End User Document
End User Document
End User Document
Company code - A company code is the smallest organization unit in which complete
independent accounting can be carried out
1. General Ledger
1.1 Overview
General ledger accounts are master data that are used in day-to-day transaction processing
in various modules of the system.
Define How business transactions are posted in GL accounts and how posting data are
processed. Master data for an account must exist before any posting can be made.
T Code FS00
Company Code - The company code is the main organizational unit within financial
accounting. When creating an account, we specify the company code so that the system will
create the company code segment for that account. In other words, by specifying the
company code we are making sure that the general ledger account is complete and ready
for use in the specified company code.
After entering the company code and general ledger account number you click on create
icon and the following fields will be ready for input.
Account Group- It determines the number interval from which the account number is
selected when a G/L account is created. Standard COA are recommended in most
countries. And these are created so that the number of accounts belonging to same
functional area begin with same digits.
Short Text- The general ledger account short text is used for online displays and
evaluations which do not have sufficient space for the long text.
G/L Account Long Text- When there is sufficient space, the general ledger long text is
used for online displays and evaluations.
Trading Partner- In this field we enter the company ID of the trading partner. The
company ID is standard for the whole group.
Account Currency- Auto Populated from company code setting. The account currency
indicates the currency in which the account is held. If a currency other than the company
code currency is specified, users can only post items in that currency to this account. If the
company code currency is specified, users can post items in any currency to this account.