Amity University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh: ACADEMIC YEAR - 2022-27 Branch and Semester - Ba. Llb. (H) Ii Sem
Amity University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh: ACADEMIC YEAR - 2022-27 Branch and Semester - Ba. Llb. (H) Ii Sem
Amity University Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh: ACADEMIC YEAR - 2022-27 Branch and Semester - Ba. Llb. (H) Ii Sem
• Nurture encompasses the environmental factors that impact who we are. This includes our early childhood
experiences, the way we were raised, our social relationships, and the surrounding culture.
A person’s biological nature can affect a person’s experience of the environment. For example, a person with a
genetic disposition toward a particular trait, such as aggressiveness, may be more likely to have particular
life experiences (including, perhaps, receiving negative reactions from parents or others). Or, a person who
grows up with an inclination toward warmth and sociability may seek out and elicit more positive social
responses from peers.
It’s hard to call either “nature” or “nurture,” genes or the environment, more important to human psychology.
The impact of one set of factors or the other depends on the characteristic, with some being more strongly
related to one’s genes—for instance, autism appears to be more heritable than depression. But in general,
psychological traits are shaped by a balance of interacting genetic and non-genetic influences.
- Summary:-
Nature vs. nurture is a framework used to examine how genetics (nature) and environmental factors (nurture)
influence human development and personality traits.
However, nature vs. nurture isn't a black-and-white issue; there are many shades of gray where the influence
of nature and nurture overlap. In most cases, nature and nurture combine to make us who we are.
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Personality research has generated a variety of different theories that attempt to define and measure
personality. The most widely accepted taxonomy of personality among industrial-organizational psychologists is
the Big Five Personality Traits model, or the Five Factor Model of personality. The Five Factor Model breaks
personality down into five components: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness, and Stress
Tolerance. Personality tests that are based on this model measure where an
individual lies on the spectrum of each of the five traits.
• Agreeableness
• Conscientiousness
• Extraversion
• Openness
• Stress Tolerance
High Low
Openness (also referred to as openness to experience) emphasizes imagination and insight the most out of all
five personality traits.People who are high in openness tend to have a broad range of interests. They are
curious about the world and other people and are eager to learn new things and enjoy new experiences.
High Low
• Very creative
• Dislikes change
• Open to trying new things
• Does not enjoy new things
• Focused on tackling new
• Resists new ideas
• Not very imaginative
• Dislikes abstract or
• Happy to think about
theoretical concepts
abstract concepts
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- What is extraversion?
• Extraversion is a measure of how energetic, sociable and friendly a person is. Extraverts are commonly
understood as being a ‘people’s person’ drawing energy from being around others directing their energies
towards people and the outside world. Often seen as the ones talking the most in a social situation,
extraverts are traditionally characterized by sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and excitability.
• It is however unfair to think that extroverted people are attention seekers. On the contrary, they are
gaining energy from their social interactions and extroverts need social stimulation to feel energised.
- Meaning of Socialization
Socialization refers to the process by which an individual learns social habits, beliefs, customs and
traditions and attitudes while interacting with other people. Through this action, the person, being inspired
by the spirit of public welfare, tries to adapt himself to his family, neighborhood and other social classes
so that he becomes a best, useful and responsible member of the society and all the above social institutions
and classes Keep praising him.
Social development means investing in people. It requires the removal of barriers so that all citizens can
journey toward their dreams with confidence and dignity. It is about refusing to accept that people who live
in poverty will always be poor. It is about helping people so they can move forward on their path to self-
• E or I (Extraversion or Introversion)
• S or N (Sensing or iNtuition)
• T or F (Thinking or Feeling)
• J or P (Judgment or Perception)
We combine the bias to give our Myers Briggs personality type. Say for example, our preferences is for E and S
and T and J, so it leads to personality type of ESTJ. In the same way, there are sixteen Myers Briggs
personality types that can be generated by combining these four letters together.
When we put these four letters together, we get our personality type code, and there are sixteen combinations.
For example, INTJ implies that we prefer Introversion, Intuition, Thinking and Judging (remember, this implies
preferences only - an INTJ also uses Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perception).
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• ISTJ - The Inspector: Reserved and practical, they tend to be loyal, orderly, and traditional.
• ISTP - The Crafter: Highly independent, they enjoy new experiences that provide first-hand learning.
• ISFJ - The Protector: Warm-hearted and dedicated, they are always ready to protect the people they care
• ISFP - The Artist: Easy-going and flexible, they tend to be reserved and artistic.
• INFJ - The Advocate: Creative and analytical, they are considered one of the rarest Myers-Briggs types.3
• INFP - The Mediator: Idealistic with high values, they strive to make the world a better place.
• INTJ - The Architect: High logical, they are both very creative and analytical.4
• INTP - The Thinker: Quiet and introverted, they are known for having a rich inner world.
• ESTP - The Persuader: Out-going and dramatic, they enjoy spending time with others and focusing on the
• ESTJ - The Director: Assertive and rule-oriented, they have high principles and a tendency to take
• ESFP - The Performer: Outgoing and spontaneous, they enjoy taking center stage.
• ESFJ - The Caregiver: Soft-hearted and outgoing, they tend to believe the best about other people.
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• ENFP - The Champion: Charismatic and energetic, they enjoy situations where they can put their
creativity to work.
• ENFJ - The Giver: Loyal and sensitive, they are known for being understanding and generous.
• ENTP - The Debater: Highly inventive, they love being surrounded by ideas and tend to start many
projects (but may struggle to finish them).
• ENTJ - The Commander: Outspoken and confident, they are great at making plans and organizing projects.