Construction Analysis of Mechanical Parts of Locomotives: September 2013

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Construction analysis of mechanical parts of locomotives

Article · September 2013


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3 authors, including:

Sergey V. Myamlin Larysa Neduzha


Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

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Construction analysis of mechanical parts of locomotives

Sergey Myamlin, Mukolaj Luchanin, Larysa Neduzha

The Dniepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan,
2, Lazarian St., Dnepropetrovsk-10, 49700, Ukraine, e-mail:
Odessa railway, Ukraine
Received May 31.2013: accepted July 02.2013

S u m m a r y . To determine the dynamic properties of the INTRODUCTION

mainline freight locomotives, characterizing the safe
movement on straight and curved sections of track in the
whole range of operating speeds, you need a set of studies
To determine the dynamic properties of the
including selection of design scheme, the development of an mainline freight locomotives, characterizing the
appropriate mathematical model of spatial fluctuations of the safe movement on straight and curved sections of
locomotive, making a computer calculation program, track in the whole range of operating speeds, you
conducting the theoretical, and then experimental need a set of studies including selection of design
investigations of new designs. In this case, one should
compare the results with existing constructions. One of the scheme, the development of an appropriate
necessary conditions for improving the quality of traction mathematical model of spatial fluctuations of the
rolling stock is to define the parameters of its running gears. locomotive, making a computer calculation
Among the questions related to this problem, an important program, conducting the theoretical, and then
place occupies the problem of determining dynamic qualities
of the locomotives at the stages of design, taking into account
experimental investigations of new designs. [1, 2,
with the chosen technical solutions in the running gear design. 3]. In this case, one should compare the results
The work focuses on key tendencies of some types of main with existing constructions.
locomotives embodiment, focusing on improving the running One of the necessary conditions for
gears design. As a result of investigations one can see that the improving the quality of traction rolling stock is to
creation of a modern locomotive requires from designers and
scientists realization of scientific and technical solutions define the parameters of its running gears. Among
providing the design speed increase with simultaneous the questions related to this problem, an important
improvement of the traction, braking and dynamic qualities to place occupies the problem of determining
provide the simple and reliable construction, especially dynamic qualities of the locomotives at the stages
construction of the running gear, reducing the operating costs,
low original cost and operating costs for the total service life,
of design, taking into account with the chosen
high traction force during take-off, work capability in the technical solutions in the running gear design.
multiple traction mode, maximally approximated to the The creation of a modern locomotive
limited clutch and sufficient design speed. Research of requires from designers and scientists the
mathematical modeling is conducted by the method of realization of scientific and technical solutions
numerical integration of the dynamic loading of the main-line
locomotive using the software system «Dynamics of Rail providing the design speed increase with
Vehicles» («DYNRAIL»). Design features of the running gear simultaneous improvement of the traction, braking
elements of some types of the main-line locomotives, which and dynamic properties [5, 6, 10, 11]. One should
have inclined rods between bogie and the body, transmitting mark the following requirements:
the traction forces between them and providing essential
– A simple and reliable design, especially the
dynamic performance of the carriage motion are studied.
Key w o r d s . Locomotive, running gears, bogie, running gears, which allows reducing maintenance
communication, inclined rods. and repair costs,
– Low initial cost and operating cost for the
total service-life,

