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(UVV - 2018/1)

"I have lived my whole life in Calgary, an

oil and gas-based city. I saw an abundance
of oil and gas jobs in the industry growing
up, and becoming a petroleum geologist
seemed like a natural course to take.

"I was thrilled when I got my first

permanent job at a small oil company, and
later I had saved enough money for a
down payment on a small townhouse.

"But in July 2016 the company I worked

for declared bankruptcy as the price of oil
fell. I received no severance but I was able
In the statement e“The fatter they get, the to sell my townhouse (at a loss) right
thinner I look!” e the words in bold before the company went under.
convey the idea of
"My parents and I have always had a good
relationship and they were gracious
A) condition.
enough to let me move back in with them.
B) permission.
They recognize and understand the issues
C) obligation.
young Canadians encounter.
D) consequence.
E) doubt.
"A lot of my friends are in the same
(UPE SSA - 2019) position and understand the situation I am
Text in. If anything, it's me who is putting
pressure on myself to leave home.
p1: I want to use facebook to waste time at
work,________I don’t have any friends.
"There is still considerable volatility in my
p1: Do you mind if a friend you? employment and in the Canadian oil and
gas industry. I am not confident in moving
p2: Sure, you’ll be my only friend. forward and purchasing or renting a new
p1: _______you post things for me to look place.
at? "I would now consider myself in a place of
'precarious employment'. I have no
p2: Wow, friends are totally inconvenient. employment insurance, no health or dental
coverage. I am not alone in my career
a) But/ Will
uncertainty. I feel I have done everything
b) While/ Mustn’t
right, but I still feel anxiety towards the
c) Unless/ Must
future of my career.
d) Whatever/ Do
e) Besides/ Might "Right now, 'leaving the nest' is just not a
financially wise decision."
(UPE SSA - 2019) (In:
44236706. Acesso em: 26/05/18.
Derek Radcliffe, 30, Calgary, Canada
In the third paragraph, "bankruptcy", E) Raramente.
"severance" and "at a loss", in the
respective order, mean
A) ocorrência, apreciação e
B) paciência, averiguação e form meaning
C) reverência, investigação e
D) falência, indenização e prejuízo.
E) obediência, obstinação e
howev ‘any way at all’ or ‘it doesn’t
(UPE SSA - 1ª fase - 1º dia - 2019) er matter how’

Stand By Me
Ben E. King
When the night has come
And the land is dark whate ‘anything at all’ or ‘it doesn’t
And the moon is the only light we'll see
ver matter what’
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darling, darling
Stand by me, oh, stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me which ‘any one at all’ or ‘it doesn’t
Stand by me
ever matter which’
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
Or the mountains should crumble to the
I won't cry, I won't cry
No I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me whene ‘any time at all’ or ‘it doesn’t
Whenever you're in trouble, won't you ver matter when’
stand by me
Oh stand by me
Oh won't you stand now?
Stand by me
king/stand-by-me-traducao.html) where ‘any place at all’ or ‘it doesn’t
In Whenever you’re in trouble (…), the ver matter where’
highlighted word, in Portuguese, means
A) Nunca.
B) Às vezes.
C) Sempre que.
D) De vez em quando.
happy-go-lucky kind of idea: running a
business like that would let me relax
listening to my favorite music from morning
whoev ‘any person at all’ or ‘it till night.
er doesn’t matter who’ (Adaptado de H. Murakami, Wind and Pimbal – Two
Novels. Tradução do japonês para o inglês de Ted
Goossen. London: Penguin Random House, 2015, p.5.)

O autor do texto
A) fez o que era normal para os
(UNICAMP - 2017 - 1ª fase) jovens japoneses na época,
Observe a tirinha abaixo. abrindo uma loja de discos.
B) fez o que era normal para os
jovens japoneses, mas em uma
ordem totalmente diferente.
C) queria viver feliz ouvindo música
o dia todo, sem trabalhar.
D) queria ganhar dinheiro
trabalhando só com música e
viver feliz.

(UNICAMP - 2017 - 1ª fase)

