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Update on the drug "Adrenochrome" ( pizzagate) Score

submitted 1 fortnight ago by [deleted]
SCP: 15

Evidently, the drug Adrenochrome which was mentioned in the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" 15 upvotes, 0 downvotes (100% upvoted it) YouTube is a real drug with very little clinical testing on
Share a link
record for it. There are no regulations on its sale and use by the FDA. The drug is harvested from
adrenaline glands... and could explain a demand for humans and the big business of human trafficking.
Others were making mention of the possibility this drug is being harvested and used.

The update is: This site about addictions was one of the only places I found that spoke of it as a real
drug and had information on the drug, its use, its effects and prescribed treatment for addiction to
Adrenochrome. (information that differed from all the top search results on Google.. which pretty much pizzagate
say its not really a drug anyone would use, and is more an urban legend)
subscribe 15564 subscribers The site is now suspended as of today, it was
up just last night. Sort of another one of those odd coincidences... as soon as people started talking ~294 user(s) here now
about it, information about it disappeared. I can't find an archive of the page which gave details about
Adrenochrome. The link I used last night in a post elsewhere no longer works and there is no archive Alternative Search
of it on
Pizzagate Subverse Network
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/v/PizzagateMemes – Pizzagate memes
[–] SecondAm endm ent 2 points ( +2 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago (edited 1 fortnight ago) /v/pizzagatemods – meta concerns and
Hmm. I have an old PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE and an old copy of THE PILL BOOK on a shelf Pizzagate moderation discussion
somewhere. I reckon I'll check them both out for the word "adrenochrome." I also will run that 404'd web
address thru the old Internet Archive, aka The Wayback Machine. Finally, I'll skim the ole Podesta Emails for
For Newcomers
this. You never know what you'll find in those emails, no matter how many times you look through them..... A primer to Pizzagate YouTube

TTYL ( | 21:45 | Nov 2016)

perm alink Why googling Pizzagate is useless

[–] Transhum anism Squared 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago
An objective report by a CBS News
The girl who accused Polanski of assault, well it happened in Jack Nicholson's house. It just so happens anchor, rapidly scrubbed afterwards
that is where a tunnel from the playboy mansion leads. It is rumoured that the snuff was filmed in those YouTube ( | 5:47 | Jan 2017)
corridors underground. Our executive summary of
perm alink parent Pizzagate evidence

[–] Flat_Truth [S] 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago Submission Rules

Here is the full address I linked to last night... the specific page on the now suspended site I
See also "subverse best practices"
also found last night info about a study done in the 1950's with 15 test subjects, but not a lot of info.
1 : Relevance: Posts must be directly
relevant to investigation of Pizzagate: the
perm alink parent
sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of children
[–] OhBlindOne 2 points ( +2 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago (edited 1 fortnight ago) by elites, child trafficking organized by elites,
and/or cover-up of these activities and/or the
Here it is:
protection/assistance provided to the people
who engage in said activities. See definition of of the page (in case the page is removed): Pizzagate and examples of relevant posts.
perm alink parent
2 : Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not

