LLM - Michael R Douglas
LLM - Michael R Douglas
LLM - Michael R Douglas
Michael R. Douglas
CMSA, Harvard University
arXiv:2307.05782v2 [cs.CL] 6 Oct 2023
Artificial intelligence is making spectacular progress, and one of the
best examples is the development of large language models (LLMs) such
as OpenAI’s GPT series. In these lectures, written for readers with a
background in mathematics or physics, we give a brief history and survey
of the state of the art, and describe the underlying transformer architec-
ture in detail. We then explore some current ideas on how LLMs work
and how models trained to predict the next word in a text are able to
perform other tasks displaying intelligence.
1 Introduction
At the end of November 2022, OpenAI released a system called ChatGPT which
interacts with its users in natural language. It can answer questions, engage in
dialogs, translate between languages and write computer code with a fluency
and ability far exceeding all previous publicly available systems. Although it
falls well short of human abilities in many ways, still the large language model
technology of which it is an example is widely considered to be a major advance
in artificial intelligence.1
Few developments in science and technology entered the popular conscious-
ness as quickly as ChatGPT. There is no mystery about why. The ability to use
language is a defining property of humanity, and for the first time a computer
is doing this well enough to make a comparison with humans interesting. All
of the hopes and fears which have developed around AI, robots and technology
more generally are being brought into the discussion. In my opinion this is
justified; the speed of recent progress makes it urgent to better understand AI,
to forecast its capabilities and limitations, and to make wise decisions about
its development and use. With great opportunities will come great challenges,
which will concern all of us.
In these lecture notes we give an introduction to this subject for mathe-
maticians, physicists, and other scientists and readers who are mathematically
knowledgeable but not necessarily expert in machine learning or artificial intel-
ligence. We begin with a very brief overview of AI in §2 to explain some ideas
we consider to be essential context, the basic principles of the symbolic and
connectionist approaches. In §3 we define statistical language models and relate
the history of transformer-based LLMs up through GPT-4. In §4 we discuss
measures of what LLMs do and how well they do it. We then give a precise
explanation of simpler language models in §5 and the transformer architecture
in §6.
It is amazing that a model defined by a few short equations, trained to go
through a text and simply predict each next word as it appears – a task which
seems only loosely related to any definition of intelligence – can do tasks which
“obviously” require intelligence, such as solving word problems like the one in
Figure 1 below. At present nobody really understands how this works. Even
the interpretation of what LLMs are doing is controversial, ranging from the
belief that they are “simply” rearranging the sentences they were trained on,
all the way to the belief that the LLMs are learning sophisticated models of
the world and that “simply” scaling up the computations will produce artificial
general intelligence. Any forecast for progress must take into account the current
models’ shortcomings – lack of long term memory and ability to plan, tendency
to make up facts and “hallucinate,” unreliability in logical reasoning, etc.. Do
these problems have technical solutions which will also look simple once we have
them? Or are they more significant barriers?
Most current work on LLMs takes an engineering and problem solving per-
1A few of the many other milestones in LLM development are [22, 32, 39, 113, 114].
Question: Assume that the variance of the first n natural numbers is 10, and
the variance of the first m even natural numbers is 16. Compute m + n.
Model output: Let σ 2 be the variance of the first m even natural numbers,
and τ 2 be the variance of the first n natural numbers. Then, we have τ 2 = n 12−1
and σ 2 = m 3−1 . We solve the system of equations:
n2 − 1
= 10
m −1
= 16.
This translates into the system
n2 = 121
m2 = 48 + 1 = 49.
Therefore, n = 11 and m = 7 , so n + m = 18 .
spective, but there are many interesting works which focus more on understand-
ing how LLMs work. One would think this should be far easier than understand-
ing how human brains work, as we have full knowledge of an LLM’s microscopic
workings and can do a wide variety of experiments on it.2 These efforts are in
their early days, but in §7 we survey current approaches to understanding how
LLMs do what they do. We conclude in §8 with more general discussion, some
questions and potentially important developments to watch for.3
Before we start, let me say a little about my own background. I was trained
as a theoretical physicist and most of my contributions to science are in string
theory and its interface with mathematics, but I have followed AI fairly closely
since the 80’s and in detail since 2016. In addition I spent eight years in quan-
titative finance where I gained a good deal of “hands-on” experience with ma-
chine learning. I have given many lectures telling computer scientists about
physics and physicists about computational topics, and benefited from conver-
sations with many people – more than I can name here, but let me thank
Gerald Jay Sussman, David McAllester, Yann LeCun, Sanjeev Arora, Surya
Ganguli, Jeremy Avigad, Vijay Balasubramanian, Dmitri Chklovskii, David
Donoho, Steve Skiena, Christian Szegedy, Misha Tsodyks, Tony Wu and the
2 At least, this was the case before March 2023. Currently the weights and even the de-
sign parameters of GPT-4, the most advanced LLM, are held in confidence by OpenAI as
proprietary information.
3 Other general reviews of LLMs include [139, 145].
many speakers in the CMSA New Technologies seminar series,4 and Josef Urban
and the AITP community.5 Thanks to David McAllester and Sergiy Verstyuk
for comments on the first draft. These notes would not have been possible with-
out their input and advice, and I hope their signal to noise ratio approaches
that of what they shared with me.
ing makes it better defined and testable using benchmarks, standardized question-answer sets.
Discussion of the original test can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing test
7 Symbolic AI is sometimes called “GOFAI” for “good old-fashioned AI.” Related terms
include “rule based,” “logic based,” “expert system” and “feature engineering.” The con-
nectionist approach has many other names, reflecting its mixed ancestry: “neural,” “deep
learning,” “parallel distributed processing,” “differentiable,” and “representation learning.”
ing), but because the grammatical rules and the parsing algorithm (including
its internal data structures) have a clear meaning to their designers.
Symbolic methods have had considerable success at many tasks requiring
intelligence, famously including chess playing [60] and symbolic algebra8 as well
as more prosaic but very central tasks such as translating high level computer
languages to machine code (compiling). And a great deal of work has been
done to broaden their scope, for example to build question answering systems
such as the well known IBM Watson. Many valuable techniques came out of
this; ways to systematize rules into “knowledge bases” or “knowledge graphs,”
methods for automated logical reasoning, and so on. But it was long ago realized
that once one goes beyond “formal worlds” such as chess and algebra to the
complex and messy situations of real life, although one can postulate rules which
capture many truths and can be used for reasoning, rules which are valid in all
cases are very rare. Furthermore, the sheer number of rules required to cover
even the likely possibilities is very large. These difficulties were addressed by
implementing probabilistic reasoning and by getting teams of humans to develop
the requisite enormous rule sets, leading to the “expert system” approach which
was applied (for example) to medical question answering. Cyc,9 an early and
well known expert system, is commercially available and has a database of
commonly known facts with over 25 million assertions; however this is dwarfed
by knowledge bases such as Wikidata (over one billion “facts”) but which do
not have a systematic reasoning engine. It is clear that any approach which
depends on careful human analysis of such large knowledge bases is impractical.
