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Design and Production of Belt Drive Elevator Traction Machine: Modelling of

Double Side Belt System (Kayış Tahrikli Asansör Çekiş Makinesinin Tasarımı
ve Üretimi: Çift Taraflı Kayı...

Article  in  Journal of Polytechnic · March 2023

DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.1187864


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4 authors, including:

Mücahit Soyaslan Yusuf Avşar

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Trakya University


Ahmet Fenercioğlu
Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi


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Aksiyel Fan ve Blower Uygulamaları için Anahtarlamalı Relüktans Motor ve Sürücüsü View project

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ISSN: 1302-0900 (PRINT), ISSN: 2147-9429 (ONLINE)

URL: http://dergipark.org.tr/politeknik

Design and production of belt drive elevator

traction machine: modelling of double side
belt system
Kayış tahrikli asansör çekiş makinesinin tasarımı
ve üretimi: çift taraflı kayış sisteminin
Authors (Yazarlar): Mücahit SOYASLAN1, Yusuf AVŞAR2, Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU3, Feyyaz

ORCID1: 0000-0001-6658-5169
ORCID2: 0000-0001-5431-9285
ORCID3: 0000-0002-1522-6868
ORCID4: 0000-0001-7075-2994

To cite to this article: Soyaslan M., Avşar Y., Fenercioğlu A. ve Sarıhan F., “Design and production of belt
drive elevator traction machine: modelling of double side belt system”, Journal of Polytechnic, *(*): *,

Bu makaleye şu şekilde atıfta bulunabilirsiniz: Soyaslan M., Avşar Y., Fenercioğlu A. ve Sarıhan F.,
“Design and production of belt drive elevator traction machine: modelling of double side belt system”,
Politeknik Dergisi, *(*): *, (*).

Erişim linki (To link to this article): http://dergipark.org.tr/politeknik/archive

DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.1187864
Design and Production of Belt Drive Elevator Traction Machine:
Modelling of Double Side Belt System

❖ Belt drive elevator traction motor design
❖ Double side belt system and belt calculations
❖ Verification of design by mechanical analyses
❖ Selection of the components
❖ Prototype production and hoistway placement

Graphical Abstract
In this study, a gearless traction motor with double-sided belt connection was designed for elevator systems and a
prototype was produced.

Figure. Sectional view of the elevator traction motor

It is aimed to design a belt drive elevator motor with a car speed of 1.6 m/s and a load capacity of 1175 kg and to
select all components according to elevator standards.
Design & Methodology
3D modelling software was used during the design process and the strength of the motor under loads was verified
using the finite element analysis (FEA).
A double side-belt drive elevator motor design, selection of components, materials and mechanical verification are
presented for the first time in this article.
The motor shaft, covers, body and stator teeth are located in the safe working area according to the standards.
In this study, the selection and strength of the all components of the belt drive elevator machine were made according
to the standards and the prototype production of the designed motor was carried out.
Declaration of Ethical Standards
The authors of this article declare that the materials and methods used in this study do not require ethical committee
permission and/or legal-special permission.
Design and Production of Belt Drive Elevator Traction
Machine: Modelling of Double Side Belt System
Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article
1Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Türkiye
Vocational School, Department of Electronics and Automation, Trakya University, Türkiye
3Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Bursa Technical University, Türkiye
4Research And Development Unit, Emlak Konut Elevator Systems Industry and Trade Inc., Türkiye

(Geliş/Received : 12.10.2022 ; Kabul/Accepted : 15.02.2023 ; Erken Görünüm/Early View : 15.03.2023)

Elevator traction motors are critical components of elevator systems. After the structural analysis of the traction motor, it is
necessary to proceed to the production processes for the comfortable and safe use of elevator systems. In this study, the static load
values for bearing lifetime calculation, belt selection, and finite element analyses (FEA) were determined. According to calculated
loads; materials, bearings, belt, pulley, brake, and encoder were selected. In order to obtain a design in accordance with elevator
standards, motor parts were examined for structural analysis. Finite element analyses were carried out according to the determined
maximum static load values, and a new belt elevator traction motor design that provides the safety coefficients has emerged. When
the FEA analysis results of bending moments are examined; the maximum Von Mises stress acting on the motor frame and shaft
was obtained 17.1 MPa and 27.62 MPa respectively. The maximum Von Mises stress was obtained under the torsional moment as
71.4 MPa and the shaft is 6.1 times safe against a torsional moment. This value is the minimum safety factor of the designed system
and safety factors of bending moments are higher than this value. The designed elevator machine has got 12.9 kW rated power, 1.6
m/s cabin speed, and 1175 kg carrying capacity. The advantage of the proposed design is to eliminate the casting process with
modular structure via double side belt system. The prototype of the designed motor was produced and it was observed that the
motor provided the desired constraints as a result of the loading experiments.
Keywords: Elevator traction machine, gearless machine, belt drive elevator motor, finite element analysis, FEA, design

