Salt Analysis I - Lead Acetate - (Ch3coo) 2pb
Salt Analysis I - Lead Acetate - (Ch3coo) 2pb
Salt Analysis I - Lead Acetate - (Ch3coo) 2pb
2. Potassium
ferrocyanide test:
To the original salt White precipitate is Presence of Zinc
solution in the test obtained. (Zn2+) is confirmed
tube potassium
ferrocyanide solution
is added.
1. The acid radical present in the given salt is Sulphate (SO42-)
2. The basic radical present in the given salt is Zinc (Zn2+).
3. The given salt is Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4)
SALT ANALYSIS → 4 Barium chloride (BaCl2)
1. COLOUR Shows the absence of
Colour of the given salt is Colourless Cu2+,Fe2+.Fe3+,Ni2+,
noted. Mn2+, Co2+
Smell of the given salt is No characteristic odour Shows the absence of
noted. NH4+, CH3COO- and S2-
3. Dry heating test:-
Small amount of the salt Hydrogen chloride gas is Shows the presence of
is taken in a dry test and evolved with pungent Cl-
heated. On heating some smell and gives white
salts undergo dense fumes with the rod
decomposition and dipped in ammonia
evolve gases with solution.
characteristic colour and
4.Cobalt nitrate test:-
A filter paper is soaked No characteristic colored Shows the absence of
into the solution of residue. Zn2+, Al3+ and Mg2+
salt,cobalt nitrate and
conc.Nitric acid in a test
tube and burnt in the non
luminous part of the
5.Flame test:-
Small amount of the salt Persistent grassy - green Shows the presence of
is taken in a watch glass colour flame Barium (Ba2+)
and made into paste with (appearing after
conc.Hydrochloric acid prolonged heating)
then introduced into the
non luminous part of the
flame with the help of a
glass stirrer.
Identification of acid radicals
6.Dilute sulphuric acid
test:- No characteristic gas is Shows the absence of
Small amount of the salt evolved. CO32-,SO32-,NO2- and S2-
is taken in a dry test and
dilute sulphuric acid is
7. Concentrated
sulphuric acid test:- Hydrogen chloride gas is Shows the presence of
Small quantity of salt with evolved with a pungent Cl-
conc. sulphuric acid is smell and gives white
taken in a test tube. The dense fumes with the rod
gas evolved in cold and dipped in ammonia
then on heating is solution.
2. Flame test:
Small amount of the salt Persistent grassy - green
is taken in a watch glass colour flame Presence of Barium
and made into paste with (appearing after
conc.Hydrochloric acid prolonged heating)
(Ba2+) is confirmed.
then introduced into the
non luminous part of the
flame with the help of a
glass stirrer.
1. The acid radical present in the given salt is Chloride (Cl-)
2. The basic radical present in the given salt is Barium (Ba2+).
3. The given salt is Barium chloride (BaCl2)
SALT ANALYSIS → 5 Calcium chloride (CaCl2)
1. COLOUR Shows the absence of
Colour of the given salt is Colourless Cu2+,Fe2+.Fe3+,Ni2+,
noted. Mn2+, Co2+
Smell of the given salt is No characteristic odour Shows the absence of
noted. NH4+, CH3COO- and S2-
3. Dry heating test:-
Small amount of the salt Hydrogen chloride gas is Shows the presence of
is taken in a dry test and evolved with pungent Cl-
heated. On heating some smell and gives white
salts undergo dense fumes with the rod
decomposition and dipped in ammonia
evolve gases with solution.
characteristic colour and
4.Cobalt nitrate test:-
A filter paper is soaked No characteristic colored Shows the absence of
into the solution of residue. Zn2+, Al3+ and Mg2+
salt,cobalt nitrate and
conc.Nitric acid in a test
tube and burnt in the non
luminous part of the
5.Flame test:-
Small amount of the salt Brick red colour flame Shows the presence of
is taken in a watch glass (Not-persistent) Calcium (Ca2+)
and made into paste with
conc.Hydrochloric acid
then introduced into the
non luminous part of the
flame with the help of a
glass stirrer.
Identification of acid radicals
6.Dilute sulphuric acid
test:- No characteristic gas is Shows the absence of
Small amount of the salt evolved. CO32-,SO32-,NO2- and S2-
is taken in a dry test and
dilute sulphuric acid is
7. Concentrated
sulphuric acid test:-
Small quantity of salt with Hydrogen chloride gas is Shows the presence of
conc. sulphuric acid is evolved with pungent Cl-
taken in a test tube. The smell and gives white
gas evolved in cold and dense fumes with the rod
then on heating is dipped in ammonia
identified. solution.
2. Magneson test:
To the original salt Bluish green Presence of
solution in the test precipitate is formed. Magnesium (Mg2+) is
tube magneson confirmed.
reagent is added.
