Appendix - A for plot
well as proposed unit indicating storage layout, Page 255
area, plant area, greenbelt area, utilities etc.
If located within an Industrial area / Estate /
Complex, layout of Industrial Area
indicating location of unit within the
Industrial area / Estate.
vii. Photographs of the proposed and existing Refer Chapter 1, Figure 1.2, Page
(if applicable) plant site. If existing, show 3, Refer Chapter 2, Figure 2.1,
photographs of plantation / greenbelt, in Page 24, Refer Chapter 2, Figure
particular. 2.7, Page 54
viii. Landuse break-up of total land of the Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.3.4,
project site (identified and acquired), Pages 64-67
government / private - agricultural, forest,
wasteland, water bodies, settlements etc.
shall be included. (not required for
industrial area)
ix. A list of major industries with name and Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.2.2,
type within study area (10 km radius) shall Table 3.2, Page 56
be incorporated. Land use details of the
study area.
x. Geological features and Geo-hydrological Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.6,
status of the study area shall be included. Pages 83-91

xi. Details of Drainage of the project up to 5 Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.5,

km radius of study area. If the site is within Pages 81-83
1 km radius of any major river, peak and
lean season river discharge as well as flood
occurrence frequency based on peak rainfall
data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood
Level of the project site and maximum
Flood Level of the river shall also be
provided. (mega green field projects)
xii. Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition Not Applicable
is not complete, stage of the acquisition
process and expected time of complete
possession of the land.

xiii. R&R details in respect of land in line with Not Applicable

state Government policy.
5. Forest and wildlife related issues
(if applicable):


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

i. Permission and approval for the use of Not Applicable
forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and
recommendations of the State Forest
Department. (if applicable)

ii. Landuse map based on High resolution Not Applicable

satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site
the forestland (in case of projects involving
forest land more than 40 ha)

iii. Status of Application submitted for Not Applicable

obtaining the stage I forestry clearance
along with latest status shall be submitted.

iv. The projects to be located within 10 km of Not Applicable

the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Wild
Animals, the project proponent shall submit
the map duly authenticated by Chief
Wildlife Warden showing these features
vis-à-vis the project location
and the recommendations or comments of
the Chief Wildlife Warden-thereon.
v. Wildlife Conservation Plan duly Not Applicable
authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden
of the State Government for conservation of
Schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study
vi. Copy of application submitted for clearance Not Applicable
under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972,
to the Standing Committee of the National
Board for Wildlife.
6. Environmental Status
i. Determination of atmospheric inversion By using meteorological data the
level at the project site and site-specific windrose have been plot. The
micrometeorological same are reflected in chapter 4,
data using temperature, relative humidity, section, Pages 132-136
hourly wind speed and direction and
ii. AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.8,
for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO and other Pages 93-98
parameters relevant to the project shall be
collected. The monitoring stations shall be
based CPCB guidelines and take into
account the pre-dominant wind direction,
population zone and sensitive receptors


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

including reserved forests.
iii. Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.8,
weeks of all stations as per frequency given Pages 93-98
in the NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009
along with - min., max., average and 98%
values for each of the AAQ parameters
from data of all AAQ stations should be
provided as an annexure to the EIA Report.

iv.Surface water quality of nearby River (100 Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.9,
m upstream and downstream of discharge Pages 99-105
point) and other surface drains at eight
locations as per CPCB / MoEF&CC
v. Whether the site falls near to polluted Not Applicable
stretch of river identified by the CPCB /
MoEF&CC, if yes give details.
vi. Ground water monitoring at minimum at 8 Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.9,
locations shall be included. Pages 99-105
vii. Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.10,
within the study area. Pages 105-109
viii. Soil Characteristic as per CPCB guidelines. Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.4,
Pages 68-81
ix. Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, Refer Chapter 2, Table 2.26, Page
frequency of vehicles for transportation of 45, Table 2.27 Page 46
materials, additional traffic due to proposed
project, parking arrangement etc.
x. Detailed description of flora and fauna Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.12,
(terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study Page 113-120
area shall be given with special reference to
rare, endemic and endangered species. If
Schedule-I fauna are found within the study
area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be
prepared and furnished.
xi. Socio-economic status of the study area. Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.11,
Page 109-113
7. Impact and Environment Management


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

i. Assessment of ground level concentration Refer Chapter 4, Section,
of pollutants from the stack emission based Pages 132-135
on site-specific meteorological features. In
case the project is located on a hilly terrain,
the AQIP Modelling shall be done using
inputs of the specific terrain characteristics
for determining the potential impacts of the
project on the AAQ. Cumulative impact of
all sources of emissions (including
transportation) on the AAQ of the area shall
be assessed. Details of the model used and
the input data used for modelling shall also
be provided. The air quality contours shall
be plotted on a location map showing the
location of project site, habitation
nearby, sensitive receptors, if any.

ii. Water Quality modelling - in case of Refer Chapter 4, Section 4.3.4,

discharge in water body. Pages 137-142
iii. Impact of the transport of the raw materials Refer Chapter 2, Table 2.26, Page
and end products on the surrounding 45, Table 2.27 Page 46
environment hall be assessed and provided.
In this regard, options for transport of raw
materials and finished products and wastes
(large quantities) by rail or rail-cum road
transport or convey or cum- rail transport
shall be examined.

iv. A note on treatment of wastewater from Refer Chapter 2, Section,

different plant operations, extent recycled Pages 39-43, Figure 2.3, Page 42,
and reused for different purposes shall be Figure 2.4, Page 43
included. Complete scheme of effluent
treatment. Characteristics of untreated and
treated effluent to meet the prescribed
standards of discharge under E (P)
v. Details of stack emission and action plan Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.7.2,
for control of emissions to meet standards. Pages 44-45, Table 2.25, Page 45
vi. Measures for fugitive emission control. Refer Chapter 2, Section,
Page 47
vii. Details of hazardous waste generation and Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.7.4,
their storage, utilization and management. Pages 48-50, Appendix - I for
Copies of MOU regarding utilization of CHWTSDF Membership letter,
solid and hazardous waste in cement plant Page - 414
shall also be included. EMP shall include
the concept of waste-minimization, recycle
/ reuse /recover techniques, Energy
conservation, and natural resource


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

viii. Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured Not Applicable
as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A
detailed plan of action shall be provided.

ix. Action plan for the green belt development Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.9, Page
plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less 52
than 1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of
species, width of plantation, planning
schedule etc. shall be included. The green
belt shall be around the project boundary
and a scheme for greening of the roads used
for the project shall also be incorporated.

x. Action plan for rainwater harvesting Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.10,

measures at plant site shall be submitted to Page 52-53
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and
storm water drains to recharge the ground
water and also to use for the various
activities at the project site to conserve
fresh water and reduce the water
requirement from other sources.
xi. Total capital cost and recurring cost / Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.8, Page
annum for environmental pollution control 52
measures shall be included.
xii. Action plan for post-project environmental Refer Chapter 6, Section 6.7,
monitoring shall be submitted. Pages 179-180
xiii. Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Refer Chapter 7, Section 7.12,
Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency Pages 210-211, Appendix - S for
Management Plan including Risk Onsite Emergency Plan, Pages
Assessment and damage control. Disaster 568-737
management plan should be linked with
District Disaster Management Plan.
8. Occupational health
i. Plan and fund allocation to ensure the Refer Chapter 7, Section 7.10,
occupational health & safety of all contract Pages 209-210
and casual workers.


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

ii. Details of exposure specific health status Refer Chapter 7, Section 7.10,
evaluation of worker. If the workers' health Pages 209-210, Appendix - R for
is being evaluated by pre designed format, Health Check-up Report, Page
chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, 668-678
Vision testing (Far & Near vision, colour
vision and any other ocular defect) ECG,
during pre placement and periodical
examinations give the details of the same.
Details regarding last month analyzed data
of above mentioned parameters as per age,
sex, duration of exposure and department
iii. Details of existing Occupational & Safety Not Applicable
Hazards. What are the exposure levels of
hazards and whether they are within
Permissible Exposure level (PEL). If these
are not within PEL, what measures the
company has adopted to keep them within
PEL so that health of the workers can be

iv. Annual report of health status of workers Refer Chapter 7, Section 7.10,
with special reference to Occupational Pages 209-210, Appendix - R for
Health and Safety. Health Check-up Report, Page
9. Corporate Environment Policy
i. Does the company have a well laid down Refer Chapter 9, Pages 214-221
Environment Policy approved by its Board
of Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the
EIA report.
ii. Does the Environment Policy prescribe for Not Applicable
standard operating process / procedures to
bring into focus any infringement /
deviation / violation of the environmental
or forest norms / conditions? If so, it may
be detailed in the EIA.

iii. What is the hierarchical system or Refer Chapter 9, Section 9.2, Page
Administrative order of the company to 214-215
deal with the environmental issues and for
ensuring compliance with the
environmental clearance conditions?
Details of this system may be given.


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

iv. Does the company have system of reporting Refer Chapter 9, Pages 214-221
of non compliances / violations of
environmental norms to the Board of
Directors of the company and / or
shareholders or stakeholders at large? This
reporting mechanism shall be detailed in
the EIA report.

10. Details regarding infrastructure facilities Not Applicable

such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be
provided to the
labor force during construction as well as to
the casual workers including truck drivers
operation phase.
11. Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
i. Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the Rs. 25.00 Lakhs (2.5 % of Capital
project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Investment - 10.00 Cr.) has been
Enterprise Social Commitment based on earmarked for CER activities.
Public Hearing issues and item-wise details Refer Chapter 6, Table 6.3, Pages
along with time bound action plan shall be 176-177
included. Socio-economic development
activities need to be elaborated upon.
12. Any litigation pending against the project Not Applicable
and/or any direction/order passed by any
Court of Law against the project, if so,
details thereof shall also be included. Has
the unit received any notice under the
Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water
Acts? If so, details thereof and
compliance/ATR to the notice(s) and
present status of the case.
13. 'A tabular chart with index for point wise Refer Chapter 1, Section 1.6,
compliance of above ToR. Pages 4-16
B Specific Terms of Reference
1. Details on solvents to be used, measures for Refer Chapter 2, Section,
solvent recovery and for emissions control. Page 44
2. Details of process emissions from the Refer Chapter 2, Section,
proposed unit and its arrangement to Pages 46-47
3. Ambient air quality data should include Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.8,
VOC, other process-specific pollutants* Pages 93-98
like NH3*, chlorine*, HCl*, HBr*, H2S*,
HF* etc.,(*-as applicable)


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

4. Work zone monitoring arrangements for Refer Chapter 6, Section 6.7,
hazardous chemicals. Pages 179-180
5. Detailed effluent treatment scheme Refer Chapter 2, Section,
including segregation of effluent streams Pages 39-43, Figure 2.3, Page 42,
for units adopting 'Zero' liquid discharge. Figure 2.4, Page 43

6. Action plan for odour control to be Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.7.6,

submitted. Page 51
7. A copy of the Memorandum of Not Applicable
Understanding signed with cement
manufacturers indicating clearly that they
co-process organic solid / hazardous waste
8. Authorization / Membership for the Refer Chapter 2, Section 2.7.4,
disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and Pages 48-50, Appendix - I for
solid / hazardous waste in TSDF, if any. CHWTSDF Membership letter,
Page - 414

9. Action plan for utilization of MEE / dryers Instead of RO / MEE TDMCCL is

salts. going to achieve ZLD unit where
neutral effluent after primary
clarifier shall be feed to the unit.
This effluent will be concentrated
to about 25 to 30% TDS level and
dried further to get solid residue.
Heat pump is used to concentrate
the effluent by evaporation. Water
Vapor is then condensed and
recycled. Apart from the electrical
energy provided for heating the
effluent, heat pump also utilizes
the heat released during
condensation of water vapor for
evaporating the inlet effluent
water. This technology is the best
example of conservation and
effective utilization of energy. The
concentrated stream will be
subjected for drying in de-
moisturizer. The installation and
commissioning of this facility will
be completed within short period.
10. Material Safety Data Sheet for all the Appendix - O for MSDS, Pages
Chemicals are being used/will be used. 511-551

11. Authorization / Membership for the Appendix - I for CHWTSDF

disposal of solid / hazardous waste in Membership letter, Page - 414


Sr. No. List of ToR’s Compliance

12. Details of incinerator if to be installed. Not Applicable

13. Risk assessment for storage and handling of Chapter 7, Section 7.8, Pages 188-
hazardous chemicals / solvents. Action plan 201
for handling & safety system to be
14. Arrangements for ensuring health and Chapter 7, Section 7.8.5, Page 195
safety of workers engaged in handling of
toxic materials.

Chapter 2


The proposed project by The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company Limited (TDMCCL)
is an expansion project of existing commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals
manufacturing unit from 31384 MT/M to 32510 MT/M capacities (Increase by 1126
MT/M). The promoters have vast experience in this field and are well aware of the
manufacturing processes w.r.t. various products. They have made thorough study of entire
project planning as well as implementation schedule.


 Commercial classification of chemicals - Chemicals produced by chemical industry

can be divided essentially into three broad categories -

(i) Commodity chemicals or bulk commodities or bulk chemicals - are chemicals

produced in large quantities to satisfy global markets and in general their
applications can be traced back to their chemical structure; for this reason, two
commodities produced by two different suppliers but with the same chemical
structure and purity are almost identical and they can be easily interchanged; they are
produced by continuous plant and in general their cost is relatively low; examples of
chemical commodities are ammonia and ethylene oxide.

(ii) Speciality chemicals or effect chemicals or specialty chemicals - are constituted

by a mixture of different chemical substances, that is designed and produced in order
to be applied to a specific application; the formulation of specialities is the result of
scientific researches carried out by the producer company, so each formulation and
associated properties are unique and for this reason in the majority of the cases it is
not possible to easily interchange two different specialities produced by two different
suppliers; examples of applications of speciality chemicals are pharmaceuticals
industry and agriculture; they are produced by batch plant and in general their cost is
higher if compared with commodity chemicals. Speciality chemicals are materials
used on the basis of their performance or function hence also termed as
"performance" chemicals or "formulation" chemicals. Some of the categories of
speciality chemicals are adhesives, agrichemicals, cleaning materials, cosmetic
additives, construction chemicals, elastomers, flavors, food additives, fragrances,
industrial gases, lubricants, polymers, surfactants and textile auxiliaries. Other
industrial sectors such as automotive, aerospace, food, cosmetics, agriculture
manufacturing and textiles are highly dependent on such products. Specialty
chemicals often are protected by patents.

(iii) Fine chemicals - as the commodity chemicals, they are chemical substances
characterized by their chemical structure, but on the contrary of commodity
chemicals, they are produced in a small quantity; fine chemicals can be used as
components in the formulation of speciality chemicals; for example active
ingredients of pharmaceutical drugs are fine chemicals, but the pharmaceutical drug
is a speciality chemical; examples of applications of fine chemicals are
pharmaceuticals industry, agriculture, photography chemicals and electronic
chemicals; they are produced by batch plant and in general their cost is relatively


 The global specialty chemicals market is expected to attain a size of $582.3 billion in
2017-18 and is forecasted to reach $782.2 billion by 2023, registering a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% during 2018-2023. The major factors driving the
market growth are increasing demand of these chemicals in emerging economies,
ongoing technological advancements in the market of these chemicals and increasing
penetration of end use industries.

 In the base case scenario, with current initiatives of industry and government, the Indian
chemical industry could grow at 11% p.a. by 2017-18. However, the industry could
aspire to grow much more and its growth potential is limited only by its aspirations. In
such an optimistic scenario, high end-use demand based on increasing per capita
consumption, improved export competitiveness and resultant growth impact for each
sub-sector of the chemical industry could lead to an overall growth rate of over 15% p.a.
by 2017-18 (~6% of global industry). This has a potential for further upside in the future
considering India’s increasing competitiveness in manufacturing.

 Driven by the rapidly growing population and increasing consumer spending, the
specialty chemicals and or commodity chemicals market in emerging economies is
expected to witness a good growth in the coming years. The growing middle-class
population in these economies and rising industrialization in the fields of food,
agriculture, cosmetics and many other manufacturing sectors are creating the demand of
these chemicals in emerging economies. BRICS countries such as China, India and
Brazil especially, are witnessing increased demand of specialty chemicals.

 For instance, in 2014, India launched ‘Make in India’ initiative, that has enhanced the
competitiveness of the chemical sector in the country, by permitting 100% foreign direct
investment (FDI) and de-licensing the manufacturing of most chemicals. All these
factors are driving the growth of the specialty chemicals market in emerging economies.

 India has a skilled workforce as well as high managerial and technical competence in
comparison to its peers in Asia.

 Cost-efficiency continues to create opportunities for Indian companies in emerging

markets andin Asia.

 Hence, considering all and the ever-increasing demand for chemical sectorin India and in
abroad as well as changing market conditions for manufacture and sale of products has
prompted the promoters to go for expansion of existing commodity chemicals and
speciality chemicals.

2.2.1 Employment Generation Potential

The existing project hasprovided employment opportunities to the skilled and semi-skilled
local populace, especially in small-scale business and other related services. Following table
gives details about the number of workers that have been employed from local area in the
existing unit and also man power will be required for expansion activities. Details are as
follows -

Table 2.1 Details of Manpower

Sr. Existing Expansion Remark

No. Unskilled Skilled Unskilled Skilled Out of total 210
1. 100 85 13 12 manpower about 75 %
are employed from local
Tot. 185 25 area

2.2.2 Export Potential of the Products

As discussed in Chapter-1, in India around 60% of the total commodity chemicals and
speciality chemicals produce is exported. There is a good demand for products from
manufacturing of commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals, in India as well as abroad.
Here, 80% products of TDMCCL would be consumed in Indian market whereas 20%
products would be exported.


The activities under proposed expansion would be carried out in the existing setup of
TDMCCL located at Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha,
District: Raigad. Geographical location of site is 18°25'33.00'' N Latitude, 73°08'31.41" E
Longitude and falls under the Survey of India Toposheet No.: 47 F2, 47 F3 and Western
Ghats Eco-sensitive area (ESA) falling in the state of Maharashtra (1:75000 scale).

Site History :While making selection of site for existing activities of TDMCCL, certain
aspects were taken into consideration prominently as-

1. Availability of water: Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) has

developed Water Supply Scheme in 1976. The Corporation has taken raw water from
Kundalika River, after processing water, the clean water distribute in Industrial Area.
2. Availability of Electricity: MIDC has allotted plot to Maharashtra State Electricity
Board(MSEB) in which 100/22 KV sub-station has been installed and commissioned.
3. Availability of Road : The MIDC has developed road facility in Roha Industrial area. All
internal roads approaching the plots are asphalted and streetlight are erected on the road.
4. Availability of Manpower :Skilled as well as Unskilled
5. Availability of Connectivity:Transport of raw material as well as finished product was
easier and economical by all means -
a. Mode of Transportation By Road: Area is situated on the Roha - Kolad road
 Nearest State Highway :Nagothana-Pali - Khopoli (SH No. 92) at 10.70 km : Borlai
Panchaitan - Mangaon - Tala (SH No. 97) at 25.28 km
 Nearest National Highway :Panvel - Kanyakumari (NH No. 66) at 8.03 km
b. Mode of Transportation By Rail:
 Nearest Railway Station :Roha Railway Stationat 3.04 km
c. Mode of Transportation By Air:
 Nearest Airport :Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai at 79.38 km
 Pune International Airport, Lohagaon at 82.74 km
d. Mode of Transportation By Water:
 Nearest port :Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust at 55.27 km
6. Availability of Common Effluent Disposal Facility:A Common Effluent Disposal
Scheme is under construction to make the area eco-friendly. This scheme will be operated

as a joint venture between MIDC and the industries in the area. The Scheme will take
care for effluent collection, treatment and disposal.
7. Availability of Fire Station: Fire station building been constructed along with firemen's.
8. Availability ofCommon Facility Centre: This facility centre houses a post Office and
rest house, many other facilities are planned i.e. Grahak Bhandar, Bank of Maharashtra,
in the centre.
9. No rehabilitation and resettlement required as the site is located in Notified industrial
10. Adequate facility in existing setup for manufacturing of additional quantity of products.
11. Residential Facilities: The Corporation has allotted residential plots to Company for the
residential purpose.
12. Availability of good communication Facilities : In addition to on route long run buses,
the Local routes from Kolad, Mahad, Alibaug, Pen etc. are operated by State Transport
(S.T.) through the industrial Area.

Table 2.2 Salient Features of Project Site

No. Particulars Details

1. Name and Address of the The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company
Industry Limited (TDMCCL)
Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav,
Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra.
2. Land acquired for the plant 88355 m2 (8.84 Ha)
3. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all (i) 18°25'29.92"N
four corners of the site 73° 8'41.55"E
(ii) 18°25'23.89"N
73° 8'38.04"E
(iii) 18°25'33.98"N
73° 8'25.67"E
(iv) 18°25'37.87"N
73° 8'26.89"E
(v) 18°25'38.44"N
73° 8'31.33"E
(vi) 18°25'36.93"N
73° 8'35.37"E
(vii) 18°25'32.63"N
73° 8'33.51"E
4. Elevation 11m above Mean sea level(MSL)
5. Nearest habitation / Schools/ Village Roth Budruk at 0.40 km
6. Nearest city Roha city at 2.89 km
7. Nearest highway (i) Nagothana - Pali - Khopoli (SH No. 92) at 10.70
(ii) Borlai Panchaitan - Mangaon - Tala (SH No. 97)
at 25.28 km
(iii) Panvel - Kanyakumari (NH No. 66) at 8.03 km
8. Nearest railway station from Roha Railway Station at 3.04km
project site
9. Nearest airport (i) Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport,
Mumbai at 79.38 km

No. Particulars Details
(ii) Pune International Airport, Lohagaon at 82.74
10. Nearest tourist places Nil within 10 km radius
11. Defense installations Nil within 10 km radius
12. Archaeological important Nil within 10 km radius
place/ Historical Monuments
13. Ecological sensitive zones Village Dhatav wherein the MIDC is setup have
appeared in the list of ESA village of Western Ghats
Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) Village draft
notification dated 10.03.2014, 04.09.2015,
27.02.2017 and 03.10.2018.
14. Reserved /Protected forest / 1. At a distance of 1.48 km & 1.89 km from the
National Parks/ Wildlife Reserved Forest which was declared under Section
Sanctuary / wetland / estuaries 34 of Indian Forest Act, 1878 by Bombay Castle
/ bioreserves (from Project Gazette No. 3F dated 01.03.1879.
Site) 2. At a distance of 0.44 km & 0.39 km from the
Protected Forest which was declared under Section
28 of the Indian Forest Act No. VII of 1878, as
amended by Acts No. V of 1890 and No. V of
1901 by Bombay Government Gazette No. 1963I
dated 28.02.1907.
15. Nearest streams / Rivers / River Kundalika at 1.25 Km
water bodies (from Project

Refer Figure 2.1 for Photographs of Existing Industrial Setup of TDMCCL.


Total land area acquired by the TDMCCL is 8.84 Ha (88355m2). Out of this, 4.09 Ha
(40925m2) is built up area. Detailed area statement is as follows -

Table 2.3 Project Area Statement

Sr. No. Description Area (m2)

1. Plant Area (Existing) 10325
2. Proposed Plants Area 1500
3. Raw Material and Product Storage Area 6300
4. Effluent Treatment Plant Area (ETP) 800
5. Office Building Area 1500
6. Parking Area (12% of Plot area) 9450
7. Residential Colony Area 1000
8. Internal Roads Area 10050
9. Total Built up Area (46.32% of Plot area) 40925
10. Total Green Belt Area (33.39% of Plot area) 29500
11. Open space Area (20.29% of Plot area) 17930
12. Total Area 88355
Refer Appendix - A for Total Plot Layout Plan of TDMCCL.


Presently, in the existing commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals set up of TDMCCL
the products listed under Table No. 2.17 is being manufactured. The same has been accorded
in valid MPCB Consent to Operate (CTO) in the year 2015 vide Consent order No. Formate
1.0 / BO / CAC - Cell / EIC No RD - 2952 - 15 / 28th CAC / 4541 dated 21.04.2015. Refer
Appendix – B for Copy of valid MPCB CTO w.r.t. existing unit of TDMCCL.

The plot of TDMCCL in MIDC Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad was procured in year
1976 on which existing unit of TDMCCL is established. Refer Appendix – C for Land Lease
Agreement between MIDC Authority and TDMCCL. Subsequently, the existing unit was
commissioned in year 1978. Therefore, it is observed that establishment of existing unit of
TDMCCL in MIDC Dhatav is well before the “EIA Notification No. S.O. 60 (E) dated
27.01.1994 and “EIA Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 published by
MoEFCC.In light of fact presented above, it could be seen that, the existing unit did not
attract the condition for procurement of Environmental Clearance (EC) and hence only
MPCB consent was procured in case of TDMCCL. Refer copy of CTO issued by MPCB in
year 1997 which was well before the EIA Notification, 2006 enclosed at Appendix - B.

The proposed expansion project would be implemented only after procurement of all
approvals and permissions namely EC; consents from MPCB, permissions from various other
Govt. departments etc. Detailed investment is as follows -

Table 2.4 Investment Details of Project

Sr. No. Description Capital Investment (Crs.)

1. For Existing Unit 84.07
2. For Expansion 10.00
3. Total after Expansion 94.07

2.5.1 Approval and Implementation Schedule

Table 2.5 Expansion Project Implementation Schedule

Sr.No. Activity Implementation Schedule

1. Grant of EC by MoEFCC; New Delhi February 2019
2. Application for Consent to Operate from MPCB March 2019
3. Trials and Commissioning of plant March 2019


2.6.1 Energy Requirement

The average power supply required to the tune of 27000 KW Hr/Day for the existing unit,
presently taken from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
(MSEDCL) and the same would be the source for the proposed expansion activities. The
average power supply to the tune of 3000 KW Hr/Day is required for the proposed expansion
activities. In case of a power failure, DG sets of 830 KVA, 1310 KVA and 125 KVA are used
to provide uninterrupted power supply to emergency facilities.

Solar panels are already installed on site which harvests electricity of 335 KWp per day under
existing unit. Management of TDMCCL have planned for harvesting of additional electricity
of 100 KWp per day through solar panels to reduce electricity intake from MSEDCL which is
in process. The detailed electricity break up is as follows -

Table 2.6 Electricity Break Up

A) Generation of Electricity on site

Source Electricity (KWH)

Purchased Total
DG TG Solar
611120 6330 203608 15903 836961

B) Detail Electricity Break up

Sr. No. Area of Utilization Electricity Consumption (KWH)

1. Sulphuric Acid Plant 320318
2. Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plant 50534
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride Plant 139810
4. Diethyl Sulphate Plant 43144
5. Sodium Vinyl Sulphamate Plant 184000
6. Multi Purpose Plant - 1 4500
7. Multi Purpose Plant - 2 4964
8. Effluent Treatment Plant 14160
9. IAEC Boiler 21944
10. Workshop + Old PCC + Canteen 40082
11. TG / DG Auxiliary 6062
12. Transmission Loss 7443
13. Total 836961


2.6.2 List of Equipments

Following table represents details about the reactors and equipments under existing as well as
proposed activities-

Table 2.7 List of Equipments and Reactors for Sulphuric Acid Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Molten Sulphur Pump No.1 1 MS 3.5 m3/hr
2. Molten Sulphur Pump No.2 1 MS 3.5 m3/hr
3. Turbo Blower 1 MS 30000 Nm3/hr
4. DT - Fat Acid Pump 1 Alloy 370 m3/hr
5. IPAT Acid Pump 1 Alloy 270 m3/hr
6. Acid Cooler Water Pump No.1 1 MS 700 m3/hr
7. Acid Cooler Water Pump No.2 1 MS 700 m3/hr
8. 65% Oleum Tower Pump 1 MS 50 m3/hr
9. 65% Oleum Cooling Water Pump 1 MS 100 m3/hr
10. Booster Tank Pump 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
11. 65% Oleum Storage Tank Pump 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
12. 23% Oleum Cooling Tower Pump 1 MS 250 m3/hr
13. 23% Oleum Storage Pump 1 SS 50 m3/hr
14. Boiler Feed Water Pump No.1 1 MS 15 m3/hr
15. Boiler Feed Water Pump No.2 1 MS 15 m3/hr
16. Pump for Vent Scrubber of Storage Tank 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
17. 23% Oleum Pump No.1 1 CF8M 240 m3/hr
18. 23% Oleum Pump No.2 1 CF8M 50 m3/hr
19. Sulphur Melter - 1 1 RCC 10 MT/hr
20. Sulphur Melter - 2 1 NA NA
21. Impure Sulphur Tank 1 RCC 10 MT/hr
22. Impure Sulphur Pump 1 MS 7 m3/hr
23. Pre Coat Tank 1 MS Brick Lined 10 MT
24. Pre Coat TankPump 1 MS 7 m3/hr
25. Sulphur Filter 1 MS and SS 10 MT/hr
26. Molten Sulphur Storage Tank 1 MS Brick Lined 200 MT
27. Sulphur Burner 1 MS Brick Lined ф 4 m x10.7 m
28. Auxiliary Blower 1 MS 15000 Nm3/hr
29. Drying Tower 1 MS Brick Lined --
30. Convertor 1 MS Brick Lined 13.5 MT/hr
31. Super Heater 1 MS 263 m2
32. Hot Heat Exchanger 1 MS 803 m2
33. Cold Heat Exchanger 1 MS 1214 m2
34. IPAT 1 MS Brick Lined ф 4 m x14 m
35. Economizer 1 MS 425 m2
36. Acid Pump Tank (APT) 1 MS Brick Lined ф 6 m x 2.4 m
37. Acid Cooler 1 SS316 337 m2
38. 23% Oleum Storage Tank 1 MS 150MT
39. Cooling Tower for 98% Acid Cooler 1 Natural Draft 1500 TR
40. Cooling Tower for 23% Oleum 1 Natural Draft 500 TR
41. FAT 1 MS Brick Lined ф 3.2 m x11.7m

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size
42. 98% Acid Storage Tank No.1 1 MS 1200 MT
43. 98% Acid Storage Tank No.2 1 MS 1200 MT
44. 98% Acid Storage Tank No.3 1 MS 1200 MT
45. Battery Acid Tank 1 SS 100 MT
46. 98% S.A. Emergency Tank 1 MS 10 MT
47. Pump Tank for Lorry Filling 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
48. Pump Tank for Lorry FillingScrubber 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
49. 98% Acid Lorry Filling Tank No.1 NA NA NA
50. 98% Acid Lorry Filling Tank No.2 NA NA NA
51. Alkali Scrubber 1 MS Rubber Lined ф 2m x 9.6m
52. Alkali Scrubber Pump 1 CF8M 50 m3/hr
53. SO3 Condenser 1 MS 240 m2
54. SO3 Generator 1 MS 80 MTPD
55. SO3 Storage Tank 1 MS 5MT
56. SO3 Mixer 1 MS 2MT
57. SO3 Lorry Filling Tank 1 MS 5MT
65% Oleum Storage Tank
58. 1 MS 150 MT
(Capsule Type 150 MT cap.)
59. 65% Oleum Lorry Filling Tank 1 MS 10 MT
60. 65% Oleum Heat Exchanger 1 SS Tube --
61. 65% Oleum Tower 1 MS 2 MT/hr
62. 23% Oleum Tower 1 MS ф 4m x 11.6m
63. 23% Oleum Heat Exchanger 1 SS Tube --
64. 23% Oleum Storage Tank 1 MS 150 MT
65. 23% Oleum Lorry Filling Tank NA NA NA
Vent Scrubber for 23% and 65% Oleum
66. 1 SS ф 0.4m x 1.5m
(on APT)
67. Instrument Compressor 1 MS 100 CFM
68. Raw Water Pump No.1 1 MS 29 m3/hr
69. Raw Water Pump No.2 1 MS 29 m3/hr
70. Cation Vessel 2 MS 1 KL
71. Anion Vessel 2 MS 1 KL
72. Mixed Bed Vessel 2 MS 1 KL
73. Condensate Water Pump No.1 1 MS 28 m3/hr
74. Condensate Water Pump No.2 1 MS 28 m3/hr
75. LP Dosing Pump No.1 1 SS 1 kg/cm2 g
76. LP Dosing Pump No.2 1 SS 1 kg/cm2 g
77. HP Dosing Pump No.1 1 SS 40 kg/cm2 g
78. HP Dosing Pump No.2 1 SS 40 kg/cm2 g
79. DG Set No - 310 KVA 1 MS 310 KVA
80. DG Set No- 830 KVA 1 MS 830 KVA
81. External Cooling Water Pump 1 CI 50 m3/hr
82. Internal Cooling Water Pump 1 CI 65 m3/hr
83. Caustic Lye Tank 1 MS 5 KL
84. Melter Agitator Gearbox 1 PB 15:1 Ratio
85. HSD Tank Pump 1 MS 5 m3/hr
86. Impure Tank Agitator Gearbox 1 PB 15:1 Ratio

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size
87. Pre Coat Tank Agitator Gearbox 1 PB 15:1 Ratio
88. Delawal Turbine 1 Alloy 500 KW
89. Cooling Water Pump 1 MS 360 m3/hr
90. Cooling Tower for Delawal Turbine 2 Plastic/ND 500 TR
Cooling Tower for 65% Oleum and
91. 1 Plastic 100 + 300 TR
Liquid SO3
92. Scrubber for Lorry Filling Vent 1 SS ф 0.4m x 1.5m
93. HSD Storage Tank 1 MS 10 MT
94. Furnace Oil Storage Tank 1 MS 30MT
95. IAEC Boiler 1 MS 5 TPH
65% Oleum Storage Tank
96. 1 MS 50 MT
(Double walled - 50 MT cap.)
Heat Recovery Unit
97. 1 MS 10 m2
(Ravi industries make)

Table 2.8 List of Equipments and Reactors for Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. HCL Feed Pump No.1 1 Epoxy 15 m3/hr
2. HCL Feed Pump No.2 1 Epoxy 15 m3/hr
3. HCL Scrubber Pump No.1 1 Epoxy 15 m3/hr
4. HCL Scrubber Pump No.1 1 Epoxy 15 m3/hr
5. 70% Waste Acid Pump 1 PVDF 25 m3/hr
6. Chloro Pump Tank with Pump 1 MS Brick Lined 10 MT
7. Chloro Cooling Water Pump No.1 1 MS 100 m3/hr
8. Chloro Cooling Water Pump No.2 1 MS 100 m3/hr
9. 98% Acid Transfer Pump 1 CF8M 12 m3/hr
10. Air Blower No.1 1 MS 15 HP
11. Air Blower No.2 1 MS 15 HP
12. Chloro Transfer Pump No.1 1 CF8M 10 m3/hr
13. Chloro Transfer Pump No.2 1 CF8M 10 m3/hr
14. HCL - Storage Tank 2 PP/FRP 40 KL
15. HCL - Pump Tank 1 PP / FRP 1 KL
16. HCL - Scrubber Pump Tank No.1 1 PP / FRP ф 0.8 m x 4 m
17. HCL - Scrubber Pump Tank No.2 1 PP / FRP ф 0.8 m x 4 m
18. Chimney 1 PP / FRP 30 m Ht.
19. 98% S.A. Pump Tank 1 MS 10 MT
20. HCL Generator 1 MS Brick Lined ф 1m x 7.8 m
21. Dechlorinator 1 MS Brick Lined ф 1m x 4 m
22. Graphite Heat Exchanger 1 Graphite --
23. Chloro Heat Exchanger 1 SS --
24. Reaction Tower - T1 1 MS Brick Lined ф 0.9m x 2.0 m
25. Reaction Tower - T2 1 MS Brick Lined ф 0.9m x 5.3 m
26. Reaction Tower - T3 1 MS Brick Lined ф 0.9m x 5.3 m
27. Chloro Storage Tank No.1 1 MS 35 MT
28. Chloro Storage Tank No.2 1 MS 35 MT

Table 2.9 List of Equipments and Reactors for Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Wet BSCL Pump 1 PP 10 m3/hr,15 m head
2. Dry BSCL Pump 1 PP 5 m3/hr, 20 m head
3. RMPT Pump 1 SS --
4. Chloro Storage Tank Pump 1 SS --
5. Hot Water Pump 1 MS --
6. Chilled Water Pump 1 MS --
7. 70% S.A. Tank Alpha Pump 2 PP 25 m3/hr,25 m head
8. 30% HCL Pump 1 PP 5.5 m3/hr,20 m head
9. Caustic Scrubbing Tank Pump 1 PP 5.5 m3/hr,20 m head
10. Ejector Water Pump No.1 1 MS 80 m3/hr, 40 m head
11. Ejector Water Pump No.2 1 MS 80 m3/hr, 40 m head
12. Ejector Water Pump No.3 1 MS 80 m3/hr, 40 m head
13. Dechlorinator Air Blower 1 PP / FRP 7.5 HP motor
14. GLR No.1 Gearbox 1 MS --
15. GLR No.2 Gearbox 1 MS --
16. Mixer Tank Gearbox 1 MS 1 HP motor
17. Air Blower 1 PP / FRP 10 HP, 10 inch suction
18. Benzene Pump 1 SS 5 m3/hr, 25 m head
19. 250 KG Weighing And Filling Machine 1 -- --
20. Himgiri Cooling Fan 1 PP / FRP --
21. BSCL Receiving Tank Pump 1 PP 10 m3/hr,20 m head
22. Wash Water Tank Pump 1 PP 5.5 m3/hr,20 m head
23. Fresh Water Tank Pump 1 PP 25 m3/hr,25 m head
24. Dechlorinator Scrubber Pump No.1 1 PP 5 m3/hr,20 m head
25. Dechlorinator Scrubber Pump No.2 1 PP 5 m3/hr,20 m head
26. 15% HCL Scrubbing Tank Pump 1 PP 7 m3/hr,15 m head
27. Settler No.2 Gearbox 1 -- 1HP
28. Settler No.3 Gearbox 1 -- 1HP
29. Cooling Tower Pump 1 MS 350 m3/hr,30 m head
30. BSCL Storage Pump 1 PP --
31. DPS Tank Gearbox 2 -- 5 HP
32. BSCL Storage Tank Pump No.1 1 PP 5 m3/hr,20 m head
33. BSCL Storage Tank Pump No.2 1 PP 5 m3/hr, 20 m
34. HCL Transferring Pump 1 PP 7 m3/hr,20 m head
35. GLR No.5 1 glass 5 KL

Table 2.10 List of Equipments and Reactors for Sodium Vinyl Sulphamate Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Reactor R1 Old 1 MS/SS CLAD 10 MT
2. Reactor R1 New 1 MS 10 MT
3. Reactor R2 b / Neutralizer Gearbox 1 MS 6”
4. Neutralizer Circulation Pump 1 MS 110 m3/hr
5. Product Pump 1 PP 5 m3/hr
6. 98% Scrubber Pump 1 MS 12 m3/hr

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size
7. Reactor R1 - Sulphonator S1 1 MS 10 KL
8. Neutralizer S2 1 SS 15 KL
9. DES Slurry Day Tank 1 SS 1 KL
10. DES Slurry Storage Tank 1 SS 10 KL
11. Caustic Tank 3 MS 30 KL
12. Caustic Pump 1 Alloy 12 m3/hr
13. 98% Acid Scrubber 1 SS 3.278 m
height*324 OD
14. SO3 Service Tank 1 MS Jac 5 MT
15. SO3 Metering Pump 1 SS 180 LPM
16. Concentrator 1 MS 6 MT
17. Sulphate Neutch Tank 1 MS --
18. Filtrate Tank 1 SS --
19. Dilutor 1 PP / FRP 7 MT
20. Carbon Treatment Tank 1 MS 5 MT
21. Carbon Neutch Filter 2 MS --
22. Pp Filtrate Tank 1 PP 2 KL
23. Product Tank No. 1 1 SS 17 KL
24. Product Tank No. 2 1 PP / FRP 6 KL
25. Product Tank No. 3 1 PP / FRP 29 KL
26. Product Tank No. 4 1 SS 30 KL
27. Product Tank No. 5 1 SS 21 KL
28. DM Water Tank 2 SINTEX 2 KL
29. 50% Acid Tank 1 PP / FRP 2 KL
30. Hot Well Tank Pump 2 CI 150 m3/hr
31. Caustic Service Tank 1 MS 1 KL

Table 2.11 List of Equipments and Reactors for Diethyl Sulphate Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Alcohol Transfer Pump 1 MS 2 m3/hr
2. Alcohol Metering Pump 1 MS 2000 LPH
3. SO3Metering Pump 1 SS 4000 LPH
4. R1 Pump 1 SS 63 m3/hr
5. Ejector Water Pump
1 SS 80m3/hr
(50 HP, Cooling Tower )
6. Hot Water Pump 1 SS 65m3/hr
7. 98% Acid Pump 1 SS --
8. Ammoniation Slurry Pump 1 SS 20 m3/hr
9. Reactor R2 Agitator Gearbox 1 CI 1:15
10. Ejector Mazda 5 STAGE/1
11. Ammoniation Tank No.1 Agitator Gearbox 1 CI 1:20
12. Ammoniation Tank No.2 Agitator Gearbox 1 CI 1:20
13. SDS Storage Tank 1 MS 100KL
14. Reactor No. T1 1 MS 3KL
15. Reactor No. T2 1 PP/FRP 4KL

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size
16. Reactor No. T3 1 HDPE 12KL
17. Alcohol Feed Tank 1 MS 1KL
18. SO3Feed Tank 1 SS 9.7MT
19. PHE 2 SS 48 m2
20. Ammoniation Tank No.1 1 MS 20MT
21. Ammoniation Tank No.2 1 MS 20MT
22. 98% Scrubber Tank MS-Brick
1 3MT
23. Hot Water Pump 1 CI 65m3/hr
24. Hot Water Tank 1 MS 3KL
25. Water Pump for Ammoniation Tank 1 MS 15 m3/hr
26. Tower No.1 1 GLR 5KL
27. Tower No.2 1 GLR 3KL
28. Reboiler and Tower No.3 1 SS 1KL
29. Vessel and Tower No.5 1 NA NA
30. Condenser No.1 A 1 SS Tube 20 m2
31. Condenser No.1 B 1 SS Tube 20 m2
32. Condenser No.2 1 SS Tube 20 m2
33. Condenser No.3 1 SS Tube 20 m2
34. Condenser No.5 1 NA NA
35. Seal Pot No.1 A 1 PVC 2MT
36. Seal Pot No.1 B 1 PVC 2MT
37. Seal Pot No.2 1 PVC 2MT
38. Seal Pot No.3 1 PVC 1MT
39. DES Storage Tank No.1 1 PP/FRP 20MT
40. DES Storage Tank No.2 1 PP / FRP 20 MT
41. DES Storage Tank No.3 1 PP / FRP 20 MT
42. DES Storage Tank No.4 1 PP / FRP 50 MT
43. Feed Tank 1 MS 13MT
44. DES Intermediate Tank No.1 1 MS 1MT
45. Ammoniated Slurry Feed Tank 1 MS 2KL
46. Sludge Tank No.1 1 MS 10MT
47. Sludge Tank No.2 1 MS 10MT

Table 2.12 List of Equipments and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 1

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Glass Lined Reactor 14 MS Glass Lined 5 KL
2. Glass Lined Reactor 1 MS Glass Lined 1.6 KL
3. Glass Lined Reactor 1 MS Glass Lined 3 KL
4. Glass Lined Reactor 1 MS Glass Lined 0.65 KL
5. Glass Lined Reactor 1 MS Glass Lined 0.1 KL
6. SS Reactor 5 SS 5 KL
7. SS Reactor 3 SS 1 KL
8. SS Centrifuge 2 SS 48”
9. MSRL 2 MSRL 36”
10. FBD 1 SS 200 Kgs


Table 2.13 List of Equipments and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 2

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. RCVD 2 SS 1 KL
2. Multi Mill 1 SS 100 Kgs/hr
3. Sifter 1 SS 25 Kgs/hr
4. Sparkler Filter 3 SS 100 Ltrs.
5. ANFD 1 SS 500 Ltrs.
6. Vacuum Pumps 8 MS --
7. Steam Ejector System 8 MS 200 Kgs Steam/hr
8. Chilling Plant 2 MS 50 TR
9. Thermopack 2 MS 4 Lakh Kcal/hr
10. Cooling Tower 1 MS 40 TR
11. Alcohol Evaporator 1 MS 0.5 KL
12. Convertor 1 MS 1.2 KL
13. Heat Exchanger 3 MS 20 m2
14. Technical DEE Distillation Unit 1 SS 4 TPD
15. Caustic Column 2 MS 0.5 KL
16. Pure DEE Distillation Unit 1 SS 3 KL
17. Alcohol Recovery Unit 1 MS 5 KL
18. Cooling Tower 1 FRP 200 TR

Table 2.14 List of Equipment and Reactors for Benzene Sulphonic Acid and Other
Sulphonic Acids Plant

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Glass Lined Reactor 1 Glass 5 KL
2. Condenser 2 Glass 1Mtr
3. Reflux Glass Column 2 Glass 1Mtr
4. Receiver 1 Glass 50 Ltrs.
5. Temperature Indicator 1 -- --
6. Vacuum Manometer 1 Glass --
7. Water Manometer 1 Glass --
8. Pressure Gauge 1 MS --
9. Steam Ejector 1 Graphite --
10. Blower 1 PP / FRP --
11. HCl Scrubber 1 PP / FRP --
12. HCl Scrubber Tank 1 PP / FRP 5 KL
13. Graphite Cooler 1 Graphite --
14. Weighing Scale 1 MS 300 Kg
15. Water Feed Tank 1 HDP 50 Ltrs.
16. Refrigerated Packing Storage 1 MS --

Table 2.15 Proposed List of Equipments and Reactors for Multi Purpose Plant - 1 and
Multi Purpose Plant - 2

No. Name of Equipment MOC Capacity/size
1. Glass Lined Reactor 2 2 MS Glass Lined 5 KL
2. Glass Lined Reactor 1 -- MS Glass Lined 2 KL
3. Glass Lined Reactor 1 -- MS Glass Lined 3 KL
4. Glass Lined Reactor 1 -- MS Glass Lined 0.65 KL
5. Glass Lined Reactor -- 1 MS Glass Lined 0.1 KL
6. SS Reactor 3 2 SS 5 KL
7. SS Reactor -- 3 SS 1 KL
8. SS Centrifuge 1 1 SS 48”
9. MSRL 1 1 MSRL 36”
10. FBD -- 1 SS 200 Kgs
11. RCVD 1 1 SS 1 KL
12. Multi Mill -- 1 SS 100 Kgs/Hr
13. Sifter -- 1 SS 25 Kgs/Hr
14. Sparkler Filter 1 2 SS 100 Ltrs
15. ANFD -- 1 SS 500 Ltrs
16. Vacuum Pumps 4 4 MS --
17. Steam Ejector System 6 2 MS 200 Kgs Steam/Hr
18. Chilling Plant 1 1 MS 50 TR
4 Lakh
19. Thermopack 1 1 MS
20. Cooling Tower -- 1 MS 40 TR
21. Alcohol Evaporator 1 -- MS 0.5 KL

Table 2.16 List of Equipments for Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

No. Name of Equipment Quantity MOC Capacity/size

1. Equalizing Tank Agitator Gearbox 2 CI 5 HP
2. Neutralizer Agitator Gearbox 1 CI 10 HP
3. Lime Slurry Tank Gearbox 1 CI 5 HP
4. Primary Raker Gearbox 1 CI 10 HP
5. Secondary Raker Gearbox 1 CI 10 HP
6. Dewatering Pump 2 CI 12.5 LPS
7. Sludge Pump 1 SS 30 m3/hr
8. Sanitary Pump 1 MS 12.5 LPS
9. Roots Blower 2 CI 0.4 kg/cm2
10. V - Notch Pump 3 MS 20 m3/hr
11. Filter Press 1 MS and PP 2 m3/hr
12. Primary Clarifier 1 RCC 98 m3
13. Secondary Clarifier 1 RCC 69 m3

2.6.3 Products, Byproducts and Raw Materials

The different products presently being manufactured and those considered for manufacture
under expansion & their maximum production quantities are as -

Table 2.17 List of Products and Byproducts

A) List of Products-

Sr. Production (MT/Month)

Name of Products
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
1. Sulphamic Acid 500 0 500
2. Diethyl Sulphate 200 100 300
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 570 30 600
4. Sulphuric Acid 8333 0 8333
5. Oleum 4167 0 4167
6. Sulphur Trioxide 2750 0 2750
Sodium Vinyl Sulphonate/Other
7. 150 50 200
8. Phenol Sulphonic Acid 50 0 50
9. Chlorosulphonic Acid 2000 0 2000
10. Diethyl Ether 50 150 200
Benzene Sulphonic Acid/Other
11. 20 0 20
Sulphonic Acids
12. N-Phenyl Benzene Sulphonamide 30 70 100
13. Methane Sulphonic Anhydride 5 0 5
Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl
14. 25 0 25
15. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone 0 30 30
16. 3,3-Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone 0 30 30
17. 3,3-Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone 0 20 20
18. Para Chloro Thiophenol 0 10 10
19. Bis (4-Chlorophenyl) Disulphide 0 10 10
20. Thiophenol 0 20 20
21. 4-Methyl Mercapto Acetophenone 0 10 10
22. Silicon Sulphate 0 10 10
Para Nitro Benzene Sulphonyl
23. 0 10 10
24. Lasamide 0 10 10
25. Diethyl Phthalate 0 100 100
26. Dimethyl Phthalate 0 100 100
Potassium Salt of Sulphonated
27. 0 10 10
28. N-Butyl Benzene Sulphonamide 0 10 10
Methyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic
29. 0 5 5
30. Ethyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0 5 5
31. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0 10 10
32. Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid 0 10 10
33. Dimethyl Aniline 0 80 80
34. Mono Methyl Aniline 0 20 20
35. Diethyl Aniline 0 30 30
36. Sodium Isethionate 0 10 10

Sr. Production (MT/Month)
Name of Products
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
37. 4,4-Dichloro Diphenyl Sulphone 0 10 10
38. Mono Ethyl Aniline 0 70 70
39. 1,3-Benzene Disulphonyl Chloride 0 10 10
40. Menthyl Lactate 0 5 5
Total 18850 1045 19895

B) List of Byproducts-

Sr. Production (MT/Month)

Name of Byproducts
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
1. Calcium Sulphate 398 2 400
2. Phosphoric Acid 2 18 20
3. Sodium Sulphate 400 0 400
4. Sodium Sulphite 110 0 110
5. Dilute Sulphuric Acid 11600 0 11600
6. Diphenyl Sulphone 24 6 30
7. Sodium Chloride Solution 0 5 5
8. Ammonium Chloride Solution 0 50 50
Total 12534 81 12615
Total (Products and Byproducts) 31384 1126 32510

Refer Appendix - D for Chemical name of Products with CAS Number.

Note : i)
Description Products Byproducts Total
Existing 14 6 20
Expansion 26 2 28
Total 40 8 48
ii) Production Blocks - Existing: 8 Nos., Expansion: Nil
iii) Manufacturing Capacity - Existing 31384 MT/M + Expansion 1126 MT/M =
After Expansion 32510 MT/M Raw Materials

The details on consumption of raw materials required for existing and proposed
manufacturing activities are as follows-

Table 2.18 List of Collective Quantity of Raw material required per Batch

Sr. No. Name of Chemical Total Quantity (kg/Batch)

1. Purified Water 22132.04
2. Urea 310
3. Sulphuric Acid (98%) 4540
4. Oleum (65%) 2073
5. Ethanol 5166
6. Sulphur Trioxide (liq.) 4480


Sr. No. Name of Chemical Total Quantity (kg/Batch)

7. Ammonia 140
8. Benzene 650
9. Chloro Sulphonic Acid 7512
10. Sulphur 330
11. Oxygen (from Air) 490
12. Sulphuric Acid 2510
13. Sulphur Trioxide (gas) 1000
14. DES Slurry 220
15. Calcium hydroxide 1085
16. Phenol 1800
17. Hydrochloric Acid (30%) 1000
18. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 4990
19. Aniline 5360.7
20. Sodium Hydroxide 334
21. Methane Sulphonic Acid 275
22. Phosphorous Pentoxide 68.75
23. Mono Chloro Benzene 1012
24. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 2920
25. Ferric Chloride 4
26. Diphenyl Sulphone 178
27. Fuming Nitric Acid 105
28. 3,3’-Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone 710
29. Iron Powder 580
30. Aq. Ethanol (50%) 250
31. Red Phosphorous 619
32. Para Chloro Thiophenol 251
33. Hydrogen Peroxide 30
34. Phosphoric Acid (85%) 1000
35. Thioanisole 1242
36. Acetyl Chloride 785.4
37. Aluminum Chloride 1330
38. Silicon Oil 350
39. Para- Nitro Aniline 318
40. Sodium Nitrite 159
41. Hydrochloric Acid 252
42. Thionyl Chloride 548
43. 2,4 - Dichlorobenzoic Acid 453
44. Phosphorus Trichloride 366.84
45. Phthalic Anhydride 3647
46. Methanol 4025.3
47. Diphenyl Sulphone 331
48. Potassium carbonate 103
49. N-butylamine 171
50. Para - Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride 1107
51. Dimethyl Ether 2111.4
52. Diethyl Ether 509.2
53. Ca(OH)2 487


Sr. No. Name of Chemical Total Quantity (kg/Batch)

54. L-Menthol 179.73
55. L-Lactic acid 100 Manufacturing Processes, Flow Charts and Mass Balance of the Products

Refer Appendix -E for details on manufacturing processes, processes flow charts, product-
wise raw materials, mass balance for each product.