– High traction when taking off maximally powerful mainline freight locomotives AC of that
approximated to the limited clutch, time (the design speed is 110 km/h) with a support
– Ability to work in multiple traction mode, and axial suspension of the traction motors, two-
– Sufficient design speed, section twelve-axial electric locomotive with
– Easy control cabin with modern devices, providing operation according to a system
management and monitoring means, of many units.
– Unification of design and hardware Each section is based on three-axle boll-joint
components within a small number of runs in order bogies that are different from each other by the
to simplify and reduce the cost of maintenance and construction: the extreme bogies have the body
repair, as well as to ensure the interoperability of support in the form of cradle suspension, the
locomotives belonging to different networks and middle ones have the body support in the form of
companies. elastic oscillating rods (fig. 1). Central suspension
Now let’s in more detail study the main – of the cradle type or with springs, with the so-
tendencies of locomotive embodiment, focusing on
called "negative stiffness" is for central bogies.
improving the running parts design.
When improving the rolling stock design, The bogies are all-welded; the spring suspension is
generalization of theoretical, scientific, performed using the springs. Parallel to the springs
methodological and experimental studies aimed at of central suspension the dampers of viscous
further running parts improvement of some types friction are located; the axle box is of the flanged
of main-line locomotives promising designs is an type; each bogie has two wheel-motor units [21].
urgent task. [4, 7]. It is known that the dynamic Communication of the body with bogies is
properties of the locomotive are determined by the intended to transmit all kinds of efforts from the
size and distribution of the static deflections of the body frame to the bogies of vertical and horizontal,
spring suspension and its damping capacity. It is longitudinal and transverse types. In construction,
believed that the use of a more flexible suspension the connection of the body with the extreme and
reduces the amplitude of the additional loads in the center bodies is different. Body communication
carriages; for bogie locomotives a two-stage spring with the extreme bogies (fig. 2) consists of a cradle
suspension is provided. On the basis of this suspension, stops, traction device, the inclined rod
requirement during the dynamic properties of
and the oscillation dampers. The vertical stop is
locomotives research one should more thoroughly
take into account the following characteristics: used to limit the vertical oscillations of the body
– A body suspension on bogies; relative to the bogie and to prevent the closing of
– Connection of body and bogie elements. spring coils of cradle suspension.
The second scheme is made on the design
basis developed by the Ukrainian Research Design
THE MAIN PART and Technological Institute of Electric Locomotive
Construction (URDTIELC) in Dnepropetrovsk,
In the end of the last century on Ukrainian which was a member of the Scientific and
railways were operated mostly physically and Production Association of Electric Locomotive
morally outdated locomotives. First of all it refers
Construction (SPAELC). The first Ukrainian
to electric locomotives VL8, produced since 1953,
VL80 electric locomotives, which were launch in freight locomotive was built with the assistance of
production in 1961, and some other locomotives. a number of scientific and industrial organizations,
To provide the railway transport of Ukraine with including the Dnipropetrovsk National University
more advanced electric locomotives the of Railway Transport named after Academician V.
development of new designs is necessary. Lazaryan (DIIT).
Therefore, the rational parameters definition of the Biaxial electric locomotive bogie (fig. 3) is
freight electric locomotive underframe is an urgent boll-joint, non-articulated, with individual drive for
task. axle and axle support suspension of the traction
To develop a mathematical model of electric electric engines [2, 3, 16].
locomotive spatial oscillations and conduction of Axle box is an agnathous; individual spring
the following theoretical studies it is necessary to suspension is used admortization of the blows,
choose a design scheme.
transmitted to bolster structure from the track
To do this, we considered two schemes [8,
17]. The first is made on the basis of the electric irregularity.
locomotive VL85 design. This is one of the most

Fig. 1. Scheme the electric locomotive bogie: 1 – braking system 2 – spring suspension, 3, 5 – wheel set with electric motor,
4 – bogie frame

Fig. 2. Connections of the body with the extreme bogies: 1 – inclined rod, 2 – cradle suspension, 3 – stops, 4 – the traction device,
5 – oscillation damper

Fig. 3. The scheme of electric locomotive bogie: 1 – frame, 2 – wheel set, 3 – bush, 4 – braking system, 5 – spring suspension