Meanwhile, a very different “connectionist” approach to AI was being cham-
pioned by other researchers. They drew their inspiration from hypotheses about
how the brain works, from information theory and statistics, from physics and
other natural sciences, and from applied mathematics and particularly opti-
mization theory. These diverse points of view came together in the 1990’s and
led to a great deal of interdisciplinary work,10 of which the part most related
to AI and which lies behind LLMs is called machine learning (ML).
The usual starting point in modern treatments of ML is to rephrase a task
as a statistical inference problem based on a large dataset. A canonical example
is image recognition – say, given an array of pixels (light intensity values),
estimate the probability that the image depicts a cat. Rather than design a
system to do this, one starts with a large dataset of images with labels (cat and
non-cat). One then designs a very general statistical model and “trains” it on
this dataset to predict the label given the image. This is supervised learning,
one can also do “self-supervised” learning in which the system predicts some
part of the data given other parts (say, filling in part of an image). A third
standard ML paradigm is reinforcement learning, which applies to tasks which
involve choosing actions to fulfill a longer term goal. The classic example is
game playing, as in AlphaGo and AlphaZero.
In any case, since the problem is formulated statistically, it is possible to
8 https://www.sigsam.org/
9 https://cyc.com/
10 I first learned about this from [83, 101].
consider the training dataset one item at a time, and use it to incrementally
improve the model. This is almost always done by formulating the task in terms
of an “objective function” which measures the quality with which it is performed,
for example the accuracy with which correct labels are assigned to images. One
then takes a parameterized model and trains it by optimizing this function,
evaluated on the training dataset, with respect to the model parameters. For
the classic models of statistics this can be done analytically, as in a least squares
fit. For more general models one uses numerical methods, such as gradient
descent. Either way, a central question of statistics and machine learning is
generalization, meaning the extent to which the model well describes data not
in the training set but sampled from the same probability distribution. A well
known principle which speaks to this question is “Occam’s razor,” that simpler
models will generalize better. This is often simplified to the rule that a model
should have the minimal number of parameters needed to fit the dataset.
Not all machine learning systems are “deep learning” [76] or “connection-
ist” [118]. These terms generally refer to the use of neural networks with large
numbers of parameters which provide effective universal function approxima-
tors. While the idea is very old [117], before 2012 it was widely believed to be
impractical. One argument for this was the “dull side” of Occam’s razor – mod-
els with so many parameters were destined to overfit and would not generalize.
Evidently this is not the case, leading to concepts such as “benign overfitting.”
[10, 15] Another argument was that the objective functions for these models
are highly nonconvex and optimization would get stuck at poor quality local
minima. This can be a problem, but turns out to be solvable for reasons that
are partially understood [31, 49]. Finally, despite the effectiveness of the trained
model in performing a task, the large number of parameters often makes it very
hard to understand how such a model works, and why a given input produces
a particular output. This “interpretability problem” remains a key issue with
deep learning models, and is the subject of much research [52].
There are many other variations and hybrid approaches in the story. Another
important one is the “pattern recognition” approach [19, 102]. This is also based
on statistical inference but – like the symbolic approach – it emphasizes the value
of detailed understanding of the problem domain in designing the system. For
example, one could hand-code the initial layers of an image recognition network
to detect lines or other significant “features” of the image. But unlike a purely
symbolic approach, these features would be used as input to a general statistical
or neural model.
Another concept which illustrates the relation between the two approaches
is probabilistic reasoning, the use of rules such as “the chance of rain when it is
cloudy is 50%”. One can state and use such rules in a symbolic approach (see
for example [69]), the essential distinction with connectionism is not the use of
probabilities but rather the representation of knowledge in terms of explicit and
meaningful rules.
As we suspect every reader has already heard, the symbolic approach was
dominant from the early days until 2012, and (along with many other suc-
cesses) led to a superhuman chess player, but seemed inadequate for our other
two challenge tasks (theorem proving and question answering). In 2012 the
connectionist approach surpassed other approaches to computer vision [70], and
ever since neural systems have gone from triumph to triumph. In 2017 the
deep learning system AlphaZero surpassed the symbolic AI chess players (and
of course humans). Over the last few years, transformer models trained on a
large corpus of natural language to predict each next word as it appears, have
revolutionized the field of natural language processing. As we write this the
state of the art GPT-4 demonstrates truly remarkable performance at question
answering, code generation and many other tasks [24].
The simplest and arguably deepest explanation for this history is that it is
a consequence of the exponential growth of computational power and training
datasets, which continues to the present day. Given limited computing power
and data, the ability of the symbolic and pattern recognition approaches to
directly incorporate human understanding into a system is a significant advan-
tage. On the other hand, given sufficiently large computing power and data,
this advantage is nullified and may even become disadvantageous, as the human
effort required to code the system becomes the limiting resource. This point,
that the most significant advances in AI (and computation more generally) have
come from hardware improvements and replacing human engineering with data-
driven methods, is forcefully made by Sutton in his “bitter lesson” essay [128].
In §3, §4 and §8 we will discuss scaling laws and evidence for and against the
idea that by continuing along the current path, training ever-larger models on
ever-larger datasets, we will achieve AGI (artificial general intelligence, whatever
that means) and the realms beyond.
Up to now the symbolic and connectionist approaches have generally been
considered to be in tension.11 There is another point of view which consid-
ers them complementary, with a symbolic approach better suited for certain
problems (for example logical reasoning) and connectionist for others (for ex-
ample image recognition). Given this point of view one can seek a synthesis or
“neurosymbolic” approach, advocated in many works [7, 47, 72].
But are they in conflict at all? Another reconciliation is the hypothesis that
problems which in the symbolic approach are solved using rules and algorithms,
are also being solved that way by neural systems and in particular by LLMs.
However, rather than the algorithms and rules being coded by humans, as the
result of its training procedure the LLM has somehow learned them, encoded
in its networks in some as yet mysterious way. This vague hypothesis can be
sharpened in many ways, in part by proposing specific mechanisms by which
algorithms and rules are encoded, in part by making general claims about the
algorithms which are being learned. We discuss these ideas in §7 and §8.
11 Tobetter discuss this point one should refine the symbolic-connectionist dichotomy into
multiple axes: system design versus learning from data; meaningful rules versus uninterpreted
models; combinatorial versus differentiable optimization; deterministic versus probabilistic.
3 Language models
Throughout the history of linguistics, languages have been described in terms
of rules: rules of grammar, phonology, morphology, and so on, along with log-
ical and other frameworks for describing meaning. This remains the case in
Chomskyan linguistics and in much of theoretical linguistics.
By contrast, LLMs are statistical language models, meaning that they encode
a probability distribution on strings of words, call this P (w1 . . . wL ), which
approximates the distribution realized by a large body (or “corpus”) of text in
the language. The simplest example is the frequency or “1-gram” model defined
by taking the words to be independently distributed, so
Y number of occurrences of w in the corpus
P (w1 . . . wL ) = P (wi ); P (w) = .
total number of words in the corpus
Of course, this model captures very little of the structure of language, which
involves dependencies between the word choices.