Table 2.19 List of Products with e-factor

Sr. No. Name of Products e-factor

1. Sulphamic Acid 0.23
2. Diethyl Sulphate 2.02
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 0.67
4. Sulphuric Acid 1.00
5. Oleum 0.00
6. Sulphur Trioxide 0.00
7. Sodium Vinyl Sulphonate/Other Sulphonates 0.00
8. Phenol Sulphonic Acid 0.00
9. Chlorosulphonic Acid 0.00
10. Diethyl Ether 0.37
11. Benzene Sulphonic Acid/Other Sulphonic Acids 0.23
12. N-Phenyl Benzene Sulphonamide 0.26
13. Methane Sulphonic Anhydride 0.00
14. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 0.96
15. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone 0.17
16. 3,3-Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone 5.96
17. 3,3-Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone 1.47
18. Para Chloro Thiophenol 0.25
19. Bis (4-Chlorophenyl) Disulphide 0.24
20. Thiophenol 1.52
21. 4-Methyl Mercapto Acetophenone 0.22
22. Silicon Sulphate 0.00
23. Para Nitro Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 1.33
24. Lasamide 3.43
25. Diethyl Phthalate 0.09
26. Dimethyl Phthalate 0.11
27. Potassium Salt of Sulphonated Sulphone 0.77
28. N-Butyl Benzene Sulphonamide 0.30
29. Methyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0.48
30. Ethyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic Acid 2.00
31. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0.19
32. Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid 2.12
33. Dimethyl Aniline 0.39
34. Mono Methyl Aniline 0.17
35. Diethyl Aniline 0.18
36. Sodium Isethionate 2.99

Sr. No. Name of Products e-factor
37. 4,4-Dichloro Diphenyl Sulphone 0.14
38. Mono Ethyl Aniline 0.12
39. 1,3-Benzene Disulphonyl Chloride 0.13
40. Menthyl Lactate 0.08 Manufacturing capacity per production block

The manufacturing capacity for each block is as follows-

Table 2.20 Manufacturing Capacity for Each Production Block

Sr. Capacity Name of Products to be

Production Block
No. of Block manufactured
1. Sulphuric Acid Plant (SA) 8333 1. Sulphuric Acid
MT/M 2. Oleum (23%)
3. Oleum (65%)
4. Sulphur Trioxide
2. Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plant 2000 1. Chlorosulphonic Acid
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 594 1. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride
Plant (BSCL) MT/M
4. Sodium Vinyl Sulphamate 150 1.Sodium Vinyl Sulphonate/ Other
Plant (SVS) MT/M Sulphonates
2.Phenol Sulphonic Acid
5. Diethyl Sulphate Plant (DES) 200 1.Diethyl Sulphate

6. Multi Purpose Plant - 1 50 MT/M 1. Sulphamic Acid

(MPP-1) 2. N-Phenyl Benzene Sulphonamide
3. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl
4. 4-Methyl Mercapto Acetophenone
5. Para Nitro Benzene Sulphonyl
6. Lasamide
7. Potassium Salt of Sulphonated
8. Methyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic
9. Ethyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic
10. 1,3-Benzene Disulphonyl Chloride
11. Menthyl Lactate
7. Multi Purpose Plant - 2 50 MT/M 1. Diethyl Ether
(MPP-2) 2. Methane Sulphonic Anhydride
3. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone
4. 3,3-Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone
5. 3,3-Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone

Sr. Capacity Name of Products to be
Production Block
No. of Block manufactured
6. Para Chloro Thiophenol
7. Bis (4-Chlorophenyl) Disulphide
8. Thiophenol
9. Diethyl Phthalate
10. Dimethyl Phthalate
11. Dimethyl Aniline
12. Mono Methyl Aniline
13. Diethyl Aniline
14. Sodium Isethionate
15. 4,4-Dichloro Diphenyl Sulphone
16. Mono Ethyl Aniline
8. Benzene Sulphonic Acid and 20 MT/M 1. Benzene Sulphonic Acid/Other
Other Sulphonic Acids Plant Sulphonic Acids
(BSA) 2. Silicon Sulphate
3. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonic Acid
4. Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid


The basic sources of pollution from the existing and proposed expansion of commodity
chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit are mainly operations and processes
in the industry, boiler, Thermopack and DG Sets.
Detailed identification and quantification of impacts, due to above mentioned sources,
arepresented under the heads-(1) Water Pollution (2) Air Pollution (3) Noise Pollution (4)
Hazardous Wastes (5) Solid Waste (6) Land Pollution.

2.7.1 Water Pollution

Water pollution may be defined as presence of impurities in water in such quantities and of
such nature that impair/restrict use of water for the stated purpose. In short, it can be said that
the water is not potable. Fresh water requirement for the proposed activity shall be taken from
MIDC water supply scheme. In TDMCCL, water shall be required for process, washing
(laboratory, floor andcleaning of equipments), boiler, cooling tower make up as well as for
domestic purpose.

The assignment w.r.t. water pollution (WP) aspect was done by Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar Thorat
who is an empaneled EEIPL’s Functional Area Expert (FAE) for WP. Total Water Requirement

1370 CMD fresh water consumption is sanction for existing unit as per valid MPCB CTO
dated 21.04.2015. The daily water requirement in the industry for various operations and
processes has been shown in the following table -

Table 2.21 Total Water Requirement under Existing and Expansion Activities

Water Consumption (CMD)

No. Description Existing
Expansion After Expansion
(As per CTO)
1. Domestic #
90 0 #
2. Industrial
# # #
a. Process 520 50 570
b. Laboratory & Washing
# #
c. Cooling Makeup 725 167 892 (#672+*220)
# # #
d. Boiler Feed 25 5 30
# # #
Industrial Total 1270 222 1492 ( 1272 +*220)
# #
3. Gardening 10 0 10
# # #
4. Total (1+2+3) 1370 222
1592 ( 1372 +*220)
Recycle 14%
Note: - Fresh water from MIDC water supply scheme, * - Treated Effluent Recycle

Total water requirement after expansion for proposed project would be 1592 CMD. Out of
which 220 CMD (14 %) would be treated water from ETP whereas 1372 CMD (86%) would
be fresh water taken from MIDC water supply scheme. Fresh water requirement for project is
met from the MIDC water supply scheme. The MIDC procures water from Kundalika River
and after treatment the same is provided to different industries in the MIDC. Refer Appendix
-F for Certificate of Merit for Water Resource Management in Chemical Industry by Indian
Chemical Council (ICC) and Appendix -G for Water Permission Letter.

From fact presented above, it is observed that through change in product mix additional
permissionis not required for fresh water under proposed expansion. Current permission for
fresh water granted in valid CTO is adequate under proposed expansion. Total Effluent Generation

Total 300 CMD effluent generation from trade and domestic is sanction for existing unitas
per valid MPCB CTO dated 21.04.2015. The details of effluent generation under existing and
proposed expansion are as follows -

Table 2.22 Total Effluent Generation under Existing and Expansion Activities

Effluent Generation (CMD)

No. Description
Existing Expansion After Expansion
1. Domestic 9.6 1.8 11.4
2. Industrial
a. Process 60 10 70
b. Laboratory & Washing 45 0 45
c. Cooling Tower B/d 89 20 109
d. Boiler B/d 6 0.5 6.5
Industrial Total (a+b+c+d) 200 30.5 230.5
3. Total (1+2) 209.6 32.3 241.9

Effluent generated from existing manufacturing and utility operations is to the tune of 209.6
CMD which is treated in existing ETP of 300 CMD capacity comprising of Primary,
Secondary and Tertiary treatment operations. At present, the treated water from ETP,
achieving prescribed standards is discharged to Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP),
Roha.Presently, domestic wastewater is treated in septic tanks followed by soak pits. The
overflow from soak pits is used for gardening purpose.

Industrial effluent generated from spillages, leakages and floor washings from all process
plants, comes to the grit chamber through underground pipelines. Oily mater that floats on the
top is skimmed off. The effluent is then taken to the equalization tanks from where it is sent
to the neutralizer. Lime slurry is prepared in the slurry tank. Lime slurry can be fed to the
equalization tank or to the neutralizer. pH of the effluent is maintained between7-8.
Neutralized effluent is then pumped to the primary clarifier. The clear water from the top of
the clarifier overflows into the two bio-reactors which are in series and sludge from the
bottom of primary clarifier is fed to fully automatic pneumatic filter. Filtrate from the filter is
pumped back to the primary clarifier. Water from bioreactors overflows into the secondary
clarifier. Water from the secondary clarifier is passed through tertiary filter (carbon and sand
filter) by pump. This water is pumped to the CETP through MIDC sewers sludge from the
bottom of secondary clarifier is fed to fully automatic pneumatic filter. Dry filter cake is sent
to Common Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage & Disposal Facility (CHWTSDF), Taloja,
Mumbai for final disposal. Refer Appendix – H for Certificate of Merit for Efficient Waste
Management in Chemical Industry by Indian Chemical Council (ICC) and Appendix -I for
CHWTSDF Membership Letter.

Under expansion, the management has decided to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) by
installation of evaporators and the condensate would be recycled in industrial operations. No
any effluent would be discharged outside the premises. Moreover, for domestic waste water,
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 20 CMD is proposed. The treated water from STP would
be used for gardening.
From fact presented above, it is observed that current ETP has the capacity to treat additional
load from expansionthrough change in product mix.

Table 2.23 Details of ETP

Sr. Length Diameter Height Volume

Description Function
No. (m) (m) (m) (m3)
1. GritChamber 3.75 1.48 3.1 17.21 Separation of floating impurities
2. EqualizationTank -1 NA 2.85 3.8 24.24
Homogenization of influent
3. EqualizationTank -2 2.9 1.4 2.9 11.77
4. Neutralization Tank NA 2.65 2.73 15.05 Neutralization
5. Primary Clarifier NA 6.8 2.7 98.05
Settling of suspended particles
6. Secondary Clarifier NA 6.6 2.03 69.45
7. Aeration Tank -1 7.6 7.5 2.8 159.6 Mix, circulate, or dissolve air
8. Aeration Tank -2 7.6 7.5 2.8 159.6 into a liquid or another substance
9. Sludge Bed-1 7.8 6.5 1.7 86.19
Liquid drain and for drying
10. Sludge Bed-2 6.6 5.7 1.7 63.95
11. V-Notch Tank 3.6 2.4 1.5 12.96 For collection of treated effluent

Refer Figure 2.2 for Photographs of Existing ETP, Figure 2.3 for Flow diagram of ETP and
Figure 2.4 for Layout of ETP of TDMCCL.


Figure 2.3 Flow diagram of ETP

Capacity of ETP - 300 CMD

Parameters Unit Inlet Outlet

pH -- 3-4 7-7.5
COD mg / lit 4000-5000 200-250
BOD mg / lit 2000-2500 70-80
TDS mg / lit 3500-4000 1500-1900
SS mg / lit 300-350 50-80

Figure 2.4 Layout of ETP

PROJECT DESCRIPTION...2 Solvent Recovery System

Various solvents are being used during the manufacturing process of commodity chemicals
and speciality chemicals. These solvents are recovered and reused in process. The path of
solvent recovery being followed is presented as follows-
 After completion of reaction the solvents are recovered in a distillation unit.
 The distillation unit has two condensers (shell and tube type).
 The first condenser has cooling tower water, while the second condenser has the chilled
water at 0 - 20 C as coolants.
 After the vapors are condensed, the condensate along with un-condensed vapors is passed
through a trap which is cooled externally with chilled water.
 The vents of condenser and receiver are connected to scrubber system.
 All the reaction vessels and centrifuges are connected to a common line. These fumes and
exhausts are sucked by ID fan and scrubbed by alkali.
 The air after scrubbing is let out into the atmosphere and the scrubbed water is sent to
ETP for further treatment.
 This wet scrubber absorbs acidic vapors, traces of solvents etc. and purified gas stream is
let out into the atmosphere.
 For the acid mist control two No’s of mist eliminators are provided.

Product-wise solvent recovery is presented in following table -

Table 2.24 Quantification of Recovered Solvent

Input Quantity
Quantity % of
Sr. Product Quantity recovered
Stage Solvent lost solvent
No. Name of solvent and recycled
(Kg/batch) recovered
(Kg/batch) (Kg/batch)
1. 4,4’ DHDPS Reaction Mesitylene 430 425 5 99
2. 4,4’ DHDPS Isolation Ethanol 400 336 64 85
3. Menthyl
Reaction MCB 300 288 12 96
4. 3,3’ DAPS Reaction Ethanol (50%) 250 200 50 80

Note: The above solvents are not included in Class 1 category.

2.7.2 Air Pollution

Air Pollution can be defined as presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more air
contaminants (i.e. dust, fumes, gas, mist, odour, smoke or vapour) in sufficient quantities, of
such characteristics and of such duration so as to threaten to be injurious to human, plant or
animal life or to property, or which reasonably interferes with comfortable enjoyment of life
or property.
The assignment w.r.t. Air Pollution (AP) aspect was done by Mr. Yuvraj Damugade who is
an in-house EEIPL’s FAE and also involved in the overall exercise w.r.t. Air Quality and
Modeling studies i.e. AQ aspect w.r.t. the project.

Under existing unit as well as proposed expansion main source of emissions are boiler,
thermopack and DG Sets. Major emissions are in the form of suspended particulate matter

(SPM), SOx and NOx. The existing boiler (5 TPH capacity) is operated on Furnace oil (FO)
@ 63 kg/hr with adequate stack height of 35 m and Thermic Fluid Heater (TFH, 4 lakhs
Kcal/hr capacity) is operated on High speed diesel (HSD) @ 47 kg/hr with stack height of
30m are provided on site. DG sets of capacities 125, 830 and 1310 KVA are operated on
HSD / Light diesel oil (LDO) @ 210 kg/hr with adequate stack height of 4.20 m, 7.70 m, 7.70
mrespectively above roof level (ARL). DG sets are used
o n l y i n c ase of power failure. Moreover, process emissions are in the form of acidic/
alkaline/solvent vapours emitted from existing. The same is taken care off through seven
scrubbers each of 5 kg/hr capacity. Existing scrubbers will be utilized under expansion
Existing boiler, TFH and DG sets are sufficient for proposed expansion. Boiler runs
occasionally as steam is available from Sulphuric acid plant only. (Steam generated from
Sulphuric Acid Plant : 335 MTD at 40 kg/cm2 at 4000C)

Table 2.25 Details of Stack

Description Boiler TFH DG Set (3 No.)
1. Stack No. S-7 S-2 S-4, S-5, S-6
2. Capacity 5 TPH 4 lakhs Kcal/hr 125,830,1310 KVA
3. Fuel type FO HSD HSD / LDO
4. Fuel quantity (kg/hr) 63 47 210
6. Shape Round Round Round
7. Stack Height (m) 35 30 4.20,7.70,7.70 ARL
8. Diameter/size (m) 0.35 0.3 0.41,0.41,0.75
9. Calorific Value, in kcal/kg 10000 10500 10000
10. Sulphur Content, % (w/w) 3.5 Max. 1.0 1.0
11. Ash Content, in % (w/w) 0.15 Max. 2.0 --
12. Gas quantity (Nm3/hr) 5390 789 10932
13. Gas Temperature (0C) 165 99 160
14. Exit gas velocity (m/sec) 3.3 3.1 7.1
15. Source of Pollution SPM, SOx and NOx Transportation details for Products

Table 2.26 Transportation Details of Final Product

Distance Qty. of Product

Sr. Mode of Truck/ Frequency
Product Name Travelled Transported
No. Transport Tanker of vehicles
(km) (MT/M)
1. Sulphuric Acid Road Tanker 15 / Day 150 6750
2. Oleum (23 %) Road Tanker 1 / Week 150 100
3. Oleum (65 %) Road Tanker 2 / Day 130 1200
4. Sulphur Trioxide Road Tanker 2 / Week 150 80
Benzene Sulphonyl ISO
5. Road 3 / Week 200 300
Chloride Tanks
6. Diethyl Sulphate Road Tanker 1 / Week 130 50
7. Chlorosulphonic Road Tanker 2 / Month 130 30
Distance Qty. of Product
Sr. Mode of Truck/ Frequency
Product Name Travelled Transported
No. Transport Tanker of vehicles
(km) (MT/M)
Sodium Vinyl ISO
8. Road 2 / Week Export 200
Sulphonate Tanks
Phenol Sulphonic
9. Road Truck 1 / Month 700 50
N-Phenyl Benzene
10. Road Truck 4 / Month 600 50
11. Diethyl Ether Road Truck 4 / Month 500 50
Benzene Sulphonic
12. Road Truck 4 / Month 1200 20
Acid Transportation details for Raw Materials

Table 2.27 Transportation details of Raw Material

Distance Qty. of RM
Sr. Raw Material Mode of Truck / Frequency
Travelled Transported
No. (RM) Transport Tanker of vehicles
(km) (MT/M)
1. Sulphur Solid Road Truck 9 / Day 1700 2700
2. Sulphur Molten Road Tanker 2 / Day 130 1000
3. Benzene Road Tanker 1 / 2 Day 130 225
4. Caustic Lye Road Tanker 2 / Week 250 200
5. SDS Road Tanker 2 / Week 200 100 KL/M
6. Liquor Ammonia Road Tanker 1 / Week 130 30
7. Hydrochloride Acid Road Tanker 4 / Week 4 120
8. Phenol Road Truck 1 / Month 130 10
9. Aniline Road Tanker 2 / Month 400 16 Process Emissions

Process emissions are in the form of acidic/alkaline/solvent vapours and are controlled
through installation of Scrubbers. Production units are provided with scrubbers. There would
be in allseven scrubbers on site after expansion. Details of same are given in following table-

Table 2.28 Details of scrubbers

Scrubber Packing Mode of
Process Scrubbing Recycle/
Sr. Stack Attached No. of Dia. Ht. Material regeneration
Emission Media used Reuse of
No. No. to Process Scrubbers (m) (m) used in of the Packing
scrubbed in scrubber Scrubbed
Plant scrubber Material
Intalox 5 to10%
SO2, SO3, Washing after
1. 3 SA 1 2 9.63 Ceramic Caustic
Acid Mist with water treatment
Saddles solution
in ETP
Water Berl Washing Dilute
2. 6 BSCl 0.5 2 HCl Water
scrubber : Ceramic with water HCl is

Scrubber Packing Mode of
Process Scrubbing Recycle/
Sr. Stack Attached No. of Dia. Ht. Material regeneration
Emission Media used Reuse of
No. No. to Process Scrubbers (m) (m) used in of the Packing
scrubbed in scrubber Scrubbed
Plant scrubber Material
2 Saddles recycled
to CSA
Sent to
Alkali Berl
Washing ETP
scrubber : 0.5 6 HCl Ceramic Water
with water treatment
1 Saddles
in ETP
Intalox Recycled
Washing Liquid
3. 5 CSA 3 0.9 5.37 HCl Ceramic back to
with water SO3
Saddles CSA Plant Fugitive Emissions

The sources of fugitive emissions identified under existing and expansion activities are - (a)
Process Operations (b) Related Miscellaneous Operations (c) Material Storage (d) Equipment
Leaks (e) Fuel Storage Area

 Process operations -Here emissions from loading - unloading, mixing and filling
operations are taken into considerations

 Material Loading Emissions - Emissions may occur during material loading in mixing
and filling due to the displacement of organic vapours. Emissions may be emitted from a
mixing tank when the device is uncovered or when a lid is open.

 Surface Evaporation - Surface evaporation may occur during mixing,

dispersingoperations etc. if the vessel contents are exposed to the atmosphere.

 Filling Losses - Emissions from product filling occur during transfer and free-fall into the
receiving container.

An emission control system typically consists of a capture device and a removal device. The
capture device (such as a hood or enclosure) captures the emission-laden air from the
emission area and ducts carry the exhaust air stream to removal equipment such as a recovery
device or a destructive control device. The volatile matter getting release from the storage
tanks, process piping, reactors, fuel storage and combustion are handled by various
preventive measures mentioned as below -

 Solvent Recovery System: To Control of Solvent Losses and Process Emissions.

 The raw materials bags are opened in dispensing rooms provided with ID Fan
followed by bag filters and scrubbers for controlling the emission released during
handling of material.
 Each and every process emissions is passed through scrubber and finally released
into atmosphere through adequate stack height.
 Preventive maintenance is done so as to prevent any leakage and spillage and thereby
reducing the fugitive emission sources.
 Green belt is provided on all sides of fuel storage yard.

2.7.3 Solid Waste

Solid wastes from the Industries are categorized as hazardous and non-hazardous. Non-
hazardous waste is defined as the waste that contributesno damage to human or animal life.
However, it only adds to the quantity of waste.

The assignment w.r.t. Solid and Hazardous Wastes (SHW) aspect was done by Mr. Vinay
Kumar Kurakula who is an empanelled EEIPL’s Functional Area Expert (FAE) for
SHW.Details of solid waste generated or to be generated from existing and expansion
activities are given in following table-

Table 2.29 Solid Waste for Existing and Expansion Activities

Sr. Type of Quantity (kg/Annum)

No. Solid Waste Existing Expansion Total
1. Paper Waste 100 0 100 Sale to
2. Broken Glass 10 0 10 Authorized Party
3. HDPE Bags 100 0 100
4. Sulphur Sludge 120 MT/Annum 0 120 MT/Annum CHWTSDF, Taloja

2.7.4 Hazardous Wastes

Wastes that pose substantial dangers immediately or over a period of time to human, plant or
animal life are classified as Hazardous Wastes (HW). The different types of hazardous wastes
generation details have been shown in following table-

Table 2.30 Hazardous Wastes for Existing and Expansion Activities

Type of Quantity (kg/Day)

Hazardous Category Disposal
No. Existing Expansion Total
Chemical CHWTSDF,
Sludge from Taloja / Sale
1. 35.3 833 109 942
Waste Water to Authorized
Treatment Party
Residues , Dust Membership
2. 17.1 203 0 203 No.- MWML
or Filter cakes
- HzW - ROH
4000 4000 - 313
3. Spent Catalyst 17.2 0
Lit./Annum Lit./Annum (Valid up to

Refer Appendix-I for CHWTSDF membership letter. Storage of Hazardous Wastes

The hazardous waste generated from manufacturing operations as well as from

wastewaterpurification processes would be stored in a leachate proof tank which shall be
stored in aleachate proof yard to be provided on site. Following Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6
shows the section of storage tank and storage area. The details w.r.t. packing, storage,
transportation and disposal of hazardous waste are provided in following table -
Table 2.31 Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Waste

Sr. Hazardous Waste Mode of Mode of

Storage Disposal
No. with Categories Packing Transportation
1. Cat. No. 35.3 - Sludge Drums, Through trucks CHWTSDF
Chemical Sludge generated in the containers and of Authorized
from Waste Water ETP treatment ETP sludge transporter
Treatment process collected bags are stored
into sludge bed in dedicated
where after the Hazardous
same are bagged Waste Storage
for dispatch to yard in the
CHWTSDF premises.
2. Cat. No. 17.1 - They will be These drums, Through trucks CHWTSDF
Residues, Dust or bagged and containers and of Authorized
Filter cakes dispatched to bags will not be transporter
CHWTSDF stored for more
3. Cat. No. 17.2 - Stored in than ninety Through trucks Sale to
Spent Catalyst Hazardous days on site. of Authorized Authorized
Waste Storage transporter Party/

Figure 2.5 Hazardous Waste Storage Tank


Figure 2.6 3D Diagram of Hazardous Waste Storage Tank

2.7.5 Noise Pollution

Noise is normally defined as objectionable or unwanted sound which is without agreeable

quality and essentially non-euphonious. The concern on noise depends upon noise level near
the source, in the work environment and near residential zone. Earlier, noise was summarized
to be exclusively an occupational problem. But since the effects are found also on people who
are not directly involved, it has acquired wider dimension. Hence, it is necessary to know the
noise levels near the sources as well as near residential colonies. Sources of Noise Pollution

There is no any major noise generating sources in proposed expansion activities. The noise
generating sources under existing unit are Boiler, Reactors, Compressors and DG Set etc. The
same would be kept in isolated areas. Further, proper acoustic treatments wherever required
would also be provided to have the ambient noise levels as per CPCB standards. Among
these, prominent source of noise would be the Boiler house. The workers would be provided
with earmuffs and other Personal Protective Equipments (PPE’s) which would give the
reduction of 30 dB (A). The DG Sets would also be considered as one of the major sources of
noise generation. However, this is not continuous source. Only in case of power failure, DG
Set would be operated. Isolated and sound insulating structural arrangements would be
provided to DG set. Moreover, as per Noise Pollution Regulation and Control (Amendment)
Rules, 2010 it is enclosed in a canopy. Also, a silencer is provided to it as noise pollution
control equipment.

Table 2.32 Noise Levels within the Industry

Noise Area Within the Industry Noise level in dB (A)
1. Sulphuric Acid Plant 54
2. Chloro Sulphonic Acid Plant 54
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride Plant 51
4. Sodium Vinyl Sulphamate Plant 46
5. Diethyl Sulphate Plant 45
6. Benzene Sulphonic Acid and Other Sulphonic Acids Plant 42
7. Biological Treatment Plant 49
8. Maintenance DG shed 61

2.7.6 Odour Pollution

There are different odours sources in the existing set up, which include raw material and
product storage places, process operations, loading/unloading sections etc. which could give
rise to smell nuisance. To abate the odour problem, the industry has taken following steps in
its existing unit. Under expansion same practice shall be adopted.

 All the feed, loading and unloading pumps for products and raw materials are fitted with
mechanical seals instead of glands to reduce leakages through pumps.
 The products and raw materials loading and unloading area are provided with fumes
extraction system comprising of circulation pump with blower and scrubber. The bulk
storage tanks are connected to scrubber for taking care of fumes coming out from vent.
 The scrubbers are filled with plain water depending on the nature of the fumes.
 Adoption of Good Management Practices (GMPs).
 Arranging awareness and training camps for workers.
 Provision and use of PPE’s like masks by everybody associated with odour potential
prone areas.
 Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to
remove and control odour from work zone areas.

2.7.7 Land Pollution

Land pollution may occur through a number of actions such as use of untreated effluent for
gardening / irrigation, dumping of solid wastes in an uncontrolled manner and overall
inefficient housekeeping and bad operation practices. Appropriate and adequate management
practices including good housekeeping and periodic monitoring of various attributes
contributing to dust are being undertaken in existing unitand same practice shall be adopted
under expansion activities.

2.7.8 Anticipated Occupational Health Hazards and Safety

 The Occupational Healthand Safety (OHS) hazards anticipated in the plant is mostly due
to chemical exposure hazard and physical hazard due to electrical and mechanical
operations and maintenance works.
 Major anticipated occupational health and safety hazards are due to chemical exposure.
 Accidental skin or eye irritation andburns, respiratory andpulmonary diseases on
exposure to chemicals orsolvent vapours, inhalation of chemical vapours.

 Liver, Kidney, CNS, CVS functions on chronic exposure.
 Accidents resulting from unsafe conditions due to poor housekeeping and not using the
 Accidents due to unsafe practice of operation and maintenance like gas cutting and
wielding may lead to injuries to various parts of the body.
 Muscular and skeletal disorders like muscular pains, spinal and joint pains due to
ergonomic problems, lifting with wrong postures etc.


The capital as well as Operational and Maintenance (O & M) cost towards environmental
aspects under proposed activities would be as follows -

Table 2.33 Capital as well as O & M Cost

Cost Component
Description (Rs. Lakhs)
Capital O & M/Year
1. Air Pollution Control (APC) - Scrubbers, Stacks 5 20
2. Water Pollution Control (WPC) - ETP, ZLD 150 150
3. Noise Pollution Control (NPC) 20 --
4. Occupational Health and Safety -- 7
5. Environmental Monitoring and Management -- 1.6
6. Green Belt Development -- 10
7. Other
7a. Sulphur Sediment to MWML -- 13.44
7b. Waste Catalyst to MWML -- 0.5
Total 175 202.54


As mentioned under Table No.2.3; the total plot area of TDMCCL is 88355m2 (8.84 Ha). An
area of 40925m2 is the actual area on which the industrialactivities are carried out. As per
MoEFCC norm 2.95 Ha area (around 4425 trees) is to be brought under green belt which
accounts for 33 % of plot area. But under existing unit only 1000 trees have been planted.
Under expansion, green belt will be augmented by 3500 No. of trees. After commissioning of
the expansion the existing green belt shall be subsequently augmented in phase wise manner.
Thick plantation barrier will be provided on the periphery of the MIDC industrial plot.
Augmentation of avenue tree plantation along all the internal and approach roads shall be
done. Refer Figure 2.7 for Photographs of Existing green belt.


Being a chemical based industry here collection of the rainwater getting accumulated from
direct precipitation on the total roof area is taken in to account. The rainwater thus becoming
available from terraces as well as roofs of various structures and units in the industrial
premises is collected through arrangements of channels and pipes to be provided as per
appropriate slopes at the roof level. The collected rain water is then taken to ground and
either stored in open excavated tanks / ditches in the ground in the premises. The total
amount of water that isreceived in the form of rainfall over an area is called the rainwater

endowment of that area. Out of this, the amount that can be effectively harvested is called the
water harvesting potential. For the calculation of harvested rain water which would become
available subsequent to rooftop harvesting, a computation method from the ‘Hydrology and
Water Resource Engineering’ has been adopted. There under, “A. N. Khosla’s Formula” has
been followed. The allied calculations are as under -

Table 2.34 Details of Roof Top Area

Sr. No. Description Length x Width Area (square feet)

1. Control Room SA 40 x 20 800
2. A Type Building (30x25) x 3 2250
3. D Type Building (30x25) x 3 2250
4. CType Building (50x22) x 2 2200
5. Canteen Hall 100 x 28 2800
6. Engineering stores 80 x 40 3200
7. Admin Building 60 x 30 1800
8. ETP Shed 90 x 40 3600
Total Area - 18900

The average annual rainfall in the area = 3029 mm.

Now, as per “A. N. Khosla’s Formula”, the average annual accumulation can becalculated by
using the following equation-

R = [P- (t/2.12)]

R = Average annual accumulation in cm, for the catchment area.
P =The corresponding average annual rainfall or precipitation in cm, over the entire
catchment. (In current case it is 3029 mm i.e. 303 cm)
t=Mean annual temperature in degree centigrade. (In current case it is 26.40C.)

∴The accumulation on the entire catchment area will be,

R = [303 - (26.4/2.12)]
= 290.54 say 291 cm

∴ Volume acquired by this accumulation water will be,

= 291 cm × Roof Top Area
= 2.91 m × 1756 m2
= 5109.96 m3


Chapter 3



This chapter incorporates description of existing environmental status in the 'Study Area'
which is a region within a circle of 10 Km radius with the industry / plant at its center. The
existing environmental condition of the study area is representative of impacts due to all the
industries, units and projects in it and is described with respect to the topography, climate,
hydro-geological aspects, atmospheric conditions, water quality, soil characteristics, flora,
fauna, socio-economic profile, land use and places of archaeological importance. The study
area in respect of proposed expansion project by TDMCCL is located at Plot No. 105 in
MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad. The project site lies
between 18°25'33.00'' N Latitude and 73°08'31.41" E Longitude.


The term Land Use relates to the human activity or economic function associated with a
specific piece of Land, while the term Land Cover relates to the type of feature present on the
surface of the earth (Lillesand and Kiefer, 2000). The knowledge of Land Use Land Cover is
important for many planning and management activities as it is considered as an essential
element for modeling and understanding the earth system. Land use maps are presently being
developed from local to National to Global Scales for Environmental Impact Studies. The
satellite Remote Sensing technology has found its acceptance worldwide for rapid resource
assessment and monitoring, particularly in the developing world. All these advancement have
widened the applicability of Remotely Sensed data in various areas, like forest cover,
vegetation type mapping, and their changes in regional scale. If satellite data is judiciously
used along with the sufficient ground data, it is possible to carry out detailed forest
inventories, monitoring of land Use and vegetation cover at various scales.

The assignment w.r.t. land use and land cover mapping of study area using LISS IV Satellite
Image has been done by Mr. Vinaykumar Kurakula who is an empanelled Functional Area
Expert (FAE) of EEIPL for LU & LC. The scope of work methodology involved and allied
details are presented in following paragraphs.

3.2.1 Scope of Work

Major objective of the assignment was to prepare LU & LC of the study area and
simultaneously demarcating topographic features especially emphasizing drainage map of the

3.2.2 Study Area

For the present study, an area of 10 Km radius from TDMCCL Plant (which comes about
314.15 m2) has been marked and selected as per guidelines. Also, there are many industries
located in study area. The lists of major industrial units have been tabulated in Table 3.2 and
their sources of pollution have been mentioned in chapter - 4. Existing status of industrial
areas in Raigad district are mentioned in following table -


Table 3.1 Existing Status of Industrial Areas in Raigad district

No. of
Name of Area No. of Plots No. of Plots Prevailing Rate Per
Area (In Ha.) Developed Allotted m2 (In Rs.)
Mahad 471.96 339 337 295/- 136
Add.Mahad 429.49 139 128 250/- 15
Roha 244.69 129 129 800/- 97
Usar 217.19 2 2 335/- 02
Nagothane 895.33 3 3 875/- 03
Vile Bhagad 764.16 427 417 635/- 0
Taloja 863.19 436 423 6645/- 326
Patalganga 647.62 17 -- 2260/- --
Total 4533.63 149 1439 -- 579

Table 3.2 List of Major Industries near TDMCCL Industry

Name of the Industry Address
1. Rhodia Specialty Chemicals India Plot No.103/104 MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
Limited (Formaly Albright & Wilson
Chemicals India Ltd.)
2. Anshul Specialty Molecules Limited Plot No.108, 109 & 110 MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.:
3. Aryan Pesticides Private Limited Plot No.1, 2, 26 & 27 MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.:
4. Bec Chemicals Private Limited Plot No. 24, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
5. Calchem Industries India Limited Plot No. 61 & 62, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
6. Clariant Chemicals India Limited Plot No.113/114, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.

7. Excel Industries Limited Plot No.112, 20/1, Os-2, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.:
8. Iftex Oil & Chemicals Limited Plot No.22/2, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
9. Kisan Irrigations Limited Plot No. 69/70, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
10. Kores (India) Limited Plot No. 59A, 65b, 66c & 66a, MIDC Area,
Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
11. Lime Chemicals Limited Plot No. 43, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
12. Mark Omega Organic Industries Plot No. 44/45, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
13. Neelikon Food Dyes & Chemicals Ltd. Plot No. 67, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
14. Pepsico India Holdings Limited Plot100/1, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
15. Rathi Dye Chem Limited Plot No. 40, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
16. Roha Dychem Private Limited Plot No. 42, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
17. Sadhana Nitro Chem Limited Plot No. 47, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
18. Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd. Plot No. 46, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
19. Arjun Food Colorants Manufacturing Plot No. 22/1-B, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
Private Limited
20. Unichem Laboratories Private Limited Plot No. 99, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.
21. Vidhi Dyestuffs Manufacturing Ltd. 59/B/68, MIDC Area, Dhatav, Tal.: Roha.


3.2.3 Purpose of Land Use Mapping

Land use study requires data regarding topography, zoning, settlement, industry, forest, roads
and traffic etc. The collection of this data was done from various secondary sources viz.
census books, revenue records, state and central government offices, Survey of India
toposheet etc. and through primary field surveys as well as high resolution multi spectral
satellite image from IRS RESOURCESAT 2 Satellite with LISS IV sensor. The date of pass
of the image is 08.01.2016. The image has a spatial resolution of 5M x 5M. Apart from
LULC Map, topographic features of the region were extracted covering village locations,
streams, roads, river in the satellite image. In addition to this, natural drainage network is also
captured to prepare drainage map as required. The purposes of land use studies are -

 To determine the present land use pattern

 To analyze the impact on land use due to industrial growth in the study area
 To give recommendations for optimizing the future land use pattern vis-à-vis growth of
industries in the study area and its associated impacts

3.2.4 Methodology for LU & LC Study

The overall methodology adopted and followed to achieve the objectives of the present study
involves the following steps -

 Satellite data of IRS Resourcesat-2 sensor is geometrically corrected and enhanced using
principal component method and Nearest Neighborhood resampling technique.
 Preparation of basic themes like layout map, transport & settlement map and from the
satellite image by visual interpretation.
 Essential maps (related to natural resources) like Land use / Land cover map are prepared
by visual interpretation of the satellite imagery. Visual interpretation is carried out based
on the image characteristics like tone, size, shape, pattern, texture, location, association,
background etc. in conjunction with existing maps / literature.
 Preliminary quality check and necessary corrections are carried out for all the maps
 All the maps prepared are converted into soft copy by digitization of contours and
drainages. In that process editing, labeling, mosaicing, quality checking, data integration
etc. are done, finally Land use areas are measured in Square Kilometers. Refer Figure 3.1
for Google Image showing 10 km radius study area circle.


Figure 3.1 Google Image Showing 10 Km Radius Study Area Circle


Figure 3.2 Process Flow Chart

3.2.5 Satellite Data: Obtained from NRSC, Hyderabad

Table 3.3 Source of Satellite Data

Sr. No. Satellite Data Date Format

1. IRS–Resourcesat2 18 DEC 2016 TIFF

Since all the data of the study area were geo-referenced to UTM 43N WGS84 projection
system, the satellite images were also obtained with the same coordinate system from NRSA.
Before image classification was carried out, the satellite image was pre-processed. All the
processing and classification of the satellite images were performed in the ERDAS Imagine
9.1 software. The data was delivered in separate bands of 2, 3 and 4. As such, the first step
was to stack together to get a composite. The scenes were then mosaiced together since the
study area covered parts of both the scenes. Once a satisfactory mosaic was done whereby the
joins were no longer visible and the radiometric resolution of both the scenes were matched.
This subset of the original images was then run through the unsupervised classification tool
of the software to finally create the grouping of classes present in the study area. The location
of TDMCCL industry is shown on satellite image in Figure 3.3 and visual interpretation keys
used for the study are given in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.3 Satellite Image


Figure 3.4 Visual Interpretation Key Used for the Study

Project Site Settlement Industrial Area

Railway line &Roads Crop Land Fallow Land

Water Bodies River Forest Area


It includes study of topographic features and land use under which area statistics for Land
Use Land Cover classes and Land Use Land Cover statistics are included.

3.3.1 Topographical Features

Topographical Data: Obtained from Survey of India

Table 3.4 Source of Topographical Data

Sr. No. Toposheet No. Type Format

1. 42 F2, 42F3 Scanned TIFF

In the present study, the essential maps generated from topo-sheets are layout map, drainage
map, Contour Map. The maps are prepared to a certain scale and with attributes complying
with the requirement of ToR. The location of entities on the earth’s surface is then specified
by means of an agreed co-ordinate system. For most GIS, the common frame of co-ordinate
system used for the study is UTM co-ordinates system. All the maps are first Geo-referenced.
The same procedure was also applied on remote sensing data before it is used to prepare the
Essential maps. The topographical map (Refer Figure 3.5) of industrial site of scale 1:75000
was obtained from Survey of India.


Figure 3.5 Topographical Map


3.3.2 Eco-Sensitive Map

Eco-sensitive map is a matter of more concern because the project should not hamper the
natural eco system and surrounding natural resources. The Eco- sensitive map of the project
site was developed on the Maharashtra state map showing all the eco-sensitive area of
Maharashtra state. The proposed expansion unit is in MIDC area, there are no eco-sensitive
areas within the 10 km of proposed expansion unit. The nearest sanctuary is Phansad Wild
life Sanctuary. Although, there are no eco-sensitive areas with 10 km of proposed unit, the
plant management shall take precautionary measures and not to release pollutants that can
damage the surrounding eco system.

The Eco-sensitive map (Refer Figure 3.6) showing Wild Life Sanctuary and National Park in
Maharashtra state.

Figure 3.6 Map showing Wild Life Sanctuary and National Park in Maharashtra

3.3.3 Land Use Map Analysis

Land use Map Analysis done based on the image color, texture, Tone etc. Following steps are
used to analyze the Land use pattern of project site -

 Collection of IRS Resourcesat-2 images and made fused and blended the images for color
combinations using Image interpreter-Utilities and Layer stack option available in
 Identification AOI and made a buffer of 10 km radius.
 Enhance the Fused and blended IRS Resourcesat-2 image using the Spatial, Radiometric
and Temporal options in ERDAS.


 Rectified the IRS Resourcesat-2 image using Georeferencing technique, Toposheet to get
UTM coordinate system.
 Subset the IRS Resourcesat-2 images and Toposheet using 10 Km buffer AOI.
 Automatic classifications done for IRS Resourcesat-2 images using maximum iterations
and number of options in unsupervised classification options.
 Created the signature file by selecting the more samples of different features with AOI on
Unsupervised classification image.
 Export to Vector layer from supervised classification image.
 Conducting QC / QA and finalized the data.

3.3.4 Land Use of Study Area

Land use map (Refer Figure 3.8) developed was based on the image color, texture, tone and
also ground truth verification data. Ground truth verification was carried out to validate the
results of classified image and reconciliation was carried out with actual location of land
mark features such as water bodies, agriculture land etc.

The supervised classification of the satellite image revealed following classes -

Table 3.5 Area Statistics for Land Use & Land Cover Classes

Sr. No. Classes Area (Ha) Percentage (%)

1. Built Up Area 1635 5.20
2. Crop Land 7102 22.61
3. Fallow Land 1090 3.47
4. Scrub Land 8625 27.45
5. River 465 1.48
6. Mining Area 515 1.64
7. Forest Area 11915 37.93
8. Water Bodies 68 0.22
Total 31415 100.00

Figure 3.7 Graphical Presentation of Land Use & Land Cover Classification

Land Use Classification

0.22% 5.20%

Built Up Area
Crop Land

22.61% Fallow Land

3.47% Scurb Land
Mining Area
Forest Area
1.64% Water Bodies


Figure 3.8 Land Use and Land Cover Map



 Built Up Area: Built Up Area cover about 5.20 % of area within 10 km radius of study
area. The surrounding villages around the project site are well developed with road,
electricity and water connectivity.

 Cropland: 22.61 % of the study are is crop land, the major crop in the area are rice and

 Fallow land: Fallow land that covers about 3.47% area within 10 km radius buffer. This
fallow land is because of changing of crop type and leaving the land uncultivated to get
fertile. Some of the fallow land is seen because of hilly region where there is lack of
continuous water supply.

 Water Bodies: It occupies about 0.22% in this study area.

 Forest land: Forest land covers about 37.93% of area within 10 km radius of study area.
The covers with all type of plant species.

 Scrub: It is found that the some part of study area is also covered with dense scrub
covering about 27.45% of total study area.

 Mining: The mining area is about 1.64% of study area, mainly rock cutting for
aggregate for construction.

3.3.5 Settlement Map

The area has good literacy rate and there is a lot of development taking place in this area. All
the villages are well connected with the roads.

The settlement map shows the location of villages along with the roads and industries as
shown in figure below -


Figure 3.9 Settlement Map



3.4.1. Soil Quality: Present status

Soil quality is the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or managed
ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water
and air quality and support human health and habitation. Soil quality reflects how well a soil
performs the functions of maintaining biodiversity and productivity, partitioning water and
solute flow, filtering and buffering, nutrient cycling and providing support for plants and
other structures. Thus, soil quality plays vital role in any particular geographical phenomenon
of ecology as well as physico-chemical environment. Soil quality can indicate the current as
well as future issues related with the water, ecology and life in the particular region. Thus, it
is clearly visible that soil.

Contamination may result in eventuality in form of contamination of water, ecological

destruction, and loss of productivity, food crisis and so threat to life. The major source of
contamination is wastes from industries as well as overuse of fertilizers & pesticide. Thus, to
determine the exact impacts of any proposed expansion project, it is very essential to
determine the existing status of soil quality and existing stress through a study of soil quality

Considering this, for studying soils of the region, sampling locations were selected to assess
the existing soil conditions in and around the project area representing various, physiographic
conditions, geology, land form and land use conditions. The physical, chemical
characteristics were determined. The samples were collected by soil auger and other required
equipments, up to a depth of 30 cm. as per standard soil sampling procedure , given in Soil
survey manual, All India soil and land use survey, New Delhi-1970 of Ministry of
agriculture, Govt. of India.

The assignment w.r.t. Soil conservation (SC) has been done by Mr. B. S. Lole who is an
empanelled Functional Area Expert (FAE) of EEIPL for SC.

3.4.2. Methodology Methodology of Data Generation

The present study of the soil profile establishes the baseline characteristics and this will help
in future identification of the incremental concentrations if any, due to the operation of the
project. The sampling locations have been identified with the following objectives -

 To determine the baseline soil characteristics of the study area

 To determine the impact of industrialization on soil characteristics
 To determine the impact on soils more importantly from agricultural productivity
point of view

Eight locations in and around the proposed expansion plant boundary were selected for soil
sampling. At each location, soil samples were collected from surface 0 to 30 cm depth and
are homogenized and collected after quartering. The homogenized samples were analyzed for
physical and chemical characteristics. The soil samples were collected during post-monsoon
season. (21st Nov., 2017)


The samples have been analyzed by NABL accredited laboratory as per the established
scientific methods for physico-chemical parameters. The methodology adopted for each
parameter is described in following table -

Table 3.6 Analytical Techniques for Soil Analysis

Parameter Method (ASTM Number)

Grain size distribution Sieve analysis (D 422 - 63)
Textural classification Chart developed by Public Roads Administration
Bulk density Sand replacement, core cutter
Sodium absorption ratio Flame photometric (D 1428 - 82)
pH pH meter (D 1293 - 84)
Electrical conductivity Conductivity meter (D 1125 - 82)
Nitrogen Kjeldahl distillation (D 3590 - 84)
Phosphorus Molybdenum blue, colourimetric (D 515 - 82)
Potassium Flame photometric (D 1428 - 82)
Iron AAS (D 1068 - 84)
Zinc AAS (D 1691 - 84)
Boron Surcumin, colourimetric (D 3082 - 79)
Chlorides Argentometric (D 512 - 81 Rev 85) Sources of Information

In addition to field surveys, other sources of information were National Bureau of Soil
Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS and LUP) as well as District Census Data from
Census of India, 2011.

3.4.3. Soil Types

The chief soil found in the study region is very shallow, well drained, loamy soils on very
gently sloping undulating and rolling lands with moderate erosion; associated with
moderately deep, well drained, clayey soils on very steeply sloping lands with severe erosion
and moderate stoniness. The study area consists of very shallow, well drained, loamy soils on
very steeply sloping elongated ridges / hills with very serve erosion; associated with shallow
moderately well drained; clayey soils on very gently lands with moderate erosion. Also the
study area consists of very shallow, somewhat drained, loamy soils on moderately steeply
sloping dissected hills and intervening valleys with serve erosion; associated with moderately
deep, moderately well drained, clayey soils on very gently sloping lands with moderate
erosion. (Refer Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.10 for Soil sample location map)

Overall, Eight soil sampling points were selected. The locations are listed in Table 3.7 and
analysis report under Table 3.8.


Figure 3.10 Soil Map


Table 3.7 Soil Sampling Locations

Station Name of the Elevation Direction w.r.t. the

Code Sampling Point (Ft) Industrial Site
180 25’33”00 N
S1 Industrial Site 52.3 --
730 08’31”41 E
180 25’17”1 N
S2 Dhatav 47.9 SE
730 09’20”7 E
180 24’94”9 N
S3 Talaghar 50.8 SW
730 08’49”4 E
180 24’17”6 N
S4 Landhar 48.1 SW
730 08’78”4 E
180 21’29”8 N
S5 Nivi 57.1 W
730 07’74”3 E
18026’61”0 N
S6 Udadhavne 38.8 N
730 12’91”6 E
18° 26’93”4'N
S7 Ashtami 03 NW
73° 7’08”8'E
18024’63”5 N
S8 Sambe 44.3 SE
730 12’07”9 E


Figure 3.11 Soil Sample Location map


Table 3.8 Existing Soil Characteristics

Parameter Unit Ind. Site Dhatav Talaghar Landhar Nivi Udadhavane Ashtami Sambe
(S1) (S2) (S3) (S4) (S5) (S6) (S7) (S8)
A Physical Parameter
1. Soil Texture
a. Sand % 16 18 15 8 18 20 28 29
b. Silt % 27 24 20 22 30 31 34 38
c. Clay % 57 58 65 70 52 57 38 33
2. Bulk Density gm/cc 1.28 1.24 1.31 1.51 1.15 1.18 1.22 1.27
3. Permeability cm/hr 0.52 0.54 0.16 0.13 0.47 0.52 1.55 1.61
4. Water Holding Capacity % 61.18 52.14 55.00 58.30 42.27 37.53 45.61 37.13
5. Porosity % 33.27 54.54 50.40 55.79 47.89 32.58 45.81 39.54
B Chemical Parameter
6. pH (1:5 Aq. Extraction at 24°C) -- 6.71 6.84 7.15 7.22 6.53 7.18 7.33 7.28
7. mS/cm 0.22 0.13 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.23 0.24 0.20
(1:5 Aq. Extraction at 24°C)
8. Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100 gm 46.54 45.21 45.56 47.14 46.08 44.82 45.77 46.92
9. Exchangeable Calcium meq/100 gm 22.44 20.63 25.93 24.89 20.19 24.51 25.51 23.64
10. Exchangeable Magnesium meq/100 gm 13.54 15.87 12.49 13.18 16.31 11.63 10.59 13.20
11. Exchangeable Potassium meq/100 gm 7.23 5.12 5.55 5.97 7.23 7.44 6.01 6.79
12. Exchangeable Sodium meq/100 gm 3.33 3.59 2.59 3.10 2.35 1.24 3.66 3.29
13. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) -- 0.79 0.84 0.59 0.71 0.55 0.29 0.86 0.77
14. Available Nitrogen as N kg/ha 44.29 47.59 54.60 67.21 71.14 57.18 69.25 70.28
15. Available Phosphorus as P mg/kg 22.18 20.14 16.10 18.25 15.74 19.24 24.15 27.37
16. Water Soluble Chlorides as Cl mg/kg 22.52 23.18 0.01 37.21 44.15 47.18 50.24 27.14
17. Water Soluble Sulphates as SO4 mg/kg 2.74 2.29 3.10 3.25 3.18 3.24 3.30 3.24
18. Aluminum as Al mg/kg Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
19. Iron as Fe mg/kg 1.18 2.03 5.00 3.09 4.11 4.27 5.12 3.89
20. Manganese as Mn mg/kg 2.11 2.14 7.50 3.27 4.28 4.77 4.81 4.09


Parameter Unit Ind. Site Dhatav Talaghar Landhar Nivi Udadhavane Ashtami Sambe
(S1) (S2) (S3) (S4) (S5) (S6) (S7) (S8)
21. Boron as B mg/kg Nil Nil Nil Nil 0.04 0.03 Nil 0.007
22. Zinc as Zn mg/kg 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.54 1.51 1.29 1.11 1.18
23. Chromium as Cr mg/kg Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
24. Lead as Pb mg/kg 0.92 0.88 1.00 1.14 1.21 1.27 1.18 1.94
25. Nickel as Ni mg/kg Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 0.002 0.001
26. Arsenic as As mg/kg BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL
27. Mercury as Hg mg/kg BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL
28. Cadmium as Cd mg/kg Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
29. Organic Carbon % 1.41 1.52 1.34 1.38 1.27 1.74 1.18 1.62
30. Organic matter % 2.43 2.61 2.31 2.37 2.18 2.99 3.11 2.79

Method of testing: As per SSSA/Soil Analysis by M. L. Jackson/USEP Note: Analysis result for soil are given at Annexure - I.

3.4.4 General Observations

From the interpretation of field data, physical and chemical data it can be concluded that -
As per the physical data soils are fine texture, having low bulk density, imperatively high water holding capacity and moderately slow to slow
permeability. As per physical characters soils are rated as moderate to good for agriculture. As per chemical characters soil reaction (pH) soils are
neutral and electrical conductivity (EC) is non saline (normal). Organic matter is sufficient. Macro nutrient like nitrogen is very low to low and
phosphorus is low, potassium is low, calcium, magnesium are medium to good and base saturation is moderate to good, sodium is below the limit
to make soil saline or sodic or alkali. Micro-nutrients, Mn (low may cause deficiency), Zn, B, Fe, Al (nil to low, will cause deficiency), SO4 very
low and Cl are high. Cation Exchange Capacity is high indicating moderate to good fertility. Exchangeable Ca is medium to good with medium to
good base saturation, Ex. K is low, and Ex. Na is also low not indicating any alkalinity. Sodium adsorption ratio indicates the soils are normal.
Thus as per analysis of soils data and field observation the land represented by eight samples can be classified as class III e land i.e. moderate soils
on plain to gentle slopes subject to water erosion, as per land capability classification (USDA)


Interpretation -

 Physical characteristics - The physical characteristics include Bulk density, grain size
distribution (textural analysis).

