Yesterday, Meet Tomorrow

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Tecnam P2002JF

Yesterday, meet tomorrow

A long-time PA-28 pilot comes face to face with a new kid on the block. By John Pett
Photos by Dawn Couch

t’s not often that one is given the aircraft ready for flight. John had actually like a real aeroplane. The panel is

I opportunity to fly a new aircraft and

asked to write up your comments on
it, but I was the fortunate recipient of
collected it from Italy not long before and
flown it back VFR. The aircraft is built in
Italy by Tecnam, who have been building
straightforward with minimal radios and
a fitted GPS. The walk-around was, as
with every aircraft, done with the check-
just such a request. I have been flying a aircraft since 1948. Predictably, this list in hand, with no feature specially
Piper Warrior for the past 15 years and aeroplane is known as the P2002JF (F requiring attention. Pulling it out of the
of course have got very used to its for fixed-gear) since it went into hanger is simplicity itself as it is much
handling, both the positives and the production in 2002. lighter than the Warrior, which can be
negatives, and indeed I have not flown The first glimpse is quite a surprise (for difficult for one person to extricate from
another type of aircraft in the meantime. those who are only used to a Warrior) as the corner of a hangar. It weighs in at
So whatever I thought of the aircraft, the it has a “bendy” undercarriage, and the only 390 kgs basic as opposed to the
experience would be something to savour. only words to describe it are Warrior’s 610 kgs and its wingspan is
I drove us from Dorset to Airways Flying ‘streamlined’ and ‘sexy’. It is marketed as only slightly shorter (8.6 metres as
Club at Booker in heavy rain, and it was a trainer directly opposite the Cessna opposed to 9.2 metres).
not until early afternoon that the weather 152/162 and certainly looks ready for The aeroplane has no doors as such,
cleared. Accompanied by the very tall the 21st century. It is made only a large sliding canopy which can be
and well-experienced CFI, John Hartill, I predominantly of aluminium and, with a opened on a hot day. Tthis could be an
went over to the hangar to get the control column instead of a yoke, it feels advantage in a barbecue summer (though

26 General Aviation October 2011

a bit drafty if fully open). The plane I was one control missing. There is no mixture trim buttons also conveniently positioned
flying had an attachment to restrict the control at all. When starting one uses the on top of the column, the trim indicator
canopy opening to about 10 cms to choke – the same as starting a petrol- being on the instrument panel. Applying
provide simple air-conditioning. Unlike driven lawnmower. The engine fired up full power, with plenty of rudder, we took
the Warrior, with only the one door, first time and we taxied to the pumps to off at 60 knots. The maximum crosswind
entrance is from either side. However I put 100LL into both tanks (although component is 21 knots, but if the wind is
must say it was not too easy to get in the mogas is of course accepted and indeed from the left you will need a lot of rudder
first time, until you master the knack of it expected in a Rotax). Having refuelled, it to keep the plane on the centreline. Even
– it is not for those of creaky joints or was time to taxi and do the normal with quite a load of fuel on board, the
who may suffer from stiffness. Once checks after which we backtracked and take-off run was very short.
inside, one enjoys comfortable – even turned at the end of the runway. Immediately one notices that the view
spacious – seating with a full harness Interestingly, the brakes are quite high up from the cockpit whilst climbing out was
(rather than just the lap and shoulder on the pedal bar, so you cannot taxi with superb – climbing out at 500 feet plus
strap on the Warrior). Indeed the cabin is the brake-pads being worn out quickly as per minute you would hardly know you
112 cms wide. you can in the Warrior. We were then were climbing at all because the view
With the 100HP Rotax, engine starting cleared for take-off. The R/T button is ahead was so good. Steep turns are
is quite straightforward. However, when very conveniently positioned at the front easily executed, with no increase in rpm
looking at the throttle quadrant, there is of the control column, with the elevator required as you tighten the turn. Indeed I