LLMs are generative models,12 by which we will mean that there is a practi-
cal method for sampling from the distribution. To explain this, consider a word
prediction task in which some words in a string are given (the “input”) and
others left blank (the “output”). Given a probability distribution P (w1 . . . wL ),
there is a corresponding conditional probability distribution for the output given
the input. As an example, suppose we are given the string “The cat [BLANK]
outside,” where “[BLANK]” is a “token” which marks the position of the missing
word. The relevant conditional probabilities might be
and so on, summing to total probability 1. In the masked word prediction task,
the model must determine (or sample from) this distribution.
A particularly convenient case is to give the conditional probability of the
word which follows a given string, which we denote as
By sampling this distribution to get a new word wn+1 and appending it to the
end, the string can be extended one word at a time. Repeating this process
gives an arbitrarily long string, which by the laws of probability is a sample
from the original probability distribution P (w1 . . . wL ), for example
P (the cat went outside) = P (the)P (cat | the)P (went | the cat)P (outside | the cat went).
the conditional probability Eq. 2 depends only on the k most recent words, in
which case one would have a Markov model whose state is a string of k words.
To evaluate how good a language model is, we want to quantify how well its
probability distribution approximates that of the corpus (the empirical distribu-
tion). The standard measure of this is the cross entropy. For an autoregressive
model this is a sum of terms, one for each word in the corpus,13
N −n
1 X
L=− log P (wi+n | wi wi+1 . . . wi+n−1 ) (3)
N i=1
dataset, replacing next word prediction by the objective function for the specific
task. Say we are doing question answering, this could be the accuracy of the
answers. This two step procedure was justified by the notion of transfer learning,
meaning that the capabilities of the general purpose model “transfer” to related
but different tasks. This approach led to SOTA15 results on many benchmarks
and motivated much further work.
Most importantly, a great deal of ingenuity and hard work was put into
solving the engineering problems of training larger and larger models on larger
and larger datasets. As for the data, a lot of text is available on the web, with
one much used archive of this data provided by Common Crawl.16 Training can
largely be done in parallel by dividing up this data, and the availability of large
clusters of GPU-enabled servers at industrial labs and through cloud computing
meant that sufficient computing resources were available in principle. However,
the overall cost of training scales as (at least) the product of model size and
dataset size, and this was becoming expensive. While the precise cost figures
for the GPT series are not public, it is estimated that a single training run
of the largest GPT-3 models cost tens of millions of dollars. To motivate and
efficiently carry out such costly experiments, one needs some ability to predict in
advance how changes in model and dataset size will affect the training methods
(for example the optimal choice of learning rate) and performance.
An important advance in this direction was the observation of power law
scaling in language model performance [67]. Figure 2 plots the test loss17 against
the logarithms of the sizes and compute resources used, and these straight lines
correspond to a power law relation between size and perplexity. This scaling
holds over many decades in model size and, while the exponents α ∼ −0.076 to
−0.095 are rather small, this is a strong argument that larger models will have
better performance. These ideas were also used to determine optimal model-
dataset size tradeoff [58] and the scaling of hyperparameters [141]. These results
were a significant input into the decision to do this very expensive research.
15 State of the art, in other words an improvement over all previously evaluated models.
16 https://commoncrawl.org/
17 This is Eq. 3 (minus log perplexity) evaluated on texts which were removed or “held out”
Test Loss
Now it should be realized that, while the measure being improved here is
fairly objective, still there was no strong reason to think that improving it would
lead to models with qualitatively new “emergent” capabilities. But it appears
that this is what happened: GPT-3 and its fine-tuned cousins (such as Codex)
were able to do tasks, such as write computer code from a natural language
description, for which smaller models were almost worthless.18 We will discuss
more of this progress shortly, and speculate a bit in the conclusions.
One of the most interesting LLM phenomena is in-context learning, first
discussed in the original GPT-3 paper [22]. This refers to the ability of an
LLM to carry out tasks different from its original objective without modify-
ing its parameters, indeed without any need for additional training on the new
task (fine tuning). Rather, after being given (as input text) a few examples
of input-output pairs, the LLM can be given another input and will generate
a suitable output. Say the new task is question answering, then after a few
question-answer examples the LLM will answer the next question it is given.
While intuition based on human abilities might find this unremarkable, it is
actually quite unusual for an ML model and this is why the pretraining-fine
tuning paradigm was the usual approach in previous work. Of course the train-
ing set already contains many examples of QA pairs. More striking are tasks
which are not much represented in the training set, such as finding anagrams
or rearranging letters in words. One can even do in-context “meta-learning” of
machine learning tasks such as linear regression (see §4).
Once it is established that the model can generalize from a few examples, a
further step towards human capabilities is to try zero examples, instead simply
explaining the task in natural language. At this point it becomes difficult to
classify the tasks – should we consider the task of writing code from a natural
language specification to be a form of translation, or an example of explaining
the task, or something else? The relation between the input text or “prompt”
18 A quantitative version of this claim is that performance for the “emergent” capability
improves rapidly at some threshold value of the word prediction loss. This claim is disputed,
see [120, 133] for discussion.
and the output has many surprising features. For example, a standard tech-
nique in LLM question answering which measurably improves performance is to
precede the question with a prompt such as “I will answer this question help-
fully and truthfully.” Is this somehow biasing the network towards certain texts
and away from others (after all the internet corpus is hardly a reliable source of
truth) ? Suppose we have a theory of how this works, how can we test it? Does
the model “know” anything about the truth of statements? [25, 79]
As has been much reported, one of the major difficulties in using LLMs
for practical tasks is their propensity to invent facts (especially citations) and
their limited ability to do logical reasoning, algebra and other symbolic tasks.
A device for improving this, called “chain of thought prompting,” is to give
examples (say of question answer task for definiteness) with some intermediate
reasoning steps spelled out. This was used in the Minerva QA system [77]
which produced the example in Figure 1. Still the fraction of problems it solved
correctly is around 50% (the later GPT-4 is similar). Even for simpler questions,
the reliability of GPT-4 is more like 90%. Much current research is devoted to
this problem of reliable reasoning, as we discuss in §8.
way into future training data and then be solved by memorization. Methods to detect and
prevent this are discussed in the references.
21 https://paperswithcode.com/dataset/big-bench
22 https://github.com/EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
23 https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open llm leaderboard
Reasoning ability is of particular interest for mathematical and scientific ap-
plications – of course we all look forward to the day when computers will help us
grade assignments, referee papers and do our research. There are many bench-
marks for solving logical problems expressed in natural language. Benchmarks
for mathematical theorem proving include NaturalProofs [135], MiniF2F [146]
and ProofNet [6]; as of mid-2023 LLMs (and the best other systems) can find
many proofs (20–80%) but still fail on some seemingly easy cases. Simpler as-
pects of reasoning which have benchmarks are the ability to deal with negation
[143], consistency (between different phrasings of the same question) [61], and
compositionality (the ability to analyze statements and problems into simpler
parts, solve these and combine the results) [111].