 Grain size distribution: Texture indicates relative proportion of various sizes of

primary soil particles such as sand, silt and clay present in the soil. Based on their
quantities present in the soil sample and using the textural classification diagram. The
textural classes of eight soil samples are clay loam to clay (fine texture.) Bulk density
values confirm the textural class.
 Bulk Density: In case of bulk density total soil space (space occupied by solid and pore
spaces combined) are taken in to consideration. Thus Bulk Density is defined as the
mass (weight) of a unit volume of a dry soil. This volume would, of course include both
solids and pores. Soil texture, soil structure and organic matter content are the factors
influencing the bulk density of a soil. Bulk Density, besides being an interesting and
significant physical characteristic, is very important as a basis for certain computations.
The Bulk density of the eight soil sample under consideration ranges between 1.15 to
1.51 gm/cc, and confirms the fine texture of the soils of the area under study.
 Porosity: The pore space of a soil is the space occupied by air and water and is
expressed as percent pore space. The amount of this pore space is determined by
structural conditions, that is by inter - related influence of texture, compactness and
aggregation. Porosity is also related to aeration and retention and movement of water in
the soil. The porosity of eight soil sample ranges between 33.27 to 54.54 % and is
moderate to good in accordance to the texture of soil, and considered moderate to good
for air and water movement in the soil for crops.
 Permeability: Permeability is the entry of fluid from one medium to another. In soil -
water relationship, it means entry of water from air in to soil. Permeability rate is defined
as maximum rate at which a soil in a given condition can absorb rain or irrigation water
as it comes at soil surface, permeability rate is the rate of water entry in to the soil when
flow is non-divergent. It is a surface and sub surface character, and is expressed as
mm/sec or cm/hr. Permeability of eight samples under study is between 1.13 to 1.61
cm/hr, and classified as moderately slow to slow for agriculture and conservation,
indicating good availability of moisture to cops after rain or irrigation.
 Water Holding Capacity (WHC): Water holding capacity of soil is the maximum
amount of moisture, a dry soil is capable of holding, under given standard condition. If
the moisture content is increased further percolation result WHC is of great value to
practical agriculture, since it provides a simple means to determine moisture content.
WHC required for good crop growth is 35 to 70%. The WHC of the eight soil samples is
between 37.13 to 61.18 % and is moderate to good indicating availability of water for
crop growth indicating somewhat less frequent water application for growing crops.

 Chemical Characteristics - The parameters considered for chemical analysis are - Soil
reaction (pH), Electrical conductivity (EC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)) Cations,
like Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium, water soluble sulphates ,and
chlorides, Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Macro nutrients like Available Nitrogen,
total Organic carbon, organic matter, Available phosphorus, available potassium, Micro
nutrients like Iron, Zinc, manganese and boron. Heavy metals like Chromium(Cr), Lead
(Pb), Nickel (Ni), Arsenic(As), Mercury (Hg) and Cadmium (Cd).


 Soil reaction (pH): The nutritional importance of pH is illustrated, thus hydrogen ion
concentration has influence not only on, solubility of nutrients, but also upon facility
with which these nutrients are absorbed by plants, even already in soil solution for
e.g. Fe, Mn and Zn become less available as pH rises from 4.5 to 7. At pH 6.5 to7.0
utilization of nitrate and ammonia nitrogen becomes more available. In case of
phosphorus it becomes less available to plant as pH increases above 8.5, due to its
fixation in exchange complex of soil. For the eight soil sample under consideration
the pH ranges between 6.53 to 7.33 indicating soils are neutral, and suitable for
growing all crops.
 Electrical Conductivity (EC): The salt content of the soils are estimated by EC
measurements, and is useful to designate soils as normal or sodic (saline). Electrical
conductivity is expressed as µmhos/cm at 25◦C, µsmhos/ cm or mmhos /cm or sm/cm.
The EC of eight soil samples is between 0.13 to 0.24 µs/cm and are below the limits
to be called as saline and hence the soils are normal for crop growth.
 Organic Carbon / Organic matter (%): Although accounting for only a small part
of the total soil mass in mineral soils, organic matter influences physical, chemical,
and biological activities in the soil. Organic matter in the soil is plant and animal
residue which serves as a reserve for many essential nutrients, especially nitrogen.
Determination of organic matter helps to estimate the nitrogen which will be released
by bacterial activity for the next season depending on the conditions, soil aeration,
pH, type of organic material, and other factors. The eight soil samples under
consideration contain 2.18 to 3.11 % organic matter; OM is calculated from organic
carbon estimation. As per crop requirements the soils are having sufficient organic
matter content required for growing crop in next season.
 Available Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of
all proteins, enzymes and metabolic processes involved in the synthesis and transfer
of energy. Nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll, the green pigment of the plant that is
responsible for photosynthesis. Helps plants with rapid growth, increasing seed and
fruit production and improving the quality of leaf and forage crops. The available
nitrogen in the eight samples in question, as per analysis ranges between 44.2 to 71.14
kg/ha showing very low to low nitrogen content for crop growth.
 Available Phosphorus (P): Like nitrogen, phosphorus (P) is an essential part of the
process of photosynthesis. Involved in the formation of all oils, sugars, starches etc.
Helps with the transformation of solar energy into chemical energy; proper plant
maturation; withstanding stress. Effects rapid growth. Encourages blooming and root
growth. The phosphorus content of soil of eight samples ranges between 15.74 to
27.37 kg/ha and falls under low category for crop growth.
 Available Potassium (K): Potassium is absorbed by plants in larger amounts than
any other mineral element except nitrogen and, in some cases, calcium. Helps in the
building of protein, photosynthesis, fruit quality and reduction of diseases. The
Potassium content of eight soil samples ranges between 37.56 to 51.14 kg/ha and is
very less for crop growth.
 Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): The total amount of exchangeable cations that a
soil can retain is designated as cation exchange capacity (CEC) and usually expressed
as me/100 gm of soil. Determination of amount of cations present in soil is useful,
because CEC influences the availability of adsorbed cations to both higher plants and
soil microorganisms. Thus CEC is directly related to fertility of soils. The CEC of the
eight samples ranges between 45.21 to 46.92 me/100 gm soil. A soil with low CEC
indicates low fertility and soils with high CEC indicates high fertility. Eight soil


samples are fine textured having high percentage of clay with dominating
montmorrilonitic clay mineral, showing high CEC, in turn fertility is also high.
 Exchangeable Calcium (Ca++): Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall
structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as well as
strength in the plant. It is also thought to counteract the effect of alkali salts and
organic acids within a plant and soil acidity. The exchangeable calcium content of
eight soil samples ranges between 20.19 to 25.93 me/100gm soil, and having high
base saturation percentage (ranging from 43.81 to 56.91%). For normal crop growth a
calcium base saturation percent of soils between 50 to 75% is required.
 Exchangeable Magnesium (Mg++): Magnesium is part of the chlorophyll in all green
plants and essential for photosynthesis. It also helps activate many plant enzymes
needed for growth. The magnesium content of the eight soil samples ranges
between10.59 to 16.31 me/100 gm soil, which is further adding to base saturation.
Magnesium base saturation percent of 5 to 15 % is normal.
 Exchangeable Sodium (Na+): Though sodium is not an essential plant nutrient, but it
has some role in potassium nutrition. Sodium also has a role in affecting the pH of
soils. Sodium present above a certain limit makes soil alkaline which affect soil
physical condition, and fixing of available phosphorus. Out of the eight samples
sodium ranges between 1.24 to 3.59 me/100gm soil, which is below the content (i.e.
ESP is below 15%) at which soil show, saline alkali or alkaline properties, hence no
adverse effect on soils.
 Sodium Adsorption ratio (SAR): Sodium adsorption ratio is ratio of Na+ to under
root of Ca ++Mg++ by 2. SAR values of soil solution along with EC and pH helps in
diagnosing soils as normal, saline, saline-alkali or alkali. The eight soil samples show
SAR values between 1.11 to 1.27 and indicate that samples are normal. (SAR below
 Iron (Fe): Iron is essential for crop and other plants for chlorophyll formation. Iron
deficiency likely occurs in soils with high pH, poor aeration, excessive phosphorus, or
low organic matter. It may be produced also by an imbalance of Mo, Cu, and Mn. In
plants, the deficiency shows up as a pale green leaf color (chlorosis) with sharp
distinction between green veins and yellow inter-venial tissues. The iron content of
eight samples ranges between 1.18 to 5.12% and is very low to low. Thus may cause
problem of iron deficiency.
 Aluminum (Al): Exchangeable Aluminum (Al) is not present in a plant available
form in soils with a pH above 5.5 and therefore tests for extractable aluminum need
only be done on distinctly acid soils. In soils with a pH range of 4.5 - 5.5 are those
most likely to be affected by aluminum toxicity. In the eight samples the total
Aluminum is nil which is very low.
 Manganese (Mn): Is an important plant micro nutrient and is required by plants in
second greater quantity compared to iron, like any other element, it can have limiting
factor on plant growth, if it is deficient or toxic in plant tissue. Manganese is used in
plants as major contribution to various biological systems, including photo synthesis,
respiration and nitrogen assimilation. Mn content in the eight samples ranges between
2.11 to 7.50 mg/kg and is low and may cause deficiency in plants.
 Zinc (Zn): Zn deficiency most often is present in sandy soils with neutral or alkaline
pH, or with low organic matter. Total zinc may be high but the availability depends
on other factors. In the present eight samples zinc content ranges between1.10 to 1.14
mg/kg or ppm and are low, considered deficient for crop growth.
 Boron (B): There is a very narrow range between deficiency and toxicity in boron.
Deficiencies are more often when organic matter is low and dry weather slows the

decomposition. Uptake of boron is reduced at pH level higher than 7.0. Plant toxicity
symptoms manifest as leaf tip and marginal chlorosis. Boron toxicity occurs in dry
areas and is generally associated with irrigation water. In the eight samples of the
project the boron content is nil is low and cause deficiency to crops.
 Water-Soluble Sulphates as SO4: This test measures readily available sulphur in the
form of dissolved plus absorbed sulphate. Sulphur testing is important where low
sulphur or sulphur-free fertilizers are used, such as high analysis NPK fertilizers.
Retention of sulphate sulphur by the soil is related to its phosphate retention, with
high leaching losses of sulphate being associated with low phosphate retention soils.
This should also be taken into account when considering sulphur fertilizer options. In
the eight samples the water soluble sulphate as SO4 ranges between 2.29 to 3.30
mg/kg and very low.
 Water Soluble Chlorides as Cl: The Cl− anion does not form complexes readily, and
shows little affinity (or specificity) in its adsorption to soil components. Thus, Cl−
movement within the soil is largely determined by water flows. Chlorine is an
essential micronutrient for higher plants. It is present mainly as Cl−. Chloride is a
major osmotically active solute in the vacuole and is involved in both turgor and osmo
regulation. In the cytoplasm it may regulate the activities of key enzymes. In addition,
Cl−also acts as a counter anion and Cl− fluxes are implicated in the stabilization of
membrane potential, regulation of intracellular pH gradients and electrical
excitability. In the eight samples the water soluble chloride ranges between 22.54 to
50.24 mg/kg and is high.
 Heavy Metals: Soils may become contaminated by the accumulation of heavy metals
and metalloids through emissions from the rapidly expanding industrial areas, mine
tailings, disposal of high metal wastes, leaded gasoline and paints, land application of
fertilizers, animal manures, sewage sludge, pesticides, wastewater irrigation, coal
combustion residues, spillage of petrochemicals, and atmospheric deposition. Heavy
metals constitute an ill-defined group of inorganic chemical hazards, and those most
commonly found at contaminated sites are lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As),
zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd),), mercury (Hg) and nickel (Ni) Soils are the major sink for
heavy metals released into the environment by aforementioned anthropogenic
activities and unlike organic contaminants which are oxidized to carbon (IV) oxide by
microbial action, most metals do not undergo microbial or chemical degradation and
their total concentration in soils persists for a long time after their introduction
Changes in their chemical forms (speciation) and bioavailability are, however,
possible. The presence of toxic metals in soil can severely inhibit the biodegradation
of organic contaminants. Heavy metal contamination of soil may pose risks and
hazards to humans and the ecosystem through direct ingestion or contact with
contaminated soil, the food chain. (soil-plant-human or soil-plant-animal-human),
drinking of contaminated ground water, reduction in food quality (safety and
marketability) via phyto-toxicity, reduction in land usability for agricultural
production causing food insecurity, and land tenure problems.
 Chromium (Cr): Chromium mobility depends on sorption characteristics of the soil,
including clay content, iron oxide content, and the amount of organic matter present.
Chromium can be transported by surface runoff to surface waters in its soluble or
precipitated form. Soluble and un-adsorbed chromium complexes can leach from soil
into groundwater. The leachability of Cr (VI) increases as soil pH increases. Most of
Cr released into natural waters is particle associated, however, and is ultimately
deposited into the sediment. In the eight samples the chromium is nil hence no
chromium contamination.


 Lead (Pb): Typical mean Pb concentration for surface soils worldwide averages
32 mg kg−1 and ranges from 10 to 67 mg kg−1. The most serious source of exposure to
soil lead is through direct ingestion of contaminated soil or dust. In general, plants do
not absorb or accumulate lead. However, in soils testing high in lead, it is possible for
some lead to be taken up. Studies have shown that lead does not readily accumulate in
the fruiting parts of vegetable and fruit crops (e.g. corn, beans, squash, tomatoes,
strawberries and apples). Higher concentrations are more likely to be found in leafy
vegetables (e.g. lettuce) and on the surface of root crops (e.g. carrots). Since plants do
not take up large quantities of soil lead, the lead levels in soil considered safe for
plants will be much higher than soil lead levels where eating of soil is a concern
(pica). Generally, it has been considered safe to use garden produce grown in soils
with total lead levels less than 300 ppm. The risk of lead poisoning through the food
chain increases as the soil lead level rises above this concentration. Even at soil levels
above 300 ppm, most of the risk is from lead contaminated soil or dust deposits on the
plants rather than from uptake of lead by the plant. In the eight samples the Lead
ranges between 0.88 to 1.94 mg/kg and within permissible limit.
 Nickel (Ni): Nickel is an element that occurs in the environment only at very low
levels and is essential in small doses, but it can be dangerous when the maximum
tolerable amounts are exceeded. It usually takes a long time for nickel to be removed
from air. The larger part of all Ni compounds that are released to the environment will
adsorb to sediment or soil particles and become immobile as a result. In acidic soils,
however, Ni becomes more mobile and often leaches down to the adjacent
groundwater. In the eight soil samples, the nickel content is below the limit i.e. nil.
 Arsenic (As): Arsenate can adsorb or co-precipitates with metal sulfides and has a
high affinity for other sulfur compounds. Elemental arsenic and arsine, AsH3, may be
present under extreme reducing conditions. Biotransformation (via methylation) of
arsenic creates methylated derivatives of arsine. As compounds adsorb strongly to
soils and are therefore transported only over short distances in groundwater and
surface water. In the eight samples the arsenic values are below detectible limit and
within permissible limit.
 Mercury (Hg): Sorption to soils, sediments, and humic materials is an important
mechanism for the removal of Hg from solution. Sorption is pH dependent and
increases as pH increases. Mercury may also be removed from solution by co-
precipitation with sulphides. Under anaerobic conditions, both organic and inorganic
forms of Hg may be converted to alkylated forms by microbial activity, such as by
sulfur-reducing bacteria. Elemental mercury may also be formed under anaerobic
conditions by demethylation of methyl mercury, or by reduction of Hg (II). Acidic
conditions (pH < 4) also favor the formation of methyl mercury, whereas higher pH
values favor precipitation of HgS (s). In the eight samples the mercury content is
below detectible limit and within permissible limit.
 Cadmium (Cd): The application of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides,
and bio-solids (sewage sludge), the disposal of industrial wastes or the deposition of
atmospheric contaminants increases the total concentration of Cd in soils, and the
bioavailability of this Cd determines whether plant Cd uptake occurs to a significant
degree. Cadmium is very bio-persistent but has few toxicological properties and, once
absorbed by an organism, remains resident for many years. The eight samples contain
cadmium is nil and within permissible limits.


Comments: From the interpretation of field data, physical and chemical data it can be
concluded that - As per the physical data soils are fine texture, having low bulk density,
imperatively high water holding capacity, and moderately slow to slow permeability. As per
physical characters soils are rated as moderate to good for agriculture. As per chemical
characters soil reaction (pH) soils are neutral and electrical conductivity (EC) is non saline
(normal). Organic matter is sufficient. Macro nutrient like nitrogen is very low to low and
phosphorus is low, potassium is low, calcium, magnesium are medium to good and base
saturation is moderate to good. Sodium is below the limit to make soil saline or sodic or
alkali. Micro-nutrients, Mn (low may cause deficiency), Zn, B, Fe, Al (nil to low, will cause
deficiency), SO4 very low and Cl are high. Cation Exchange capacity is high indicating
moderate to good fertility. Exchangeable Ca is medium to good with medium to good base
saturation, Ex K is low, and Ex Na is also low not indicating any alkalinity. Sodium
adsorption ratio indicates the soils are normal. As observed during field visit of 10 km buffer
area from boundary of proposed expansion plant. From Geomorphologic point of view, the
area consists of slightly undulating plain topography with average elevation ranging from 3 to
15 m AMSL. The Main geomorphic units are: Coastal zone in west, Central zone: Fertile,
low lying land and Hilly zone: highly uneven with forest cover.

In general, area is characterized by slightly undulating and flat terrain. As per soil map of
Maharashtra at 1:500000 scale by NBSS & LUP, the family association observed in the area
are - 1) Very shallow, well drained, loamy soils on very gently sloping elongated ridge hills
with very severe erosion; associated with shallow moderately well drained, clayey soils on
very gently sloping land with moderate erosion. 2) Very shallow, somewhat excessively
drained, loamy soils on moderately steeply sloping dissected hills and intervening valleys
with severe erosion; associated with deep, moderately well drained, clayey soils on very
gently sloping lands with moderate erosion. Thus as per analysis of soils data and field
observation the land represented by eight samples can be classified as class III land i.e.
moderate soils on plain to gentle slopes subject to water erosion, as per land capability
classification (USDA).

Table 3.9 Standard Soil Classification

Sr.No. Soil Test Classification

1. pH < 4.5 Extremely acidic 7.31-7.80 slightly alkaline
4.51-5.50 Very strongly 7.81-8.50 moderately alkaline
acidic 8.51-9.0 strongly alkaline
5.51-6.00 moderately 9.01 very strongly alkaline
6.01-6.50 slightly acidic
6.51-7.30 Neutral
2. Salinity Electrical Up to 1.00 Average
Conductivity 1.01-2.00 harmful to
(µmhos/cm) germination --
(1ppm = 640 2.01-3.00 harmful to crops
µmho/cm) (sensitive to salts)
3. Organic Carbon (%) Up to 0.2: very less 0.51-0.8: on an average
0.21-0.4: less sufficient
0.41-0.5 medium 0.81-1.00: sufficient
> 1.0 more than sufficient
4. Nitrogen (Kg/ha) Up to 50 very less 151-300 Better


Sr.No. Soil Test Classification

51-100 less > 300 sufficient
101-150 good
5. Phosphorus (Kg/ha) Up to 15 very less 51-65 on an average sufficient
16-30 less 66-80 sufficient
31-50 medium > 80 more than sufficient
6. Potash (Kg/ha) 0 very less 240-300 average
120-180 less 301-360 better
181-240 medium above 360 more than

Source: Hand Book of Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research


3.5.1 Drainage

The topography of the region governs the drainage pattern of that area. The assignment w.r.t.
geology and hydro-geological studies was conducted by Dr. J. B. Pishte; the empanelled
Functional Area Expert of EEIPL for HG & GEO.

The Roha MIDC is situated in the Kundalika River valley, about 19 km upstream from the
shoreline of the Arabian Sea. It is located on the west side of the Kolad - Roha road along the
left bank of the river. As this project is proposed expansion within the area of MIDC, Roha; it
will constitute a part of the cumulative environmental impact of the entire industrial area. The
geological and hydrogeological studies for EIA with reference to this project were carried out
in the area on the basis of previous literature and observations made during field visits.

The Raigad district is bounded by the Arabian Sea on the west and, on the east, its boundary
runs partly along the foothill zone and partly along the watershed of the major Sahyadrian
scarp. The topographic set up of the district is very uneven and rugged. From the coastline on
the west to the water divide in the east, three topographic divisions can be identified. The
coastline is characterized by alternative bluffs and curved bays having narrow hinterlands.
The central region of the district has many plateau and hills rising from the valleys. The
Eastern part of the district is much rugged merging with the Sahyadris which are running
North South direction. The eastern horizon is marked by Sahyadri hills. Hill slopes are mostly
covered with forests. The plains are under cultivation or plantation. The coastal tract is
mostly marshy land or wasteland. The drainage system in Raigad district consists of six river
basins. All rivers are westerly flowing. (Refer Figure 3.12 for Drainage map) The drainage
system may be divided into three groups as follows -

The Northern region : Drained by river Panvel, Ulhas, Patalganga and Amba
The Central region : Drained by Kundalika, Mandad
The South region : Savitri and its tributaries

The rivers are tidal for a considerable extent and can be divided into two well-marked
sections, above and below the limit of the tide. The upper courses are steep and rugged, with
torrential waters flowing during the monsoon season. Besides the general parallel drainage
pattern of the rivers, the tributary pattern tends, at places, to be rectangular suggesting the
adaptation of the stream to the local rock structure.


Figure 3.12 Drainage Map


3.5.2 Geomorphology

The study area forms part of the coastal plain of Raigad district. It is situated in the level land
between low hills ridges bounding the Kundalika river valley in the central region of the
district. The river flows in the NNW direction through the area, corresponding to major
fractures / joints. It drains the narrow central belt of the coastal plain into the Chaul creek
(Refer Figure 3.13 for Geomorphology map). The river course in the study area is
characterized by torrential flows in monsoon, with high carrying capacity and strong erosion
power which has scraped the channel floor making it rocky and rugged (Plate 1).

Plate 1 Photograph of Kundalika River Channel


3.6.1 Introduction

The information presented covers geological and hydro-geological investigations in the study
area. The scope of work includes geological and hydro-geological observations involving
rock types, geological set up, geomorphology, drainage system and investigations involving
groundwater level measurements in dug wells, analyses for quality of ground water,
estimation of rainwater harvesting potential and possible means and methods for it etc. and
preparation of respective maps for presenting in the report. The study of the Geology and
Hydro Geology was done by Dr. J. B. Pishte; the empanelled Functional Area Expert of


Figure 3.13 Geomorphology Map


3.6.2 Geology

Geologically the Raigad district forms a part of the Deccan Trap Group of rocks. The entire
district is covered by dark grey to grey and bluish coloured basaltic lava flows and laterites.
The lava flows are spread out in the form of horizontal sheets or beds. (Refer Figure 3.14 for
Geological map) In the Western Ghats the lava flows form innumerable spurs, hills and hill
ranges; bold, flat, topped ridges; lofty peaks and plateaus with impressive cliffs. In the plains
and valleys, the lava flows occur below a blanket of soil of variable thickness. A
characteristic feature of these lava flows is their horizontal disposition and considerable
lateral extent with almost incredible uniformity in their composition and appearance. Two
types of basalts are recognized in Deccan Traps viz. the hard, compact basalt and vesicular /
amygdaloidal basalt. The compact basalt is more common than the vesicular type. The hard,
compact basalt is tough and shows fine to medium grained in texture. Vertical, inclined,
prismatic and columnar joints and horizontal sheet joints are commonly found in this type.
These rocks wither by exfoliation into massive, spheroidal boulders, which are usually seen
on the hill slopes and foothills.

The comparatively softer, amygdaloidal and scoriaceous traps, purple to greenish in colour,
usually showing rounded and elongated or tubular cavities with infillings of secondary
minerals like calcite, zeolites and a variety of secondary quartz. These generally occupy the
lower portion of the ridges and slopes and usually the valleys and plains. At higher altitudes,
hills and plateaus are capped by laterite which a product of weathering of basalt in tropical
climate with alternate seasons of heavy monsoon rains and hot dry summer. Laterite is dark
brown to yellowish in colour and composed of iron oxides and hydroxides. At lower
altitudes, the weathering of basalts give rise to a greyish to dirty green, friable murum, which
on decomposition and decay yield a rich and fertile reddish-brown to coffee brown and black
soil. The laterite on disintegration gives rise to a dusty, reddish to reddish-brown soil. The
entire region in interspersed with a large number of lineaments criss-crossing each other. The
lineaments in the coast are not randomly distributed but appear to be grouped in sets. The
majority of lineaments along the coastal area follow a NNE-SSW and a few N-S trends.
(Power, 1993;.Das, 1999; Das and Mukherjee, 2002c). Study area: EIA Aspect of Geology

The geology of the Dhatav MIDC area is characterized by occurrence of mainly hard
compact basalt with smaller extent of vesicular / amygdaloidal basalt under a thin cover of
soil (Plate 2 & 3). Outcrops and exposures are found mainly along stream courses. The
Kundalika River and its tributaries show many rocky and rugged outcrops in their channels in
the area. There are also found many SE-NW trending linears, which control the course of
west flowing rivers like Amba and Kundalika. These rivers take a sudden SE-NW turn near
the coast. (Power, 1993;.Das, 1999; Das and Mukherjee, 2002c).

3.6.3 Hydrogeology

Due to plenty of rainfall, moderate to high drainage density and fractured nature of the
basaltic rocks at many places, the area has a good groundwater potential. The groundwater
table in the western part of the district is comparatively shallow and in spite of the presence
of so many coastal inlets and creeks, the occurrence of saline water intrusion into the fresh
water system is few. Safe drinking water is available at almost all the places. The depth of
wells ranges between 3.50 to 8.50 m.


Figure 3.14 Geological Map


The SWL in winter ranges between 1 to 3.50 m and in summer it ranges between 4 to 8.00 m.
Majority of the wells go dry in the summer season due to poor productive aquifer.

Plate 2 Compact basalt with sheet joints in left bank of Kundalika River, Dhatav

Plate 3 Vesicular /Amygdaloidal basalt in (Ganga) stream channel west of Dhatav

DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT…3 Study area: EIA Aspect of hydrogeology

The Dhatav MIDC layout is in a plain terrain close to the foot of hills towards Southwest.
Two streams originating in these hills are relevant to the EIA studies regarding Hydrogeology
and Geology (HG-GEO). The smaller stream passes through the MIDC area while the larger
one called ‘Ganga’ by locals, passes along the western-northern periphery of the MIDC. Both
the streams drain into Kundalika River on the north-eastern side of the MIDC. As the MIDC
is situated within the drainage basins of these two streams, it appears safe to assume that the
impact of the proposed project and other units in this industrial area on hydrogeology and
geology will be limited to these two basins only; and the area beyond these drainage basins is
not likely to be affected by activities in or effluents from the MIDC. (Refer Figure 3.15).

Figure 3.15 Part of Drainage Map showing closer view of streams in the Roha Ground water Resources

No open wells or bore wells were found in entire the MIDC area. No wells are found on the
right bank of Kundalika River. Only three open wells, one near Bhavani Mandir (Plate 4),
Roth Khurd (Plate 5) and two in Dhatav village (Plate 6) were observed.
During interaction, the residents of the area appeared satisfied with the water supply from
MIDC. They have not used water from the wells since long time. Hence they didn't feel the
need to dig wells for water supply. The population in the villages on right bank of Kundalika
River is dependent on canal water as well as open and bore wells. These sources of water are
not likely to be affected by the effluents from MIDC, if any; as they are situated in a different
drainage basin than that of the MIDC.


Plate 4 Location 2 - Bhavani Mandir, Roth Khurd

Plate 5 Location 3 - Dhatav village


Plate 6 Location 4 - Dhatav village Groundwater Quality

The water quality in these wells is reported to be good, but the residents are not using
groundwater for any purpose as the water supply from MIDC satisfies their requirements.
Overall, no adverse remarks regarding quality of water were made by the residents.
We could see turtles and fishes in the wells in Dhatav at the time of visit which can be
considered as an indicator of reasonably good quality of water.

Representative samples of groundwater were collected for analysis of quality of water (Plate
4, 5, 6). The report of analyses of these samples is given in Table No. 3.17. It is apparent that
some of the quality parameter viz. TDS, Calcium as Ca, Magnesium as Mg, total hardness and
Coliform bacteria exceed the acceptable limits (IS 10500-2012). This can be considered as
baseline status of the quality of groundwater with reference to this Project.

Hydrogeology is an interdisciplinary subject; it can be difficult to account fully for

the chemical, physical, biological and even legal interaction between soil, water, nature and
society. The study of the interaction between groundwater movement and geology can be
quite complex. Groundwater does not always flow in the subsurface down-hill following
the surface topography; groundwater follows pressure gradients (flow from high pressure to
low) often following fractures and conduits in circuitous paths. (Refer Figure 3.16 for Geo-
Hydrological map)


Figure 3.16 Geo-Hydrological Map



3.7.1 Introduction

Micro-meteorological data within the study area during the air quality survey period is an
indispensable part of air pollution studies. The meteorological data recorded during the
monitoring period is very useful for proper interpretation of the baseline information as well
as for input to the predictive models for air quality dispersion. Historical data on
meteorological parameters will also play an important role in identifying the general
meteorological status of the region. Site specific data can be compared with the historical
data in order to identify changes, which may have taken place due to the rapid
industrialization in the area.

The micro-meteorological parameters regulate the transport and diffusion of pollutants

released into the atmosphere. The principal variables, which affect the micrometeorology, are
horizontal connective transport (average wind speed and direction), vertical connective
transport (atmospheric stability and inversion conditions) and topography of the area. The
climate of the study area and surrounding region is generally dry except in the southwest
monsoon season. The year may broadly be divided into four seasons.

Winter season : December to February

Pre-monsoon season : March to May
Monsoon season : June to September
Post monsoon season : October and November


Generally the district experienced moist and humid climate. The climate of the district is
typical of that on the west coast of India, with plentiful, regular and seasonal rainfall during
the monsoon season. Being a coastal district, the diurnal and seasonal variations in
temperature is not large. The mean minimum and maximum temperatures observed are
16.1°C and 40.4°C respectively.


The south- west monsoon commences by about the first week of June and the rains continue
till about the beginning of October. The average rainfall for the district is 3492 mm. The
rainfall increases rapidly from the coast towards the Sahyadri on the eastern border of the
district. Nearly 95 per cent of the annual rainfall is received during the south-west monsoon
season. The rainfall is regular and the variations are from year to year.

3.7.2 Methodology

The methodology adopted for monitoring surface observations is as per the standard norms
laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Indian Meteorology Department
(IMD). On-site monitoring was undertaken for various meteorological variables in order to
generate the data, which is then compared with the meteorological data generated by IMD
from the Mumbai, IMD station.

DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT…3 Methodology of Data Generation

Meteorological data has been generated at the site. The meteorological parameters were
monitored for one season i.e. from October 2017-December 2017. Details of parameters
monitored, equipments used and the frequency of monitoring are given in Table 3.10.

Table 3.10 Meteorological Parameters

Sr. No. Parameters Instrument Frequency

1. Wind Speed Cup Counter Anemometer Every hour
2. Wind Direction Wind Vane Every hour
3. Temperature Min./Max. Thermometer Once in a day
4. Relative Humidity Dry/Wet bulb Thermometer Twice a day Sources of Information

Secondary information on meteorological conditions has been collected from IMD station at
Mumbai. Wind speed & direction, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall intensity have been
compiled from IMD station, Mumbai. Also references were taken from book - Climatological
Normals (1971-2000). Similarly, data on cloud cover is compiled from climatologically
tables for the Mumbai IMD Station. Details are tabulated in Annexure - II. Wind Pattern at Project Site during Study Period

Wind Speed and direction are recorded at site every hour. The predominant wind during the
study season is from North East (NE) direction.


3.8.1 Introduction

The ambient air quality with respect to the study zone of 10 Km radius around proposed
expansion site forms the baseline information. The study area represents mostly rural
environment. The various sources of air pollution in the study area are vehicular traffic,
industrial activities and domestic firewood burning. The impact of these emissions is
reflected in the results of ambient air quality. The major air pollutants released into
atmosphere from the different sources are PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, NH3 and to small extent
CO. However, this again varies with type of the source.

This section describes the selection of sampling locations, parameters, frequency of sampling,
and methodology of sampling and analytical techniques for analysis of collected samples.
Presentation of results for the period October 2017 to December 2017 survey is done
followed by observations. All the requisite monitoring assignments, sampling and analysis
was conducted through the laboratory of M/s. Horizon Services, Pune which is NABL
accredited and MoEFCC; New Delhi approved organization. Study w.r.t. air quality was done
by Mr. Yuvraj Damugade FAEs and Mr. Sangram Patil who is FAA of EEIPL for AQ.


3.8.2 Methodology Selection of Sampling Locations

The baseline status of the ambient air quality has been assessed through an ambient air
quality monitoring network. The design of monitoring network, in the air quality surveillance
program, is based on considerations namely - (1) Meteorological conditions (2) Topography
of the study area (3) Representativeness of regional background air quality for obtaining
baseline status and (4) Representativeness of likely industrial impact areas.

Ambient air monitoring was conducted in the study area to assess the quality of air for SO2,
NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5,VOC, NH3, HCl, Lead, Ozone, Benzene, Benzopyrene, Arsenic and

Ambient AAQM stations were set up at Eight locations with due consideration to the above
mentioned points, details of which are presented below. Monitoring of air quality was done
here over a period of one season. Annexure - III may be referred for AAQM data.

Table 3.11 AAQM Locations Details

Station Distance from the Site Direction w.r.t. the

Name of the Station
Code (in Km) Site
A1 Industrial Site -- --
A2 Roth Bk. 0.81 NW
A3 Talaghar 2.18 SW
A4 Nivi 2.20 W
A5 Talavali 4.47 NE
A6 Washi 1.61 S
A7 Varsoli 1.51 E
A8 Barshet 4.98 SE Frequency & Parameters for Sampling

The frequency adopted for sampling is two days per week, 24 hourly for all six ambient air
quality stations. The baseline data w.r.t. air environment, for all the six monitoring stations,
was generated. Details of same are presented in following table -

Table 3.12 AAQ Parameters and Monitoring Frequency

Sr. Method of Analysis as per

Parameters Frequency of Monitoring
No. IS: 5182
1. PM10 Continuous, 24 Hourly, twice a week Gravimetric Method
2. PM2.5 Continuous, 24 Hourly, twice a week (IS:5182, Part IV)
SO2 8 Hourly, three samples/day, twice a Modified West-Gaeke Method
week (IS:5182, Part II)
(Sodium Tetrachloro
NOx 8 Hourly, three samples/day, twice a Jacobs and Hochheiser Method
week (IS:5182, Part VI)
5. NH3 8 Hourly, three samples/day, twice a APHA Method No. 401

Sr. Method of Analysis as per

Parameters Frequency of Monitoring
No. IS: 5182
6. VOC Continuous, 24 Hourly, twice a week
APHA Method No. 109
CO 8 Hourly, three samples/day NDIR Method
(IS:5182, Part X).
8. Lead Continuous, 24 Hourly, twice a week IS 5182 (Part 22):2006
Ozone 8 Hourly, three samples/day, twice a APHA Method No. 417
10. Benzene 8 Hourly, three samples/day IS 5182 (Part 11):2006
11. Benzopyrene 8 Hourly, three samples/day IS 5182 (Part 12):2006
12. Arsenic 8 Hourly, three samples/day APHA Method No. 302
13. Nickel 8 Hourly, three samples/day NAAQS Manual

Note : Sampling was done as per CPCB guideline, April 2003

Source: Air samples were analyzed as per IS:5182 “Method for Measurement of Air Pollution”

 Duration of Sampling

The duration of sampling for PM10, PM2.5 was once 24 hourly, for SO2, NOx, CO, Lead was
once 8 hourly three samples per day and for VOC, NH3, Ozone, Benzene, Benzopyrene,
Arsenic and Nickel was 8 hourly one sample per day.

3.8.3 Presentation of Results

The summary of results for analysis of AAQ is presented in Table 3.13 which is based on
observations recorded during one monitoring season (October 2017 - December 2017).
Therein, also various statistical parameters like Arithmetic Mean (AM), 98 Percentile,
Maximum and Minimum values have been presented subsequent to computation from the
data collected. Moreover, the permissible AAQ limits are presented in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13 Summary of the AAQ Levels for Monitoring Season

[October 2017 - December 2017]

Parameters Roth
Industrial Talaghar Nivi Talavali Washi Varsoli Barshet
with Unit Bk.
Site (A1) (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6) (A7) (A8)
Max. 60.10 45.20 70.10 55.10 48.10 72.00 65.90 72.60
Min. 50.60 37.29 60.40 45.70 45.70 50.80 50.40 68.20
Avg. 55.72 40.80 65.59 49.96 47.06 64.16 57.03 70.14
98 % 58.24 42.51 67.11 51.58 48.10 71.00 59.29 71.43
Max. 22.00 11.60 20.50 13.40 13.10 20.90 18.40 22.30
Min. 14.20 8.50 15.50 10.80 10.80 11.90 11.50 18.60
Avg. 16.02 10.32 17.39 12.20 12.06 17.55 14.98 20.11
98 % 17.51 11.01 18.61 13.13 13.07 20.55 15.87 21.46
Max. 28.90 17.10 17.80 15.00 13.50 25.00 26.80 19.50
SO2 Min. 18.20 5.00 12.50 11.60 11.60 15.20 14.60 15.10
g/m3 Avg. 22.00 15.34 15.29 13.46 12.72 19.03 20.87 16.69
98 % 23.97 16.14 16.41 14.39 13.45 22.64 22.80 18.30

Parameters Roth
Industrial Talaghar Nivi Talavali Washi Varsoli Barshet
with Unit Bk.
Site (A1) (A3) (A4) (A5) (A6) (A7) (A8)
Max. 42.00 23.60 20.80 20.40 17.10 29.40 30.10 25.10
NOx Min. 29.40 8.00 16.20 15.40 15.40 20.50 20.40 20.00
g/m3 Avg. 34.27 20.93 18.45 17.14 16.16 24.54 26.36 22.08
98 % 39.19 22.46 19.70 18.46 17.05 27.82 28.31 24.04
Max. 22.00 9.80 10.00 12.30 9.10 11.20 10.10 12.00
NH3 Min. 16.20 8.20 8.00 7.90 7.90 8.20 8.20 8.40
g/m 3
Avg. 18.60 8.89 9.09 9.65 8.54 9.58 9.22 10.03
98 % 19.86 9.39 9.58 10.50 9.07 10.82 9.71 11.22
Max. 0.089 0.068 0.091 0.090 0.040 0.094 0.100 0.090
CO Min. 0.020 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.050 0.025
mg/m3 Avg. 0.059 0.035 0.053 0.051 0.030 0.065 0.075 0.048
98 % 0.082 0.050 0.063 0.063 0.039 0.081 0.086 0.059
Max. 0.990 BDL 0.190 0.690 0.690 0.980 BDL 0.980
Min. 0.010 BDL 0.029 0.026 0.040 0.065 BDL 0.010
Avg. 0.094 BDL 0.092 0.088 0.111 0.122 BDL 0.119
98 % 0.260 BDL 0.119 0.290 0.667 0.349 BDL 0.381
Max. 13.50 15.10 12.80 11.23 10.00 11.20 12.60 10.60
Ozone Min. 9.20 10.40 6.00 8.40 8.40 7.50 7.90 7.50
g/m3 Avg. 10.98 12.20 9.01 9.61 9.09 9.59 9.88 8.67
98 % 12.19 13.56 10.71 10.48 9.94 10.84 11.27 9.45
Max. 0.450 BDL BDL 0.430 0.310 BDL BDL BDL
Benzen Min. 0.370 BDL BDL 0.240 0.240 BDL BDL BDL
e g/m3 Avg. 0.400 BDL BDL 0.332 0.288 BDL BDL BDL
98 % 0.424 BDL BDL 0.365 0.310 BDL BDL BDL
Max. 100.10 40.50 42.00 80.00 68.60 38.90 40.00 36.40
VOC Min. 80.40 30.00 30.50 60.50 60.50 30.10 34.90 30.10
g/m3 Avg. 90.58 35.00 34.79 68.45 64.50 35.75 37.43 33.78
98 % 96.39 37.17 37.84 74.28 68.45 38.47 38.92 35.19

Note -
 PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SO2 ,VOC, NH3, HClare computed based on 24 hourly values.
 CO is computed based on 8 hourly values


Table 3.14 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Specified by CPCB
Notification (New Delhi, the 18th November, 2009)

Zone Station
Parameters Industrial and Residential and
mixed use zone rural zone
A.A. 60 60
PM10 g/m3
24 Hr 100 100
A.A. 40 40
PM2.5 g/m3
24 Hr 60 60
A.A. 50 20
SO2 g/m3
24 Hr 80 80
A.A. 40 30
NOx g/m3
24 Hr 80 80
8 Hr 2 2
CO mg/m3
1 Hr 4 4
A.A. 100 100
NH3 g/m3
24 Hr 400 400
A.A. 0.50 0.50
Lead (Pb) g/m3
24 Hr 1 1
8 Hr 100 100
Ozone g/m3
1 Hr 180 180
Benzene g/m3 Annual 5 5
Benzo(a) Pyrene mg/m3 Annual 1 1
Arsenic mg/m3 Annual 6 6
Nickel mg/m3 Annual 20 20
VOC g/m3 NS NS NS

Note - A.A. - Annual Average, NS - Not Specified

3.8.4 Observations based on Period of October 2017 to December 2017

The observations in respect of results presented in Table 3.13 are given below -

 Particulate Matter (PM10)

PM10 values at all the eight locations are attributed to windblown dust. The 98 percentile
values at stations viz. Industrial Site, Roth Bk., Talaghar, Nivi, Talavali, Washi, Varsoli and
Barshet are observed between 42.5 g/m3 to 71.4 g/m3 which are below the permissible
value of 100 g/m3 designated for residential/Industrial zones. Average PM10 values ranges
between 40.8 g/m3 to 70.1 g/m3.

 Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

All the observed values are within the permissible limits for residential and rural conditions
i.e. 60 g/m3. The average values ranges between 10.3 g/m3 to 20.1 g/m3.


 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

All the observations are well below the permissible limits of 80 g/m3. Considering the
meteorology of the site, average SO2 concentrations ranges between 12.7 g/m3 to 22.0

 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

All the observed values are within the permissible limits for residential and rural conditions
i.e. 80 g/m3. The average values ranges between 16.2 g/m3 to 34.3 g/m3.

 Carbon Monoxide (CO)

The average concentration of CO at selected monitoring sites was found in between 0.0
mg/m3 to 0.1 mg/m3 which are within the permissible limits of NAAQM standards.

 Ammonia (NH3)

All the observations are well below the permissible limits of 400 g/m3. Considering the
meteorology of the site, average NH3 concentrations ranges between 8.5 g/m3 to 18.6 g/m3.

 Lead (Pb)

Lead (Pb) concentration at sites Roth Bk. and Varsoli were found to be below detectable
limits (BDL), while average value is 0.1 g/m3 for other each sites.

 Ozone (O3)

The average concentrations of O3 at selected sampling sites are in between 8.7 g/m3 to 12.2
g/m3 which are within permissible limits.

 Benzene (C6H6)

Benzene concentration at sites namely Roth Bk., Talaghar, Washi, Varsoli and Barshet was
below detectable limits (BDL). At other sites the average benzene concentration was found to
be in the range between 0.3 g/m3 to 0.4 g/m3.

 Benzo(a) Pyrene (BaP), Arsenic (As) and Nickel (Ni)

The average concentration of Benzo(a) Pyrene, Arsenic and Nickel was found to be below
detectable limits (BDL) at all sites respectively.


The average VOC concentration at Industrial site is 90.6 g/m3; due to proximity of other
industries in the MIDC, the industrial site location showed relatively higher value of VOC. At
other sites the average VOC concentration was found to be in the range between 33.8 g/m3
to 68.4 g/m3.



3.9.1 Introduction

Selected water quality parameters, for surface and ground water resources, within the study
area have been considered for assessing water environment and evaluating impact due to the
proposed expansion project activities. Understanding the water quality is important in the
preparation of environmental impact assessment and to identify critical issues with a view to
suggest appropriate mitigation measures for implementation.

The assignment w.r.t. water pollution aspect was done by Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar Thorat who
is an empanelled Functional Area Expert (FAE) for WP.

3.9.2 Methodology Methodology of Data Generation

Reconnaissance survey was undertaken and monitoring locations were finalized based on (1)
toposheet and drainage map to identify major water bodies and (2) likely areas which can
represent baseline conditions. Sampling and analysis of water samples for physical, chemical
and heavy metals were undertaken through NABL & MoEFCC; New Delhi approved
laboratory of M/s. Horizon Services, Pune. Eight locations for ground water and eight
locations for surface water were selected which are listed below in Table 3.15 and Table
3.16 respectively.

Table 3.15 Monitoring Locations for Ground Water

Name of the Distance from Proposed Direction w.r.t. the

Station Code
Station Site ( in Km) Proposed Site
GW1 Roth Kh. 1.81 NW
GW2 Dhatav 1 0.72 S
GW3 Dhatav 2 0.74 S
GW4 Roth Bk. 1.00 NW
GW5 Muthavali 2.76 NW
GW6 Malsai 3.53 N
GW7 Bahe 1.96 NE
GW8 Dhankanhe 4.00 NE

Table 3.16 Monitoring Locations for Surface Water

Name of the Distance from Proposed Direction w.r.t. the

Station Code
Station Site ( in Km) Proposed Site
SW1 Pale Kh. 4.63 E
SW2 Udhavane 1.46 NW
SW3 Mahadevwadi 0.98 SW
SW4 Confluence 2.41 NW
SW5 Roth Bk. 1.79 NW
SW6 Zolambe 8.87 NW
SW7 Dhatav 1.00 S
SW8 Killa 2.54 E

3.9.3 Sampling Procedure for Primary Data Generation

Ground and surface water sources, covered in an area of 10 Km radius from the proposed
expansion site were examined for physico-chemical, heavy metal and bacteriological
parameters in order to assess the effect of industrial and other activities on surface and
ground water. The samples were collected and analyzed as per procedures specified in
‘Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater’ published by American
Public Health Association (APHA). Samples for chemical analysis were collected in
polyethylene carboys. Moreover, samples were collected in sterilized glass bottles for
bacteriological test. Parameters analyzed at the site were pH, temperature, odour, turbidity
and dissolved oxygen using portable water analysis kits. Selected physico-chemical and
bacteriological parameters have been analyzed for projecting the existing water quality status
in the core area. Results for the parameters analyzed in surface water samples, are compared
with Class ‘C’ water as per IS 10500:1991, Revised 2012; “Specifications for Drinking


3.9.4 Presentation of Ground Water Results for Survey from October 2017 - December 2017

Table 3.17 Summary of Ground Water

Sr. Roth kh. Dhatav 1 Dhatav 2 Roth Bk. Muthavali Malsai Bahe Dhankanhe Limits IS
Parameter Unit (GW1) (GW2) (GW3) (GW4) (GW5) (GW6) (GW7) (GW8)
No. 10500:2012
Open Well Open Open Bore Bore Open Community Bore
Well Well Well Well Well Bore Well Well
1. pH -- 7.34 7.03 7.54 7.63 7.21 7.16 7.35 7.52 6.5-8.5
2. Turbidity NTU 0.20 0.10 0.12 0.22 0.34 0.25 0.19 0.14 001.00
3. Electrical Conductance mS/cm 1.27 1.26 0.77 1.33 1.38 1.45 1.37 1.43 Not Specified
4. Total Dissolved Solids mg/lit 846.26 842.07 515.74 894.33 926.93 971.20 919.97 955.82 500.00
5. Total Suspended Solids mg/lit 28.15 33.02 12.39 15.63 20.9 22.54 15.42 16.87 Not Specified
6. Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/lit 6.59 13.18 12.69 13.65 15.20 18.52 15.76 19.87 Not Specified
7. Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/lit 3.83 5.11 5.05 5.98 6.11 7.24 6.01 7.50 Not Specified
8. Chlorides as Cl- mg/lit 91.50 87.40 84.26 99.71 100.52 87.19 105.41 85.27 <250.00
9. Sulphates as SO4 mg/lit 80.5 65.40 72.87 83.49 90.18 104.50 83.88 95.92 <200.00
10. Copper as Cu mg/lit 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.005 Nil 0.006 Nil 0.001 <0.05
11. Nickel as Ni mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.02
12. Total Chromium as Cr mg/lit Nil Nil 0.06 Nil 0.002 0.004 0.006 Nil <0.05
13. Zinc as Zn mg/lit 0.020 0.030 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.001 <5.00
14. Mercury as Hg mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.001
15. Arsenic as As mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.01
16. Iron as Fe mg/lit Nil 0.06 0.01 0.015 0.013 0.016 0.016 0.012 <0.30
17. Sodium as Na mg/lit 29.64 55.79 32.15 36.51 40.19 28.96 29.74 24.38 Not Specified
18. Potassium as K mg/lit 4.10 5.90 5.63 6.61 7.29 4.26 5.27 5.51 Not Specified
19. Cadmium as Cd mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.003
20. Lead as Pb mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.01
21. Boron as B mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil <0.50
22. Calcium as Ca mg/lit 71.30 92.67 82.57 79.81 76.27 89.79 95.23 91.68 <75.00
23. Magnesium as Mg mg/lit 31.20 20.23 25.63 26.69 28.21 30.39 21.45 32.69 <30.00
24. Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/lit 306.79 315.02 312.02 309.49 306.90 349.68 326.45 363.88 <200.00
25. Phosphate as PO4 mg/lit 0.12 1.70 1.86 0.74 0.97 1.44 1.69 1.26 Not Specified


Sr. Roth kh. Dhatav 1 Dhatav 2 Roth Bk. Muthavali Malsai Bahe Dhankanhe Limits IS
Parameter Unit (GW1) (GW2) (GW3) (GW4) (GW5) (GW6) (GW7) (GW8)
No. 10500:2012
Open Well Open Open Bore Bore Open Community Bore
Well Well Well Well Well Bore Well Well
26. Fluorides as F mg/lit 0.15 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.25 0.35 0.26 0.24 <1.0
27. Nitrites as NO2 mg/lit 0.034 0.041 0.026 0.012 0.016 0.015 0.036 0.022 Not Specified
28. Nitrates as NO3 mg/lit 0.30 0.40 0.36 0.33 0.41 0.56 0.48 0.44 <45.00
29. Total Nitrogen mg/lit 0.50 0.60 0.45 0.46 0.52 0.63 0.50 0.55 Not Specified
30. Carbonates as CO32- mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Not Specified
31. Bicarbonates as HCO3- mg/lit 170.10 163.70 150.69 188.24 193.19 195.41 193.55 185.96 Not Specified
32. Ammonical Nitrogen mg/lit Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Not Specified
33. Total Coliforms 100 ml
60 33 59 62 82 78 56 68 No. /100 ml
34. Fecal Coliforms 100 ml
Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent

Note - Analysis results for the Ground water are given at Annexure - IV.


