perrycollins,+Jang+Fall+2016 Errata
perrycollins,+Jang+Fall+2016 Errata
perrycollins,+Jang+Fall+2016 Errata
California State University • Long Beach, CA 90840-5103
ypical liquid-level control systems used in industry bottom of the tank, and k is a lumped constant.
are illustrated in Figures 1 (next page). The majority The initial steady-state volumetric balance (input flow rate
of process control textbooks cover control systems as = output flow rate) for this constant-density system is
shown in Figure 1(a) and (b). In the Unit Operations Labora-
tory of the author’s department, there is a level-control experi- d h ss
A = 0 = q in , ss − q ss (2)
ment with a direct-acting (or fail-close) control valve located dt
at the bottom of the tank [Figure 1(c)]. Therefore, the author
where t is time, A is the cross-sectional area of the open tank,
developed an instructional module that provides a thorough
subscript ss denotes the initial steady-state condition or null
analysis of the dynamic behavior of the control system in
operating condition, and qin is the incoming volumetric flow
Figure 1 (c). Transfer functions for the controller output and
rate. Assuming that at t = 0 both qin and q start to deviate from
the process variable in a feedback proportional-integral (PI)
their respective steady-state values, the response of the liquid
control system are derived for the servo problem (setpoint
level can be described by a transient-state balance equation:
tracking) and the regulatory problem (disturbance rejection).
One main challenge to the development of dynamic mod- A = q in − q ( 3)
els for the case illustrated in Figure 1(c) emanates from the dt
fact that the discharge flow rate is governed not only by the When Eq. (2) is subtracted from Eq. (3), we have a differ-
liquid level (h, the process or controlled variable) but also by ential equation whose variables are expressed as deviation
the size, type, and valve stem position (x, the manipulated quantities:
variable) of the control valve. The following assumptions
are made in the derivation of the dynamic models: (1) the d ∆h
A = ∆q in − ∆q (4)
head loss of liquid in the discharge line is entirely due to the dt
control valve; (2) the control valve is of the direct-acting (or
fail-close) type and the valve trim is linear, i.e., the valve
characteristic function Cv(x) is linearly proportional to x; (3) ∆h = h − h ss (5)
the valve is never saturated (fully closed or fully open) during
the dynamic response, and; (4) the flow rate of liquid through ∆q in = q in − q in ,ss (6)
the control valve is proportional to (DPvalve)1/2, where DPvalve
is the pressure drop across the valve which can be taken as Larry K. Jang is a professor of chemical
(r g h) based on assumption one above, where r is the liquid engineering at California State University,
ChE errata
Due to a production error, there is one symbol missing in the paper “Level Control...” by Larry K. Jang, published in the Fall
2016 issue of CEE. The letter “f” is missing in the final print. Eq. (1) on Page 245 should appear like
Vol. 50, No. 4, Fall 2016 245
q = f ( x,h ) = Cv ( x ) valve = kx h (1)
we have a first-order differential equation in the standard
a form with the coefficient of the process variable Dh being 1:
τp = R∆q in + K p ∆x − ∆h (9)
2 h ss
R= (10)
k x ss
2h ss
K p = Process Gain= − (11)
x ss
b τ p = first-order time constant
=AR (12 )
By applying a Laplace transform with the initial condition
Dh(t = 0) = 0, we arrive at the open-loop transfer function
for the liquid level:
R Kp
∆h (s) = ∆q in (s) + ∆x (s) (13)
τ p s +1 τ p s +1
Gd =
τ ps + 1
Figures 1. Typical liquid-level control systems.
= (15 )
It is noted that a nonlinear term [Dq = q – qss = kx(h) – kxss
1/2 τ ps + 1
(hss )1/2] is encountered, which needs to be linearized:
where the disturbance gain Kd = R and the disturbance time
∆q = q − q ss constant is identical to the process time constant τ p. We may
= f ( x,h ) − f ( x ss , h ss ) then express the feedback control system as a block diagram
∂f ∂f shown in Figure 2, assuming that the dynamics of both the
≈ ∆x + ∆h actuator and the sensor are tentatively ignored and that the
∂x ss ∂h ss actuator gain is lumped together with the controller gain.
k x ss
= k h ss ∆x + ∆h ( 7)
2 h ss
∆x = x − x ss (8)
If both sides of the resultant linearized differential equation
[Eqs. (4) and (7) combined] are multiplied with
2 h ss
k x ss
, Figure 2. Feedback control block diagram for the liquid-
level control system in Figure 1(c).
Figure 4.
Proportional gain Kc of the PI controller at various values of the desired
level, control valve stem position, and closed-loop time constant τf . By choosing integral time τI = τp = 200 s , the
discharge flow rate in the setpoint-tracking resultant second-order time constant τ and damping factor ζ of the closed-
case using the equations developed in this loop characteristic function are calculated and used in simulation.
work. τf (sec) 25 50 100 150 200 250
Kc (1/m)
-2.00 -1.00 -0.500 -0.333 -0.250 -0.200
If the control valve is located L (m) τ (sec) 70.7 100 141 173 200 223
below the bottom, the models developed (Eq. 34)
in this work can be easily modified with h ζ
1.59 1.25 1.06 1.01 1.00 1.01
replaced by (h + L) and hss by (hss + L). But (Eq. 35)
1. The process model and the distur-
bance model for the level control sys-
tem with the control valve located at
the bottom of the tank can be derived
after the governing equation of the
discharge flow rate is linearized.
2. Parameters for the first-order process
model and disturbance model can
be determined from the steady-state
condition (or the null operating condi-
tion) using the open-loop transfer
functions derived in this work. Figure 5.
250 Chemical Engineering Education