Kayış Tahrikli Asansör Çekiş Makinesinin Tasarımı ve

Üretimi: Çift Taraflı Kayış Sisteminin Modellenmesi
Asansör tahrik motorları, asansör sistemlerinin kritik bileşenleridir. Asansör sistemlerinin konforlu ve güvenli kullanımı için, tahrik
motorunun yapısal analizleri yapıldıktan sonra üretim süreçlerine geçilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada rulman ömür hesabı,
kayış seçimi ve sonlu eleman analizleri (SEA) için statik yük değerleri belirlenmiştir. Hesaplanan yüklere göre; malzemeler,
rulmanlar, kayış, kasnak, fren ve enkoder seçilmiştir. Asansör standartlarına uygun bir tasarım elde edebilmek için motor parçaları
yapısal analiz ile incelenmiştir. Belirlenen maksimum statik yük değerlerine göre sonlu elemanlar analizleri yapılmış ve emniyet
katsayılarını sağlayan yeni bir kayışlı asansör tahrik motoru tasarımı ortaya çıkmıştır. Eğilme momentlerinin SEA analiz sonuçları
incelendiğinde; motor gövdesine ve mile etki eden maksimum Von Mises gerilmesi sırasıyla 17,1 MPa ve 27,62 MPa olarak elde
edilmiştir. Burulma momenti altında maksimum Von Mises gerilmesi 71,4 MPa olarak elde edilmiş olup mil burulma momentine
karşı 6,1 kat emniyetlidir. Bu değer, tasarlanan sistemin minimum emniyet faktörüdür ve eğilme momentlerinin emniyet katsayıları
bu değerden yüksektir. Tasarlanan asansör makinesi 12,9 kW anma gücüne, 1,6 m/s kabin hızına ve 1175 kg taşıma kapasitesine
sahiptir. Önerilen tasarımın avantajı, çift taraflı kayış sistemi ile modüler yapı ile döküm işlemini ortadan kaldırmasıdır. Tasarlanan
motorun prototipi üretilmiş ve yapılan yükleme deneyleri sonucunda motorun istenilen kısıtlamaları sağladığı görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Asansör tahrik makinesi, dişlisiz makine, kayış tahrikli asansör motoru, sonlu elemanlar analizi, SEA,
tasarım hesabı.
1. INTRODUCTION buildings, there was a need to increase cabin capacities.
The capacity increase is a more suitable method since the
Elevators are designed to transport passengers or other
installation of another elevator system will be costly [1].
goods from their starting floors to their destinations
safely, comfortably and efficiently. Due to the increase in Since increases in car load have a direct effect on the
the number of passengers and cargo loads in high-rise motor shaft and connection parts, they should be taken
into account in the design and selection of the elevator
*Sorumlu Yazar (Corresponding Author)
e-posta : msoyaslan@subu.edu.tr Today, there are four main types of elevators. These are
electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, and maglev elevators. The
most commonly used elevator systems are electrically winding, air gap, slot-pole ratio, stator tooth structures
driven geared or gearless elevator systems [2]. These etc. are generally optimized. In addition, design
elevators can have rope or belt traction. Rope traction improvements and weight reductions have been
elevators have ropes running over a pulley connected to investigated for the frame, rails, door assembly and
an electric motor above the shaft. The main function of hoistway equipments [20-23]. Different suspension
the ropes is to raise and lower the elevator car. A gear ratios are used in the traction system to balance the load
traction elevator consists of a motor with a gearbox according to the motor speed, and the cabin speeds and
attached to it. The main function of gears is to provide loads are balanced according to the design criteria.
power to the pulley that moves the ropes. A gearless Today, elevator machines with a car speed of 1.6 and a
traction elevator does not have a gear system for speed carrying capacity of 1175 kg are widely used in medium-
regulation. Motor efficiency has also increased with height buildings. According to these parameters, the
gearless elevator motors with direct drive. These motors number of counterweights and belts according to the
need high torque at low speeds. In gearless elevator carrying capacity of the motor has been determined for
motors, elevator car and counterweight are moved by the first time in this publication. The weights of the parts
ropes or belts attached to pulleys. In order to prevent that are not limited by standards such as cabin weight,
fracture in steel ropes, a ratio of 40:1 between the drive suspension weights and counterweight frame are
pulley and the rope diameter is mandatory [3]. Today, determined according to the design of the hoistway. Mass
pulleys with a minimum diameter of 240 mm are used in production of the designed motor will be possible only
the acceptable risk range in rope elevator motors. with laser, milling and lathe processes without the need
However, it has been observed that some companies of casting process. So the major difference of the
reduce pulley diameters by up to 210 mm by using proposed design from other products in the industry is to
specially certified ropes [4, 5]. In order to move the same eliminate the casting process with modular structure via
loads with low torques at high speeds, pulley diameters double side belt system.
need to be further reduced. For this purpose, belt
In this study, a permanent magnet synchronous motor
mechanisms have been used instead of rope mechanisms
with a power of 12.9 kW, a cabin speed of 1.6 m/s and, a
in recent years [6]. With the commercial use of belts
carrying capacity of 1175 kg (16 people) in the IE4
made of steel and rubber, fracture defaults in belt
efficiency class has been designed as the belt drive
mechanisms have been eliminated and pulley diameters
elevator traction system. Structural analyses were carried
have been reduced [7]. In this way, motor sizes with
out with FEA in order to demonstrate that the motor is
similar rated loads have been reduced, and smoother and
safe according to its carrying capacity. In addition, the
quieter travel has been achieved [2].
materials of the motor such as bearings, pulleys, belt,
Different types of electric motors are used for traction in brake and encoder were selected and then prototype
elevator systems. These can be listed as induction motors, production was carried out. It has been proven that the
permanent magnet synchronous motors, linear motors or designed and manufactured belt driven elevator motor
reluctance motors [8-12]. Passenger comfort, motor can be used safely in elevator systems.
efficiency and production costs are the main optimization
parameters for the selection and design of these motors
[13-20]. For this purpose, magnet geometry, stator