Table 3.18 Summary of Surface Water

Pale Kh. Udhavane Mahadevwa Conflue Roth Bk. Zolambe Dhatav Killa
Sr. Limits IS
Parameter Unit (SW1) (SW2) di (SW3) nce (SW5) (SW6) (SW7) (SW8)
No 10500:2012
Upstream Midstream (SW4) Down Down
stream stream
1. Colour -- Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless --
2. Odour -- Agreeable Agreeable Slightly smell Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable
3. pH -- 7.41 7.52 8.15 7.72 7.63 7.77 7.45 7.58 6.5-8.5
4. Conductivity µS/cm 152.25 256.64 1051.38 350.53 296.62 396.37 445.55 589.21 Not Specified
5. Total Dissolved Solids
mg/lit 102.18 172.24 705.62 235.26 199.08 266.02 297.80 393.80 < 500.00
6. Turbidity NTU 0.8 0.9 2.1 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.7 0.5 1.00
7. Total Suspended Solids mg/lit 19.00 24.00 112.00 32.00 30.00 39.00 45.00 59.00 Not Specified
8. Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/lit 13.00 16.00 37.90 20.50 18.50 22.40 15.63 19.98 Not Specified
9. BOD 3 days at 27o C mg/lit 5.00 6.00 13.00 8.50 7.20 9.45 6.21 7.23 Not Specified
10. Ammonical Nitrogen mg/lit NIL NIL 10.50 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Not Specified
11. Nitrate as NO3 mg/lit 0.20 0.32 46.56 4.25 2.55 5.18 3.15 4.61 45.00
12. Nitrite as NO2 mg/lit NIL NIL 1.29 0.001 NIL NIL 0.002 0.004 Not Specified
13. Phosphorous as P mg/lit 0.01 0.50 0.90 0.59 0.55 0.60 0.31 0.41 Not Specified
14. Nitrogen as N mg/lit 0.03 0.60 1.10 0.72 0.69 0.78 0.60 0.89 Not Specified
15. Sodium as Na mg/lit 0.02 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.06 Not Specified
16. Potassium as K mg/lit NIL NIL 1.80 0.062 0.052 0.066 NIL 1.20 Not Specified
17. Calcium as Ca mg/lit 10.09 15.23 89.62 29.60 20.29 35.63 19.87 23.54 75.00
18. Magnesium as Mg mg/lit 4.10 7.89 39.63 10.29 8.28 17.79 8.45 11.79 30.00
19. Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/lit 42.12 70.58 387.33 116.39 84.84 162.37 84.48 107.42 200.00
20. Carbonates as CO32- mg/lit NIL NIL 1.69 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Not Specified
21. Bicarbonates as HCO3 mg/lit 27.30 52.16 311.26 76.40 62.59 89.62 74.51 102.53 Not Specified
22. Chlorides as Clˉ mg/lit 2.90 10.00 89.85 17.80 13.52 19.30 25.84 32.19 250.00
23. Sulphates as SO4 mg/lit 13.00 20.00 77.50 32.00 23.18 34.60 22.16 25.69 200.00
24. Iron as Fe mg/lit 0.21 0.23 0.99 0.27 0.25 0.27 0.39 0.48 0.30
25. Copper as Cu mg/lit 0.002 NIL 0.004 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.05
26. Zinc as Zn mg/lit NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 5.00


Pale Kh. Udhavane Mahadevwa Conflue Roth Bk. Zolambe Dhatav Killa
Sr. Limits IS
Parameter Unit (SW1) (SW2) di (SW3) nce (SW5) (SW6) (SW7) (SW8)
No 10500:2012
Upstream Midstream (SW4) Down Down
stream stream
27. Arsenic as As mg/lit NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.01
28. Cadmium as Cd mg/lit NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.003
29. Chromium as Cr mg/lit 0.01 0.02 1.60 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.13 0.19 Not Specified
30. Lead as Pb mg/lit NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.01
31. Mercury as Hg mg/lit NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.001
32. Fluoride as Fˉ mg/lit NIL NIL 1.4 NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.8 1.00
33. Boron as B mg/lit NIL NIL 0.20 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.50
34. Total Coli form No./ 50 75 125 83 79 92 58 84 No. /100 ml

Note - Analysis results for the Surface water are given at Annexure - V. General Observations

Ground water and surface water sources covered within 10 km radial distance from Site were examined for Physico-chemical and bacteriological
parameters in order to assess the effect of industrial and other activities on ground water. The analysis was done as per the procedure laid down in
the standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater (APHA). The salient observations are as indicated below as -

Ground Water

The ranges described here cover all the sampling locations in the study area. The pH values are observed to be in the range of 7.03 to 7.63, which
are well within the limits conforming to the drinking water standards (IS: 10500). Total Dissolved Solids in the ground waters, in the study area as
a whole, are not within the permissible limit of 500 mg/l. This is equally and reflects higher hardness level, in the range of 306.79 - 363.88 mg/l.
Higher levels of Ca, Mg, and Total Hardness were observed almost above the permissible limits. Also the total coliforms and Fecal Coliforms


Surface Water

The range described underneath encompasses all the sampling locations. The pH values range
from 7.41 to 8.15. They represent neutral to alkaline conditions. Total dissolved solids were
observed to be in the range of 102.18 -393.80 mg/l. The TDS values are within the
permissible limit of 500 mg/l. The COD ranges from 13 to 37.90 mg/l. The Inorganic
constituent like Nitrites, Sodium, Potassium are observed to be within the permissible limits.
It is observed that all the parameters are within the prescribed limits. Except the value of
TDS, Ammonical Nitrogen, Ca, Mg, Fe, B and total Hardness at Mahadevwadi village
exceeds the limit. This indicates that there is no pollution of the surface water bodies other
than Mahadevwadi. The surface water quantity can be stated as good for remaining villages.


3.10.1 Introduction

Under the proposed project, so there would not be much construction activity on the site,
Although, level of construction activities shall not be very high, still some specific sources of
noise like welding, transportation, movement of earth movers, tractors, concrete or asphalt
mixing etc. should be carried out in a controlled manner. Neither the plant nor the
construction workers should be exposed to excessive noise levels.

The physical description of sound concerns its loudness as a function of frequency. Noise in
general is that sound which is composed of many frequency components of various loudness
distributed over the audible frequency range. Various noise scales have been introduced to
describe, in a single number, the response of an average human to a complex sound made up
of various frequencies at different loudness levels. The most common and universally
accepted scale is the ‘A’ weighted scale which is measured as dB (A). This is more suitable
for audible range of 20 to 20000 Hz. The scale has been designed to weigh various
components of noise according to the response of a human ear.

The impact of noise sources on surrounding community depends on -

 Characteristics of noise sources (instantaneous, intermittent or continuous in nature). It

can be observed that steady noise is not as annoying as the one, which is of continuously
varying loudness.
 The time of day at which noise occurs, for example high noise levels at night in
residential areas are not acceptable because of sleep disturbance.
 The location of the noise source, with respect to noise sensitive land use, which
determines the loudness and period of exposure.

The Environmental Impact of noise can have several effects varying from Noise Induced
Hearing Loss to Annoyance depending on loudness of noise levels. The environmental
impact assessment of noise from the industrial activity, vehicular traffic can be undertaken by
taking into consideration various factors like potential damage to hearing, physiological
responses, annoyance and general community responses.

The study area of 10 km radius with reference to the proposed expansion plant site has been
covered for noise environment. The four zones viz. Residential, Commercial, Industrial and
Silent Zones have been considered for noise monitoring. Some of the major arterial roads


were covered to assess the noise due to traffic. Noise monitoring was undertaken for 24 hours
at each location.

The main objective of noise pollution impact assessment in the study area is to assess the
impact of total noise generated by industries and vehicular traffic on the human settlements
within 10 km radius. The main objectives of the studies conducted are -

 Assessment of background noise levels

 Identification and monitoring the major noise sources of the existing activity
 Impact of noise on the workers as well as on general population.

The assignment w.r.t. Noise level survey was done by Mr. Vinaykumar Kurakula who is
an empanelled Functional Area Expert (FAE) of EEIPL for Noise and Vibration (NV).

3.10.2 Identification of Sampling Locations

A preliminary reconnaissance survey was undertaken to identify the major noise generating
sources in the area. Noise generating sources have been identified with respect to the
activities viz. industrial noise and ambient noise due to industries and traffic, which have
impact on sensitive areas. The noise sampling locations have been indicated below as - Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations

The noise survey involved determination of noise levels, in decibels, at following eight
locations in the study area. Noise levels were recorded at every clock hour for a continuous
24-hour period.

Table 3.19 Noise Sampling Locations

Station Name of the Location Distance w.r.t. Plant Direction w.r.t. Plant
Code Point Site (in km) Site
N1 Industrial Site -- --
N2 Warse 2.27 SW
N3 Mahadevwadi 1.16 SW
N4 Dhatav 1.48 ES
N5 Bahe 2.06 NE
N6 Udadhavane 2.40 NW
N7 Roha Town 3.93 NW
N8 Killa 2.31 SE

 Parameters Measured During Monitoring -

A noise rating developed by EPA for specification of community noise from all the sources is
the day-night sound level, (Ldn). It is similar to a 24-hour equivalent sound level except that
during the night-time period, which extends from 10 PM to 6 AM, a 10 dB (A) weighing
penalty is added to the instantaneous sound level before computing 24 hour average. This
night time penalty is added to account for the fact that noise during night, when people
usually sleep, is judged more annoying than the same noise during the daytime.


For noise levels measured over a given period of time interval, it is possible to describe
important features of noise using statistical quantities. This is calculated using the percent of
the certain noise levels exceeding during the time interval. The notation for the statistical
quantities of noise levels is described below -

L10 is the noise level exceeded 10 percent of the time,

L50 is the noise level exceeded 50 percent of the time,
L90 is the noise level exceeded 90 percent of the time,
Ldayis equivalent noise level measured over a period of time during day (6 AM to 10 PM),
Lnight is equivalent noise level measured over a period of time during night (10 PM to 6 AM).

 Equivalent Sound Pressure Level (Leq) -

The Leq is the equivalent continuous sound level that is equivalent to the same sound energy
as the actual fluctuating sound measured in the same period. This is necessary because sound
from noise source often fluctuates widely during a given period of time.

This is calculated from the following equation -

(L10 - L90)2
Leq= L50 + --------------

Ldn - The noise rating developed for community noise from all sources is all Day-Nights
Sound Level (Ldn). It is similar to a 24 hr equivalent sound level except during night time
period (10 PM to 6 AM) a 10 dB (A) weighing penalty is added to the instantaneous sound
level before computing the 24 hr average. The Ldn for a given location in a community may
be calculated from the hourly Leq’s, by the equation -

Ldn=10 log {1/24[15(10 Ld/10) +9 (10(Ln+10)/10)]}

Where Ld is the equivalent sound level during the daytime (6 AM to 10 PM) and Ln is the
equivalent sound level during the nighttime (10 PM to 6 AM). Method of Monitoring

A detailed noise level survey was undertaken to study the levels of noise, as the high noise
levels may cause adverse effect on human beings and the associated environment. The noise
level monitoring was carried out through M/s. Horizon Services, Pune which is NABL
accredited and MoEFCC; New Delhi approved organization. Standards for Noise Levels

 Ambient Noise Levels Standards

MoEFCC has notified ambient air quality standards in respect of noise vide Gazette
notification Dated 14th February, 2000. It is based on the ‘A’ weighted equivalent noise level
(Leq). The standards are given in following table -


Table 3.20 Ambient Noise Level Standards

Limits in dB (A) Leq

Area code Category
Day Time Night Time
A Industrial Area 75 70
B Commercial Area 65 55
C Residential Area 55 45
D Silence Zone 50 40

Ref: Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 14th Feb 2000.

 Standards for Occupational Noise (U.S.A) -

Industrialized countries have specified limits for occupational noise exposure. The
permissible noise exposure limit for industrial workers is primarily concerned with the
harmful aspect of noise and its objective is to protect the hearing of majority of working
people. The American Conference Government of Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), USA
has prescribed the following permissible noise exposure limits for industrial workers. These
limits are given in Table 3.21 as -

Table 3.21 Standards for Occupational Exposure

Exposure Time in Hour/Day Limit in dB (A)

8 090
4 093
2 096
1 099
1/2 102
1/4 105
1/8 108
1/16 111
1/32 114

Exposure to continuous or intermittent noise louder than 115 dB (A) should not be permitted.
Exposure to pulse or impact noise should not exceed 140 dB (A).

 OSHA Standards -

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has also prescribed the
following allowable limits to noise exposure for industrial workers. These are given in the
following Table 3.22 as -

Table 3.22 OSHA Standards for Occupational Exposure

Duration per Day (in hours) Sound Level in dB (A)

8 085
6 087
4 090
3 092


Duration per Day (in hours) Sound Level in dB (A)

2 095
1.5 097
1 100
0.5 105
0.25 110

3.10.3 Presentation of Results

The ambient noise levels measured are presented in Table 3.23. The table indicates
equivalent noise levels viz. L10, L50, L90, Lday, Lnight and Ldn at different places located within
the study area. Similarly, these values viz. Leq, Lday, Lnight and Ldn are compared with the

Table 3.23 Ambient Noise Levels

Sr. Average Noise Level in dB (A)

No. L10 L50 L90 Leq(day) Leq(night) Ldn
1. N1 70.7 71.9 73.6 72.1 63.7 72.8
2. N2 42.3 51.2 52.7 53.0 44.3 53.6
3. N3 47.0 49.2 53.6 50.0 43.1 51.4
4. N4 49.1 52.2 56.7 53.1 35.0 51.5
5. N5 48.4 51.4 53.0 51.7 35.0 50.2
6. N6 38.1 46.0 53.3 49.8 32.3 48.2
7. N7 43.9 47.1 48.4 47.5 41.3 49.3
8. N8 42.2 46.0 48.5 46.6 42.8 50.0

Note: Analysis results for Noise are given at Annexure - VI.


3.11.1 Introduction

Socio-economic (SE) status of any population is an indicator for development of the region.
Any developmental project will have bearing on the living conditions and on the economic
base of population in particular and the region as a whole. Similarly, the proposed expansion
industry will have its share of socio-economic influence in the study area. The section
delineates the overall appraisal of socially relevant attributes.

The data collection, for evaluation of impact of the proposed expansion project on socio-
economic aspects in the study area, has been done through primary household survey and
through the analysis of secondary data available on study area. Survey of selected eighteen
villages within the 10 Km radius of the study area was carried out with the help of an
interview schedule. The villages within a close proximity of the project were given more
weightage as hypothetically these villages are more affected positively or negatively. The
objective of this survey was to understand the current socio-economic status of selected
villages and the perception of the local people about the existing industries located in Roha
MIDC as well as to know their awareness regarding the proposed project by AFCMPL. The
following data was collected in the month of January, 2018 by Dr. A. J. Samant in-house
FAE and Technical Director of EEIPL for SE and Mr. Neeraj D. Powar in -house FAE.

3.11.2 Methodology

The survey of 18 villages, selected out of 92 villages within the 10 Km radius of TDMCCL,
was carried out with the help of a structured close ended interview schedule, comprising of
36 questions in Marathi. The schedule was administered in month of December, 2017. Simple
random disproportionate sampling technique was used. A total of 180 locals were covered
during the study (Refer Table 3.24).

Table 3.24 Details of Sample Size

Sr. No. Village Number of Sample Size

1. Dhatav 10
2. Roha 10
3. Ashtami 10
4. Nivi 10
5. Borghar 10
6. Balapade Kh. 10
7. Tamhanshet 10
8. Tambadiwadi 10
9. Devakanhe 10
10. Roth Kh. 10
11. Roth Bk. 10
12. Gove 10
13. Mahadevwadi 10
14. Madhali Kh. 10
15. Bhuvaneshwar 10
16. Wandoli 10
17. Kharapati 10
18. Pugaon 10
Total 180

3.11.3 Results and Discussion

The villages in the study area are small and most of them are well connected by all weather
roads. The male: female ratio among the respondents was 59:41 respectively. The difference
in the ratio is visible as female members are usually less responsive. Even thought their
availability is more, however educated women employed as teacher (high school), Gram
Panchayat members and PHC-employee are deliberately in target respondent due to their
exposure and education.


Fig. 3.17 Age Distribution within Sample size

 Within the sample size, (30%) between 31 to 40 years, (21%) between 21 to 30 years,
(19%) were between the age-group 41 to 50 years, (16%) between 51 to 60 years and
remaining (14%) above 60 years. (Fig.3.17).
 A majority of the respondents within the sample size were literate as only (11%) were
illiterate. The literates had up to primary (35%), secondary (32%), higher secondary
(15%), graduate (6%) and post graduate (1%) level education.
 Within the surveyed area the respondents were reported to be involved in diverse
livelihood activities such as agriculture, service, agriculture labour and business. Majority
(67%) of the respondents had agriculture as their main occupation. Around (31%) were
involved in diverse services mostly in industries located in Roha MIDC; only few (10%)
carried out business related activities.
 Many (62%) of the respondents from the study area had an annual income between Rs.
75,000 to 1,50,000 (25%) of the respondents had their annual income above Rs.1,50,000.
whereas remaining (13%) of the respondents had their annual income below Rs.75,000.
However people are not accurate while revealing their actual income this was observed
from their life style.
 Major crops grown in the area, according to respondents are rice (75%), val (42%), vari
(10%), millets (3%) and vegetables (2%). Major fruit orchards in the area, according to
respondents are mango, coconut, cashew nut and supari.
 In most villages (76%) the population depended for drinking water in the form of river. On
the other hand (24%) relied on groundwater and other sources as well in the form of wells
and bore wells. According to a majority (85%) of the respondents there is no shortage of
water in the area as it is available sufficiently throughout year.
 Though a majority (97%) of the respondents revealed that there was no change in water
quality in their area, remaining (3%) perceived change in water quality which was
attributed to the industrial waste water. This response was stronger by locals from villages
Roth Khurd, Roth Budruk. This is due to close proximity of these villages to MIDC and
nalla passing through these villages into which effluent is discharged by industries. This
was also observed during visit to these villages. Among these, (70%) of the respondents
perceived negative effect on health of locals due to drinking of polluted water e.g.
digestion problems.
 When enquired about the negative environmental effects of existing industries in MIDC,
there were mixed opinions from the respondents, (72%) of them said they are experiencing
any negative effect namely air and odour pollution (55%), on health (20%), effect on local
animals (7%), other negative impacts (3%) and loss of cultivable land (17%). Complaints


about odour and air pollution problem were more by respondents from villages Roth
Khurd, Roth Budruk and Killa. Impacts due to this were breathing problem, eye and throat
irritation. In these village locals have stopped rearing domestic animals due to their health
problems as a result of polluted water. Regarding fish the same was revealed that there is
fish population loss throughout the flow of the river.
 (61%) of the respondents expressed that the industries from Roha MIDC provided job
opportunities in the form of unskilled work, daily wage and transport jobs. It was observed
that in most villages, more than 25 persons from each village, in the study area, were
working in one or other industry of MIDC. Most respondents had changed their profession
from traditional farming to working in industries of MIDC. About (63%) of the
respondents said that this employment is not seasonal and lasts for whole year and
therefore is sustainable. According to respondents, (25%) to (50%) of the work force in
Roha MIDC is from outside states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar due to the low wages accepted
by them.
 A large majority of the respondents (82%) were unaware of the proposed project by
TDMCCL. When asked about their opinion on this, mixed opinions were expressed. (43%)
were hopeful about increase in employment (40%) felt that this will further increase the
pollution while (12%) perceived that there would be no change in existing conditions.
 When asked about contribution by Industries of Roha MIDC, respondents said that only
Medical van is being provided by some of the industries, many more facilities need to be
provided e.g. development of open spaces for playgrounds, waste water management
system, drinking water facility.
 (66%) respondents stated that library / reading room is existed in their village. (47%) of
respondents mentioned that there was a cultural centre for the use of villagers in the
village. (65%) stated that there was madanpam in front of their temples which was utilised
for multiple purposes. PHC centres in working conditions existed in the village according
to (59%) respondent and availability of doctors in the village was mentioned by (84%).
 Only (6%) respondents did not have toilets but there were to be built in due course due to
government compulsion as compare to this according to the respondent (1%) mention that
all schools did not have toilets. According to (93%) of the respondents there were self help
group in their respective areas for socio-economic upliftment of the locals. However no
specific business was carried out by these self help groups except gathering money and
releasing loans.
 There were diverse expectations of the respondents from TDMCCL. About (81%) stressed
on need for better health facility, (13%) demanded domestic waste water management and
(3%) asked for solid waste treatment facilities.

3.11.4 General observation in the study area through SIA survey

It was observed that most of the villages are well connected by roads having basic facilities
like drinking water (provided by MIDC), educational facilities, toilets and electricity.
Moreover, it was interesting to note that village Dhatav had received an award for Swatch
Bharat Mission. Villages namely Roth Budruk and Roth Khurd which are close to MIDC
were found to be negatively affected by air pollution, odour problem and water pollution. In
some villages like Pui and Khamb, rabbi crops like rice were being cultivated due to easy
availability of water through canal. Direct and indirect job opportunities in MIDC and both
kharif and rabbi crops have uplifted the economic condition of the locals. However, it was
interesting to observe that, locals residing in wadis above villages Pugao, Palle khurd, Killa
and Washi were known to be Adivasis. Most of these were illiterate, economically backward
and dependent on gathering wood for their livelihood. They had no water facility in their
village and this was their demand.

3.11.5 Conclusion

Most respondents from all villages are dependent on agriculture and working in MIDC for
their livelihood. Major crops grown in the area is rice and wal. A majority of the population
within the sample size had a quantum able income which is mostly due to job opportunities in
MIDC. Cumulative impact due to various industries in MIDC is adversely affecting the
environment in the region. Due to the chemical industries every household had at least one
chemical graduate in their house however they were not satisfied by the payment and are now
migrating to Mumbai, thus the population of workers from other states was increasing.

3.11.6 Suggestions

Provision of full-time working health centre is inclusive of qualified doctor should be

provided by the industries in Roha MIDC. Free compulsory education should be provided to
Adivasi community in the area. Play grounds, incentives for increasing Marathi schools. Due
to the chemical effect on the colour of crops and the condition of soil, many locals had given
up farming. A large population grows wal a type of pulse.


The in-house Functional Area Experts of EEIPL for EB Prof. (Dr.) Jay Samant, Dr. Rohan
Lad and EB research scholar Mr. Anup Gargate were involved in the present overall
exercise w.r.t. ecology and biodiversity aspects of the study area around TDMCCL project.

3.12.1 Study area

The study area in 10 km radius from the project site (314.2 sq km) forms part of Roha and
Mangaon tehsils of Raigad district. About 90 % of the study area falls in Roha while 10 % in
the south comes under Mangaon Tehsil. The climate of the area is predominantly sub tropical
and moderate throughout the year. The area receives annual average rainfall ranging between
13110 mm to 24417 mm and the soil types are dominated by loamy soil which influences the
ecology and biodiversity of the region. The major part of hill forest is mixed, consisting of
evergreen and semi-evergreen type and on hill slopes with moist deciduous type tree cover.
There are barren patches on hilly plateaus, particularly of the main ridges and spurs of the
Western Ghats.

Out of the total of 93 villages within10 km radius of the project site, a total 38 villages (41%)
fall in the Western Ghats ESA (Appendix - V). Out of which 7 villages are located within
the 5 km radius from the project site and remaining 31 villages in 5 km to 10 km radius.
During this study 25 representative villages out of the total 93 villages were field surveyed
for Ecology and Biodiversity (EB) and village questionnaire. This comprised 13 villages
within 5 km radius (Two from ESA) and 12 villages between 5 and 10 km radius (Six from
ESA). The names of the study villages are given in Table 3.25.


Table 3.25 Study villages, Villages from the Western Ghats ESA and
their distance from project site

Villages In 0 km to 5 km radius Villages In 5 Km to 10 Km radius

Sr. EB Quest. Sr. Village EB Quest.
Village Name ESA ESA
No. Survey Survey No. Name Survey Survey
1. Ashtami - Õ - 14. Amdoshi - Õ -
2. Bahe Õ Õ - 15. Are - Õ Õ
3. Devakhane Õ Õ Õ 16. Ghosale - Õ Õ
4. Dhatav Õ - Õ 17. Kharpati - Õ -
5. Gove - Õ - 18. Mandavshet Õ Õ -
6. Killa Õ Õ - 19. Pugaon Õ - -
7. Landhar - Õ - 20. Pui Õ Õ -
8. Õ Õ - 21. Tambadi - Õ Õ
9. Pale Kh. Õ - - 22. Usar Õ - Õ
10. Pingalsai - Õ - 23. Vaijnath Õ - Õ
11. Roth Bk. - Õ - 24. Wandoli - Õ Õ
12. Roth Kh. - Õ - 25. Zolambe Õ Õ -
13. Udhadavane Õ - -

3.12.2 Methodology

For familiarization of the study area, a preliminary survey was conducted in the study area on
3rd and 4th November, 2017. During EB study, toposheet (surveyed in 1967-68 and updated
during 2005-06), IRS LISS IV satellite imagery and LULC maps based on them are used.
Similarly relevant data from District Census (2011), Raigad District Gazetteer, district forest
report and relevant literature was referred. At time of field visits ground truthing was done for
local Ecology by confirming the LULC maps for major macro and micro habitats in the study
area. The key terrestrial habitats such as hills, grassland, scrub, agriculture land habitats were
identified in the vicinity of all the study villages. Aquatic habitats studied included water-
bodies near villages Killla, Devkhane, Bahe, Mahadevwadi, Pugaon, MIDC area and Pui
Dam and stretch of Kundlika River i.e. up stream, mid stream and downstream of Roha
MIDC. The survey was conducted from early morning till evening on the five days in winter
month i.e. 16 to 20 January 2018. The green belt survey of TDMCCL industrial plot was
carried out on 31 May 2018.

Biodiversity field study involved random method for vegetation and opportunistic sighting
for fauna (Larsen and Viana, 2016). Flora was recorded for identification and species
dominance at level of major tree species. Field binoculars of makes Nikon (12 X 50 - 5.20),
Olympus (7 X 35 - 70) and Minolta (5 X 50 - 70) were used during the observations. The
Book of Indian Birds by Salim Ali (1996) and Birds of Southern India by Grimmet et al.
(2005) for bird and The Book of Indian Reptiles and Amphibians by Daniel (2002) for
herpatofauna and Freshwater Fishes of Peninsular India by Ranjit Daniels (2002) for fish
were referred as field guides. Photo documentation was done during habitat and biodiversity
survey using Canon Power-shot (S X 30 IS HD 35X,14 Megapixels) camera to note present
environmental status of the habitats. Bird survey was conducted following standard point
count method (Altmann, 1974). Extensive Photo documentation was done throughout the
study to record the direct and indirect environmental impacts of industrial activities in Roha

region on ecology and biodiversity in the area. The data thus collected was used to estimate
diversity and status of threatened bird species.

A structured close ended interview schedule, comprising of 21 Ecology-Biodiversity related

questions in local Marathi language, was administered to get authentic information from the
locals on the status of EB in the study area. In this stratified random sampling method was
used. In which by design 70% of the respondents were 50+ year age group in the sample size
of 90 respondents, from the 19 study villages. This exercise was focused to get perception on
the environmental changes, particularly in local ecology and biodiversity over the years.

3.12.3 Ecology Field Observation

Most of the region is hilly, rugged and in places with slope of the Western Ghats spurs, and
number of hillocks all over the study area forming catchments of numerous streams which
ultimately meet river Kundalika in the basin at the centre of the study area. The undulating
hill slopes and flatter hilltops are cultivated revenue or owned lands habitats admixed with
reserved forests. These areas are scattered with open scrubs and grasslands habitats. The
study area is a mosaic of habitats comprised of hills with forests and scrub, slopes and
lowlands with homesteads and cultivation. Manmade water bodies and swamps in the vicinity
of study villages namely Killla, Devkhane, Bahe, Mahadevwadi, Pugaon, Vaijnath,
Udadavane and Roha MIDC area and medium dam at village Pui and River Kundlika with its
tributaries provide habitat for aquatic biodiversity. The agriculture fields, horticulture farms
and grasslands are spread on either sides of river Kundlika and around MIDC area, and the
forest and scrub areas around villages Pale khurd, Killa, Vaijnath, Mandavshet, Usar,
Landhar, Vandoli and Pingalsai are habitats suitable for terrestrial biodiversity. The study
area is a good mosaic of intermixed rich and diverse macro and micro habitats comprising of
Western Ghats spurs, coastal plains, undulating terrain, manmade wetlands, river basin,
estuarine habitats and mangroves, those support good ecology and biodiversity.

However, during field visits many small water logged areas, totally polluted and highly
eutrophicated are also observed in and around project site and MIDC area. At some wetlands
i.e. near Roha Dychem and Excel industries, effluents and solid wastes are released making
them polluted. Also the chemical industries closely located on the banks of Kundalika River
and her major tributary streams such as Lander nalla are also a potential threat to the ecology
of the wetlands and their biota. Questionnaire findings

The respondents from the 19 villages reported presence of numerous seasonal waterfalls in
the area. According to few respondents good mangroves habitats were also present earlier in
the littoral part of Kundalika River. Most of these disappeared due to the continuous
discharge of fresh water after Pui dam construction, as the tidal influence of brackish water
was permanently affected. According to the respondents the past habitat status in general in
the area is now qualitatively and quantitatively changed according to their location and
landuse. The multiple weightage given by the respondents revealed that the major habitats in
the area are as forest (84%), scrub (79%), agriculture land (76%), fallow land (63%) and
grassland (54%). The present status of theses habitats as per them suggested decrease in the
forest, grassland and scrub area with increase in agricultural, habitations and industrial area.


Not much change is reported in fallow lands, plateaus, stony cliffs and waterfall habitats. The
major habitats such as forest, scrub and agriculture tallies with the LULC studies.

In case of some aquatic habitats there are changes in both quality and quantity of the water as
reported by the respondents. Some respondents (37%) reported problems of wetland pollution
and decrease in number of water holes, while deforestation was reported by (25%) and
grassland destruction by (12%). The reasons for this habitat change are attributed in
descending order to Industrialization (54%), forest fire (45%), rapid urbanization (40%), tree
cutting and industrial pollution (27%) each. It is followed by sewage pollution (21%),
agriculture expansion and increase in weeds (14%), grass burning (11%) and stone quarrying
(6%). The present cumulative landuse, as per the respondents is agriculture (78%), industrial
(43%), residential (42%) and infrastructure (20%) and Protected Areas (7%) these
observations are restricted to their village environs.

3.12.4 Biodiversity Field Observation

The water-bodies in villages namely Killa, Devkhane, Bahe, Mahadevwadi, Pugaon,Vaijnath,

Udadavane, and Roha MIDC area, and medium dam at village Pui were studied along with
the major stretch of River Kundalika and her tributary streams in the study area to observe
their biodiversity, this was restricted to avifauna as birds are considered indicators of
environmental health of the habitats.

In all a total of 589 birds belonging to 15 orders, 30 families and 54 species were recorded
during the brief field survey, out of which 32 species were common resident, 16 species were
not common resident, 3 species were not common winter visitor and 3 species were common
winter visitor. Considering less number of study sites, limited time and few opportunistic
observations, this avian diversity is a good indicator of biodiversity, mainly due to the mosaic
of natural and manmade habitats in the region. Moreover, according to IUCN, 2017 status,
black headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) becomes Near Threatened bird species,
which was reported in exceptionally large number at Pugaon village. As per feeding guild
some bird species (14) recorded are dependent on multiple food sources while others depend
on single source. The total 54 bird species recorded comprised of piscivorous (10),
insectivorous (19), carnivorous (15), omnivorous (12), granivorous (5), nectarivorous (7) and
frugivorous (9). This clearly indicates the wide spectrum of food availability in the mosaic of
diverse micro habitats in the study area. Attempt has been made to evaluate the species
diversity index (SDI). The indices calculated revealed Shannon Wiener diversity index (H)
4.71, Evenness (j) 1.18, Simpson Index (D) 0.90 and Species Richness (d) 19.13. Bird species
list is enclosed (Appendix - V). Some butterfly species were also observed with their
associated host plants during field study. (Appendix - V). Questionnaire findings

In the questionnaire survey on biodiversity, the respondents reported 26 tree species as

common in the study area. The dominant tree species in the region is Teak (Tactona grandis),
which has been extensively pruned over years and the current teak forest is mostly a
secondary growth. In case of social forestry plantation, it is noted that traditionally
government planted Nilgiri (Eucalyptus sp.), Teak (Tactona grandis), Australian Babhul
(Acacia auriculiformis) and Subabhul (Leucaena leucocephala). Except teak other species
are exotic. The same is true for Roha MIDC and urban area, where largely exotic tree species

are planted mainly for beautification purpose, without any consideration for environmental
trees needs in industrialized area. In agriculture crops grown are ‘Bhat’ - Paddy (Oryza
sativa), ‘Nachani’ - finger millet (Eleusine coracana), ‘Vari’ - jungle rice (Echinochloa
colona), ‘Wal’ - Indian bean (Lablab purpureus), ‘Bajari’ – Perl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
and local varieties of vegetables. The tree species grown in horticulture are dominated by
Mango (Mangifera indica), Jackfruit (Garcinia indica), Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota),
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) and Coconut (Cocos nucifera).

According to the respondents wildlife in the area in past included tiger, panther, sloth bear,
hyena, fox, Indian wolf, Indian porcupine, spotted deer, mouse deer, barking deer, Indian
guar, wild boar, giant squirrel, bonnet macaque, common Langur, black naped hare, giant
fruit bat and three-striped palm squirrel. Out of these tiger is now almost missing in the
region. Tiger being ‘rare’ is listed as ‘endangered’, whereas panther, Indian guar and sloth
bear as ‘vulnerable’ and hyena is listed as ‘near threatened’ by IUCN (2015). Habitat loss is
reported as a major cause for dwindling biodiversity in the study area. This is mainly due to
deforestation, traditional agriculture practices like ‘slash and burn” and ‘rab’, manmade forest
fires, agriculture expansion, poaching and, now rapid increase in the impacts of
industrialization, urbanization and associated infrastructure development. It is further
aggravated by diverse types of industrial pollutions from the Roha MIDC and around.

It is learnt that the Indian fox population has drastically gone down as their main food Crabs
is eradicated from fields by local farmers using toxin ‘Foret’. The senior locals observed that
lately the endangered white rump vultures (Gyps bengalensis) have completely disappeared
from this area due to polluted Caracas. It was realised that the knowledge of birds and reptile
species, mainly with the local young and youth, is scanty and restricted to limited common
faunal and floral species only.

In fish diversity, respondents mentioned around 22 local freshwater fish species. It was also
reported that the earlier brackish water fish are no longer found Kundalika river, mainly due
to perennial discharge from Pui dam and river pollution due to industries in the basin. Out of
the introduced fish species Tilapia, Cyprinus, Catla and Rohu are common. It is important to
note that according to IUCN, status (2015), from the local fish one species i.e. Cyprinus
(Cyprinus carpio) is Vulnerable, Aheer (Anguilla Anguilla) is Critically Endangered and two
other species namely Vam (Anguilla bengalensis) and Valshivda (Wallago attu) have become
Near Threatened.

As expected there was almost no information about existence of invertebrate biodiversity

with the locals. However, most (77%) respondents generally mentioned presence of spiders,
butterflies, scorpions and crabs in their locality. Importantly, more than half (54%) of the
respondents, particularly the seniors, who had witnessed changing environmental conditions
and landuse and biodiversity in the past, alleged decline in present biodiversity in the area.
This transformation in ecology and biodiversity over the years is attributed to factors namely
change in landuse due to deforestation (46%), Urbanizations (31%) and agriculture expansion
(25%). Few have reported poaching of wild animals which still exist, while others (29%)
have directly related it to the recent industrialization in the Roha MIDC area.

DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT…3 Environmental Impact of Proposed Project on Ecology and Biodiversity in the


The study area i.e. 5 km around the proposed project site in Roha MIDC is already occupied
by some large chemical industries mainly dealing with agro chemicals and thus all the macro
and micro habitats in the region are already affected by air, water and soil pollution.
Therefore it is believed that the additional impact of TDMCCL expansion is not likely to
substantially contribute in the existing cumulative pollution load on the ecology and
Biodiversity of the region. However environs of some villages in the radius between 5 km
and 10 km still have good terrestrial and wetland habitats which are relatively less affected in
Borghar, Devkhane and Vashi villages and therefore they need to be protected and conserved
for ecology and biodiversity within.

The environmental impacts were considered for worst case scenario i.e. direct discharge of
untreated wastewater. The factory site is less than 1 km from River Kundlika, and its
tributary, a large perennial stream Landher, that flows directly close and along the entire
south and west border of the TDMCCL industrial plot. Currently more than 20 fish species
are found in river Kundlika, out of which according to IUCN two are Near Threatened, one is
Vulnerable and one is Critically Endangered. Discharge of untreated wastewater, effluents
and surface runoff from the industry in the River, streams and surrounding swamps may
cause negative impact on the aquatic habitat and its littoral biodiversity including fishes.

3.12.5 Recommendations Green Belt

As per the ToR of TDMCCL (dt. 3-5-2018), 33% of the total plot area of the industry is to be
maintained as Green belt with ‘trees’ planted @ 1500/Ha. According to the norms (CPCB,
2000) the green belt of diverse tree species is required to be all along the periphery of the
total industrial land for environmental protection purpose.

It is observed that the total land acquired by the industry is 8.84 Ha, thus the 33% of land for
green belt comes to about 2.91 Ha with, around 4425 trees to be planted as per the norms.
According to the proponent area of 2.95 Ha is already developed under green belt, which
comes to 33.39 % of the total industrial plot area, with a plantation of about 5000 plants.
However, during site visit it was observed that part of the said existing plantation is of
ornamental plants i.e. shrubs, bushes, lawns, palms and some trees for beautification purpose,
rather than large growing tree species in adequate number for environment protection as
required (CPCB, 2000). Presently parts of the plot periphery are not fully covered by desired
green belt trees, particularly at north-west and south side. Whereas, there is enough scope to
plant new trees in vacant spaces within and all along the periphery of the total plot.

 Green Belt plan

It is noted that green open space on the south and west border of the plot is in fact unmanaged
area covered by wild bushes, shrubs, weed and creepers. The vast area shown for proposed
car parking has few old tall trees which need to be conserved as a part of green belt. Number
of dead, fallen, and uprooted trees and degraded vegetation is observed on the site. The post
monsoon Google earth satellite image (28 October 2017) shows natural growth of weeds all
along the Landhar stream at south boundary which creates illusion of green belt. However the
summer season image (4 January 2017) reflects realistic picture. Considering the existing

ornamental and sundry vegetation in the green belt, it is suggested to update the required
number of woody trees by planting large saplings of suitable local trees species, all along the
periphery of the industrial plot.

Also as per the ToR (Ref. 5(f):A 7 ix) it is necessary for the proponent to provide details of
species, width of plantation, planning schedule etc. of the green belt plantation, old and
proposed. It must be ensured that this green belt shall be all around the total plot boundary
and a scheme for greening of the roads used for the project shall also be incorporated. This
information is yet to be furnished by the proponent.

It is recommended that for better survival results the new saplings of the tree species should
be over three year old and around 5 feet in height. Provision of drip irrigation by using good
quality recycled water from the industry needs to be made. The adequate number of trees
should be ready and performing their ecological function by the time the proposed industrial
expansion is functional. Preferably no fruit trees to be planted in industrial Green belt as per
the norms to avoid possible harmful chemical contamination of fruits by bioaccumulation and
biomagnifications of toxins. Instead plantation of sturdy indigenous and evergreen mixed
species of trees to be used for environment protection as well as natural beautification. Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) Activity

The three villages in the study area namely 1. Borghar, 2. Vashi and 3. Devkhane are
recommended for adoption by the industry for protection of their ecology and biodiversity,
which is almost in near natural state. Conservation activities such as tree plantation, removal
of weeds and exotics, solid waste and sewage management, environment awareness
campaign involving locals particularly youth and women should be undertaken. Besides
controlling negative impacts of industrial pollution on the village population this would help
improve health of the residents, most of who may be employed in the same industry and
MIDC. This initiative will motivate the locals to protect their own ecology and biodiversity in
and around the villages.

Under CER activity, review of the initiatives implemented by the same and other larger
neighboring industries in the MIDC and their results be considered before finalizing new
CER activities by TDMCCL. These proposed activities needs to be different than routinely
carried out and merely ritual practice by most industries. Thus CER activities by TDMCCL
in environmental protection should be innovative and unique and should to be a role model
for other industries.

3.12.6 General observations and Recommendations

1. Natural forests and grassland habitats in the region are being fragmented and degraded
due to deforestation, industrialization and agriculture expansion.
2. The number of water bodies i.e. river, streams, tanks, ponds, marshes in the study area
provide suitable habitat to good biodiversity. Diverse fauna, including migratory birds
gets affected due to polluted water bodies as a result of contamination of both solid and
liquid industrial waste as per the perception of locals and our observations. There is
decline in fish diversity and density in river Kundalika due to industrial effluents.
3. The green belt being critical for industrial pollution control and also mandatory, should be
properly developed and maintained on priority, particularly for health of the workers and
people around the industrial unit.


4. A phase wise 3 year tree plantation program for around 5000 trees should be carried out
under CER activity. Within 5 Km radius area in selected and active villages. This should
be implemented as (a) thick block plantation of large native tree species for
environmental protection through Carbon sequestration as well as environmental
protection and nature conservation on common lands in villages and (b) Avenue
plantation on village roads, around schools, temples, village ponds, open spaces, grounds,
etc. where protection through people’s participation is ensured.
5. The industry, by involving workers and locals, should demonstrate, encourage, and
promote suitable eco-friendly alternatives green technologies under CER activity in the
identified cooperative villages in the area stressing and demonstrating, rain water
harvesting, solar lighting, organic farming, and such innovative simple to use ‘green
6. It must be ensured that no untreated effluent and seepage from the open sulfur storage is
discharged by TDMCCL industry into Kundalika river directly or through adjoining
Ladhar nala.

Chapter 4




Evaluation of impacts on the environmental parameters, due to the proposed expansion

project, is an important aspect to be studied. This chapter incorporates both, qualitative and
quantitative descriptions of various environmental impacts due to project of TDMCCL in
Roha MIDC of Raigad. Various scientific techniques are available to predict and evaluate
impact of developmental activities under expansion project on physical, ecological and socio
– economic environments. Predictions are superimposed over base line status (pre-project).

‘Environmental Impact’ can be defined as any alteration of the environmental conditions or

creation of a new set of environmental conditions, adverse or beneficial, caused or induced by
the action or set of actions under consideration. Generally, environmental impacts can be
categorized as either primary or secondary. Primary impacts are those which are attributed
directly to the project. On the other hand, secondary impacts are the ones which are indirectly
induced and typically include the associated investments and changed patterns of social and
economic activities by the proposed action.

Proposed expansion project may influence the environment of the study area in two phases as

 Construction Phase: During the construction period, the impact may be temporary.
 Operation Phase: Post construction phase may have long term effects on the


The activities under proposed expansion shall be carried out in the existing setup of
TDMCCL. No construction of building would be required for expansion. Only work related
to installation of equipments and machineries as required under activities would be done on
site. Hence, no any significant impact on topography is envisaged due to proposed expansion


Operational phase activities may have impacts - minor or major, positive or negative on
environmental attributes such as land and soils, surface and ground water hydrology, micro
meteorology, land use, water use, water and air quality, ecology, socio economics and noise

4.3.1 Impacts due to Process & Products

There are number of aspects and reasons in commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals
manufacturing plant, which result into exerting impacts on various environmental disciplines.
Problems related with pollution and related impacts could arise due to – (1) manufacturing
process itself (2) products (3) by products & co-products (4) intermediate products (4)
catalysts used (5) process conditions & configurations (6) raw materials, and (7) the waste


Table 4.1 Identification of impacts on environment due to operation activities for proposed expansion project of TDMCCL
Sr. Environ-mental Activities / Operation Impact Identification Type of Impact Remark
No. Aspect (Minor / Major)
1. Air Raw material Due to Release of VOCs chemicals during Major The impacts due to boiler operations may have significant
Transportation, loading loading & unloading of raw material, it may (Quantifiable) impacts on the air environment.
and unloading and raw cause impact on air environment. At a glance details of identification and quantification of the
material storage area impact during operation phase at TDMCCL site may be
Production Activity 1)Release of process emission in the form of referred at Chapter 4
Ammonia, HCl 2) VOCs of solvent
Boiler Operation The boiler operations may increase the
(Fuel Burning baseline concentrations of SO2. This may have
Operations –Existing impact on air quality.
boiler of capacity : 5
TPH, TFH – 4 Lakhs
Kcal/Hr, and125, 830,
1310 KVA D.G. Set
2. Water Reactor Section Process water spills may impact on water Major The impacts due to operation activities are significant. The
environment. (Quantifiable) quantification of accidental discharge into nearby water
Effluent Treatment Accidental discharge of untreated effluent in body is given below at Section 4.3.4 of this Chapter.
Plant nearby water body, this may cause impact on
water quality. At a glance details of identification and quantification of the
impact during operation phase at TDMCCL site may be
referred at Chapter 4
3. Noise Production Area Use of Pumps, compressors and reactor blades Minor The impacts due to operation activities are negligible i.e.
are identified sources of Noise pollution and (Quantifiable) insignificant. But, the impact of noise on workers would be
same shall cause increase in noise level significant if the exposure is increased beyond 8 hours
concentrations. without any PPE.

4. Solid & Boiler Operations Ash generation - improper handling, storage Minor The impacts due to operation activities are negligible i.e.
Hazardous and disposal of ash may cause bad aesthetics. (Non- insignificant. The solid and hazardous waste generated
Waste quantifiable) would be properly handled and disposed off as done under
Reactor Distillation residue, Process residue, Spent Minor existing unit
Carbon which would be generated at reactor (Non-
section which may be source of solid and quantifiable) At a glance details of identification and quantification of the
hazardous waste. The improper handling, impact during operation phase at TDMCCL site may be


Sr. Environ-mental Activities / Operation Impact Identification Type of Impact Remark

No. Aspect (Minor / Major)
storage may cause bad aesthetics. referred at Chapter 4
Also Solid waste generated from maintenance
activities of reactor in the form of Rubber &
plastic hose , gasket & packing, thermocol,
glass wool etc.
Effluent Treatment Sludge from ETP which is one of the sources of
Plant(ETP) solid and hazardous waste generation. The
improper handling, storage may cause bad
5. Risk & Hazard Production Area and Spillage ofHCl, Sulphuric acid, Oleum, Caustic Major Worst case scenarios predicting the impacts due to
Raw material storage lye. Poor handling and improper storage of raw hazardous raw materials or chemicals are presented in
area. materials may have adverse impact on man Chapter 7.
and environment.
6. Hydrology, Process effluents, Accidental discharge of untreated effluent, Major No ground water will be used under proposed expansion
ground water Effluent treatment surface overflow, and usage of groundwater if project of TDMCCL. Though the type of impact is major
and water plant. any may cause impact on ground water. impact but there will be no any discharge of effluent in the
conservation, ground water body. Hence, the impact is non-quantifiable.
Geology (HG-
7. Ecology and TDMCCL project and  There may be impact on ecology and Minor 5 km around the project site is already occupied by large
Biodiversity presence of other biodiversity in the study area due to (Non- chemical and other industries, all the macro and micro
industries and MIDC uncontrolled air emissions boiler operations (air quantifiable) habitats in the region are already affected by air, water and
near project. quality) and other release of fugitive emissions. soil pollution. Therefore the additional impact of Lona
 Discharge of untreated wastewater (sewage/ industry is not likely to substantially contribute in the
effluents) in the River and surrounding swamps existing cumulative pollution load on the ecology and
cause significant impact on the aquatic habitat Biodiversity of the region. Refer Chapter 3, Section
and its biodiversity 3.12for observations of Ecology and Biodiversity.


Potential problems in above areas and possible approaches to minimize and/ or avoid adverse
impacts through process and product modifications could be enumerated as follows

Table 4.2 Process& Products Modifications for Pollution Control and Impact

Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
A By-product & Co-product
1 Quantity & a. Process inefficiencies result in the a. Increase product yield to
Quality generation of undesired by-products reduce by-product and co-
and co-products. Inefficiencies will product generation and raw
require larger volumes of raw material requirements.
materials and result in additional
secondary products.
b. Inefficiencies can also increase
fugitive emissions and wastes
generated through material handling.
2 Uses & a. By-products and co-products are not a. Identify uses and develop a
Outlets fully utilized, generating material or sales outlet. Collect
waste that must be managed. information necessary to firm
up a purchase commitment
such as minimum quality
criteria, maximum impurity
levels that can be tolerated,
and performance criteria.
B Catalysts
1 Composition a. The presence of heavy metals in a. Catalysts comprised of noble
catalysts can result in contaminated metals, because of their cost,
process wastewater from catalyst and are generally recycled by both
ling and separation. These wastes may onsite and offsite re-claimers.
require special treatment and disposal
procedures or facilities. Heavy metals
can be inhibitory or toxic to biological
wastewater treatment units.
b. Sludge from wastewater treatment
units may be classified as hazardous
due to heavy metals content. Heavy
metals generally exhibit low toxicity
thresholds in aquatic environments
and may bio accumulate.
2 Preparation a. Emissions or effluents are generated a. Obtain catalyst in the active
and Handling with catalyst activation or form.
regeneration. b. Provide in-situ activation with
b. Catalyst attrition and carry over into appropriate
product requires de-ashing facilities, processing/activation facilities.
which are a likely source of c. Develop a more robust catalyst
wastewater and solid waste. or support.
c. Catalyst is spent and needs to be d. In situ regeneration eliminates
replaced. unloading/ loading emissions


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
d. Pyrophoric catalyst needs to be kept and effluents versus offsite
wet, resulting in liquid contaminated regeneration or disposal.
with metals. e. Use a non pryrophoric
e. Short catalyst life catalyst. Minimise amount of
water required to handle and
store safely.
f. Study and identify catalyst de-
activation mechanisms. Avoid
conditions which promote
thermal or chemical
deactivation. By extending
catalyst life, emissions and
effluents associated with
catalyst handling and
regeneration can be reduced.
3 Effectiveness a. Catalyzed reaction has by-product a. Reduce catalyst consumption
formation, incomplete conversion and with a more active form. A
less-than perfect yield. higher concentration of active
ingredient or increased surface
area can reduce catalyst
b. Use a more selective catalyst
which will reduce the yield of
undesired by-products.
c. Improve reactor mixing/
contacting to increase catalyst
d. Develop a thorough
understanding of reaction to
allow optimization of reactor
design. Include in the
optimization, catalyst
consumption and by-product
C Intermediate Products
1 Quantity and a. Intermediate reaction products or a. Modify reaction sequence to
Quality chemical species, including trace reduce amount or change
levels of toxic constituents, may composition of intermediates.
contribute to process waste under both b. Modify reaction sequence to
normal and upset conditions. change intermediate
b. Intermediates may contain toxic properties.
Constituents or have characteristics c. Use equipment design and
that are harmful to the environment. process control to reduce
D Process Conditions / Configuration
1 Temperature a. High heat exchange tube temperatures a. Select operating temperatures
cause thermal cracking/decomposition at or near ambient temperature
of many chemicals. These lower whenever possible.


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
molecular weight by-products are a b. Use lower pressure steam to
source of “light ends” and fugitive lower temperatures.
emissions. High localized temperature c. Use intermediate exchanger’s
gives rise to polymerization of to avoid contact with furnace
reactive monomers, resulting in tubes and walls.
“heavies” or “tars.” Such materials d. Use staged heating to
can foul heat exchange equipment or minimise product degradation
plug fixed-bed reactors, thereby and unwanted side reactions.
requiring costly equipment cleaning e. Use superheat of high-pressure
and production outage. steam in place of furnace.
b. Higher operating temperatures imply f. Monitor exchanger fouling to
“heat input” usually via combustion correlate process conditions
which generates emissions. which increase fouling, avoid
c. Heat sources such as furnaces and conditions which rapidly foul
boilers are a source of combustion exchangers.
emissions. g. Use online tube cleaning
d. Vapour pressure increases with technologies to keep tube
increasing temperature. Loading/ surfaces clean to increase heat
unloading, tank age and fugitive transfer.
emissions generally increase with h. Use scraped wall exchangers
increasing vapour pressure. in viscous service.
e. Water solubility of most chemicals i. Use falling film re-boiler,
increases with increasing temperature pumped re-circulation re-
boiler or high-flux tubes.
j. Explore heat integration
opportunities (e.g., use waste
heat to preheat materials and
reduce the amount of
combustion required.)
k. Use thermo-compressor to
upgrade low-pressure steam to
avoid the need for additional
boilers and furnaces.
l. If possible, cool materials
before sending to storage.
m. Use hot process streams to
reheat feeds.
n. Add vent condensers to
recover vapours in storage
tanks or process.
o. Add closed dome loading with
vapour recovery condensers.
p. Use lower temperature
(vacuum processing).


