Degree Marks Card

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Civil Station P.O, Kannur.
Kerala-670 002



B.A Functional English

Reg.No. MM20AFER014
Year of Study : 2020-2023
College: Mary Matha Arts and Science College, Mananthavady

Course Title Cr. Max. CE ESE Total GP G CP Result

Course Code
|Semester Session: November 2020
Common Course
English Common Course
40 50 10.0 A+ 40.0 P
1A01ENG Communicative English 50 10
10 35 45 9.0 A+ 27.0 P
1A02ENG Readings on Kerala 3 50

Additlonal Common Course

16 26 5.2 D 20.8 p
1A07MAL Kadhamathrukakal 4 50 10
Core Course
10 40 50 10.0 A+ 40.0 P
1B01FNG Essential Grammar for Functional English 4 50
Complementary Elective Course
50 8 32 40 8.0 A 32.0 P
1C01JNL Introduction to Mass Communication 4
Total 19 250 211 159.8
SGPA 8.411 Grade A Passed
II Semester Session: April 2022
Common Course
Engllsh Common Course
4 50 10 33 43 8.6 A 34.4 P
2A03ENG Readings on Life and Nature
Readings on Gender 3 50 10 22 32 6.4 C 19.2 P
Additional Common Course
2A08MAL Kavithamathrukakal 4 50 10 26 36 7.2 28.8
Core Course
2B02FNG Applied Phonetics 4 50 10 29 39 7.8 B 31.2 P

Complementary Elective Gourse

2C02JNL Print Media Practices 4 50 8 24 32 6.4 C 25.6 P

Total 19 250 182 139.2

SGPA 7.326 Grade B Passed
III Semester Session: November 2021
Common Course
English Common Course
3A05ENG Readings on Democracy and Secularism 4 50 10 20 30 6.0 24.0 P
Additlonal Common Course
3A09MAL Gadyasahithyam 4 50 30 38 7.6 B 30.4 P
Core Course
3803FNG Introduction to English Literature I 50 10 23 33 6.6 C 26.4 P

3B04FNG Witing Skills 4 50 10 29 39 7.8 B 31.2 P

Complementary Electtve Course
3C05POL Introduction to Political Science 4 50 10 19 29 5.8 D 23.2 P
Total 20 250 169 135.2
SGPA 6.760 Grade Passed
Folio No.

0137828 Reg.No MM20AFER014

IV Semester Session: April 2022

Common Course
English Common Course
4A06ENG Readings on Philosophy of Knowledge 4 50 9 29 38 7.6 30.4 P

Additional Common Course

4A10MAL Drishyakalasahithyam 50 7 20 27 5.4 21 6 P

Core Course
4B05FNG Introduction to English Literature-l| 4 50 30 39 7.8 B 31.2
4BO6FNG Oral Communication Practice 4 50 10 34 44 8.8 A 35.2 P
Complementary Elective Course
4C06POL Foundations of Indian Political System 4 50 10 3 40 8.0 A 32.0 P
Total 20 250 188 150.4
SGPA 7.520 Grade B Passed
VSemester Session: November 2022
Core Course
5B07FNG Introduction to Linguistics 50 9 30 39 7.8 31.2 P
5BO8FNG Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism 4 50 9 28 37 74 B 29.6 P
5B09FNG Indian Writings in English 50 26 34 6.8 27.2 P
5B10FNG Introduction toTheatre Studies 50 9 28 37 7.4 29.6 P
5B11FNG Methodologyof Language and Literature 50 8 20 28 5.6 D 22.4
Generic Elective Course
5D03POL Electoral Politics in India 25 5 17 22 8.8 A 17.6 P
Total 22 275 197 157.6
SGPA 7.164 Grade B Passed
VI Semester Session: April 2023
Core Course
6B12FNG Introduction to Media Studies 50
els 40
39 8.0 A 40.0 P
6B13FNG Translation Studies 4 50 10 26 36 7.2 B 28.8 P
6B14FNG English Language Teaching 4 50 8 29 37 7.4 29.6 P
6B15FNG Film Studies 50 42 8.4 A 42.0 P
6B16FNG Project 2 25 4 17 21 8.4 A 16.8 P
Total 20 225 176 157.2
SGPA 7.860 Grade B Passed
OVERALL GRADE POINT AVERAGE (OGPA) 7.495 Grade B Class First Percentage 74.95
Session April 2023
Course Credit OGPA Grade
English Common Course English 22 7.955
B 79.55
Additional Common Malayalam 16 6.350
Course 63.50
Core Course
Functional English 64 7.694
Complementary Elective Journalism 76.94
8 7.200
Course - | 72.00
Complementary Elective Politics 8 6.900
Course-l| C 69.00
Generic Elective Course
2 8.800 A 88.00
Total for Programme 20 7.495 B
mdt May Maximum Mark, CE: Continuous 74.95
tlek Total Max) x 10: CP=Credit x GP;Evaluation; ESE: End Semester Evaluation; GP:Grade Point; G. Grade,CP :Credit
SGPA=Total CP/Total Credit of the Semester, OGPA=Total Point P. Passed. F:Failed: XAbsent
CPTotal Credit of the programme; Percentage
Grade Range 0.00 -3 999 4 00 - 4.999 5.00 -5.999 OGPAx 10
6.00 -6999 7.00 -7999
Grade F E 8.00 - 8 999 9.00 - 10.000
Fail B
Class Pass Second
First A+
ndldate securing not less than 40% of Disinction
Candeeclared aggregate marks of a cOurse with not less than 40%
to have passed in that
course. A minimum of grade marks in End Semester Evaluation
completion of a course. point 4 with letter grade E is
*Improvement ** Supplementary for needed the successful


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