ML B 1900d b19dmm10
ML B 1900d b19dmm10
ML B 1900d b19dmm10
2. Air Cycle Machine Bypass Valve On condition. Repair or replace if it becomes inoperative.
7. Air Cycle Machine - Heat Exchanger On condition. Clean heat exchanger at intervals noted in
Hamilton Sundstrand Service Bulletin SB21-2095.
B. Chapter 23 - Communications
1. Cockpit Voice Recorder On condition. Repair or replace if it becomes inoperative.
Refer to Chapter 23 of the Model 1900 Airliner Series
Component Maintenance Manual.
C. Chapter 24 - Electrical Power
1. Airplane Battery On condition. Inspect and service. Refer to battery
manufacturer's information or Chapter 24 of the Model 1900
Airliner Series Component Maintenance Manual.
D. Chapter 28 - Fuel System
1. Fuel Cross-Transfer Valve On condition. Repair or replace if leaks or improper operation
is observed.
2. Firewall Shutoff Valve On condition. Repair or replace if leaks or improper operation
is observed.
E. Chapter 32 - Landing Gear
1. Actuator, Nose Gear On condition. Repair or replace if hydraulic leakage is noted
anywhere except for the rod end seal which is allowed one
drop per 25 cycles1 or from the vent hole of the lock indicator
switch which is allowed 2 drops per 25 cycles1.
AIRIGHT/APPH - (Ref. 05-10-00).
TACTAIR/PHOENIX CONTROLS - On condition. Repair or
replace if hydraulic leakage is noted anywhere except for
leakage past the rod seal exceeding one drop per 25 cycles1
or leakage from the vent hole of the lock indicator switch
exceeding two drops per 25 cycles1.
2. Teflon P/N 124J003-8CR-0095, Oil Drain Hose LH On condition. Replace when cracked, leaking or deteriorated.
3. Teflon P/N 124J002-8CR-0111, Oil Drain Hose RH On condition. Replace when cracked, leaking or deteriorated.
4. Teflon P/N 124J002-12CR-0290, Oil Inlet Cooler On condition. Replace when cracked, leaking or deteriorated.
5. Teflon P/N 124J002-12CR-0414, Oil Outlet Cooler On condition. Replace when cracked, leaking or deteriorated.
1 A flight cycle is defined as: Engine start-up and increase to full or partial power (as required during normal flight) one landing gear
retraction and extension and a complete shutdown.