Natural language tasks are very complex, and benchmarks constructed from
real world data cannot be used directly in theoretical considerations. For this
purpose one generally defines “toy worlds” and generates synthetic data. The
possibilities are endless, but some which have been used are arithmetic prob-
lems (decimal arithmetic; modular arithmetic), game play, solving systems of
equations, and parsing formal languages. A particularly interesting task is lin-
ear regression [48]; since this is the prototypical case of statistical inference, a
system which learns to do it can be said to be “learning how to learn.”
Coming to scaling laws, denote the model size (number of parameters) as
P and the dataset size (number of tokens in the corpus) as D, then there are
two general regimes. If we hold one of these (say P ) fixed and take the other
(say D) to infinity, then a law of large numbers applies and L ∼ 1/D. On the
other hand, if we take one parameter very large and study the dependence on
the other, nontrivial power law scaling can emerge. In principle one can get
different exponents for D and P , suggesting the ansatz
" #αD
α /α
Pc P D D c
L(P, D) = + . (4)
models with too many parameters. If one does not regularize one sees other phenomena such
as double descent [14]. For further discussion see [11, 13].
Scaling laws can arise in many ways, not specific to language models. One
hypothesis is that the data lies on a low dimensional submanifold in a higher
dimensional space.25 Both the number of parameters and the number of points
required to fit this manifold go as the dimension d of the manifold, and this
leads to αP = αD = 4/d (the precise coefficient 4 depends on assumptions
about smoothness) [8].
A related hypothesis is that the spectral density of the data covariance falls
off as a power law, and in [85] Eq. 4 is derived for a random feature model with
this covariance. This hypothesis follows from the low dimensional hypothesis
but it is more general, for example these authors argue that additional features
derived from the data (as in nonlinear models such as FFN’s) generally have
the same spectrum as the original data. One can also try to relate Eq. 4 and
corrections to it to hypotheses about how tasks are learned [98].
What does the scaling of the information theoretic quantity Eq. 3 have to
do with performance on tasks requiring intelligence? A priori, not much, but
one way to motivate a focus on it is to draw an analogy with particle physics.
In the 30’s cosmic ray observations gave strong hints of new physics at higher
energies, but the interesting events were too rare and uncontrolled to draw solid
conclusions. Thus physicists were motivated to build accelerators. These are
not that expensive when they fit on a tabletop, but rapidly grow in size and
cost. How large does an accelerator need to be? The right measure is not its
size per se but rather the energy of the particles it can produce. The physics
relating size and energy is not trivial (due to effects such as synchrotron ra-
diation) but can be worked out, so one can make a good prediction of energy
reach. Still, as one increases energy, will one find a smooth extrapolation of
what came before, or will one discover qualitatively new phenomena? In the
golden age of accelerator physics (the 50’s-70’s) much new physics was discov-
ered, mostly associated with new particles which are produced only above sharp
energy thresholds. Currently the highest energy accelerator is the Large Hadron
Collider at Cern, where the Higgs particle was discovered in 2012. While we
are still waiting for further important discoveries, the potential for discovery is
determined by measurable properties of the accelerator – by energy and secon-
darily by intensity or “luminosity” – which we can judge even in the absence of
qualitative discoveries. In the analogy, perplexity is playing a similar role as an
objective measure of language model performance defined independently of the
more interesting qualitative behaviors which reflect “intelligence.”
How far can one push this analogy? Could perplexity be as central to lan-
guage as energy is to physics? Eq. 3 has a fairly objective definition, so the
idea is not completely crazy. But, not only was its relation to performance on
actual tasks not predictable in advance, even after the fact clear “thresholds” or
other signals for emergence of tasks have not yet been identified [133]. Perhaps
if there are universal thresholds, evidence for them could be seen in humans.26
More likely, additional variables (the quality and nature of the training corpus,
25 In §5 we explain how text can be thought of embedded in a high dimensional space.
26 Thanks to Misha Tsodyks for this suggestion.
details of the tasks, etc.) would need to be controlled to see them. This is
another question probably better studied in simpler tasks using synthetic data.
The final topic we discuss is the behavior of the objective function (Eq. 3)
as a function of training time.27 In almost all ML runs, such a plot shows long
plateaus interspersed with steep drops. This has been interpreted in many ways,
ranging from evidence about the nature of learning, to a simple consequence of
randomness of eigenvalues of the Hessian of the loss function. A more recent
observation is to compare training and testing accuracy on the same plot. In
[9, 110] it was argued that these two metrics improve at two distinct stages of
training. First, the model memorizes training examples. Later, it generalizes
to the testing examples. This “grokking” phenomenon has been suggested as
evidence for learning of circuits [103], an idea we discuss in §7.
often considers each data item only once in a training run, so it is related to (but different
from) dataset size.
28 Statistical estimates of perplexity are in the 100’s, and the best current LLMs have per-
plexity ∼ 20.
is the co-occurrence matrix. Before explaining this, let us mention a detail of
practical systems, which in place of words use “tokens,” meaningful components
of words. A physics illustration is the word “supersymmetrization.” Even for a
non-physicist reader encountering it for the first time, this word naturally breaks
up into “super,” “symmetry” and “ization,” pieces which appear in many words
and which are called tokens. And not only does this decomposition apply to
many words, it helps to understand their meaning. This process of replacing
single words by strings of tokens (“tokenization”) is a first step in LLM pro-
cessing, and henceforth when we say “word” we will mean word or token in this
Given a corpus, we define its N -gram co-occurrence matrix MN to be the
|W| × |W| matrix whose (w, w′ ) entry counts the number of N -grams in the
corpus containing both words. This matrix defines a map from words to vectors
ι : W → Rp (7)
v → P (w) = P βv·ι(w′ )
w′ e
Here is an observation [99] which supports the idea that word embeddings
contain information about meaning. Since the embeddings are vectors, they can
be added. Consider the following equation:
One might hope that the word which maximizes this inner product is “queen,”
and indeed it is so. There are many more such examples; empirically one needs
the dimension p ≳ 100 for this to work. One can argue [108, 5] that it follows
from relations between co-occurence statistics:30
MN (w, king)/#(king) MN (w, man)/#(man)
∀w, ≈ (10)
MN (w, queen)/#(queen) MN (w, woman)/#(woman)
Given these ideas and a map F from a list of vectors to a vector, we can
now propose a very general class of L-gram autoregressive language models as
the combination of the following steps:
1. Map the L input words wi to L vectors ι(wi ).
be expressed in terms of the pairwise mutual information, PN (w, u)/P (w)P (u).
idea and also one of its most obvious limitations. Even with L ∼ 100, often
predicting the next word requires remembering words which appeared farther
back. To solve this problem we need to incorporate some sort of memory into
the model.
The simplest memory is an additional state variable which is updated with
each word and used like the other inputs. To do this, we should take the state
to be a vector in some Rq . This brings us to the recurrent neural network or
RNN. Its definition is hardly any more complex than what we saw before. With
each word position (say with index i) we will associate a state vector si which
can depend on words up to wi and on the immediately previous state. Then,
we let the map F determine both the next word and the next state as
where the parenthesis notation on the left hand side means that the output
vector of F is the concatenation of two direct summand output vectors.
