• build relationship
with others Education
• connect to positive • It is the communication of
social network information about knowledge, skills
• dealing with conflict and values of the society to each
appropriately succeeding generation to help them
acquire the intellectual and practical
methods to function in society.
Disease Health Education
Existence of some pathology or abnormality Joint Committee (2001)
of the body, which is capable of detection
using, accepted investigation method.
“any combination of planned learning develop self-efficacy to adopt healthy
experiences based on sound theories that lifestyles resulting to healthy communities.
provide individuals, groups, and communities
the opportunity to acquire information and
the skills needed to make quality health
Health education is indispensable in
achieving individual and community health. 1. EMPOWERS people
It can help to increase knowledge and to 2. EQUIPS people with knowledge and
reinforce desired behavior patterns. But competencies to prevent illness, maintain
there is no single acceptable definition of health
health education.
3. ENHANCES the quality of life by promoting
Health education is the part of health care healthy lifestyles.
that is concerned with promoting healthy
behavior. 4. CREATES awareness regarding the
importance of preventive and promotive care.
• WHO (1998)
Legal Basis of Health Education in the
“Process of providing information and advice Nursing Curriculum
related to healthy lifestyle and encouraging
the development of knowledge, attitudes and One of the more important functions of the
skills aimed at behaviour change of nurse is as a health educator and this is
individuals or communities.” explicitly stated in the Duties of a Nurse in
Rule IV, Sec 28 of the Philippine Nursing Act of
(WHO) comprises of consciously constructed 2002 (RA 9173), among which are to:
opportunities for learning involving some
form of communication designed to improve 1. “provide health education to individuals,
health literacy, including improving families and communities
knowledge and developing life skills which are 2. “teach, guide and supervise students in
conducive to individual and community nursing education;
3. Implement programs including the
The scope of health education extends administration of nursing services in varied
beyond the conventional health sector. It settings like hospitals and clinics.
covers every aspect of family and community
Process that informs, motivates, and help Some of the FUNCTIONS of a Professional
people to adopt and maintain healthy Health Educator
practices and life styles.
1. Assess individual & community needs and
capabilities & identify both internal and
external resources in the community
Purpose of Health Education
2. Plan, develop & coordinate with the
Health Education aims to positively influence different health & government agencies and
the health behaviour and health perspectives NGOs regarding the health education
of individuals and communities for them to programs.
3. Do community organizing & outreach ⚫ PRE-HISTORIC ERA
4. Conduct staff training and consult with ⚫ Trial and error
other health care providers about
behavioural, cultural or social barriers to ⚫ Medical lore passed down
health from generation to
5. Conduct regular periodic evaluation of
health education programs ⚫ Throughout history people
have always turned to some
6. Make referrals; type of medicine man or
7. Develop audio, visual, print and electronic physician for counsel
materials to be used for training and conduct Some one may have eaten a particular
of health education classes; plant or herb and become ill. That person
8. Conduct research work and write scholarly would then warn (educate) others against
articles. eating the same substance. Conversely,
someone may have ingested a plant or
herb that produced a desired
Teaching effect. That person would then encourage
an interactive process that (educate) others to use this substance.
promotes learning
a system of activities intended to
produce learning ⚫ ANCIENT CULTURES
mixture of an art and science
⚫ Good hygiene practices
⚫ Code of Hammurabi
⚫ Before science enabled us to
• involves mental activity by means of determine pathogenic causes
which knowledge, skills, habits, of disease, spiritual
attitudes, ideals, appreciations and explanations and leadership
ideas are acquired, retained and prevailed
utilized resulting in the progressive
The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved
adaptation and modification of
Babylonian law code of ancient Mesopotamia,
“an eye for an eye”
there should be a change in behaviour,
utilisation or adaptation of learning.
knowledge, attitudes and skills are • MIDDLE AGES
consciously or unconsciously acquired.
• Overcrowding and sanitation
The success of medtech educators endeavour
is measured not by how much content has • Little emphasis on cleanliness
been imparted but rather how much the in early Christianity
person has learned • Disease was caused by sin or
disobeying God
CDC = Center for Disease Control and • The HEALTH EDUCATOR’S ROLE is to
Prevention. Concerned with occupational help promote, enhance, and maintain
safety and health the health of others.
• b) Implementing
• External Conditions
• knowledge or perception of a
Teaching Strategies person
• Hospital Environment
Psychological Barriers to Change: individual • The lessons are repeated and reinforced
traits and reactions discouraging adoption. over time using different methods
Perception, Homeostasis, Conformity and
• The lessons are adaptable and use existing
commitment, Personality factors
channels of communication like songs, drama
and story telling
6. Effects of exercise on the body systems and People will not change their health
on general well-being; behaviors unless they believe that they
are at risk.
7. Nutrition & weight control
3. Perceived Benefits
8. Sexual relationships & sexuality
It refers to the perceived effectiveness of
taking action to improve a health
condition. It's difficult to convince interaction between personal factors,
people to change a behavior if there isn't behavior, and the environment.
something in it for them. People don't
It is a theory of learning process and social
want to give up something they enjoy if
behavior which proposes that new
they don't also get something in return
behaviors can be acquired by observing
and imitating others.
One of the best things about the Health TPB emphasizes the importance of
Belief Model is how realistically it frames attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived
people's behaviors. It recognizes the fact control in predicting and understanding
that sometimes wanting to change a health behaviors.
health behavior isn't enough to actually
make someone do it
D. Transtheoretical Model (TTM) or Stages of
6. Self-Efficacy
Change Model:
Self-efficacy refers to the self- confidence
The Transtheoretical Model proposes that
in one’s ability to take action.
behavior change occurs through a series of
Self-efficacy wasn't added to the model stages: precontemplation, contemplation,
until 1988. Self-efficacy looks at a person's preparation, action, maintenance, and
belief in their ability to make a health- termination.
related change. It may seem trivial, but
It emphasizes that individuals move through
faith in your ability to do something has
these stages cyclically and may require
an enormous impact on your actual ability
different interventions at each stage to
to do it.
facilitate behavior change.