Nanomaterials For Energy and Sensor Applications
Nanomaterials For Energy and Sensor Applications
Nanomaterials For Energy and Sensor Applications
Vidya Nand Singh
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi, India
Sunil Singh Kushvaha
CSIR-National Physical Laboratory
New Delhi, India
Cover credit: Image reproduced by kind courtesy of the authors of Chapter 4.
Preface iii
Acknowledgments vii
Chapter 1. Porous and Hollow Carbon Nanofibrous Electrode
Materials from Electrospinning for Supercapacitor
Energy Storage 1
Kingsford Asare, Md Faruque Hasan,
Abolghasem Shahbazi and Lifeng Zhang
Chapter 2. Energy and Sensor Applications of Polymer
Nanocomposites 21
Ankit Kumar Srivastava, Swasti Saxena and
Surendra K. Yadav
Chapter 3. Nanostructured Silicon for Solar Energy Conversion
Applications 54
Ragavendran Venkatesan, Jeyanthinath Mayandi,
Terje G. Finstad, J.M. Pearce and
Vishnukanthan Venkatachalapathy
Chapter 4. Selenium-Based Metal Chalcogenides Thin Films
on Flexible Metal Foils for PEC Water-Splitting
Applications 94
Bheem Singh, Sudhanshu Gautam,
Vishnu Aggarwal, Rahul Kumar,
Vidya Nand Singh and Sunil Singh Kushvaha
Chapter 5. Quantum-Cutting Phosphors for Thermal Sensor
Applications 123
Abhijit Jadhav
x Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
density, faster charge and discharge rates, and cycle stability [1]. They
are best employed for devices that require high current in a short time.
According to the mechanism of charge storage, supercapacitors can be
classified into three categories: electric double-layer capacitors (EDLC),
pseudocapacitors, and hybrid capacitors. EDLC stores electrical charges at
the interface between the electrode and electrolyte upon ion adsorption
when a voltage is applied. The capacitance of EDLC is proportional to
the accessible surface area of its electrode. EDLC can provide ultrahigh
power and excellent cycle stability due to the fast and non-destructive
process between electrode and electrolyte [2, 3]. Pseudocapacitor stores
electrical charges by making use of fast and reversible redox reactions at
the interface between the electrode surface and electrolyte. Charges that
are associated with the redox reaction transfer across the abovementioned
interface and show pseudocapacitance [4]. Pseudocapacitors can have
greater specific capacitance and energy density than EDLC, but they
have lower power performance and rate capability. The hybrid capacitors
combine both EDLC capacitance and pseudocapacitance with improved
electrochemical performance.
elongated pores and/or short channels were observed. With the increase
of PMMA content from 10 wt.% to 50 wt.% in PAN/PMMA bicomponent
fibers, the average fiber diameter reduced from 998 ± 91 nm at 10 wt.%
PMMA to 679 ± 72 nm at 30 wt.% PMMA and to 565 ± 46 nm at 50
wt.% PMMA. H-ECNFs presented a hollow structure as expected. With
the increase of PMMA concentration from 10 wt.% to 30 wt.% in the
core solution of co-axial electrospinning for H-ECNFs, the average fiber
diameter increased from 513 ± 48 nm at 10 wt.% PMMA to 921 ± 89 nm at
20 wt.% PMMA and to 1679 ± 94 nm at 30 wt.% PMMA, respectively
(Figure 1.1E–1.1G). The wall thickness of these hollow fibers was similar,
i.e. 150–180 nm. HP-ECNFs showed a combined hollow and porous
morphology, i.e. hollow fibers with porous walls (Figure 1.1H–1.1J).
With the increase of PMMA content from 10 wt.% to 50 wt.% in the
shell solution of co-axial electrospinning for HP-ECNFs, the average
fiber diameter reduced from 1588 ± 85 nm at 10 wt.% PMMA to
782 ± 52 nm at 30 wt.% PMMA and to 503 ± 59 nm at 50 wt.% PMMA
with wall thickness reduction from ~200 nm to ~100 nm, correspondingly.
It is well known that PMMA completely degrades and gasifies in a
temperature range of 300–400 °C [21]. In hollow carbon nanofibers, the
fiber size, porous structure, hollow channel size, and wall thickness are
determined by both an inflation effect due to the discharge of a relatively
large volume of volatile PMMA degradation/gasification products and a
volume shrinking effect due to PMMA removal and PAN carbonization
in the process of carbonization. Polymer-polymer phase separation in
the PAN/PMMA bicomponent as-electrospun nanofibers occurs and
domains of PMMA in the bicomponent nanofibers can completely
decompose during carbonization. A larger proportion of PMMA would
lead to a larger volume shrinking in carbonization and reduce average
fiber size in the case of P-ECNFs. In the meantime, a larger proportion
of PMMA could form more elongated domains under electrical driving
force in the electrospinning process and result in a “short channel”
structure in the carbonized fibers. In the case of H-ECNFs, a larger
amount of PMMA in the core of the core-shell PAN/PMMA carbon
precursor nanofibers from higher PMMA concentration in the core
solution of the co-axial electrospinning could generate a larger volume
of volatile products upon degradation/gasification in the process of
carbonization, counteract the fiber contraction in that process, and thus
resulted in larger hollow channels. As for HP-ECNFs, the porous wall
structure of hollow nanofibers could reduce the thickness as well as
mechanical strength of the fiber walls and lead to huge size shrinkage/
collapse in the process of carbonization. With PAN/PMMA = 50/50 in
the shell solution of the co-axial electrospinning for HP-ECNFs, some
long and open slits on the fiber surface were observed.
Porous and Hollow Carbon Nanofibrous Electrode Materials ... 7 Structure
Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize carbon structure of
the electrospun carbon nanofibrous materials and was done at room
temperature using a Horiba Raman Confocal Microscope at an
excitation wavelength of 532 nm. In Raman spectra of all the carbon
nanofibrous materials (Figure 1.2), the “D-band” between 1,297 and
1,355 cm–1 corresponded to the sp3 hybridized disordered carbonaceous
structures while the “G-band” between 1,548 and 1,591 cm–1 indicated
the sp2 hybridized graphitic phase of carbon [23]. The intensity ratio of
G-band to D-band (IG/ID) was used to characterize the carbon structure
8 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
HP-ECNF-50-50 1.1391
Intensity (a.u.)
HP-ECNF-70-30 1.0464
HP-ECNF-90-10 1.0279
H-ECNF-30 1.0884
H-ECNF-20 1.0780
H-ECNF-10 1.0154
P-ECNF-50-50 1.0878
P-ECNF-70-30 1.0700
P-ECNF-90-10 1.0226
ECNF 1.0131
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
200 0.35
180 ECNF
P-ECNF-90-10 0.30 P-ECNF-70-30
Quantity Adsorbed (cm³/g STP)
160 P-ECNF-70-30
0.25 H-ECNF-10
140 H-ECNF-10
dV/dlog(w) (cm³/g)
120 H-ECNF-30
H-ECNF-30 0.20 HP-ECNF-90-10
100 HP-ECNF-70-30
0.15 HP-ECNF-50-50
60 0.10
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Relative Pressure (P/Po) Pore Width (nm)
Figure 1.3 N2 adsorption isotherms (A) and pore size distributions (B) of
electrospun carbon nanofibrous materials. The pore size distribution was
obtained via the BJH adsorption [22].
Ú I (V )dV
Csp =
2 ¥ m ¥ n ¥ DV
where I is current, m is mass of electrode material, n is scan rate, and
∆V = V2 – V1, which is the sweeping potential window (0.8 V) and CD
analysis from the following formula:
I ¥ Dt
Csp =
m ¥ DV
where I is discharge current, m is mass of electrode material, ∆t is
discharge time, and ∆V is potential window (0.8 V).
A1 0.6
A2 0.6
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
Potential (V) Potential (V) Potential (V)
B1 0.0 B2 0.0 B3
Potential (V)
Potential (V)
Potential (V)
Figure 1.4 CV (A) and galvanostatic CD (B) profiles of P-ECNFs (labeled as 1), H-ECNFs (labeled as 2), and HP-ECNFs (labeled as
3). ECNFs are used as a reference in all plots [22].
Porous and Hollow Carbon Nanofibrous Electrode Materials ... 13
70-30 50-50
30 50-50
80 80 30
60 20 60 20
10 70-30
2 2
10 70-30
90-10 90-10
90-10 90-10
40 40
1 1
20 20
0 0
Electrospun carbon nanofibrous materials Electrospun carbon nanofibrous materials
10 A B
Current density (A/g)
Potential (V)
2 A/g
0 1 A/g
0.5 A/g
5 mV/s
10 mV/s
-10 20 mV/s -0.6
50 mV/s
100 mV/s
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Potential(V) Time (sec)
400 40
350 35
300 30 P-ECNF-70-30
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 P-ECNF-90-10 10
50 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Z'(ohm) Z'(ohm)
400 40
350 35
30 H-ECNF-20
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 H-ECNF-10 10
50 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Z'(ohm) Z'(ohm)
400 40
350 35 HP-ECNF-90-10
30 HP-ECNF-70-30
250 25
200 20
150 15
100 HP-ECNF-90-10 10
50 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Z'(ohm) Z'(ohm)
Figure 1.7 EIS profiles of P-ECNFs (A), H-ECNFs (B), and HP-ECNFs (C) in full
frequency range (labeled as 1) and high-frequency range (labeled as 2). ECNFs are
used as a reference in all plots [22].
Capacitance Retention (%)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Cycle number Discussion
The electrochemical performance of these electrospun carbon nanofibrous
materials showed a sequence of porous structure > hollow porous
structure > hollow structure > solid structure. Compared to the porous
structure, the hollow structure did not demonstrate the previously
mentioned “ion-buffering reservoir” effect toward the electrode’s
specific capacitance. Meanwhile, the electrochemical performance of
these electrospun carbon nanofibrous materials did not correlate linearly
with their specific surface area, indicating that multiple factors instead
of just specific surface area determine the electrochemical performance
(specific capacitance) of these electrode materials. These factors may
include overall accessible surface area, electrolyte resistance, electrode
resistance, etc. It is observed that the samples with a larger proportion
of micropore volume such as P-ECNF-90-10 and HP-ECNF-90-10
possessed higher specific areas but lower electrochemical performance
in their respective material groups. They also exhibited the largest
electrolyte resistance. These results indicated that electrolyte ions had
more resistance to access micropores. In the meantime, the samples in
each group, i.e. P-ECNFs, H-ECNFs, and HP-ECNFs, with the largest
PMMA content in electrospinning/co-axial electrospinning solution
exhibited the largest pore volume particularly mesopore volume
and concurrently the best electrochemical performance. When the
specific capacitance of samples from each group is compared with the
corresponding sample’s pore volume including micropore, mesopore,
and macropore volumes as well as total pore volume, it is observed
that the mesopore volume and total pore volume follow the same
sequence as that of specific capacitance for all the samples in each
group (Figure 1.9). Particularly for P-ECNFs, the specific capacitance
is proportional to the amount of mesopore volume (Coefficient of
Determination, R 2 = 0.99998) and the amount of total pore volume
(R 2 = 0.99293) instead of the proportion of mesopore. These results
indicated that mesopore volume and total pore volume are primary in
determining the electrochemical performance of these electrospun carbon
nanofibrous electrode materials. Total pore volume determines the total
number of available ion adsorption sites. Mesopore volume not only
contributes to ion adsorption sites but also determines the transportation
Porous and Hollow Carbon Nanofibrous Electrode Materials ... 17
Micro Meso Macro Total Micro Meso Macro Total
Pore Structure Pore Structure
Figure 1.9 Comparison of pore volumes of P-ECNFs (A), H-ECNFs (B), and
HP-ECNFs(C) [22].
1.5 concluSIonS
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Chapter 2
2.1 IntroductIon
The development of energy sources that can meet the world’s rising energy
demand while being ecologically benign is a fundamental challenge the
world faces at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The world’s
energy requirements are constantly rising due to population growth and
quickening economic growth. Approximately 60% of the electrical energy
is lost as heat losses during the production process [1]. Also, 8–15% is
lost as heat during the transmission and transformation of electricity [2].
