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Moebius Empire Rising Walkthrough

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Moebius: Empire Rising Walkthrough

Moebius: Empire Rising is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Pinkerton Road. In this game,
you’ll take on the role of genius Malachi Rector as he explores a mystery centuries in the making. Gamezebo’s
walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Game Introduction – Moebius: Empire Rising

Moebius: Empire Rising is a point-and-click adventure game developed by Pinkerton Road. In this game,
you’ll take on the role of genius Malachi Rector as he explores a mystery centuries in the making. Gamezebo’s
walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

The Basics
Interacting with the World

 Moebius is a classic point-and-click adventure game with modern updates. To interact with an object
on screen, simply click on it. If it’s interactive, the action wheel will appear, giving you a variety of
options to choose from. The icons on the action wheel are as follows:
 1) Eye / Examine: This will examine the object you clicked on. Usually Malachi will just look at it and
provide a short comment. Sometimes you’ll enter a close-up of the object.
 2) Speech bubble / Talk: This allows you to talk to a character. It’s used to initiate dialogue.
 3) Inventory / Combine items: This action combines your currently active inventory item with the
selected object. For instance, if you were holding a key and used it on a locked object, it would unlock
the object (assuming the key fit).

 4) Gears / Operate: This “uses” an object directly. For instance, operating a closed door would open
the door. Operating a computer would turn on the computer and have Malachi try to use it. Sometimes
you’ll enter a close-up of the object.
 5) Brain / Analyze: The brain icon is used to analyze people or things. Usually this will send you to a
separate data analysis screen where you will complete the analysis. Sometimes Malachi will analyze
objects directly as soon as you click on this icon.

 6) Hand / Take: The hand icon indicates you will pick something up or take it, usually adding it to your
inventory. Sometimes Malachi will only take part of an item: in the above example, he does not take his
suitcase, but opens it up and takes his passport when you use the “take” icon.

 Interactive items will display a hot spot identifier containing their name when you scroll over them.
You can also see all hot spots on screen by opening the menu and using the hotspot bull’s-eye or by
pressing the spacebar.
 You can access Malachi’s inventory by clicking on the box in the upper-right corner of the screen. If he
has an item currently active, it will be visible here.
 From within the inventory, you can do the following:
 1) Eye / Examine: Examine an inventory item. This provides a short description of the item.
 2) Magnifying glass / Close-up: Use this to zoom in on an object. Can only be used on certain objects,
such a photographs.
 3) Inventory / Combine items: Use this to combine two items within your inventory. Items that can be
combined will glow softly when a combined item is selected. This is honestly not used very often, but
will be required to solve a few puzzles in the game.
 Note: Malachi always has his smartphone in his inventory. This acts as a usable item version of his
phone if you need to “use” your phone on something or someone. The actual phone, which we discuss
below, is accessible by a different menu.


 Malachi does almost all of his work on his smartphone. To access his phone, click on the upper-left
menu tab and choose the phone icon. You’ll have a number of options:
 1) Phone keypad: This opens the keypad for dialing numbers freestyle. Hardly used but a normal part
of a phone.
 2) Contacts: Where Malachi’s contacts are stored. From this menu, you can either text or call a
contact. You’ll usually know when you need to contact someone as Malachi will mention it directly.
 3) Text messages: Keeps a log of all text messages Malachi has sent or received. Useful for reviewing
the story or what you need to do next in certain situations.
 4) Notes: The notes section is tied directly to the hint system for Moebius. When you first enter this
area, you’ll be warned that doing so will turn on hints (beating the game without using hints awards an
 5) Projects / Dossiers: This is where Malachi keeps track of his current assignments and their personal
dossiers. As you collect data on the person or object in question, it will be added to their file. Once you
have enough data and can analyze them, you will do so from within their dossier.
 6) Internet search: Malachi uses this frequently to gather additional data on subjects or objects of
interest. If you’ve learned something new recently, it might be wise to look it up online.
 Anytime new data has been added to your phone, a green dot will appear on the smartphone icon. This
can be anything from new data points in a dossier to a new potential internet search. Whatever area has
new info will also have a green dot.

