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4 n

Also, sec >1 or seco <-1

-1tJ42. +5 >1 : fx) +f(x,)t.+fr,) 2n-f
-1tJ4+5 (ü) Similarly, suppose that f is concave f
or -<-1.
2 [a, b]e R, for all x,, x,, x,,. x, e [a, b]. v
-1+4à +522
-1+ Jaà +5s-2
flr,)+fr,)t.*f(x,) [n f**

Chap 01 ur

cos A + cos B+ cos C |A+

IExample 124. T Then prove that S cos
Acos B+cos Cs; cos A + cos B+ cos Cs , as at B

Sol. Since, for a function which is concave downwards

and we know that the graph of y = cos x is concave
downwards for all xe MO
Let P(A, cos A) Q(B, cos B) and R(C, cos C) be any three
points on y = cos x, then it is clear from the graph

Exercise for Session 11

1. Prove that the minimum value of 3cos x + 4 sin x +5 is 0.
2. If sin 6, + sin 0, + sin , =3, then find the value of cos ., + cos 6, + cos 6,.
3. If x =r sin cos , y =r sin 9sin Ùand z = r cos 0, then prove that x + y² +z² is independe
4. Find the least value of 2sin² 0 +3 cos² .
5. a, B, yare real numbers satisfying a + B+y= T. The find the minimum value of given expres
sin a + sin B+ sin y.
6. If A= sin? 0+ cos e, then find all real values of .
7. Find the minimum value of sec'0 + cOsece-4.
8. IfP =COs (cos x) + sin (cos x ) then the least and greatest value of P respectively.
(a) -1and 1 (b) 0 and 2 (c) -/2 and /2 (d) 0 and

9. Let 0e|0,* and t, =(tan j °. t, =(tan 0)ca 0, t, =(cot ej and t, =(cot )te, then show t
10. Find the ratio of greatest value of 2 - cos x + sin x to its least value.
JEE Type Solved Examples:
Single Option Correct Type Questions
the angle is
" Ex. 1. In the inequality below, the value of inequalities = 2sin 2x + 4 cos 2x +5

expressed in radian measure. Which one of the

below is true R, =(5-20,5 +V20]
(a) sin 1< sin2< sin3 (b) sin3 < sin2< sin 1 Hence. (M+ m) = 10.
(d) sin3 < sin1< sin2 Alternate Method
(c) sin2< sin1< sin3 4 tan x 9
Sol. (d) We have, sinl- sin 2 tan' x
f(x) = 1+ tanx 1+ tan'x |+ tan

-- 2cossin<o
2 =sin' x + 2sin 2x +9 cosx
-1+4(1+ cos2x) + 2sin 2x
sin 2 =5+2sin 2x + 4cos2x
sin'3 sn 1
sin 1 K sin 2 Tsee-tanis equal to
. ..()
sin l- sin3 " Ex. 4, The value of 4cos 10 10
Similarly -2cos2 sin 1>0
.() (a) 1
sin 1 > sin3
From Eqs. (i) and (iü), we get (b) 5-1
sin3 < sin 1 < sin 2 (c) 5+1
of Band C (d) zero
LB < 2C and the values 3
" Ex. 2. In a AABC,
-2 tan l8
tan' x)= 0, where Sol. ( We have, 4 cos 18° cos 18
tan x-k(1+
satisfy the equation 2measure 4cos18°-3-2sin 18
the of ZA is
(0 <k < 1). Then,
COs 18o
2sin 18-3
(b) 21+ cos36°)-
(a) - cas 189
sin 18°)-3
21+ cos36° -
(d) 4
cos 180