Because of this, only 35% of the energy produced in a power plant makes
it to our houses. Another illustration is transportation efficiency. Overall,
40% of the energy produced in a car is lost as heat. Another 30% is used to
cool the engine. Thus, 70% of energy is wasted, even without considering
the CO2 emissions caused by the additional 70% of the fuel that must be
used. To put it another way, much low-quality thermal energy must be
produced to sustain daily life, and industrial activity, which is regrettably
wasted [3]. Renewable thermoelectric functional materials can generate
heat and electricity by using the mobility of solid internal carriers, even
at very low-temperature variations from room temperature.
In contrast to conventional new energy technologies, thermal
energy (TE) devices provide several distinctive qualities, including the
absence of moving parts and noise, a long operational lifetime, and the
potential to replace existing energy materials [4–6]. Thermo electrical
materials are frequently used in military, aerospace, and other high-tech
fields, as well as in microsensors, medical thermostats, and other non-
military applications [7–8]. Thermoelectric generators, or devices that
generate electricity from waste heat, can contribute to a more sustainable
environment by using their ability to convert temperature changes into
energy [9–10]. Burning fossil fuels releases significant atmospheric CO2,
a known greenhouse gas that accelerates climate change. To prevent a
catastrophe due to climate change, it is necessary to stabilise CO2 levels
at appropriate goal levels, which can be achieved through the large-scale
development of carbon-free renewable sources.
(-E / k T)
s = s0e a b (3)
Where s is the conductivity, s 0 is the pre-exponential factor, Ea
is the activation energy and k is the Boltzmann constant.
3. Radiofrequency harvesters gather environmental radiofrequency
radiation, rectify it, amplify it, and use it to power ultra-low-
energy devices. Radiofrequency identification functions similarly
by responding to a strong RF field aimed at the sensor rather
than absorbing ambient RF. Protecting RF energy from the radio
environment and using it in low-voltage electronic devices are the
two main goals of RF energy harvesting. Antenna-like patches
with ultra-wideband characteristics or narrow-band antennas
are needed to detect radio frequency energy emitted by the
radio environment. The other’s use, though, depends on the
frequency ranges that will be picked up. For example, detecting
GSM-900 frequencies necessitate an antenna with narrow-band
characteristics. In order to enhance the functional qualities of
wireless communication systems, multiple-input multiple-output
systems are also used.
4. Piezoelectric transducers are used to transform pressure or
tension into electricity. Roadbed vibrations caused by motors,
airfoils, and piezoelectric energy harvesters are frequently
reported as anomalies. Although other energy-collection systems
are being looked into, the redisplay is now in the lead.
Due to the expansion of battery-powered portable consumer,
commercial, and diagnostic supplies, these four energy-harvesting
businesses will continue to expand quickly for many years.
The sample was immediately split in half, and the LED went off due
to a lack of connectivity. However, when kept close to one another and
the LED lamp was turned back on, the test parts repaired themselves
in just five minutes. The electrical healing efficiency was calculated
for all the various sample types, and it was found to be roughly 95%
with different SWNT concentrations. Consequently, using SWCNTs,
an elastomer with electrical conductivity and structural stability was
made. This elastomer might be used to manufacture complex sensing
devices. Another composite with SH characteristics and a 20-minute
perfect electric-conductance recovery time was developed using hyper-
branched polyamidoamine (HPAMAM) polymers covered in carbon
nanotube films (Figure 2.2). The light was on when the sample was
first connected to the circuit. It was off when it was detached, but it
Energy and Sensor Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites 33
was turned back on when it was reconnected. The light was off when
resistance was measured both before and after separation.
As seen in Figure 2.3, the structural integrity and conductivity were
restored by the sushi-like construction of the SH conductive composite.
The conduction channels are restored because the surfaces at the site of
damage meet thanks to the spiral coiling of the CNT layers.
Figure 2.6 Solar paint applied on the wall of a house (Wikipedia source).
and the spring-mass-damper system. Due to its inertia, most of the base
vibrates, and these vibrations can turn into electrical energy. Pendulums,
magnetoelastic oscillators, and cantilever beams are examples of
harvesters that use this concept of inertia.
The energy-collecting transducer is directly connected to various
parts of the source in kinematic energy harvesting. The relative
movement between these elements causes the transducer to deform,
ultimately transforming into electrical energy. Two instances of energy
harvesting are bending a tyre wall to check the pressure and flexing
and extending limbs to charge a phone. Electrostatic, electromagnetic,
and piezoelectric transduction methods are being used to transform
mechanical energy into electrical energy [57–60].
There are now several energy-collection devices, and new ones are
on the horizon. The most prevalent forms of energy include light,
heat, vibration, and radio frequency (RF). An enormous and rapidly
expanding power harvesting business has resulted from the invention
of ultralow-energy microcontroller devices. Low-power wireless sensors
were produced due to energy harvesting and are now widely used.
There are many applications of energy harvesting (Figure 2.8) on the
other hand, the ripple effect will spread throughout the commercial,
scientific, and consumer sectors, leading to new uses, such as creating
compact battery-powered devices.
2.7.3 thermoelectric
The piezoelectric effect, which occurs when two different metals have
a difference in temperature and produce a voltage, is the basis for
thermoelectric harvesters. TEGs are constructed from several thermo-
couples connected to a heat source, such as a heater, an engine, or even
a solar panel.
2.7.4 piezoelectric
Piezoelectric transducers are excellent for accelerometer sensors with
energy-collecting modules that identify aeroplane wing vibrations and
motor bearing noise because they generate electricity while under
strain (Figure 2.9). When the cantilever vibrates, it produces an AC
output voltage that can be rectified, regulated, or used as a battery’s
thin-film or supercapacitor foundation.
2.8.2 antennas
NEC devices have been effectively prototyped on silicon and HDPE
substrates, but additional funding and work will be needed to achieve
cost-effective mass manufacturing procedures. The researchers foresee
a system that utilises previously untapped infrared energy in addition
to conventional PV solar panels.
2.9.1 polyaniline
Electrochemical sensors for numerous significant analytes, including
serotonin, ammonia, [61–62] ammonia, and HCl vapours [63], have
integrated polyaniline. Additionally, the fabrication of a sensor using
polyaniline, graphene, and carbon nanotube nanocomposites effectively
identified several environmental hazards, such as Cs, phenol, and
4-aminophenol [64].
Energy and Sensor Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites 43
2.9.2 polypyrrole
The functionalisation of Au nanoparticles on PPy is known to have an
enhanced response to ammonia [65], and p-polypyrrole—n-tungsten
oxide hybrid nanocomposites were used to detect nitrogen dioxide gas
at ambient temperature [66]. A polycrystalline hybrid nanocomposite
material based on cobalt hexacyanoferrate/carbon nanofibers/polypyrrole
(CoHCF/CNF/PPY) was created to bridge the gap between supercapacitors
and batteries. Using a variety of characterisation techniques, the
structural and elemental characterisations of the nanocomposite
revealed the formation of a PPY layer on the CNF surface to which
CoHCF nanoparticles were attached. Therefore, the proposed CoHCF/
CNF/PPY ternary hybrid nanocomposite can be a strong candidate for
the upcoming energy storage technologies [67].
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Energy and Sensor Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites 53
3.1 IntroductIon
are able to produce high-quality materials for the thin film technology,
and therefore high efficiency is expected. The ultimate goal will be to
produce high-efficiency solar cells based on SiNWs.
One of the most important aspects to improve overall cell efficiency
is by reducing the front surface reflectance of crystalline material.
Compared with a 100% reflected mirror, polished silicon wafers have
surface reflectivity from 70% to 30%, depending on the wavelength of
incident light [21]. In shorter wavelength ranges, silicon wafers appear
to have a higher average reflectivity and a higher average absorption
coefficient than compared to longer wavelength ranges. In this case,
reduced reflectivity in wavelength regions with high absorption will
significantly enhance PV cell efficiency.
Reducing front surface reflectivity is a commonly used method in
modern solar cell fabrication. Antireflection (AR) coating and surface
textured structures are the most often employed technologies to reduce
surface reflectivity. AR coating is achieved by depositing a thin layer of
low-reflectivity material, on the front surface of the solar cell to reduce
reflectivity at specific wavelengths [22]. The AR layer can only reduce
reflectivity at specific wavelengths, however, which is not sufficient
when solar cells are excited under the whole solar light spectra. A
flat surface has higher reflectivity than a textured surface since more
light can be instantly reflected from the surface. The surface textured
structure methodology uses a chemical solution to etch the front surface
of the solar cell to reduce reflectivity. Due to precise and controlled
chemical etching, textured structures in the order of nano/micro scale
can be fabricated [23]. Black silicon (b-Si) is one such type of surface
textured structure. Compared with normal micron-sized surface texture
structures, the black silicon structures are smaller to be in a nanometer
scale and have a larger distribution angle to incident light.
The b-Si structures on the c-Si solar cell front surface can reduce
the reflectivity according to diffraction effects and the “moth-eye effect”
occurring under incident light. The reflectivity of c-Si solar cells is
due to the abrupt transition of light from the surrounding medium to
the solar cell. Increased refractivity difference between the solar cell
and the surrounding media will increase reflectivity on the solar cell-
surrounding media interface. The interface reflectivity can be reduced
when the disparity between the two mediums is decreased. The b-Si
structures on the solar cell are constructed at the nanometer scale
so that the geometry of b-Si structures can reduce the reflectivity at
different wavelengths by making a continuous transition between two
materials [25]. When incident light is in a shorter wavelength region,
the diffraction effects occur at the b-Si structures since the dimensions
of the needle-like structures are comparable to the wavelength of
incident light. As the incident light has been diffracted through the
b-Si structures, the incident light can be diffracted to different angles,
which would increase the path length of light in the substrate. When
the incident light is at a longer wavelength region, the moth-eye effect
occurs at the b-Si structures since the dimensions of the needle-like
structures are close to the wavelength of incident light. The surface on
the b-Si structures behaves like an effective medium, and the effective
index of refraction changes continuously from that of the surrounding
medium to that of the needle-like structures. Hence, the reflectivity on
the b-Si structures is lower than the reflectivity on conventional c-Si
solar cells [26]. The best b-Si can produce record PV efficiencies [27]
and use dry etching [28], which can be cost-effective in mass production
compared to conventional optical engineering strategies [29]. There are
several approaches, however, to get to high-efficiency black silicon solar
cells that we will review here.
Silicon nanostructures (SiNS) are classified into different types, but this
chapter will focus on two structures used in solar cell applications:
(i) Porous silicon
(ii) Silicon nanowires
Band gap a ;1£ n£ 2
207 GPa, respectively, for single- and double-clamped SiNWs and the
values are close to the bulk value of 169 GPa for Si (111) [52].
Figure 3.4 Normally incident light behaviour on a textured surface (on the
right) comparison with a flat surface (on the left).
Nanostructured Silicon for Solar Energy Conversion Applications 63
Figure 3.5 Schematic view of VLS growth of silicon nanowires (a) gold parti-
cles formed on the growth substrate and (b) VLS growth using silane as a silicon
The advantage of the VLS method is that the growth can be done
on different types of substrates. It has been shown that thermodynamics
dictates the crystal growth direction of the nanowire, even if growth
occurs on amorphous substrates, i.e., without pre-defined lattice
orientation. In addition, a correlation between crystal direction and
Nanostructured Silicon for Solar Energy Conversion Applications 65
the SiNWs forming crystallographic defects and trap sites that reduce
the minority carrier lifetimes [65].
As an alternative to CVD growth, a wide variety of other growth
methods can be applied using catalysts [66]. Among them are the
annealing in a reactive atmosphere like hydrogen to form the nanowires
directly from a silicon substrate [67], laser ablation [68], and molecular
beam epitaxy [69].
porous Si has been improved and is currently being used in a wide range
of applications from drug delivery systems, optoelectronics, sacrificial
materials, energy storage, and harvesting devices [74–79].