[–] SecondAm endm ent 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago common knowledge must be sourced with a
link. If you ask a question: Explain what led to
Thanks very much, @Flat_Truth. HERE IT IS.
your question and provide sources. If you
present opinion/argument, connect your dots
symptoms-signs-addiction-treatment.html Does anyone know how to archive it? I sure as heck don't.
and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless
But I'm printing the page, for now. Unreal.
speculation. ALL posts must include at least
I'll get back to you on what PDR and Pill Book said. one link.
perm alink parent 3 : Clarity: All titles must adequately describe
post content and must establish direct relevance
[–] Flat_Truth [S] 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago
to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must
good job u guys... for whatever its worth, there's the info that was taken down with oddly coincidental include a description of content and how the
timing. link relates to the post (except when markup is
perm alink parent used to embed links in the specific text they
[–] Flat_Truth [S] 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago
4 : Please submit indirectly relevant posts to
If you are going to search the emails, here are some slang terms known to be used for the drug /v/pizzagatewhatever and unsourced questions
20% Adrenochrome: drencrom, milk-plus, the korova milk bar, moloko, qrunq, korova milk bar to /v/AskPizzagate. Sourced activism / publicity
perm alink parent posts and memes are allowed. Posts about the
subverse itself go to /v/pizzagatemods.
[–] SecondAm endm ent 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago
5 : You must label NSFW posts (“Not safe for
Well, golly, you're just the most amazing colleague, @Flat_Truth. I was just fixin' to get in there and
work”; for example gore, nudity etc.) as such
start looking. (Got distracted by some family obligations). Anyway, I'll keep you posted. I need to
when submitting.
unwind from life so I'll do a little zooming through the Podesta emails. These slang terms are very
helpful. In my house? We don't smoke, drink, or take drugs. We don't know much slang, either. So this Adspam, illegal content, and personal info about
is helpful. Stay tuned. Voat subscribers will be removed, and the
offender will be banned.
(P.S. Was anyone able to archive this page? Moderator Rules and Removal Explanations
symptoms-signs-addiction-treatment.html ) Submission Removal Log
perm alink parent WARNING! Due to the nature of this
1 reply
investigation, click ing some link s could result in
opening incriminating material. Always practice
[–] Flat_Truth [S] 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago (edited 1 fortnight ago) common sense before click ing link s, and mak e
Was also thinking with regards to the artwork of Alex Podesta... those big white rabbits (apparently doing bad sure you're browsing safely.
things to little rabbits).... who spends hundreds of thousands of dollars for his "art"? More plausible is the sale Use to archive and distribute sources.
of those art pieces is part of a money laundering program.... to wash money from illegal activities such as
human trafficking...drugs...etc. Chatroom
perm alink (
[–] SecondAm endm ent 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago created by kingkongwaswrong a com m unity for 1 year
Here's the Wayback Machine link to the website that was taken down last night:
Authorized: No Anon: No
Private: No
signs-addiction-treatment.html . Can someone archive it ASAP, please? I really don't know to archive. What I
CAN do, however, is paste the text from that archived article. Here y'all go: Advertisement


Adrenochrome Definition

Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline. It is a commonly used psychoactive drug from recreational
purposes. Adrenochrome gained its popularity from by H.S. Thompson’s movie “Fear and Loathing in Las

Adrenochrome is uncontrolled in the United States, it is considered legal to buy, possess, and distribute. It is
not approved for consumption by human. There is little known about this drugs and its long term effects.

Adrenochrome Uses

Adrenochrome is used for is visual and auditory hallucinogenic effects. Studies have shown that Adrenchrome
use triggers psychotic reactions like thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria. Large doses of
Adrenochrome can result in paralysis, the user is complete aware of their surrounding yet unable to function.
The effects of Adrenochrome, when taken at therapeutic doses, are much more mild than that of LSD.
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenochrome Want to advertize on Voat?

An Adrenochrome user may experience euphoria, confusion, a change in train of thought, lack of judgment, message the moderators
poor insight and inability to concentrate. They will seem out of sorts, as if they are suffering from a mental
condition, unable to function properly. kingkongwaswrong [O]
Crensch [O]
While Adrenochrome is not physically addictive, users may develop a psychological dependency on this drug. VictorSteinerDavion [O]
They will feel as if they can not experience pleasure without its use. Millennial_Falcon [M]
Vindicator [M]
This begins with regular use of Adrenochrome, resulting in them developing a tolerance to the drug which
sensitive [M]
requires larger doses to acheive the desired effects. Prolonged use at increased doses may result in the
sensitive2 [M]
psychological dependency. Many Adrenochrome users, if not preexisting, develop psychological disorders. Honeybee_ [J]
Adrenochrome addiction treatment is required to help them to successfully overcome their addiction and treat heygeorge [D]
any mental or emotional illness.
Adrenochrome Addiction Treatment
Removed submissions
Treating an Adrenochroma addiction requires psychological treatment. Patients undergo extensive treatment
Removed comments
focusing on their mental and emotional state. Most Adrenochrome users feel as if they can not experience
Banned users
pleasure without its use. They experience strong cravings to use again, during treatment they will learn ways to
control these cravings.

