Employee Management

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Employee Management System

It will have role-based access. Roles:

 Admin
 HR
 Employee

User will sign in using the id and password. Each user will be redirected according to the role.


Can be accessed by Admin.

 Add, edit, and remove users. Assign roles HR/Employee. ID and password generated for each
user. Can also reset passwords.
 Add, edit, and remove departments, designations within a department. Team structure.


Created by admin. Can access using the admin generated user ID and password. Can update

 All employees tab where HR can add/update employee. Roles such as

manager/supervisor/agent etc. Includes personal details, professional details, documents.
Department, designation. Probation, Permanent or resigned status, warning status if any.
Search box to search employee by name or employee ID.
 Can access employees above data, attendance data, leaves data, leaves request.
 All departments tab where HR can access all departments and employees within that
department including their details, designation. Add, update data. Search box to search
 Attendance tab where attendance of all employees can be seen. Check in check out time,
late arrival or on time status. Search box to search employee by name or employee ID.
 Jobs tab where HR can post jobs with all the details. Title, requirements, salary, etc. click on
each job to get the list of candidates who applies for that particular job. See their CVs.
Accept or reject for interview.
 Holidays tab to add holidays.
 Dashboard to display total number of employees, total attendance. Total job applicants. Etc.
 Send Email to specific employee or all.


Created by admin or HR. Can access using the generated user ID and password. Can update

 Attendance. Check in check out. Location based. Late arrival reason if any. See attendance
history, filter by date. Leaves History. Apply for leaves. Request will go to supervisor
manager for approval then HR.
 See personal, professional data. Request to change data. Request will go to HR for approval.
 See company policies.
 Ability to report an incident/issue to HR (can be anonymously).
 View and apply on jobs posted by HR.
 Communication. Emails.

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