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
2 Pressure a. Fugitive emissions from equipment. a. Equipment operating in
b. Seal leakage potential due to pressure vacuum service is not a source
differential. of fugitives; however, leaks
c. Gas solubility increases with higher into the process require control
pressures. when system is degassed.
b. Minimise operating pressure.
c. Determine whether gases can
be recovered, compressed, and
reused or require controls.
3 Corrosive a. Material contamination occurs from a. Improve metallurgy or provide
Environment corrosion products. Equipment coating or lining.
failures result in spills, leaks and b. Neutralize corrosivity of
increased maintenance costs. materials contacting
b. Increased waste generation due to equipment.
addition of corrosion inhibitors or c. Use corrosion inhibitors.
neutralization. d. Improve metallurgy or provide
coating or lining or operate in
a less corrosive environment.
4. Batch vs a. Vent gas lost during batch fill. a. Equalize reactor and storage
Continuous b. Waste generated by cleaning/ purging tank vent lines.
Operations of process equipment between b. Recover vapours through
production batches. condenser, adsorber, etc.
c. Process inefficiencies lower yield and c. Use materials with low
increase emissions. viscosity. Minimise equipment
d. Continuous process fugitive emissions roughness.
and waste increase over time due to d. Optimize product
equipment failure through a lack of manufacturing sequence to
maintenance between urnarounds. minimise washing operations
and cross contamination of
subsequent batches.
e. Sequence addition of reactants
and reagents to optimize yields
and lower emissions.
f. Design facility to readily allow
maintenance so as to avoid
unexpected equipment failure
and resultant release.
5 Process a. Numerous processing steps create a. Keep it simple. Make sure all
Operation / wastes and opportunities for errors. operations are necessary. More
Design b. Non-reactant materials (solvents, operations and complexity
absorbents, etc.) create wastes. Each only tend to increase potential
chemical (including water) employed emission and waste sources.
within the process introduces b. Evaluate unit operation or
additional potential waste sources; the technologies (e.g., separation)
composition of generated wastes also that do not require the addition
tends to become more complex. of solvents or other non-
c. High conversion with low yield reactant chemicals.
results in wastes. c. Recycle operations generally


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
d. Non-regenerative treatment systems improve overall use of raw
result in increased waste versus materials and chemicals, there
regenerative systems. by both increasing the yield of
desired products while at the
same time reducing the
generation of wastes. A case-
in-point is to operate at a
lower conversion per reaction
cycle by reducing catalyst
consumption, temperature, or
residence time. Many times,
this can result in a higher
selectivity to desired products.
The net effect upon recycle of
un-reacted reagents is an
increase in product yield,
while at the same time
reducing the quantities of
spent catalyst and less
desirable by-products.
d. Regenerative fixed bed
treating or desiccant operation
(e.g. aluminium oxide, silica,
activated carbon, molecular
sieves, etc.) will generate less
quantities of solid or liquid
waste than non regenerative
units (e.g., calcium chloride or
activated clay). With
regenerative units though,
emissions during bed
activation and regeneration
can be significant. Further,
side reactions during
activation/ regeneration can
give rise to problematic
E Product
1 Process a. Insufficient R&D into alternative a. R & D during process
Chemistry reaction pathways may miss pollution conception and laboratory
opportunities such as waste reduction studies should thoroughly
or eliminating a hazardous investigate alternatives in
constituent. process chemistry that affect
pollution prevention.
2 Product a. Product based on end-use a. Reformulate products by
Formulation performance may have undesirable substituting different material
environmental impacts or use raw or using a mixture of
materials or components that generate individual chemicals that meet


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
excessive or hazardous wastes. end-use performance
F Raw Materials
1 Purity a. Impurities may produce unwanted by- a. Use higher purity materials.
products and waste. Toxic impurities, b. Purify materials before use
even in trace amounts, can make a and reuse if practical.
waste hazardous and therefore subject c. Use inhibitors to prevent side
to strict and costly regulation. reactions.
b. Excessive impurities may require d. Achieve balance between feed
more processing and equipment to purity, processing steps,
meet product specifications, product quality and waste
increasing costs and potential for generation.
fugitive emissions, leaks, and spills. e. Specify purity no greater than
c. Specifying purity greater than needed what the process needs.
by the process increases costs and can f. Use pure oxygen.
result in more waste generation by the g. Install guard beds to protect
supplier. catalysts.
d. Impurities in clean air can increase
inert purges.
e. Impurities may poison catalyst
prematurely resulting in increased
wastes due to yield loss and more
frequent catalyst replacement.
2 Vapour a. Higher vapour pressures increase a. Use material with lower
Pressure fugitive emissions in material vapour pressure.
handling and storage. b. Use materials with lower
b. High vapour pressures with low odour vapour pressure and higher
threshold material scan cause odour threshold.
nuisance odours.
3 Water a. Toxic or non-biodegradable materials a. Use less toxic or more
Solubility that are water soluble may affect biodegradable materials.
wastewater treatment operation, b. Use less soluble materials.
efficiency, and cost. c. Use less soluble materials.
b. Higher solubility may increase d. Prevent direct contact with
potential for surface and ground water storm water by diking or
contamination and may require more covering areas.
careful spill prevention, containment, e. Minimise water usage.
and cleanup (SPCC) plans. f. Reuse wash water.
c. Higher solubility may increase g. Determine optimum process
potential for storm water conditions for phase
contamination in open areas. separation.
d. Process waste water associated with h. Evaluate alternative separation
water washing or hydrocarbon /water technologies (coalescers,
phase separation will be impacted by membranes, distillation, etc.)
containment solubility in water.
Appropriate wastewater treatment will
be impacted.


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
4 Toxicity a. Community and worker safety and a. Use less toxic materials.
health concerns result from routine b. Reduce exposure through
and non-routine emissions. Emissions equipment design and process
sources include vents, equipment control. Use systems which
leaks, wastewater emissions, are passive for emergency
emergency pressure relief, etc. containment of toxic releases.
b. Surges or higher than normal c. Use less toxic material.
continuous levels of toxic materials d. Reduce spills, leaks, and
can shock or miss wastewater upset conditions through
biological treatment systems resulting equipment and process
in possible fines and possible toxicity control.
in the receiving water. e. Consider effect of chemicals
on biological treatment;
provide unit pre-treatment or
diversion capacity to remove
f. Install surge capacity for flow
and concentration
5 Regularity a. Hazardous or toxic materials are a. Use materials which are less
stringently regulated. They may toxic or hazardous.
require enhanced control and b. Use better equipment and
monitoring; increased compliance process design to minimise or
issues and paperwork for permits and control releases; in some
record keeping; stricter control for cases, meeting certain
handling, shipping, and disposal; regulatory criteria will
higher sampling and analytical costs; exempt a system from
and increased health and safety costs. permitting or other regulatory
6 Form of a. Small containers increase shipping a. Use bulk supply, ship by
Supply frequency which increases chances of pipeline, or use “jumbo”
material releases and waste residues drums or sacks.
from shipping containers (including b. In some cases, product may
wash waters). be shipped out in the same
b. Nonreturnable containers may containers the material supply
increase waste. was shipped in without
c. Use returnable shipping
containers or drums.
7 Handling and a. Physical state (solid, liquid, gaseous) a. Use equipment and controls
Supply may raise unique environmental, appropriate to the type of
safety, and health issues with materials to control releases.
unloading operations and transfer to b. Minimise inventory by
process equipment. utilizing just-in-time delivery.
b. Large inventories can lead to spills,
inherent safety issues and material


Sr. Areas Potential Problems Causing Impacts Mitigation Measures to

No. Minimize / Avoid the Impact
G Waste Streams
1 Quantity and a. Characteristics and sources of waste a. Document sources and
Quality streams are unknown. quantities of waste streams
b. Wastes are generated as part of the prior to pollution prevention
process. assessment.
b. Determine what changes in
process conditions would
lower waste generation of
c. Determine if wastes can be
recycled back into the process.
2 Composition a. Hazardous or toxic constituents are a. Evaluate whether different
found in waste streams. Examples are: process conditions, routes, or
sulfides, heavy metals, halogenated reagent chemicals (e.g.,
hydrocarbons, and polynuclear solvent catalysts) can be
aromatics. substituted or changed to
reduce or eliminate hazardous
or toxic compounds.
3 Properties a. Environmental fate and waste a. Evaluate waste characteristics
properties are not known or using the following type
understood properties: corrosivity,
ignitability, reactivity, BTU
content (energy recovery),
biodegradability, aquatic
toxicity, and bio-accumulation
potential of the waste and of
its degradable products, and
whether it is a solid, liquid, or
4 Disposal a. Ability to treat and manage hazardous a. Consider and evaluate all
and toxic waste unknown or limited onsite and offsite recycle,
reuse, treatment, and disposal
options available. Determine
availability of facilities to treat
or manage wastes generated.

4.3.2 Impact on Air Quality

A) Emissions from Fuel Burning

 Major sources of air pollution are Boiler, Thermic Fluid Heater (TFH) and DG sets (3
Nos.)in the industry as well as vehicles used for transportation.
 Under existing plant, one boiler of capacity5 TPH, one TFH of 4 Lakhs Kcal/Hr. are
provided with stack height of 35 M and 30 M respectively. Under expansion, no new
boiler would be installed.
 Three DG sets of capacity of 125 KVA, 830 KVA, 1310 KVA respectively are provided
on site.


Table 2.25 of Chapter 2 may be referred for details on boiler, TFH and D.G. Sets. The stack
emissions from these shall be particulate matter, SO2, CO, NOX. In addition, the vehicular
exhaust may also contribute to air pollution through release of SO2, CO, NOX. GLC Evaluation through Air Dispersion Modeling

In order to study the movement of particulate matter release into atmosphere from the source,
Air Dispersion Model – AERMOD developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) is used. The software helps in knowing details of particulate and gases dispersed in
the downwind direction and finally reaching the ground at farther distance from the source.
The ground level concentrations mainly depend upon the strength of the emission source and
micrometeorology of the study area. No new boiler will be installed under proposed
expansion by TDMCCL. Hence, AERMOD software is not used for understanding increase
in baseline concentrations of ambient air. Site-specific and meteorological collected for one
season for period from Oct. 2017 – Nov. 2017 – Dec. 2017. Refer Figure 4.1 for windrose
Predominant wind directions and wind speeds are tabulated in following table-

The site specific meteorological data and AAQM data werecollected for one season for
period from October 2017 –December 2017.The predominant wind direction and wind speeds
are tabulated in following table.

Table 4.3 Predominant Wind Directions

Sr. Predominant wind Nearest Habitation

Season Time (Hrs.)
No. Direction Downwind
1 Winter 08:30 E Varsoli
17:30 NW Roth Bk.
2 Post- 08:30 E Gove
monsoon 17:30 NW Roth Kh.
3 Monsoon 08:30 SW Talaghar
17:30 SW Kile
4 Pre-monsoon 08:30 NE Bahe
17:30 NW Roth Kh.

From the AAQM data, the 24 hourly 98percentile concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, SO2,
NOx, CO,NH3, Pb, O3, BaP, As, Ni, C6H6 and VOC in ambient air, recorded during the
field study conducted for season October, November and December 2017, are considered
as baseline values. For identifying impacts due to operations of existing nearby industries
on the region, the average concentrations of above mentioned parameters in the study
area are considered to be the ‘Baseline Concentrations’ and further determination of
impact, due to proposed activities in the TDMCCL industry on the ambient air quality
will be done.


Table 4.4 Baseline Concentrations at Site

Parameter 98 Percentile NAAQS Remark

PM10 58.2g/m3 100 g/m3 Baseline concentrations for
PM2.5 17.5g/m3 60 g/m3 PM10- 58.2g/m3, PM2.5 -
SO2 24.0g/m3 80 g/m3 17.5g/m3, SO2 - 24g/m3, NOx
NOX 39.2g/m3 80 g/m3 – 39.2g/m3. The baseline
NH3 19.9 g/m3 400 g/m3 concentrations for all parameters
CO 0.1mg/m3 2 mg/m3 monitored are well within the
Pb 0.3g/m3 1g/m3
O3 12.2 g/m3 180 g/m3 Refer Chapter 3, Section 3.9 for
Benzene 0.4 g/m3 5 g/m3 more details.
BaP BDL 1 ng/ m3
As BDL 6 ng/ m3
Ni BDL 20 ng/ m3
VOC 96.4 g/m3 --

B) Fugitive Emissions

The sources of fugitive emissions identified under existing and expansion activities are - (a)
Process Operations (b) Related Miscellaneous Operations (c) Material Storage (d) Equipment
Leaks (e) Fuel Storage Area. Further, there could be fugitive emissions of materials like fine
dust, powder or gases due to escape of unused raw materials, VOCs etc. from various reactors,
storage tanks, pneumatic conveyors etc.

C) Process Emissions

Sources of process emissions under activities of TDMCCL shall be mainly due to mixing and
blending equipment, reactors, filters, separators, product purifiers and packing operations.
The emissions may be in the form of excess and un-reacted gases, VOCs, fume of reactions
etc. which could result during various actions like active product formation process, purging
of vessels before loading and unloading, surface evaporations and filling. More details about
this aspect are given in Chapter 2. The solvents that shall be stored in bulk quantities on
TDMCCL site include Sulphuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and Oleum. As such, major
impacts of VOCs due to these materials have been taken into consideration. The VOCs are
found to be responsible in formation of ozone. In presence of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
sunlight, VOCs react with oxygen in the air to produce ozone, the most toxic component of
the form of pollution commonly known as smog. Ozone attacks lung tissue, and is very
injurious, even in very low concentrations. Following table describes effects of VOCs if
exposed to air.


Table 4.5 Human Health Impact of Process Emissions

No. Raw Material Impacts on Human Health

1 HCl Skin may burns. Inhalation of the spray mist may produce
severe irritation of respiratory tract, characterized by
coughing, choking, or shortness of breath.
2 Oleum Dangerous to human health, rapidly destructive to all body
tissues, causing severe burns which may result in scarring.
3 Ammonia Severely irritating to nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms
may include burning sensations, coughing, wheezing,
shortness of breath, headache and nausea. Overexposure
may affect central nervous system.


Figure 4.1Windrose for October –November –December 2017


D) Odour Pollution

There will be different odour prone areas in the TDMCCL industry. They include raw
material & product storage places, process operations, loading /unloading sections etc. which
could give rise to odour nuisance. This nuisance could have very irritating effect on human
beings and animals that get exposed to the smell resulting into coughing, sneezing,
inflammation of upper respiratory track, irritation of eyes, and sensation of nausea. The
unsanitary conditions responsible for odour trouble could give rise to other nuisance like fly
and insect infestation. Mitigation Measures

A) Emissions from Fuel Burning

 Provision of scrubbers is done to control process emissions which are in the form of
acidic/alkaline/solvent vapours.
 Regular self-monitoring of the AAQ and work zone air quality is being done by the
industry through approved labs to check and control dust levels/concentrations at certain
places so that same could be kept always below the stipulated norms.
 Efficiencies of dust control equipment in the industry shall be monitored regularly (at
least once a month) under performance evaluation.

B) Fugitive Emissions

• Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to

remove and control dust from work zone areas. Provision of appropriate APC equipment
to collect and remove dust from work zone including their monitoring routinely.
• Personal protective equipment such as masks, aprons, gloves, goggles etc. shall be
provided to the workers same as that of existing.
• Green belt development of adequate density and with appropriate types of plants shall be
made to control and attenuate dust transfer in the premises. Also, well planned shelter
belt and mass plantation shall be provided along ash storage yards to curb littering of the
materials due to wind. All internal roads, yards and open storage areas will be provided
with well compacted and constructed surface layering.

C) Process Emissions

 Sources of process emissions under proposed activities of TDMCCL shall be mainly

mixing equipments, reactors, filters, separators, product purifiers and packing operations.
The emissions may be in the form of excess and un-reacted gases, VOCs, fume of
reactions etc. which could result during various actions like active product formation
process, purging of vessels before loading and unloading, surface evaporations and
 The solvents that shall be stored in bulk quantities on TDMCCL site include
Hydrochloric Acid. As such, major impacts of VOCs due to these materials have been
taken into consideration. The VOCs are found to be responsible in formation of ozone.


C) Odour Pollution

To abate the odour nuisance, TDMCCL has a concrete planning which includes following
steps and actions-

 All reactions and storages are being done in nitrogen blanketing. Blanketing helps
reducing the oxygen content in the vapor space of storage tank or process vessel, making
it inert. This eliminates the possibility of fire or explosion, decreases evaporation and
protects tank from structural corrosion damage.
 All the feed, loading & unloading pumps for products and raw material are being fitted
with mechanical seals instead of glands to reduce leakages through pumps.
 Adoption ofGood Management Practices (GMPs).Arranging awareness and training
camps for workers.
 Provision and use of PPEs like masks to everybody work in odour potential prone areas.
 Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to
remove and control odour from work zone areas.
 Provision of Fume Extraction System with circulation pump, blower & scrubber to
storage areas.
 Provision of scrubbers to reactors to control process emissions.

4.3.3 Impact on Climate

Impact on the climatic conditions, due to the proposed expansion activities under TDMCCL
expansion is not envisaged especially as emissions of flue gases with very high temperatures,
to the atmosphere, are not expected.

4.3.4 Impact on Water Resources and Its Quality

A) Surface water and Its Quality

Under TDMCCL expansion project, the total water requirement after expansion would be
1592 M3/Day (100% quantity). Out of which, 220 M3/Day (14%) would be recycle water in
process, 1372 M3/Day (86%) would be fresh water taken from MIDC Water supply scheme.

As far as trade industrial effluent is concerned, effluent generated from the existing and
proposed expansion is to the tune of 230.5 CMD. Treatment scheme of effluent is presented
at Chapter -2, same could be referred for more information.

In Table 4.6, quantification of overall pollution load is presented. Moreover, an impact due to
accidental discharge of untreated trade effluents in Kundalika river (surface water) has been
duly identified, quantified and presented in Table No.4.7, 4.8.


Table 4.6 Quantification of Pollutants from Waste water

Parameter Conc. of Quantity of Conc. of Quantity of MPCB Standards

Pollutants Pollutants Pollutants Pollutants after
generated generated after Treatment mass / mass / day
(mass/volume) (mass/day) Treatment (mass/day) volume
Raw Effluent Treated Effluent
Raw Effluent- 230.5 CMD Treated Effluent-220 CMD
pH 3-4 -- 7-7.5 -- -- --
BOD 2500 mg/lit 576.25 Kg/day 80 mg/lit 17.6 Kg/day <80 mg/lit 17.6 Kg/day
COD 5000 mg/lit 1152.5 Kg/day 250 mg/lit 55 Kg/day <150 mg/lit 33 Kg/day
TDS 4000 mg/lit 922 Kg/day 1900 mg/lit 418 Kg/day <2100 mg/lit 462 Kg/day
SS 350 mg/lit 80.67Kg/day 80mg/lit 17.6Kg/day <100 mg/lit 22 Kg/day

If the above-mentioned effluents are let out in the environment without any treatment, it may
have impact on surface water quality as well as on soil quality. If untreated effluent enters
any surface water body; there could be number of adverse effects. First of all, suspended
particles in it increase turbidity which can reduce amount of light penetration of water
thereby disrupting growth of photosynthetic plants and activities of micro-organisms
especially phytoplanktons and zooplanktons. This could have subsequent adverse effects on
rest of the aquatic community that depend on these components of the food chain. The
suspended particulates when get settled at bottom of the water body, will add undesirable
sediments. Further, due to organic matter in the effluent, dissolved oxygen level in receiving
water body gets depleted immediately as a result of intense oxidation of the organics by
aerobic microbes. Moreover, nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewaters act as nutrients that
help aggravating problems of 'Eutrophication' in the water bodies. Uncontrolled growth of
aquatic weeds, and eruption of algal blooms seriously affect the quality of water and
aesthetics. The channels of streams and waterways may get blocked and algal dominance
could reduce dissolved oxygen levels during night times as a result of respiration; an action
exactly opposite to photosynthesis that releases oxygen by taking CO2 during day time.
Excessive presence of CO2 in the waters may lead to fall in pH as a result of formation of
weak acids and this again could have prominent impact on pH sensitive reactions in the water
body and benthic deposits. Serious fish kill can happen due to depletion of DO levels in
addition to effluent induced toxicity in the receiving waters. Some of the toxins in industrial
wastewaters may have mild effects on the human health whereas the other ones can be fatal.
If such waters are consumed by human beings or animals, diseases and disorders like cancer,
protein urea and kidney damage (excess protein in urine), pulmonary fibrosis, anemia,
reproductive failure or acute poisoning can take place. Calculations for Quantification of Impact on Kundalika River (Surface Water)

Accidental discharge of untreated trade effluent from TDMCCL find its way to nearest nalla
on south direction as per the drainage pattern of premises. Subsequently, from point of
confluence near industry the effluent via nalla discharge shall meet River Kundalika at a
distance of 1.25Km towards North direction.


a) When untreated effluent mixed into Nallah towards SouthDirection of Project Site

Table 4.7 Quantification of Impact due to discharge of untreated effluent into Nallah

Accidental Case Scenario (Discharge of Untreated Effluent in Nallah)

Sr. Parameter Ci Qi CS QS Ci*Qi+Cs*Qs Cf= Inland surface
No. (Ci*Qi+CS*Qs) Water (CPCB
/ (Qi+QS) Standards) (mg/L)
1 BOD 2500 10.07 72 0.001 25175.1 2499.76 2 3
2 COD 5000 10.07 125 0.001 50350.1 4999.52 -- --
3 TDS 4000 10.07 1800 0.001 40281.8 3999.78 2100 500
Ci - Concentration of pollutant in the stream (untreated effluent), mg/L
Cs–Baseline Concentration of pollutant in the stream (Nalla), upstream of wastewater discharge, Mg/L
Cf - Concentration of pollutant in the stream (Nalla), downstream of wastewater discharge, mg/L
Qi- Wastewater discharge rate, M3/hr.
Qs- Nalla flow rate, M3/s
A - Inland Surface Water Standards for Irrigation purpose
B - Inland Surface Water Standards for Drinking purpose

b) When Contaminated Nalla with untreated effluents gets discharged into Kundalika

Table 4.8 Quantification of Impact due to Contaminated Nallah with untreated effluents
into Kundalika River

Accidental Case Scenario (Discharge of Untreated Effluent in River)

Sr. Parameter Ci Qi CS QS Ci*Qi+Cs*Qs Cf= Inland surface
No. (Ci*Qi+CS*Qs) Water (CPCB
/ (Qi+QS) Standards) (mg/L)
1 BOD 2500 0.001 13 0.11 3.9 35.41 2 3
2 COD 5000 0.001 37.9 0.11 9.2 82.60 -- --
3 TDS 4000 0.001 705.62 0.11 81.6 735.30 2100 500
Ci - Concentration of pollutant in the stream (Nallah), upstream of wastewater discharge, mg/L
Cs–Baseline Concentration of pollutant in Kundalika river, upstream of wastewater discharge, mg/L
Cf - Concentration of pollutant in Kundalika river, downstream of wastewater discharge, mg/L
Qi- NallaWastewater discharge rate, M3/hr.
Qs- River flow rate, M3/s
A - Inland Surface Water Standards for Irrigation purpose
B - Inland Surface Water Standards for Drinking purpose

c) Facts and Interpretations –

 When untreated effluent from ETP finds a way to nallah,it is observed that on
downstream of point of discharge, the BOD, COD & TDS of nallah water shall become
2499.76 mg/lit, 4999.52 mg/lit and 3999.78 mg/lit resp. which otherwise are - 72 mg/lit,
125 mg/lit and1800 mg/lit.
 When this polluted nallah water (due to untreated effluent from ETP) joins the Kundalika
river, it is predicted that on downstream of point of discharge, the BOD, COD & TDS of
river water shall become 35.41 mg/lit, 82.60 mg/lit and 735.30 mg/lit resp. which
otherwise are – 13 mg/lit, 37.9 mg/lit and 705.62 mg/lit.


 It could cause significant impact as there is change in upstream and downstream

concentration of measured water parameters of the Kundalika River.
 Increase in concentrations of above parameters shall exert negative impact on the aquatic
biota and the fresh water ecosystem; listed below-
 Increasing concentration of Suspended particles would result in turbidity which
reduces light penetration thereby disrupting growth of photosynthetic plants and
disturb the food chain.
 Nitrogen and Phosphorus in wastewater act as nutrients that help aggravating
problems of 'Eutrophication' and algal dominance, organic matter in the effluent could
reduce dissolved oxygen levels and cause fish kill due to depletion of DO levels,
excessive presence of CO2 through respiration process in eutrophied waters may lead
to fall in pH which results in formation of weak acids and affects the pH sensitive
reactions in the water body and benthic deposits, increase in ground water TDS levels
could lead to salinity problems of soils, gastro enteric disorders, problems of urine
stone etc. in humans, corrosion, pitting and similar problems with metallic objects due
to salt deposition and scaling.

d) Mitigation Measures –

1. Construction of three KT weirs in the Nallah stretch from Industry to River Kundalikaand
putting baffles in KT weir to control discharge subsequent to ingress of Raw spentwash &
untreated effluent in to the Nallah so as to carry out flow obstruction.
2. Stopping / arresting untreated effluent entry to nallah by diverting flow through leaking
pipe. Lifting the stored volume upstream the KT weir by portable pumps & sending it
back to tank or discharging same on nearby farm land for irrigation.
3. Pumping of contaminated discharge from nallah from first weir to tank & action of
flushing & dilution to subsequent weirs
4. Faster communication to people residing along the nallah & river about ingress of
effluents in the streams followed by an appeal for not consuming the waters for domestic
purposes and animal consumption.


Figure 4.2 Image Showing KT Weirs


B) Ground Water

Water required for existing operations is obtained from the Kundalika River. As ground water
will not be a source of fresh water for the proposed expansion project there will not be any
impact on ground water reserve (quantity in the area).

The ground water quality is dependent on the natural geological formations and can get
affected by industrial discharges under unfavorable geological structural conditions near such
discharges. The subsurface geological features indicate presence of Deccan Trap.

However, quality of ground water could get affected adversely if untreated effluent from the
industry is discharged on land and storage of hazardous waste is done in unlined pits and
yards with adequate and appropriate leachate management. Organics in effluents may impart
BOD & COD to water and increase in ground water TDS concentration could lead to salinity
problems of soils. The hardness increase due to effluent access to ground water is again an
undesirable effect. Introduction of colour to ground water due to contamination of effluents
shall not only be important from aesthetics but same may also have health concern.

Contaminated ground water if utilized by residents of the region for drinking purpose it may
affect the health. High TDS may lead to gastro enteric disorders, problems of urine stone etc.
If utilized for industrial purposes, softening and demineralization may incur huge costs.
Moreover, the pipelines and other metallic infrastructure involved in conveyance can undergo
corrosion, pitting and similar problems due top salt deposition on exposed surfaces. Mitigation Measures

A) Surface Water

 Under expansion, the management has decided to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)
by installation of evaporators and the condensate would be recycled in industrial
operations. No any effluent would be discharged outside the premises.
 The concepts of advanced mechanization and automation is introduced in an ETP
provided under existing unit so as to optimize power and chemical consumption as well
as to minimize chances of reduced efficiencies due to human errors and non-efficient
operation and maintenance practices.
 Domestic effluent would be treated in proposed STP and overflow would be used for
gardening in own premises/ green belt development. Thus, no any untreated / treated
/domestic effluent would be discharged in any nearby water body.

B) Ground Water

 No ground water from any bore well / open well to be used for manufacturing processes
and operations in the industry.
 Hazardous waste storage yard is made leak proof by providing HDPE liners under
platform of the yard to avoid ground water contamination. Refer Fig. No.2.6 of Chapter 2
for details.
 No any hazardous waste would be disposed off in unscientific manner either in the
Industry premises or in the study area after expansion. Industry has already procured
membership of CHWTSDF for disposal of Hazardous waste.


 Hazardous waste shall not be stored on site for more than 90 days as per the Hazardous
Wastes (Management Handling & Transboundry Movement) Rules 2008 and amendment
 No any treated / untreated effluent would be discharged on land in Industrial premises or
study area.

4.3.5 Impact on Geology

National Geological Monuments or protected / reserved areas of geological interest are not
located within the area of geological influence of the project.

Most of the units in this MIDC are chemical industries which do not require excavations, or
activities leading to ground vibrations etc except at the time of civil construction. Direct
impact on geology of the area is not envisaged; however, accidental leakages of chemicals on
ground surface can enhance the rate of weathering of soil and sub-surface rocks thereby
reducing their bearing capacity. Seismologically the area falls in the Earthquake zone- IV of
India. Considering the seismicity in Maharashtra, this area falls within ‘moderate’ risk zone
indicating a possibility of earthquakes of moderate intensity in the area Mitigation Measures

Knowledge of activities related to geology in the area should be updated continuously.

Consistent care should be taken to avoid accidental leakages of chemicals on ground surface
which can create risk of damage to foundations of the civil structures in the area.

During excavations in construction phase of the project, special attention should be given to
geological stability of the foundation of the buildings in the premises and the surroundings.
As the area falls in the moderate risk zone of earthquake, appropriate precautions should be
taken to make the buildings / plant ‘earthquake proof’.

4.3.6 Impact of Solid and Hazardous Wastes

 Haphazard and uncontrolled storage of ash on site shall lead to littering and suspension of
the particles in air due to strong wind currents causing problems of air pollution and
aesthetics. Improper utilization / disposal of solid waste would harm soil quality and
fertility of the nearby agricultural fields.
 Chemical sludge from waste water treatment, Residues, dust or filter cakes, spent catalyst
is generated as hazardous waste.
 The high concentration of metal ions, lead, zinc, chromium and copper in used oil can be
toxic to ecological systems and to human health if they are emitted from the exhaust stack
of uncontrolled burners and furnaces. Some of the additives (zincdialkyl – dithio -
phosphates, molybdenum disulphide, other organo - metallic compounds etc.) used in
lubricants can contaminate the environment severely. Certain compounds in used oils like
PAH can be very dangerous to human and animal health being carcinogenic and
mutagenic. Lubricating oil is transformed by the high temperatures and stress of an
engine's operation. This results in oxidation, nitration, cracking of polymers and
decomposition of organ- metallic compounds. Other contaminants also accumulate in oil
during use - fuel, antifreeze / coolant, water, wear metals, metal oxides and combustion


 Separate area is earmarked for hazardous waste storage. Hazardous waste generated
would be stored, bagged and dispatched to CHWTSDF for further disposal after

4.3.7 Impact on Soil and Agriculture

Impact of any project on soil environment can be at different stages of project like
construction phase and operational phase. Causes of impact can be air (Flue gas), Water
(effluents) and solids (Waste and hazardous material). Impact can be primary, secondary or
tertiary. Impact can be positive or negative.
The project site is located in MIDC Roha, Dist.: Raigad, Maharashtra. The entire land is a flat
terrain. The expansion is carried out in existing premises of TDMCCL where there is no
change in land use pattern since the area is earmarked for industrial purpose. Mitigation Measures

 Trade effluent generated will be treated in ETP. No any effluent is discharged into water
 Domestic effluent would be treated in proposed STP and overflow would be used for
gardening in own premises/ green belt development. Thus, no any untreated / treated
/domestic effluent would be discharged in any nearby water body.
 Separate area is earmarked for hazardous waste storage. Hazardous waste generated is
stored, bagged and dispatched to CHWTSDF for further disposal. This area is covered
from the top and from the sides and have impervious flooring, so as to prevent
contamination of the surrounding soil environment if any. This same practices shall be
followed under expansion. impact
Roha has a huge industrial setup. This area is a Chemical Industry Zone as declared by
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), which was set up in the 1970s, is
located at Dhatav. Roha Industrial Area has many industrial units. Majority of these are
chemical process industries. The late '70s and early '80s saw a major influx of people related
to the chemicals industry which gave a unique cosmopolitan nature to Roha, which was till
then only farming and trading town. Chemical industries are operating in this area since 1970.
As per 8 collected soil samples and their analysis in buffer zone of 10 km, no contamination
was observed indicating no cumulative impact on soils of buffer area.

4.3.8 Impact on Noise Levels

The criteria on which noise impacts are analyzed depend upon the people who are being
affected. Broadly, there are two types viz. people who are working near the source and the
people who stay near the industry. People working near the source need risk criteria for
hearing damage while the people who stay near the industry need annoyance and
psychological damage as the criteria for noise level impact analysis. It is quite obvious that
the acceptable noise level for the latter case is less than the former case. So, the noise impact
analysis can be of two types namely (1) Noise impact analysis on working environment; and
(2) Noise impact analysis on community.


A) Noise Impact Analysis on Working Environment

For Noise Levels in the industrial unit, the potential noise generating sources are categorized
under three major heads - noise from machinery, noise from sirens / work areas, noise from
transportation. The total noise generated by operations of all equipments in the existing
Industrial Unit would be between 70 to 75 dB(A).Constant exposure to such levels, can result
in damage to ear drums and loss of hearing, high blood pressure, cardio-vascular disease and
stress, heart problems among the workers. It may also disturb psychological condition of the
workers. The actual resultant noise levels outside the factory will be much lesser in the
ambient air after considering attenuation. Therefore, the impact of proposed activities would
be insignificant.

The noise levels in work environment are compared with the standards prescribed by
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA-USA), which in turn were enforced
by Government of India through model rules framed under Factories’ Act. These standards
were established with the emphasis on reducing hearing loss.

Table 4.9 Permissible Exposure in Case of Continuous Noise

Total Time of Exposure

Sr. (continuous or a number
Pressure Remarks
No. of short term exposures)
dB (A)
per Day, in hours
1 8.00 90 1. No exposures in excess of dB (A) are
2 6.00 92 2. For any period of exposure falling in
between any figure and the next higher or
lower figure as indicated in column 2, the
permissible sound pressure level is to be
determined by extrapolation on a
proportionate scale.
3 4.00 95
4 3.00 97
5 2.00 100
6 1.50 102
7 1.00 105
8 0.75 107
9 0.50 110
10 0.25 115

B) Noise Impact Analysis on Community

Noise pattern from the source is computed with the help of following formula.

Noise Level at distance r2= (Noise level at distance r1) -20 log (r2/r1).

The noise levels get reduced considerably in the range of 20-30% because of natural
obstructions. The permissible noise levels, for different categories of area, as prescribed by
MoEFCC are given in Table 4.9. The resultant noise levels at the receptor in different


areas/zones are envisaged to be within permissible limits. If noise levels exceed the limit,
people who stay near the industry get disturbed due to reasons like annoyance and
psychological reasons. The present ambient noise monitored at all villages in the study area is
within reasonable limits. The noise generated from an industry gets attenuated considerably
because of natural barriers like walls, vegetation, houses etc. or gets deflected along the wind
Table 4.10Standards in Respect of Ambient Noise Levels

Sr. Category of Area Limits in dB (A), Leq

No. Day time Night time
(6 AM to 10 PM) (10 PM to 6 AM)
1 Industrial area 75 70
2. Commercial area 65 55
3. Residential area 55 45
4. Silence zone (Hospitals, Educational 50 40
Institutes & Courts) Mitigation Measures

 Noise monitoring is done regularly in the noise prone areas and within the industry where
workers will get exposed.This same practices will be followed under expansion.
 Use of heavy duty muffler systems on high noise generating equipment.
 Proper oiling, lubrication and maintenance would be carried out for the machineries and
equipment to reduce the noise generation.
 Personal protective devices such as ear muffs, ear plugs, masks will be strictly enforced
for the workers engaged in high noise prone zones.
 During each shift of 8 hours duration, maximum permissible limits of 115 dB(A) shall
never be exceeded, in the work zone, even for a short duration.

Thus, it can be stated that noise impact due to the proposed expansion activities could be
significant on Working Environment without control measures, while the noise impact on
community would be negligible.

4.3.9 Impact on Land Use

The vegetation and drainage of any region are related to each other and reflect inter-locking
or inter-connectivity between the same. The healthy vegetation shows well developed
drainage pattern.

In Roha taluka wherein the MIDC has been setup, important hill system is there. Heavy
rainfall situations are there. The first major land use is crop land and forest land, within 10
Km radius buffer. This crop land and forest land is because of Western Ghat influenced area
around study area. Some of the fallow land is seen where there is lack of continuous water

In study area, Kundalika River is flowing from eastdirection to west and a nallah is flowing
from Southto North direction towards N and meets the Kundalika River. These two servers as
major water source for the cropland in the study area. As it can be seen in the drainage maps,
there are many small drains connecting to the Kundalika River. The land acquired for


expansion project of TDMCCL is located in Roha MIDC, which is a notified industrial area.
River Kundalika is located 1.25 Km from project site. The existing drainage pattern shall not
be disturbed due to TDMCCL’s proposed expansion project.

Implementation of TDMCCLs project in the notified industrial area (Roha MIDC, Roha)
shall not have any substantial impact on the overall land use pattern of the study area. The
project shall come up on a well-defined and developed plot in the industrial area.

4.3.10 Impact on Ecology and Bio-diversity

The study area i.e. 5 km around the project site in Roha MIDC, which is already occupied by
large chemical industries mainly dealing with production of agro and industrial chemical and
thus all macro and micro habitats in the region to an extent are already affected by air, water
and soil pollution. Therefore the additional impact of TDMCCL is not likely to substantially
contribute in the existing cumulative pollution load on the ecology and Biodiversity of the
region. However, some areas in the radius between 5 km and 10 km radius, having good
terrestrial and wetland habitats, are relatively less affected (eg.Vaijnath, Landhar) and
therefore need to be protected and conserved for its ecology and biodiversity within.

The possible environmental impacts were considered for worst case scenario (direct
discharge of untreated wastewater into river Kundalika). The factory site is about 1.25 km
from River Kundalika. Currently more than 20 fish species are found in river Kundalika, out
of which 2 are near Threatened, one is vulnerable and one is critically endangered to this
area. Discharge of untreated wastewater (sewage/ effluents) in the river and surrounding
swamps will cause increased adverse impact on the aquatic habitat and its biodiversity
including fishes. Mitigation Measures

 Natural forests and grassland habitats in the region are being fragmented and degraded
due to deforestation, agriculture expansion and industrialization.
 The number of water bodies like river, streams and water tanks in the study area provide
suitable habitat to biodiversity. Avifauna including migratory birds particularly gets
affected due to polluted wetlands as a result of contamination of solid and liquid
industrial waste from Roha MIDC; particularly there is decline in fish diversity in river
Kundalika due to industrial effluents.
 The green belt being mandatory should be maintained on top priority for pollution
control, particularly for health of the workers and people around the industrial unit.
 The industry to adopt latest advanced technology for energy and water conservation and
treatment of wastes.
 The pollution control measures as per the EMP should strictly be implemented by the

4.3.11 Impact on Occupational Health and Hazard

Occupational health and safety is an important consideration under any industrial or

developmental project. Following tables gives details about the anticipated occupational
health hazards from proposed activities as well as precautionary measures to be taken for


Table 4.11Occupational Health and Safety

Sr. Reason For Health Hazard Work Place Control To Precautionary engineering
No. Anticipated prevent the Controls provided
Hazards Hazard
1 Toxicity, Due Skin Irritation, Production Supplied air mask The condensers would be
to Exposure, Decreased area, while handling provided with Chilled water
Spillage, muscle strength, Solvents Ammonia. & Chilled Brine circulation
Leakage, Headache, Handling Avoidance of to avoid the emissions.
emissions Drowsiness, area employees with Spill control training.
Long Term premedical Hazard communication:
Exposure: conditions for Training willbe conducted,
Kidney, Liver handling Ammonia/ PPE usage, Training &
Damage Respirators Educating the usage of
approved by PPE's
NIOSH. EN or All the operations shall be
equivalent IS carried out in closed
Spill control conditions, with scrubbing
materials like systems for emissions .
sorbent pads and Have following alarm and
booms. interlock system
HAZOP study.  Utility failure alarm
Setting up a  Agitator failure alarm
Standard Operating  High temperature alarm
Procedures (SOP)  Alarm for High rate of
for all critical addition of limiting
operations, reactant which is added
reactions and at controlled rate.
separations.  Raw material (limiting
reactant) addition rate
should be controlled by
flow control loop. (FT,
FIC, FCV). Controlling
parameter being reactor
 FCV and/or On-Off valve
should be interlocked with
the reaction mass
temperature and agitator
Hot work Permit:
 It is absolutely essential to
establish Hot work permit
system for any hot work
to be carried out in the
factory, especially in the
areas which store
flammable solvents of
Class A.


Sr. Reason For Health Hazard Work Place Control To Precautionary engineering
No. Anticipated prevent the Controls provided
Hazards Hazard
2 Exposure to Commodity and Production All the solid Hazard communication
Finished specialty area chemicals training will be conducted,
Products chemicals &finished products PPE usage. Training &
handling shall be Educating the usage of
done without PPE's
Manual All The operations shall be
Intervention, carried out in closed
directly handled in conditions, Oncology
closed conditions Products handling shall be
by vacuum done in isolators with
conveying. powder scrubbing systems
Respirators for finished products with
approved by detoxification liquids.
NIOSH. EN or Have alarm and interlock
equivalent IS. system, Hot work Permit as
Full face mentioned under point 1
protection. above.
Emergency shower
and eye wash
Spill control use of
materials like
sorbent pads and
HAZOP study.
SOP for all critical
reactions and
3 Physical Contact with Production Good Effective Interlocksfor
injuries rotating parts area, housekeeping, Reactors.
-Slip, trip and Mechanical Circuit breakers, Have alarm and interlock
falls workshop, Effective work system, Hot work Permit as
-electric shocks, electrical permit system. Fire mentioned under point 1
Fire Panel hydrant system. above.
Boards HAZOP study.
SOP for all critical
reactions and

 All the employees are provided with personal protective equipments like safety helmets,
goggles, face shields, heat resistance shoes, dust asks/respirators, self contained breathing
apparatus, breathing air masks etc.
 Mock drills as per ‘On site Emergency Plan’ as approved by Chief Inspector of factories
are conducted for fire hydrant systems, firefighting equipment. All the emergency
systems are placed in good working condition. Same is made available during emergency
conditions by adopting the effective preventive maintenance. Emergency preparedness of
teams as per the onsite emergency plan shall be ensured by conducting the effective
training through mock drills including evacuation plans.


 Industry undertakes pre-employment health check up followed by periodical health

checkup every year with special attention to occupational health hazards &is conducted
for all the employees.
 All the work places are provided with the MSDS of chemicals & materials being handled
and all equipment operating & production operating, chemicals handling, procedures are
displayed in Industry. All the concerned employees are trained and made aware of the
hazards in handling the chemicals. Refer MSDS enclosed at Appendix- O
 Inspection & breakdown maintenance of all the equipment including pollution control
equipment are undertaken by proper work permit systems.

4.3.12 Impact on Historical Places

There are no historical places in the study area and hence no impact is envisaged under
expansion project.


Evaluations of impacts on the environmental parameters due to the proposed expansion

project of TDMCCL will be an important aspect to be studied. For evaluation of the impacts,
Battelle Environmental Evaluation System (BEES) has been implemented. Description of
same is presented in following paragraphs.


Battelle Environmental Evaluation System (BEES) has been used for evaluation of impacts
arising out of different project activities. The BEES is a simple yet very effective
methodology for conducting environmental impact analysis. It is based on a hierarchical
assessment of environmental quality indicators. The system incorporates classification
consisting of four levels-

 Level I: Categories,
 Level II: Components,
 Level III: Parameters, and
 Level IV: Measurements.

Each Category (Level I) is divided into several components, each Component (Level II) into
several parameters, and each Parameter (Level III) into one or more measurements. The
Environmental Evaluation System (EES) identifies a total of four (4) categories, twenty (20)
components and eighty six (86) parameters.

BEES assessment for environmental impacts due to the proposed expansion activities of
TDMCCL is based on commensurate "environmental impact units (EIU)". Two EIU scores
are produced, one 'with' and another 'without' the proposed project activities. The difference
between the two scores is a measure of the environmental impact. The scores are based on
magnitude and importance of specific impacts.

In addition to the EIU scores, the EES labels major adverse environmental impacts with a
"red flag." These flags point to fragile elements of the environment, for which more detailed
studies are warranted.


Table 4.12 shows a complete list of categories, components, and parameters of the Battelle
EES. Column 1 shows the four (4) categories, Column 2 shows the twenty (20) components,
and Column 3 shows the eighty six (86) parameters.

The BEES methodology is based on assigning importance unit to each of the parameters.
Collectively, these "importance units" are referred to as "parameter importance units" or
PIUs. Parameters have been assigned important weights by an interdisciplinary team of
experts based on the ranked-pair wise comparison techniques. A total of 1000 PIUs are
distributed among the 86 parameters based on value judgments. The individual PIUs are
shown in Column 4 of Table 4.13, the summation component PIUs are shown in Column 5,
and the summation category PIUs are shown in Column 6. Effectively, for each parameter i,
its (PIU)i represents a weight wi

Each PIUi or wi requires a specific quantitative measurement. The methodology converts

different measurements into common units by means of a scalar or "value function." A scalar
has the specific measurement on x-axis and a common environmental quality scale or "value"
on the y-axis. The latter varies in the range 0 ≤ Vi ≤ 1. A value of Vi = 0 indicates very poor
quality, while Vi = 1 indicates very good quality.

Values of Vi = Vi, 0 are obtained for conditions 'without' the project, and Vi = Vi, 1 for
conditions 'with' the project. The condition 'without' the project represents the current
condition, while that 'with' the project represents the predicted future condition. The
environmental impact EIis evaluated as follows:

EI = ∑ [ Vi,1wi ] - ∑ [ Vi,0wi ]for i = 1 to n, where n = number of parameters (86).

For EI> 0, the situation 'with' the project will better than 'without' the project, indicating that
the project has positive environmental benefits. Conversely, for EI< 0, the situation 'with' the
project is worse than 'without' the project, indicating that the project has negative
environmental benefits, i.e. certain negative impacts. A large negative value of EI indicates
the existence of substantial negative impacts.
The assigned weights or PIU's represent the relative importance of each parameter within the
overall system. Once established, they should be kept constant; otherwise, the environmental
impact assessment would be difficult to replicate.

The potential problem areas are represented by those parameters for which the Vi value
changes significantly in the adverse direction, as measured by the following relation (in
ΔVi (%) = 100 (Vi,0 - Vi,1) / Vi, 0

These parameters are tagged with 'red flags' to indicate potential problems which may
warrant more detailed attention. For parameters in the ecology category, a minor red flag
applies when 5% <ΔVi< 10%; a major red flag when ΔVi> 10%. In all other categories, a
minor red flag applies when ΔVi< 30% whereas a major red flag when ΔVi ≥ 30%. The EES
can be applied for the evaluation of project impacts, to select specific alternatives, or during
the planning process to minimize potential adverse impacts of proposed projects. In the latter
case, a feedback loop is used to continually modify the project through successive iterations.
Projects developed with the help of EES are expected not only to minimize environmental
impacts, but also help improve selected portions of the environment




Environmental quality assessment for the proposed expansion project of TDMCCL has been
undertaken through evaluation of relevant environmental parameters. These parameters
represent various components and categories of environment namely-

1. Biological Environment
2. Environmental Pollution

 Water
 Air
 Soil
 Noise
3. Aesthetics
4. Human Interest

Functional relationship (value functions) has been developed for each of the selected
parameter, resulting in parameter measurement with environmental quality.

The allocation of PIUs, among the selected environmental parameters, represents a

consequence of opinion of members of an interdisciplinary team of experts. Accordingly, the
major environmental categories i.e. biological environment, environmental pollution,
aesthetics and human interests are allocated 240, 402, 153 and 205 PIUs respectively, out of
total of 1000 units.

The exhaustive list of parameters and associated PIUs used for impact assessment of the
activities of TDMCCLare presented in Table -4.13

Though the BEES is considered to be the best available environmental evaluation technique,
conflicting conclusions among decision makers could arise in the interpretation of evaluated
results. The primary factors giving rise to such difference in opinion are at uncertainty and
subjectivity in the allocation of PIUs to different environmental parameters and uncertainty
caused by the aggregation of individual parameter scores to yield the final project score under
different project impact scenarios. It is, therefore, necessary to take into account such
variability and uncertainty while inferring the impact of a development project on the
surrounding environment.

In order to study the influence of variation of PIU allocation on project evaluation, sensitivity
analysis was performed by varying the PIUs for all environmental categories from 0 to 1000
with step size of 50 units. While performing the sensitivity analysis, the aggregate of PIUs
allocated among these categories was kept fixed at 1000 units. This gave rise to numerous
environmentally beneficial, indifferent or adverse decisions.


4.5.1 Biological Environment

Total plot area of the industry is 88355 Sq. M. Total Green belt developed and to be
developed is on an area of 2.95 Ha i.e. 33% of Plot area.Augmentation of green belt would be
done in phase wise manner. Terrestrial Environment

a) Natural Vegetation

Natural vegetation in the study area comprises Banyan, Sag, Peepal, Umbar, Tamarind,
Drumstick, Babhul, Neem, Ain, Kinjal, Kumbh, Bhokar, Palas, Katesavar, Behada, Hirda,
Karanj, Pangara, Bahava, Apta, Arjun, Tamhan, Anjani, Jambhul, Amba, Shirish, Ranbiba,
Shisav, Karwand, and Gulmohar. In the acquired area, the industry would do some land
leveling. There would be no any trees to be cut under the expansion project implementation.
Green Belt development, on an area of about 33 % of the total plot, is implemented as per the
guidelines of MoEFCC and CPCB and as per the plan mentioned in chapter 2nd section 2.9.
Apart from this green belt development, open areas around the offices &buildings would be
covered with the grasses, shrubs & plants for landscaping. Outskirts of the area would be
planted with fast growing trees as indicated in the Environmental Management Plan. In
totality, green belt development on the acquired area would imply positive benefits in terms
of the extensive plantation and proper planning of same as indicated in a separate chapter on
the green belt development plan.

b) Crops

In the study area, under 10 Km radius crops like paddy, Finger millet, jungle rice, beans,
Pearl millet and vegetables common crops. Also, mango, jackfruit, sapodilla, cashew,
coconut and garcinia etc were observed in study area. The project would not have any
significant negative impact on crops. As the treated effluent would be recycled for process
operations and boiler and thermic fluid heater are provided with adequate stacks.

c) Species Diversity

No negative impacts are envisaged due to the proposed project activities on local species
diversity. Infact, plantation of variety of species, as induced in the Environmental
Management Plan, would improve ecosystem of the area. This will improve the local
ecosystem marginally.

d) Food & Web Index

No adverse effect on food & web cycle is expected. However, due to green belt plan in the
acquired area, improvement in the food web index is expected.

e) Rare & Endangered Species

However, no negative impacts are envisaged due to the expansion project since there will not
be any adverse effects like loss of habitat, fragmentation of habitat or contamination of
habitat. However, plantation of variety of the species, as induced in the Environmental
Management Plan, would improve the ecosystem of the area marginally.


i) Plant Species

Plant species noted in the study area are normal species found in semi-arid zone. No negative
impact on these species is expected.

ii) Animal Species

No critically endangered wild animal species are found in the study area. Animals observed
in study area are Indian Wolf, Common Mongoose, Common Langur, Indian Hare, Three
Striped Palm Squirrel, Bonnet Macaque etc. These are normal species found in the
Maharashtra Zone. No negative or positive impact on these species is expected.

iii) Pest Species

No pest or parasitic species are found in the area. Hence, no any negative or positive impact
is envisaged. Aquatic Environment

a) Natural Vegetation

The existing quality of natural vegetation is good. No harmful aquatic weeds are observed in
the surface waters.

b) Species Diversity

As effluent from existing as well as expansion project would not be discharged directly to
any water body, the diversity of any aquatic plant or animal species will not get affected.

c) Food & Web Index

As the aquatic life is not going to be affected there will not be any impact on the food and
web index.

4.5.2 Environmental Pollution

Parameters for the above-mentioned category are divided into four parts as (1) Water, (2)
Soil, (3) Air, (4) Noise

Impacts of the proposed expansion project activities on these components are summarized
below: Water

Parameters which represent the water environment are mainly pH, COD, BOD, TDS, Oil&
Grease. Trade industrial effluent generated from expansion industrial activities shall be
230.5M3/Day. This effluent shall be segregated in existing ETP comprising of primary,
secondary and tertiary treatments. Treated water from ETP is recycled back in process for


Domestic effluent after expansion would be treated in proposed STP. Thus, no any untreated /
treated /domestic effluent would be discharged in any nearby water body. Soil

Analysis of soil in the acquired area shows that it is good for cultivation. In case of the study
area, the soil chemistry will not change because no any untreated/ treated/ domestic effluent
would be discharged on land. Moreover, the hazardous and solid waste generated would be
properly stored in lined area and disposed off by forwarding it to CHWTSDF as done under
existing unit.

a) Land Use Pattern

No change in the land use pattern of study area is expected. The expansion will be carried out
in existing premises which is located in MIDC area. Thus, the designated land use is solely
for the industrial purpose.

b) Soil Chemistry

Soil observed is neutral, mostly clayey loams. This indicates presence of clay material. The
porosity varies between 33.57–54.54, which can be categorized as moderate. pH index
indicates neutral nature of the soil. The bulk density is observed 1.15 to 1.51 gm/cc. Soils
from this study area have EC values below the limits to be called as saline and hence the soils
are normal for crop growth. The water retention capacity is observed in range of 37% to 61%,
which can be stated as moderate to good. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) is in the range
of 1.11 to 1.27

c) Soil Erosion

Development of the green belt plan as mentioned in chapter 2ndprevents the soil erosion from
the project premises. Also, grassland on the open lands helps arresting the erosion of soil.
Thus, there will not be any soil erosion from the acquired area. Air

The average concentration of PM10, PM2.5,SO2 & NOx monitored at site is 58.24g/M3,
17.51g/M3, 23.97g/M3 and 39.19g/M3 respectively. These are well within the limits
specified by MPCB / CPCB. Noise

Major sources of the noise generation are Boiler, Reactors & Compressors; Fans and Pumps,
Vehicles, D. G. Sets. All the machinery including pumps and compressors are lubricated and
well fixed to minimize noise. The D.G Set sunder existing unit are enclosed in separate
canopy. However, this would not be a continuous source of noise as the same would be
operated in case of electricity failure. Isolation, insulation, separation techniques would be
adopted under the expansion activities to reduce noise effects on the work environment as
well as on the ambient noise levels. Prevention of noise with the plans suggested in EMP
would suffice the control of noise pollution.


No major source of vibration would be present in the industry under existing and proposed

4.5.3 Aesthetics Topographical Character

a) Landscape

Topography & landscape of the area indicates plain terrain. Changes would occur in the form
of general leveling and digging for construction purposes. Debris arising from the
construction would be utilized for filing of low-lying area. Thus, even if some changes may
occur in the topography of the area, it would bring out positive impact in the form of leveling
and landscaping.

b) Green Belt

Natural vegetation and its diversity will increase due to green belt development.

c) Visual Quality of Air

There will not be any effect on the visual quality of the air.

d) Visual Quality of Water

There will not be any effect on the visual quality of the water body present in the study area.

e) Sound

There might be small increase in the noise levels around the existing project site. This is
taken care by proper isolation, insulation, separation techniques and provision of green belt
development plan as suggested above.