a) b) c)

d) e) f)
Figure 1. Belt Drive Elevator Machines: a) Otis-Gen2 [24], b) Ziehl-Abegg ZAtopx [25], c) Faxi 100A [26],
d) Schindler 3300 [27], e) Kisa KA100 [28], f) Akış S200 K2 [29]
2. MACHINE DESIGN used in mechanical strength calculations are different
2.1.Modelling of Double Side Belt System from each other. All static load calculations were made
according to the 2:1 elevator suspension system in Figure
In the field of belt traction elevator motors, companies
3. The expression 2:1 means that 1/2 of the load on the
have different machine designs. In most of these designs,
motor in elevators is transferred to the building with the
belt pulleys are located on one side of the motor, while in
suspension design. Considering that the belts flow from
a few designs they are located on the right and left side.
both sides of the motor, the loads on the bearings are
Belt elevator traction machines with different structures
divided into two part: the machine cabin side (Tcs) and
are shown in Figure 1. Only the Schindler 3300 model
the machine counterweight side (Tcw). In addition, Owb
has the belts running from the right and left sides of the
value which is the total force of the shaft, rotor, pulleys
center of these designs. The advantage of the design in
and belt weights also affects the bearings. There are
this study over the Schindler 3300 model is that it
pulleys on the right-left side of the designed elevator
eliminates the casting process and has a modular
machine and bearings on both sides of these pulleys. The
total loads on the bearings (Tsl) are the sum of Tcs, Tcw and
Considering the motor static and dynamic loads, the Owb values. For the lifetime calculation, the loads per
elevator traction machine should be placed in the balance bearing are calculated with the equations in (1-6). As a
center in the hoistway. For that purpose, the electric result, the load acting per single bearing was obtained as
motor is placed in the middle of the traction system, and 5381.88 N.
the belt pulleys attached to the shaft are positioned to be
on the right and left sides of the electric motor. Belt drive Table 1. Static load values for bearing lifetime calculation
elevator motor design is seen in Figure 2. The advantages Notations Value Unit
of the belt drive elevator motor design are listed below: Nominal Load (Q) 1175 kg
• Belt elevator motor will be placed in the balance Suspension weight (Ws) 185 kg
center in the hoistway and thus uncomfortable travels Frame weight (Wf) 185 kg
caused by the balance center in roped gearless Cabin weight (Wc) 1000 kg
elevator motors will be prevented. Machine cabin side weight (Mcs) 2360 kg
• Elevator loads accumulated on the motor are Machine counterweight side weight (Mcw) 1772.5 kg
Other loads affecting the bearing (Owb) 1257.64 N
transmitted to the building and the ground in a smooth
Total load on the machine counterweight side (Tcw) 8694.11 N
and balanced manner.
Total load on the machine cabin side (Tcs) 11575.8 N
• There will be no need for a cast body in the Total static load affecting to the bearings (Tsl) 21527.55 N
production of the proposed belt elevator motor, and a Load per bearing (for life calculation) (Lpb) 5381.88 N
lighter and more compact motor will be produced. Gravity (g) 9.81 m/s2
• Compared to rope systems of the same power, a lower
volume and lower weight, more efficient and more
comfortable elevator traction system has been