Data Analysis

 One of the recurring puzzles in Moebius is data analysis. Malachi has three primary types of analysis at
his disposal and will automatically use the one that best fits the situation. The game will provide a short
tutorial on how to complete data analysis for each new type, but here’s a brief overview:
 In-person data analysis: Used when you meet a person and click on them, then select the brain icon.
Malachi is essentially sizing them up. This can lead to an easier interrogation or simply more
information on the character.
 You’ll be presented with a view of the person and a number of potential data points, indicated by the
blue squares with an eye icon on them. Click on a square to open the potential analysis options. You’ll
be given a description of what Malachi sees, and asked to make your analysis—click on one of the three
choices to make your selection.
 After you’ve analyzed all the available data points (the number varies per person), click “Finish.” If
you got all points correct, the analysis will be complete and you’ll receive a detailed overview of the
person at the top of the screen. If you missed any points, you’ll be asked to make fixes. There is no
punishment for making a mistake and you can correct selections as many times as necessary.

 Project / dossier analysis – person: Used after you’ve collected enough data points on a person that is
part of a larger assignment. You’ll almost always be comparing that person to historical figures to find
the closest match.
 You’ll be presented a list of data points and historical figures that match those points. You need to
narrow down the options to the top three. Essentially, look at which figure’s picture shows up the
fewest number of times and click the minus button on their photograph to remove them. Do this for all
the least-often represented figures until you have just three. After that, you’ll need to select the one with
the most corresponding data and then select “Finish.”
 Project / dossier analysis – object: Used after you’ve collected enough data points on an object that is
part of a larger assignment. You’re usually trying to figure out if the object is authentic or not.
 As with the in-person analysis, you’ll be given a number of data points on the object that you need to
analyze. Click on these points and you’ll enter a more detailed view of the area. You’ll also be shown a
number of potential matches to that type of object.
 Scroll through the potential matches until you find the one that fits best. Usually this is a visual match
more than anything else.
 After you’ve analyzed all the data points, select “Finish” and you should receive the same appraisal that
in-person analyses do. If any points were incorrect, you can go back and fix them.

Tips and Strategies

 Dialogue is essential in Moebius. You should talk to everyone you meet, and almost always exhaust
every dialogue option they have. Many dialogue options will open additional trees of dialogue that
you’ll need to exhaust in order to complete assignments. When in doubt, just go through all their
dialogue options in the order they are listed.
 You can double-click during a cutscene to skip it. This is most useful to know for the opening
sequence, which plays every time you launch the game.

 Moebius contains an overall points system similar to that found in classic Sierra games. The total
number of points possible in the game is 676. Points are awarded for a variety of things, from
progressing the plot to picking up items, and are sort of like an in-game achievements system. When
you do something that earns points, the point bar will usually pop up on-screen briefly. You can beat
the game without scoring all 676 points. This walkthrough will note what actions add points to this total
and our total points as we progressed. The final point total for this walkthrough is 667.
 There are a few different ways to approach certain sequences in Moebius. The options aren’t too
different and ultimately lead to the same conclusions, but you will usually get different amounts of
points for each (or potential achievements). We’ve noted some of these in the walkthrough below.
 You can die in Moebius. It’s fairly rare, and related to specific events, but it might spring upon you
unexpectedly. Be sure to save often.

Chapter 1: Into Your Hands

Overview: Malachi Rector, our genius protagonist and antiques appraiser, returns to his office after a stint in the
hospital. He is asked to travel to Venice for two different reasons: to appraise an item from a longtime client,
and to investigate the murder of a young woman.
 After the intro song, you’ll be at the intermission screen. Begin Chapter 1 and you’ll be in control of
our protagonist, Malachi Rector. Gretchen, the manager of the antiques shop they run, wants to fill him
in on their current business.

 Click on the suitcase on the floor near Gretchen. Use the hand icon on the suitcase to retrieve
 Exit to the office behind Gretchen.

 Click on Malachi’s desk. Operate the desk to enter a close-up.

 Examine the newspaper. +1 point (3 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the letter from Barozzi. Malachi opens the letter.
 Examine the letter to read it. (4 POINTS TOTAL)
 Malachi notes that he might like to travel to Venice soon to see what antique Barozzi has found.
 Exit the close-up. Malachi will take one of his prescription pills automatically.

 Exit the office back to the store. Speak to Gretchen.

 Ask about “Upcoming contracts.” Gretchen fills Malachi in on a number of potential clients, including
a new one. This opens up “New client” as a dialogue option.
 Ask about “Security.” Gretchen wants Malachi to hire a bodyguard. This opens up “What other options
do you have for security?”
 Ask about “New client.” Gretchen tells him about a client, Amble Dexter, at an upscale address who
left no other details. A new location, 452 Central Park West, is added to your map. An internet search
option for Amble Dexter is also added to your phone. +3 points (6 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask “What other options do you have for security?” Gretchen recommends agencies that provide
bodyguards in each country. This opens up “No other brilliant ideas about security?”
 Ask “No other brilliant ideas about security?” Gretchen mentions the option of buying a gun. + 1 point
 Select “Goodbye” to exit the conversation.