Silicon is thermodynamically unstable in air and water, forming a
native oxide layer. In the presence of hydrofluoric acid (HF), the oxide
is rapidly removed leaving the surface terminated with hydrogen atoms
(Si-H) [80]. The Si-H bonds passivated the surface and thereby prevent
further oxidation in an aqueous HF medium without the presence
of strong oxidising agents. A common and controlled method to
promote the continued oxidation of Si is through anodising the Si in an
HF solution. A typical anodisation cell, shown in Figure 3.8 is composed
of a Teflon chamber with a circular opening where a clamped piece of Si
wafer is exposed to the solution. A power supply is connected to the cell,
supplying a constant current to flow through the Si wafer with metal
back contact acting as an anode and to platinum (Pt) electrode acting
as a cathode. Both electrodes being submerged in the HF electrolyte
solution allow the electrochemical reaction to occur at the interface of
the Si and electrolyte solution.
Figure 3.8 A sketch of the basic etch cell used and the schematics of
PS formed [77].
3.6.2 electropolishing
As mentioned earlier, Uhlir discovered porous Si formed under certain
conditions while trying to develop an electrochemical method to polish
Si and Ge [1]. If the porous Si conditions are modified in a particular
way, electropolishing occurs, which is very beneficial for removing thin
porous layers from bulk Si wafers [86]. The key condition required for
electropolishing is the rate at which the current injects holes into the Si
surface has to exceed the rate at that fluorine ions can be transported
to the pore tip [87–91].
The JV curves for n- as well as for p-type Si can be divided into
two main regions as shown in Figure 3.10.
J mA/cm2
2 4 6 V
Figure 3.10 J-V characteristics of electro polishing and PS formation.
Figure 3.11 Schematic diagram showing the chemical process of MACE. The
reduction of oxidant takes place only on top of the metal catalyst (cathode) and
the dissolution of silicon takes place near the metal-silicon interface (anode).
Hydrogen gas bubbles evolve during the reaction.
reduction of the oxidant (gain of electrons). Any noble metals like Ag,
Au, Pt, etc., can act as a catalyst for the reduction of an oxidant, with
the rate of reduction reaction directly related to the electronegativity of
the metal used. The reduction of the oxidant (e.g. H2O2) in the presence
of protonated hydrogen (H+) coming from the acidic solution results in
the injection of holes into the semiconductor region surrounding the
metal layer. It should be noted that non-noble metals like chromium-Cr,
aluminium-Al, and titanium-Ti [96] could not act as a catalyst for MACE
as these metals do not reduce the activation energy for the reduction
of oxidants.
72 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
At Cathode:
H2O2 + 2H+ → 2H2O + 2h+ (Local reduction)
2H+ → H2 + 2h+ (Hydrogen gas formation)
At Anode:
Si + 6HF + 4h+ → H2SiF6 + 4H+ (Dissolution of silicon)
Net reaction:
Si + 6HF + H2O2 → H2SiF6 + 2H2O + H2
In addition, there is a second cathodic reaction resulting in the
formation of hydrogen which is observed as gas bubbles during the
reaction. On the other hand, the injection of holes or removal of electrons
from the neutral silicon atom changes the silicon from a Si0 to a Si4+
state. The oxidised silicon is dissolved by HF into (hexafluorosilicic
acid) H2SiF6, which is a soluble product. Unlike wet chemical etching,
the metal layer sinks to the bottom and travels along with the
semiconductor which helps to achieve higher aspect ratios and novel
surface morphologies. The lateral dimension of the structure formed is
limited by the dimension of the metal mesh made using lithography or
the diameter of the metal particle used and the vertical dimension is
decided by the etch time.
Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd are the most frequently used noble metals in MACE.
Some of the commonly used methods for metal deposition on the Si
Nanostructured Silicon for Solar Energy Conversion Applications 73
3.9.1 ece
When the electrochemical etching was carried out by applying a constant
current density (6 mA/cm2) for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes
using aqueous HF (48 wt.%) and ethanol (1:2) as the electrolyte solution.
After electrochemical etching, samples were rinsed with deionised
water and ethanol sequence to avoid capillarity forces. For passivation,
the prepared samples were oxidised using an in-house low-temperature
Table 3.1 Method of Ag deposition with electrolyte composition and types of Si substrates
Metal Catalyst Bath Composition [Oxidant]:[HF] Substrate Types References
Ag thin film by c-Si (p) (100), Si (n) (100), and
1 2%–49% HF: [H2O2] bubbling [97]
PVD mc-Si (p)
Ag dots by ionic precursor
2 [H2O2]:[HF]=1:4.16 c-Si (p) (2.7 Ω cm) (100) [99]
Ag, dots [H2O2]:[HF]
3 Si (p) (100), (111) Si (n)(100), (111) [100–102]
by ionic precursor reduction = 0.4:4.8
Ag, Pt dots [H2O2]:[HF]
4 Si (p) (100) [103]
by ionic precursor reduction =5.3:1.8
Ag dots and antidots by PVD [H2O2]:[HF]=2.5:10 for (110) Si (p) (100), (110) Also seen in
5 [104]
and electroless in Si/Ge or=1:2 for (100) Si/Ge superlattice
Figure 3.12 Diffused reflectance spectra of (a) as prepared and (b) oxidised PS
made from UMG wafer with different etching times; 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and
30 minutes along with reference silicon.
Figure 3.13 PL Spectra of (a) as prepared and (b) oxidised PS made from UMG
wafer with different etching times; 10 minutes, 20 minutes, and 30 minutes along
with their respective multiple peak fit.
Figure 3.14 SEM image of (a) as prepared and (b) oxidised PS made from UMG
wafer with 10 minutes etching time.
3.9.2 mace
Then the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were coated on the freshly
cleaned Si wafers by immersing in 3.6 ml of HF with 28 mg of silver
nitrate (AgNO3) aqueous solution (20 ml) for one minute. The excess
Ag+ ions present on the surface were washed with distilled water, then
samples were immersed in an etching solution comprising 3.6 ml of
HF in 20 ml of H2O and 0.6 ml of H2O2 for different etching time, i.e.,
15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, and 75 minutes. The
residual AgNPs on the sample surface and in the pores of the Si were
removed by immersing the samples in diluted nitric acid (HNO3) for
60 minutes. Finally, the prepared samples were washed with distilled
water and dried in nitrogen (N2). The dry oxidation is done by annealing
the samples in an oxygen atmosphere (100 cc/min) at 700oC for 30 minutes.
Author Silicon Electrolyte Porous ARC Materials I-V Measurements References
and Wafer Solution and Silicon and Coating
Voc (mV) Jsc FF%
Published Year Details Etching Details Details Methods
(mA/m 2)
K.A. Solman n-type HF (48%): Porosity — [115]
2012 [100] C2H5OH 91% 595 33 76.65
[111] (98%) 14% 500 20.50 70.24
p-type [1:4] 45% 545 29.05 78.02
[100] 20 min 27% 510 27.15 70.00
[111] 6 mA/cm2
K.A. Solman n-type HF (48%): — ZnO-135 nm [116]
2011 [100] C2H5OH Rf sputtering 627.3 35.50 81.50
306-406 µm (98%) 595 33.90 76.40
Table 3.2 Important literature review on the PS by anodisation (Cont.)
Author Silicon Electrolyte Porous ARC Materials I-V Measurements References
and Wafer Solution and Silicon and Coating
Voc (mV) Jsc FF%
Published Year Details Etching Details Details Methods
(mA/m 2)
Hyukyong Kwon p-type HF electrolyte — ZnO 560 0.13 55.27 [125]
2011 [100] as epitaxial layer 560 0.15 64.33
0.5–3 KOH texture 570 0.16 65.77
p-type C2H5OH: HF [1:1] — [126]
B.C. Chakrovarty 300 µm 20 mA/cm2 70 nm 578.4 20.9 74.1
2007 5–10 µm 1–16 min 580.3 26.3 73.7
varies from 15% in longer wavelengths (800 nm) and gradually decreases
to below 5% at shorter wavelengths (200 nm) for 15-minute, 30-minute,
and 45-minute etched samples. The reflectance increases further up
to 25% for 60-minute and 75-minute samples near longer wavelengths
(800 nm). On the other hand, the reference Si surface has reflectance
from 35% to 25% in the UV and around 20% to 15% visible region.
The average surface reflectance of the Si substrate in the measured
range decreased dramatically from 35% for the reference to less than
5% in the lower wave length region for all samples throughout the UV
wavelength range. In the present chapter, all the etched PS samples
exhibit reflectance <5% in 200–400 nm wavelength.
Figure 3.17 SEM image of silicon nanostructure made by MACE (a) top view
and (b) cross-section image.
h = 13.7%
Substrate p-n homojunction Conventional phosphorous diffusion on SiNWs fabricated by wet Voc = 0.544 V [131]
(2011) etching on p-type c- Si (100) wafers. Jsc = 37 mA/cm2
FF = 68%
Table 3.3 Specific literature review on the PS by MACE (Cont.)
Device Output
Junction Type and Year Device Structure References
Black silicon was fabricated via wet etching on a p-type (100) c-Si
wafer. The junction was formed via a conventional phosphorous h = 18.2%
Substrate p-n homojunction Voc = 0.628 V
diffusion process. The completed cell was capped by SiO2 obtained [133]
(2012) Jsc = 36.5 mA/cm2
by thermal oxidation to passivate the nanostructure. The area of
the cell is 0.8081 cm2. FF = 79.6%
Black silicon was fabricated by using cryogenic DRIE. The black h = 22.1%
IBC substrate p-n silicon was passivated by a thin Al2O3 layer. The design of the Voc = 0.665 V [134]
homojunction (2015) structure was an interdigitated back-contact junction (IBC). The Jsc = 42.2 mA/cm2
area of the cell is 9 cm2. FF = 78.7%
MACE on 2.7 µm multicrystalline p+nn+ doped silicon layers
3.10 concluSIon
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Chapter 4
Selenium-Based Metal
Chalcogenides Thin Films on
Flexible Metal Foils for PEC
Water-Splitting Applications
4.1 IntroductIon
are supplied to the world for a decade to fulfill the demands of energy
needs. However, to produce H2, these processes use a massive number of
natural resources. Meanwhile, with the increments in world population
and improvement in living standards, fossil fuels are also depleting
rapidly. Moreover, nonrenewable energy sources harm human health
and our earth’s climate due to the emission of harmful gases such as
CO2 [4, 5]. To confront this global problem, we need a technology that
can replace fossil fuel or nonrenewable energy sources to save our planet
from ecological deprivation.
Among all available green fuels, hydrogen (H2) has the highest
energy yield per unit mass of 121 KJ/g compared to fossil fuels, liquefied
petroleum gases (LPG gases), and diesel, as these all have specific
energy densities of less than 40 KJ/g. As an energy carrier, H2 is highly
adorable for conveyance, storage, and power replacement in places
where other energy sources are difficult or expensive to access [6, 7].
Even though sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal,
geothermal, and hydrothermal have been widely used to replace fossil
fuels by supplying sustainable energy for a long time. However, the
most developed renewable energy sources have limitations due to their
enormous electricity production cost and low efficiency, which remains
a challenge [8].
In this way, the abundant water supply and sunlight offer us an
affordable alternate source to produce hydrogen from fossil fuel and
biomass products. The production of usable energy from abundant
solar energy, and water can be an ideal solution to our future energy
needs [9]. H2 production by solar-driven water-splitting process emerged
as an efficient way to solve the scarcity of fossil fuels and overcome
the environmental degradation situation by zero carbon emission. H2
production by water splitting is an environment-friendly technique
without the emission of harmful gases as it is based on water and
sunlight, renewable energy sources [10, 11].
Water splitting is the process whereby the water splits into hydrogen
(H2) and oxygen (O2) molecules. There are various processes of water
splitting, including photocatalytic (PC), electrochemical, thermochemical,
radiolysis, photobiological, and photoelectrochemical (PEC), etc. [12].