Mathematically, Eq. 12 is a discrete dynamical system. If we grant that
F can be an arbitrary map, this is a very general class of systems. One way
of characterizing its generality is through computational complexity theory, by
asking what classes of computation it can perform. In [123] it was argued that
the RNN is a universal computer, but this granted that the computation of F
in Eq. 11 could use infinite precision numbers. Under realistic assumptions
the right complexity class is a finite state machine, which can recognize regular
languages [26, 134]. We will say more from this point of view in §7.
There are many variations on the RNN such as LSTM’s [57], each with their
own advantages, but we must move on.
The other layer type is called attention, and it is defined as follows:
{ui } → {vi = W ci,j uj } (13)
exp ui · B · uj
ci,j ≡ Pi (14)
j=1 exp ui · B · uj
(index) of the word in the string. These can be a combination of sines and
cosines of various frequencies, such as [132]
• Depth D = 96, counting both FFN (Eq. 11) and attention (Eq. 13)
• Number of heads H = 96 (the equality with D is a coincidence as far as I
understanding LLMs by building on previous work in computer science, ma-
chine learning and AI, and many other fields. There is a well established field
of statistical physics and ML [97] which will surely contribute. Physics ideas
are also very relevant for tasks with spatial symmetry, such as image genera-
tion [125] and recognition [35]. The unexpected mathematical simplicity of the
transformer model means that mathematical insights could be valuable. We can
also follow approaches used in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science.
An evident observation is that the paradigm of neuroscience – careful study
of the microscopic workings of the system, following a reductionist philosophy
– is far more practical for ML models than it is for human brains, as the micro-
scopic workings are fully explicit. This is not to say that it is easy, as we still face
the difficulty of extracting meaning from a system with billions of components
and parameters. How could we do this for LLMs?
One familiar starting point in neuroscience is to measure the activity of
neurons and try to correlate it with properties of the system inputs or outputs.
The “grandmother cell” which fires when a subject sees his or her grandmother
is an extreme (and controversial) example. Better established are the “place
cells” in the hippocampus which fire when an animal passes through a specific
part of its environment.
Generally there is no reason why the representation should be so direct; there
might be some “neural code” which maps stimuli onto specific combinations
or patterns of activity. The details of the neural code could even be different
between one individual and the next. Analogous concepts in LLMs are the maps
from input strings to intermediate results or “activations.” The first of these
is the embedding map Eq. 7. Considering each layer in succession, its outputs
(sometimes called “contextualized embeddings”) also define such a map. The
details of these maps depend on details of the model, the training dataset and
the choices made in the training procedure. Besides the hyperparameters, these
include the random initializations of the parameters, the order in which data
items are considered in training and their grouping into batches. Even small
differences can be amplified by the nonlinear nature of the loss landscape.
One way to deal with this indeterminacy is to look for structure in the maps
which does not depend on these choices. The linear relations Eq. 9 between word
embeddings are a very elegant example, telling us (and presumably the model)
something about the meanings of the words they represent. Moving on to the
later layers, one can ask whether contextualized embeddings carry information
about the grammatical role of a word, about other words it is associated to
(such as the referent of a pronoun), etc.. One can go on to ask whether any
of the many structures which – one would think – need to be represented to
understand the real world, are visible in these embeddings.
Many structures are too intricate to show up in linear relations. A more
general approach is to postulate a “target” for each training data item and
train a “probe” model (usually an FFN) to predict it from the embeddings. If
this works, one can go on to modify the internal representation in a minimal way
which changes the probe prediction, and check if this leads to the corresponding
effects on the output (see [12] and references there).
This procedure is simpler to explain in an example. A pretty example of
probing for a world model is the recent work of Li et al [78] (see also [130]) on
representations in a transformer model trained to play the board game Othello.39
They train a model “Othello-GPT” 40 to take as input a sequence of 60 legal
moves, for example “E3 D3 ...” in the standard algebraic notation, and at each
step to predict the next move. The trained model outputs only legal moves
with very high accuracy, and the question is whether this is done using internal
representations which reflect the state of the game board, say the presence
of a given color tile in a given position. Following the probe paradigm, they
obtain FFNs which, given intermediate activations, can predict whether a board
position is occupied and by which color tile. Furthermore, after modifying
the activations so that the FFN’s output has flipped a tile color, the model
predicts legal moves for the modified board state, confirming the identification.
Neuroscientists can only dream of doing such targeted experiments.
Numerous probe studies have been done on LLMs. One very basic ques-
tion is how they understand grammatical roles and relations such as subject,
object and the like. This question can be sharpened to probing their internal
representations for parse trees, a concept we review in the appendix. To get
the targets for the probe, one can use a large dataset of sentences labeled with
parse trees, the Penn Treebank [90]. This was done for BERT in [27, 56, 88] by
the following procedure: denote the embedding (in a fixed layer) of word i as
ui , then the model learns a projection P on this space, such that the distances
d(i, j) ≡ ||P (ui − uj )|| in this inner product well approximate the distance be-
tween words i and j defined as the length of the shortest path connecting them
in the parse tree. For BERT (with d ∼ 1000) this worked well with a projection
P of rank ∼ 50.
Once one knows something about how information is represented by the
models, one can go on to try to understand how the computations are done. One
approach, also analogous to neuroscience, is to look for specific “circuits” which
perform specific computations. An example of a circuit which appears in trained
transformer models is the induction head [42, 107]. This performs the following
task: given a sequence such as “A B . . . A” it predicts a repetition, in this
example “B.” The matching between the tokens (the two A’s in the example) is
done by attention. A number of works have proposed and studied such circuits,
with various motivations and using various theoretical lenses: interpretability
and LLMs [106], in-context learning [107, 2], formal language theory [94, 28],
computational complexity theory [41, 82], etc..
Reverse engineering a large network ab initio, i.e. with minimal assumptions
about what it is doing, seems challenging, but maybe automated methods will be
developed [33, 46]. Another approach is to first develop a detailed computational
39 For readers not familiar with this game, two players alternate in placing black and white
tiles on an 8 × 8 board, and each move results in “flipping” some opponent pieces to the
player’s color. The main point for us is that the function from moves to board state is easily
computable yet very nonlocal and nonlinear.
40 While this model shares the GPT architecture, it is not trained on any language data,
model (CM) to perform a task without looking too much at the system under
study, and then look for evidence for or against the hypothesis that the system
under study uses it. This approach also has a long history in neuroscience [91]
and ways to test such hypotheses have been much discussed. As an example
of a research tactic which does not require opening the black box, one can
consider illusions which fool the system in some way. The response to these
will often depend on contingent and non-optimal aspects of the model, so one
can distinguish different models which solve the same task. A new class of
predictions which becomes testable for LLMs is to look at performance as a
function of model size (depth; number of parameters). A particular CM might
require a certain model size or dataset properties in order to perform well. And
of course, one can open the black box: by assuming a particular CM, one can
make predictions for what probe experiments should work.