 Open the menu and select your phone. Use the web search and select “Amble Dexter.” Malachi is
surprised to learn there’s no info available.
 Exit the storefront. Malachi tells Gretchen he’s going to see Dexter.
 On the map, select “New client” at 452 Central Park West.
 You’ll enter the building and be in front of a body scanner. A security guard is to your right.
 Speak to the security guard. He asks for your passport.

 In your inventory, select MALACHI’S PASSPORT. Click on the guard again and select the combine
icon to give him your active item. He lets Malachi through; Malachi heads for Dexter’s office. +2
points (9 POINTS TOTAL)
 Dexter greets Malachi and introduces him to his associate, Reichart. They’re in the “F.I.T.A.” office.
Dexter asks Malachi if he’d be willing to perform a simple task before they discuss business.

 Click on Dexter. Select the brain icon to analyze him more closely. You’ll enter the data points
analysis screen, analyzing Dexter.
 Click on his hands and select “calm leader.”
 Click on his eyes and select “highly intelligent.”
 Click on his wheelchair and select “highly determined.”
 Select “Finish” to finalize your analysis. Exit the analysis screen. +3 points (11 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Dexter. Select “Simple exercise.” He asks Malachi to examine a photo and see if it reminds
him of any person from history and places a folder in front of him.
 Click on the folder on the desk and select the brain icon. Malachi scans the folder’s info into his phone.
 You’ll automatically enter Malachi’s phone. He will use the data he has to analyze the bio and find the
related information.
 Click “Analyze” on the photo of Giuseppe. You’ll enter the Analyze Person screen which brings up
potential people for comparison.

 You need to find the three people with the most data points in common with the subject, Giuseppe. To
eliminate candidates, click the minus (“-“) sign on their picture.
 To see a candidate’s name/bio, click on the question mark on their picture.
 Donatello only has one data point in common. Remove him with the minus button.
 Frank Lloyd Wright only has two data points in common. Remove him as well.
 Leonardo da Vinci only has two data points in common. Remove him as well.
 Bernini only has four data points in common. Remove him as well.

 You should be left with Botticelli, Michelangelo, and Raphael. You need to compare their data points
and find the one with the most in common with Giuseppe. This means not only that data exists, but it is
similar—some of the data shows dissimilarities (e.g., “lived to be 89” while Giuseppe died at a young
 Raphael has the most data points in common. Click on Raphael’s picture and then hit “Select.” The
analysis is solved. Click Exit to return to your phone menu. Exit the phone.
 Dexter is pleased with your answer. +3 points (14 POINTS TOTAL)

 Select “The job.” Dexter explains he wants info on the murder of a woman in Venice. He would like to
know if she, or anyone related to her death, bear resemblance to people from history. He wants Rector
to use the same skills he just used on Giuseppe to figure this out.
 Select “I might be interested.”
 Select “I’ll take the job.” Dexter is pleased and tells you to get your plane tickets from the guard
downstairs. Malachi heads downstairs automatically. +5 points (19 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to the security guard. He gives Malachi his plane tickets (although they won’t appear in your
 Time to head out. Go to the map by clicking on the “exit to map” exit sign.
 As Malachi leaves, we see photographs being taken of him. The airport is now a destination on your
 Return to Rector’s Antiques. Malachi will tell Gretchen he’s leaving for Venice. We’re ready to head
to the airport now.

 Exit to the map and select airport. Malachi flies to Venice.

 He now has a dossier on both Bianca Cardolo (the murdered woman) and Giuseppe available in his
 Examine Bianca’s dossier. Malachi notes he should call the investigating detective, Brunetta. Brunetta
is added to your phone contacts.
 Return to the phone’s home menu and open your contacts. Call Brunetta.
 Brunetta offers to meet Malachi at the site of the murder. A new location, murder bridge, is added to
your map. +6 points (25 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit your phone and travel to murder bridge.
 Detective Brunetta is waiting at the bridge.
 Click on Brunetta and use the brain icon to analyze him.