Exclusive to PEC, the rest of the techniques are limited due to cost and
efficiency, which are responsible for their limited use. For example, in the
photobiological process, the solar-to-hydrogen conversion performance
is not more than 1%, which is not desired for large-scale implementation
[13]. In the solar thermochemical process, to split water, we need to
heat the water to 2,000 °C. Therefore, designing a robust reactor is also
challenging, and poor H2 efficiency is also the leading cause of their
limited use [14]. The by-product of radiolysis is nuclear waste, which is
also not desired. The electrochemical process is limited by the cost of
96 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
electricity and by its production method [15]. The more efficient, most
straightforward, and inexpensive way to split water is by photocatalytic
(PC) and photoelectrochemical (PEC) processes. However, there are
some disadvantages of the PC process over PEC, such as the separation
of generated H2 and O2 is required immediately, which will consume
additional energy, causing low efficiency of the water-splitting process.
Besides this, a gas separator is also required in the PC system to separate
H2, and O2 gases as the water oxidation and reduction process occur at
the same surface of the photocatalyst [16, 17].
Hydrogen production by PEC water splitting has been considered
a promising approach for solar energy conversion to chemical energy
(H2). By PEC water splitting, HER and OER can be readily achieved at a
potential below 1.23 V and above 0 V, compared to many photovoltaic cells
that require appropriate voltage for electrocatalytic water splitting [18].
PEC can willingly achieve high photocatalytic activity on the sensible
selection of photoanode and photocathode. The pure form of H2 and
O2 via PEC water splitting can be attained, which is environmentally
friendly. There is no need for high-temperature treatment and several
steps like solar thermochemical and hydrothermal processes in PEC
water-splitting process [2, 19]. In 1972, Honda and Fujishima first
demonstrated water splitting using a TiO2 single crystal as a photoanode
and Pt as a cathode in an aqueous electrolyte solution [18]. Since then,
researchers worldwide have been working toward cumulative solar-to-
hydrogen conversion (STH) efficiency of photocatalysts through several
methods like doping, ion implantation, dye sensitization, and bilayered
system, etc. [20, 21].
The natural photosynthesis process allows us to think about the direct
conversion of sunlight into chemical fuel (H2), where solar radiation
converts H2O and CO2 into oxygen and carbohydrates. Splitting water
into H2 and O2 molecules via PEC is one of the most suitable approaches
under solar radiation, also called the artificial photosynthesis process.
The water-splitting process is readily be achieved with a net Gibbs free
energy of 238 KJ/mol or 1.23 eV, as shown below [16, 17, 19]:
2hn + photoelectrode → 2e– + 2h+
2h+ + H2O (liquid) → ½O2 + 2H+ water oxidation (1.23 V vs. NHE)
2H+ + 2e– → H2(gas) water reduction (+0.00 V vs. NHE)
2H2O → 2H2 + O2 (Overall water splitting)
The PEC water-splitting process is based on the conversion of solar
energy into electrical energy within a cell equipped with two electrodes:
a photoelectrode to absorb light and another metal electrode (counter
electrode) to collect the carriers; the whole system is immersed in an
aqueous electrolyte solution and the generated electricity used for
Selenium-Based Metal Chalcogenides Thin Films on Flexible Metal Foils... 97
Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram of the PEC water spitting process in which three
electrodes, namely the photoelectrode, the counter electrode, and the reference
Figure 4.2 Schematic diagram of PEC water spitting process for (a) n-type
semiconductor, (b) p-type semiconductor, (c) bi-photoelectrode PEC system.
Figure 4.3 Band gap and band edge positions (conduction and valence band)
of various semiconducting materials in the aqueous electrolyte at pH=0 for PEC
water applications.
CaFe2O4 (1.9 eV), etc., [2, 29, 30, 34] has been widely investigated due to
their significant photocathode performance and excellent photovoltaic
properties. At the same time, excellent photoconversion efficiency has
been achieved for compound semiconductors, such as GaAs, GaInP,
AlGaAs, etc. Furthermore, various n-type semiconducting materials,
such as TiO2 (3.1–3.2 eV), ZnO (3.2 eV), WO3 (2.5–2.7 eV), a-Fe2O3
(2.1–2.3 eV), BiVO4 (2.4–2.5 eV), Ta3N5 (2.1 eV), ZnS (3.6 eV), TaON (2.4 eV),
CdS (2.4 eV), etc., have been used as a photoanode for the PEC water-
splitting process [35–37]. Currently, transition metal dichalcogenides
(TMDCs) materials such as MoS2 (1.2–1.8 eV), MoSe2 (0.9–1.5 eV), WSe2
(1–1.7 eV), etc., have been explored for artificial photosynthesis due to
their excellent electronic, optical, and photocatalytic activities [38–41].
However, each semiconductor has its pros and cons concerning earth
abundance, toxicity, stability, and fabrication cost. Thus, there is still a
need for an efficient, stable, and robust semiconductor photocatalyst that
can help to provide energy carriers for future generations. Therefore,
there is still demand for the search for high-performance photocatalysts
to hunt artificial photosynthesis by fabricating various kinds of
compositions, nanostructures, heterostructures, hybrid structures, etc.
Another aspect is to couple the low band gap material, such as binary
chalcogenides materials: Sb2S3, Bi2S3, and Sb2S3, Sb2Se3, Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, etc.,
with large band gap materials (e.g., stacked dual-electrode PEC cell),
which can absorb a wide range of solar spectrum and can enhance the
photocatalyst performance in water-splitting process [31, 42].
Recently, V–VI group binary chalcogenides semiconducting
materials (such as Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3, Sb2Se3, Sb2Te3, etc.) emerged as efficient
photocatalysts for water-splitting applications due to their favorable
conduction band edge position for facile H2 production [42–44]. Although
binary chalcogenides are a vast family of compound materials, many
elements belong to chalcogen, i.e., S, Se, and Te. However, out of several
compounds, Bi and Sb-based chalcogenides have excellent properties
and tremendous application in energy devices. These materials have
been extensively used in the field of thermoelectric devices, infrared
photodetectors, spintronic devices, terahertz detection, optical recording,
electrical transport devices, etc., due to their high electron mobility,
good electrical conductivity, photoresponsivity, and electrochemical
properties as shown in Figure 4.4 [45, 46]. These materials also come
in a particular class of material, i.e., topological insulators (TIs). TIs
materials are the materials that exhibit insulating properties in the
interior but have conducting surface states. These materials have robust
metallic surface states property against nonmagnetic impurities and
disorders protected by time-reversible symmetry. In addition, elastic
backscattering is forbidden and electron transport is spin momentum
locked, where a super current (resistance less) flows through the surface
Selenium-Based Metal Chalcogenides Thin Films on Flexible Metal Foils... 101
Figure 4.5 The Rhombohedral crystal structure of (a) Bi2Se3 and (b) Bi2Te3
structure, where Sb and Te atoms are covalently stacked within the QLs
along the c-axis as shown in Figure 4.6(a) [53, 54]. Figure 4.6(b) shows
the orthorhombic Pnma crystal structure of Sb2Se3 made up of AB6 and
AB6+1 polyhedra with constant lattice values of a = 11.78 Å, b = 3.97 Å,
c = 11.63 Å, where strong covalent Sb-Se bond keeps the cells together
in the (001) direction at room temperature. The physical and electronic
properties of these materials have been mentioned in Table 4.1 [51–55].
Table 4.1 Physical, electronic, and optical properties of V–VI group binary
chalcogenides materials
Materials Band gap Mobility Melting point Thermal Density r
(eV) (cm 2V–1s –1) (K) conductivity (g cm−3)
(W m−1 K−1)
Bi2Se3 0.3 1407 979 1.70 7.51
Bi2Te3 0.1 481 858 1.37 7.85
Sb2Te3 0.21 675 893 2.2 6.5
Sb2Se3 1.1 15 (for electron), 884 — 5.81
42 (for hole)
Table 4.2 Literature survey on PEC water splitting of Bi2Se3 and Sb2Se3-
based photoelectrodes
Photoelectrode Photocurrent Density Electrolyte Year References
Bi2Se3/TiO2/FTO (NFs) 1.76 mA/cm2 at 1.23 VRHE 0.5 M Na2SO3 2021 [31]
Bi2Se3/TiO2/FTO (QDs) 1 mA/cm at 1.6 VRHE 0.1 M Na2SO4 2022 [62]
Bi2Se3/TiO2/ITO 6 µA/cm2 0.5 VAg/AgCl 0.5, 1 M Na2SO4 2021 [63]
MoSe2/Bi2Se3/FTO 85 mA/cm2 at −0.6 VRHE 0.5 M H2SO4 2017 [64]
Bi2Te3/TiO2/FTO (QDs) 0.86 mA/cm2 at 1.6 VRHE 0.1 M Na2SO4 2021 [62]
Sb2Se3/CuSbS2/FTO 18.0 mA/cm2 at 0 VRHE 1 M H2SO4 2022 [71]
Sb2Se3 (Se-annealed)/ −8.6 mA/cm2 at 0 VRHE 0.5 Na2SO4, 2017 [70]
CdS/TiO2/Pt on soda 0.25 M
lime glass Na2HPO4
Au/Sb2Se3/MoSx/FTO 16 mA/cm2 at 0 VRHE 1 M H2SO4 2018 [72]
Sb2Se3/MoS2/FTO 10 mA/cm2 at 0 VRHE 0.5 M Na2SO4 2019 [73]
Bi2Se3/FTO thin film 10 mA /cm2 at 385 mV 0.5 M Na2SO4 2021 [65]
(4 nm) overpotential
Bi2Te3@CoNiMo/Ni –60 mA cm2 at –0.1 VRHE 0.9 M KOH 2015 [78]
MoS2/Bi2Te3/SrTiO3 10 mA/cm2 at -0.4 VRHE 0.5 M H2SO4 2021 [79]
have their limitation at high temperatures [84]. There are some potential
advantages of flexible metal foils. (1) They can be used to fabricate large-
scale roll-to-roll devices; (2) the total weight of devices will be lowered,
and easy for transportation; (3) the excellent flexibility of substrate can
be beneficial for integrating irregular surfaces, such as an electric vehicle,
ship, drone, etc., and this feature could help enhance the photocatalytic
performance; (4) on the requirement of the specific application, metal
foil-based thin-film cells can be easily molded/twisted into various
design and shape; (5) there is no need for metallic back contact for
photoelectrode if we select metal foils which also has a particular
advantage over polymer substrates [85, 86]. The usefulness of flexible
metal foil in various flexible energy device applications has been shown
in Figure 4.7. Shiyani et al. prepared a flexible zinc oxide photoelectrode
for PEC energy conservation have generated photocurrents of about
1.89 µA/cm2 [87]. Quynh et al. prepared Fe2O3/ZnO heterostructure on
mica for PEC water splitting and obtained a photocurrent density of
0.38 mA/cm2 [88]. In another literature, 1.37 mA/cm2 photocurrent density
was achieved for flexible PVDF/Cu/PVDF-NaNbO3 photoanode [89]. These
results offer a fundamental understanding of flexible photoelectrode,
which can be used to develop hybrid solar-based devices to generate
solar fuels. However, there is a limited report for flexible metal foil-based
photoelectrode for PEC water-splitting applications.
Figure 4.7 Role of flexible metal foils as futuristics: (a) flexible and wearable
thermoelectric devices, (b) flexible photodetectors, (c) flexible PEC devices on
the irregular surface such as electric vehicles, airplanes, ships, drones, etc., and
(d) flexible solar cell.
Selenium-Based Metal Chalcogenides Thin Films on Flexible Metal Foils... 107
Various growth technique has been used to grow Bi2Se3 thin films,
such as magnetron sputtering, thermal evaporation, molecular beam
epitaxy (MBE), pulse laser deposition (PLD), etc. For instance, Park et al.
adopted the MBE technique to grow Bi2Se3 thin film, which showed
high crystallinity, epitaxially oriented Bi2Se3 film on an h-BN substrate
with atomically sharp interfaces [90]. Tabor et al. used this technique
and obtained good crystallinity and optimal stoichiometric Bi2Se3 thin
film on Al2O3 (110) substrate with epitaxial layer-by-layer growth in the
c-axis oriented [91]. Among these techniques, the magnetron sputtering
deposition technique offers large-area deposition thin films, low cost,
good film-forming uniformity, and a relatively simple process. Using
magnetron sputtering techniques, large-area Bi2Se3 thin films can be
achieved on various substrates with good crystalline quality [45, 92–96].