Figure 2. Designed double side belt drive elevator traction


Before starting the structural analysis, static loads should

be determined by calculating the weights such as cabin,
suspension, counterweight, frame weight, belt weights.
According to the determined static loads, the mechanical
parts of the motor, bearing, material, belt, pulley, brake
and encoder selection were made.

2.2. Selection of Bearings According to Lifetime

The loads required to calculate the bearings' lifetime in
the elevator traction motor are given in Table 1. Static
loads used in bearings' lifetime calculations and loads Figure 3. 2:1 elevator suspension system [30]
𝑀𝑐𝑠 = 𝑄 + 𝑊𝑐 + 𝑊𝑓 (1) on the shaft, 42CrMo4 (~AISI 4140), which is a
quenched and tempered steel, was chosen as the shaft
𝑀𝑐𝑤 = 𝑄/2 + 𝑊𝑐 + 𝑊𝑠 (2) material. The forces are acting to covers and connection
parts vertically, so the material of these parts was selected
𝑀𝑐𝑠 as AISI 1045, which is a medium tensile steel. The
𝑇𝑐𝑠 = x𝑔 (3) properties of these materials are given in Table 2 [31].
The strength of the selected materials has been verified
𝑇𝑐𝑤 = x 𝑔 (4) by static analysis.
Table 2. Properties of selected materials
𝑇𝑠𝑙 = 𝑇𝑐𝑠 + 𝑇𝑐𝑤 + 𝑂𝑤𝑏 (5) Properties 42CrMo4 AISI 1045 Unit
Elastic modulus 210000.0031 205000 N/mm2
𝐿𝑝𝑏 = (6) Poisson’s ratio 0.28 0.29 N/A
4 Shear Modulus 79000 80000 N/mm2
As seen in Figure 4, four bearings are used in the Mass Density 7800 7850 N/m3
designed elevator motor and the static load is equally Tensile strength 1000 625 N/mm2
distributed on these bearings. Bearing selection was Yield strength 750 530 N/mm2
made according to lifetime value Lh which given in (7). Thermal Expansion coeff. 1.1e-05 1.15e-05 1/K
Here, F is the equivalent load, C is the dynamic load Thermal conductivity 14 49.8 W/(m.K)
number, n is the rotation speed (rpm) and p is the lifetime Specific heat 440 486 J/(kg.K)
coefficient. SKF 6212 and SKF 6215 type bearings were
selected for both sides of the pulley according to the loads 2.4. Selection of Belt and Pulley
per bearing and the motor cover thickness. From the According to IEC 60034-2-1:2014, motors must be
catalog data, the C value of 6212 and 6215 type bearings loaded at 125% nominal load maximum at the tests [32].
is taken as 55.3 kN and 68.9 kN respectively. The p value Belt and pulley dimensions are determined by taking into
is taken as 3 for ball bearings. The rotation speed of the account the loads on them. The maximum force that the
motor (n) is 615 rpm. belts can encounter at 125% of their nominal load is
106 𝐶 𝑝 calculated by Fbmax in (8). The Wb value in the equation
𝐿ℎ = 60𝑥𝑛 (𝐹) (7) represents the belt weight on the side where the
As a result of the calculations made according to (7), the maximum force occurs and is taken as 20 kg. The number
lifetimes for 6212 and 6215 type bearings are 29430 and of cords (N) and radius (d), belt thickness and MBL value
56952 hours, respectively. The designed elevator motor of the belts have a critical role at the selection stages.
has a duty cycle of S5 and the ratio of the loaded Minimum breaking load (MBL) represents the minimum
operation time to the total cycle time is 40%. Considering load that can be applied to a belt before it breaks [33].
that the elevator motor will operate at full load for 6 hours Since the designed elevator machine has four different
per day, 6212 and 6215 type bearings can be used without belts, the safety factor Sf calculated for a single belt is
maintenance for approximately 13.6 and 26.3 years, expressed by (9). According to the EN 81-20 norm, the
respectively. These values are the results that occur in the safety factor in the designed system should be at least 12
case of continuous full-load operation. In practice, the [34]. After the calculations, it was determined that the
elevator will not always operate at full load. So the MBL value of the flat belt to be selected should be at least
bearing lifetimes are expected to be longer. 36.91 kN. Therefore, the belt selection was made as
BRUbelt40 kN from Table 3. According to the selected
belts, the safety coefficient was obtained as 12.11.
2.3. Material Selection
Before proceeding to the analysis of the elevator traction 𝑊𝑐 +1.25 x 𝑄
motor, the materials used in different types of traction 𝐹𝑏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ( ) x 𝑔 + 𝑊𝑏 x 𝑔 (8)
systems were examined. Since all loads will be affected

