Course Syllabus - 106 - A - Fall - 2023

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Course Syllabus

1 Course Title Physics Laboratory

2 Course Code PHY 2106 / PHY 106

3 Trimester and Fall, 2023

4 Pre-requisites Fundamental Physics
5 Credit Hours 1
6 Section A
7 Class Hours Saturday (8:30 am- 11:00 am)
8 Class Room Room # Physics LAB I (Room-509)
9 Course website
10 Instructor’s Name Md. Asaduzzaman (Man)
11 Email
12 Office 619, Please call on 01912367977, if necessary.
13 Counselling Hours Saturday (11.10 am-12.30 pm, 2.10 pm-3.10 pm), Sunday (11.15 am-1.05
pm, 1.35 pm-4.25 pm), Tuesday (11.10 am-12.30 pm, 2.10 pm-3.10 pm),
Wednesday (11.15 am-1.05 pm, 1.35 pm-4.25 pm), Approximate
14 Text Book 1. PRACTICAL PHYSICS by Dr. Giasuddin Ahmad
15 Reference 1. A Textbook of Practical Physics by Dr. Samir Kumar Ghosh.
2. Practical Physics by R. K. Shukla and Anchal Srivastava.
16 Course Contents
(approved by UGC)
17 Course COs Description
Outcomes (COs) CO1 Measure the radius of curvature and focal length, time period of a
bar pendulum, radii of newton’s ring, length of loops at resonance,
time period of spring mass-system, radius of oscillatory bar and
time period, moment of inertia of suspended cylinder, period of
torsional oscillation, radius of capillary tube, height of water
meniscus, Draw T vs D, D2 vs No. of ring, l vs m, T2 vs m, I vs V, I
vs RT graph.
CO2 Observe SHM, torsional oscillation, resonance, capillary action,
CO3 Compute refractive index, acceleration due to gravity, radius of
curvature of plano-convex lense, frequency of tuning fork, spring
constant and effective mass of a spring, Young’s modulus of steel,
Rigidity Modulus of steel, Voltage drop and Current in KVL-KCL,
Resistance from Ohm’s law.

18 Simulation Not applicable. If applicable, then website based simulator is used. Two
Methods websites are followed here: 1.
19 Teaching Methods Lecture, Case Studies, Project Developments.
20 CO with CO Assessment Method (%)
Assessment - Attendance 10%
Methods 1,2,3 Class Performance 10%
1,3 Report/Viva 20%
1,3 Presentation (on Project)/Quiz 15%
1,3 Mid Term 25%
1,2,3 Final Exam 20%

21 Mapping of COs and Program outcomes

Program Outcomes(POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 Yes
CO2 Yes Yes
CO3 Yes

22 Lab Outline

Class Topics/Assignments COs Lab Outcomes/Activities

i. Making groups with a suitable number
of students. ii. Introduce with the
different instruments of the laboratory
Lab 0 room. iii. Announce about the safety of 1,2,3 Lecture, Q/A
the Lab. iv. Making details and
discussions about the rules and
regulations of the practical lab.
Determination of the refractive index of
Lecture, Q/A, Team work,
Lab1 a liquid by plane mirror and pin method 1,3
Problem solving
using a convex lens.
Lecture, Q/A, Team work,
Determination of the value of the Assignment, Problem
Acceleration due to Gravity (g) with the
Lab2 1,2,3 solving, Instant class
help of a compound (bar) pendulum.
assessment, Graph
checking, Oral presentation
Experiment-1 & Experiment-2 1,2,3 Quiz-1
(Experiment review)

Lecture, Q/A, Team work,

Determination of the frequency of a
Lab3 1,2,3 Assignment, Problem
tuning fork by Melde’s apparatus.
solving, Graph checking

Determination of the spring constant and Lecture, Q/A, Team work,

Lab4 1,2,3
effective mass of a given spiral spring. Assignment, Problem
solving, Oral presentation

Mid Viva
Experiment-1 Experiment-2 1,2,3,
(Experiment review 1-4
Experiment-3 Experiment-4 4
with oral questions)
Lecture, Q/A, Mathematical
Verification of Ohm’s law by measuring Problem Solving, Team
Lab5 1,2,3
resistance in series and parallel circuits. work, Assignment, Graph
Lecture, Q/A,
Mathematical Problem
Lab6 Verification of Kirchhoff’s voltage and 1,3 Solving, Team work,
current law.
Assignment, Data
Experiment-5 & Experiment-6 1,2,3
(Experiment review)
Determination of dielectric constant of Lecture, Mathematical
Lab7 1,2,3 Problem Solving, Team
materials using parallel plate capacitor.
work, Assignment
Lecture, Q/A,
Determination of stored energy of
Mathematicl Problem
capacitors by constructing the 1,2,
Lab8 Solving, Team work,
combination of series and parallel 3
Assignment, Data
Final Written Exam
Experiment-5 Experiment-6 (Experiment review 5-8
Experiment-7 Experiment-8 with discussions questions
and others)
Final Exam Final Final

Appendix 1: Assessment Methods

Assessment Types Marks

Attendance 10%
Class Performance 10%
Lab Report 20%
Presentation (on Project)/Quiz 15%
Mid Term (Viva Voce) 25%
Final Exam 20%
Appendix 2: Grading Policy

Letter Grade Marks % Grade Point Letter Grade Marks% Grade Point
A (Plain) 90-100 4.00 C+ (Plus) 70-73 2.33
A- (Minus) 86-89 3.67 C (Plain) 66-69 2.00
B+ (Plus) 82-85 3.33 C- (Minus) 62-65 1.67
B (Plain) 78-81 3.00 D+ (Plus) 58-61 1.33
B- (Minus) 74-77 2.67 D (Plain) 55-57 1.00
F (Fail) <55 0.00

Appendix-3: Program outcomes

POs Program Outcomes

PO1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
PO2 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
PO3 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
PO4 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
PO5 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
PO6 The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
PO7 A knowledge of contemporary issues
PO8 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
PO9 An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
PO10 An ability to communicate effectively
PO11 Project Management and Finance
PO12 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

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