 Click on his eyes and select “working long hours, little sleep.”
 Click on his stomach and select “stress-induced acid reflux.”
 Click on his cigarette and select “high stress job.”
 Click on his coat and select “20 years as a detective.” Select finish and then exit the analysis. +2 points
 Speak to Brunetta. He offers to answer any questions Malachi has about Bianca’s murder.
 Exhaust his dialogue options in order.
 Select “I’m not trying to find her killer.” +1 point (28 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about Bianca Cardolo. Your dossier is updated. +1 point (29 POINTS TOTAL)
 After you’ve asked everything possible, exit the conversation. Brunetta will leave. +1 point (30
 Examine the canal. Malachi notices something at the bottom of it. +1 point (31 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the door of the house near the bridge. Malachi knocks and a woman emerges.
 Click on the woman and use the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her hair and select “retired teacher.”
 Click on her fingers and select “string musician.”
 Click on her shoulder and select “low income.”
 Click on her neck and select “lost or sold jewelry.”
 Click finish and exit the analysis. +2 points (33 POINTS TOTAL)

 Speak to the signora and select “Herself.” Choose “You have a lovely home.” +1 point (34 POINTS
 Select “I’d like to introduce myself.” She is Catarina Felone. Your dossier is updated.
 Select “You seem nervous, signora.” Return to the main dialogue options.
 Select “The murder.” She refuses to speak about the murder. Exit the conversation. +1 point (35
 Open your phone and go to the internet search. Search for Catarina Felone. There is a photo of her
when she was younger, wearing a necklace she was not wearing today. +1 point (36 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the murder bridge to the map and travel to Cardolo’s home.

 Bianca’s husband meets Malachi and they sit down to talk.

 Exhaust all of his dialogue options.
 Ask about Bianca and “Did Bianca play the piano?” Your dossier is updated. +1 point (37 POINTS
 Ask about Bianca and “How old was Bianca when you married her?” Your dossier is updated. +1 point
 Ask about Bianca and “How old was Bianca when she had your son?” Your dossier is updated. +1
point (39 POINTS TOTAL)
 Finish asking all other available questions and exit the conversation. +1 point (40 POINTS TOTAL)
 Cardolo leaves, but tells Malachi he is free to look around the house and come and go as he pleases.
 Operate the flowers on the piano to enter a close-up.
 Click on the FLORIST PUTTY in the basket of flowers and pick it up. +2 points (42 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Click on the door to Bianca’s room to enter her bedroom. Malachi pops a few more
pills upon entering.

 Operate the desk. Malachi opens the desk and enters a close-up.
 Examine the key slot on the left side of the desk. +1 point (43 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and operate the dresser to enter another close-up.
 Operate the left drawer. +1 point (44 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine Bianca’s gloves. +1 point (45 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Exit Bianca’s bedroom.
 Exit to the map. Travel to Barozzi’s Antiques. Barozzi is the one that wrote to you about the
mysterious figurine.

 Click on the BOAT POLE above the door. Use the hand icon to pick it up. Malachi takes it with
Barozzi’s blessing. +2 points (47 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the necklace case to enter a close-up.
 Examine the center necklace. Malachi notes it looks similar to Catarina’s necklace from the old
 Click on the necklace and use the hand icon to take it. Malachi receives VENETIAN NECKLACE. +2
points (49 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Barozzi. Exhaust his dialogue options.
 Ask about Bianca Cardolo. Select “Tell me about Bianca’s family.” +1 point (50 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about Bianca. Select “Tell me about Bianca’s husband.” +2 points (52 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about Bianca. Select “Was Bianca wealthy?” +3 points (55 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Antique for client.” Barozzi brings out the antique and puts it on the desk. Exit the
 Your dossier on Bianca has been updated and a new dossier, for Barozzi’s figurine, has been added.

 Click on the figurine and select the brain icon to analyze it. You’ll need to analyze different data points
of the figurine.
 Click on its face. You need to select the artistic work from Malachi’s memory that most resembles the
figurine’s face. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the options.
 Scroll to “Lewis chessmen” and then select “match.”
 Click on the hand holding the tusk. Scroll to “walrus ivory” and select “match.”
 Click on the robe near the feet. Scroll to “Medieval chesspieces” and select “match.”
 Select “Finish” to complete the analysis and then exit your phone. Malachi confirms the piece is
authentic. +3 points (58 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the shop and return to the map. Go back to murder bridge.