a) b)
Figure 4. a) Shaft cross section between bearings, b) Section view of designed motor
𝑀𝐵𝐿 with a nominal torque of 200 Nm, the Mayr Roba-
𝑆𝑓 = (𝐹 (9)
𝑏𝑚𝑎𝑥 /4) twinstop size-180 type brake, which has the ability to
brake loads of at least 2x200 Nm and can brake axially,
Table 3. Features of the belts [33] is chosen. The selected brake is a customized design for
Product Cross- Number Belt 2x200 Nm and works with a voltage of 207 VDC [35].
Min. Breaking
Load (kN)
section of steel weight The brake hub has a circular space for encoder
(BRUbelt) (mm x mm) cords (g/m) connection. The motor encoder was chosen as
3.6 kN 3,6 8 x 2.3 4 30 Heidenhain ECN 1313, which is a frequently used
7.5 kN 7,5 16 x 2.3 8 60 encoder in elevator systems. Heidenhain ECN 1313 is a
9 kN 9 25 x 2.3 10 90 12-pin rotary encoder with 2048 pulse/rotation resolution
15 kN 15 33 x 2.3 16 125 used in motor control [36]. Selected electromechanical
40 kN 40 25 x 3.4 8 200 brake and encoder are shown in Figure 6.
50 kN 50 31 x 3.4 10 250
7 0kN 70 44 x 3.4 14 350
109 kN 109 70 x 3.3 24 549
126 kN 126 100 x 3.0 42 691
218 kN 218 150 x 3.3 48 1136

According to the calculations between the rated motor

speed and cabin speeds, the pulley diameter D was
chosen as 100 mm. The belts can be eccentric during
assembly and the belt can move left and right on the
pulley during the operation of the elevator motor. To
eliminate these problems, the pulley width is made wider a) b)
than the belt width. This width to be added can be taken Figure 6. a) Electromechanical brake, b) Encoder
as 30 mm. Thus, the pulley groove width w becomes 55
mm in total with a belt width of 25 mm and a safe belt 3. DESIGN and MECHANICAL ANALYSES
tracking width of 30 mm. Crown radius R is formed on The bearing and material selections for the elevator
the surface of the pulleys so that the belts can move traction system has been made. During the operation of
better. For a pulley diameter of 100 mm, the R value can the elevator motor, it is necessary to measure the
be taken as 450 mm. A radius edge is formed on the resistance of the machine to maximum loads. The total
pulley edges to prevent the belts from being cut and surge force Fs, where the cabin is at 125% load and acting on
out of the pulley. Also the surface of the pulleys must the machine parts, is given by (10). Fs is similar to Tsl in
have roughness Ra of 2-3 µm for optimal traction bearing calculation, the difference is that 1.25 times the
performance. In Figure 5, the technical drawing of a nominal load value is taken in this equation. The reason
pulley to be used in the elevator machine and section for this is that the deformation analyses should be
view of a belt with 8 cords are given. performed against overloads. However, it is sufficient to
consider the nominal loads in the calculation of the
bearing life. In addition, the total force value in this
equation was multiplied by the dynamic load coefficient
while performing the structural analysis. When the values
are substituted in (10), the Fs value is obtained as 22.96
kN. In structural analyses, the total force acting on the
motor is implemented as 46 kN (Dynamic load factor: 2).
1.25 x 𝑄+𝑊𝑐 +𝑊𝑓 𝑄/2+𝑊𝑐 +𝑊𝑠
𝐹𝑠 = ( + ) x 𝑔 + 𝑂𝑤𝑏 (10)
2 2