Simple tasks studied in this approach include modular addition [103] and
linear regression [2], where several CM’s (gradient descent, ridge regression and
exact least squares) were compared. Turning to language processing, a CM for
parsing by transformer LLMs was developed in Zhou et al [144]. While this
is too lengthy to explain in detail here, let us give the basic idea, starting
from the PCFG framework discussed in the appendix. Rather than try to
represent a parse tree in terms of nodes and edges, it is represented by giving
each position i in the list of words a set of variables αi,t,j , where t indexes a
nonterminal (a left hand side of a rule) and j is another position. If αi,t,j is
turned on, this means that a rule with t on the l.h.s. was used to generate
that part of the tree stretching from position i to position j. This can be
generalized to let αi,t,j be the probability that a rule is used. These variables
(and additional variables β describing the rules used higher in the tree) satisfy
simple recursion relations (the Inside-Outside parsing algorithm [87]). If the
rules have at most two symbols on the r.h.s.,41 these recursion relations are
quadratic in the variables. By encoding the α variables as components of the
embedding, they can be implemented using attention.
Naively, this model predicts that embedding dimension p must be very large,
of order the number of nonterminals times the length of a sentence. Since
realistic grammars for English have many hundreds of nonterminals, this seems
to contradict the good performance of transformers with p ∼ 1000. This problem
is resolved by two observations, of which the first is that one can get fairly good
parsing with many fewer (∼ 20) nonterminals. The second is compression, that
embeddings and circuits which are simple and interpretable can be mapped into
more “random-looking” lower dimensional forms. This is a well understood
concept for metric spaces [92], which was implicit in the discussion of word
embeddings in §5. There the simplest construction (the co-occurence matrix)
produced vectors with one component for each word, but by projecting on a
subspace one could greatly reduce this dimension with little loss in accuracy.
The generalization of these ideas to neural networks seems important.
41 One can rewrite any grammar to have this property (Chomsky normal form) by introduc-
Once one believes an LLM is carrying out a task using a particular circuit
or CM, one can go on to ask how it learned this implementation from the data.
One can get theoretical results in the limit of infinite training data and/or for
simple tasks in which the dataset is constructed by a random process. Learning
in transformer models trained on realistic amounts of data is mostly studied
empirically and using synthetic data. A few recent interesting works are [2, 51,
103]. Intuitively one expects that simpler instances of a task are learned first,
allowing the model to learn features which are needed to analyze more complex
instances, and there is a lot of evidence for this. The idea that many submodels
can be learned simultaneously, including straight memorization and submodels
which rely on structure, also seems important. Ultimately learnability is crucial
but we should keep in mind that in analogous questions in physics, evolution,
and so on, it is much easier to understand optimal and critical points in the
landscape than to understand dynamics.
This brings us to in-context learning, the ability of an LLM to perform
diverse tasks given only a few examples of input-output pairs. The simplest
hypothesis is that the model has learned the individual tasks, and the examples
are selecting a particular task from this repertoire. It has been argued that
this is guaranteed to happen (in the infinite data limit) for a model trained
on a mixture of tasks [140, 136]. If the many tasks have common aspects (for
example parsing might be used in any linguistic task), one can ask how the
model takes advantage of this, a question discussed in [54].
Understanding LLMs is a very active research area and there is much more
we could say, but let us finish by summarizing the two main approaches we
described. One can postulate a representation and a computation designed to
perform a task, and look for evidence that the LLM actually uses the postu-
lated structure. Alternatively, one can look for a function in some simpler class
(such as digital circuits) which well approximates the function computed by the
transformer model, and then “reverse engineer” the simpler function to find
out what it is doing. Either or both of these procedures could lead to inter-
pretable systems and if so, are answers to the question “what has the LLM
learned.” There is no guarantee that they will work and it might turn out that
one cannot understand LLMs without new ideas, but they deserve to be tried.
cognitive science and AI supports one’s first naive intuition that such a system
must be doing sophisticated analyses of language, must contain models of the
real world, and must be able to do fairly general logical reasoning. Before it
was demonstrated, the idea that all this could be learned as a byproduct of
word prediction would have seemed hopelessly optimistic, had anyone dared to
suggest it.
Extraordinary claims should be greeted with skepticism. One must guard
against the possibility that a successful ML system is actually picking up on
superficial aspects or statistical regularities of the inputs, the “clever Hans”
effect. Addressing this is an important function of the benchmark evaluations
discussed in §4. Of course as LLMs get good at performing tasks of practical
value, the skeptical position becomes hard to maintain.
Intelligence and language are incredibly complex and diverse. According to
Minsky,42 this diversity is a defining feature of intelligence. The goal of under-
standing LLMs (or any general AI) will not be accomplished by understanding
all of the content in their training data, the “entire internet.” Rather, the trick
we need to understand is how a single system can learn from this diverse corpus
to perform a wide range of tasks. Theories of “what is learnable” are a central
part of computer science [68]. Although theoretical understanding has a long
way to go to catch up with LLM capabilities, for simpler and better understood
tasks much is known.
In these notes we mostly looked at this question through the lens of computer
science, and took as the gold standard for explaining how an LLM learns and
performs a task, a computational model expressed as an algorithm or a circuit
together with arguments that the trained LLM realizes this model. This point of
view has many more insights to offer, but before we discuss them let us consider
some other points of view. In §7 we drew the analogy between detailed study
of transformer circuits and neuroscience – what others can we consider?
Another analogy is with cognitive psychology. LLMs are sufficiently human-
like to make this interesting, and there is a growing literature which applies tests
and experimental protocols from psychology to LLMs, see for example [53] and
the many references there. When discussing this, we should keep in mind the
vast differences between how humans and LLMs function. Human brains are
not believed to use the backpropagation learning algorithm, indeed it has been
argued that biological neural systems cannot use it [37]. Perhaps related to this,
brains are not feed-forward networks but have many bidirectional connections.
Whatever brains are doing, it works very well: LLMs (like other current deep
learning systems) need far more training data than humans. Furthermore, the
LLMs we discussed do not interact with the world. Some argue that on philo-
sophical grounds, a model trained only on language prediction can never learn
meaning [16]. While I do not find this particular claim convincing, I agree that
we should not assume that LLMs perform tasks the same way humans do. Still
both similarities and differences are interesting; can we make the analogies with
42 What magical trick makes us intelligent? The trick is that there is no trick. The power
of intelligence stems from our vast diversity, not from any single, perfect principle. [100]
cognitive psychology more precise?
One analogy [17, 50], is with the well known concept of “fast and slow think-
ing” in behavioral psychology [66]. To summarize, humans are postulated to
have two modes of thought, “system 1” which makes fast, intuitive judgments,
and “system 2” which can focus attention and do calculations, logic, and plan-
ning. While system 2 is more general and less error-prone, using it requires
conscious attention and effort. According to the analogy, LLMs implement sys-
tem 1 thinking, and are weak at system 2 thinking.
In [84] it is argued that LLMs have “formal linguistic competence” but not
“functional competence.” In plainer terms, they are solving problems by manip-
ulating language using rules, but they lack other mechanisms of human thought.
While it may be surprising that a purely rule-based system could do all that
LLMs can do, we do not have a good intuition about what rule-based systems
with billions of rules can do.