Wei et al. group adopted the magnetron sputtering technique to grow
Bi2Se3 thin films on Si (111) and found the highly c-axis-oriented Bi2Se3
thin films after post-annealing under a Se-rich environment [97]. Tang
et al. adopted this technique to produce stoichiometric Sb2Se3 thin films
with desired crystallinity and orientation for solar cell application [98].
In another report, Chen et al. showed that r.f. Magnetron sputtered
Sb2Se3 thin film has a highly crystalline order with large crystal grains
after in situ heat treatment [99]. These works of literature disclose
the importance of magnetron sputtering systems for depositing high-
quality and large-area Bi2Se3 thin films for various applications. We
have adopted this technique to grow Bi2Se3 thin film on Ti foil. The
post-selenization process in the Se-rich environment promotes obtaining
a suitable stoichiometry Bi2Se3 thin film. The structural and crystalline
properties and PEC performances of prepared Bi2Se3 thin film on metal
foil-based substrates were investigated.
The Bi2Se3 thin film was deposited on Ti foil using r.f. Magnetron
sputtering technique. A magnetron sputtering system is ornamented
with a high-temperature sustainable substrate heater (<1,000°C), high
vacuum (base pressure < 2 × 10 –7 Torr), confocal sputtering targets, and
argon (Ar) gas mass flow controller. It consists of two isolated chambers
connected by a manual gate valve; the main deposition chamber (growth
chamber) is equipped with a turbo molecular pump to provide a high
vacuum and a load lock chamber connected with a rotary pump. The
load lock chamber has a transfer arm for transferring the samples
inside the main chamber. First, Ti foil was cleaned with acetone and
IPA and dried with nitrogen gas. A commercially high pure Bi 2Se3
(purity 99.99%; ACI Alloys) material target was used as the sputtering
108 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
Figure 4.8(a) depicts the schematic diagram for the relative motion
of Bi and Se atoms for three A11g, A21g, and E2g observed phonon
vibrational mode. The A11g and A21g vibrational modes correspond to
out-of-the-plane, and E2g corresponds to the in-plane vibrational motion
of Bi and Se atoms. Another low-frequency vibrational mode E1g at low
wavenumber has not been observed generally due to high Rayleigh
Selenium-Based Metal Chalcogenides Thin Films on Flexible Metal Foils... 109
scattering. Figure 4.8(b) shows the Raman spectrum for Bi2Se3 thin
film on polished Ti metal foil. It has shown three fingerprint Raman
peaks of Bi2Se3 thin film, which were located at 71.3, 131.4, and 173.7
cm–1 peak positions corresponding to A11g (out-of-plane), E2g (In-plane),
A21g (Out-of-plane) mode, respectively, which confirmed the formation
of crystalline Bi2Se3 thin film on Ti foil [100–102]. Figure 4.9 shows
the XRD pattern in which all signature peaks of Bi2Se3 correspond
to rhombohedral crystal structure. Diffraction XRD peaks of Bi 2Se3
thin film are found at 9.1°, 18.5°, 29.4°, 35.05°, 38.2°, 43.6°, 47.7°, 57.5°,
60.8°, and 68.8° peak positions which are indexed to (0003), (0006),
(015), (018), (00012), (0111), (00015), (00018), and (00021) lattice planes,
respectively [95, 103, 104]. The observed peaks were found oriented in
various planes due to the polycrystalline nature of Ti metal foil. The
remaining XRD peaks at position 40.3°, 53.2°, 63.1°, 70.7°, and 76.1° can
be indexed respectively to (101), (102), (110), (103), and (112) lattice planes
of Ti foil [95, 105, 106]. The surface morphology of the deposited thin
film has been characterized by FESEM characterization, as shown in
Figure 4.10. The FESEM image of pure Ti foil is presented in Figure
4.10(a), which clearly shows the large grains having cracks. Figure 10(b)
revealed the layered hexagonal nanoflakes morphology of Bi2Se3 with
the calculated grain size of 250–300 nm. It also has been seen that grains
were found randomly oriented in different directions, which was also
confirmed by oriented XRD peaks in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.8 (a) Schematic diagram of vibration Raman mode of Bi2Se3 and
(b) lorentzian fitted Raman spectrum of Bi2Se3 thin film on flexible Ti foil.
110 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
Figure 4.10 FESEM images of (a) bare Ti foil (b) sputtered Bi2Se3 thin film on
Ti foil.
located at binding energy 163.2 and 158.0 eV, corresponding to 4f5/2 and
4f7/2 valence states, respectively. These two spin-orbit coupled peaks are
found to shift slightly to a high-energy region compared to elemental
bulk Bi 4f5/2 and 4f7/2 peaks at 161.9 and 156.6 eV, respectively. The other
four peaks correspond to the Bi-Se oxidation state situated at 165.1, and
159.3 eV peaks position correspond to Bi+5 states as well as 157.2 and
162.4 eV peaks related to Bi+3 oxidation states, which may occur due to
air exposure after the deposition of the film. Figure 4.11(b) shows the
deconvoluted Se 3d spectra in the binding energy range of 57–51 eV. The
two highly core level peaks at binding energies 54.5 and 53.2 eV were
assigned to Se 3d3/2 and Se 3d5/2 peak positions attributed to Se –2 states
in Bi2Se3. One single peak at peak position 55.3 eV is attributed to the
Se-Se bond. Bi and Se’s binding energies shifted opposite, which infers
the formation of the Bi2Se3 thin film [93, 107].
Figure 4.11 XPS core level spectra for Bi2Se3 thin film on Ti foil: (a) Bi 4f and
(b) Se 3d core level.
toward PEC water splitting. Figure 4.12 shows the I-t curve of
Bi2Se3/Ti foil for each 30-second ON and OFF operation for Bi2Se3/Ti foil
under 0.3 and 0.6 V vs Ag/AgCl bias voltages. The I-t curve shows the
excellent stability of photoanode in an electrolyte solution and resultant
photocurrent density of 2.2 and 4.3 µA/cm2 for Bi2Se3/Ti foil at 0.3 and
0.6 V vs Ag/AgCl, respectively.
Figure 4.12 The I-t curve for Bi2Se3/Ti photoanode at: (a) 0.3 and (b) 0.6 V vs.
Ag/AgCl bias v.
Figure 4.13 EIS Nyquist plot of Bi2Se3/Ti and photoanodes under applied ac
voltage of 5 mV.
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Chapter 5
Quantum-Cutting Phosphors
for Thermal Sensor
Abhijit Jadhav
Hyderabad Laboratories Private Limited, Hyderabad, India.
5.1 IntroductIon
photons and convert them into lower-energy visible and NIR photons.
That means that with QC phosphors, the obtained quantum efficiency (QE)
is more than unity. These phosphors find various applications in various
technologies, such as CRT tubing, plasma display, light bulbs, and X-ray
conversion screens.
Temperature is the most essential thermodynamic parameter to
describe any physical, chemical, and biological process. In various
applications, knowledge of temperature plays an essential role in
understanding exact process conditions and maintaining proper reaction
conditions. The accurate temperature measurement during combustion
helps to understand the heat transfer phenomenon. An infrared camera
is used during thermometry to identify abnormally hot or cold areas
on a component operating under normal conditions. The phosphors
are also known to be thermographic if they show emission-changing
characteristics with varying temperature conditions. The present chapter
will overview QC phosphors used for thermal sensor applications.
(excited state energy level). During the relaxation process, they emit two
photons of equal energy. Thus, one high-energy photon is converted
successfully into two lower-energy photons during this process, i.e.,
2hυ′ = hυ. This process is reported with singly doped Pr3+, Eu3+, and
Tm3+ host materials [3, 4]. Yu et al. showed that the cross-relaxation
between the same ions in Gd2O2S:Tm3+ samples led to the generation of
QC emissions of the two, three, and four NIR photons, respectively [5].
Meanwhile, in the two ions’ dopant phosphor material, both ions
can be excited using the same source or light sources with different
wavelengths. Upon excitation, the ground-state electrons get promoted
to a higher energy level 3, and during the relaxation process, they arrive
at level 2 non-radiatively. From intermediate level 2, the electrons emit
a radiative transition of energy lower than the excitation energy, i.e.,
hυ′ < hυ. Successful energy transfer through dipole-dipole interaction
between donor ions in level 2 and acceptor ions in level 1. This results
in the emission of lower-energy photons and subsequently confirms the
conversion of one high-energy photon into two lower-energy photons,
i.e., hυ = 2 hυ′, making the QC efficiency 200%. This QC mechanism is
reported for Ca2Al14O33 doped with Eu3+ and Yb3+ with a QC efficiency
of 199% upon excitation at 394 nm wavelength [6].
The resulting emissions in the IR and UV regions are shown with black
lines. This mechanism is based on one luminescent centre with three
energy levels [11].
Figure 5.2 Energy level diagram for ions (type I and II) illustrates visible quan-
tum cutting via down conversion. Type I is an ion showing emission from a high-
energy level, and Type II emission is dedicated to an activator ion to which energy
transfer takes place. (a) Quantum cutting on single ion I by the sequential emis-
sion of two visible photons. (b) Quantum cutting by two-step energy transfer. The
(c) and (d) involve only one energy transfer step from ion I to ion II. These are the
possible mechanisms of obtaining visible quantum cutting if one of two visible
photons can be emitted by ion I [8].
I = I0 e t (5.1)
and tetragonal [32], core-shell [33], hollow nanostructures [34], fibres [35],
glass ceramics with fluoride nanocrystals [36], and bulk oxides [37].
Upon excitation with a suitable light source, these phosphors show
emitted luminescence in UV, visible, infrared, and NIR regions.
Host matrix doped with rare-earth ions plays a vital role in deciding
whether the phosphor material satisfies the thermally coupled energy
level required to be used as an optical temperature sensor. Table 5.1
represents host dependent ΔEf, ΔEm, and d in Er3+ doped and Er3+–Yb3+
co-doped phosphors. The term d calculates the fluorescence intensity
ratio between ΔEf and ΔEm. From Table 5.1, we can see that the small
d value is the result of successive excited state absorption, which has
overcome the energy transfer process between thermally coupled levels
and other energy levels due to irregular ligand fields around the dopant
lanthanide ion sites inside the host crystals. The value of d varies with
different host crystals and shows a maximum value of 90.44% for Er3+,
Yb3+ co-doped b – NaLuF4, which is ascribed to the energy of the excited
state absorption due to Er3+ ion.
Table 5.1 Host dependent ΔEf, ΔEm, and d in Er3+ doped and Er3+–Yb3+
co-doped phosphors
Samples ΔEf (cm–1) ΔEm (cm–1) δ (%) References
Er doped In – Zn – Sr – Ba glass 861.0 771.8 11.55 [38]
Er3+ doped Sr – Ba – Nb – B glass 872.3 748.0 16.62 [39]
Er3+ doped BaTiO3 nanocrystals 662.4 729.9 09.25 [40]
Er3+ doped Si – B – Ba – Na glass 236.0 511.7 53.89 [41]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped b – NaLuF4 270.6 2830.6 90.44 [42]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Y2SiO5 781.0 686.1 13.83 [43]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped BaMoO4 607.0 716.0 15.22 [44]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped CaWO4 1455.0 1530.0 04.90 [45]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped Yb2Ti2O7 478.6 482.0 0.71 [46]
Er3+, Yb3+ co-doped LiNbO3 860.0 686.2 25.33 [47]
The host crystals in the phosphor may have similar structures, such as
tetragonal, hexagonal, cubic, etc., but the characteristic emission intensity
at an increasing temperature can be assigned to its electronic structure.