 In your inventory, select FLORIST PUTTY. Select the inventory combine option and then click on
ANTIQUE BOAT POLE. You will now have BOAT POLE WITH FLORIST PUTTY. +2 points (60
 Click on BOAT POLE WITH FLORIST PUTTY so it is your active item.

 Click on the canal and select the combine option to use the BOAT POLE on it.

 You’ll enter a close-up of the water. Click and drag on the BOAT POLE until it reaches the item in the
water. Malachi retrieves BRASS HOOK. +2 points (62 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on VENETIAN NECKLACE in your inventory so it’s your active item. Then operate the door of
the house so Catarina comes outside.
 Click on Catarina and select the combine items icon to give her the VENETIAN NECKLACE. She
graciously accepts.
 Speak to her and select “The murder.”
 Select “A musician like yourself, your ears are very keen.”
 Select “You looked out the window…”
 Select “Did you see their faces?”
 The conversation ends and Catarina goes back inside. +4 points (66 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the map and return to Cardolo’s home. Enter Bianca’s room and operate her desk to enter the

 Select BRASS HOOK in your inventory so it’s the active item.

 Click on the keyslot. Select the combine items option to use the BRASS HOOK on the keyslot. The
center panel of the desk opens. +2 points (68 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the medical cream. +1 point (69 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the KEYCARD and use the hand icon to pick it up. +2 points (71 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on Bianca’s cellphone and use the hand icon to pick it up. Malachi adds her last contact,
Gabriella, to his phone’s contact list. +2 points (73 POINTS TOTAL)
 Enter your phone and go to the contacts. Call Gabriella.
 Gabriella asks to meet you at a café near the Doge. +2 points (75 POINTS TOTAL)
 Leave Bianca’s room and house, exiting to the map. There is a new location, Doge Plaza, available.
Travel there.
 Click on Gabriella and use the brain icon to analyze her.

 Click on her face and select “vain.”

 Click on her hair and select “highly conscious of social image.”
 Click on her legs and select “dancer.” Select finish and then exit the analysis.
 Speak to Gabriella. Exhaust her dialogue options.
 Select “Bianca Cardolo.” Select “Tell me about Bianca’s family.” +3 points (78 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “What’s the name of your dance studio?”
 Select “You knew Bianca very well” and then “What didn’t she like about her looks?”
 Select “Dante Cardolo.” +3 points (81 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Bianca’s son” and then “Bianca’s pregnancy.” The conversation ends and Malachi pops more
pills. +3 points (84 POINTS TOTAL)
 Your dossier on Bianca has been updated.
 Exit to the map. A new location, dance academy, has been added. Go there now.

 When you click on the dance academy on the map, a keycard reader will pop up.
 In your inventory, make the KEYCARD your active item. Click on the keycard reader and select the
combine items icon.
 Malachi gains access to the dance academy and enters. +2 points (86 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the picture wall to enter a close-up.

 Examine the center picture, the Swan Lake photo. Malachi notices Bianca’s hands, which must be what
caused her lack of confidence. +1 point (87 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, select your SMARTPHONE as your active item.

 Click on the Swan Lake photo and use the combine items icon to use the SMARTPHONE on it. This
adds your final data point to Bianca’s dossier. +3 points (90 POINTS TOTAL)

 Open your phone menu and go to the dossiers page. Click on Bianca’s dossier and click the “Analyze”
button on her photo.
 There are 14 potential matches this time. We still need to narrow it down to the closest three matches.
 Remove everyone from consideration except: Livia Drusilla, Cleopatra, and Princess Victoria.
 Select Livia Drusilla as the closest match.
 Exit the analysis and go to your internet search on your phone. Look up Livia Drusilla. Exit your
 Malachi returns to his hotel room, where he is attacked by the same men who killed Bianca. They take
a photo of his passport and flee. He goes back to Dexter and reports his findings but refuses to take on
any more work until they give him more information on what’s going on. We see Dexter make a
mysterious phone call to a Senator…Chapter 1 ends. +5 points (95 POINTS TOTAL)

Chapter 2: The Wheel Turns

Overview: Malachi, now in Cairo, ends up stranded in the desert when his car breaks down. An ex-military
man, David Walker, appears out of nowhere and fixes Malachi’s car, then wanders off before Malachi can even
pay him for the favor. Malachi heads to his hotel so he can begin his next case, validating the authenticity of
the canopic chest.