To improve the dynamic qualities of the connected to the sidewalls of the bogie frame by
carriages on the locomotive is the construction means of rubber washers.
cradle suspension of the body with a static Traction and braking forces are transmitted
deflection of 120 mm. On each side of the bogie from the bogies to the body by means of inclined
the body is connected by two inclined cradle rods, which are connected on one side with the
suspensions with the cross-bearer. Each cross- body using equal-arm beam, metal rods and
bearer in the transverse direction through a brackets with rubber washers, reinforced at the
spherical joint is connected to the center beam of a bottom to the bogie frame, and on the other side –
bogie frame and in the longitudinal direction it is with traction devices on the bogie frame (fig. 4). In
connected pivotally with two rods, which are the system of the body bearing on the bogies there

are intermediate beams, with which is the body connections. Two cradle suspensions are located
connected by means of cradle suspension. diagonally on the bogie, when turning the bogie
The first stage of suspension consists of the should lengthen, the other two – shorten. The
springs, hydraulic shock absorbers and elastic resulting skew-symmetric load forces the
leashes; suspension of the second stage is the intermediate beams work as a "propeller", that is to
cradle one with hydraulic shock absorbers. In this oscillate galloping in the opposite direction. This
construction to improve the reliability of cradle facilitates the space joint with which the two
suspension work, the springs of the body vertical beams are connected with the bogie frame. Thus,
connection with the bogies are installed not on the when negotiating the curve, besides the restoring
suspensions themselves, but between the bogie torque, which appears in the cradle suspensions, it
frame and the intermediate beams, pivotally also appears in the springs (one extreme spring of
connected to the bogie frame. Intermediate beam in the three in the set, located on one side of an
this case is a lever one end of which through the electric locomotive is compressed, another is
cradle suspension bears a part of the body weight. stretched and the center one thus performs the
At the pass point the load is transferred to the function of supporting ).
springs of the body spring suspension, based on the Among the other locomotives (built
bogie frame. Springs for vertical loads, are located recently), where the traction and braking forces are
separately between two intermediate beams and the also transmitted from the bogie to the body by
bogie frame. Body through the cradle suspension is means of inclined rods, can be identified as
suspended to the intermediate beams, attached to follows:
the bogie frame in the horizontal longitudinal and • Bogies of the main-line six-axle passenger
transverse directions using the hinged-rod electric locomotive EP10 are biaxial, agnathous,
connections with elastic-dissipative elements of the the spring suspension is two staged. The bogie
unilateral action, which are working for the consists of a wheel pair with axle boxes and
compression only. pulling gear, axle box spring suspension system
The advantage of the construction is in that equipped with hydraulic dampers, bogie frame,
the elements, in which the restoring forces appear traction engine an the brake system. Among the
in the vertical (spring) and horizontal (suspension features of an electric locomotive undercarriage
cradle) planes, are spaced apart. design, as compared to other ones, you should
When the carriage negotiates the curves, point out that it has a traction drive of the 2-class
there occurs a fairly significant turning point that
takes intermediate beam through elastic

Fig. 4. Connection of bogie with the body: 1 – cradle suspension, 2 – intermediate beam, 3 – a set of springs, 4 – spherical joint,
5, 9, 13 – rods, 6 – washer, 7 – side stop, 8 – inclined rod, 10 – beam, 11 – rod, 12 – washer