What are the other mechanisms? There is a long-standing hypothesis in cog-
nitive science, modularity of mind [45], according to which the human brain has
many “mental modules” with different capabilities. These include a language
module of the sort that Chomsky famously advocated and many others, includ-
ing one for geometric and physical reasoning, another for social reasoning and
theory of mind, and perhaps others. Notably, formal logic and mathematical
reasoning seem to call upon different brain regions from those which specialize
in language [3], suggesting that these functions are performed by different men-
tal modules. One can thus hypothesize that LLMs have commonalities with the
human language module and might be useful scientific models for it,43 but that
progress towards human level capability will eventually stall without analogs of
the other modules. [73]
A related claim is that current LLMs, even when they perform well on bench-
marks, do not construct models of the world. Consider reasoning about spatial
relations – for example if A is in front of B is in front of C, then A is in front of
C. Such reasoning is greatly facilitated by representing the locations of objects
in space, perhaps in terms of coordinates, perhaps using “place cells” or in some
other non-linguistic way. If distance from the observer is explicitly represented
and used in reasoning, then it becomes hard to get this type of question wrong.
Conversely, to the extent that LLMs do get it wrong, this might be evidence
that they lack this type of world model or cannot effectively use it.
There are many papers exhibiting LLM errors and suggesting such inter-
pretations, but often one finds that next years’ model does not make the same
errors. At the present rate of progress it seems premature to draw any strong
conclusions. My own opinion is that there is no barrier in principle to LLMs
constructing internal non-linguistic models of the world, and the work [78] on
Othello-GPT discussed in §7 is a nice demonstration of what is possible. This
is not to say that any and all models can be learned, but rather that it might
be better for now to focus on other significant differences between LLM and
43 Chomsky rejects this idea, saying that “The child’s operating system is completely differ-
ent from that of a machine learning program.” (New York Times, March 8, 2023).
human reasoning, of which there are many. I will come back to this below.
If LLMs and other connectionist systems do not work in the same way as
brains, what other guidance do we have? In §7 we discussed one answer, the
hypothesis that they work much like the algorithms and circuits studied in
computer science. Perhaps trained LLMs implement algorithms like those de-
signed by computational linguists, or perhaps new algorithms which were not
previously thought up but which can be understood in similar terms. In either
version this is still a hypothesis, but if we grant it we can draw on insights from
theoretical computer science which apply to all such algorithms.
Computational complexity theory [4, 137] makes many statements and con-
jectures about how the time and space required by a particular computation
depends on the size of the problem (usually meaning the length of the input).
The most famous of these, the P ̸= NP conjecture, states (very loosely) that for
problems which involve satisfying general logical statements, finding a solution
can be much harder than checking that the solution is correct.
From this point of view, a central question is the complexity class of circuits
which can be realized by constant depth transformers, meaning that the number
of layers does not grow with the window size. Roughly, this is the complexity
class TC0 of constant depth circuits with threshold gates [28, 41, 95, 96]. Of
course in an autoregressive LLM one can repeat this operation to compute a
sequence of words: thus the circuit defines the transition function of a finite
state machine (FSM) where the state is the window, and the LLM has learned
to simulate this FSM. If a natural algorithm to perform a task is in a more
difficult complexity class than the FSM can handle, this is a reason to think the
task cannot be learned by this type of LLM. Conversely, one might conjecture
that any task for which there is an algorithm in this class can be learned, at
least in the limit of an infinite amount of training data.
What about the lenses of pure mathematics, theoretical physics and allied
fields? Besides my own personal interest in them, these fields have made sub-
stantial contributions to statistics and machine learning, especially the interface
between statistical physics and machine learning is a vibrant field of research
[71, 97]. Spin glass theory made a very deep impact, starting with the Hopfield
model and developing into a far-reaching theory of optimization landscapes and
complexity. Random matrix theory is central to high dimensional statistics [63]
and in many approaches to understanding deep learning [116]. Mathematical
approaches to language such as [20, 34, 86, 89] can reveal new structure and
provide deeper understanding.
Another reason to think pure mathematics and theoretical physics have more
to contribute is that neural networks, transformers, and many of the models of
neuroscience, are formulated in terms of real variables and continuous mathe-
matics. By contrast, computer science is largely based on discrete mathematics,
appropriate for some but not all questions. Perhaps word embeddings have im-
portant geometric properties, or perhaps the dynamics of gradient descent are
best understood through the intuitions of continuous mathematics and physics.
Arguments such as those in §7 which reduce neural networks to digital circuits,
even if they do explain their functioning, may not be adequate to explain how
they are learned.
Having at least mentioned some of the many points of view, let me combine
these insights and speculate a bit on where this is going. Let me focus on
three capabilities which seem lacking in current LLMs: planning, confidence
judgments, and reflection.
Planning, solving problems whose solution requires choosing a series of ac-
tions and/or the consideration of future actions by other agents, is one of the
core problems of AI. Making plans generally requires search, and in general
search is hard (assuming P ̸= NP). A familiar example is a chess program,
which searches through a game tree to judge the longer term value of a candi-
date move by hypothesizing possible future moves. While much of the success
of AlphaGo and AlphaZero is attributed to reinforcement learning by self-play,
they also search through game trees; indeed the Monte Carlo tree search algo-
rithm on which they built [36, 23] was considered a key enabling breakthrough.
By contrast, LLMs have no component dedicated to search. While it does
not seem impossible that search trees or other structures could be learned inter-
nally (like world models), it seems intuitively clear that an autoregressive model
which predicts one word at a time and cannot go back to revise its predictions
in light of what comes later will be seriously handicapped in planning. This
observation is motivating a fair amount of current work on ways to incorporate
search. LeCun has suggested adding a dynamic programming component to
search through multiword predictions, as part of his “path towards autonomous
machine intelligence” [75]. Another proposal, the “tree of thoughts” model [142],
works with a search tree of LLM responses. A system which uses hierarchical
planning for mathematical theorem proving was developed in [62].
The next capability on my list, making and working with confidence judg-
ments, has to do with the well known “hallucination” problem, that LLMs often
simply invent statements, including untrue facts and imaginary citations. While
advantageous for a poetry generator, and bearable for a system which makes
suggestions which an expert human user will verify, this is a huge obstacle to
many practical applications. Thus it is the subject of a great deal of research
– a few of this month’s papers are [43, 79, 81]. Perhaps by the time you read
these words there will have already been major progress.
Why are LLMs producing these hallucinations? One intuition is that they
are doing some sort of compression, analogous to JPEG image compression,
which introduces errors [29]. This point of view suggests that the problem will
eventually be solved with larger models and perhaps better training protocols
which focus on the more informative data items [126].
A related intuition is that the problems follow from inability to properly
generalize. This comes back to the point about “world models” – a correct
model, for example an internal encoding of place information, by definition
correctly treats the properties being modeled. Now suppose we grant that the
LLM is solving some class of problems, not by constructing such a model, but by
rule-based reasoning. In other words, the LLM somehow learns rules from the
corpus which it uses to make particular inferences which agree with the model.