General Aviation October 2011 27

hardly touched the throttle during the reading on the dip-stick and this involves there is a 115hp turbo version available.
whole flight except when turning finals to turning the propeller. Not a complicated From a price perspective, the current
reduce the speed to 50 knots prior to procedure and it does give you a bit of price for the well equipped 100hp model
landing. exercise! Being a pressurised system you hovers around the £90,000 mark,
We climbed to 4,000 feet above the do need to check for oil leaks that would depending on exchange rates, and is a
airfield and prepared for the stall: the indicate a potential problem. The Rotax definite challenger to the Cessna 162
stalling speed with full flap is a very low engine stops almost immediately- which Skycatcher.
39 knots. Unfortunately, being used to is unnerving to the older pilot – If I had to learn to fly again – and
the Warrior, I was expecting the benign windmilling is not an option. The engine bearing in mind that the modern
stall that is a characteristic of the Piper itself runs around 5000 rpm but the generation is brought up on computer
series and, because it so reluctant to propeller is geared down to around the games and anything over five years old is
stall, one becomes blasé about the usual 2000+ rpm. considered totally outdated – I could well
manoeuvre. However this aircraft stalls For those that want a little extra zip, see myself choosing to fly this kind of
quite sharply and you have to recover
quickly – an ideal characteristic for a
trainer. I must confess that John took the
controls during the standard recovery.
Returning to the field, flaps were
applied as normal (though these are
electric) on downwind and the landing
was straightforward – again with superb
visibility. I found it surprisingly easy to
transition from the Warrior to the Tecnam
2002JF, and to having a control column
rather than a yoke.
On landing and taxiing back to the
hangar we discussed the performance of
the aircraft. As a private owner, what
would be the appeal? Firstly the
endurance is about three hours with two
average-weight folk and 15 kilos of
baggage in the back. Cruising at just over
100 knots, places like La Rochelle would
be an easy run. The visibility is
outstanding and those professionals who
have flown it all say that it ‘feels’ like a
real plane.
Engine oil quantity is a frugal three
litres and being a modern engine, oil
consumption is negligible. It has a
pressurised crankcase dry
sump oil system with oil
being stored in an external tank.
You need to “blow back” any
residual oil from the crankcase into
the oil tank to get an accurate quantity

28 General Aviation October 2011

modern plane as opposed to the older does have the advantage of being able to
Cessnas or Pipers. It will have a place in run on mogas if required.
the modern flying school, though I would As an ab initio trainer, it is nice to see
still say that you have to be quite athletic a comparatively new entrant into the
to get in and out of the plane: but once market place and I am sure it will be
settled in the cockpit it is really a joy to successful. Some ultra-modernists might
fly and while it does feel like the next feel that it ought to have an all glass
generation of training aircraft, it would be cockpit. I I would disagree – you need to
equally at home as a light tourer for a learn to fly using the basic instruments
couple who just enjoy visiting France as currently manufactured and then after
from time to time, or exploring the UK. It ‘graduation’ you can easily transfer to the
will certainly turn a few heads on Cirruses of this world. However if you do
landing. Although it is not aerobatic, it need to have one with an all singing and
dancing instrument panel, it can be yours
for an additional £30,000.
Overall, a most enjoyable experience,
and to fly a new aircraft which has that
tight and responsive feel to it gives one
an adrenalin rush. My sincere thanks go
to Airways Flying Club for allowing me
the opportunity of flying their new
aircraft. I

From the top: the panel is clean and

uncluttered, and definitely not glass
Engine instruments occupy the right side of
the panel
Entrance is from either side. However, it is not
for those of creaky joints or who may suffer
from stiffness
A glass cockpit is available for an extra
From the far left: neat little 100 hp Rotax
prefers mogas but must use avgas for training
The rain cleared by afternoon to allow us to
flight-test the aircraft
The Tecnam 2002JF – ‘streamlined and sexy’,
unlike the name

General Aviation October 2011 29

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