A wide array of treatment aspects will be used, including;

Detoxification Individual Counseling Group Counseling Family Counseling Behavioral Modification Therapy
Chemical Dependency Education

Related Articles

Qat: Uses, Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment

Stimulants: Uses, Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment

Opium poppy: Uses, Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment

Hallucinogens: Uses, Symptoms, Signs and Addiction Treatment
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[–] Flat_Truth [S] 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

You guys are like super sleuths... am thinking Trump ought to replace the FBI with this team.
perm alink parent

[–] ESOTERICshade 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago (edited 1 fortnight ago)

Posting info this senstitive without archiving first is almost guaranteed to get the info nuked where we can never
get it back again.
Here is the archive of the sellers.
perm alink
[–] Iam 7777777 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

Pizzagate is now babyblood/babyparts/adrenachrome gate. Simply called cheese. Podesta email "received
assortment of cheeses" december24. See satanic calendar. December24. Google the 1972 Rothschild baby pics/party Was
adrenachrome the party favor of choice? Spirit cooking with who knows at this point? On and on it goes.
perm alink

[–] jangles 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

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[–] Eggs-Vs-Bacon 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

I found one page on the wayback machine that lists the adrenochrome article from a snapshot on Nov 12, but
you're right, the acccount is suspended now. Really weird.
perm alink

[–] Flat_Truth [S] 1 points ( +1 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

Yeah, I read through the one that's now suspended just last night. I can't remember it word for word, but
there was a page there specific to Adrenochrome and it listed its use, its effects, and the treatment for
addiction. The effects were euphoria... and it did say with large doses, the person could experience
paralysis of the body while awake and in a euphoric state.
perm alink parent

[–] ESOTERICshade 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago (edited 1 fortnight ago)

Purple is the color of royalty. Porphyria is called the Vampire's Disease. Vampires don't like the Sun. And I don't
feel an ounce of sympathy for the fukrs because raping children and building a child rape culture is not
necessary for drinking a little blood.

If they are so malignant to society that it has caused them to poison the entire earth and want to kill all its
inhabitants these people need to be put down by some means. We can't empty the whole life boat for these
psychos. They have to go overboard.
Born to the Purple: the Story of Porphyria

Porphyrins are light-activated chemicals that can be used to combat ills including tumors and diseases
of the eye. But they have a dark side: when the wrong forms of them build up in the body, they cause a
disease called porphyria
Porphyria is named from the ancient Greek word porphura, meaning purple. The Greeks borrowed the
50% term from the Phoenicians, who extracted a purple pigment from purpura mollusks to dye the garments
of their royal family. Later, in the Byzantine Empire, the term porphyrogenitos, or "born to the purple,"
literally meant that the imperial heir was born after the fathers accession to the throne, in a palace room
draped in the color.

However, those with the misfortune to be born to the purple involved in porphyria--a group of diseases
that result from abnormal accumulations of red and purple pigments produced by the body, called
porphyrins--receive far less than royal treatment. There are at least eight types of porphyria, which vary
substantially in their symptoms and severity. Historical victims of the worst, most disfiguring forms may
have inspired tales of werewolves and vampires. Even today, managing the disease can be challenging.
Light-Activated Toxins
Hippocrates is often cited as the first to recognize porphyria (which was then referred to as blood/liver
disease) but the causal role of porphyrin pigments was only established in 1871 by the great German
pioneer of biochemistry Felix Hoppe-Seyer. In 1889, Dr. B.J. Stokvis described the clinical syndrome as
"porphyria," and from then on more and more forms of the syndrome were discovered.