4.5.4 Human Interest

Human interest will not be affected negatively. The proposed expansion project activities will
provide direct and indirect employment to residents of nearby locality. As such, the overall
effect will be positive.

a) Community Health

The TDMCCL project would not have any impact on health and sanitation of the study
region. The domestic effluents from proposed expansion activities would be treated in
proposed STP and overflow would be used for gardening in own premises. Also, there will be
zero discharge w.r.t. trade effluent. Hence, sanitation in the study area as well as acquired
area would not have any positive or negative impact.


b) Employment

The existing project has provided employment opportunities to the skilled and semi-skilled
local populace, especially in small-scale business and other related services.

c) Economy

The economy of the study area would have somewhat positive impact due to the expansion
project activities. Through, primary and secondary level employment as well as contractual
jobs becoming available, the overall economy of the study area would impart positive effects
on it. The small contract jobs at local level would improve the economy at the micro level. It
was observed that majority of the population within the sample size had considerable income
which is mostly due to job opportunities in MIDC.

d) Transportation & Communication

Due to requirement of raw materials and dispatch of products to market, transportation in the
project area would be increased. The local transporters would be benefited primarily. Further,
common communication facilities are available in project area since the area is well
developed MIDC area.

e) Education

All the required education facilities up to postgraduate levels are available at the Roha. From
the socio-economic survey of 10 Km study area, it was observed that the literates had up to
primary (35%), secondary (32), higher secondary (15%), graduate (6%) and post graduate
(1%) level education. However, it was interesting to observe that, locals residing in wadis
above villages Pugao, Pallekhurd, Killa and Washi were known to be Adivasis. Most of these
were illiterate, economically backward and dependent on gathering wood for their living.

Free compulsory education should be provided to Adivasi community in the area.

f) Water Supply

The plot being located in the Roha MIDC, the water required for proposed operations would
be taken from MIDC water supply scheme. Further, drinking water is supplied to near by
villages through MIDC water supply scheme, Roha.

g) Occupational Health

Occupational health is usually the concern in case of routine industrial operations. Regular
health checkup camps and facilities such as doctors, dispensary, hospitals, ambulance etc. are
the prerequisites of a good program. The present unit has all such facilities and amenities.
The proposed infrastructure and practices in TDMCCL unit would suffice for the
requirements towards occupational health & safety measures under the expansion project.
Moreover, the industry would adopt measures suggested in the EMP. Thus, no occupational
health problem would anticipated under the proposed expansion project.


Table 4.12 Application of BEES for Impact Evaluation due to TDMCCL, Roha MIDC,

Categories Components Parameters Parameter Importance Units (PIUs) V i,0 V i,1 ΔVi W iΔVi
Parameter Component Category Without With
PI\Wi PIUs PIUs Project Project
1 2 3 4 5= 6= 7 8 9=8- 10=9X4
Sum of 4 Sum of 5 7
Biological Species & 1. Terrestrial 14 240 0.5 0.5 0 0
Environment Populations browsers and
(Ecology) (Terrestrial grazers
Flora, 2. Terrestrial crops 14 0.6 0.6 0 0
Terrestrial (Farm land)
Fauna, 3. Terrestrial natural 14 0.5 0.6 0.1 1.4
Aquatic Biota) vegetation.
(Grass, Flowers,
Trees & Shrubs.)
4. Terrestrial pest 14 0.6 0.6 0 0
5. Terrestrial upland 14 1.0 1.0 0 0
6. Aquatic 14 0.7 0.7 0 0
7. Aquatic natural 14 0.6 0.6 0 0
8. Aquatic pest 14 0.5 0.5 0 0
9. Fish 14 0.6 0.6 0 0
10. Water fowl 14 140 0.6 0.6 0 0
Habitats & 11. Terrestrial food 08 0.8 0.8 0 0
Communities web index
12. Land use 10 0.7 0.7 0 0
13. Terrestrial rare 15 0.3 0.5 0.2 3.0
and endangered
14. Terrestrial species 10 0.8 0.8 0 0
15. Aquatic food web 08 0.7 0.7 0 0
16. Aquatic rare & 08 0.5 0.5 0 0
17. River 10 0.5 0.5 0 0
18. Aquatic species 10 0.6 0.6 0 0
19. Habitat Removal, 08 0.7 0.7 0 0
Contamination of
Habitat (Aquatic
20. Terrestrial Fauna - 13 100 0.4 0.4 0 0
Fragmentation of
Terrestrial Habitat,
Environmental Water 21. Basin hydrologic 20 402 0.6 0.5 - 0.1 - 2.0
Pollution loss (alteration of
hydraulic regime,
alteration of
surface runoff,


Categories Components Parameters Parameter Importance Units (PIUs) V i,0 V i,1 ΔVi W iΔVi
Parameter Component Category Without With
PI\Wi PIUs PIUs Project Project
1 2 3 4 5= 6= 7 8 9=8- 10=9X4
Sum of 4 Sum of 5 7
alteration of
22. BOD (Water 28 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -2.8
Quality - WQ)
23. Dissolved Oxygen 33 0.8 0.8 0 0
24. Fecal Coliforms 10 0.6 0.6 0 0
25. Inorganic carbon 26 0.6 0.6 0 0
26. Inorganic nitrogen 26 0.6 0.6 0 0
27. Inorganic 26 0.6 0.6 0 0
phosphate (WQ)
28. Pesticides (WQ) 10 0.3 0.3 0 0
29. pH (WQ) 25 1.0 1.0 0 0
30. Stream flow 30 0.8 0.8 0 0
(alteration of river,
nalla, channel)
31. Temperature. 33 1.0 1.0 0 0
32. TDS (WQ) 10 0.8 0.7 0.1 -1.0
33. Toxic substances 10 0.7 0.7 0 0
34. Turbidity (WQ) 25 312 0.6 0.6 0 0
Air 35. CO2(Air Quality- 8 0.8 0.8 0 0
36. Nitrogen oxides 7 0.8 0.8 0 0
37. Particulate matter 14 0.6 0.5 0 0
38. Photochemical 3 1.0 1.0 0 0
oxidants (AQ)
39. Sulfur dioxide 10 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -1.0
40. Other (process & 10 52 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -1.0
fugitive emissions
Land 41. Land use 10 0.6 0.7 0.1 1.0
(Soil) 42. Soil erosion 6 0.8 0.8 0 0
43. Soil Quality 12 28 0.7 0.7 0 0
Noise 44. Noise 10 10 0.8 0.8 0 0
Aesthetics Land 45. Surface material 6 158 0.8 0.8 0 0
Cultural 46. Relief and 16 1.0 1.0 0 0
47. Width and 10 32 0.8 0.8 0 0
Air 48. Odor and visual 3 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -0.3
49. Sounds 2 5 0.8 0.8 0 0
Water 50. Appearance 16 1.0 1.0 0 0
51. Land &water 16 1.0 1.0 0 0
52. Odor &floating 10 0.8 0.8 0 0


Categories Components Parameters Parameter Importance Units (PIUs) V i,0 V i,1 ΔVi W iΔVi
Parameter Component Category Without With
PI\Wi PIUs PIUs Project Project
1 2 3 4 5= 6= 7 8 9=8- 10=9X4
Sum of 4 Sum of 5 7
53. Water surface 10 1.0 1.0 0 0
54. Wooded & 10 62 0.8 0.8 0 0
geologic shoreline
Biota 55. Animals- domestic 5 1.0 1.0 0 0
56. Animals – wild 5 0.6 0.6 0 0
57. Diversity of 12 0.7 0.8 0.1 1.2
vegetation types
58. Variety within 8 30 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.8
vegetation types
Manmade 59. Manmade objects 9 9 0.8 0.8 0 0
Composition 60. Composite effect 10 0.7 0.7 0 0
61. Unique 10 20 1.0 1.0 0 0
Human Educational / 62. Archaeological 6 200 1.0 1.0 0 0
Interest Scientific 63. Training in new 13 0.5 0.7 0.2 2.6
(Social, Packages technologies& skill
Cultural) development
64. Ecological 9 0.8 0.8 0 0
Effects on crops,
Reduction of farm
65. Geological 10 1.0 1.0 0 0
66. Hydrological 10 48 0.7 0.7 0 0
Historical 67. Architecture and 5 1.0 1.0 0 0
Packages styles
(Infrastructure 68. Conflicts with 10 0.9 0.9 0 0
and services) projects of urban ,
commercial or
69. EventsRecreation 10 1.0 1.0 0 0
70. Persons 12 1.0 1.0 0 0
71. Religions and 10 1.0 1.0 0 0
72. Western frontier 8 55 1.0 1.0 0 0
Cultures 73. Indians 13 1.0 1.0 0 0

74. Other ethnic 5 1.0 1.0 0 0

75. Religious groups 5 23 1.0 1.0 0 0
Mood/Atmosp 76. Awe-Inspiration 8 1.0 1.0 0 0
here 77. Isolation / solitude 8 1.0 1.0 0 0
78. Mystery 4 1.0 1.0 0 0
79. Oneness with 8 28 1.0 1.0 0 0
Security and 80. Increase in crime 5 0.5 0.5 0 0
Safety and accidents
Health 81. Temporary acute 5 0.7 0.7 0 0
and chronic.


Categories Components Parameters Parameter Importance Units (PIUs) V i,0 V i,1 ΔVi W iΔVi
Parameter Component Category Without With
PI\Wi PIUs PIUs Project Project
1 2 3 4 5= 6= 7 8 9=8- 10=9X4
Sum of 4 Sum of 5 7
Life Patterns 82. Employment 16 0.7 0.9 0.2 3.2
(Economy) opportunities
(Creation of new
Generation of
Temporary &
Permanent Jobs)
83. Income for state & 5 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.5
private sector.
84. Saving for 5 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.5
consumers and
private consumers
Savings in foreign
currency for the
85. Housing. 5 0.6 0.6 0 0
(Commercial value
of properties,
Electricity tariff)
86. Social interactions 5 46 0.6 0.6 0 0
(Conflict due to
negotiations & / or
Political conflicts,
and Social
The Battelle EES Environmental Impact Analysis Cumulative Index Ei +4.7

Table4.13 Identification of RED Flags to the Potential Problem Areas in BEES for
Parameters PIUs V i,0 V i,1 ΔVi ΔVi, r # Red Flag
Wi Without With
Project Project
1 2 3 4 5 = 4-3 6 = 5/3 X 7
21.Basin hydrologic loss (alteration 20 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -17% Minor
of hydraulic regime, alteration of
surface runoff, alteration of
22. BOD (Water Quality - WQ) 28 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -17% Minor
32. TDS (WQ) 10 0.8 0.7 -0.1 -12% Minor
39. Sulphur Di-oxide (AQ) 10 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -17% Minor
40. Other (Process Emissions) 10 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -14% Minor
48.Odor& Visual 3 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -14% Minor


# ‐ In the Battelle EES, the potential problem areas are represented by those parameters for
which the Vi value changes significantly in the adverse direction, as measured by the following
relation (negative values, in percent)
ΔVi, r = 100 [V i,1 ‐ V i,0] / V i,0.These parameters are tagged with 'red flags' to indicate
potential problems which may warrant more detailed attention. For parameters in the
ecology category, a minor red flag applies when 5% <ΔVi,r ≤ 10%, and a major red flag
when ΔVi,r> 10 %. In all other categories, a minor red flag applies when ΔVi,r ≤ 30% or
ΔVi ≤ 0.1, and a major red flag when ΔVi,r> 30% or ΔVi> 0.1.


The potential problem areas mentioned in above Table 4.13 would be having adverse impact
due to project activities under expansion. The various mitigation measures to minimize the
impact on different parameters are presented below-
1. Basin Hydrologic Loss

This parameter that comes under 'Environment Pollution' category. For the present and
proposed expansion activities in TDMCCL water is taken from MIDC Water supply scheme.
The existing and proposed activities considered together shall require water quantity to the
tune of 1592 M3/Day. Out of this total requirement 220 M3/Day would be recycle water in
process for cooling whereas 1372 M3/Day (86%) would be the fresh water taken from
Kundalika River. Hence the treated water from ETP after achieving prescribed standards will
be recycled back into process for cooling.

To minimize the negative impact up to some extent, TDMCCL has planned to reduce its fresh
water demand by about 14% through recycling the treated effluent. Thus, the industry shall
reuse 220M3/day of its treated effluent for cooling tower make up and in process operations.
This step shall facilitate the benefits namely; achieving 'Zero Discharge' of trade effluent in
the environment and saving in fresh water demand.

2. B.O.D.

Through the manufacturing operations under expansion in TDMCCL project, effluents would
be generated from process, laboratory, washing, cooling and boiler blow downs etc. The total
effluent generated from various operations and processes in proposed expansion project shall
be treated in existing ETP of 300 CMD capacity comprising of Primary, Secondary and
Tertiary treatment operations. At present, the treated water from ETP, achieving prescribed
standards is discharged to Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Roha. Presently,
domestic wastewater is treated in septic tanks followed by soak pits. The overflow from soak
pits is used for gardening purpose.

Under expansion, the management has decided to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) by
installation of evaporators and the condensate would be recycled in industrial operations. No
any effluent would be discharged outside the premises. Moreover, for domestic waste water,
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 20 CMD is proposed. The treated water from STP would
be used for gardening.

Green belt development and complete utilization of the treated domestic wastewater for the
plantation therein shall prevent any degradation of the ground as well as surface water


quality. As a result of actions described above, there shall not be any discharge of treated or
untreated effluents in any water body. This shall avoid adverse impact of the industry on
environment especially due to the organic pollution of attributes such as water and land.

3. TDS

This parameter comes under water component of environmental pollution category. It has got
importance since during manufacturing processes various salts are used as raw materials in
considerable quantities. Moreover, many times salts are generated as intermediate or end
products of number of chemical reactions. Subsequently, through procedures of product
finishing, refining or purifying, effluents containing huge concentrations of TDS are
generated. If such effluents of high TDS are discharged on land or in surface waters or if they
find access to ground water, serious negative impacts could result. The TDS in surface and
ground water may increase, the water could become hard, the soils can become saline. These
changed properties of water, land and soils, in turn, could demand costly measures for
making them useful or fit for consumption towards various purposes. More details about this
aspect have been described in earlier sections of this chapter while stating impacts and their
mitigation measures.

4. SO2

The SO2shall get released to atmosphere as stack emissions due to burning of fuel. There the
quantum of SO2emission shall be of more concern. In light of such event, the mitigation
measure in the form of adequate stack height of 35M, 30 Mhas been considered.

5. Other (Process & Fugitive Emissions)

This parameter comes under 'Environmental Pollution' Category (Component – Air). There
would be process emissions in the form of sulphur dioxide, HCl as well as VOCs as process
and fugitive emissions. Same are controlled through installation of scrubbers and fume
extraction systems. Further, the scrubbed material shall be forwarded to secondary uses or
sent to ETP. Thus, no any process emissions shall be let out into ambient air.

6. Odour and Visual

This parameter comes under 'Aesthetics' category for component of air in the BEES.
Although, there would be the minor predicted negative impact (14% as shown in Table 4.18)
of this parameter, due consideration for same is equally important. This is because the said
parameter is related with aesthetics in respect of ambient air in the industrial premises and in
surrounding region. The odor may be because of fugitive emissions from different process
operations during manufacturing as well as unhygienic and poor storage conditions in the
industrial premises of waste materials (discarded product batches, spent organics & catalysts,
mother liquor etc.), sludge, solid and hazardous wastes. Odour nuisance would be controlled
by curbing emissions responsible for same at the source itself. Further, provision of scrubber,
efficient ventilation and exhaust systems, proper O & M as well as good house-keeping shall
exercise adequate control on factors responsible for odour nuisance.



4.7.1 Decommissioning Phase

"Decommissioning" is a procedure to make an equipment or manufacturing setup unfit for its

reuse for its designed function. This could be done by cutting project components into small
pieces, demolition of buildings, disconnecting circuits and removing of all infrastructures set
up thereby making it unusable.

4.7.2 Planning for Decommissioning of the TDMCCL Project –

When a plan for decommissioning of the TDMCCL plant would be confirmed, initially a
detailed survey of the site and entire plant shall be carried out. Detailed photography and
videography shall be done. A review of all documents shall be taken and thorough checking
shall be done w.r.t. permissions from all concerned Govt. authorities for the
decommissioning. If required, competent personnel shall be arranged at the site to supervise
the entire assignment.

Subsequent to survey, a planning towards sequence and chronology of decommission and

dismantling shall be done by taking in to consideration following –

1. Number and types of buildings like administration building (2 storeyed) and security
office in RCC and brick work, manufacturing plant in MS &RCC, allied piping, staging
and supports etc.
2. All electrification infrastructure with cables and cable trays, transformers, poles and
lighting, underground cable trenches, etc.

For demolishing RCC structure, no any blasting is recommended as the site is in Roha MIDC
and surrounded by other chemical industries. Same would be done by using hydraulic
breakers. Fabricated structure would be dismantled by gas cutting.

Inventory of left over hazardous chemicals after shutdown would be done. These chemicals
based on their characteristics would be scientifically collected and disposed off for authorized
re-processor or forwarded to CHWTSDF. This would be done also for safe disposal of used /
unused chemicals from the industry. The decommissioning would be done by detoxification
followed by dismantling activity under trained manpower and expert supervision.

A) Detoxification

For detoxification of reactor, column, bulk storage tanks following in-situ methods are
suggested -

a. Hot Water/ Air Purging: Hot air /water shall be purged through the units until specified
criteria are met.
b. Dilute Acid Wash: Some of the equipment and pipelines shall be given acid wash to
detoxify them. Dilute HCl (5-10%) is suggested for this purpose.
c. Water Wash: Finally a thorough water wash of the equipment and pipelines is
recommended, before they are dismantled from their supports.

The used water shall be diverted to ETP for its treatment and safe disposal.


B) Dismantling

All the equipment, pipelines and structural components shall be dismantled only after in-situ
detoxification has been carried out as specified above. The pipelines would be dismantled
first followed by the equipment and finally by the structure. The dismantling of the units will
begin from the topmost floor and proceed towards the ground floor. Large equipment shall be
dismantled in sections wherever possible. The dismantled metal components would be
disposed off by sale to authorized parties. Demolition of RCC buildings would be done
manually and debris generated would be used for filling low lying areas.

After dismantling and disposal of all dumps to disposal sites, there would be necessity to
check soil contamination due to leakages and spillages. The top soil samples in industrial site
be analyzed and the quality would be checked.

Table 4.14 Identification of Impacts due to Decommissioning of TDMCCL Project

No. Env. Aspect Activities / Operation Impact Identification Measures

1. Land Use Dismantling and No impact on land use as the --
decommissioning of site is in notified industrial
industrial set up. area, post-decommissioning use
would be industrial only.
2. Air  Washing of reactors,  Fugitive emissions due to  Scrubbing of emissions
pipeline during fumes of acid/ alkali during through scrubbers
detoxification. washing of reactors, attached to reactors and
 Cutting, demolition distillation column, storage subsequent demolition
and dismantling tanks, pipeline etc. of both.
operations  Fugitive dust during  Water sprinkling to
demolition of building. suppress dust during
demolition work.
3. Water  Washing activities of  Washing discharges getting  Washing discharges to
tanks, reactor, access into nearby nalla ETP; treatment &
piplines, columns under uncontrolled disposal through same
etc. operational conditions. as ZLD. Demolition of
ETP shall be the last
4. Solid and  Cutting wastes, scrap,  Littering of wastes  Solid wastes disposal to
Hazardous demolition wastes etc.  Bad aesthetics authorized re-processor,
Waste  Oils and lubricants  Leachate formation & Gr. sale.
removed from water contamination  HW disposal to
equipment, any un- CHWTSDF
disposed HW left at
site (residue, chemical
sludge, spent catalyst,
spent carbon)
5. Noise  Cutting & drilling Increase in noise levels during PPEs to manpower
during decommissioning. involved in
decommissioning decommissioning and
 Dismantling of safety measures to will be
reactors, columns, followed.
buildings etc.
6. Risk & Dismantling Accidents, chemical spillages, Use of PPEs, expert and
Hazard &Decommissioning of storage tanks explosion during experienced supervision,
equipments& buildings. detoxification & dismantling. due follows up of safety
norms & procedures.

Chapter 5



While preparing EIA report, it is necessary that one should consider project alternatives and
their relative potential impacts on the environment. Selection of alternative would be thus
more critical in an industrial development where time, money, environment and natural
resources are at stake. Hence, selection of alternative must be both practical and rational,
taking into consideration the constraint of the proposed expansion projectby TDMCCL.


5.2.1 Raw Material Alternative

The product will require certain raw materials. The raw materials for existing and proposed
activities listed in Chapter - 2 are adopted because of their purity and desirable form. It
avoids a probability of discards or non-specification outcome. It also follows the mass
balance more faithfully than when impurities are involved.

5.2.2 Technology Alternatives

To reduce the carbon footprint by our business operations, we aim to use renewable energy
sources for the process requirements, wherever necessary. We have plans to use all the latest
available energy efficient and environmental friendly technologies to contain or minimize the
impact on Environment.

 Green Initiative by TDMCCL-

1. Waste Heat Boiler -

 Under existing unit

TDMCCLis utilizing the heat generated during Sulphur Burning as a heating source for
generation of steam in waste heat Boiler. Here, TDMCCL generates about 300-330 MT of
steam daily. It is a green technology as no new fuel burning is done for steam generation
thereby reducing the green house gases. After in-house utilization of steam generated from
waste heat boiler, about 60 MT/day of steam is supplied to immediate neighboring industries.
Here, once again there is reduction of green house gas emissions as no additional fuel like
FO,Coal etc. burning is done by neighboring industries for generation of steam.This activity
helps reduce the carbon footprint equivalent to 13 MT per day.

 Expansion Activity

Under expansion same activity would be continued.

(Reference: ICC data assuming sub bituminous coal used for generation of electricity 96.07
Kg by CO2/GJ)

2. Dedicated equipments -

Most of major products are manufactured in dedicated equipments hence no washings are
required. This reduces the effluent load.


3. Solar Power-
TDMCCL have installed a 335 KWp capacity Solar Power Plant in May 2016. All future
installation’s roofs will be south-wardly inclined to install more solar panels for higher solar
power generation.
Figure 5.1 Solar power plant installed on site of TDMCCL

4. Rain Water Harvesting-

TDMCCL’s housing colonies, control room; ETP-solid waste storage and SVS plant roofsare
connected to rain water harvesting system. This rain water was collected in bore well to
maintain the ground water level. (Refer Figure 5.2) But recently, may in 2018 a water pond
of 1000 KL capacity is built. The harvested rainwater from the adjoining installation is
connected to this pond. This harvested water would be used for Industrial purpose. This is
one more step towards the green initiative. The total expense of this project is 20 Lac. (Refer
Figure 5.3)

Figure 5.2Rain Water Harvesting on site of TDMCCL


Figure 5.3 Water Pond on site of TDMCCL


5. Biogas Plant-

TDMCCL installed a biogas plant in which canteen waste and colony kitchen waste is
consumed for biogas generation. This biogas is used in canteen.

Figure 5.4 Biogas Plant on site of TDMCCL


Instead of RO/ MEE TDMCCL is going to achieve ZLD unit where neutral effluent after
primary clarifier shall be feed to the unit.This effluent will be concentrated to about 25 to
30% TDS level and dried further to get solid residue. Heat pump is used to concentrate the
effluent by evaporation. Water Vapor is then condensed and recycled. Apart from the
electrical energy provided for heating the effluent, heat pump also utilizes the heat released
during condensation of water vapor for evaporating the inlet effluent water. This technology
is the best example of conservation and effective utilization of energy. The concentrated
stream will be subjected for drying in de-moisturizer. The installation and commissioning of
this facility will be completed within short period.

 Principle and Concept -

In most cases, industrial process water is passed through ETP, RO and Multi effect
Evaporator (ME) process. Typically, RO reject is passed through the ME. Steam inside ME
process is generated by direct heating principle. It is done by equipment like boilers, electric
heaters, solar water heater or high vacuum pump systems. No matter how efficient these
systems are, the efficiency or COP (coefficient of performance) is always less than 1; since
there are some losses in the process of heating. It is also important to note that all the above
equipment uses some conventional source of heat energy which is expensive and the cost is
increasing day by day. For example, Steam boilers or Hot water generators use High Speed
Diesel as the source of heat. Since these sources of heat or fuels are often expensive, the
operating costs of such systems are mostly on the higher side.With regards to this context,
progressive revelations suggested what if we could use some form of vacuum system clubbed
with a heat pump system which could recover up to 95% water in distilled form from waste

Our system does exactly the same; it works on principle of evaporation and condensation
clubbed with a vacuum system to get distilled water. Typically, hot side of heat pump is
connected to the evaporator coils inside a “vacuum evaporation chamber”. Heat pump
maintains the Freon gas’s temperature in the evaporator coil at around 105°C to 110°C.
Waste water is sprayed on the evaporator coils at a constant rate, if effluents are viscous in
nature then they are stirred inside the vacuum chamber which is surrounded by evaporator
coils. Water evaporates after getting in touch with hot coils and vapours are formed. Vapours
are then sucked into a condensing chamber (condensing chamber is connected to the cooling
side of heat pump) through blowers. Finally, the water gets condensed on the cooling coils
and is drained out into a fresh water tank. The condensed water that we get is free soluble
metals, oils, caustic minerals, chemicals and other impurities.

The wet slurry which is formed post evaporation is passed on to a dryer where we get
powdered form waste, hence achieving 100% zero liquid and zero water discharge status. The
Heat pump based effluent to distilled water convertor system finds application in Industrial &
Commercial facilities like FMCG, Automotive - Paints shop applications & Industrial
washing machines, Pharmaceutical - API & Formulation units, Textiles, Chemicals, Hotels,
Hospitals, Luxury Resorts & Spas, Serviced Apartments, Residential Training centre’s and
many other types of facilities.

 Advantages & Business impact of system

 60% -70% reductions in operating cost compared to the ETP, RO & ME setup
 Single stage unit with water recovery up to 95% in distilled form
 Concentrate can be converted in dry powder for easy disposal
 Average payback can be as attractive as 1 to 1.5 year
 Accelerated depreciation benefits up to 80%
 Higher manpower productivity
 Economic Life of ~15 years (As per ASHRAE)

Refer Appendix - J for Heat Pump Based Effluent to Distilled Water Convertor diagram.


7. Disposal Procedure for Used Catalyst in Reaction-

Used catalyst of sulphuric acid plant is sent to Mumbai Waste Management Ltd (MWML) for
disposal at MPCB approved designated site at Taloja. Our organization is registered member
of MWML. Mumbai Waste Management Ltd. is an approved agency by MPCB.


The proposed project by TDMCCL is an expansion project of existing commodity chemicals

and speciality chemicals manufacturing set-up. Industry has sufficient infrastructure in
existing unit for the same and hence no any alternative sites were considered.

Chapter 6



With knowledge of baseline conditions, monitoring program will serve as an indicator for any
deterioration in environmental conditions due to operation of the project. This will enable in
taking up suitable steps, in time, to safeguard the environment. Monitoring is an important
tool for control of pollution since efficiency of control measures can only be determined by

In TDMCCL project, monitoring of various environmental parameters is being carried out on

a regular basis for existing unit. Moreover, after expansion same would be continued to
ascertain the following -

 State of pollution within the plant and in its vicinity

 Examine the efficiency of pollution control systems installed in the plant
 Generate data for predictive or corrective purposes in respect of pollution. The same could
serve as basis for future impact assessment studies for project
 To verify the impacts predicated due to the proposed expansion project
 To identify the trends with time in the levels of parameters

Environmental monitoring after implementation of expansion project is important assess

performance of pollution control equipments installed. The sampling and analysis of
environmental attributes including monitoring locations will be as per the guidelines of the
Central Board / State Pollution Control Board. Accordingly, environmental monitoring will
be conducted on regular basis by TDMCCL to assess the pollution level in the plant as well
in the surrounding area with the following objectives -

 To verify the impacts predicated due to the proposed expansion project

 To identify the trends with time in the levels of parameters
 To check or assess the efficiency of the various pollution controlling measures
 To ensure that new parameters, other than those identified in the impact assessment
study, do not become critical through the commissioning of proposed expansion project
 Establish database for future impact assessment studies towards expansion projects

The details of proposed mitigation measures that have been suggested in order to achieve
economic development due to the proposed expansion of TDMCCL project without harming
the nature are as follow -



As discussed in chapter- 4, No construction of building would be required for expansion as

most of infrastructure would be used from existing unit. Only work related to installation of
equipments and machineries as required under proposed activities would be done on site for
which local labors shall be used.Hence, no any impact on topography will envisaged due to
proposed expansion activities.


During operational stage, continuous air emissions from boilers, wastewater disposal, non-
hazardous waste, hazardous as spent chemicals used in process, used oily wastes are


expected. The following attributes which merit regular monitoring based on the
environmental setting and nature of project activities are listed below -

 Source emissions and ambient air quality

 Ground water levels and ground water quality
 Water and waste water quality (water quality, effluent & sewage quality etc.)
 Solid and hazardous waste characterization (oily wastes, ETP sludge, used and waste oil);
 Soil quality
 Noise levels (equipment and machinery noise levels, occupational exposures and ambient
noise levels)
 Ecological preservation and afforestation

6.3.1 Air Pollution Management

Apart from the ambient air and source monitoring during operation stage of TDMCCL
project, following recommendations are also suggested -

 Air pollution control equipment would be interlocked with the process as per the
guidelines of CPCB
 If the emissions exceed the standards, the corresponding units of the plant which are
contributing the excessive pollutant load are stopped till the qualities of pollutant
discharged from those units are brought down to the required level
 In case of failure of pollution control equipment, the production process connected to it
would be stopped
 Under no circumstances, the emissions shall exceed the limits mentioned in the consent
 Online monitoring system would be installed under proposed expansion project
 In case of power failure, alternate electric source would be provided which would be
sufficient to operate the APC equipment continuously.

6.3.2 Water Management

The total water requirement after expansion project would be 1592 m3/day. Out of which
220 m3/day treated effluent recycle whereas 1372 m3/day would be the fresh water
taken from the MIDC water supply scheme. The MIDC procures water from Kundalika
River and after treatment the same is provided to different industries in the MIDC. For
detail water requirement refer Chapter - 2.

The effluent generated from existing activities is already handled and treated as per CREP
guidelines. After commissioning of expansion activity same shall be handled and treated as
per CREP guidelines. Refer Chapter - 2 for effluent generation and disposal. Salient features
of the water management aspect are -

 The industry has provided effluent collection, treatment and disposal facilities. Proper
operation and maintenance of same is done to achieve desired results.
 No untreated industrial effluent is allowed to be disposed off on land or in any surface
water body.
 The pipeline and storage tanks meant for effluent conveyance and storage are checked
periodically to avoid any leakages. Leakage, if any, will harm the surrounding soil and


water environment significantly. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) & stainless steel are
used as pipeline and valves material respectively.
 Flow meter is already installed at ETP inlet and Outlet to record the daily flow of the
water. Same practice shall be followed under expansion activities.
 Pumps in the ETP are supplied with alternate electric supply source in case of power

6.3.3 Noise Level Management

Vital aspects of the noise pollution and its mitigation measures are mentioned in Chapter - 4.
Moreover, people working in close vicinity of high noise generating equipments would be
provided with PPE such as ear plugs, ear muffs etc.

 Industry would take care while procuring major noise generating machines/ equipments
to ensure that manufacturers have taken adequate measures to minimize generation of
 Thick bushy trees would be planted in and around the industrial area to intercept noise
transmission to the nearby villages.
 Allocation of work would be managed so that no worker would be exposed to noise more
than 90 dB (A) for more than 8 hours.
 Creating awareness about noise pollution among the workers.
 The overall noise levels in and around the plant area would be kept well within the
standards by providing noise control measures including acoustic hoods, silencers,
enclosures etc. on all sources of noise generation.
 Monitoring shall include developing a sampling strategy to identify employees to be
included in the hearing conservation program. Each employee being monitored shall be
notified of the results. Employees may observe the monitoring by the Industry. The
Industry shall establish and maintain an audiometric testing program that shall be
performed by a qualified person at no cost to the employees.
 Record keeping will include maintaining audiometric test records by the industry for
duration of the affected employment.

Table 6.1 Trees with Good Canopy for Noise Attenuation

No. Scientific Name Common Habit Ht Evergreen Crown Shape

Name (M)
1. Azadirachtaindica Neem Tree 20 Evergreen Spreading
2. Alstoniascholaris Devil Tree Tree 15 Evergreen Round
3. Derris indica Karanj Tree 10 Evergreen Round
4. Anthocephalus indicus Kadamb Tree 15 Evergreen Round
5. Polyalthialongifolia Ashok Tree 15 Evergreen Conical/ Rounded
6. Butea monosperma Palas Tree 10 Deciduous Oblong / Ovoid
7. Ficusreligiosa Pipal Tree 10-15 Evergreen Round

6.3.4 Land Management

There are no chances of change in the soil characteristics due to air pollutants and suspended
particulates from the proposed expansion activity. There would be no any discharge of
untreated domestic or industrial effluent from proposed or existing activities.The solid and


hazardous waste is being stored in dedicated area provided on site. Same practice shall be
adopted after expansion.

6.3.5 Dust Management

Trouble with dust in work zone and ambient atmospheres would be controlled in unit by
certain dedicated measures. An action plan have been prepared and implemented in the
existing unit that includes following. Same measures would be followed after expansion.

 Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to

remove and control dust from work zone areas.
 Inlet and outlet of pollution control equipment shall be provided with necessary sampling
arrangements as per guidelines of CPCB.
 Dust collected from the APC equipment will be properly handled and disposed off.
 APC equipment would be interlocked with process as per the guidelines of CPCB.
 PPEs such as masks, aprons, gloves, goggles etc. shall be provided to workers.
 Implementation of green belt of adequate density and type shall be made to control and
attenuate dust transfer in premises.
 Provision of properly surfaced internal roads and work premises (tarred and concrete)
shall be made to curb dust generation and its suspension due to vehicular movement.

6.3.6 Odour Management

There are different odour sources in the industry.The raw materials& product storage places,
process operations, loading/unloading sections etc. could give rise to smell nuisance. To
abate the odour nuisance, following steps are being taken under existing unit-

 All the feed, loading & unloading pumps for products and raw materialsare fitted with
mechanical seals instead of glands to reduce leakages.
 The products and raw materials loading & unloading area are provided with fumes
extraction system comprising of circulation pump with blower and scrubber. The bulk
storage tanks are connected to scrubber for taking care of fumes coming out from vent.
 Separate dispensing room wherein transferring of powered raw material is done.
 Adoption of Good management practices (GMPs).
 Arranging awareness and training camps for workers.
 Provision and use of PPEs like masks by everybody associated with odour prone areas.
 Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to
remove and control odour from work zone areas.


All the equipments and machinery used would be maintained properly and would be kept
clean. The quality of stack emission depends very much on the operating parameters of plant.
Improper combustion of fuel in the boiler increases unburnt carbon particles in the exhaust
flue gases therefore proper maintenance is an important factor. The lubricants used for
various equipment and fuel-handling areas would contribute to the pollution aspect. It would
be taken care of, at the source, by looking after possible spillage, drippings, leakage etc. in
the plant.



The following measures are taken up by the existing unit -

 As per the requirement of Factory Act, there is provision made for of Occupational Health
Centre (OHC). There under, a qualified visiting doctor has been appointed.
 Regular medical checkup of employees is carried out and records are maintained.
 An ambulance is available all the time i.e. 24X7.
 Workmen Compensation Policy and / or Public Liability Insurance as well as Mediclaim
Health Policy have been done for all the workers (temporary and permanent) in the
Industry and which is renewed every year.

Following measures shall be taken under proposed expansion activity -

 Infrastructure of existing Occupational Health Centre shall be enhanced in order to

provide medical facilities to all the workers as well as nearby village/town people.
 An ambulance shall be available all the time i.e. 24 x 7 will be used.
 Regular medical check-up of newly employed workers under expansion shall also be
done and record shall be maintained.
 Provision of Workmen Compensation Policy as well as Mediclaim Health Policy shall be
done for workers under expansion (temporary & permanent) and shall be renewed every
 Display of sigh boards in hazard areas in local language.
 Provision of PPEs to all workers.

Following equipment and gadgets have been kept in the OHC of TDMCCL.

Table 6.2 Health Care Facility Equipment

Instrument Use
1. Stethoscope Used to hear sounds from movements within the body,
like heart beats, intestinal movement, breath sounds etc.
2. Reflex testing hammer To test motor reflexes of the body
3. Sphygmomanometer To record the patient’s blood pressure
(Blood pressure meter)
4. A thin beam electric To see into the eye, body’s natural orifices etc. and to
torch test for pupillary light reflex etc.
5. A watch / stopwatch Used in recording rates like heart rate, respiratory rate,
etc.; for certain tests of hearing
6. A measuring tape For size measurements
7. A weighing machine To record the weight
8. Tuning forks To test for deafness and to categorize it
9. Kidney dish As a tray for instruments, gauze, tissue etc.
10. Thermometer To record the body temperature
11. Gas cylinders Supply of oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide etc.
12. Oxygen mask or tubes Delivering gases up to the nostrils to assist in oxygen
intake or to administer aerosolized or gaseous drugs


Instrument Use
13. Vaporizer To produce vapours
14. Instrument sterilizers Used to sterilize instruments in absence of an autoclave
15. Dressing drums Storage of gowns, cotton, linen etc.
16. Syringe of different For injections and aspiration of blood or fluid from the
sizes and needles body
17. Otoscope To look into the external ear cavity


6.6.1 Better Employment Opportunities

In order to run existing and expansion project, 210 nos. manpower are required.Out of which
75 % are employed from local populace.

6.6.2 Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) Plan

 The planning for CER shall be started with the identification of the activities/projects
and may be undertaken in the periphery of Industrial area.
 Corporate Environment Responsibility Action Plan shall be prepared based on the casual
approach to the project; based accountability approach, integrated with the social and
environment concerns related to the business of the integrated project complex.
 Selection of activities under CER shall be made to ensure that the benefits reach the
smallest unit i.e. village, panchayat, block or district. CER planning shall be done for
long-term sustainable approach.
 Long term CER plan should be broken down into medium term and short term plans.
Each of these plans shall clearly specify. List of Activities to be undertaken for Corporate Environment Responsibility

(CER) Planning

Rs. 25.00 Lakhs (2.5 % of Capital Investment - Rs.10.00Crs.) have been earmarked for CER
activities. Activities to be undertaken under CER have been considered based on SE survey
conducted in the study area.

Table 6.3 Budgetary Allocation

CER Activity Details Amount Rs.
(In Lakhs)
1. Provision for Environment For creating environment awareness in
awareness campaign & locals; particularly youth generation and 2.5
Conservation of the socially active members
ecology and biodiversity
2. Tree Plantation and No of Trees in villages = 5000 for 3 Years
Maintenance Cost of Tree Plantation/Village = 5
(3 Villages: Landhar, Lakhs
Vaijnath and Tamhanshet) Total cost of Tree Plantation in 3


CER Activity Details Amount Rs.
(In Lakhs)
villages= Rs. 5 Lakhs / Village x 3 = 15
3. Implementation of rain Roof Top Harvesting in 2 Villages
water harvesting Total 20 RWH Sets (500 Lit RCC Tank;
Piping; Plumbing, Filter etc.) 5
20 RWH Sets x Rs. 25,000 / Set = Rs. 5
4. Promotion of Government Participation & Promotion of Govt.
Missions (Central/State) Missions namely - Pradhanmantri Vidya
Laxmi Karyekram (Literacy Promotion),
Save the Girl Child, Swatch Bharat
Abhiyan, Digital & Cash Less Economy
Total 25

For implementing the above mentioned CER plan, a CER committee will be formed in the
industry. A senior official will be the chairman, environment officer will be the secretary and
representatives from village grampanchayat will be the members. These activities shall be put
in action and completed in a period of 3 years after commissioning of project.

Table 6.4 CER Implementation Schedule

Sr. Year Year Year Year of

CER Activity
No. 2019 2020 2021 Completion
1. Provision for Environment awareness Rs.1.25 Rs.1.25 -- 2020
campaign & Conservation of the Lakhs Lakhs
ecology and biodiversity (2.5 Lakhs)
2. Tree Plantation and Maintenance Rs.5 Rs.5 Rs.5 2021
(3 Villages: Landhar, Vaijnath and Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs
Tamhanshet) (15 Lakhs)
3. Implementation of rain water Rs.2.5 Rs.2.5 -- 2020
harvesting (5 Lakhs) Lakhs Lakhs
4. Promotion of Government Missions Rs.1.25 Rs.1.25 -- 2020
(Central/State) (2.5 Lakhs) Lakhs Lakhs

Total Rs.10 Rs.10 Rs.5 Rs.25

Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs Lakhs Measures for Improvement of Ecology

Following steps would be taken -

 Afforestation program under proposed program

 Keeping noise levels under control at night time
 Operation of APC equipments and sufficient height of stacks
 Provision of appropriate effluent treatment facilities


 General Guidelines

1. Green belt of adequate width and density would be provided to mitigate the effects of
2. Plantation activities shall be done according to naturally occurring vegetation. Exotic
species shall be avoided.
3. Provision of shrubs and thick trees at storage and disposal places of the solid waste would
be made.
4. Additional trees would be planted along the roads, around solid waste storage area as well
as along the periphery.
5. All the necessary steps would be taken & care would be observed under the project
regarding proper maintenance of the industrial premises.
6. Use of e-mail and other modern communication systems would be followed to conserve
the papers and attain speedy interaction in daily business activitiesor Use of recyclable
papers, if possible, would be done.
7. Promoting measures of energy and water conservation, wherever possible, would be
8. Activities like slide shows or expert’s lectures on Local Biodiversity shall be arranged for
the staff to make them aware about the plant and animal species found nearby; also it will
reduce unnecessary human-wild conflict. This will eventually reduce the damage to
biodiversity by the employees.



In the proposed expansion unit, monitoring in respect of air, water and noise would be done regularly and records of same would be
maintained.The routine monitoring program, as detailed in Table No.6.5, would be implemented at site.
Table 6.5 Environmental Monitoring During Project Operation Stage
Sr. Parameters for Frequency of Person Conducted By
Attribute Location
No. Monitoring Monitoring Responsible
1. Air Emissions Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) PM10, PM2.5, SO2, Six Monthly Environmental MoEFCC and NABL
Upwind-1 & Downwind-2 (Near NOX, CO, VOC, or CPCB / MPCB Engineer Approved External
Main Gate, Near Boiler House, Near NH3 requirement Laboratory
AAQ Two Locations within the Monthly or CPCB /
industrial premises. MPCB requirement
Workzone Air Quality Monitoring in Monthly or
manufacturing blocks CPCB/MPCB norms
2. Stack Boiler - 1 No. and TFH 1 No. and 3 SO2, SPM, NOx Monthly MoEFCC & NABL
Emissions DG Set Approved Laboratory
3. Noise Ambient Noise - Spot Noise Level Six Monthly Environmental MoEFCC and NABL
4 villages within 5 Km from site recording; Leq(n), or CPCB / MPCB Engineer Approved External
Dhatav, Roth Bk., Killa, Bahe. Leq(d), Leq(dn) requirement Laboratory.
Ambient Noise Locations within the Monthly
industrial premises -
Workzone Noise at areas - Boilers, Monthly
Production Blocks, ETP, Recovery
4. Effluents ETP- (Treated & Untreated) PH, TSS, TDS, Monthly Environmental MoEFCC and NABL
2 Nos. of Samples BOD, COD, Engineer Approved External
Chlorides, Laboratory.
Sulphates, Oil
&Grease IS10500
5. Drinking Factory canteen Parameters as per Monthly -- MoEFCC & NABL
water drinking water Std Approved lab


Sr. Parameters for Frequency of Person Conducted By

Attribute Location
No. Monitoring Monitoring Responsible
6. Water Quality Locations in Study Area are- Comprehensive Six Monthly Environmental MoEFCC and NABL
(Ground Ground Water (GW): Roth Bk., monitoring as per or CPCB / MPCB Engineer Approved External
Water & Dhatav. IS 10500 requirement Laboratory.
Surface Surface Water (SW): Mahadevwadi.,
Water) Roth Bk.
7. Waste Implement waste management plan Records of Solid Twice a year Environmental By TDMCCL
management that Identifies and characterizes Waste Generation, Engineer
every waste associated with existing Treatment and
and expansion activities and which Disposal shall be
identifies the procedures for maintained
collection, handling & disposal of
each waste arising.
8. Emergency Fire protection and safety measures On site Twice a year Safety Officer By TDMCCL
Preparedness to take care of fire and explosion Emergency Plan,
such as fire hazards, to be assessed and steps Evacuation
fighting taken for their prevention. Plan, fire fighting
mock drills
9. Green Belt Additional Plantation of indigenous Survival rate of In consultation with Environmental By TDMCCL
trees in premises along compound planted sapling DFO Engineer/ Safety
wall, internal roads, buildings as Officer
well as nearby villages.
10. Health Check Employees and migrant All relevant health Once in a Year Safety Officer By TDMCCL
up labor health check ups checkup
parameters as per
factories act.
11 CER As per activities -- Twice a year -- By TDMCCL



The mitigation measures suggested in Chapter - 4 i.e. Anticipated Environment & Mitigation
measures will be implemented so as to reduce the impact on environment due to the
operations of the proposed expansion plant. In order to facilitate easy implementation of
mitigation measures, the phased priority of implementation is given in below table -
Table 6.6 Implementation of Environmental Monitoring Program

Attribute Time Period Schedule
Immediate Progressive
1. Air Pollution Control Before commissioning of the Plant * ----
2. Water Pollution Before commissioning of the Plant * ----
3. Noise Control Before commissioning of the Plant * ----
4. Solid Waste Stage wise ---- *
5. Green Belt Stage wise * *
Development &
Rainwater Harvesting
6. Ecological Aspects Stage wise ---- *
7. Socio - economic Stage wise ---- ----

Note-* indicates implementation priority.


6.9.1 Operating Phase

The impacts and mitigation measures are discussed in Chapter-4. The details of management
plan during worst case scenario are given in following table -

Table 6.7 The Details of Management Plan During Worst Case Scenario
No. Aspect Scenario Recommendations Responsibility
1. Air Increase in 1. Installation of online monitoring Environmental
concentration levels of system and continuous checking of Engineer
PM10 & PM2.5 beyond parameters
limits due to non- 2. Provision of backup filter bags.
functioning of APC due 3. Provision of D.G. Set for
to clogging / burning of uninterrupted power supply in case of
filters bag. power failure for operation of APC
4. Immediate shut down of the industry
should be taken if APC is under
maintenance for more than 8 hours.
Manufacturing would be started only
when APC is operating efficiently.
5. Immediate vicinity residents, schools
& hospital should be warned of


No. Aspect Scenario Recommendations Responsibility

uncontrolled release of air emissions.
They should be informed of
precautions to be taken.
6. Plantation of trees which can curb dust
2. Water Accidental discharge of 1. Installation of online monitoring Environmental
untreated effluent into system and continuous checking of Engineer
nearby nallah and the outlet parameters
discharge of same from 2. Provision of separate guard tank for
nallah to Kundalika collecting the contaminated water
river, leakages, from nallah due to accidental
spillages discharge of effluent.
3. The contaminated water would be
treated in ETP to be provided on site.
4. If the quantum of contaminated
effluent is beyond control then
immediate shut down of the industry
should be taken. The collected water
from nallah/river would be stored and
treated in ETP. The treated water
would be discharged in nearby nallah.
5. Provision of additional pumps in
working condition on site
6. Immediate vicinity residents, schools
& hospital should be warned about
contamination of nallah and surface
water. They should be informed of
precautions to be taken.
3. Risk and Liquid spills, leakages 1. Provision of fire extinguishers. Safety Officer
Hazard of chemicals or 2. Availability of Safety equipments,
leakages of harmful PPEs.
fumes into the 3. Immediate shut down of the industry
atmosphere, Spillages should be taken in case of
of hazardous chemicals. uncontrolled release of emissions or
Bursting of reactors fumes or hazardous chemicals spills.
under high pressure and 4. Immediate vicinity residents, schools
temperature. Accidental & hospital should be warned about
disaster in industry release of hazardous fumes and
causing impact on spillages of chemicals. They should be
human and surrounding informed about precautions to be
5. Periodic monitoring of all the safety
equipments and also check the
availability and working condition of
the same.
4. Noise Continuous exposure of 1. Inspecting use of PPEs like earplugs, Safety Officer
workers in high noise earmuffs and other allied equipments
generating area (more by workers.
than eight hours) 2. Periodic verification of working
condition of acoustic enclosures
3. Responsibility of safety officer to
check whether any worker is exposed
in high noise generation area for more


No. Aspect Scenario Recommendations Responsibility

than the limit.
4. Planning and designing of dense green
belt surrounding the boiler and
production area which will help in
attenuating noise.

In addition to above management plan, the industry shall conduct monthly meeting of all
responsible persons along with top management for taking review on environmental
safeguards, accidents and implementation of mitigation measures. The persons who shall be
present for the meeting are Top Management, Departmental Heads, Safety Officer,
Environment Officer, Environment Chemist or any authorized person. During this, finalization
of budget required for environmental management would also be done and approval of same
would be taken from top management. The agenda of meeting would be as follows -

1. Review of environmental permissions and their renewals.

2. Review of preventive maintenance of all equipments like pumps, ID fans, APC, ETP
units etc.
3. Review of air emissions and ETP outlet monitoring results.
4. Review of status of mitigation measures suggested.
5. Review of wastes disposed off outside Industry.
6. Review of accidents occurred and damage caused to environment.
7. Allocation of funds for environment management.
8. Status of implementation of CER plan.
9. Review of complaints if any from nearby residents, government authority etc.
10. Review of root cause analysis done and action taken on earlier complaints.
11. Review of actions pending from earlier meeting.

Chapter 7



The proposed project site is situated in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha.
Hence, as per Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification No.S.O.1533 (E) dated
14th September 2006; and amendment thereat, the proposed project does not requires
conducting of public hearing. The EIA report has been complied by incorporating required
information with regards to the project as mentioned in the Standard Terms of Reference
(ToR) issued by MoEFCC, New Delhi vide letter No. IA-J-11011/74/2018-IA-II (I) to
TDMCCL on 3rd May 2018.


The techniques of risk impact analysis differ in detail from case to case, but nevertheless
always follow the same basic principles, viz. the identification of a full and representative set
of failure cases which could cause major disasters. Determination of geographical area in
which more than a specified level of damage could occur in each failure case. Each of these
steps involves considerable analysis. The Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) is performed
as the first step in a Hazard Assessment. It starts with the type of accident involving toxic,
flammable, explosive material. The procedure specifies system elements (plant components
such as storage tank) or event (overloading of a tank) that can lead to a hazardous condition.

The proposed expansion of commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals must be

undertaken and implemented by the management of The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical
Company Limited (TDMCCL) in their own premises. The risk assessment and hazards
management (RH) was done by Prof. (Dr.) Bhaskar N. Thorat who is an empanelled
EEIPL’s Functional Area Expert (FAE) for RH. The proposed project must be formulated in
such a fashion and manner, so that utmost care of safety norms and Environment Protection
Act shall be taken care of.


TDMCCL management has planned to go for an expansion of existing commodity chemicals

and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit. It involves number of equipments like reactors,
condensers and distillation columns. The process types are mainly of Sulphonation,
Chlorosulphonation, Hydrolysis, Diazotization, Dehydration, Condensation & catalytic
reactions. The process involves solvents like Methyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Benzene,
Chlorobenzene, Xylene etc.


1. Identify hazards and nature of hazard in the process, storage and handling of hazardous
2. Carry out Qualitative risk analysis for the process and suggest mitigation measures.
3. Carry out Quantitative risk analysis of the storage of hazardous chemicals and estimate
the threat zones for Most Credible and Worst case scenarios.
4. Suggest mitigation measures to reduce the risk / probability of the accident to the
5. Incorporate these measures for ensuring safe operations and safe layout and for effective
preparation of On-site and Off-site emergency plans.
6. Suggest Guidelines for On-site and Off-site emergency plan.