2tan x sin2x
Sol. (c):k= 1+ tan'x
sin 2B cos 18
sin 2C
B+C= A<* the value of
2C = n-2B " Ex. 5. For0 < 2
2 is equal to
1+2cosA sec A +2)
and mninimum
value of log1+2 (b) - 1

and m are maximum (a) 1 (d)o

"Ex. 3. IfM tan' x +4 tan X + then(M + m) (c) 2 2

the function f(x) 1+ tan sec' A+2,

Sol. (d) As.2cosA
2cos A
1+2cos A
equals (b) 14 u+2eos'A
(d) (0+2cosA)
(c) 10 x +9
x + 4 tan (1+ 2cosA)
Given. rle an" I+ tanx
Sol. (c)
2(2tan x)
tan A |+5 Hence, log, (1) = 0
4 1+ tanA
1+ tan"x
Trigonometric Functions and ldentities 53
Chap 01

-sin 20 cas2O
1 Sol. (a) f(O)
Ex. 6. The s u m sin 479 sin 8 2 cos 20
sin 45 sin tGe
sin0) +(cos6 sin O}
2cosO - sin )(cos 0 ain )
13 a 5 equal to
+ sin 49° sin 50° sin 133° 5 in (cos sin 0)+ (cos0 + sin t )
(b) cOsec (1° ) 2cos0 + sin 0)
(a) ec( )
(d) None af t hese 2cos0
(C) c o t ( 1 ) +
sin( 46 45° ) 1 c o t 4S cot 46° ]
sol. (b) in9 in 45 sin 46° sin 1
tan l 1°) (1 + tan 34°)
sin( 48 47°)
sin 48" sin 47 tan 11) (1 + tan(45° - 1 1°))
sin g l c o t47° cot 48°] (1 + tan 11 ) . . 1 - a n 11°

T =
1sin(133° - 134") 349
sin 1 s i n 133° sin
-[cot 33° cot 1 34°] 1+ tan 1
sin 1o
x" satisfying the equatiOn
" E x . 9. The variable
On anddin:
feot 45° + cot 475
cOS A + + tan² x+ cot x = /
sin x
+c9t 49 cot 133°}
.+ c t 134 )] interval
6° + cot 48° + cot S 0 +

exeept cot 45° remains|

cosee (d) Non-existent
all erm cancelle
the inequality
Ex. 7. The rage ofk for which xE ( - , a), is kin x cos x + (tanx +
cot a S
k cos x k cos x +120 Sol. (
(b) k <4
(a) k < 1
(d) kSS but |sin x cOs x| + Lin x scOs x
( e ) sks4
Hence, na solution.
Sol. (c) Ve have ot xG(-o, ) S a S n . Ir
nunber such that
k cos
Ex. 10. Let o be a real kes some constant
k(cos x COs

Lcos +cos(x + a ) + c o s o r e + a)is equal to

But cos: cos x -(conx- - + greatest
then the valu
number cfor any xe R. integer less than or eyual to v.
Note Lv) denotes (d) 2
scos x cos x S 2 (b) 1 (c)
(a) o
r(x) cosx c O s ( x + 200
nnd Sol. ( t x )
.. WVe have, 2k + 1 O =2costa + Ce) cos
(2cos a + f r o n - 1 to 1, V G R
sks 4. 1)
any real value
As Sos(x + ) c a 0 must hold,
Hence, constant, so (2cosa + 1)
rCx) is
=Sn 2 +cos z hen value of 2T ndc
2cos 20
Ex. 8. If F(O)
fU°) f34°) equals
(e +a]-o*-z
(d) 1