Thus, the thermal stability of a phosphor is defined by the effective
band gap, chemical tunability, and the degree of condensation [53].
Qin et al. [54] mentioned the relation of emission intensity of the 5d – 4f
transition and temperature by an equation:
I(0) (5.2)
I (T ) =
[1 + (t 0 /t V ) exp( - DE /kBT )
where t V is the radiative decay rate corresponding to the state of the
lanthanide ion, t 0 is the attempt rate of the thermal quenching process,
k is Boltzmann’s constant, and ΔE is the energy barrier for the thermal
quenching process.
Quantum-Cutting Phosphors for Thermal Sensor Applications 131
5.5 conclusIon
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Chapter 6
6.1 IntroductIon
h2 d Ê 4p d ˆ
Rtunnel = exp Á 2ml ˜ (1.1)
Ae 2
2ml Ë h ¯
DR /R0
GF = (1.2)
Strain ( DL /L0 )
( DR /R0 )
S= (1.3)
An example of a piezoresistive-based flexible sensor is an airflow
sensor made by coating graphene/PVDF nanocomposite on PE material
having a sensitivity of 1.21% kPa–1 in the pressure range of 0–2.7 kPa
[29], as shown in Figure 6.3.
A Review of Flexible Sensors 141
6.3.1 sensitivity
The slope of the sensor’s response curve determines the sensitivity of
a sensor. It is sometimes used as a GF. Sensitivity is a critical factor
in determining sensor performance. For weak signals, such as human
body signals, to be detected, sensitivity should be higher. The GF
demonstrated by the flexible strain sensor based on ZnSnO3 nanowires
is up to 3,740, which is 19 times higher than the silicon-based strain
sensor [1]. The sensitivity of flexible pressure sensors could be achieved
up to 133.1 kPa−1 by designing hollow-sphere structured conducting
polymers [19]. Another approach to increase sensitivity is using unique
electrical designs such as a charge-coupled device (CCD). The pH sensor
based on CCD could have sensitivity up to 240 mV pH−1, which is four
times higher than the value obtained by the Nernst equation at room
temperature (59 mV pH−1) [20].
6.3.2 linearity
Linearity is one of the essential parameters the sensor should display
the response while detecting the external stimulus to integrate with the
system quickly. If the response curve is not linear, then extra signal
processing circuits are needed for calibration, dramatically increasing
design complexity and compensation [21]. An example of a strain sensor
made by CNT thin film and PDMS as active material and dielectric,
respectively, the sensor could respond near-perfect linear under strain.
6.3.3 selectivity
Sensors should be capable of detecting selective things and giving an
accurate signal. For instance, the SiO2 sensing layer in the pH sensor
interacts with hydrogen ions (H+), which are present in hydroxyl groups
(OH) when it is in contact with a certain kind of solution. Sodium
(Na+) and potassium (K+) ions in the solution would not react with the
A Review of Flexible Sensors 143
OH groups; thus, the measured signals from the pH sensor would not
be affected by the presence of those ions. Selective detection of other
biomarkers, such as glucose, would be beneficial.
6.3.4 resolution
The sensor’s capability to detect very subtle changes depends upon
its resolution. Many physiological indexes vary over a limited
range, and a slight change may contain much information about the
physiological status. For instance, the average human body temperature
is typically between 36.5 and 37.5 °C, and changes occur due to physical
activity, fatigue, hormone level, etc. Minimising interference from the
measurement environment and suppressing noise level could promote
the sensor’s resolution. For example, graphene having low thermal noise
as an active material could achieve high resolution. The temperature
sensor made up of a mixture of SnO2 nanoparticles and single-walled
carbon nanotubes and a graphene-based sensor (low thermal noise)
could achieve higher resolution [22].
6.3.6 durability
Durability shows a sensor’s ability to perform typically for a long time
without excessive repair or maintenance. It is usually measured by
cyclic stability (endurance to periodic loading and unloading cycles).
The sensing material or substrates are prone to buckle, fracture, and
even strip after enough cycles, resulting in the cyclic unstable problem.
One of the ways to promote durability is to prepare a sensor enabling
self-healing ability.
Materials used in flexible sensors are usually divided into four groups
depending upon their typical roles: conductors, semiconductors,
insulators, and substrates. Conductive materials are discussed based
on their conductivity and transparency. Semiconductors play a role in
field-effect mobility and stability while bending, insulators, or dielectrics
are selected based on their dielectric constant and breakdown voltage.
In contrast, substrates are highlighted based on flexibility, stretchability,
surface quality, transparency, and thermal and chemical stability [2].
Figure 6.4 presents the overview of everyday materials and respective
fabrication methods used in flexible sensing technology.
Figure 6.4 Standard materials and respective fabrication methods are used to
fabricate flexible sensors [3].
A Review of Flexible Sensors 145
6.4.1 conductors
Usually, conductors are used as contact materials in flexible sensors.
However, nanoparticles and nanowires are best suited for conductors.
Some conductors provide transparency such as AgNWs. The general
overview of conductors used in flexible sensors is presented in Figure 6.5.
6.4.2 semiconductors
Semiconductors are used as sensitive active areas or sensing material. The
conductivity of semiconductors lies between metal and insulators, and
the transport of charge carriers depends upon covalent bonds. Figure 6.6
depicts diverse types of semiconductors used in flexible sensors. Silicon (Si)
and germanium (Ge) are the most used semiconductors. However, they
146 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
are doped with other elements to obtain desirable properties for sensor
applications. Typically, semiconductors are compared in terms of carrier
mobility, compatibility with large-area fabrication, and processing
temperature. Due to their rigid nature, they are mostly preferred as
thin-film transistor (TFT) channels or as sensitive layers.
6.4.3 Insulators/dielectrics
Dielectrics used in flexible sensors are either organic materials such
as polyvinyl phenol (PVP), polyvinylpyrrolidone, poly(perfluorobut
A Review of Flexible Sensors 147
6.4.4 substrates
Substrates are desired to conform to soft and irregular surfaces and
hold properties such as thermal and chemical resistance, extensive
area compatibility, transparency, low surface roughness, and process-
compatible glass transition temperature to be compatible with flexible
sensor applications. Polyimide (PI), polyethylene terephthalate (PET),
and polyethylene naphtholate (PEN) substrates dominate in
flexible applications due to their excellent properties, whereas
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is widely used in the stretchable sensor.
Other substrates include polyethylene (PE), polycarbonate (PC),
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polylactic acid (PLA), polysulfide (PSU), and
polyetheretherketone (PEEK).
been used to fabricate strain sensors. These sensors are used to detect
the physical dimension changes in the body or structures.
6.6 suMMary
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Chapter 7
7.1 IntroductIon
OIMH perovskites are highly emphasized instead of their characteristic
properties of wide absorption-coefficient, band gap tunability, high
carrier mobility, longer carrier diffusion length, high charge transport
properties, and weak exciton binding. OIMH perovskites are composed
of the general formula ABX3, which is composed of three different
species, where A is an organic and inorganic monovalent cation [for
However, due to high toxicity and low stability, the inorganic lead
(Pb) cation is getting replaced by another cation of equivalent electronic
configuration. Here, the main disadvantage of Pb perovskites is their
degradation in the presence of water leading to the formation of soluble
PbI2. Soluble PbI2 is highly toxic to humans and the natural environment [9]
because it gets consumed into the human blood, causing harmful
impacts on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, kidneys,
and immune system. Due to high levels of Pb-toxicity, nowadays, Pb-free
perovskites are an emerging field in optoelectronics [10–12]. Thus, the
need to develop alternate Pb-free perovskites arises [13, 14], such as
CsSnI3, MASnI3, FABiI3, FABiICl2, FABiClBr2, etc. [15]. The non-toxic
and environmental-friendly perovskites can be synthesized by replacing
Pb with non-toxic elements [16, 17], which can be achieved using the
following two techniques:
1. Homovalent substitution
2. Heterovalent substitution
Homovalent Substitution
Homovalent elements with +2 stable oxidation-states are the best
alternative for Pb-free perovskite materials. For instance, Sn2+ and Ge2+
also belong to group 14 as of Pb2+, and they are the best alternate
for Pb-substitution. Besides, transition metals, such as Cd 2+, Mn 2+,
Fe2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+, alkaline-earth metals, such as Ba2+, Sr2+, and Ca2+,
and rare-earth elements, such as Eu2+ and Yb2+, could be advised for
Pb-free perovskites [16], while following tolerance factor calculations
Pb-substituents were perfect for perovskite structure. However, some
elements such as Ba2+, Sr2+, and Ca2+ have a larger band gap, which makes
them unsuitable for semiconducting materials. In contrast, working with
Cu2+ and Zn2+ in ambient conditions per the perovskite requirement
is not easy. Thus, Sn2+ and Mn2+ are the most favorable candidate for
homovalent substitution in perovskite quantum dots.
Heterovalent Substitution
This is a second feasible substitution method for Pb-free perovskite
materials. Here, the Pb2+ can be replaced with a cation in different
valence states, e.g., mono-, tri, or tetra-valent cation as well as the direct
substitution with heterovalent-cations is viable due to their existence
in different valence states. Thus, two approaches for heterovalent
substitution can be given:
(i) Mixed-valence approach, where the equal number of mono- and
trivalent cations give an average valence state of +2; for instance,
Pb2+, thallium, and gold-halide perovskites.
The Transition from Pb- to Pb-Free Halide-Based Perovskite Inks for . . . 157
Here, t and µ are important factors that decide the existence and
structure of perovskite material [29, 30]. t and µ are defined according
to the given equation:
R + RX R
t= 1 A and m = B
2 2 ( RX + RB )
R A, RB, and RX denote the ionic radii of A, B, and X ions in the above
equation [28, 31, 32].
To maintain the symmetry of the perovskite structure, the tolerance
factor and octahedral factor values should lie between the given limit:
0.8 < t < 1.1 and 0.442 < m < 0.895 [33, 34]. Or else, the cubic structure
of perovskite will be exhausted, and as the Cs+ ion complies well with
the requisites of t; thus, it is the most suitable alternate for replacing
MA+ (inorganic metal halide) with the inorganic monovalent cation
[35]. Therefore, the size of A, B, and X ions play a significant part in
the perovskites material, and the t factor is also essential to determine
the Pb-free perovskites material depending on the ionic radius of the
implicated ions [36–39].
Table 7.2 Metal-halide perovskites along with their synthesis method, principal solvent, and conclusive findings (Contd.)
S.No. Pb-Based Pb-Free Technique Principal Solvent Results/Conclusions References
Perovskite Perovskite Used
6. CsPbX3 — Hot-Injection Oleic acid, • These all-inorganic PeQDs can be stored [63]
(X = Cl–, Br–, I–) Oleylamine, and for more than two months and exhibit
Octadecene higher stability than MAPbX3PeQDs, and
when they disperse in various non-polar
solvents can serve as ink for solution-
based optoelectronic devices.
7. MAPb(IxBr1-x)3 — Thin-film N, N-Dimethyl- • Mixed-halide perovskites are more critical [65]
growth method formamide than pure-phase perovskites because band
gaps of mixed lead-halide perovskites
are tuned by halide composition, which
is the most optimum characteristic for
Anode e-
h+ QD
Figure 7.4 Electron transport mechanism in Perovskite-based devices.
7.6.3 Lasing
The emission-wavelength tunability illustrated in perovskite materials
was an essential property for nanoscale lasers. Generally, the lasing
can be maintained for over 1 hour on persisting on exposure to the
surrounding atmosphere signifying their improved performance
compared to hybrid perovskite NW lasers [134, 135]. For instance,
Wang et al. [136] stated the multi-photon pumped lasing from CsPbX3
nanorods with a threshold value of ~0.6 and 1.7 mJ cm–2 under an
excitation wavelength of 800 nm and 1,200 nm with 80 fs and 1 kHz as
shown in Fig. 7.5. AILHP-based temperature-dependent nanostructured
lasers were studied due to their temperature sensitivity [55, 137–139].