While such rules can cover any number of cases, there is no clear reason for such
a rule set to ever cover all cases.
Another intuition is that the training data contains errors and this is reflected
in the results. Certainly the internet is not known for being a completely reliable
source of truth. This intuition also fits with the observation that adding code
(computer programs) to the training set improves natural language reasoning.
Code is a good source of rules because almost all of it has been debugged, leading
to rules which are correct in their original context (of course they might not be
correctly applied). It is a longstanding question whether internal representations
(both in AI and in humans) are shared between different natural languages; it
would be truly fascinating to know how much they are also shared with code.
If this intuition is right, then LLMs reasoning capability might be improved by
training on far more code and other content which is guaranteed to be correct.
Such content could be generated synthetically as tautologies, or even better as
formal verified mathematics (as proposed in [129]).
Here is a different point of view: the problem is not that the systems make
things up, after all creativity has value. Rather, it is that they do not provide
much indication about the confidence to place in a particular output, and do
not have ways to adapt their reasoning to statements known at different levels of
confidence. Much of our reasoning involves uncertain claims and claims which
turn out to be false, the point is to distinguish these from justified claims and
keep track of our confidence in each belief. While it is possible to extract
confidence scores from LLMs [65], there is also a philosophical point to make
here: not all facts have the same epistemological status. Some facts are grounded
in evidence; others are true by definition.
LLMs are of course statistical models. Even for a completely deterministic
task, say doing arithmetic, a statistical approach to learning is very powerful.
This is because learning based on inputs which consist of finitely many training
examples, given in a random order, is naturally formulated in statistical terms.
But without making additional non-statistical assumptions, one can never go
from almost 100% confidence to 100% confidence.
This difference is crucial in many aspects of human thought. Of course,
logical reasoning and mathematics stand out as prime examples. Long chains
of reasoning are only possible if the individual links are reliable. But it is also
crucial in social reasoning. There is an essential difference between statistical
and evidence-based statements, say “Michael is a popular name,” and tauto-
logical, definitional and descriptive statements such as “My name is Michael.”
While the first statement might be a subject of discussion, a model which can
get confused about the second statement is clearly missing a defining aspect of
human thought, and will lose the confidence of its interlocutor. Perhaps episte-
mological status and tautological correctness need to be somehow represented
in the model. It need not be designed in, but the model needs to be given
additional signals beyond next word prediction to learn it.
The third point on my list, reflection, does not seem to be much discussed,
but to me seems just as important. In computer science, reflection is the ca-
pability of a system to work with its programs as a form of data [124, 138].
This is naturally possible for a computer programmed in assembly language, in
which instructions are encoded in integers. To some extent it is also possible
in Lisp, in which programs are encoded in a universal list data structure. As
type systems and other programming language refinements are introduced, re-
flection becomes more difficult to provide, but it is necessary for systems-level
programming and makes various standard tasks easier to implement.
Since an LLM operates on language, reflection for an LLM is the ability to
work with its internal model in linguistic terms. This is related to ML inter-
pretability, the ability to translate a model into understandable terms. In §7 we
discussed interpretability of LLMs in terms of circuits and computational mod-
els, implicitly leaving these for a human to interpret and understand. One can
imagine an “interpretation engine” which given a model, automatically produces
a more interpretable description, in terms of circuits, rules, or even a description
of the model’s functioning in natural language. Given such an interpretation
engine, by applying it to an LLM and sending its output as an input to the
LLM, we can implement a form of reflection.
A basic human capability which corresponds to this process is the translation
from procedural or other implicit forms of memory to linguistic, explicit mem-
ory. Very often, we learn by doing – riding a bicycle, solving math problems,
interacting socially. We then reflect on what we have learned – in some uncon-
scious way – and occasionally come up with verbal observations, summaries, in
a word reflections. It is fascinating that combining the ideas we discussed brings
us into contact with such topics.
To conclude, and for what it is worth, out of the forty years I have followed
AI, this is by far the most exciting period. I agree with those who think LLMs
are a major milestone and believe the ideas behind them – including the trans-
former architecture – will remain important even in the light of future progress.
The questions they raise are interesting and important enough that – even as
the specialists make remarkable progress – we need not leave the field to them,
but as scientists and thinkers we should engage and try to contribute.
tinguished “start” symbol (here EXPR). We then iterate the following process:
choose a rule whose lhs occurs in S, and apply it by substituting one occurrence
of this lhs in S with the rhs. Every string S which can be obtained by a finite
sequence of these operations is considered grammatical, and by keeping track
of the rule applications we get a parse tree. This is a graph whose nodes are
symbols and whose edges connect a symbol which appears on the lhs of a rule
application with the nodes for each of the symbols which appear on the rhs.44
A good exercise is to work out the parse tree for the expression y + 1 ∗ x and
check that multiplication takes precedence over addition.
Our example of a grammar is a context-free grammar, meaning that the
left hand side of each rule consists of a single symbol. If we do not put this
restriction, the resulting class of languages are universal computers (and thus
suffer from potential undecidability). There is also a more restricted class of
grammars called regular grammars (this hierarchy was found by Chomsky), but
these cannot describe nested structures such as the parentheses of Eq. 17. The
context-free grammars are the right degree of complexity for many purposes. In
particular, programming languages and the formal languages of mathematical
logic can be described using CFG’s and thus the algorithms for working with
them and associated theory are well developed.
Besides recognizing and parsing languages, one can describe other linguistic
tasks in similar terms. A trivial example would be word replacement, with
rules such as OLDi → NEWi . Realistic tasks benefit from frameworks with
more structure. For example, to use the grammar in Eq. 17 to do arithmetic,
we would be much better off with a framework in which the token VALUE
carries an associated numerical or symbolic value. This can be done with the
framework of attribute grammars. When we suggest in §8 that LLMs perform
natural language tasks using systems of large numbers of rules, we have this
sort of extended grammatical framework in mind.
CFG’s are not really adequate for natural languages, with their inherent
44 One can see examples for English sentences in the Wikipedia article “Parse tree.”
ambiguity and their many special cases and exceptions. A more general for-
malism is the probabilistic CFG. This is obtained by associating a probability
distribution to each symbol which appears on the left hand side of a rule (the
nonterminals). For example, we might stipulate that a VALUE has a 75% chance
to be a number and a 25% chance to be a variable. With this information, a
PCFG defines a probability distribution on strings, which gives zero probability
to nongrammatical strings.
A symbolic approach to parsing would propose two primary algorithms. One
is a parser, which given a grammar and an input produces the parse tree. An-
other would be an algorithm for learning a grammar from a corpus. Since any
finite corpus can be described by many grammars, PCFG’s are better suited
than CFG’s to this problem. In any case the learning and parsing algorithms
are not necessarily related.
In the connectionist approach followed by LLMs, these two algorithms are
subsumed into the definition of a model which can parse any PCFG whose rules
are encoded in its weights. By training this on a corpus, the model learns a
particular PCFG which generates the corpus. Interpretability as discussed in
§7 then means reversing this relation, by extracting a parser and PCFG from
the trained model.
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