Textbook of Trigonometry sin sin

A) = 9 B)
A4) + + sia A
Sol. ( ) ( 2 cos -2(2cos A cos B
A) +2 B)s3t X3) 9.
54 XcosA + sin 22 eost A
+ sin 2A +
aABC, if4AABC cos A cos B ifA = B C nfinite any equilateral
Bx. 11. in
then is Equality holds u d a t e r a l
al trçangle]
sin 2 C = 4, =AABC of equilateral
sin 2B + not isoscelcs side length
angle but
tnot right angled (Note Wecan vry + cosec +
(a) right cosec+cosec
(b) isosccles but
Ex. 14. Ifcosec 32
right angle
(c) sin B sin
(d) obtuse angled value ofk is
cos B+ 4xin then the
We have, 4 cos A4 1 - cos A c O s B 1 cot (d) 32
Sol. (c) cOscc (c) 48
sin A cOs B (b) 96
sin C B (a) 64
B+ os ACOs
sio A sin
S cosee 0
-cOsA1 sin sin O
Sol. (a) 7 2
Band sinC Sin
7; - cot
cot 20
(ench). Cot
cot 220- c o s 2 0 - cot
A= B=
and Cos 2
} Cot 0
o,... ..0, eo,
Ex. 12. For 9, , ) + n(sece,
tan .)7 Cot8O
tan zlue ofcO. + tan 0,))
then the val Sum =1+ cot
cot cot
- = 64
tn (sec0, nt 0 , ,) ..(sec
t an,) + cO, + tan + cot
+ tan0,)
((secO, and
Cb) 1
egual to Scos(2rr-1)11
(a) cos ÷ (d).an0,) - (scco
tane. )} Ex. 15. LetS -
(c) 1 {(secO,
t a n , )(sec0,
-in{ P-Hco(2 }then (b> P 35
ln 'P <
Sol. (b) (d) tan
(a)loS: >
cosc P
cosec S
cos(2r-) 9
O <x< (sec. have. >
sol. (d) We
51 cOs
[Note f tan,) .<1)
tan9, ) (see,
-. (secO, (i)
+ tan 0,) 10T
Chap 01 Trigonometric Functions and ldentities 55

(a) sin a, sin b, sinc

sin 15 1 (b) cos a, cos b, cos c
(2r 16 (c) sin 2a, sin 2b, sin 2c

Therefore, tan P < tan'S.

16-sins (d) cos 2a. cos 2b. cos 2c
Sol. (b) Equation first can be written as
r sin a +yx2 sin a cos a+z Xsin d3- 4 sin a)
" Ex. 16. Set of values of x lying in[0, 2r] satisfying the =2x 2 sin a cos acos 2a

inequality sin x|>2 sin' x contains x+2y cos a +z(3+ 4 cos a -4)
=4cos a2 cos a - ) as sin a z 0
(b)o 6 8 cos' a - 4z cos a -(2y + 4) cos a+ (z - x)= 0

Sol. (a) |sin x|> 2sin x

(d) None of these
which shows that cos a is a root of the equation
’lsin x (2| sin x - 1)<0
0<|sin x|< r-9-}
Similarly, from second and third equation we can verify
that cos band cos care the roots of the given equation.

"Ex. 20. Leta andB be any two positive values of xfor

" Ex. 17. The number of ordered pairs (x.y ), when which 2 cos x,| cos xand1-3 cos x are in GP. The
minium value of] a+B| is
x.y e [0, 10] satisfying| sin' x-sin x+|2sls ) (b)
(a) 0 (b) 16
(c) infinite (d) 12 (d) None of these

Sol. (d) ": 2cos x, | cos x 1-3 cos' x are in GP.

sal. (0) in' x- sin r*-nr - ; cos' x = 2 cos x-(1 -3 cos' x)
and sec' y 2 1, Vy, so 2"«' 22 Hence, the above inequality 6cos' y + cos x-2 cos x =0
holds only for those values of x and yfor which sinx= . cos x =0-.
and sec y =1.
t 5Tt 13t
Hence, r="
66 6
17and y= 0n, 2n,3 Hence.
6 66/399
required number of ordered pairs are 16.
" Ex. 18. The least values of cosec² x+ 25 sec x is Then. la -B|
(a) 0 (b) 26
(c) 28 (d) 36
Sol. (d) cosee x + 25 see' x =26 + cot x+ 25 tan' x " Ex. 21. Let n be an odd integer. Ifsin nô = Sb, sin' 0
= 26+ 10 +(cot x -5 tan x)'36 for all real 0. then
(a) 6. = 1 b, = 3 (b) b, =0, b, = n
"Ex. 19. Ifx sin a+y sin 2a + z sin 3a = sin 4a (c) b, = - lb, =n (d) b, =0, b, = n'- 3n -3
x sin b +y sin 2b + z sin 3b = sin 46
x sin c +y sin 2c + z sin 3¢ = sin 4c Sol. (b) Given, sin n0 = S, sin' 0 = b, + b, sin 9 + b, sin 0
Then, the roots of the equation +...+b, sin" 0 ..(i) Putting 0=0 in Eg. (i), we get 0 = b.