A] Identify hazards based on

 Processes description received based

 Identify Hazardous Chemicals handled and stored
 Inventory of Hazardous chemicals
 Proposed storage facilities for hazardous chemicals
 Plant layout
 Safety measures to be adopted by the company

B] Hazard Assessment

 By Qualitative Risk Assessment

 By Quantitative Risk Assessment by Hazard Index calculations and estimate threat zones
by using ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres)

C] Recommendations

 Recommend mitigation measures based upon the above

 Recommending guidelines for the preparation of On-site Emergency plan


Following are the major areas of hazard identified -

1. Reaction and separation sections of production plant

2. The storage and handling of hazardous raw materials
3. Handling of the materials or the process equipment by the operator or worker
4. Transportation of the products and raw materials

7.6.1 Classification of Chemicals

In a Chemical Industry for PHA, classification of different chemicals to be used based on

their properties is an important factor. The classification of chemicals to be used by
TDMCCL is presented in following table -

Table 7.1 Classification of Chemicals

Sr. Group of Chemical used in

Handling Spill Storage
No. Chemicals TDMCCL
1. Flammable 1. Acetyl Chloride 1. Keep 1. Absorb with an 1. Store in a
Chemicals 2. Mesitylene container inert material segregated and
3. N-Butyl Amine dry and put the approved area
4. Benzene 2. Keep away spilled material 2. Keep container
5. Chlorobenzene from heat in an appropriate in a cool, well-
6. Ethyl Alcohol 3. Keep away waste disposal ventilated area
7. Methyl Alcohol from sources 2. Absorb with 3. Avoid all
8. Xylene of ignition DRY earth, sand possible
9. Red Phosphorus 4. Keep away or other non- sources of


Sr. Group of Chemical used in

Handling Spill Storage
No. Chemicals TDMCCL
10. Sulphur from combustible ignition (spark
precipitated incompatibles material or flame)
2. Corrosive 1. Acetyl Chloride such as 3. Do not touch 4. Keep container
Chemicals 2. Benzene Sulphonyl oxidizing spilled material tightly closed
Chloride agents, 4. Use water spray and sealed until
3. Chlorosulphonic alkalis, curtain to divert ready for use
Acid moisture, vapor drift 5. Flammable
4. Hydrochloric Acid acids, metals 5. Prevent entry materials must
30 % 5. Keep away into sewers, be stored in a
5. Hydrochloric Acid from direct basements or separate safety
6. Hydrogen Peroxide sunlight or confined areas; storage cabinet
7. Lactic Acid strong dike if needed or room
8. N-Butyl Amine incandescent 6. Eliminate all 6. Corrosive
9. Nitric Acid 70 % light ignition sources materials must
10. Nitric Acid 30 % 6. Avoid contact 7. Use appropriate be stored in a
11. Phosphorous with skin and tools to put the separate safety
Trichloride eyes spilled solid in a storage cabinet
12. Sulphur Trioxide 7. Avoid shock convenient or room
13. Sulphuric Acid and friction waste disposal 7. Store in a
14. Thionyl Chloride 8. Do not container metallic or
15. Aluminum breathe gas / 8. Be careful that coated
Chloride fumes / vapor the product is fiberboard
16. Calcium Hydroxide / spray not present at a drum using a
17. Para Toluene 9. Do not ingest concentration strong
Sulphonyl Chloride 10. In case of level above TLV polyethylene
18. Phenol insufficient 9. Call for inner package
19. Phosphorous ventilation, assistance on 8. Store in light-
Pentoxide wear suitable disposal resistant
20. Phthalic Anhydride respiratory containers
21. Sodium Hydroxide equipment 9. Do not store
11. Never add above 23°C
water to this 10. Do not
product store above
12. Empty 8°C in case
containers of H2O2
pose a fire
the residue
under a fume



The manufacturing processes are described earlier in the 2nd chapter. Basically these involve
reactions like Sulphonation, Chlorosulphonation, Condensation, Oxidation, Quenching,
Absorption, Recrystallization, Hydrolysis, Dehydration, Diazotization, Distillation and
Recovery of solvents (used as reaction media), Un-reacted components, Neutralization,
Purification of the product etc. In such commodity chemicals and specialty chemicals
production plants, in the reaction section, separation sections are the major hazards. The

hazards identified are as -

1. Fire
2. Explosion and toxic release
3. Exposure to hazardous chemicals
4. Wrong operation
5. Failure of utilities and failure of safety systems

 Hazard identification in Reaction Section

Minimum risk is of most importance and this can be achieved by selecting an intrinsically
safe process and optimizing operating process parameters near to the atmospheric conditions.
But this is not possible most of the time. Hence, it is necessary to install safe guards and build
in perfect operating procedure that will minimize chances of accident to the minimum. Also
types of reaction taking place during the process are of prime importance. It may be
exothermic or endothermic. The sulphonation reaction will be carried out predominately as
most of the products are sulphur based. These reactions are hazardous. It is known that
Sulphonation is highly exothermic reactions and even less exothermic reactions. Other than
sulphonation various reactions are also involved in the production premises.

Refer Appendix - K for Process Hazard Analysis of BSCl plant, Process Hazard Analysis of
DES plant and Process Hazard Analysis of SVS plant.

 Major Hazard in Reactions

It is known that highly exothermic reactions and even mildly exothermic reactions can lead to
the uncontrollable rise in temperatures and pressures in the reactors and ultimately to the
conditions of run-away reaction, (mostly in highly exothermic reactions and which use
solvents as reaction media or and flammable and explosive chemicals) and this results in
catastrophic explosion and fire.

 Hazards Identified

The major reason for occurrence of uncontrollable rise in temperature is accumulation

of un-reacted reactants. This accumulation of un-reacted reactant has to be avoided at any

 Mitigation Measures

 Setting up a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for all critical operations, reactions and
 Once the SOP and operating parameters have been finalized, strictly following it, 24 x 7,
particularly for batch operations without any change of procedure.
 Must have in built system to check that the procedures (SOPs) are not violated at any time
and no short cuts are taken in batch processes. Manufacturing and production of
commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals are in majority batch processes.
 Have following alarm and interlock system (essential for highly exothermic reactions and
alarms recommended for all exothermic reactions).


1. Utility failure alarm

2. Agitator failure alarm
3. High temperature alarm

 Alarm for High rate of addition of limiting reactant which is added at controlled rate.
 Raw material (limiting reactant) addition rate must be controlled by flow control loop
Flow Transmitter (FT), Flow Indicator Controller (FIC), Flow control valve (FCV).
Controlling parameter being reactor temperature.
 FCV and / or On-Off valve must be interlocked with the reaction mass temperature and
agitator tripping.

 Hazards causes from leakages of gases during manufacturing process

Release of hazardous or toxic gases like SO3 fumes involving from storage of Oleum and
sulphonation. The exposure to these gases can be harmful, in case of leakage, through flange
joints to the workers in the plant and to the environment, if these are released into the

Table 7.2 TLV and IDLH values

Threshold limit Immediately dangerous to

Sr. No. Chemical Name
value (TLV) Life or Health (IDLH)
1. Sulphuric Acid 1 mg/m3 15 mg/m3
2. Oleum 23% 0.2 mg/m3 15 mg/m3

 Mitigation measures to control the leakages of gases

1. Installation of efficient scrubbers / absorbers and ensuring proper operation as per design
2. The appropriate Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) and breathing devices must be
readily available and all the operators and staff must be trained in use of these PPEs.
3. Emergency instructions, in local languages must be displayed prominently near the work
4. It is also recommended to install gas leak detectors for highly toxic gases at appropriate


7.8.1 Hazard Identification

This is another area of major concern for fire, explosion and exposure to and release of toxic
liquids and gases and there is risk of persons, outside the factory limits getting affected.

 The aim for RH analysis is -

1. To identify the hazardous materials handled and stored at the plant site. Based on the
hazardous properties, conditions of storage.
2. Quantify the hazards in case of major fire, explosion or toxic release by visualization of
Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios.
3. Incorporate the results of QRA for safe layout of hazardous chemicals storage in tank


farm as well as in the warehouse and factory layout, in addition to the requirements of
statutory rules and regulations.
4. Suggest mitigation measures to reduce the risk / possibility of the accident to the
5. Incorporate all these measures to arrive at Safe Disaster Management Plan, On-site and
Off-site Emergency preparedness plan, if there is any possibility of off-site emergency.
For storage and handling of the potentially hazardous material also.

 Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment

Hazard analysis is the process of determining the release probabilities and quantities,
emission or release rates, the routes / pathways by which the released substances could reach
the receptors, the fate of the substances in environmental media through which they are
transported or moved and the characteristics of the receptors at risk.

 Characterization of Hazardous Raw Materials

For the manufacture of above products number of organic / inorganic chemicals are used. Out
of these, hazardous raw chemicals have been characterized into -

1. Flammable solvents
2. Toxic and hazardous chemicals
3. Corrosive chemicals

Products manufacturing under existing and proposed expansion activities involve handling of
number of raw materials and hazardous chemicals. Raw materials required in less / small
quantities are stored in drums, bags and carboys.

 Warehouse Storage

 Hazard Identification

Major hazards involved in storage of flammable liquids in the containers, like drums are Fires
and vapour explosion due to leakage of liquids coming in contact with ignition source. The
extent of a fire or explosion hazard depends on the amount of flammable vapour given off
from a liquid which is determined by -

1. Temperature of the liquid

2. The volatility of the liquid
3. How long the liquid is exposed for; and the air movement over the surface

Other physical properties of the liquid give additional information on how vapour / air
mixtures may develop and also on the potential hazards. These physical properties include -
flashpoint, auto-ignition temperature, viscosity, lower explosion limit and upper explosion


 Effect of Flash Point

Generally, a liquid with a flashpoint below the ambient temperature of the surroundings will
give off sufficient vapour to mix with the air and be ignited. The lower the flashpoint of a
liquid, the higher is the risk.

 Health hazards

Flammable liquids can pose a health hazard if they are ingested; come into contact with skin
or eyes, or their vapours are inhaled. For example, methanol is toxic as well as flammable.
Information on the health hazards of a particular liquid, and on any specific precautions
required, must be obtained from the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or from the supplier.

 Mitigation Measures

The storage is as per the rules and regulations of Petroleum Act, The petroleum Rules 2002.

Lot of vegetation and growth of trees around the storage must be removed. The fencing
around the tank needs to be relooked and can be reduced as per the rules. And there must be
no growth of vegetation and trees inside the fencing.

7.8.2 Storage of Hazardous Chemicals

The Following solvents will be stored -

Table 7.3 List of Flammable solvents Stored in Warehouse

Sr. NF Max. Qty. Number

Chemical Name Flammable Limit Drums
No. Value Stored of Drums
Lower : 1.2 %
1. Benzene 3 30 KL NA NA
Upper : 7.8 %
Lower : 1.3 %
2. Chlorobenzene 3 15 MT NA NA
Upper : 7.1 %
Lower : 3.3 %
3. Ethyl Alcohol 3 363 KL NA NA
Upper : 19 %
Lower : 6 % 1 KL
4. Methyl Alcohol 3 Yes 5
Upper : 36.5 %
Lower : 7.3 % 0.5 MT
5. Acetyl Chloride 3 Yes 5
Upper : NA
Lower : 1.7 % 0.5 MT
6. N-Butyl Amine 3 Yes 5
Upper : 9.8 %

Refer Appendix - L for layout of Benzene storage tank and Ammonia storage tank.


Table 7.4 List of Solvents for proposed products and its storage on site

Sr. Consumption
Product Name Solvent Name Tank Cap.
No. (MT/Yr.)
1. 4-Methyl Mercapto Acetophenone O-Dichloro Benzene 72 4
2. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone Mono Ethylene Glycol 255 5
3. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone Mesitylene 180 5
4. Menthyl Lactate Heptane 36 3
5. 3,3-Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone SDS 27 3

7.8.3 Main Hazards in Storage of Chemicals

The main hazards from the storage of flammable liquids are fire and explosion, involving
either the liquid or the vapour given off from it. Fires or explosions are likely to occur when
liquid or vapour is released and comes into contact with a suitable ignition source, or
alternatively, when a heat or fire source comes into contact with the container.

 Common causes or contributory factors of such incidents include

1. Lack of awareness of the properties of flammable liquids

2. Operator error, due to lack of training
3. Inadequate or poor storage facilities
4. Hot work on or close to flammable liquid containers
5. Inadequate design, installation or maintenance of equipment
6. Decanting flammable liquids in unsuitable storage areas
7. Exposure to heat from a nearby fire
8. Dismantling or disposing of containers containing flammable liquids

 Mitigation measures to avoid fire and explosion

1. Proper and adequate training to the operators, contract works on the hazards and
precautions SOP they must follow while handling and transferring flammable liquids.
Making sure that they don’t lose the fear of hazards involved in handling of flammable
solvents and toxic chemicals and consequence of the accident.

2. Maintenance and Modifications: Many incidents involving flammable liquids occur

during maintenance and repairs. The likelihood is increased if the work is done by staff or
outside contractors who have little knowledge of the hazards associated with flammable
liquids. You must only employ experienced contractors. A guide which gives sound
practical advice for selecting and managing contractors must be used while employing a

3. Hot Work Permit: It is absolutely essential to establish Hot work permit system for any
hot work to be carried out in the factory, especially in the areas which store flammable
solvents of Class A and this must be strictly followed for any hot work carried out.

4. It is essential that no maintenance work is done until the potential hazards of the work
have been clearly identified and assessed; the precautions needed have been specified in
detail; the necessary safety equipment has been provided; and adequate and clear


instruction has been given to all those concerned.

5. In most cases, a permit-to-work (PTW) system must be used to control maintenance

operations in areas where flammable liquids are stored or used. PTWs are formal
management documents. They must only be issued by those with clearly assigned
authority to do so and the requirements stated in them must be complied with before the
permit is issued and the work covered by it is undertaken. Individual PTWs need to relate
to clearly defined individual pieces of work. PTWs must normally include the location
and nature of the work intended; identification of the hazards, including the residual
hazards and those introduced by the work itself; the precautions necessary, for example,
isolations; the personal protective equipment required; the proposed time and duration of
the work; the limits of time for which the permit is valid; and the person in direct control
of the work.

6. Information and Training: Adequate training and knowledge of the properties of

flammable liquids are essential for their safe storage. You need to inform all staff on the
site about the hazards of storing flammable liquids and about the need to exclude sources
of ignition and heat from the designated storage areas. Those responsible for the operation
of the store also need to receive specific training in how to deal with spillages and leaks,
and emergency procedures.

7. The VICES principles - There are five general principles for ensuring that the risks of
fire and explosion, from the storage of flammable liquids in containers, are controlled and
minimized. An aid to remembering these five principles is the acronym ‘VICES’. There is
no order of priority of the principles implied by the use of the acronym.

i. Ventilation - Good ventilation means vapours given off from a spill, leak, or release,
will be rapidly dispersed. A good standard of ventilation is required in buildings or
rooms used for storing flammable liquids, to disperse the vapours from any small
releases. The ventilation arrangements need to take into account the heavy nature of
the vapours and to ensure adequate air movement at high and low levels. Five air
changes per hour are normally sufficient to ensure vapour levels in the store are kept to
a low level. For small buildings, the simplest method of ensuring adequate ventilation
is to provide fixed, permanent openings.

ii. Ignition - Ignition sources will be removed from the storage area, by flame proof
electrical fittings, no sparking by ensuring permit system during maintenance work,
Declaration of No Smoking and No Naked Flame area will be followed.

iii. Containment - Use of proper containers, providing spill kit, proper drainage of
spillage to safe place, collection and recycle , Containers will be stored in at ground
level (singly or in stacks). This enables leaks or releases to be quickly seen, and allows
for any vapours to be dispersed effectively by natural ventilation.

iv. Exchange - Substituting with less flammable liquid.

v. Separation - Flammable liquids will be stored well away from other processes and
general storage areas. If necessary the storage will be separated by a physical barrier,
wall or partition.


8. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is maintained for each chemical to which workers are
exposed in the facility; Instructions have been followed as per the MSDS for handling
chemical and products.

9. Employees are trained for handing risks of each chemical being stored.

10. Spill cleanup kits have been provided in all areas where chemicals must be stored. A
written down procedure have been formulated and training imparted to employee for spill
control and cleaning.

11. Adequate and proper personal protective equipment have been provided and enforce to
use while working.

12. All chemicals are stored safely and securely. Chemicals have been stored away from
forklift traffic areas.

13. Drums / carboys of chemicals are stored in designated place in warehouse, separated by at
least one meter and have been arranged based upon the compatibility / non compatibility
properties. Provision of two gates for the warehouse is applied.

14. Sufficient fire extinguishers DCP Type & CO2 Type & Foam Type have been provided
inside the warehouse & at the entry.

15. No dispensing in storage area is allowed.

Periodic retraining will normally be required. The training must include the following aspects-

 The types of flammable liquid stored their properties and hazards

 Use of protective clothing
 Housekeeping.
 Reporting of faults and incidents, including minor leaks and spills
 Emergency procedures, including raising the alarm, calling the fire brigade and the
use of appropriate fire-fighting equipment

Following are the major mitigation measures -

 Good Ventilation in the storage area

 No ignition source
 To be stored in good containers
 No spillage. Control of spillage
 Adequate separation from each other and other storage areas and process areas

7.8.4 Mitigation measures for storage of chemicals in warehouse

 Warehouse Design

Warehouse for the storage of chemicals in drums of the area must be constructed as per the
IS code 3594 and other relevant standards. Major points are from the code are given below -


1. Roadways around warehouse must be minimum 5 meters wide and compound gates
minimum 4.5 m wide
2. Floor areas - Warehouse must be divided to have maximum 750 m2 area by separating
walls. Dimensions Length x Width not exceeding 40 meter
3. Floors must have 2 hrs. fire resistance
4. Buildings used for storage of hazardous and extra-hazardous goods must be preferably of
single storied structure and in no case must exceed 2 stories in height
5. In no case must a storage building exceed 1S m in height
6. Floor Drainage - The floors must be of watertight construction and Scuppers of not less
than 20 cm sq. cross sectional area must be provided at no more than 6 m intervals or as
required to take care of maximum water discharge from hydrant / sprinkler system.
7. External Drainage - External drains of not less than 25 cm width and 30 cm depth must be
provided along the side of each building and so constructed that any flow of water from
the building be directed to a suitable ground tank or reservoir or public drainage system in
the vicinity not leading to a natural water source. No external drainage of warehouses
storing hazardous goods must be connected to public drainage system which leads
directly to a natural water source.
8. Every storage / warehouse building must have a minimum of two exit doorways, and at
the rate of one exit doorway per every 30 m length of the external walls of the building.
9. The means of exit as well as the exit ways, travel distances, etc. must be as per the
guidelines given in IS 1641:1988. If used for storage of hazardous goods, it must conform
to Type I of IS 1642:1989.

 Additional measures for improving Warehouse Safety

Measures for improvement in the design of warehouse -

1. Dividing warehouse into fire compartments, by suitably designed firewalls, to limit the
spread of fire.
2. Limiting the quantity of hazardous chemicals stored.
3. It is safe practice to store explosive, self igniting, oxidizing and organic peroxides
separately, preferably in different compartments.
4. Storage of chemicals must be planned by categorizing these based on their hazardous
properties, like toxicity, flammability, explosibility for which MSDS needs to be critically
5. Based on the above, proper segregation of materials must be achieved.
6. Installation of smoke, fire and toxic gas leak detectors.
7. It must be easily possible to reach and attend toxic chemical leakage.
8. There must be enough space, and pathways for easy approach and escape.
9. Having all flameproof fittings inside the warehouse.

Adequate fire fighting arrangements inside the ware house and fire hydrant line is
available. Fire hydrant layout is appended at Appendix - M


7.8.5 Storage of Toxic Chemicals

Table 7.5 List of Toxic Chemicals (In drums and Warehouse)

Sr. NH Max. Qty. Size of No. of

Chemical Name
No. Value Stored (MT) Container Containers
1. Aluminum Chloride 3 0.5 50 L 10
2. Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride 3 2.0 50 L 40
3. Phenol 4 20 20 KL 1
4. Phosphorous Pentoxide 3 0.5 50 L 10
5. Phthalic Anhydride 3 25 50 Kg Bags 500
6. Sodium Hydroxide 3 100 Tanker 5
7. Sodium Nitrite 3 0.5 50 Kg Bags 10
8. Acetyl Chloride 3 0.5 100 L 5
9. Aniline 3 10 Tanker 1
10. Chlorosulphonic Acid 3 60 Tanker 4
11. Hydrochloric Acid 3 5.0 Tanker 1
12. Lactic Acid 3 0.5 50 L 10
13. Methane Sulphonic Acid 99 % 3 0.5 200 L Drums 2
14. N-Butyl Amine 3 0.5 200 L Drums 3
15. Nitric Acid 70 % 4 1.0 Tanker 1
16. Phosphorous Trichloride 4 1.0 200 Lit GI Drums 5
17. Sulphur Trioxide 3 1.0 Tanker 1
18. Sulphuric Acid 3 10 Tanker 1
19. Thionyl Chloride 4 0.5 200 Lit GI Drums 3

7.8.6 Storage of Acids and Alkalis

Table 7.6 List of Acids and Alkalis stored in Tanks/drums

Sr. Max Storage at No. of Size Diameter x

Chemical Name MOC Dyke Wall dimensions
No. Site Tanks Height / Length
1. Ammonia 19.5 MT 2 2.8 M x 2.5 M, St- MS 11.8 M x11.2 M x1.1M,
(9.75 + 9.75) 1&2 St-1 & 2
2. Benzene 60 KL 2 2.65 M x 5.8 M, MS 10.2 M x 8 M x 0.65 M,
(30+30) St-1 & 2 St-1 & 2
3. Sulphuric Acid 36000 MT 3 10.5 M x 8 M MS 990 M3
(1200 +1200 1200) St-1,2 &3
4. Oleum 23% 300 MT 2 3.5 M x 8 M, MS 14.3 M x 11.2 M x 0.8M
(150 +150) St1 & 2 St -1 &2
5. Oleum 65% 50 MT 1 3.3 M x 4 M MS 39.8 M x 30 M x 0.8 M
6. Chlorosulphonic 195 MT 3 2.4 M x 4.1 M 3 MS 8 M x 5.4 M x 0.8 M,
Acid (65 + 65+65) No St-1 &2 (CSA Plant)
6.8 M x 4.5 M x 1.25 M,
St-3 (BSCl Plant)
7. Sulphur Trioxide 29 MT 3 1.8 M x 2.5 M, MS NA
(9.7 + 5.3 + 14 ) St (CSA Plant)
1.5 M x 3 M, St
(DES Plant)
1.2 M x 6 M, St
(SVS Plant)


Sr. Max Storage at No. of Size Diameter x

Chemical Name MOC Dyke Wall dimensions
No. Site Tanks Height / Length
8. SDS (Alcohol) 363 KL 2 2.7 M x 3.5 M, MS 13.6 M x 20 M x 0.85M,
(100 + 263) St-1 St-1 & 2
3.5 M x 5.5 M,
9. Caustic Lye 96 MT 4 1.5 M x 5.22 M, MS 7.2 M x 5.3M x 0.4M,
(13+13+35+35) ST-1 &2 (SVS St1 & 2 (SVS Plant)
Plant) 7 M x 4 M x 0.8 M
2.3 M x 6 M, St- St-3 (SVS Plant)
3 (SVS Plant) 5.3 M x 8.7 M x 0.3 M
2.5M x 7.8 M, ST (SA Plant)
St (SA Plant)
10. Hydrochloric Acid 118 KL 5 2.4 M x 2.5 M PP 3.6 M x 5.2 M x1.25 M,
(11+15+12+40+40) St-1 (BSCL FRP St-1( BSCl Plant)
Plant) 10.3 M x 6.2 M x1.25M,
3.1 M x 2.5 M, St-2 & 3 (BSCl Plant)
St-2 BSCL Plant) 5.1M x 7.2 M x1.3 M,
3.1 M x 2 M, St-1 & 2 (CSA Plant)
st-3 (BSCL
5.2 M x 6 M, St-
(CSA Plant)
11. Aniline 12 MT 1 2.2 M x 3.96 M MS 3.5 M x 6.8 M x 0.61 M
12. Monochlorobenzene 11 MT 1 1.98 M x 3.05M MS 2.6 M x 5.2 M x 0.85M
13. Benzene Sulphonyl 130 KL 5 2.1M x 3 M, PP 3.8 M x 5.2 M x 0.7M,
Chloride (10+20+20+40+40) S-1 FRP St-1
2.5 M X 4.2 M 10.8 M x 6.2 M x1 M,
St-2 &3 St2 &3
3.2 M X 5 M, St- 7.3 M x19.3M x 0.7 M,
4 &5 St-4& 5
14. Diethyl Sulphate 104 MT 4 2.6 M x 5.9 M , PP 11 M x 8 M x 0.2 M,
(19.5+19.5+15+50) St 1 & 2 FRP St-1,2 &3
2.55 M x 3.8 M, 6.7 M x 5.2 M x 0.85 M,
St-3 St-4
3.8 M x 5 M,
St -4

15. Sodium Vinyl 104 KL 5 3.5 M x 3 M, PP 3.4 M x 12 M x 0.75 M,

Sulphonate (17+6+29.15+30+2 St-1 FRP St 1 &2
1.26) 2 M x 2 M, 5.7 M x12 M x 0.75 M,
St-2 St-3
3.5 M x 3 M, 6 M x14.4 M x1 M,
St-3 St-4 & 5
2.8 M x 4 M,
3.4 M x 5.9 M,

All the tanks are surrounded by Dyke walls.


7.8.7 Handling of the Materials / Process Equipment

List of equipments may be referred in Chapter - 2.

Safety measures adopted during handling of hazardous chemicals/equipments are as follows -

A. Care during Handling, Use and Storage of Hydrochloric Acid -

 Hazard Identification

Leakage HCL storage tank particularly will cause serious environment pollution problem and
may harm the workers in the factory, as TLV for HCL gas is = 3-5 ppm only.

 Mitigation Measures

Following mitigation measures are suggested to minimize possibility of major leak from
HCL tank and air pollution in particular. But these are applicable and relevant for all
acid storage tanks.

HCL storage tank leakage can create serious risks, not only to people on-site, but also to the
emergency services, to the general public off-site and to the environment. The greatest risk of
significant harm is a large spill or leak from tanks or pipe work or associated plant. The main
causes of such incidents include -

1. Failure to detect corrosion and replace corroded components

2. Damage caused by the impact of vehicles or other objects
3. Overfilling
4. Small spills and leaks can produce serious injuries if people come into contact with the
liquid or inhale the fumes. Minor incidents can develop into major incidents if prompt
emergency action is not taken.
5. The basic aim to suggest mitigation measures is to minimize the likelihood of a spillage;
reduce the consequences of such an incident, particularly with regard to people and the

 Location of the tank

When selecting the location of acid storage tanks, the consideration must be given to the
distance of the proposed tank farm from -

1. The site boundary

2. Roadways and site thoroughfares
3. Occupied buildings
4. Storage or processing of other dangerous substances particularly incompatible
substances such as strong alkalis and oxidising agents; water courses and boreholes.

The tanks are aboveground and must be installed on the foundation (and the supports for
horizontal tanks). These must normally be of concrete with the required load bearing strength
and thickness.


 Dyke walls

The tanks must be covered with the dyke walls. The purpose of the dyke wall is to -

1. Prevent the liquid entering drainage or other water systems.

2. Prevent the spread of the liquid which could present a hazard to other plant or personnel
both on and off site.
3. Prevent contamination of land.
4. Allow the controlled recovery or treatment of the spilled material.
5. The dyke walls and floor must be constructed of materials resistant to the acid being
stored. Acid resistant tiles are available and bricks and cement can be faced with acid
resistant coatings. Coatings will require maintenance and regular renewal. The choice of
materials will depend on the acid itself, its concentration and temperature.
6. The bund must have sufficient capacity to contain the largest predictable spillage. A bund
capacity of 110% of the capacity of the largest storage vessel within the bund will
normally be sufficient. Consideration must be given to the provision of individual dyke
walls for each acid tank to prevent damage to other tanks if a leak occurs. Chemicals
which react with the acid must not share the same bund.
7. The dyke walls must have sufficient strength to contain an acid spill.
8. Rainwater must not be allowed to accumulate in the bund.
9. Provision must be made for the removal of bund contents. (e.g. acid spills or rainwater)
10. These can be, providing a sump. And a manually controlled sump pump, must be
provided. Bund liquids must be analyzed as necessary before removal or disposal to
prevent contamination of drainage systems.
11. If a drain valve is used it must be kept locked in the closed position and only used by
authorised personnel. The drain valve and any associated piping must be made of
materials compatible with the acid stored.

 Vents and Overflow lines of the storage tank

1. Atmospheric tanks must have separate vent and overflow lines. The overflow must be
sized to prevent any pressure build up within the tank in the event of an overfill. The
overflow diameter must be equal to or greater than the inlet diameter. Normally, the
overflow is at least 100 mm (4 inches) in diameter and at least 350 mm below the vent
base. It must terminate as close to the ground as possible within the bund or other
contained area. To prevent fuming, a dip leg and small water lute can be used.
2. To prevent release of fumes into the atmosphere, vent lines of bulk acid tanks must feed
into a scrubber unit. The scrubber must be designed to cope with the fumes given off and
the pressures generated during the filling of the tank. The scrubber must be so designed
that HCL fumes escaping must be within the norms set by the statutory authorities.
3. Water, sodium hydroxide solution or dilute acid solution can be used as the scrubbing
medium. Provision must be made to monitor the pH of the scrubbing solutions.
4. Piping: While designing the piping and piping routing it is advisable to have minimum
flange joints. The line must be so routed to avoid walkways and joints over the walk
5. All pipe lines of acid, being of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) MOC, must be
protected against foreseeable impact from vehicles or mobile plant.


B. Care during Handling, Use and Storage of Sulphuric Acid -

 Mitigation Measures

 Dyke walls

Spill Protection Good practice suggests that the storage tank must be provided with a
retaining dike or other suitable secondary containment with a capacity of at least 110% of the
capacity of the storage tank. Where the storage tank might be a part of a tank farm, the dike
must normally be sized for at least 110% of the capacity of the largest tank in the tank farm.
Diked areas are primarily intended for emergency containment of major leaks. The floor must
be impervious and may have crushed limestone on top for neutralizing minor leaks must they
occur. Suitable materials of construction must be concrete, concrete block, or similar
materials, and could include polypropylene sheet linings or epoxy and polyester coatings.
Provision must be made for removing any accumulated rainwater that is not dissipated
through normal evaporation. The diking must be constructed to permit prompt recovery by
pumping directly into tank cars or transports, flushing the residue with copious quantities of
water to suitable treatment facilities in order to minimize personnel safety problems. See
"Spill and Vapor Control" section for additional recommendations.

 Safety Precautions for handling of Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid can be handled and used safely by following proper precautions based on
known effects of the chemical on personnel and equipment. Sulphuric acid is a very strong
acid which can severely burn skin and eyes and may be fatal if swallowed. Fumes from
sulfuric acid systems including SO2, SO3 and hydrogen are irritating and dangerous. They can
injure the lungs and mucous membranes if inhaled.

 Safety Clothing and Equipment

The principal health hazard from sulphuric acid is through contact of the acid with body
tissues, which can be severely burned, depending upon the length of contact and strength of
acid. Adequate protection must be provided to persons working with sulfuric acid.

 The personal protective equipment required for handling sulfuric acid

1. Full face shield, hard hats, goggles and protective gloves are usually required during
routine operations which involve the handling of sulfuric acid. (Never wear contact lenses
when handling sulfuric acid)
2. Gloves must always be inspected prior to their use, and, if damage is suspected and not
visible, they must be tested with air pressure. Special arm protectors or glove inserts can
also be worn to prevent this from happening.
3. For full protection during tank car or transport unloading and during maintenance, each
workman must be fully clothed. He must wear goggles under a full face shield, a hard hat,
rubber safety boots, a rubber covered jacket and pants, and rubber gauntlet gloves. Tops
of the boots must be covered by the trousers. For emergency situations, a complete rubber
suit and rubber hood, with rubber gauntlet gloves and rubber safety boots, are
4. In situations where fumes or mist from sulfuric acid are present, a NIOSH approved
respirator must be worn. Self-contained breathing equipment approved by NIOSH must


always be on hand and is required to be worn when working in areas of reduced oxygen
content such as when servicing empty sulfuric acid tanks.
5. Protective clothing must be washed and preferably neutralized after each use and checked
to insure that it is free of pinholes and tears.
6. The maintenance of all protective clothing and equipment must be a continuing operation
to ensure their ready availability for use in an emergency.

 First Aid

1. Bodily Contact - Contaminated clothing must be removed under the shower and the
application of water must be continued for at least 15 minutes. If burns can still be felt,
consult a physician. Do not use burn ointments or alkali’s as they may hinder further
treatment. If acid enters the eyes, they must be washed thoroughly with water for at least
15 minutes. Consult a physician at once. If a physician is not immediately available, it is
advisable to continue the irrigation for another 15 minutes.

2. Ingestion - In case of ingestion and if the individual is conscious, have him drink large
amounts of lime water or milk of magnesia. If these are not readily available, drink large
amounts of water immediately to dilute the acid. Consult a physician at once. Do not give
emetics or baking soda. Inhalation if exposed to mist or vapors arising from sulfuric acid,
the individual must be removed at once to an uncontaminated area and a physician called.
The individual must be kept under observation until the possibility of developing a delayed
pulmonary reaction is no longer present. If oxygen inhalation apparatus is available,
oxygen may be administered under the direction of a physician.

3. Safety Showers and Eyewash Fountains - Continuous flow safety showers and eyewash
fountains must be conveniently located and clearly marked. Their location and use must be
known and understood by all personnel. Periodic inspections, preferably on a weekly
basis, must be made to insure that they are in proper working order at all times. It is
recommended they be equipped with both visible and audible alarms so that those in the
areas are alerted when someone may need assistance. Water temperature must be
approximately 27 °C (80 °F) to permit long periods of washing without adding to the
victim's discomfort.

 Showers and eyewash fountains must meet the following criteria

1. Water must be in the form of a quick acting safety shower, protected against freezing, and
installed wherever sulfuric acid is handled.
2. Showers must provide deluge water rather than spray.
3. Eyewash fountains must also be provided.
4. The pathways to these water supplies must always be kept free and clear.

 Spill and Vapor Control Accidental spills of Sulphuric Acid

Environmental effects resulting in damage to plant and animal life can occur from releases of
sulfuric acid. Every effort must be taken to prevent discharge of this chemical into the
environment. Regulatory and / or disaster control agencies must be notified, as may be
applicable, of significant releases into the environment water, and neutralized with a lime
slurry, limestone, soda ash or other alkaline material. Care must be taken when adding water
or a neutralizer to a spill of sulfuric acid, as the chemical reaction will be immediate and can


be quite violent. Fumes from the reaction can be extensive and, if not handled properly, will
add to the severity of the situation. To minimize the reaction and fuming, the spill can be
covered with earth, sprayed with water and neutralized. The resulting slurry or residue can be
removed and transferred to an approved disposal site. Any remaining material can then be
further neutralized and flushed with water in accordance with local regulations. Major spills
may be handled in a similar manner, however, special assistance and / or procedures may be
required. In this case, evacuate the area, contain the spill or stop the leak if possible.

Refer Appendix - N for Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) study of Sulphuric Acid

C. Care during Handling, Use and Storage of Thionyl Chloride -

With respect to Thionyl Chloride following precautions are special because of peculiar
dangers for man and environmental. It reacts violently with water. Contact with water
liberates toxic gas. Hence the drums of Thionyl Chloride are separately stored in a separate
area which is not covered with sprinkler system and in water tight containers. Spill Kit and
absorbing material used for removing the spill will be readily available in ample quantity.
Workers controlling the spill wear proper PPEs to strictly avoid contact with skin, as this is
very corrosive chemical. All other workers will evacuate the warehouse and / or area where
the spill has occurred. Siren will be sounded and higher authorities will be informed to take
necessary action. Actions to be taken in case of spill will form an important part of Onsite
Emergency Plan and mock drill.

 Mitigation Measures
1. Thionyl Chloride reacts with water violently releasing toxic gases like SO2. Hence drums
will be stored in dry place and ensure that there is no water seepage or leakage etc. in the
area where drums are stored.
2. Operator vigilance and frequent checking of drum quality and condition and installation
of leak detectors is highly recommended.
3. Spill kits, recommended PPEs will be available all the time in sufficient quantities and in
an easily accessible place. Only trained operators will deal with leakages and alert
4. No manual handling of even small quantities is recommended. If and when unavoidable,
it will be ensured that all the precautions necessary against sudden failure of the container
have been taken.
5. All necessary PPEs will be used while manually transferring of handling Thionyl
6. Use local ventilation exhausts conditions, if not possible use breathing apparatus,
recommended PPEs.
7. Workers need to be properly informed and trained to handle this.
8. As far as possible use suitable air operated pump to transfer Thionyl Chloride from the
work place to the user end.
9. Eye and shower facilities must be installed at the nearest possible position and it must be
ensured that it is always in working condition.
10. Spill kit must be kept handy to absorb small leaks and disposal.



7.9.1 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Rating

NFPA rating for raw materials are summarized in following table -

Table 7.7 NFPA Rating of Raw Material

Name of Chemical NH NF NR
1. Aluminum Chloride 3 0 0
2. Calcium Hydroxide 2 0 0
3. Iron Metal 1 2 1
4. Menthol 2 2 0
5. Para Nitro Aniline 2 1 0
6. Para Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride 3 1 2
7. Phenol 4 2 0
8. Phosphorous Pentoxide 3 0 2
9. Phthalic Anhydride 3 1 0
10. Potassium Carbonate 2 0 0
11. Red Phosphorus 1 1 1
12. Sodium Carbonate 2 0 1
13. Sodium Hydroxide 3 0 1
14. Sodium Nitrite 3 0 1
15. Sulphur precipitated 2 1 0
16. Urea 2 1 0
17. Acetyl Chloride 3 3 2
18. Aniline 3 2 0
19. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 2 1 2
20. Chlorosulphonic Acid 3 0 2
21. Hydrochloric Acid 3 0 1
22. Hydrochloric Acid 30 % 2 0 1
23. Hydrogen Peroxide 2 0 1
24. Lactic Acid 3 1 0
25. Mesitylene 0 2 0
26. Methane Sulphonic Acid 70 % 3 0 0
27. N-Butyl Amine 3 3 0
28. Nitric Acid 70 % 4 0 0
29. Nitric Acid 30 % 3 0 1
30. Phosphorous Trichloride 4 0 2
31. Silicon oil 0 1 0
32. Sulphur Trioxide 3 0 2
33. Sulphuric Acid 3 0 2
34. Thionyl Chloride 4 0 2
35. Benzene 2 3 0
36. Chlorobenzene 2 3 0
37. Ethyl Alcohol 2 3 0
38. Methyl Alcohol 1 3 0
39. Xylene 2 3 0


Name of Chemical NH NF NR
40. Sulphur Trioxide 3 0 2

Refer Appendix - O for MSDS of most hazardous chemicals.

7.9.2 Quantification of Hazards due to Storage of Hazardous Materials

Worst case scenarios for leakage / spillage of hazardous raw materials using ALOHA
software are done. This is summarized in following table -

Table 7.8 Risk Assessment - Worst Case Scenarios and Mitigation Measures

Sr. Raw Scenario of Spillage/ Area of

Mitigation Measures
No. Material Leakage Spread
1. HCL Evaporating Puddle  Red :  Small Spill: Dilute with water
(30 %) 166 meters and mop up, or absorb with an
--- (100 inert dry material and place in an
ppm = appropriate waste disposal
AEGL-3 container. If necessary:
[60 min]) Neutralize the residue with a
 Orange: dilute solution of sodium
516 meters carbonate.
--- (22 ppm  Large Spill: Corrosive liquid.
= AEGL-2 Poisonous liquid. Stop leak if
[60 min]) without risk. Absorb with DRY
 Yellow: earth, sand or other non-
1.3 combustible material. Do not get
kilometers water inside container. Do not
--- (7.5 touch spilled material. Use water
mg/(cu m)) spray curtain to divert vapor drift.
Use water spray to reduce vapors.
Prevent entry into sewers,
basements or confined areas; dike
if needed. Call for assistance on
disposal. Neutralize the residue
with a dilute solution of sodium
carbonate. Be careful that the
product is not present at a
concentration level above TLV.
Check TLV on the MSDS and
with local authorities.
2. Oleum Evaporating Puddle  Red :  Spills and disposal: Personnel
(65%) 534 meters - handling this material should be
-- (160 thoroughly trained to handle
mg/(cu m) = spills and releases. In case of
AEGL-3 [60
spills, dike by using absorbent or
 Orange :
impervious materials such as sand
3.3 or clay. Stop leakage if possible


Sr. Raw Scenario of Spillage/ Area of

Mitigation Measures
No. Material Leakage Spread
kilometers -- without risk. Flush spilled area
- (8.7 with water and neutralise the site
mg/(cu m) = with soda ash, sodium
AEGL-2 [60 bicarbonate or lime. Do not allow
it to contaminate the groundwater
 Yellow:
system. Waste must be disposed
greater than
10 of in accordance with federal,
kilometers -- state or local regulations, as
- (0.2 applicable.
mg/(cu m) =
AEGL-1 [60
3. Chloro Leak from hole in  Red :  Small Spill: Absorb with an inert
Benzene horizontal cylindrical less than 10 material and put the spilled
tank meters(10.9 material in an appropriate waste
yards) --- disposal.
(10.0  Large Spill: Flammable liquid.
kW/(sq m) =
Keep away from heat. Keep away
lethal within from sources of ignition. Stop
60 sec) leak if without risk. Absorb with
 Orange: DRY earth, sand or other non-
less than 10 combustible material. Do not
meters(10.9 touch spilled material. Prevent
yards) --- entry into sewers, basements or
(5.0 kW/(sq confined areas; dike if needed.
m) = 2nd Eliminate all ignition sources. Be
degree burns careful that the product is not
within 60
present at a concentration level
above TLV. Check TLV on the
 Yellow:
15 meters --- MSDS and with local authorities.
(2.0 kW/(sq
m) = pain
within 60
4. Ethanol Leak from hole in  Red :  Small Spill: Dilute with water
vertical cylindrical tank less than 10 and mop up, or absorb with an
meters(10.9 inert dry material and place in an
yards) --- appropriate waste disposal
kW/(sq m) =
lethal within  Large Spill: Flammable liquid.
60 sec) Keep away from heat. Keep away
 Orange: from sources of ignition. Stop
less than 10 leak if without risk. Absorb with
meters(10.9 DRY earth, sand or other non-
yards) --- combustible material. Do not
(5.0 kW/(sq touch spilled material. Prevent
m) = 2nd


Sr. Raw Scenario of Spillage/ Area of

Mitigation Measures
No. Material Leakage Spread
degree burns entry into sewers, basements or
within 60 confined areas; dike if needed. Be
sec) careful that the product is not
 Yellow: 11 present at a concentration level
meters ---
above TLV. Check TLV on the
(2.0 kW/(sq
MSDS and with local authorities.
m) = pain
within 60
5. Sulphur Leak from hole in  Red :  Small Spill: Absorb with an inert
Trioxide horizontal cylindrical 298 meters - material and put the spilled
tank -- (160 material in an appropriate waste
mg/(cu m) = disposal.
AEGL-3 [60
 Orange:
 Large Spill: Corrosive liquid.
1.9 Poisonous liquid. Stop leak if
kilometers -- without risk. If the product is in
- (8.7 its solid form: Use a shovel to put
mg/(cu m) = the material into a convenient
AEGL-2 [60 waste disposal container. If the
min]) product is in its liquid form:
 Yellow: Absorb with DRY earth, sand or
greater than other noncombustible material.
10 Do not get water inside container.
kilometers --
Absorb with an inert material and
- (0.2
put the spilled material in an
mg/(cu m) =
AEGL-1 [60 appropriate waste disposal. Do
min]) not touch spilled material. Use
water spray curtain to divert
vapor drift. Use water spray to
reduce vapors. Prevent entry into
sewers, basements or confined
areas; dike if needed. Call for
assistance on disposal.
6. Benzene Leak from hole in  Red :  Small Spill: Absorb with an inert
horizontal cylindrical less than 10 material and put the spilled
tank meters(10.9 material in an appropriate waste
yards) --- disposal.
kW/(sq m) =
 Large Spill: Flammable liquid.
lethal within Keep away from heat. Keep away
60 sec) from sources of ignition. Stop
 Orange: leak if without risk. Absorb with
less than 10 DRY earth, sand or other non-
meters(10.9 combustible material. Do not
yards) --- touch spilled material. Prevent
(5.0 kW/(sq entry into sewers, basements or
m) = 2nd confined areas; dike if needed. Be


Sr. Raw Scenario of Spillage/ Area of

Mitigation Measures
No. Material Leakage Spread
degree burns careful that the product is not
within 60 present at a concentration level
sec) above TLV. Check TLV on the
 Yellow: MSDS and with local authorities.
less than 10
yards) ---
(2.0 kW/(sq
m) = pain
within 60

Refer Appendix - P for severity mapping carried for hazardous chemicals.

 Conclusions and Recommendations from QRA results

Many of the following mitigation / safety measures are already been installed and are in place
as plant is operational, the rest will be adopted -
1. QRA results of pool fire in case of Chlorobenzene, Sulphur Trioxide and Ethanol, i.e.
in the case of flammable solvents stored in the tank, the threat zones estimated for the
radiation effects are within or less than 10 meters in all the scenarios considered.
Because of less quantity stored.
2. However flame lengths estimated are in the range of 10 to 11 meters, which can cause
escalate the fire situations because of heating of the nearest tank.
3. Automatic Sprinkler system will be provided to counter this effect.
4. Tanks will be placed within the well designed dyke wall of 6 m by 12 meters to contain
and recover the spillage.
5. QRA results for toxic chemicals indicate that the threat zones as estimated based on
PAC values and other recommended values, workers inside the warehouse and factory
will be affected and on-site emergency plan will have to be put in action and if
necessary also Off site emergency plan will have to be activated, if the leakage gets
unnoticed for a long period of time like 30 to 60 minutes.
6. It is recommended to provide close watch on all the toxic chemicals stored for leak
detection by the alert staff.
7. Adequate training and retraining needs to be provided for the workers, including
contract workers.
8. Along with smoke detectors, adequate number of toxic gas leak detectors must be
installed inside the warehouse.
9. All manual handling of drums must be avoided.
10. Special and all recommended PPEs must be used while handling of toxic chemicals,
particularly suspect and confirmed carcinogenic chemicals.
11. Adequate spill kits in adequate quantities must be readily available inside the
warehouse and plant to deal effectively with spillages.
12. Boards in local language must be displayed instructing workers to effectively deal with
spillages and leakages.


7.9.3 Fire Protection

The hazard of fire is very essential to identify because the direct impact of fire or explosion is
on the worker or the operator who is actually operating in the accident areas. So to prevent
the fire, number of fire extinguishers, smoke detectors have already been implemented in
respective unit areas. Details of same are as follows -

Table 7.9 Details of fire Extinguishers

Sr.No. Type Of Ext. Capacity Location

1. DCP 5 Kgs Reception
2. DCP 5 Kgs Admin library
3. DCP 5 Kgs Factory gate
4. CO2 2 Kgs Factory gate
5. FOAM 9 lits Stores F. side
6. FOAM 9 lits Stores B. side
7. CO2 4.5 Kgs Maint./ w.s.
8. DCP 10 kgs Instrument
9. CO2 4.5Kgs Instrument
10. DCP 10 Kgs NH3 Tank
11. FOAM 9 lits NH3 Tank
12. FOAM 9 lits NH3 Tank
13. FOAM 9 lits Benzene Tank
14. FOAM 9 lits Benzene Tank
15. DCP 10 Kgs Benzene Tank
16. DCP 5 Kgs E.T.Plant
17. FOAM 9 lits SVS Plant
18. FOAM 9 lits SVS Plant
19. DCP 10 Kgs SVS Plant
20. CO2 6.8 Kgs SVS Cabin
21. CO2 6.8 Kgs SVS Cabin
22. DCP 5 Kgs BSR Godown
23. CO2 4.5 Kgs CSA Plant
24. DCP 5 Kgs SA Plant (CR)
25. CO2 2 Kgs SA Plant (CR)
26. CO2 2 Kgs SA Plant (CR)
27. CO2 4.5 Kgs SA Maint Office
28. CO2 4.5 Kgs SA Maint Office
29. CO2 6.5 Kgs D.G.Room
30. CO2 2 Kgs Ele. PCC Room
31. CO2 2 Kgs Ele. PCC Room
32. DCP 10 Kgs Ele. PCC Room
33. CO2 6.5 Kgs Ele. PCC Room
34. CO2 4.5 Kgs Transfomer Area
35. FOAM 9 lits DES Plant ( Gr.)
36. DCP 10 Kgs DES Plant ( 1st )
37. FOAM 9 lits DES Plant ( 2nd )
38. FOAM 9 lits DES Plant ( 3rd )


Sr.No. Type Of Ext. Capacity Location

39. CO2 6.8 Kgs MP-1 (Gr.Floor)
40. CO2 4.5 Kgs MP-1 (Gr.Floor)
41. CO2 4.5 Kgs MP-1( Gr.Floor)
42. DCP 10 Kgs BSCL( Gr.Floor)
43. DCP 10 Kgs BSCL (1st.Floor)
44. FOAM 9 lits BSCL(2nd Floor)
45. DCP 10 Kgs BSCL (3rd Floor)
46. FOAM 9 lits BSCL (4th Floor)
47. FOAM 9 lits MP-2 (Gr Floor)
48. FOAM 9 lits MP-2 (1st Floor)
49. CO2 2 Kgs MP-2 Panel Roo
50. CO2 4.5 Kgs Lab / R&D
51. CO2 4.5 Kgs Lab / R&D
52. FOAM 9 lits Lab / R&D
53. FOAM 9 lits Lab / R&D
54. FOAM 9 lits Lab / R&D
55. CO2 4.5 Kgs Prod. Office
56. DCP 10 Kgs Safety Eq. Room
57. DCP 5 Kgs Safety Eq. Room
58. DCP 5 Kgs Safety Eq. Room
59. CO2 4.5 Kgs Safety Eq. Room
60. DCP 10Kgs Kata Room
61. FOAM 9 lits Safety Eq. Room
62. FOAM 9 lits Safety Eq. Room
63. Foam Trolley 300 Lits Safety Eq. Room Fire Load

Fire Load = (M x C) /A
Where, M= Combustible quantity in Kg
C= Calorific value of combustible in kcal/Kg
A= Total Area in sq mtr

 Specially Denatured Spirit -

363 KL (290.4 MT, 290400 Kg), Calorific value: 7098.47 kcal/Kg, Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (290400 x 7098.47) / 88355 = 23330.8 Kcal / m2

 Benzene -

23 KL (19.78 MT, 19780 Kg), Calorific Value: 10111 kcal/Kg, Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (19780 x 10111)/88355 = 2263.5 Kcal / m2

 Diethyl ether -

(50 MT, 50000 Kg), Calorific Value: 10277.24 kcal/Kg , Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (50000 x 10277.24)/88355 = 5815.9 Kcal / m2


 Sulphur -

(5000 MT, 5000000 Kg), Calorific Value: 2198.8 kcal/Kg , Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (5000000 x 2198.8)/88355 = 124429.8 Kcal / m2

 HSD -

(1.935 MT, 1935 Kg), Calorific Value: 10707.45 kcal/Kg , Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (1935 x 2198.8)/88355 = 234.49 Kcal / m2

 Furnace Oil -

(47.5 MT, 47500 Kg), Calorific Value: 10500 kcal/Kg, Total Area: 88355 m2
Fire Load = (47500 x 10500)/88355 = 5644.8 Kcal / m2

Table 7.10 Details of Fire Load

Sr.No. Description Fire Load (Kcal / m2)

1. Specially Denatured Spirit 23330.8
2. Benzene 2263.5
3. Diethyl Ether 5815.9
4. Sulphur 124429.8
5. HSD 234.49
6. Furnace Oil 5644.8
Total 161719.3

Refer Appendix - Q for Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA), Immediately
Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH), Maximum Credible Loss Scenario (MCLS).

7.10 Occupational Health Center (OHC)

OHC has been provided as per factories act. Health checkup of all employees and contract
labors have been carried out before employment and at regular intervals and record for the
same are maintained. It is ensured that adequate stock of critical anti-dote for toxic chemicals
are always kept in the OHC.
Company has prepared well designed health check up plan for its employees and contract
workers. Health check-up parameters have been identified based upon the chemicals to which
workers are likely to be exposed. Some of the parameters are given below -

Table 7.11 Details of Occupational Health Monitoring

Sr. Parameters for occupational

Chemical Name Target organs Frequency
No. Health monitoring
1. Thionyl Chloride Skin sensitization. Pre placement medical Pre-placement
CNS condition. Skin condition. Annual
Peripheral Nervous Urine samples for testing
system, Decreased presence of hexanedione.
muscle strength Exhaled air sampling.


Sr. Parameters for occupational

Chemical Name Target organs Frequency
No. Health monitoring
2. Ammonia Respiratory system LFT and lung damage test. Pre-placement
3. Methanol Skin-dermatitis Integrity of skin Pre-placement
Liver Profile of liver Annual
Optic atrophy Integrity of eyes for pre
Blindness existence of eye disease.
4. Hydrochloric Kidney, Liver Pre-placement medical check- Pre-placement
Acid Lungs-Bronchitis up Annual
Liver function test.
Urinalysis for presence of
5. Xylene If inhaled or swallowed Pre-placement medical check- Pre-placement
and is a central nervous up Annual
system depression. Of eyes, nose, throat,
Skin and eye irritation.

Note: Antidote for the chemicals can be suggested by the health officer and appropriate
actions shall be taken.

Detailed Health check up report may be referred in Appendix - R.