All the versions of porphyria have one thing in common: they each result from faults in the bodys heme-
building machinery. Heme, a component of the oxygen transporter hemoglobin, is made in a sequence of
eight steps, as in a factory assembly line. Each step is catalyzed by a separate enzyme. If any of these
eight steps fails because of an inherited genetic mutation or an environmental toxin, then the whole
assembly line gets jammed. The products of the earlier steps, porphyrin intermediates, may build up to
toxic levels. These porphyrins accumulate in the skin and other organs before being excreted in feces
and urine (which may turn a port-wine color). Exposed to light, the porphyrins can turn caustic and
destroy surrounding tissue.
(Put to medical use, drugs containing porphyrins can attack tumors and other ailments. Unlike most
natural porphyrins [but like chlorophyll] these drugs are not purple but green, as they have been modified
chemically so that they absorb light at wavelengths that can penetrate into biological tissues. See "New
Light on Medicine," by Nick Lane; Scientific American, January 2003.)

Exactly which porphyrins accumulate depends on the site of the jam, and it is this that gives porphyria
such a wide range of symptoms. The severity of the jam also varies. In some cases the jam is total,
preventing any heme synthesis at all. In others, it is only partial, permitting limited heme synthesis. The
blockage of the assembly line also means that the body cannot make enough heme to produce normal
red blood cells. Some of these abnormal red cells rupture, leading to hemolytic anemia, while the spleen
detects abnormalities in other red cells and breaks them down, making matters worse.

Werewolves and Vampires

One of the more common types of the disease is acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), which famously
afflicted the unfortunate King George III of Britain--the "mad king" of Alan Bennetts play. In AIP the most
notable symptoms are neurological attacks, such as trances, seizures and hallucinations, which often
persist over days or even weeks. Luckily, most people with AIP have a latent form, and never develop any
60% symptoms.

Another relatively common form is porphyria cutanea tardea, which presents a very different spectrum of
symptoms.In this case, the hallmark is photosensitivity (an excessive reaction to light), which
causes chronic blistering and even burns on sun-exposed areas. Healing is slow and is
associated with scarring and hair growth, especially on the face. Most of the time the facial
hairs are fine, so the hirsutism is barely noticeable. Sometimes, however, the hair growth can
give the appearance of a werewolf, leading to speculations that the myths may have had a
medical basis.

In congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP), one of the rarest forms, 18 different mutations in the gene
encoding the enzyme uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase have been reported in different families. These
mutations obstruct heme synthesis to varying degrees, giving a spectrum of severity. At its worst, CEP
causes appalling photomutilations from the light-activated porphyrins, including loss of facial features
and fingers, scarring of the cornea and blindness. The condition may have been less rare in the past,
especially in isolated pockets where inbreeding could occur such as the valleys of Transylvania--perhaps
giving rise to tales of vampires.

While the accumulation of porphyrins is usually caused by a genetic mutation, toxins (such as alcohol
excess) and environmental contaminants can also cause the disease. The most notorious environmental
episode happened in Turkey in the 1950s, when 4,000 people developed a form of porphyria after eating
wheat seeds that had been sprayed with a fungicide, hexachlorobenzene. Hundreds died, and use of the
fugicide was later banned around the world.

Methods of Treatment
In most cases of porphyria, blood or heme transfusions can supply some relief from the
symptoms, and this is still the mainstay of treatment. Interestingly, the heme pigment is robust
enough to survive digestion, and is absorbed from the intestine (even though the protein parts
of hemoglobin are broken down). This means that, in principle, it is possible to relieve the
symptoms of porphyria by drinking blood--another possible link with the vampire stories.

Heme infusions help in the treatment of porphyria patients in two ways. First, they overcome the bodys
shortage of heme, relieving anemia. Second, the extra heme suppresses further heme synthesis via a
negative feedback loop. This effectively switches off the assembly line, bringing an end to the production
of toxic porphyrin intermediates. Drawing blood (phlebotomy) can also help, because this quickly
removes porphyrin intermediates from the circulation. In most cases, some degree of normality can be
restored within a few days of an attack.