Thus researchers have also adopted the new material structure or device
172 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
Figure 7.5 Lasing in single-crystal CsPbBr3 NWs were (a) dark-field images of
CsPbBr3 NWs (b-d) under excitation of NWs from femtosecond pulsed laser with
increasing excitation fluence [60].
7.6.4 Photodetectors
An ideal photodetector (PD) must have high speed, spectral selectivity,
signal-to-noise ratio, and sensitivity. PDs have diversified applications
such as imaging, optical communication, remote control, chemical/
biological sensing, etc. [139]. However, Inorganic scattered CsPbBr3
nanoplatelets-based low-voltage PDs with high-responsivity were
The Transition from Pb- to Pb-Free Halide-Based Perovskite Inks for . . . 173
7.7 concLuSIon
This chapter gives a very conceptual summary of the transition from
Pb-based to Pb-free halide perovskite inks for optoelectronic applications.
Moreover, this chapter discusses the various synthesis methods,
characteristic properties, and applications of the Pb-based and Pb-free
perovskite inks. It also gives an insight into the organic and inorganic
constituting ions of the perovskite inks and the advantages of the hot-
injection synthesis technique over other methods for the perovskite inks.
This chapter gives a brief idea about the device fabrication using the
specific HTL and ETL for the Pb-based/Pb-free perovskite active layer
depending on the thickness of each layer required for the optoelectronic
174 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
devices using these perovskite inks. However, here we have also discussed
various important comparable properties and properties required to
enhance the performance of IOMH perovskite inks-based devices. Thus,
this chapter generally gives a detailed description of the Pb-based and
Pb-free halide perovskite inks, along with the advantages and challenges
ahead in the transition from Pb-based to Pb-free perovskite inks for
commercial and industrial applications.
The authors sincerely thank the Director, CSIR-NPL, for his constant
support and encouragement. Author SM gratefully acknowledges the
Department of Science and Technology for providing a WOS-A project
grant (WOS-A/CS-132/2018).
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Chapter 8
8.1 IntroductIon
Figure 8.1 (a) Classification of solar cells and the highest efficiency reported
in each category from 1976 to till date. The emerging solar cells are highlighted
(b) Architecture of DSSC device.
D Electrolyte
8.3 SubStrate
reduce recombination and offer a high surface area for anchoring more
dye molecules. Compact and blocking layers can also be made of a
combination of nanomaterials (e.g. ZnO as a compact layer material
and TiO2 from TiCl4 used as a blocking layer; similarly, TiO2/ZnO,
SnO2/TiCl4, TiCl4/SnO2 as a compact and blocking layer were used,
respectively) [25].
There are many metal oxides materials (i.e. ZnO, SnO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, V2O5,
and Nb2O5) and perovskite materials (i.e. ZnTiO3, SrTiO3, CaTiO3, and
BaTiO3), which have been utilised for the preparation of active layers in
working electrodes [26, 27]. They were further used as doped materials
with some elements, i.e. as N, S, or as hetero/core-shell structures such
as CdS/TiO2, SrTiO3/ TiO2, ZnO/TiO2, SnO2/TiO2, TiO2/MgO, TiO2/Fe2O3
[28–31]. While considering pure semiconductor oxide materials, TiO2 is
the most investigated due to its physiochemical stability against both
temperature and environmental extremes and most importantly it is
less toxic. The function of active layer materials is to collect the excited
charge carriers from the sensitiser and transport them to the TCO. It
can also act as a charge conversion agent by trapping photons directly
from different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g. N-doping
196 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
Recently reports show that graphitic carbon materials (e.g. C3N4 and
C3N5) can make a cascading band alignment with TiO2, which decreases
the charge transport resistance. This heterojunction minimises the back-
electron transfer [37, 38].
8.6 morPhology
The morphology of the metal oxide material plays an essential role in the
overall performance of DSSCs. The commonly reported morphological
features in TiO2 are nanoparticles, rods/wires/tubes/fibres, 2D sheets,
belts, and 3D nano/microstructures. Each morphology has unique
impacts on the DSSC performance. The TiO2 particle [Figure 8.6(a)]
morphology at the nanoscale offers a higher surface area, which enables
it to adsorb a more significant number of sensitisers, but it also offers
higher charge transport resistance as they have more grain boundaries
with dead ends for charge transport. The one-dimensional structure
[Figure 8.6(b)] offers a unidirectional path for charge transport, but the
surface area is less when compared with particles. In the case of three-
dimensional structures, several aspects need to be considered. Three-
dimensional structures reported include solid spheres, hollow spheres,
core-shell structures, and most importantly three-dimension structures
made up of grains [Figure 8.6(c)], either small spherical particles, rod-
like structures, or sheets [Figure 8.6(d)]. 3D spheres possess unique
characteristics of offering optimum surface area, charge transport via its
grains, and the ability to optimise size. They also serve as a scattering
centre by increasing the optical path length of the incident photons
inside the photoanode active layer. There were also investigations based
on mixed morphologies (e.g. rod/particles, rod/sphere, sphere/particles,
etc.). This mixed morphology [Figures 8.6(e) and 8.6(f)] can be obtained
by mixing different weight ratios of different morphologies or by direct
single-step synthesis. In addition to the high surface area and good
charge transport, mesoporous photo anode material is equally essential
for the diffusion of the electrolyte to rejuvenate the sensitiser molecules.
The effect of the morphology of particles, tubes, and rods has been
investigated, and it is expected that nanotubes offer advantages for
light scattering, electron transportation, and fewer trap sites [39]. For
instance, TiO2 as nanoparticles, nanofibers, hierarchical spheres, and
ellipsoid spheres are successfully obtained via titanium n-butoxide and
acetic acid solvothermal reactions. DSSC consisting of nanoparticles,
nanoparticles/nanowire, nanoparticles/nanotubes TiO2 were sensitised
with the sensitisers N719 and 3,7′-bis(2-cyano-1-acrylicacid)-10-ethyl-
phenothiazine with chenodeoxycholic acid as co-adsorbent. Nanotube-
nanoparticle used to produce photoanodes exhibited better performance
198 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
(e) (f)
Figure 8.6 (a) particle morphology, (b) rod-like morphology, (c) sphere-like mor-
phology, (d) 3D morphology with rod granules, (e) mixed morphology of rods and
particles, and (f) mixed morphology of spheres and particles.
Figure 8.7 (a) TiO2 nanopowders were obtained using the domestic microwave
oven (b) Cracks in the TiO2-coated film [55].
(vi) coating of silver conductive fingers, and (vii) masking. The working
electrode preparation steps are represented in Figure 8.8. Then both
working and counter electrodes are sandwiched together using a hot
melt press, and the electrolytes are injected through counter electrode
holes. Finally, the holes are sealed. The schematic representation for the
assembled DSSC device is given in Figure 8.8(g).
Figure 8.8 (a) FTO plate, (b) screen printer used for the preparation, (c) active
layer obtained, (d) active layer with a silver conductive finger, (e) sensitisation
process, (f) sensitised working electrode, and (g) fabricated DSSC device powering
digital watch.
Figure 8.9 Schematic configuration to integrate DSSC cells into modules [63].
8.8 concluSIon
This chapter discusses how DSSCs can provide sustainable solutions for
an uninterrupted power supply for low-power-consuming devices, even
under diffused room ambient light conditions. The architecture of DSSCs
and details of working electrodes, including conductive substrates,
compact layers, and mesoporous active layers, were also discussed.
The preparation of TiO2 powders, doping, composite structures, junction
formations, and unique and mixed morphological influences on the
DSSC device performance was also reviewed. Paste preparation and
coating methods were also discussed, as well as considerations for
scaling up from small-area lab-scale DSSC preparation to large-area
DSSC devices and DSSC devices integrated into modules for real-world
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Chapter 9
9.1 IntroductIon
At a global level, the issues about energy and the environment can be
solved by constructing a clean energy system. Hydrogen is considered
as one of the clean energy source and is expected to become one of
the significant source of energy due to its high energy capacity and
environmentally friendly byproducts. Hydrogen is used in fuel cells
and chemical industries [1]. It is primarily produced from fossil fuels
(e.g. natural gas) by steam reforming. The main disadvantage of these
methods is that fossil fuels are a non-renewable source, and there is
an emission of CO2 during the production of hydrogen from fossil
fuels. Thus, to make the production of hydrogen more environment
friendly, it is desired that hydrogen be produced from a renewable
and abundant source, i.e. water. For producing hydrogen from water,
The standard Gibbs free energy change for the water-splitting reaction
is 237 kJ/mol or 1.23 eV. The essential criteria for a semiconductor
photocatalyst for water splitting are a suitable band gap and the
band edge positions (conduction and valence band edge levels) vs.
NHE. Semiconductors having a band gap energy 3.0 eV > Eg > 1.23 eV
show photocatalytic activity under UV and visible range of the solar
spectrum. For hydrogen evolution, the position of the conduction band
212 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
9.5.1 titanates
Researchers have worked extensively with titanates since TiO2 was
first reported to be used as a photocatalyst in 1972 [2]. Since the 1970s,
much work has been done with TiO2 by applying various modifications
like different crystal structures, dopants, co-catalysts, etc. In the last
seven years, many review articles have been published which are based
on TiO2 [10–12]. TiO2 crystallizes in three structures: rutile, anatase,
and brookite, containing TiO6 octahedra. They are connected through
distinct edges and shared corners. The typical edges are two in rutile,
three in brookite, and four in anatase. The band gap of rutile is 3.0 eV,
and anatase is 3.15 eV. Due to the large band gap in TiO2, it is unsuitable
as a visible light photocatalyst. In general, titanates have a band gap
greater than 3 eV. These exhibit good photostability and corrosion
resistance and are n-type semiconductors, thus serving as photoanodes.
Doping is one of the strategies to improve the photocatalytic activity
of TiO2 and other titanates, as well as to shift their band gap in the
visible light region. Single-element, double-element, and tri-element
doping are reported. Doping results in the creation of donors or acceptor
levels in the forbidden region. It also decreases the band gap. Transition
metals, alkaline, and rare earth metals are commonly used as dopants.
Chemical doping of TiO2 with transition metal ions having partially
filled d-orbitals induces a visible light response in TiO2 [13]. These ions
do not show any significant reactivity for water splitting. In 2002, Kato
and Krudo reported [14] that simultaneous co-doping of Sb5+ and Cr3+ in
TiO2 resulted in its use as a photocatalyst for oxygen evolution in visible
light. Pt or Au loading on conducting TiO2 has been shown to improve
the performance of the modified TiO2 in visible light toward hydrogen
production from a water-ethanol solution [15]. Doping with nitrogen in
TiO2 [16, 17] is found to be most effective for photocatalysis, which has
been attributed to the comparable atomic sizes of nitrogen and oxygen,
small ionization energy, and stability. Preethi, L.K. et al. [18] synthesized
biphasic TiO2 containing anatase and rutile and triphasic TiO2 nanotubes
containing all three phases, viz. anatase, rutile, and brookite. They
evaluated the efficiency of the catalysts toward hydrogen evolution,
wherein they observed that the triphasic system of TiO2 was more efficient
than the biphasic system. Zhang Yan et al. [19] worked with blue TiO2(B)
single-crystalline nanorods and showed that the photocatalytic activity
is enhanced due to their rod shape and oxygen vacancies in TiO2, which
prevented the recombination of electrons and holes. Diaz L. et al. [20]
reported using non-noble metals as co-catalysts instead of costly noble
214 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
metals like Pt, Au, Ag, or Pd to prepare low-cost M/TiO2 using the
impregnation method. In the presence of both UV and visible light, M/
TiO2 was observed to give higher rates of hydrogen evolution than bare
TiO2, wherein it was observed that Cu/TiO2 achieved almost 80% of
the H2 production rate of that of Pt/TiO2. In 2020, Yang Libin et al. [21]
reported the photo-assisted deposition of clusters of Ru or Au as a
co-catalyst on anatase TiO2 to enhance the catalyst’s performance toward
water splitting. This enhancement was attributed to the chemical bonds,
i.e. Ru-O-Ti and Au-O-Ti bonds, which acted as traps for the electron
and showed a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect.