 After the initial cutscene, you’ll take control of Malachi in his hotel in Cairo. In your phone’s menu,
open the dossier page and view the canopic chest dossier.
 Exit your phone. A new internet search option will appear. Open your phone again and enter the
internet search.
 Search for “canopic chest.” +2 points (97 POINTS TOTAL)
 Search for “Samuel Lessing.”
 Search for “Horemheb.” Exit your phone.
 Click on your suitcase and select the hand icon to enter a close up.
 Operate the suitcase to open it.

 Click on the GUN and use the hand icon to take it. +2 points (99 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Exit your hotel room.
 You’ll be on the street in front of your hotel. Masri’s Emporium, the place you’re headed in the
morning, is across the street.

 Walk a few steps to the right. Examine Masri’s Emporium. Malachi mentions he needs to learn more
about Masri before their meeting in the morning.

 Walk back to the left, past your hotel. Keep heading left until you reach a green door leading to the
bar. Enter the bar.
 Speak to Ammon, the bartender. Exhaust his dialogue options.
 Ask about “Masri.” +1 point (100 POINTS TOTAL) The bartender says that Hasim, in the corner,
knows Masri well. He’s also an avid darts player.
 Click on either man in the corner. Use the brain icon to analyze them (you’ll analyze both
 Click on Saa’s face and select “dislikes foreigners.”
 Click on Saa’s shoulder and select “does heavy manual labor.”
 Click on Saa’s hands and select “frequently gets in fights.”
 Click on Hasim’s eyes and select “intelligent, quick thinker.”
 Click on Hasim’s mouth and select “he’s a liar and a conman.”
 Click on Hasim’s hands and select “greedy, likes to show off his money.”
 Click on Hasim’s jacket and select “considers himself important.”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (102 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to either Saa or Hasim (you’ll enter a conversation with Hasim either way). Exhaust his dialogue
 Ask about “Masri.” He says he doesn’t like to talk to strangers.
 Ask about “Darts.” Select “Play darts.” +2 points (104 POINTS TOTAL)
 No matter what, you can’t win this game of darts. Just put your cursor over the dart board and click to
throw the darts (three total).
 Hasim will win and Malachi will wonder why his aim is so far off.
 Stand next to the dart board and examine it. Malachi will notice a draft near the dart board.
 Exit the bar. Exit to the alley just right of the bar.

 Examine the air vent on the left wall. Malachi notes it goes into the bar. +1 point (105 POINTS
 Operate the crate on the right side of the alley. Malachi will push it over under the vent. +1 point (106
 Operate the loose wires that were hidden behind the crate. You’ll enter a close-up.
 Operate the bottom white wire. Then click on the top white wire to reconnect them.
 Operate the bottom shiny black wire. Then click on the top shiny black wire to reconnect them.
 Operate the bottom matte black wire. Then click on the top matte black wire to reconnect them. Exit
the close-up.
 Operate the light switch on the wall next to the crate Malachi just moved. It will turn on the light in the
back of the alley. +2 points (108 POINTS TOTAL)

 You can now see a brick in the back of the alley. Click on the BRICK and use the hand icon to pick it
up. +2 points (110 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the crate to climb up on it and enter a close-up of the vent that was previously too high to
reach. It’s locked via a padlock.

 In your inventory, select BRICK as your active item. Click on the padlock and use the combine items
option to break it with the BRICK. +2 points (112 POINTS TOTAL)
 The vent is now open. There are two dials, one is the power switch and one is the air flow direction.
 Operate the power switch. Malachi tries to turn it, but it’s too rusted.
 Exit the close-up and the alley. Walk to the right, towards your hotel.
 There is a bottle of MOTOR OIL in the road. Click on it and use the hand icon to pick it up. +2 points
 Return to the alley and enter the vent close-up again.
 In your inventory, select MOTOR OIL as your active item. Click on the power switch and select the
combine items icon to use MOTOR OIL on the switch.
 Operate the power switch (now well-oiled) to turn the vent off. The power switch dial breaks without
turning the vent off.

 Click on the airflow switch and select the combine items icon to use MOTOR OIL on it. +2 points (116
 Operate the airflow switch. It begins to turn but is still rusty.
 Use MOTOR OIL on the airflow switch again.
 Operate the airflow switch one more time. It turns all the way and the air is now being drawn out of the
bar. +2 points (118 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and the alley. Return to the bar.
 You’re going to have to beat Hasim at darts. Although you have a leg up now, you can practice by
operating the dart board.
 Speak to Hasim when you’re ready. Select “Darts” and then “Play darts.”