In the more serious forms of porphyria such as CEP, however, treatments are less effective. Sometimes
the spleen must be removed in an attempt to treat the hemolytic anemia. In CEP, the genetic fault
affects the stem cells in the bone marrow, which divide to produce new red blood cells. In principle, CEP
can be cured by bone-marrow transplantation, which replaces the faulty stem cells with fully functional
ones. Bone-marrow transplants have been carried out successfully in at least five children with CEP,
usually within the first few years of life. The treatment apparently cures the disease over a period of

Future Therapies
But bone-marrow transplantation presents its own challenges, and is considered a last resort. In the
longer term, hope to cure porphyria is invested in gene therapy, in which the faulty genes are replaced
with functional ones using a virus as a vector (delivery method). The technique has been shown to be
effective in cell culture, but there is still a long way to go before gene therapy for CEP can be used in
clinical practice.
Other future treatments for porphyria will depend on the results obtained from research with experimental
animal--and even plant--models. Some of these are improbable, to say the least. For example, all fox
squirrels (Sciurus niger) have a gene defect that gives them a form of CEP, yet they do not suffer any
adverse consequences, for unknown reasons. Studies of the animals could yield clues that would be
useful in fighting CEP.

Surprisingly, even plants--which use the green porphyrin, chlorophyll, to absorb light energy--can suffer
from a condition analogous to porphyria. Plants make chlorophyll via a pathway very similar to that for
heme production in animals. Mutations in the gene for the final step in this pathway lead to a buildup of
porphyrins in the leaves. On exposure to sunlight the leaves blister, and eventually wither and die. The
process is so similar to human porphyria that some researchers hope to find a cure for the human
condition by studying the properties of so-called "vampire plants," like maize.
Nick Lane studied biochemistry at Imperial College, University of London. His doctoral research, at the
Royal Free Hospital, was on oxygen free radicals and metabolic function in organ transplants. Lane is an
honorary senior research fellow at University College London and strategic director at Adelphi Medi Cine,
a medical multimedia company based in London. His book, Oxygen: the Molecule That Made the World,
is being published by Oxford University Press in the spring of 2003.

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[–] ESOTERICshade 0 points ( +0 |-0 ) 1 fortnight ago

Something somebody posted that I saved a while back.

Original thread in its entirety:

As we all know, the Clinton Foundation was all over Haiti when the earthquake happened and that people
of course went missing and rumors of organ harvesting abound.
I just watched a video in regards to Houston and what might be happening there due to Harvey's
destruction. I don't want to go into the video too much because it would appear to be too loosely related
to PG, but here's how it's related:

As you're watching the video that's linked at the end of this thread, please consider 1) organ harvesting
2) people shuttled to places of containment 3) missing people 4) blood drives/donations/type casting 5)
what we know happens to cops, investigators, and others who aren't in "the club" 6) schizophrenia and
how it's related to adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is formed in the body, but we do not k now whether more is formed in schizophrenics or
where it is made, or are schizophrenics more suscep-tible to the effects of the aminochromes because
they lack antioxidants or other protective factors. Future research will set-tle these issues. We need to
k now where the transformation occurs, in what quan-tities, and why. We need to k now the end products
of catecholamine oxidation and their pathways. We need to k now which enzymes are involved and/or
dam-aged, and we need more effective block ing agents which are effective in smaller doses but have
the safety, and efficacy of vitamins.
Adrenolutin is another derivative of adrenochrome and more stable in blood. Hoffer and Kenyon (1957)
showed that the compound made in blood from adrenaline (Leach and Heath, 1956), was adrenolutin.
Leach and Heath found that the rate of con-version was greater in schizophrenic blood compared to
normal blood.
I know I may seem like I'm going way out in left field, but hang with me just a bit longer, and consider
how many homeless people are alcoholics. Also think about how PG researchers believe that
adrenochrome is one of the major factors at play with SRA.