3.1. Design, Sizing and Hoistway Layout

While determining the motor design; a design that is easy
to manufacture, whose mass production costs can
a) b)
Figure 5. a) Drawing of pulley, b) Elevator belt with 8 cords
compete with rival products, and which meets the loads
in a balanced way has been achieved. Figure 7 shows the
final design of the elevator machine. The general
2.5. Brake and Encoder Selection dimensioning of the motor whose 3D design is completed
According to EN 81-20 norm; electrochemical brake is available in Figure 8.a. The motor has a weight of
must be capable of stopping the machine when the car is 164.5 kg plus an additional 25 kg of brake weight. Thus,
travelling downward at rated speed and with the rated the total weight of the elevator machine including the
load plus 25 % [34]. As the brake of the elevator motor brake is expected to be 189.5 kg. Its length is 797.68 mm,
its width is 250 mm and its height is 250 mm. The shaft speed rotating motors, the rotational speed is much lower
design was made according to the motor design and the than the critical speed and rotor inertia is accordingly
motor was centered in the middle of the right and left belt low. Therefore, there is no problem due to dynamic
connections. The placement of the motor in the hoistway effects in electric motors rotating at low speeds [37].
is shown in Figure 8.b. Since the rated speed of the designed motor is as low as
615 rpm and the produced motor will not operate at
variable speeds, it was not necessary to carry out dynamic
analyses. The stresses affecting to motor parts are shown
in Table 4.
Table 4. The stresses affecting to motor parts
Motor part Impact type
Motor frame Bending
Motor shaft Bending + Torsion
Stator teeth Torsion

The strength of the parts under these stresses, the amount

of deformation and whether they remain within the yield
limits were tested by FEA. Mesh properties of analyses
Figure 7. 3D final design of the elevator machine are shown in Table 5. The most adequate mesh size was
selected according to different analysis results which
3.2. Mechanical Analyses have various mesh dimensions. Mesh refinements were
In order to clarify the final design of the elevator traction done until the results came stable. After we came a limit,
motor, the strength of the motor parts under load and the analysis results did not vary significantly even when we
amount of deformation need to be measured. For this refine our mesh. So the element size that gave a mesh
purpose, FEA were conducted on motor parts. In low- independent solution was selected. In the design
calculations, the factor of safety was taken as 5 [38].

Table 5. Mesh properties of analyses

Mesh type: Motor frame Shaft bending Shaft torsion Stator torsion
Mesh Quality: High High High High
Jacobian points: 16 points 16 points 16 points 16 points
Element Size: 4,86906 mm 2,30055 mm 3,38114 mm 4,14377 mm
Tolerance: 0,243453 mm 0,115027 mm 0,169057 mm 0,207189 mm
Total Nodes: 1282146 1376555 547712 744937
Total Elements: 831698 979591 384940 491522