1. The acid radical present in the given salt is Sulphate (SO42-)
2. The basic radical present in the given salt is Magnesium (Mg2+).
3. The given salt is Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4)
SALT ANALYSIS → 7 Ammonium phosphate (NH4)3PO4
1. COLOUR Shows the absence of
Colour of the given salt is Colourless Cu2+,Fe2+.Fe3+,Ni2+,
noted. Mn2+, Co2+
Smell of the given salt is Ammoniacal smell Shows the presence of
noted. NH4+.
3. Dry heating test:-
Small amount of the salt Ammonia gas is evolved Shows the presence of
is taken in a dry test and with characteristic odour NH4+
heated. On heating some and gives white dense
salts undergo fumes with rod dipped in
decomposition and dil.HCl brought near the
evolve gases with mouth of the test tube
characteristic colour and
4.Cobalt nitrate test:- n
A filter paper is soaked Shows the absence of
into the solution of No characteristic colored Zn2+, Al3+ and Mg2+
salt,cobalt nitrate and residue.
conc.Nitric acid in a test
tube and burnt in the non
luminous part of the
5.Flame test:-
Small amount of the salt Shows the absence of
is taken in a watch glass No characteristic Ca2+, Ba2+ , Cu2+, Sr2+ ,
and made into paste with coloured flame. Pb2+ ,, and Zn2+
conc.Hydrochloric acid
then introduced into the
non luminous part of the
flame with the help of a
glass stirrer.
Identification of acid radicals
6.Dilute sulphuric acid
Small amount of the salt No characteristic gas is Shows the absence of
is taken in a dry test and evolved. CO32-,SO32-,NO2- and S2-
dilute sulphuric acid is
7. Concentrated
sulphuric acid test:-
Small quantity of salt with No characteristic gas is Shows the absence
conc. sulphuric acid is evolved. Cl-,Br-, I-,NO3- and
taken in a test tube. The CH3COO-
gas evolved in cold and
then on heating is
Confirmation of acid radicals
Preparation of sodium carbonate extract (SCE):-
A pinch of salt is mixed with double the amount of sodium carbonate
and is boiled with distilled water for sometime. The suspension
obtained is filtered.The filtrate is called sodium carbonate extract.
Confirmation of Phosphate (PO43- )
molybdate test:
To the aqueous Yellow precipitate is Presence of
solution of the salt or obtained. phosphate(PO43-) is
sodium carbonate confirmed.
extract in a test tube
conc.Nitric acid is
added and boiled. To
this ammonium
molybdate is added
in excess and again
2. Magnesia mixture
To the aqueous White precipitate is Presence of
solution of the salt or obtained. phosphate(PO43-) is
sodium carbonate confirmed.
extract in a test tube
magnesia mixture is
Identification of basic radicals
Preparation of original solution:-
Small amount of the salt is taken in a test tube and distilled water is
added. Shaken well . The clear salt solution is called the original
Analysis of group zero (NH4+)
The solid salt is 1.Characteristic Presence of group
heated with a ammoniacal smell. zero (NH4+)
concentrated solution 2. The gas gives
of sodium hydroxide. white fumes when a
glass rod dipped in
dil. HCl is brought
near the mouth of the
test tube.
3. When the gas is
passed through
Nessler’s reagent, it
gives brown
Analysis of group I
To the original salt No white precipitate Absence of group I
solution in a test tube is obtained. (Pb2+)
dil.Hydrochloric acid
is added.
Analysis of group II
To the original solution No characteristic Absence of group II
in a test tube,H2S gas precipitate is (Cu2+ , As2+)
is passed in the obtained.
presence of dil. HCl.
Analysis of group I
To the original salt No white precipitate Absence of group I
solution in a test tube is obtained. (Pb2+)
dil.Hydrochloric acid
is added.
Analysis of group II
To the original solution No characteristic Absence of group II
in a test tube,H2S gas precipitate is (Cu2+ , As2+)
is passed in the obtained.
presence of dil. HCl.
Analysis of group I
To the original salt white precipitate is Presence of group I
solution in a test tube obtained. (Pb2+)
dil.Hydrochloric acid
is added.
1.Potassium Iodide
To the original salt Yellow precipitate is Presence of lead
solution in a test tube formed which (Pb2+) is confirmed.
Potassium iodide dissolves in boiling
solution is added. water and on cooling
2. Potassium recrystallises.
chromate test:-
Yellow precipitate is Presence of lead
To the original salt
formed which (Pb2+) is confirmed
solution in a test tube
dissolves in sodium
Potassium chromate
hydroxide solution.
solution is added.
1. The acid radical present in the given salt is Nitrate (NO3-)
2. The basic radical present in the given salt is Lead (Pb2+).
3. The given salt is Lead Nitrate (Pb(NO3)2)