 There is no longer any air blowing into the bar, so you can aim straight at the bull’s-eye. Even if you’re
a little off, you should still beat Hasim. He’s used to over-compensating for the air flow and will miss
by quite a bit. Hasim offers information as Malachi’s reward. +2 points (120 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Hasim. Ask about “Masri.” He warns you that Masri is a dangerous man.
 Ask about “Masri” again. He says that he keeps a gun in his top drawer. +2 points (122 POINTS
 Hasim also offers to be your security when you go see Masri. Select “Alright, you’re hired.”
 Exit the conversation and leave the bar.
 Malachi hears the sounds of a fight coming from the alley.
 Enter the alley. Malachi sees David Walker, his rescuer from the desert, getting beat up by three men.
They throw a rope over his head in preparation for an execution. +2 points (124 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, select GUN as the active item. Click on an assassin and use the combine items icon
to use the gun on him. Malachi notes he needs to get closer.
 Operate the dumpster next to where Malachi is hiding. He moves to hide behind the dumpster.
 Click on the assassin at the top of the fire escape. Use the combine items icon to shoot at him. The
assassins run away and leave David unconscious on the ground.
 Operate David. Select “Take David.” Malachi brings him back to his hotel. +7 points (131 POINTS
 Note: if you move behind the dumpster without making your gun your active item, David will break free
and run away. He will leave a card behind, DAVID’S HOSTEL REGISTRATION CARD. In this
scenario, you’d need to pick up the card and go to the hostel on the far right side of town (just past
Masri’s Emporium). Use David’s card to get upstairs and he’ll be passed out on his bed and you can
proceed in a similar fashion.
 We’ll progress having saved David. He’s asleep in Malachi’s hotel room.

 Click on David and use the brain icon to analyze him.

 Click on his hair and select “recently left the military.”
 Click on his chest and select “has had a physically demanding job.”
 Click on his hand and select “experienced gunman.”

 Select “finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (133 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate David to enter a close-up.
 Operate his shirt to expose his dog tags. Examine his dog tags. +2 points (135 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate David’s pocket. Malachi pulls out a card to the local hostel. +2 points (137 POINTS TOTAL)
 You now have DAVID’S HOSTEL REGISTRATION CARD. Malachi pops some pills.
 Open your phone and enter the internet search. Search for Captain David Walker. There are too many
results; Malachi wonders what his middle name is.
 Let’s find out. Exit the hotel and walk to the right, past Masri’s Emporium.

 Enter the brown door leading to the hostel.

 In your inventory, select DAVID’S HOSTEL REGISTRATION CARD as your active item. Click on
the woman and use the combine items option to give her the card. +1 point (138 POINTS TOTAL)
 You’ll be upstairs in David’s room. Operate the light switch by the door.
 The light switch doesn’t work. Examine the light bulb above Malachi. He notes there’s a chain on the
bulb, but it’s out of reach.
 Exit David’s room and return to your hotel room.
 Take the WIRE HANGER from your closet. +2 points (140 POINTS TOTAL)
 Return to David’s hostel room.

 In your inventory, select WIRE HANGER as the active item. Click on the light bulb and select the
combine items icon to use the WIRE HANGER on it. Malachi turns on the light. +1 point (141
 Operate David’s backpack. Malachi opens it and you’ll enter a close-up.
 Operate David’s passport. Malachi learns David’s middle name is Livingston. +2 points (143 POINTS
 Exit the passport close-up. Open your phone and enter the internet search. Search for “Captain David
Livingston Walker.” +3 points (146 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit your phone and the hostel. Return to your hotel room.
 David is awake now. Exhaust his dialogue options.
 Ask about himself. Select “Where are you from?”
 Respond with “I live in New York.” +1 point (147 POINTS TOTAL)

