Admission Policy

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REF: EFIA/PLCY -006/2023-25 Issue Date: 05/04/2023

Schools operate fairly and appropriately in their decisions about admission, registration and
placement of students.

• The School shall allow prospective Parents/Guardians and their children to visit the School prior
to registration so that they may familiarize themselves with it.
• Schools are required to re-register its students in the next grade, if the Parents/Guardians wish so,
as long as there are no behavior issues that justify refusal of the student’s re-registration.

• Schools shall officially register a student once the student meets the admission requirements and
• Schools may register students at any time of the year at their discretion, subject to space
availability and provided that the School satisfies itself that the student is capable of keeping up
with those in the same peer group and can successfully pass the academic year.
• School may collect registration or re-registration fees up to four months ahead of the
commencement of the school year, provided that such an amount is deducted from approved
School fees and does not exceed 5% of ADEK approved tuition fees.
• School may retain the registration or re-registration fees collected for each student, should the
student attend any part, or days, of week 1 of the semester or fail to show up at all without the
parent notifying the school in writing.


• Taking into account the content of Policy (66), Schools shall have a maximum number of twenty
five students for each kindergarten class (KG1 and KG2).
• Taking into account the content of Policy (66), Schools shall have a maximum number of thirty
students for each class of Grades 1 to 12.


• Schools must admit students into their kindergarten stage (KG1 or KG2) which precedes the
mandatory education stage after a short interview.
• The School will conduct an interview with a student during the mandatory education stage and
may require the student to take certain placement tests to give an indication of their performance
level(s) to be able to provide proper learning support and not for the purpose of accepting or
rejecting a student.


Admission Revision Date: 31/03/2025

Shabiya-10, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi (P.O. Box 128576) 1|Page

REF: EFIA/PLCY -006/2023-25 Issue Date: 05/04/2023

• The School shall require Parents/Guardians to complete a registration form giving full contact
details for the student’s Parents / Guardians, and details of the student’s: - Basic details (full
name in both Arabic and English, date and place of birth, nationality, address, information about
Parents/Guardians, etc.). - Official documents (identity card issued by the UAE, vaccination
card, etc.). - School records for the previous year, if the student has previously attended a school
in another Emirate or outside of the UAE.
• School allows tuition fees to be paid in three equal installments in each academic year.
• Documents pertaining to students with special educational needs such as previous individual
education plans and relevant assessments, as well as evidence pertaining to gifted and talented
students such as advanced learning plans and provisions (if needed). - Any other relevant
information deemed necessary by the School.
• If a student is transferring to another Emirate, a transfer certificate is needed.
• Schools must ensure that all newly admitted students (including the students transferred from
other schools in the Emirate, from other Emirates, or from schools aboard) submit their
vaccination cards and medical records as an integral part of the admission and registration
procedure for such students:
• Schools must keep records of all student admission files including required information and
documents till completion of the studies of the student.
• No original document (except the TC) to be submitted to the school.

The school may retain a certain amount of the tuition fees in any of the following cases:
• If a student attends any part of week one of the term or fails to show up at all without the
Parent/Guardian notifying the School in writing sufficiently in (at least a month) advance before
the beginning of a term. In such a case, the School may retain the value of one month fees.
• If a student attends from one week and up to two weeks in a term, the School may retain the
value of two month of tuition fees.
• If a student attends over three weeks in a term, the school may retain the full term fees.
• Official holidays and absences from classes are considered part of the week.
• Schools may suspend a few days but only after sending three warning notices each being one
week in duration each time to a student’s parent/guardian for the non-payment of the term
• The value of one-month tuition is calculated by dividing the total tuition fees for the school year
by 10 months.
Textbook and uniform fees paid to the school will not be refunded at any cost/the school may
withhold the students’ examination reports cards, transfer certificates (or block a transfer on eSIS)
until all outstanding dues are settled.

Schools may apply admission priorities if there are more requests for places than available places,
as follows:

Admission Revision Date: 31/03/2025

Shabiya-10, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi (P.O. Box 128576) 2|Page

REF: EFIA/PLCY -006/2023-25 Issue Date: 05/04/2023

1. Students who attended the School in the previous year or period.

2. Students with siblings already in the School.
3. Children of School staff.
4. Students who live near the School.


School is accountable to ensure that students remain on track.
• Kindergarten and Cycle 1 (Grades 1 to 5) - All students in KG and Cycle 1 will be promoted to
the next grade, except in rare circumstances. The decision to retain a student in the same grade
will be taken by the principal after consulting with the parent.
• Cycles 2 and 3 (Grades 6 to 12) - All students in grades 6 to 9 & 11 will be promoted to the next
grade except when they do not meet the promotion requirements as per the ADEK approved
curriculum. A student cannot be retained in a certain grade more than two consecutive times as
maximum and no more than two different grades during the entirety of his School education.
• The ADEK follows the CBSE graduation requirements for Grade 10 students.

When a School considers retaining a student, the decision shall be made by not by any individual
person, but rather by a School sub-committee (Academic Review Committee (educational)) which
is headed by the Principal. The Principal should consult with the members of the Academic
Review Committee (educational) concerning the retention of the student or their promotion to the
next grade, and the final decision shall be based on the collective decision of the following:
• All teachers who have taught or worked with the student during the current academic year.
• The social worker and heads of the Teaching Faculties.
• The School’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator, or someone with a similar position.
• The Parents/Guardians.
Schools shall encourage students to participate in extra-curricular activities organized by the
School such as scientific, cultural, social, sporting and art events.

Admission Revision Date: 31/03/2025

Shabiya-10, Musaffah, Abu Dhabi (P.O. Box 128576) 3|Page


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