There are numerous reports on titanates [22–24]. We take SrTiO3,
one of the most studied titanates, as an example to showcase
their importance and strategies adopted in titanates in improving
photocatalytic performance. Doping generates cation vacancies, which
promote hydrogen evolution in the photocatalytic processes. In one of
the studies, it has been reported [25] that doping by nitrogen, which
replaces oxygen, in SrTiO3 increases its visible light activity toward
photocatalysis. Cr3+ and Ta5+ doped at Ti4+ sites in SrTiO3 have been
shown to increase the hydrogen evolution rate to almost twice that
observed for SrTiO3 doped with only Cr under visible light. Yu et al. [26]
reported similar results showing that simultaneous doping of Cr and B
in SrTiO3 increased the hydrogen production rate to almost twice that
of Cr-doped SrTiO3. Co-doping of Cr/Ta ions in SrTiO3 [27] resulted in
the formation of a donor level due to the 3d orbital of Cr3+ above the
O-2p valence band. Efforts to use co-catalysts by loading them with a
catalyst and forming a heterojunction without changing the perovskite
structure were also used to enhance the photocatalytic activity in visible
light. It is shown by citing one example wherein a composite formed
from N-doped SrTiO3 and TiO2 resulted in improving the photocatalytic
performance due to the creation of the unique energy band structure [28].
In another example, a multijunction formed from SrTiO3/TiO2 nanotube/
N-doped TiO2 composite resulted in forming a particular band in the
depletion region that was formed due to TiO2 nanotubes [29]. It resulted
in improved photocatalytic performance. Manchala et al. reported a
SrTiO3/CdS/carbon nanospheres-based photocatalytic system that
showed hydrogen evolution exhibiting a rate of 3085 μmol h−1 gcat−1
in the sunlight [30]. Tuning the nature of exposed surfaces is another
strategic approach to improve the photocatalytic performance of the
oxide. We have showcased using SrTiO3 wherein the nature of exposed
surfaces were tuned by changing the solvent used during synthesis [5].
We discuss this example in detail in subsequent section.
Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Photocatalytic Water Splitting 215
9.7 conclusIon
Various metal oxides have the potential for being used as photocatalysts
for water splitting. Studies on increasing their efficiency towards
220 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
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Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Photocatalytic Water Splitting 225
Nagendra S. Chauhan
Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering,
Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan– 980-8579
10.1 IntroductIon
a term for heat transfer media, is commonly reserved for heat transfer
occurring above room temperature. While for refrigeration, the heat
transfer media is commonly referred to as refrigerant.
Approaches for improving heat transmission in heat exchangers
commonly include passive and active techniques, such as creating
turbulence, extending the exchange surface (such as fins), or using
a fluid with higher thermophysical properties. Over the years, heat
transfer systems have evolved from geometrical modifications to compact
liquid cooling systems, thus shifting the focus from the geometry of
heat exchangers to HTFs. The engineering data for the process design
targeting heat transfer enhancement and performances indicates heat
transfer media to be the primary determinant. In the wide range of
thermal applications, commonly used HTFs include liquids such as
ethylene glycol, water, silicone oil, propylene glycol, etc., which offer an
advantage over the air in terms of their higher specific heat and thermal
conductivity. Thus, advanced thermal designs are focused on improving
the characteristics of these HTFs for achieving key desirables, such as
low viscosity, higher thermal conductivity and diffusivity, high boiling
and low freezing points, thermal stability, and anti-corrosive behaviour.
Classical Models
Investigator Formula Remarks
Maxwell [21] • Based on the conduction solution through a stationary
k NF k NP + 2k + 2j [k NP -k ]
= random suspension of spheres.
k k NP + 2k - j [k NP - k ] • Spherical Particles.
Xue et al. [35] • For CNTs-based nanofluids and including the axial ratio
È k NP ˘ k NP + k
1 - j + 2j Í ˙ ln and the space distribution.
k NF Î k NP - k ˚ 2k
k È k NP ˘ k NPP + k
1 - j + 2j Í ˙ ln
Î k NP - k ˚ 2k
Bhattacharya n
k NF k NP 1
et al. [29]
j + [1 - j] k NP =
kBT 2
 ÈÎQ(0)Q( jDT )˘˚ DT
j =0
Theoretical Models for Nanofluids Effective Thermal Conductivity—Based on Nanolayer Effect
t = nanolayer thickness; – radius of nanoparticles
Xie et al.[44] • Based on Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction
k NP - k Ê 3j 2q 2 ˆ
= 3qjT + Á T • Low volume fraction
k Ë 1 - qjT ¯ • Nanolayer
4 t
jT = p [r + t]3 N p = j[1 + b]3 , b =
3 p rp
Table 10.1 A summary—Analytical models on thermal conductivity of nanofluids (Contd.)
Investigator Formula Remarks
Yu and Choi [45] • Modified Maxwell model
k pe + 2k + 2j (k pe - k )(1 + b)3 • Spherical particles
k NF = k
k pe + 2k - j (k pe - k )(1 + b)3 • Nanolayer
2(1 - g ) + (1 + b )3 [1 + 2g ]g
k pe = k NP
-(1 - g ) + (1 + b)3 [1 + 2g ]
t �layer
b= and g =
rp �NP
ÔÏ0.0137(100j )
j < 0.01
b =Ì
ÓÔ 0.0011(100j ) j > 0.01
Nanofluidics for Heat Transfer System and Energy Applications
Investigator Formula Remarks
Prasher et al. [31] • Based on Maxwell model and heat transfer in fluidised
k NF k + 2k + 2j ÈÎk NP - k ˘˚
= [1 + A.Re m Pr 0.333 j] NP beds.
k k NP + 2k - j ÈÎk NP - k ˘˚ • Accounts for convection caused by the Brownian motion
from multiple particles.
Chon et al. [48] 0.369 0.747
• Based on curve fitting of experimental data.
k NF Ê df ˆ Ê k NP ˆ • Reynolds number is based on the Brownian motion
= 1 + 64.7j 0.74 Á ˜ ÁË k ˜¯ ¥ Pr 0.9955
Ree 1.2321
k ÁË dp ˜¯
• Role of temperature and particle size.
Jang and Choi. [30] df • Based on kinetics, Kapitza resistance, and convection.
k NF
= [1 - j] + j + 3C PrjRe 2 • General expression for thermal conductivity involving
k dp four modes of energy transport in nanofluids: collision
b/w fluid molecules, thermal diffusion of nanoparticles
due to Brownian motion, and the thermal interactions of
dynamic nanoparticles with fluid molecules.
238 Nanomaterials for Energy and Sensor Applications
form agglomerations in liquid media that affect the stability and NPs
transport in nanofluids. Thus, the dispersibility of NPs in nanofluids is
favoured by their small size, higher aspect ratio, and low volume fraction.
Moreover, dispersants, pH adjustments, or various mixing methods
can be employed to prevent agglomeration at higher volume fractions.
A dynamic behavioural explanation for nanofluids is complex as the
viscosity of the base fluid affects the Brownian motion of NPs which in
turn affects the k NF of the nanofluids. The size and aspect ratio of the
NPs are critical compositional characteristic that affects thermophysical
transport, wherein k NF and hNF increases with decreasing particle
size [48, 58] and increasing aspect ratio of dispersed NPs [56, 59–61].
In nanofluids, change in temperature affects the Brownian motion
of NPs and the clustering of NPs, which results in a dramatic change
in k NF of nanofluids, thereby indicating the temperature dependence of
thermal transport in nanofluids [62–64]. It is also found that the increase
in the difference between the pH value of the nanofluids solution and
the isoelectric point (pH at which a particular molecule or surface
carries no net electrical charge) of NPs resulted in the enhancement
of k NF, as with increasing differential, the mobility of NPs increases,
which improves the micro-convection effect. At the optimum pH value,
the surface charge of NPs increases, creating repulsive forces between
NPs, thus preventing severe clustering of NPs (excessive clustering
may result in sedimentation, which decreases k enhancement). Thus,
to obtain stable nanofluids, the pH value of the suspension must be
far from the isoelectric point of the particles, where the overall charge
on the NPs becomes zero. Thus, it can be concluded that nanofluids’
thermal transport behaviour is strongly correlated to the processing
methodology, compositional characteristics, and external factors, which
can be utilised to interpret conflicting results and inconsistent findings
via parametric analysis.
Figure 10.4 Length scale indicates bottom-up and top-down approaches for pre-
paring nanomaterials, which are subsequently dispersed in fluids to formulate
10.8 applIcatIons
10.8.1 automotive
Thermal management in automotive engines is a critical issue affecting
their performance and operability in harsh conditions. The heat
exchanger used in vehicles is referred to as a radiator, whose cooling
capabilities are directly related to the engine performance and fuel
consumption. With rising heat generation due to higher engine power
and exhaust gas recirculation, higher cooling needs are considered
critical design challenges in engine cooling. As with existing cooling
technology, it requires larger radiators with increased frontal areas,
thereby increasing fuel consumption and aerodynamic drag. Stable
nanofluids mainly address these limitations by enhancing the thermal
properties of coolants and oils [79]. As demonstrated in many studies, a
mixture of water and ethylene glycol is a standard engine coolant with
poor heat transfer performance that can be significantly improved by
NPs addition. However, problems such as surface erosion, dispersibility
and agglomeration are routinely highlighted as major impediments in
such studies. Thus, adapting nanofluids-based engine cooling, albeit
capable of dissipating heat more efficiently requires optimal design.
Several (TiO2, Al2O3, Cu/graphene, and CeO2) nanofluids as automobile
engine lubricants showed a reduced friction and wear rate coefficient
with enhanced brake thermal efficiency during experimental studies [79].
Also, Cu-based nanofluids showed higher boiling temperatures, viscosity,
and conductivities as brake fluid, which can be developed to prevent the
undesirable thermal degradation of the brake system during braking [80].
Thus, nanofluids’ superior thermophysical, rheological, and tribological
properties have been shown to improve operational capabilities by
enhancing heat dissipation. Automotives with a better thermal design
using nanofluids will offer increased power output, better mileage, and
fewer emissions if associated challenges are overcome soon.
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Applications 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, Electrospinning 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10,
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 40, 42, 45, 13, 15, 16, 17, 199
46, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 68, 85, 94, 99, Energy application 227
100, 101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 113, Energy Harvesters 22, 24, 26, 38, 41,
114, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 131, 46
132, 137, 138, 146, 147, 150, 154,
Energy transfer 125, 126, 127, 129
155, 157, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169,
170, 172, 173, 174, 189, 193, 200, Environment-friendly 94, 95, 158,
201, 202, 203, 212, 216, 227, 228, 170, 209
229, 230, 238, 244, 245, 247, 248,
249, 250 F
Flexible metal foils 94, 105, 106
B Flexible sensors 137, 138, 139, 140,
Bi2Se3 thin film 103, 107, 108, 109, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151
110, 111, 114
C Graphene 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 42, 43,
Carbon nanofiber 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 18, 43 44, 45, 46, 138, 140, 141, 143, 147,
Carbon nanotubes 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 148, 150, 196, 216, 246
31, 32, 34, 44, 45, 46, 143, 238
Conducting polymers 35, 142 H
Heat transfer 29, 124, 227, 228, 229,
D 230, 231, 232, 233, 237, 238, 239,
242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249,
Dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSC) 190,
191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198,
199, 200, 201, 202, 203 High efficiency 57, 158, 167
260 Index
Optoelectronics 59, 67, 68, 154, 155,
V-VI Binary Chalcogenides 100, 111,
156, 157, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
103, 104
170, 171, 173, 174
Organic-inorganic 155, 164
Water Splitting 55, 95, 96, 103, 104,
106, 112, 114, 155, 209, 210, 211,
Paste-preparation 199, 203 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220
Pb-based 157, 158, 160, 163, 165, 166, Working Electrode 11, 97, 108, 189,
173, 174 193, 195, 200, 201, 202, 203