t2 or 642 Solar System Fact Cards (2) - Ver - 14
t2 or 642 Solar System Fact Cards (2) - Ver - 14
t2 or 642 Solar System Fact Cards (2) - Ver - 14
Moons: 0 Moons: 0
hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium and carbon dioxide (96.5%), nitrogen and
potassium sulphur dioxide
2 (Phobos and
Distance from Sun: 150 million km Deimos)
Distance from
Length of year: 365 days 228 million km
Length of day: 24 hours
Length of year: 687 days
between -88°C 1 day 0 hours
Temperature: Length of day:
and 58°C 37 minutes
between -153°C and
Atmosphere: Temperature:
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Jupiter Size (diameter): 142 984km
Saturn Size (diameter): 116 460km
Moons: 79 Moons: 82
Distance from Distance from
778 million km 1.4 billion km
Sun: Sun:
Length of year: 12 years Length of year: 29 years
Atmosphere: Atmosphere:
This planet is made up mostly of gas. This planet is made up mostly of gas.
Almost the entire planet is made up of Almost the entire planet is made up of
hydrogen and helium, with traces of hydrogen, helium and methane.
ammonia, water and methane.
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