a) b)
Figure 8. a) General dimensioning of the motor, b) Hoistway assembly
3.2.1. Motor frame bending analysis 3.2.2. Bending and torsion analysis of shaft
In the production of the motor prototype, AISI 1045 The elevator car, counterweight and passenger weights,
material, one of the medium carbon manufacturing steels, which are connected to the belts on the pulley create a
was used for the chassis elements. The fixing areas of the bending moment on the shaft. In addition, as the shaft
system are the connecting bolts under the covers, and the forces the load to rotate, torsional moment occurs on it.
loading points are the bearings, which are the contact Therefore, the reaction of the shaft when forced against
points of the shaft. The system has a modular structure both torsion and bending was tested by FEA. In the
and the chrome-plated grinded shafts located along the production of the prototype, 42CrMo4 material, which is
motor in 4 corners are connected by the nuts. Total of 46 a quenched and tempered steel, is predicted to be used for
kN of force was applied to the motor frame as a static the shaft. For the bending stress, Figure 10 gives the mesh
load. Figure 9 shows the results of the bending analysis structure of the shaft, applied force, Von Mises stress
performed on the motor frame using SolidWorks results and displacement results.
software. When the analysis results are examined; the maximum
When the analysis results are examined; the maximum Von Mises stress acting on the shaft under a force of 46
Von Mises stress acting on the motor frame under a force kN was obtained as 26.09 MPa. This value is well below
of 46 kN was obtained as 17.19 MPa. This value is well the yield limit of the material, 750 MPa, and the material
below the yield limit of the material, 530 MPa, and the is 28.7 times safe under the applied load. The maximum
material is 30.8 times safe under the applied load. The displacement of the material is 3.8 µm, which is a very
maximum displacement of the material is 5.1 µm, which low value. As a result, when there is maximum bending
is a very low value. Therefore, the motor body operates stress, the shaft operates in the safe zone. A torsional
in the safe zone under maximum bending load. The motor torque of 200 Nm which is the maximum output torque
frame safety coefficient was obtained at a high level. The of the motor is applied to the shaft.
places on the frame that can be revised are the motor The moment is applied to the rotor keyseat of the shaft
covers and outer plates. However, there are bearings in and the fixings are made from the pulley keyway regions.
the hubs of these elements and cover selection should be The applied torsional moment analysis results are shown
made according to the thickness of the bearings and the in Figure 11. The maximum Von Mises stress on the shaft
lifetime calculation. The minimum cover and plate was obtained as 71.4 MPa under the effect of applied
thicknesses have already been determined according to torsional moment of 200 Nm. The material's shear yield
the bearing thicknesses, and the inside of the cover has strength is taken into consideration when the torsion
been milled to reduce weight. effect will be analysed. This amount is roughly 0.58


17.19 MPa 5.1 µm

b) c)
Figure 9. Motor frame bending analysis a) Applied force and mesh structure, b) Von Mises stress analysis results
(N/mm2), c) Displacement analysis results (mm)
times the yield strength for bending [39]. The material's 3.2.3. Torsion Analysis of stator teeth
shear yield limit in this instance is 435 MPa. Thus, the To determine the deformations that may occur in the
shaft is 6.1 times safe against a torsional moment. The stator teeth, a torque of 200 Nm was applied. JFE Steel
maximum displacement in the shaft was determined 20 50JN350 (0.5 mm sheet equivalent of M350) was used
µm at the shaft's end points. As a result, when the as the stator sheet material in the motor analysis, and the
maximum output torque is applied, the shaft operates in yield strength of this material is 389 MPa. According to
the safe zone. Although the shaft has a high safety factor analysis results, the maximum Von Mises stress was
in bending analyses, it is 6.1 times safe under the effect obtained as 1.31 MPa. It was observed that the torsion
of torsion. In this case, no additional reduction was and displacement in the stator teeth were very low.
required in the shaft design.


26.09 MPa

3.8 µm

b) c)
Figure 10. Motor shaft bending analysis a) Applied force and mesh structure, b) Von Mises stress analysis results
(N/mm2), c) Displacement analysis results (mm)


20 µm

71.4 MPa

b) c)
Figure 11. Motor shaft torsion analysis a) Applied force and mesh structure, b) Von Mises stress analysis results
(N/mm2), c) Displacement analysis results (mm)

b) c)
Figure 12. Stator torsion analysis a) Applied force and mesh structure, b) Von Mises stress analysis results
(N/mm2), c) Displacement analysis results (mm)
Figure 12 shows the analysis results of the torque applied of the shaft. In the experiments, acceleration, stopping
to the stator teeth. and loading operations were applied to the motor
separately. Quick stopping with powder brake was
4. PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION AND TESTS applied to the motor operating at rated speed and 125%
The structural analyses of the designed elevator motor load, and the strength of the shaft under the effect of
were carried out and its suitability according to the torsion was tested. The tests were completed successfully
elevator safety coefficients was proven by FEA. The and no deformation occurred in the shaft.
approved parts were produced by laser cutting and
machining methods. The produced parts are shown in Motor Belt Drive Powder
Figure 13. Driver Elevator Motor Brake