The functions of the Secretary will be to -

1. Receive recommendations from the Safety Committee and evaluate them for
2. Inspect the scene of accidents and investigate cases thereof.
3. Present reports to the Safety Committee of safety activities.
4. Study reports and recommendation from the Factory Inspector and implement
5. Organize safety captions; arrange safety posters and the display thereof.
6. Arrange and distribute safety literature with a view to promote safety consciousness.
7. Liaison with labor institutions, Factory Inspector and other bodies. Promote safety
measures with a view to improve methods, appliances, apparel etc.
8. Ensure that the contractor and his employees working in the premises of the company
observe safe method of work.
9. Maintain a register recording minutes of committee Meeting and show the register to
Factory Inspector during his visit to the Factory.


The company has 85 skilled and 100 unskilled workers presently employed. There is OHC
center at the site fulfilling all the requirements of the factory act, based upon the number of
workers employed. The same facilities will be expanded for additional workers, likely to be
employed after expansion. Special medical tests need to be included in the pre employment
and six monthly and annual medical checkups of the workers, as numbers of toxic chemicals
as well as suspect and confirmed carcinogenic chemicals are handled. This has to done in
consultations with the experienced and professional doctor and it has to be ensured that stock


of necessary anti-dote for toxic chemicals will be always available at OHC It will be ensured
that adequate stock of critical anti-dote for toxic chemicals will be always kept in the OHC.

Refer Appendix - S for On-site Emergency Plan has already been incorporated for existing


Off-site Emergency Plan for Raigad district is available and in place.


Industry has clearly defined EHS policy and it must be known to all employees and must be
properly displayed.

Refer Appendix - T for TDMCCL EHS policy.


Industry has clearly defined Quality policy and it must be known to all employees and must
be properly displayed.

Refer Appendix - U for TDMCCL Quality policy.

Chapter 8



Any industrial activity helps in improving the social status of the locality. Existing project by
TDMCCL has helped in improvement of infrastructure and social structure in the command
area and has lead to sustainable development. Also, after expansion, community that inhabit
in the nearby areas will be benefited directly or indirectly by this expansion project.
Following benefits due to the proposed expansion project are expected.

8.1.1 Improvementin the Physical Infrastructure

Due to a number of actions and planning proposed by the TDMCCL management, status of
physical infrastructure in command area of the industry is bound to improve. Thus there shall
be a positive impact on this aspect. Following are certain steps that the industry would take -

 The industry continues contributing towards strengthening in infrastructural facilities in

the study area which shall directly beneficial to the residents. The improvements in roads,
water supply and sanitation, health care etc. would be some important areas.
 Continues contribution towards rain water harvesting systems to be employed in nearby
villages (off-site works) will improve the ground water table. As no any ground water shall
be utilized for the proposed expansion also, it will be useful to the surrounding farmers for
domestic and irrigation requirements.
 Augmentation of existing green belt and plantation of additional trees in the industrial area
and its surrounding shall help in improving the aesthetic beauty of the surrounding
environment giving a pleasant look and improvising the air quality. Also green belt
willhelp in arresting dust emissions as well as noise.

8.1.2 Improvementin the SocialStatus

Benefits of TDMCCL projects in improving overall socioeconomic status of the study area
are as under -

 Presence of TDMCCL has created enormous potential towards creating employment in the
region. Both primary and secondary jobs and contract jobs are created which principally
benefit the local residents. As much as 75% of the nearby villagers have been employed
under existing set up of TDMCCL. Same practice shall be continued under the expansion
projects also.
 The people residing in the nearby areas are benefited from CER activities being carried out
by the project proponents such as assistance to educational facilities in the study area that
have helpedin enhancing the literacy rate. Subsequent to expansion an amount of Rs.
25.00 Lakhs is earmarked for CER activities in study area.
 Due to the awareness programs, taken up by the Industry, people residing in nearby areas
have been benefited. This includes education, ecology and biodiversity conservation,
environment awareness etc.
 The industry shall organize various campaigns and workshops regarding medical and
health check up for workers/labours. This will help improve overall health status.


The details about CER already undertaken by TDMCCL through existing unit are as


1. Empowering teachers by handholding them to use Interactive Communication

Technology (ICT) in education through interactive e-learning content.
2. Create a fun learning environment for the student. Further which inculcate liking
towards the subject.
3. Need base training for teacher catering to ICT.
4. Donation for the Laboratory Equipment.
5. Educational Materials Issued to Local Villagers.
6. Creating Awareness about Renewable Energy Resources.
7. Arranging sports activity
8. Arranging Pulse Polio and Eye-checkup camps, Medical Checkup camps.

Table 8.1 Yearly Expenses incurred on CER & Social Welfare (In INR)

Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

34404 67154 90705 118404 178000 144651
Education 4650 5545 25213 33944 372200 369730
Sport 13000 4352 6500 12000 9700 75000
Medical 2500 6500 7500 48000 51500 11000
Total 54554 83551 129918 212348 611400 600381

8.2.1 Proposed CER Plan

An amount of Rs. 25.00 Lakhs have been earmarked towards proposed activities under CER
plan. The same is about 2.5% of Capital investment Rs. 10.00Crs. Detailed CER plan have
been at chapter 6. (Section 6.6)


In any industrial activityall three types i.e. skilled, semi skilled and unskilled people are
required. In TDMCCL preference is given for employment to local people based on
qualification and requirement. Under existing unit 75 - 80 % of employees are from local
populace.As TDMCCL has planned for expansion of existing commodity chemicals and
speciality chemicals availability of employment may further enhance. Hence, it can be stated
that by the existing and proposed activities in TDMCCL, employment potential certainly will
have positive impact for all the three classes namely - skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled.


After execution of the project the above mentioned benefits shall accrue. Apart from this
other tangible benefits which could result are mentioned below-

 After expansion, the industry will meet the national interest of economical growth through
sustainable development, as the there is a good demand of products in India as well as
abroad. Out of the total products more than 60 - 75 % of the products will be exported.
 First Aid Training and fire safety training will be given to all the workers.
 Insurance Policies for the workers will be made available.
 Improvement in the aesthetic through green belt development.
 The ground water recharging shall be done by arresting rain water.

Chapter 9



Environment Management Plan (EMP) is required for ensuring sustainable development. It

should not affect the surrounding environment adversely. The management plan presented in
this chapter would be implemented under the proposed expansion unit.

The EMP aims at controlling pollution at source with available and affordable technology
followed by treatment measures. Waste minimization and waste recycling measures are
emphasized. In addition to the Industry specific control measures, the proposed expansion
industry would adopt following guidelines -

 Application of Low and Non Waste Technology in the production process

 Adoption of reuse and recycling technologies to reduce generation of wastes and to
optimize the production cost of the industry
 The recycling and reuse of industrial waste not only reduces the waste generation but also
can be an economic gain to the industry. Further, the management of the TDMCCL will
take all the necessary steps to control and mitigate the environmental pollution.
Moreover, while implementing the project the management will follow guidelines issued
by CPCB.

The EMP is prepared based on the existing environmental status of the project location and
the anticipated impacts of the project activities on environment.


As a part of the EMP, it is essential to formulate an Environmental Management Cell (EMC).

TDMCCL is already having a cell functioning under existing project. The cell works under
V.P. (Operations) of the Industry and responsible persons from certain departments have
been taken as members. The EMC is responsible for all the activities and actions as well as
outputs and management of entire infrastructure provided for control and abatement of
pollution in the TDMCCL project. Further, the cell is also active in protecting state of
environment in the study area around existing campus of TDMCCL. Various programs and
tasks towards conservation, awareness, promotion, review etc. are undertaken and
implemented through the existing environmental management cell of TDMCCL. This cell is
also being responsible for taking care of actions and implementations subsequent to the
expansion program of the project. Further, the EMC will be adequately expanded by
incorporation of certain new members since the work load on existing ones is going to be
increased substantially subsequent to commissioning of expansion project. Following table
gives details about EMC in the industry -

Table 9.1 Environmental Management Cell

Sr. No. Name Designation

1. Mr. S.R. Pandit V.P. (Operations)
2. Mr. Badal Datta Chief Engineer- Maintenance & Projects
3. Mr. A.K. Nagarch G.M. (R&D)
4. Mr. Geo Francis Sr. Manager (Production)
5. Mr. M.G. Ganu Sr. Manger (Quality Assurance)


Figure 9.1 Environmental Management Cell and Responsibilities

Managing Director
Effective implementation of Management Plan

Factory Incharge
Explaining all the activities within their units related
to Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

Health and Safety Manager

Reporting the Managing Director, Operational Risk Committee and the
Board on matters regarding HSE performance, HSE Management System
performance and the HSE risk position in the Industry

Environmental Engineer Environmental Chemist Safety Officer

Providing technical advice Collecting and analyzing  To develop and implement
on implementation of HSE the samples and occupational health and safety
Management Plan developing remediation’s policy, programme & procedure
programmes  To increase health and safety
awareness at all levels within
the organizations

Members of the Environmental Management Cell would be well qualified and experienced in
the concerned fields. Some of the routine tests of waste water such as pH, solids, temperature
etc. would be carried out in the laboratory to be established on proposed project site. Also,
for additional tests of water, waste water, soil, air etc. services of accreditated laboratories as
well as that of a consultant would be hired.


Figure 9.2 Environmental Management Plan

Management Review Planning

 Preparing Environmental Plan and  Environmental Aspects
Policy  Objectives & Targets
 Environmental Management Plan

Checking/Corrective Action
 Monitoring & Measurement
 Implementation of EMP in the plants
 Non-conformance and Corrective and
 Document Control
Preventive Action
 Operational Control
 Records
 Emergency Preparedness/Response
 EMS Audits


The mitigation measures suggested for proposed expansion unit in Chapter - 4 would be
implemented. This will reduce the impact on environment due to the proposed expansion
project. To facilitate easy implementation, the recommendations suggested are grouped in
different phases. The important measures are implemented in earlier unit and some few are
planned under expansion project.

9.4.1 Summary of Recommendations

Table 9.2 Summary of Recommendations

Sr. Recommendations &

Aspect Description
No Proposed Action
1. Water As far as the water conservation is a) To mitigate the impact on
Consumption concerned, it has been suggested to the river, the industry has
Project Proponents (PP) to make planned to implement certain
maximum use of the treated water. The Measures which would
total water requirement after augment the aquifer capacity
expansion project would be in the region. The same
1592 m /day. Out of which 220
3 include conservation of fresh
m3/day treated effluent recycle water through application of
whereas 1372 m3/day would be reuse and recycle concepts
the fresh water taken from the and implementation of
MIDC water supply scheme. The intensive rain water
MIDC procures water from harvesting scheme in the
industrial premises so as to
Kundalika River and after
arrest the runoff and recharge
treatment the same is provided
it to the ground water /
to different industries in the MIDC.
harvesting pit. Also, to
maximum extent water shall
be recycled.
2. Effluent Effluent generated from existing a) Installation of online
Treatment manufacturing and utility operations is monitoring system and
to the tune of 209.6 CMD which is continuous checking of
treated in existing ETP of 300 CMD outlet parameters.
capacity comprising of Primary, b) Provision of separate guard
Secondary and Tertiary treatment tank for collecting the
operations. At present, the treated contaminated water from
water from ETP, achieving prescribed river due to accidental
standards is discharged to Common discharge of effluent.
Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), c) The contaminated water
would be treated in ETP to
Roha. Presently, domestic wastewater
be provided on site.
is treated in septic tanks followed by
d) If the quantum of
soak pits. The overflow from soak pits
contaminated effluent is
is used for gardening purpose. beyond control then
Industrial effluent generated from immediate shut down of the
spillages, leakages and floor washings industry should be taken.
from all process plants, comes to the The collected water from
grit chamber through underground river would be stored and


Sr. Recommendations &

Aspect Description
No Proposed Action
pipelines. Oily mater that floats on the treated in ETP. The treated
top is skimmed off. The effluent is water would be discharged
then taken to the equalization tanks in nearby river.
from where it is sent to the neutralizer.e) Provision of additional
Lime slurry is prepared in the slurry pumps in working condition
tank. Lime slurry can be fed to the on site.
equalization tank or to the neutralizer. f) Immediate vicinity residents,
pH of the effluent is maintained schools & hospital should be
between 7-8. Neutralized effluent is warned about contamination
then pumped to the primary clarifier. of river and surface water.
They should be informed of
The clear water from the top of the
precautions to be taken.
clarifier overflows into the two bio-
reactors which are in series and sludge
from the bottom of primary clarifier is
fed to fully automatic pneumatic filter.
Filtrate from the filter is pumped back
to the primary clarifier. Water from
bioreactors overflows into the
secondary clarifier. Water from the
secondary clarifier is passed through
tertiary filter (carbon and sand filter)
by pump. This water is pumped to the
CETP through MIDC sewers sludge
from the bottom of secondary clarifier
is fed to fully automatic pneumatic
filter. Dry filter cake is sent to
CHWTSDF, Taloja, Mumbai for final
disposal. Under expansion, the
management has decided to achieve
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) by
installation of evaporators and the
condensate would be recycled in
industrial operations. No any effluent
would be discharged outside the
premises. Moreover, for domestic
waste water, STP of 20 CMD is
proposed. The treated water from STP
would be used for gardening.
3. Air Pollution The existing boiler (5TPH capacity) is a) In light of scenarios for non-
Control operated on Furnace oil (FO) @ 63 functioning of APC
kg/hr with adequate stack height of 35 equipment ID fans would be
m and Thermic Fluid Heater (TFH, 4 provided on site as back up.
lakhs Kcal/hr capacity) is operated on Provision and maintenance
High speed diesel (HSD) @ 47 kg/hr of D.G. for continuous
with stack height of 30 m are provided operation of APC.
on site. DG sets of capacities 125, 830 Inspection & breakdown
and 1310 KVA are operated on HSD / maintenance of pollution
control equipment shall be


Sr. Recommendations &

Aspect Description
No Proposed Action
Light diesel oil (LDO) @ 210 kg/hr undertaken by proper work
with adequate stack height of 4.20 m, permit systems.
7.70 m, 7.70 m respectively above b) Installation of online
roof level (ARL). DG sets are used monitoring system and
only in case of power failure. continuous checking of
Moreover, process emissions are in parameters.
the form of acidic / alkaline / solvent c) Provision of DG Set for
vapours emitted from existing. The uninterrupted power supply
same is taken care off through seven in case of power failure for
scrubbers each of 5 kg/hr capacity. operation of APC
Existing scrubbers will be utilized
d) Immediate shut down of the
under expansion activity. Existing
industry should be taken if
boiler, TFH and DG sets are sufficient
APC is under maintenance
for proposed expansion. Boiler runs for more than 8 hours.
occasionally as steam is available Manufacturing would be
from Sulphuric acid plant only. started only when APC is
(Steam generated from Sulphuric Acid operating efficiently.
Plant: 335 MTD at 40 kg/cm2 at
4. Solid Waste The generated Paper waste, broken a) Adequate storage, disposal
Management glass, HDPE bags and sulphur sludge shall be done.
forwarded to CHWTSDF Taloja. b) Minimizing storage time of
solid waste and immediate
disposal within ninety days.
5. Noise Control The noise generating sources under a) Provision and use of
Measures existing unit are Boiler house, Water earmuffs in high noise area.
treatment plant, ETP, Reactors, b) Providing separate sitting
Compressors and DG Set etc. Same and control room for
shall be sources under expansion. workers.
c) Changing of shifts and
exposure time to high noise
area would be reduced.
6. Ecological & 1. A phase wise 3 year tree plantation a) The green belt being
Socio- program for around 5000 trees shall mandatory should be
economic be carried out under CSR activity. mentioned on top priority,
Aspects Within 10 Km radius area in particularly for health of the
selected and active villages. This workers and people around
should be implemented as (a) thick the industrial unit. Pollution
block plantation of large trees for control measures should
environmental protection through strictly be implemented by
Carbon sequestration and as the industry.
Oxygen Park on common lands in b) The industry, by involving
villages where protection is ensured, workers and locals, should
this would also act as bird habitats, demonstrate, encourage, and
and (b) Avenue plantation on promote suitable eco-
village roads, and around open friendly alternatives green
spaces, grounds, schools, etc. The technologies under CER
details of ecology and biodiversity activity in the villages in the


Sr. Recommendations &

Aspect Description
No Proposed Action
(flora, fauna, fishes, etc.) observed 10 km vicinity, stressing and
in existing unit are described in demonstrating, rain water
Chapter 3. harvesting, solar lighting,
2. It shall be ensured that no untreated organic farming, and
effluent is discharged by the innovative simple to use
industry into river through any way ‘green technologies’.
any time.
3. The industry to adopt latest
advanced technology for energy
conservation and treatment of
4. The pollution control measures as
per the EMP shall strictly be
implemented by the industry.
7. CER 1. The implementations under CER As mentioned in above point.
shall be done in a time bound
2. Planning for CER shall be started
with the identification of activities /
projects and may be undertaken in
periphery of industrial area.

All the recommendations are implemented so as to improve the environmental condition as a



After commissioning of the project, regular monitoring of Environmental Attributes such as

Ambient Air Quality, Stack Emissions, Noise and Effluent would be done on regular basis.
Refer Chapter 6 for details w.r.t Post Monitoring Program to be conducted

Following compliance against the consent conditions after commissioning of project would
be observed under the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention
& Control of Pollution) Act 1981, Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling &
Transboundary Movement) Rules 2010.

Table 9.3 Compliance against the Consent Condition

Sr. No. Description Frequency Remark

Once in a Application for renewal shall be done 60
1. Renewal of Consent
year days before the expiry date.
Once in a Would be submitted for every financial
2. Environmental Statement
year year before 30th September of next year.
Hazardous Waste Once in a Would be submitted for every financial
Returns year year before 30th June of next year.
Twelve Returns would be submitted
4. Cess Returns Monthly
every year.
5. Submission of six Twice in a Two compliance reports per Year.


Sr. No. Description Frequency Remark

monthly reports to R.O., Year
MoEFCC, Nagpur
towards EC conditions

9.5.1 Monitoring Equipment

 Air Quality and Meteorological Instruments

 Fine Dust Sampler

 Weather station with Wind Vane, Anemometer, Thermometer, Dry / Wet Bulb
Thermometer, Rain-gauge
 Spectrophotometer
 Single pan balance up to 0.0001 gm detection levels.
 Relevant chemicals as required
 Oven

 Water and Waste Water Quality

 BOD Incubator
 COD reflux assembly
 Refrigerator
 Thermometer
 pH meter
 Stop watch
 Distilled water plant
 Pipette box
 Titration set
 Relevant chemicals and glass wares

 Noise Levels

Sound level meter in different scales like A, B and C with slow and fast response options.

 Soil Characteristics

Soil samplers (auger) to collect soil samples.


Following activities are undertaken by TDMCCL under existing unit and same practice shall
be followed after commissioning of expansion activity towards CREP norms -

 As there is minimum quantity of effluent generated; TDMCCL have single stream for
effluent treatment process.
 Installation of Heat Pump Based Effluent to Distilled Water Convertor for Zero
Discharge of effluent. The installation and commissioning of this facility will be
completed within short period.


 Proper infrastructure for handling and storage of hazardous waste. As per nature it would
be forwarded to CHWTSDF / Authorized Re-processor.
 For control of air pollutants APC Equipment must be provided. To control the process
emissions scrubbers to be provided.
 Post project implementation: Environmental Monitoring & Environmental Auditing to be
carried out regularly.
 Environment Management Cell and Certification System

9.6.1 Other Compliance

No other compliances would be required.

Chapter 10




This EIA report has been prepared for proposed expansion of existing commodity chemicals
and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit by TDMCCL located at Plot No. 105 in MIDC
Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra. The
company has taken into consideration the need to meet the demands of the international
market; the proponents of the industry have planned to go for expansion of manufacturing of
proposed commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals manufacturing unit.

This report is made in the overall context of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Notification No. S.O.1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 and amendments thereto issued by the
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC); New Delhi. As per the
provision of “EIA Notification No. S.O. 1533 (E)” dated 14.09.2006; amended on
25.06.2014, the proposed project comes under Category - “B”. But in light of Draft
Notification of the Eco-Sensitive Areas (ESA) for Western Ghats published by
MoEFCC dated 10.03.2014, 04.09.2015, 27.02.2017 and 03.10.2018 therein village Dhatav,
wherein the Roha MIDC is setup have appeared in the list of ESA villages for Western Ghats.
Accordingly, the category of the project changes from ‘Category - B’ to ‘Category - A’.

Existing capital investment of TDMCCL is Rs. 84.07 Cr. For the proposed expansion, capital
investment will be Rs.10.00 Cr. Total capital investment will be Rs. 94.07 Cr.


Table 10.1 Salient Features of TDMCCL Project Site

No. Particulars Details

1. Name and Address of the The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company
Industry Limited (TDMCCL)
Plot No. 105 in MIDC Industrial Area, P.O. Dhatav,
Taluka: Roha, District: Raigad, State: Maharashtra.
2. Land acquired for the plant 88355 m2 (8.84 Ha)
3. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all (i) 18°25'29.92"N
four corners of the site 73° 8'41.55"E
(ii) 18°25'23.89"N
73° 8'38.04"E
(iii) 18°25'33.98"N
73° 8'25.67"E
(iv) 18°25'37.87"N
73° 8'26.89"E
(v) 18°25'38.44"N
73° 8'31.33"E
(vi) 18°25'36.93"N
73° 8'35.37"E
(vii) 18°25'32.63"N
73° 8'33.51"E
4. Elevation 11 m above Mean sea level (MSL)
5. Nearest habitation / Schools / Village Roth Budruk at 0.40 km
6. Nearest city Roha city at 2.89 km


No. Particulars Details

7. Nearest highway (i) Nagothana - Pali - Khopoli (SH No. 92) at 10.70
(ii) Borlai Panchaitan - Mangaon - Tala (SH No. 97)
at 25.28 km
(iii) Panvel - Kanyakumari (NH No. 66) at 8.03 km
8. Nearest railway station from Roha Railway Station at 3.04 km
project site
9. Nearest airport (i) Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport,
Mumbai at 79.38 km
(ii) Pune International Airport, Lohagaon at 82.74
10. Nearest tourist places Nil within 10 km radius
11. Defense installations Nil within 10 km radius
12. Archaeological important Nil within 10 km radius
place / Historical Monuments
13. Ecological sensitive zones Village Dhatav wherein the MIDC is setup have
appeared in the list of ESA village of Western Ghats
Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) Village draft
notification dated 10.03.2014, 04.09.2015,
27.02.2017 and 03.10.2018.
14. Reserved / Protected forest / 1. At a distance of 1.48 km & 1.89 km from the
National Parks / Wildlife Reserved Forest which was declared under Section
Sanctuary / wetland / estuaries 34 of Indian Forest Act, 1878 by Bombay Castle
/ bioreserves (from Project Gazette No. 3F dated 01.03.1879.
Site) 2. At a distance of 0.44 km & 0.39 km from the
Protected Forest which was declared under Section
28 of the Indian Forest Act No. VII of 1878, as
amended by Acts No. V of 1890 and No. V of
1901 by Bombay Government Gazette No. 1963I
dated 28.02.1907.
15. Nearest streams / Rivers / River Kundalika at 1.25 Km
water bodies (from Project


10.3.1. Products and Byproducts

The details of products that are being manufactured under existing as well as those to be
manufactured under expansion are presented in the following table -


Table 10.2 List of Products

A) List of Products -

Sr. Production (MT/Month)

Name of Products
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
1. Sulphamic Acid 500 0 500
2. Diethyl Sulphate 200 100 300
3. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 570 30 600
4. Sulphuric Acid 8333 0 8333
5. Oleum 4167 0 4167
6. Sulphur Trioxide 2750 0 2750
Sodium Vinyl Sulphonate/Other
7. 150 50 200
8. Phenol Sulphonic Acid 50 0 50
9. Chlorosulphonic Acid 2000 0 2000
10. Diethyl Ether 50 150 200
Benzene Sulphonic Acid/Other
11. 20 0 20
Sulphonic Acids
12. N-Phenyl Benzene Sulphonamide 30 70 100
13. Methane Sulphonic Anhydride 5 0 5
Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl
14. 25 0 25
15. 4,4-Dihydroxy Diphenyl Sulphone 0 30 30
16. 3,3-Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone 0 30 30
17. 3,3-Diamino Diphenyl Sulphone 0 20 20
18. Para Chloro Thiophenol 0 10 10
19. Bis (4-Chlorophenyl) Disulphide 0 10 10
20. Thiophenol 0 20 20
21. 4-Methyl Mercapto Acetophenone 0 10 10
22. Silicon Sulphate 0 10 10
Para Nitro Benzene Sulphonyl
23. 0 10 10
24. Lasamide 0 10 10
25. Diethyl Phthalate 0 100 100
26. Dimethyl Phthalate 0 100 100
Potassium Salt of Sulphonated
27. 0 10 10
28. N-Butyl Benzene Sulphonamide 0 10 10
Methyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic
29. 0 5 5
30. Ethyl Ester of Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0 5 5
31. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonic Acid 0 10 10
32. Para Toluene Sulphonic Acid 0 10 10
33. Dimethyl Aniline 0 80 80
34. Mono Methyl Aniline 0 20 20
35. Diethyl Aniline 0 30 30
36. Sodium Isethionate 0 10 10
37. 4,4-Dichloro Diphenyl Sulphone 0 10 10


Sr. Production (MT/Month)

Name of Products
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
38. Mono Ethyl Aniline 0 70 70
39. 1,3-Benzene Disulphonyl Chloride 0 10 10
40. Menthyl Lactate 0 5 5
Total 18850 1045 19895

B) List of Byproducts -

Table 10.3 List of Byproducts

Sr. Production (MT/Month)

Name of Byproducts
No. Current Expansion After Expansion
1. Calcium Sulphate 398 2 400
2. Phosphoric Acid 2 18 20
3. Sodium Sulphate 400 0 400
4. Sodium Sulphite 110 0 110
5. Dilute Sulphuric Acid 11600 0 11600
6. Diphenyl Sulphone 24 6 30
7. Sodium Chloride Solution 0 5 5
8. Ammonium Chloride Solution 0 50 50
Total 12534 81 12615
Total (Products and Byproducts) 31384 1126 32510

10.3.2. Raw Materials

The details of raw material consumption w. r.t existing and proposed expansion products are
presented in following table. Moreover, product-wise of raw materials required for existing
and proposed activity, are presented at Appendix - E.

Table 10.4 List of Collective quantity of Raw material required per batch

Sr. No. Name of Chemical Total Quantity (kg/Batch)

1. Purified Water 22132.04
2. Urea 310
3. Sulphuric Acid (98%) 4540
4. Oleum (65%) 2073
5. Ethanol 5166
6. Sulphur Trioxide (liq.) 4480
7. Ammonia 140
8. Benzene 650
9. Chloro Sulphonic Acid 7512
10. Sulphur 330
11. Oxygen (from Air) 490
12. Sulphuric Acid 2510
13. Sulphur Trioxide (gas) 1000
14. DES Slurry 220
15. Calcium hydroxide 1085
16. Phenol 1800


Sr. No. Name of Chemical Total Quantity (kg/Batch)

17. Hydrochloric Acid (30%) 1000
18. Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 4990
19. Aniline 5360.7
20. Sodium Hydroxide 334
21. Methane Sulphonic Acid 275
22. Phosphorous Pentoxide 68.75
23. Mono Chloro Benzene 1012
24. Para Chloro Benzene Sulphonyl Chloride 2920
25. Ferric Chloride 4
26. Diphenyl Sulphone 178
27. Fuming Nitric Acid 105
28. 3,3’- Dinitro Diphenyl Sulphone 710
29. Iron Powder 580
30. Aq. Ethanol (50%) 250
31. Red Phosphorous 619
32. Para Chloro Thiophenol 251
33. Hydrogen Peroxide 30
34. Phosphoric Acid (85%) 1000
35. Thioanisole 1242
36. Acetyl Chloride 785.4
37. Aluminum Chloride 1330
38. Silicon Oil 350
39. Para - Nitro Aniline 318
40. Sodium Nitrite 159
41. Hydrochloric Acid 252
42. Thionyl Chloride 548
43. 2,4 - Dichlorobenzoic Acid 453
44. Phosphorus Trichloride 366.84
45. Phthalic Anhydride 3647
46. Methanol 4025.3
47. Diphenyl Sulphone 331
48. Potassium carbonate 103
49. N-butylamine 171
50. Para - Toluene Sulphonyl Chloride 1107
51. Dimethyl Ether 2111.4
52. Diethyl Ether 509.2
53. Ca(OH)2 487
54. L-Menthol 179.73
55. L-Lactic acid 100



Refer Appendix - E for details on manufacturing processes, processes flow charts, mass
balance for each product.



10.5.1 Water Pollution

Total water requirement after expansion for proposed project would be 1592 CMD. Out
of which 220 CMD (14 %) would be treated water from ETP whereas 1372 CMD (86 %)
would be fresh water taken from MIDC water supply scheme. Fresh water requirement for
project is met from the MIDC water supply scheme. The MIDC procures water from
Kundalika River and after treatment the same is provided to different industries in the
MIDC. Refer Appendix - F for Certificate of Merit for Water Resource Management in
Chemical Industry by Indian Chemical Council (ICC) and Appendix - G for Water
Permission Letter.
From fact presented above, it is observed that through change in product mix additional
permission is not required for fresh water under proposed expansion. Current permission for
fresh water granted in valid CTO is adequate under proposed expansion.

Effluent generated from existing manufacturing and utility operations is to the tune of 209.6
CMD which is treated in existing ETP of 300 CMD capacity comprising of Primary,
Secondary and Tertiary treatment operations. At present, the treated water from ETP,
achieving prescribed standards is discharged to Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP),
Roha. Presently, domestic wastewater is treated in septic tanks followed by soak pits. The
overflow from soak pits is used for gardening purpose.

Industrial effluent generated from spillages, leakages and floor washings from all process
plants, comes to the grit chamber through underground pipelines. Oily mater that floats on the
top is skimmed off. The effluent is then taken to the equalization tanks from where it is sent
to the neutralizer. Lime slurry is prepared in the slurry tank. Lime slurry can be fed to the
equalization tank or to the neutralizer. pH of the effluent is maintained between 7-8.
Neutralized effluent is then pumped to the primary clarifier. The clear water from the top of
the clarifier overflows into the two bio-reactors which are in series and sludge from the
bottom of primary clarifier is fed to fully automatic pneumatic filter. Filtrate from the filter is
pumped back to the primary clarifier. Water from bioreactors overflows into the secondary
clarifier. Water from the secondary clarifier is passed through tertiary filter (carbon and sand
filter) by pump. This water is pumped to the CETP through MIDC sewers sludge from the
bottom of secondary clarifier is fed to fully automatic pneumatic filter. Dry filter cake is sent
to CHWTSDF, Taloja, Mumbai for final disposal. Refer Appendix - H for Certificate of
Merit for Efficient Waste Management in Chemical Industry by Indian Chemical Council
(ICC) and Appendix - I for CHWTSDF Membership Letter.

Under expansion, the management has decided to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) by
installation of evaporators and the condensate would be recycled in industrial operations. No
any effluent would be discharged outside the premises. Moreover, for domestic waste water,
STP of 20 CMD is proposed. The treated water from STP would be used for gardening.

From fact presented above, it is observed that current ETP has the capacity to treat additional
load from expansion through change in product mix.


10.5.2 Air Pollution

 Under existing unit as well as proposed expansion main source of emissions are boiler,
thermopack and DG Sets. Major emissions are in the form of suspended particulate matter
(SPM), SOx and NOx.
 The existing boiler (5TPH capacity) is operated on Furnace oil (FO) @ 63 kg/hr with
adequate stack height of 35 m and Thermic Fluid Heater (TFH, 4 lakhs Kcal/hr capacity)
is operated on High speed diesel (HSD) @ 47 kg/hr with stack height of 30 m are
provided on site.
 DG sets of capacities 125, 830 and 1310 KVA are operated on HSD / Light diesel oil
(LDO) @ 210 kg/hr with adequate stack height of 4.20 m, 7.70 m, 7.70 m respectively
above roof level (ARL). DG sets are used only in case of power failure.
 Moreover, process emissions are in the form of acidic / alkaline / solvent vapours emitted
from existing. The same is taken care off through seven scrubbers each of 5 kg/hr
capacity. Existing scrubbers will be utilized under expansion activity.
 Existing boiler, TFH and DG sets are sufficient for proposed expansion. Boiler runs
occasionally as steam is available from Sulphuric acid plant only. (Steam generated from
Sulphuric Acid Plant : 335 MTD at 40 kg/cm2 at 4000C)

10.5.3 Noise Pollution

 Source of noise generation would be the Boiler House, Reactors, Compressors, DG Set,
Water treatment Plant, ETP etc.
 Major source of noise generation would be the Boiler house. Insulation helps in limiting
noise levels. The workers entering inside the plant are protected by earmuffs, which
would give the reduction of 30 dB (A).
 D.G. Sets shall be enclosed in a separate canopy to reduce the noise levels.
 Green belt is developed to attenuate the noise levels.

10.5.4 Solid Waste

Solid wastes generated from the existing as well as expansion activities are categorized as
Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Wastes. Details of solid waste generated / to be generated
from existing & expansion activities are given in following table -

Table 10.5 Solid Waste Details for Existing and Expansion Activities

Sr. Type of Quantity (kg/Annum)

No. Solid Waste Existing Expansion Total
1. Paper Waste 100 0 100 Sale to
2. Broken Glass 10 0 10 Authorized Party
3. HDPE Bags 100 0 100
4. Sulphur Sludge 120 MT/Annum 0 120 MT/Annum CHWTSDF, Taloja


10.5.5 Hazardous Waste

Table 10.6 Hazardous Waste Details for Existing and Expansion Activities

Quantity (kg/Day)
Type of
Hazardous Category Disposal
No. Existing Expansion Total
Solid Waste

Chemical CHWTSDF,
Sludge from Taloja / Sale
1. 35.3 833 109 942
Waste Water to Authorized
Treatment Party
Residues , Dust Membership
2. 17.1 203 0 203 No. - MWML
or Filter cakes
- HzW - ROH
4000 4000 - 313
3. Spent Catalyst 17.2 0
Lit./Annum Lit./Annum (Valid up to

Refer Appendix - I for CHWTSDF membership letter.

10.5.6 Odour Pollution

There are different odour sources in the existing set up, which include raw material & product
storage places, process operations, loading / unloading sections etc. which could give rise to
smell nuisance. To abate the odour problem, the industry has taken following steps under its
existing unit. The same practice shall be adopted under expansion.

 All the feed, loading and unloading pumps for products and raw materials are fitted with
mechanical seals instead of glands to reduce leakages through pumps.
 The products and raw materials loading and unloading area are provided with fumes
extraction system comprising of circulation pump with blower and scrubber. The bulk
storage tanks are connected to scrubber for taking care of fumes coming out from vent.
 The scrubbers are filled with plain water depending on the nature of the fumes.
 Adoption of Good Management Practices (GMPs).
 Arranging awareness and training camps for workers.
 Provision and use of PPE’s like masks by everybody associated with odour potential
prone areas.
 Installation of appropriate, adequate and efficient exhaust and ventilation system to
remove and control odour from work zone areas.


Being a chemical based industry here collection of the rainwater getting accumulated from
direct precipitation on the total roof area will take in to account.

 Roof Top harvesting area - 1756 m2

 Roof Top harvesting yield is - 5109.96 m3



The total plot area of TDMCCL is 88355 m2 (8.84 Ha). An area of 40925 m2 is the actual area
on which the industrial activities are carried out. As per MoEFCC norm 2.95 Ha area (around
4425 trees) is to be brought under green belt which accounts for 33 % of plot area. But under
existing unit only 1000 trees have been planted. Under expansion, green belt will be
augmented by 3500 No. of trees. After commissioning of the expansion the existing green
belt shall be subsequently augmented in phase wise manner. Thick plantation barrier will be
provided on the periphery of the MIDC industrial plot. Augmentation of avenue tree
plantation along all the internal and approach roads shall be done. Refer Figure 2.7 for
Photographs of Existing green belt.


Monitoring of various environmental parameters will be carried out on a regular basis to

ascertain the following -

 State of pollution within the plant and in its vicinity

 Examine the efficiency of Pollution Control Systems installed in the plant
 Generate data for predictive or corrective purpose in respect of pollution
 To assess environmental impacts

The project management will carry out the monitoring regularly and record shall be
maintained of the same. For details w.r.t. post monitoring program to be conducted; refer
Chapter - 9 (Section 9.5).


The Environment Management Plan aims at controlling pollution at source with available and
affordable technology followed by treatment measures. Under the existing unit of TDMCCL
has effectively implemented the EMP. As a part of the EMP, it is essential to formulate an
Environmental Management Cell (EMC). The TDMCCL is already having a cell functioning
under existing project. The cell works under Managing Director of the Industry and
responsible persons from certain departments have been taken as members. For more details,
the separate chapter on EMP may be referred.


The proposed of expansion of existing commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals

manufacturing unit by TDMCCL will help to elevate the economic growth at the local level
as well as national level. It will also generate the employment in the study region, thereby
improving the standard of living in the region. The proposed expansion activity would not
disturb the land use pattern in the study region of 10 km. No Rehabilitation is involved under
this project.

Driven by the rapidly growing population and increasing consumer spending, the specialty
chemicals and or commodity chemicals market in emerging economies is expected to witness
a good growth in the coming years. The growing middle-class population in these economies
and rising industrialization in the fields of food, agriculture, cosmetics and many other
manufacturing sectors are creating the demand of these chemicals in emerging economies.


BRICS countries such as China, India and Brazil especially, are witnessing increased demand
of specialty chemicals.

The proposed expansion project is further beneficial for society without hampering the
environment and thereby accomplishing the aim of sustainable development.

Chapter 11



Equinox Environments (India) Pvt. Ltd. (EEIPL) is a major company under the 'Equinox
Group'. It is one of the leading environmental consultants in the country and renders all the
environmental services, under one roof, needed by various industries. EEIPL is an ISO
9001:2015 certified organization (DNV-GL) that has been duly accredited through QCI -
NABET for the Ministry of Environment, Forest& Climate Change (MoEFCC); New Delhi
as recognized and approved ‘Environmental Consultant’ at the National Level. EEIPL
operates through its offices located in Kolhapur, Pune, New Mumbai, New Delhi, Hydrabad
and Baltimore (US). Through the organization, various services are offered that are related to
environmental engineering, pollution control & itsabatement, industrial safety, health
&hygiene. EEIPL's set up comprises of engineers, eminent scientists, chemists, technicians &
associates. Moreover, organization is having back up of a most modern laboratory
infrastructure. NABL accredited lab, also approved by Govt. of India through the MoEF;
New Delhi has received OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications from DNV GL.

The 'Equinox Group' is in the environmental business for last nineteen years and have
rendered services as well as expert consultation to a number of industries such as sugar
factories, power plants, distilleries, foundries, sponge iron & steel plants, textile industries,
bulk drug manufacturing units and chemical industries, food processing & beverage
manufacturing units, asbestos products & roofing, timber and particle board Industries etc.
Further our website may be visited for additional details regarding
our activities, achievements and list of our esteemed clients as well as our Key Personnel.

QCI Office, 6th Floor, ITPI Building, Ring Road, I.P. Estate, New Delhi
Scheme for Accreditation of EIA Consultant Organizations
Accreditation Committee Meeting for Surveillance Assessment held on
February 09, 2018

The following members were present during the meeting:

1. Dr. S.R. Wate - Chairman

2. Dr. G.K. Pandey - Member
3. Dr. S. P.Chakrabarti - Member
4. Prof. Umesh Kulshrestha - Member

Prof. B.B. Dhar, Dr. Nalini Bhat , Prof. C.P. Kaushik and Prof. G.J. Chakrapani expressed their inability to
attend the meeting.

Mr. A.K. Jha – Senior Director, Dr.S.K Mishra – Joint Director, Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh – Assisstant
Director and Ms.Meenakshi Arora – Accreditation Officer were present in the meeting.

1.0 Case for Surveillance Assessment

The following case was discussed and decisions taken as noted below.

1.1 Equinox Environments (I) Pvt. Ltd, Kolhapur

The ACO has been assessed as per Version 3 of the Scheme. Result of the 2nd Surveillance assessment
(SA) is given below :

1.1.1 Category of Approval :

ACO has scored more than 60% marks. Hence, the organization accreditation is continued with

1.1.2 Scope of Accreditation

Sector No.(MoEFCC
Sl. Cat. Notification dated Sep.
Scheme Sector Description
No. 14, 2006 and
Mining of minerals including opencast /
1 1 A 1 (a) (i)
underground mining
2 4 Thermal power plants B 1 (d)

SA- 216thAC Meeting Feb 9,2018 Page 1

3 8 Metallurgical industries both primary & secondary B 3 (a)
4 12 Asbestos milling and asbestos based products A 4 (c )
5 13 Chlor-alkali industry A 4 (d)
Pesticides industry and pesticide specific
6 17 A 5 (b)
intermediates (excluding formulations)
Petro-chemical complexes (industries based on
7 18 processing of petroleum fractions & natural gas A 5 (c)
and/or reforming to aromatics)
Petrochemical based processing (processes other
8 20 than cracking &reformation and not covered under A 5 (e)
the complexes)
Synthetic organic chemicals industry (dyes & dye
intermediates; bulk drugs and intermediates
9 21 excluding drug formulations; synthetic rubbers; A 5 (f)
basic organic chemicals, other synthetic organic
chemicals and chemical intermediates)
10 22 Distilleries A 5 (g)
11 25 Sugar Industry B 5 (j)
Common hazardous waste treatment, storage and
12 32 A 7 (d)
disposal facilities (TSDFs)
Common municipal solid waste management
13 37 B 7 (i)
facility (CMSWMF)
14 38 Building and construction projects B 8 (a)
15 39 Townships and Area development projects B 8 (b)
16 40(ii) Electro Plating and metal Processing A -
17 40(v) Food Processing A -

1.1.3 Sectors approved for EIA Coordinators (ECs)

a.Assessed as per SA norms – for ECs approved earlier:

Earlier approval status Approval status

Sl. (in RA/subsequently) (after SA)
Name Remarks
No. Sectors Sectors
Cat. Cat.
approved approved
4 B CA B
21 B CA A
1 Sangram Ghugare Upgraded to Cat. A in Sector 21.
22 A CA A
25 B CA B
2 Sulakshana Ayarekar 21 B CA A Upgraded to Cat. A in Sector 21.
32 B CA A
3 Vinay kumar Kurakula Upgraded to Cat. A in Sector 32
37 B CA B

b. Assessed as per IA norms – for new Sectors of approved ECs and fresh ECs proposed:

Sl. Functional Area

Name Cat. Remarks
No. Applied Recommended Approved

SA- 216thAC Meeting Feb 9,2018 Page 2

Speed Post
File No. Q-15018/18/20'1 5-CPW
Government of India
M in i stry ot e nvi ro n m,eif o c m ate

" ",
:l].l: r""" ra n Bh awa n,
2nd" Floor Prithvi
Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj'
New Delhi - 110 003'
Dated: 12th November, 2015'
M/s Horizon Services (Anatytical Laboratory)'
Shree K3/4, S. N.10'
Erandawane Housing SocietY'
Opposite Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital'
Pune-41 1 004, Maharashtra

as Environmental
Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune411.004' Iri'aharashira
Labo-ratory under tire Environment (Protection)
Act' 1986 - reg'

by the competent authority, it has
under Environment (protection)Act,1gg6.As approved
been decided to accord renewal of recognition
to your Environmental laboratory under
official gazette is being taken'

pollution control Board and provide quarterly monitoring reports
conducted by the central
of your lab.

Your's faithfullY,

(Dr. (Ms.) Rubab Jaffer),

DePutY Director

Goverment of India
Minister of Enviroment,Forest and Climate Change
Impact Assessment Division

Indira Paryavaran Bhavan,

Vayu Wing,3rd Floor,Aliganj,
Jor Bagh Road,New Delhi-110003
03 May 2018



Plot.No.- 105,M.I.D.C. Indl. Area, P.O. Dhatav, Taluka-Roha, District- Raigad, State-
Mumbai City-400001



This has reference to the proposal submitted in the Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change to prescribe the Terms of Reference (TOR) for undertaking detailed EIA
study for the purpose of obtaining Environmental Clearance in accordance with the provisions of
the EIA Notification, 2006. For this purpose, the proponent had submitted online information in the
prescribed format (Form-1 ) along with a Pre-feasibility Report. The details of the proposal are
given below:

1. Proposal No.: IA/MH/IND2/73219/2018

The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Company

2. Name of the Proposal:

3. Category of the Proposal: Industrial Projects - 2

4. Project/Activity applied for: 5(f) Synthetic organic chemicals industry (dyes

& dye intermediates; bulk

5. Date of submission for TOR: 27 Mar 2018

In this regard, under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 as amended, the Standard TOR
for the purpose of preparing environment impact assessment report and environment
management plan for obtaining prior environment clearance is prescribed with public consultation
as follows:



1) Executive Summary
2) Introduction
i. Details of the EIA Consultant including NABET accreditation
ii. Information about the project proponent
iii. Importance and benefits of the project
3) Project Description
i. Cost of project and time of completion.
ii. Products with capacities for the proposed project.
iii. If expansion project, details of existing products with capacities and whether adequate land
is available for expansion, reference of earlier EC if any.
iv. List of raw materials required and their source along with mode of transportation.
v. Other chemicals and materials required with quantities and storage capacities
vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous waste generation and their management.
vii. Requirement of water, power, with source of supply, status of approval, water balance diagram,
man-power requirement (regular and contract)
viii. Process description along with major equipments and machineries, process flow sheet
(quantative) from raw material to products to be provided
ix. Hazard identification and details of proposed safety systems.
x. Expansion/modernization proposals:
c. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including Amendments thereto obtained for
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the
latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated
in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In


addition, status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing Iexisting operation
of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA-EMP report.
d. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental clearance, reasons for not
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification
2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
Consent to Operate (in case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and
CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance
report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted.
4) Site Details
i. Location of the project site covering village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, Justification
for selecting the site, whether other sites were considered.
ii. A toposheet of the study area of radius of 10km and site location on 1:50,000/1:25,000 scale
on an A3/A2 sheet. (including all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive places)
iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for selection of site
iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of the site.
v. Google map-Earth downloaded of the project site.
vi. Layout maps indicating existing unit as well as proposed unit indicating storage area, plant
area, greenbelt area, utilities etc. If located within an Industrial area/Estate/Complex, layout
of Industrial Area indicating location of unit within the Industrial area/Estate.
vii. Photographs of the proposed and existing (if applicable) plant site. If existing, show
photographs of plantation/greenbelt, in particular.
viii. Landuse break-up of total land of the project site (identified and acquired), government/
private - agricultural, forest, wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc shall be included. (not
required for industrial area)
ix. A list of major industries with name and type within study area (10km radius) shall be
incorporated. Land use details of the study area
x. Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area shall be included.
xi. Details of Drainage of the project upto 5km radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km
radius of any major river, peak and lean season river discharge as well as flood occurrence
frequency based on peak rainfall data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood Level of the
project site and maximum Flood Level of the river shall also be provided. (mega green field
xii. Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is not complete, stage of the acquisition process
and expected time of complete possession of the land.
xiii. R&R details in respect of land in line with state Government policy.


5) Forest and wildlife related issues (if applicable):

i. Permission and approval for the use of forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and
recommendations of the State Forest Department. (if applicable)
ii. Landuse map based on High resolution satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site delineating
the forestland (in case of projects involving forest land more than 40 ha)
iii. Status of Application submitted for obtaining the stage I forestry clearance along with latest
status shall be submitted.
iv. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves,
Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly
authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-à-vis the project location
and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden-thereon.
v. Wildlife Conservation Plan duly authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State
Government for conservation of Schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study area.
vi. Copy of application submitted for clearance under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to the
Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife.
6) Environmental Status
i. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and site-specific micro-
meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction
and rainfall.
ii. AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO and other
parameters relevant to the project shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall be based
CPCB guidelines and take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone
and sensitive receptors including reserved forests.
iii. Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 weeks of all stations as per frequency given in the
NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009 along with - min., max., average and 98% values for
each of the AAQ parameters from data of all AAQ stations should be provided as an annexure
to the EIA Report.
iv. Surface water quality of nearby River (100m upstream and downstream of discharge point)
and other surface drains at eight locations as per CPCB/MoEF&CC guidelines.
v. Whether the site falls near to polluted stretch of river identified by the CPCB/MoEF&CC, if
yes give details.
vi. Ground water monitoring at minimum at 8 locations shall be included.
vii. Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within the study area.
viii. Soil Characteristic as per CPCB guidelines.
ix. Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials,
additional traffic due to proposed project, parking arrangement etc.


x. Detailed description of flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study area
shall be given with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species. If Schedule-
I fauna are found within the study area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be prepared and
xi. Socio-economic status of the study area.
7) Impact and Environment Management Plan
i. Assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on
site-specific meteorological features. In case the project is located on a hilly terrain, the
AQIP Modelling shall be done using inputs of the specific terrain characteristics for
determining the potential impacts of the project on the AAQ. Cumulative impact of all sources
of emissions (including transportation) on the AAQ of the area shall be assessed. Details of
the model used and the input data used for modelling shall also be provided. The air quality
contours shall be plotted on a location map showing the location of project site, habitation
nearby, sensitive receptors, if any.
ii. Water Quality modelling - in case of discharge in water body
iii. Impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment
hall be assessed and provided. In this regard, options for transport of raw materials and
finished products and wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum road transport or conveyor-
cum-rail transport shall be examined.
iv. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plant operations, extent recycled and reused
for different purposes shall be included. Complete scheme of effluent treatment. Characteristics
of untreated and treated effluent to meet the prescribed standards of discharge under E(P)
v. Details of stack emission and action plan for control of emissions to meet standards.
vi. Measures for fugitive emission control
vii. Details of hazardous waste generation and their storage, utilization and management. Copies
of MOU regarding utilization of solid and hazardous waste in cement plant shall also be
included. EMP shall include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
viii. Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed
plan of action shall be provided.
ix. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than
1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of species, width of plantation, planning schedule etc. shall
be included. The green belt shall be around the project boundary and a scheme for greening
of the roads used for the project shall also be incorporated.
x. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be submitted to harvest
rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water and also to


use for the various activities at the project site to conserve fresh water and reduce the water
requirement from other sources.
xi. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures
shall be included.
xii. Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring shall be submitted.
xiii. Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency Management
Plan including Risk Assessment and damage control. Disaster management plan should be
linked with District Disaster Management Plan.
8) Occupational health
i. Plan and fund allocation to ensure the occupational health & safety of all contract and casual
ii. Details of exposure specific health status evaluation of worker. If the workers' health is being
evaluated by pre designed format, chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision testing (Far
& Near vision, colour vision and any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre placement and
periodical examinations give the details of the same. Details regarding last month analyzed
data of above mentioned parameters as per age, sex, duration of exposure and department
iii. Details of existing Occupational & Safety Hazards. What are the exposure levels of hazards
and whether they are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). If these are not within PEL,
what measures the company has adopted to keep them within PEL so that health of the workers
can be preserved,
iv. Annual report of heath status of workers with special reference to Occupational Health and
9) Corporate Environment Policy
i. Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by its Board of
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.
ii. Does the Environment Policy prescribe for standard operating process / procedures to bring
into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms /
conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA.
iii. What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the company to deal with the
environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the environmental clearance
conditions? Details of this system may be given.
iv. Does the company have system of reporting of non compliances / violations of environmental
norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at
large? This reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the EIA report


10) Details regarding infrastructure facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be provided to the
labour force during construction as well as to the casual workers including truck drivers during
operation phase.
11) Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
i. Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Enterprise
Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time
bound action plan shall be included. Socio-economic development activities need to be
elaborated upon.
12) Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law
against the project, if so, details thereof shall also be included. Has the unit received any notice
under the Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water
Acts? If so, details thereof and compliance/ATR to the notice(s) and present status of the case.
13) 'A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TOR.


1. Detailsonsolvents to be used,measuresfor solventrecovery and for emissions control.
2. Details of process emissions from the proposed unit and its arrangement to control.
3. Ambient air quality data should include VOC, otherprocess-specificpollutants* like NH3*, chlorine*,
HCl*, HBr*, H2S*, HF*,etc.,(*-asapplicable)
4. Work zone monitoring arrangements for hazardous chemicals.
5. Detailed effluent treatment scheme including ssegregation of effluent streams for units adopting
'Zero' liquid discharge.
6. Action plan for odour control to be submitted.
7. A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with cement manufacturers indicating clearly
that they co-process organic solid/hazardous waste generated.
8. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and solid/hazardous waste in
TSDF, if any.
9. Action plan for utilization of MEE/dryers salts.
10. Material Safety Data Sheet for all the Chemicals are being used/will be used.
11. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of solid/hazardous waste in TSDF.


12. Details of incinerator if to be installed.

13. Risk assessment for storage and handling of hazardous chemicals/solvents. Action plan for handling
& safety system to be incorporated.
14. Arrangements for ensuring health and safety of workers engaged in handling of toxic materials.



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