with the support suspension of the traction motors, negotiating, and motion in circular curves
communications systems of the bogies with the significantly improves the dynamic performance of
body, the first and third bogies have a better the carriage and eliminate its impact on the way.
system of the second-stage spring suspension, in Characteristic of the body cross-link with the
which the coil springs of the Flexi coil type were bogies is formed by the support springs of the body
used. Bearing of the body on extreme bogies (fig. and a special spring anti offset device. Rigidity of
5) is radically new, using the springs working for the cross-link of the body with the bogie is not
compression and shear. The spring through the higher than the stiffness of the pendulum gear with
bearing rib rests on the rubber-metal washers, the length 500 mm. Installation of horizontal
which deform under load, providing its equilibrium hydraulic dampers at the level of the bottom
distribution on the length of inactive coil. [14]. bearing belt of the body and the selection of their
When passing through the curve and straight characteristics provided a good horizontal
sections, when any relative displacement of the dynamics of the new carriage. It is also promoted
ends of the springs to each other in a horizontal by the installation of horizontal and anti wobble
plane occur, they spring and reduce the hydraulic dampers that prevent the development of
deformation of the coils, and hence, they reduce bogie whipping at high speeds.
the stress in the turns of the spring coils and the In the longitudinal direction the bogie with
stiffness of suspension system of the bogies body are connected by whole low-lying rod.
angular rotation relative to the body. It is also Exception of the intermediate parts of the
provided during offset of the body relative to the longitudinal brace system and the installation of
horizontal plane of the bogie. single communication became possible after the
A significant reduction in the stiffness of the application of brushless traction motors, which
body bearing on the bogies, the transverse shear of have significantly smaller diameter with higher
the body relative to the bogies when moving in power.
straight lines and angles of rotation, curves

Fig. 5. The system of the body links with extreme bogie: 1 – body support, 2, 5 – vertical and horizontal supports, 3, 6, 7 –
hydraulic dampers, 4 –longitudinal brace rod of the bogie with body, 8 – anti offset device

Fig. 6. The scheme of body connection with the bogie of the electric locomotive 2ES6 series "Sinara": 1 – inclined rod, 2 – body
support of the type "flexi coil", 3 – vertical stop, 4 – vertical hydraulic damper

Fig. 7. Running gear: a – electric locomotive 2ES10 "Granite", b – diesel locomotive Maxima 40CC

 Body of each section of electric  In the design of the locomotive bogie

locomotive 2ES6 "Sinara" is based on two-axle Maxima 40SS (fig. 7, b) in the second stage of the
boll-joint bogies (fig. 6). spring suspension the coil springs of Flexi coil type
The body and the bogies are interconnected were used, providing a reduced impact of the
in the vertical and lateral directions by means of locomotive on track. The transfer of longitudinal
elastic and damping elements – by means of the forces between the body and bogies performed by
spring-type "Flexi coil" through the special limit low-lying rods [18]. Bogies are also equipped with
stops and the one piece inclined rods; for body independent systems of antisked protection.
oscillations and the bogie spring parts damping the • In the design of the running parts of the
vertical and horizontal hydraulic dampers of the Prima locomotives one can see that the relationship
body were applied [9]. between the body and bogies (fig. 8) is carried out
• The body and the bogie of electric by means of two inclined bars, working for
locomotive 2ES10 "Granite" are connected in the stretching/compression. Rods transmit the traction
vertical and transverse directions using the elastic and braking forces at the level of the rail heads.
and damping elements. This solution minimizes the discharge of wheels
The maximum reciprocal movements of the and optimizes the use of available adhesion weight
bogies and electric locomotive 2ES10 body are [19].
limited in the vertical and lateral directions by Traction motors have the support-axle
special stops. The power and braking forces suspension and rely on the axes of the wheel set of
transmission from the bogies to body is performed the locomotive through the bearing bushing.
by one piece inclined rods (fig. 7, a) [15].


Thus, it was considered the design features

of the running gear elements of some main-line
types of locomotives, which have between the
bogie and the body the inclined rods transmitting
the traction forces between them and provide the
essential dynamic performance of carriage motion.

Fig. 8. Running part of the Prima locomotives
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Исследования математического моделирования
проводятся методом численного интегрирования
динамической нагруженности магистрального локомотива
с использованием программного комплекса «Dynamics of
Rail Vihicles» («DYNRAIL»). Рассмотрены
конструктивные особенности элементов ходовых частей
некоторых типов магистральных локомотивов, имеющих
между тележкой и кузовом наклонные тяги, которые
передают тяговые усилия между ними и обеспечивают
необходимые динамические показатели движения
К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а . Локомотив, ходовая часть,
тележка, связи, наклонные тяги.

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