Ranking Universities by ‘Greenness’
Universities these days are working hard to
improve their sustainability credentials, with
efforts that include wind power, organic
food and competitions to save
energy. They are also adding courses
related to sustainability and energy. But
Na língua portuguesa, a ordem dos which university is the greenest?
algarismos de acordo com o comentário do Several ranking systems have emerged to
“5” seria offer their take. The Princeton Review
A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. recently came out with its second annual
B) 5 2 9 8 4 6 7 3 1. green ratings. Fifteen colleges earned
C) 2 3 6 7 1 9 4 5 8. the highest possible score — including
D) 1 3 7 6 4 8 9 2 5. Harvard, Yale and the University of
California, Berkeley.
(UNICAMP - 2017 - 1ª fase)
Another group, the Sustainable Endowment
The Birth of My Kitchen-Table Fiction Institute’s, rates
By Haruki Murakami colleges on several different areas of green
Most people – most of us who are part of compliance, such as recycling, student
Japanese society – graduate from school, involvement and green building. Its top
then find work, then, after some time has grade for overall excellence, an A-, was
passed, get married. Even I originally earned by 15 schools.
intended to follow that pattern. Yet in reality (Adaptado de
I married, then started working, then finally
universities-bygreenness/?_r=0. Acessado em
managed to graduate. In other words, the 31/08/2016.)
order I chose was the exact opposite to
what was considered normal.
Since I hated the idea of working for a Conforme o texto, universidades norte-
company, I decided to open my own americanas estão se empenhando para
establishment, a place where people could A) oferecer mais cursos sobre
go to listen to jazz records, have a coffee, ecologia.
eat snacks and drink. It was a simple, rather
B) melhorar sua posição em um XVIII que viveu na pele os horrores da
ranking que define as instituições escravidão nas Américas. Leia o trecho
mais “verdes”. abaixo, retirado da sua autobiografia
C) oferecer os melhores cursos Hitherto I had thought only slavery dreadful;
sobre preservação ambiental. but the state of a free negro appeared to me
D) participar de uma competição que now equally so at least, and in some
define os campi com maior área respects even worse, for they live in
verde. constant alarm for their liberty; and even this
is but nominal, for they are universally
UNICAMP - 2017 - 1ª fase)
insulted and plundered without the
Roman documents discovered possibility of redress; for such is the equity
We often think that the best information of the West Indian laws, that no free negro's
from the Roman world comes from Egypt, evidence will be admitted in their courts of
where the dryness preserves papyri. justice. In this situation is it surprising that
However, in Britain the reverse conditions slaves, when fairly treated, should prefer
occur. At Vindolanda – a Roman fort located even the misery of slavery to such a
two miles behind Hadrian’s Wall – the mockery of freedom?
humidity preserved wooden writing tablets Adaptado de Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting
that were thrown into a bonfire when the fort Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus
was evacuated in CE 105. Vassa, the African. Peterborough, Canada:
Broadview Press, 2001, p. 250.
These wooden tablets were one of the most
important discoveries made in Roman Segundo o testemunho de Olaudah Equiano,
Britain in the 20th century. They were used A) embora tivessem direitos
not for grand writings but for memoranda assegurados no tribunal, os ex-
and accounts, so they provide the best escravos não podiam requerer
insight into life in the Roman army found indenizações pelo tempo passado
anywhere in the world. One of the tablets no cativeiro.
says: B) os ex-escravos eram, em
Octavius to Candidus: “I need money. I have princípio, protegidos pelas leis
bought 5,000 bushels of grain, and unless das Índias Ocidentais Britânicas,
you send me some money, I shall lose my que previam tratamento
deposit and be embarrassed”. igualitário aos cidadãos livres.
C) os escravos libertos dispunham
(Adaptado de
de uma falsa liberdade, pois não
ofbritain/vindolanda-2.htm. Acessado em gozavam dos mesmos direitos
28/08/2016.) nos tribunais que os cidadãos
nascidos livres.
D) muitos ex-escravos preferiam
Os documentos descobertos em Vindolanda voltar à antiga condição, mesmo
A) são papiros preservados pelo sob patrões severos, levando em
clima seco da região em que conta a maneira como viviam
foram encontrados. depois de libertos.
B) contêm informações sobre a
evacuação do forte no ano 105 da (UNICAMP - 2018 - 1ª FASE)
C) preservam registros de disputas
I don’t know if cockroaches dream, but I
financeiras entre cidadãos
imagine if they do, jewel wasps feature
prominently in their nightmares. These
D) são registros em madeira, com
small, solitary tropical wasps are of little
informações preciosas sobre a
concern to us humans; after all, they don’t
vida no exército romano.
manipulate our minds so that they can serve
(UNICAMP - 2018 - 1ª FASE) us up as willing, living meals to their
newborns, as they do to unsuspecting
Olaudah Equiano (1745 –1797) foi um cockroaches. The story is simple, if
escritor abolicionista africano do século grotesque: the female wasp controls the
minds of the cockroaches she feeds to her
offspring, taking away their sense of fear or
will to escape their fate. What turns a once
healthy cockroach into a mindless zombie
it’s venom. Not just any venom, either: a
specific venom that acts like a drug,
targeting the cockroach's brain.
(Adaptado de Christie Wilcox, Zombie
Neuroscience. Scientific American, New York, v.
315, n. 2, p. 70-73, 2016.)
De acordo com o autor:
A) certas baratas conseguem
escapar de ataques de vespas
comportando-se como zumbis.
B) baratas são capazes de ações
predatórias que mal podemos
C) vespas fêmeas de uma certa
espécie podem controlar a mente
das baratas.
D) uma barata pode inocular um
veneno que transforma uma outra
barata em um zumbi.

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