ReEdDL4C0 Lesson 7 The Catholic Social Teaching
ReEdDL4C0 Lesson 7 The Catholic Social Teaching
ReEdDL4C0 Lesson 7 The Catholic Social Teaching
Lesson 7
Genie U. Pedrosa, MaEd
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, That
my thoughts may all be holy. Act
in me, O Holy Spirit, That my
work, too, may be holy. Draw my
heart, O Holy Spirit, That I love but
what is holy. Strengthen me, O
Holy Spirit, To defend all that is
holy. Guard me, then, O Holy
Spirit, That I always may be holy.
Matthew 25: 31 - 46
“When we speak of mankind, we must never forget the various attacks on the sacredness of human life. The
plague of abortion is an attack on life. Dying on the job because the minimum safety standards are not respected
is an attack on life. Death from malnutrition is an attack on life. Terrorism, war, violence; so is euthanasia.
Loving life means always taking care of the other, wanting the best for him, cultivating and respecting her
transcendent dignity. — Pope Francis, Address to Meeting of the Science and Life Association, 2015
“Local individuals and groups can make a real difference. They are able to instill a
greater sense of responsibility, a strong sense of community, a readiness to protect
others, a spirit of creativity and a deep love for the land…. Social problems must be
addressed by community networks and not simply by the sum of individual good deeds.” —
Pope Francis, On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si’, 2015), nos. 179, 219
UPHOLD marriage
UPHOLD family
UPHOLD local communities
UPHOLD the common good
Genie U. Pedrosa, MaEd
(Life, Marriage And Family)
Illustration Board, Coloring
and Writing Materials, Pentel
Documented acts of
kindness within the
University or outside
through photos.
Prepare power point
Genie U. Pedrosa, MaEd
Lord God, Master of the Vineyard, how wonderful
that You have invited us who labor by the sweat of
our brow to be workers in the vineyard and assist
Your work to shape the world around us.
As we seek to respond to this call, make us attentive
to those who seek work but cannot find it.
Help us listen to the struggles of those who work
hard to provide for their families but still have
trouble making ends meet.
Open our eyes to the struggles of
those exploited and help us speak for
just wages and safe conditions, the
freedom to organize, and time for
renewal. For work was made for
humankind and not humankind for
work. Let it not be a vehicle for
exploitation but a radiant expression
of our human dignity.
Give all who labor listening hearts
that we may pause from our work to
receive your gift of rest.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that You
might work through us to let Your
justice reign.
Genie U. Pedrosa, MaEd