Only three of the aminochromes have been tested for hallucinogenic properties: adrenochrome,
adrenolutin and leuk o-adrenochrome (5.6 dihydroxy N Methyl in-dole). The first two are hallucinogens but
the third is not. On the contrary, it is a very effective anti-anxiety compound when given sublingually for
some very tense in-dividuals, producing an effect within five to ten minutes. The evidence for these con-
clusions is available in The Hallucinogens (Hoffer, Osmond, 1967; Hoffer, 1962). The reactions induced
by adrenochrome and by adrenolutin are somewhat different. Adrenolutin causes changes which are
more subtle, with fewer perceptual illusions. It tends to flatten mood more and its effect lasts longer.
Adrenochrome causes more perceptual changes but they are rarely as pronounced as those caused by
LSD or mescalin. Its effect may last a long time. It produced a two-week paranoid depression in one of
us (A.H.) and a one-week paranoid depressive reaction with visual illusions in a distinguished colleague
of ours.
Adrenochrome potentiated the activity of LSD in a few alcoholics.

Between 1954 and 1962 we treated several thousand alcoholics with psychedelic therapy using LSD,
usually 200 to 400 mcg. In the usual reaction the first changes would occur in about one hour. Increased
anxiety was usually the first reaction. Within two hours they would ex-perience the usual reaction. Anxiety
would fluctuate but was seldom high or a prob-lem. However, many alcoholics did not have the usual
reaction even with 400 mcg. They remained very tense and uncomfortable all the time. This group did
not profit from their experience. In a few patients an in-jection of adrenochrome after two hours would,
within a few minutes, bring on the typical LSD reaction. We concluded that LSD did not act as an
hallucinogen per se but that it induced an increase in the pro-duction of adrenochrome which was the
hallucinogen. An individual who could not mak e enough adrenochrome would not be able to have the
typical LSD reaction. This conclusion was supported by our earlier finding that vitamin B3 mark edly
reduced the intensity of LSD reactions whether given before or during the LSD reaction. By block ing the
90% adrenochrome effect it would also block the effect of LSD. It would also explain why Brom LSD, a very
potent antiserotonin, would not be an hallucino-gen. Brom LSD probably has no effect on adrenalin
oxidation and would not increase the formation of adrenochrome. These are interesting speculations.
Perhaps now with increasing interest in free radical hypoth-eses and in oxidized derivatives of the
catecholamines, scientists will direct their interest back into these areas.
Maybe, in order to see the entire evil picture, we need to expand our manner of thinking and consider
how PG involves much more than the children. While the kids are of course the main source of our
concerns, the PG spider's web is vast and wide.
For those who do not believe the adrenochrome angle of PG, consider the following taken from the same
webpage as the above info:
Adrenochrome and adrenolutin are hallucinogenic. We need more information about the other
aminochromes. We need to k now which synapses are inhibited, which receptors are involved.
Inhibiting the formulation of adreno-chrome is therapeutic. We need to k now why the orthomolecular
approach work s.
That the adrenochrome hypothesis is not destroyed does not prove it is correct. Time will tell. It does
prove it is a good, testable hypothesis and will continue to direct research in future as it has in the past.
Why, then, has it been ignored for nearly thirty years?
We may be too close to the subject to really understand the reasons why the adrenochrome hypothesis
has been ignored for so long. It did receive a certain amount of notoriety at the beginning, but it was
quick ly shot down by American psychia-trists led by the National Institute of Men-tal Health. A medical
historian may one day be able to examine the issues more capa-bly. In our opinion, there were two main
classes of opinion: scientific, and political. The political opposition prevented any se-rious examination
of the consequences of the adrenochrome hypothesis. Inadequate as it then was, it was able to direct
our re-search in Sask atchewan for 15 years, and could have been examined much more quick ly and
thoroughly by research insti-tutes which grew very quick ly in the U.S.A., beginning in 1955.

Link to adrenochrome info quoted above:


Please watch the following 10 minute video while considering everything I mentioned above and all that
we believe PG encompasses. YouTube

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