56 Textbook of Trigonometry

Hence. LHS = RHS

Again, Eq (i) can be written as sin n@ = S sin' 0
sin n0 4 42
-S sin'0
sin0 Hence, 0 e(0. )
On taking limit as ’0, we get
i Sin nt
sin f "Ex. 24. Ifcos x+ sin a then cos 2x

lim =b, is equal to

nsin0 n =b
(a) a' (b) a4(2- a)
Hence, b, = b=n (b) a(2+ a)
Ex. 22. The minimum and maximum values of sol. (a:E<re--n<2r<-e, in iqundrant
ab sin x +by(1-a') cos x + c(|a | <1, b>0) respectively are cos x+ sin x = a
(a) (b - c, b +c) (b) (b + c, b - c Squaring both sides cosr+ sin'x+2 cos x sin x= o'
(c) e - b, b+c) (d) None of these sin 2x =(a'-1)
Sol. (c) ab sin x +by- a') cos x cos 2x=-(a'-1)
Now. yaby' +(by1-a')) -'(2- a')
= by(a'+1- d')=b
"Ex. 25. IfS =cos?+cos +... +cos then
bi(a sin x+ -a') cos x))
Let a= cos a, S equals
J - a') =sin a
bsin (x +a) 2n+ 1) 2(n - 1)
1ssin(* + «) S1
e-bsb sin (x + a) + csb+c
. bsin (x + a) + ce [e - b.e + b)
Sol. () S=cos' +cos'+...+cos'(n- 1)"
Sin'0-cos' cos 0
Ex. 23. F 1+ cos +l+cos +1+ cos
sin -cos 0 J +cot' 0)
-2 tancot 9=-1,0 e [0,2n]. then +... +1+ cos 2n - 1)

(d)0 e (0, n)
Sol. (a sin' 0- cos'
= sin 0 + cos' 0 + sin cos 0,
sin 0 - cos 0
" Ex. 26. Ifcos 50 = acos 0+bcos' 0+ ccos' 0+ d, then
(a) a = 20 (b) b = -30
4 4
=1+ sin9 cos (c)a+b +c=2 (d) a+ b +c+d=1
cos 0 cos 0 Sol. (d) Put 0 = in the given inequality, we get d =0
and =sin cos 0 e0, n)
Ja+ cot 0) Icosec 0|
Put =0 in the given inequality, we get
and -2 tan cot 9=-20 # a+b+c+d=1 (i)
So (d) is correct and (c) is not correct.,
= 8 cos 0- 10 cos'0+3 cos - 2(1 - cos 0) (b) k, = 2k,
cos 0(3 - 4(1 - cos' 0)} (c) k, + k, = 2
(d) k, = 2k,
= 8 cos e-10 cos'0 +3 cos - %cos 0 - cos' 0) Sol. (b) We can write
(4 cos' 0 - 1) =16 cos' - 20 cos'0 + 5 cos 0. k, = tan 270 - tan 90 + tan 90 - tan 30 + tan 30 - tan 9
cos 30 sin 9
But tan 30-tan A- Sin 38 cos 0-
" Ex. 27. IfA and Bare acute positive angles satisfying the cos 0 cos 9
equations 3sin A +2 sinB =land sin 20
3 sin 2A -2 sin 38 =0, then A + 2B is equal to cos 30 cos 0
2 sin 0
cos 30