Figure 14. Test Setup

Figure 13. Produced motor components

Stator windings were placed and magnets were attached

to the rotor. Then, as a result of the assembly of all
components, the belted elevator motor prototype took its
final form. A competitive and efficient motor has
emerged in the field of belt elevator motors. In Figure 14,
there is the test setup of the motor, and in Figure 15, there
is the final version of the produced elevator machine.
Since the lowest safety factor was observed in the shaft
torsion analysis, more attention was given to torsion test Figure 15. Prototype elevator machine
5. CONCLUSION was examined after the tests and no deformation was
In this study, detailed design and prototype production of observed. In low-speed rotating motors, the rotational
a double-sided belt elevator traction motor has been speed is much lower than the critical speed, and the rotor
made. The advantages of the double-sided belt system inertia remains at low levels accordingly. Therefore,
and the proposed motor design can be listed as follows: there is no problem related to dynamic effects in electric
motors that rotate at low speeds [37]. Since the rated
• Thanks to the machine being placed in the balance speed of the designed prototype motor is as low as 615
center in the hoistway, more comfortable travel will be rpm and the produced motor will not operate at variable
achieved. speeds, there was no need for dynamic analysis.
• Mass production will be possible only with laser,
milling and lathe processes without the need for a cast In this study, all the processes that must be carried out
body. from design to its production of an elevator motor are
mentioned. Considering the FEA carried out, the
• A light and compact motor was produced.
structural suitability of the elevator machine has been
• Compared to rope systems, a lower volume, lower
proven. It is predicted that this study will be an important
weight, more efficient and more comfortable elevator
source of literature for those who will work on issues
traction system has been designed.
such as determining static loads, belt selection, pulley
• The loads in the elevator motor are transmitted to the sizing, bearing selection in belt drive elevator systems.
building and the ground in a smooth and balanced In addition, it is expected to bring a new perspective to
manner. the elevator industry with design innovations such as the
For bearing lifetime calculations, static loads on the absence of casting processes and the belt placements that
bearings were calculated. After, 6212 and 6215 type ensure the equal distribution of elevator loads. In future
bearings were chosen for both sides of the pulleys. It has studies, belt and pulley selections can be made and new
been determined that the 6212 and 6215 type bearings in belt drive elevator motor designs with different carrying
the elevator motor operating in the S5 duty cycle can capacities can be obtained. In addition, corner square
operate without maintenance for approximately 13.6 and profiles can be innovated to improve motor assembly.
26.3 years, respectively. Since bending and torsion forces
affects to the motor shaft, it is produced from 42CrMo4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
quenched and tempered steel. Covers and other
connecting parts are made of medium tensile steel AISI This work was supported by The Scientific and
1045. The MBL value calculated according to the loads Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK)
on the belts was found to be 36.91 kN. According to MBL 1512 Entrepreneurship Support Program with the project
value, BRUbelt 40kN belts with a cross section of 25x3.4 number of 2210394. Also this work was supported by
mm were selected. The pulleys were designed with a Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University Scientific Project Unit
diameter of 100 mm. The pulley groove width is 55 mm with the project number of 2021/02. In addition, this
in total with a belt width of 25 mm and a safe belt tracking project was carried out by Emlak Konut Elevator
width of 30 mm. Mayr Roba-twinstop size-180 was Systems Industry and Trade Inc. and Nermag Research,
chosen as electromagnetic brake and Heidenhain Development and Engineering Co. Ltd.
ECN1313 2048 was chosen as the encoder.
The final 3D model of the motor was acquired and DECLARATION OF ETHICAL STANDARDS
inserted into the hoistway design once all the The authors of this article declare that the materials and
components had been chosen and created. A total of 46 methods used in this study do not require ethical
kN static load was applied to the motor. Also 200 Nm committee permission and/or legal-special permission.
torsional moment was applied to the shaft. Bending and
torsion effects were investigated for shaft, motor frame AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
and stator teeth via FEA. According to the analysis Mücahit SOYASLAN: Wrote the manuscript, made the
results, the motor was obtained within the desired safety design, calculations and analyses, produced the motor
limits in accordance with the standards. As a result, a and performed the experiments.
brand-new elevator motor design has appeared that can Yusuf AVŞAR: Wrote the manuscript, made the design,
compete with others in the industry. calculations and analyses, produced the motor and
The maximum safety factor was occurred at bending of performed the experiments.
the motor frame as 30.8 times and the minimum safety Ahmet FENERCİOĞLU: Made the design,
factor was occurred at torsion of the shaft as 6.1 times. calculations and analyses, validation of results and
Since the minimum safety factor must be taken into designs.
account for the reliability of the system, the experiments Feyyaz SARIHAN: Made the design, validation of
were also done according to torsion of the shaft. In tests; results and designs.
a loading of 125% of the nominal torque was applied to
the shaft with the powder brake system. Afterwards, the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
tests of the prototype produced motor were carried out There is no conflict of interest in this study.
and the motor design was verified by the tests. The shaft
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