(c) sin 90 sin 3

4 k, =2 + = 2k,
cos 270 cos 90 cos 30
Sol. (b) From the given relatians, we have
sin 2B=sin
2 2A and 3sin' A =|-2 sin' B= cos 2B "Ex. 30. fa' - 2a cos x+l=674 and tan=7hen
so that
cos(A + 2B) = cos A cos 2B- sin Asin 2B the integral value ofa is
(a) 25 (b) 49
= cos A-3sin' A-sinA sin 24 (c) 67 (d) 74

=3 cos A sin A -3 sin A cos A =0 1- tan

Sol. (a) 674 = - 2a +1
A + 28=
1+ tan

"Ex. 28. ICA - cos' a cos a sin a = a'-ay!- +1
and 1+ 49
cos a sin a sin a
|cos' B cosB sin B =a'+ 2a x
cos Bsin ß sin' B 25a' + 48a- 673 x 25 =0

are two matrices such that AB is the null matrix, then (a - 25) (25a + 673) = 0
(a)a = B (b) cos(a - B) = 0 a= 25 (taking the integral value of a ).
(c) sin(a - B) = 0 (d) None of these


58 Textbook of Trigonometry

"Ex. 31. The maximum value of(cos a, ) (cos a, ). or 1 cos x

(cos a,) under the restriction 0Sa,, a,,..a, s and

(cot a, ) (cot a,) ..(cot a, ) = 1is
-asin |4+ x
(a) Again, by Eq. (i)

() 1

Sol. (a) From the given relations we have

n (cos ea,) =n (sin 4,) " Ex. 33. Let0 S0sand x=Xcos 0+Y sin 9,
n(cos' a,) =n (cos a, sin a)= nin y=X sin 9 -Y cos 0 such that x² + 2xy+y' =aX' + by².
where a andb are constant, then
Since, 0sa, s 0s 1, S t
(a) a=- 1b=-3 (b)0
h(cos' a) s -as max. value of sin 24, is 1 for all i.
(c) a= 3, b= -1
(a)0 =
Sol. () x' +y' =X' +Y,
xy =(X' - y') sin -cos - XY(cos* 0 - sin 0)
So, the maximum value of the given expression i
*'+ 4xy +y' =X' +y'+X* - y')
sin 29- 2XY cos 29
e Ex. 32. The value of sin x cos x = (1 +2 sin 20)X + (1 - 2sin 20)y'-2cos 20- XY
expressiocosy 1-sin x From the question,
a =1+2sin 29, b =1 -2 sin 20, cos 20 =0
cos 20 =0=0= then

(c) vz sin -x (d) None of these

a=1+2sin 6=1-2sin
a=3,b =-1
Sol. (a) Let sin x cos x A.
I+ cos . 1- sin x
"Ex. 34. ifo <x<and sin" x +cos' x21 then
(sin' x + cos' x) +(cos' x - sin' x)
0+ cos x)(1 - sin x) (a) ne (2 a) (b) ne(- o, 2]
(sin' x + cos' x)} (c)ne[- 11] (d) None of these
(cos x +sin x) (cos x - sin x) Sol. (b) Since, 0<x
(cos x + sin x)
or 0< sin x<l and0< cos x <1
(1+ cos x) (1 - sin x) when x= 2sin x+ cos" x=l
(sin x + cos x){(1 - sin x cos x)
when n> 2, both sin r and cos" x will decreases and hence
+ (cos x - sin x)} sin" x + cos" x< 1.
or A=
1+ cos x sin x sin x cos x
when n >2 both sin" x and cos x will increase and hence
or A =sin x + cos:
sin" x + cos" x> 1.

.i) Thus, sin" x+ cos x2l for ns2.

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