 Ask about “Work,” then “Have you ever done security work?” and then “I’d like to hire you for a
security job.”
 Tell him “I’m in antiques.”
 Finally, select “Masri’s gun.” David agrees to be Malachi’s bodyguard; he’ll meet you outside in the
morning. Malachi calls Hasim to cancel their arrangement, then goes to bed. +6 points (153 POINTS
 Exit the hotel room. Malachi heads across the street and pops some pills. David’s waiting outside
Masri’s office.
 Enter Masri’s Emporium. Masri welcomes you and points out the canopic chest.
 Click on Masri and select the brain icon to analyze him.
 Click on Masri’s head and select “he’s anxious about something.”
 Click on Masri’s jaw and select “has deep-seated rage.”
 Click on Masri’s shirt and select “big ego, projects the image of success.”
 Click on “finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (155 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on the canopic chest and select the brain icon to analyze it.
 Click on the heads and select “Tutankhamen jar stoppers”
 Click on the handle and select “rope and ring handles”
 Click on the hieroglyphics and select “Tutankhamen cartouche”
 Click on the marble and select “Egyptian calcite”
 Click on the gold border and select “canopic chest of Tutankhamen”
 Select “Finish” and then exit the analysis. Malachi realizes that the chest is authentic, but it’s the stolen
chest of Tutankhamen, not Horemheb.
 Exit your phone. Malachi calls his client and reports the theft; Masri tries to go for his gun but David
stops him. They leave Masri’s office and are attacked by the men from the night before. Malachi
realizes they are the same men who accosted him in Venice. He believes they are after him instead of
David, but wonders what David’s role is in all of this. Chapter 2 ends. +8 points (163 POINTS

Chapter 3: When You Know Who I Am

Overview: Back in Manhattan, Malachi decides to seek out more information on the theories FITA are
researching and to look into Senator Markham himself. David Walker agrees to remain his bodyguard full
time, and this decision ultimately comes in handy.

 Malachi and David are back in Manhattan at his antiques shop. David is Malachi’s new full-time
bodyguard and will be staying at his apartment. Malachi wants to call his old professor, Dr. Reed, who
is well-versed in strange theories of history.
 Open your phone and go to the contacts. Call Professor Reed.
 Malachi asks if he’s heard any theories of people’s biographies repeating throughout history. He says
the only idea resembling that is from the Greek philosopher Paramedes. +2 points (165 POINTS
 Operate Malachi’s desk to enter a close-up.

 Operate the letter to open it. It’s from Barozzi, about Bianca Cardolo. +1 point (166 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the letter to read it. Apparently Bianca was going to meet a Senator Markham at an upcoming
charity dinner.
 Open your phone and go to the internet search. Search for “Senator Stephen Markham.” +1 point (167
 Search for “Senator Stephen Markham Rally.” There is a rally today in Central Park at Bethesda
 Exit your phone and exit Malachi’s office. Speak to Gretchen.
 Ask about “urgent business.” An item is awaiting appraisal behind the screen in the storefront.
 Ask about “Senator Markham.” Exit the conversation.

 Operate the screen to enter a close-up. +1 point (168 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on the rifle and use the brain icon to analyze it.
 Click on the trigger and select “lever-action rifle”
 Click on the engravings and select “Teddy Roosevelt’s Model 1876 Rifles”
 Click on the barrel and select “half-round, half-octagonal barrel”
 Click on the end of the barrel and select “Winchester Repeating Arms Company, circa 1860” (note,
there are two Winchester options—you want the 1860 one)
 Select “finish” and exit the analysis. +5 points (173 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Speak to Gretchen and select “Congresswoman Smythe.”
 Malachi gets the congresswoman’s phone number. +1 point (174 POINTS TOTAL)
 If you try to call her now, Malachi notes he wants to research Senator Markham first and then call her if
he needs more inside information.
 Exit the storefront. You’ll be on the streets of Manhattan, in front of Malachi’s store.

 Operate the newspaper stand to enter a close-up.

 Examine the rally poster on the side of the stand. The location for the rally is added to your map.
 Operate the newspaper stand. Malachi needs some quarters to get a newspaper.
 Exit the close-up and exit to the map.
 Go to Bethesda Square, where the rally is being held. +1 point (175 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the girl at the entrance and select the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her head and select “has an attitude”
 Click on her CD player and select “no money for upgrade”
 Click on her tights and select “comes from a poor family”
 Select “finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (177 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the man near the entrance and select the brain icon to analyze him.

 Click on his cellphone and select “likes to appear important”

 Click on his face and select “arrogant personality”
 Click on his badge and select “VIP pass for rally”
 Click on his pants and select “sex addict; lap dance before noon”
 Select “finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (179 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go down the stairs and examine the VIP tent.
 Speak to the guard in front of the tent. He says he can’t let Malachi in without a VIP badge, and his
name on the list. +2 points (181 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go back upstairs. Speak to the girl.
 Select “distraction.” Malachi asks her to distract the VIP badge guy and she asks what’s in it for her.
+2 points (183 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, make your WALLET your active item. Use it on the girl and Malachi offers her cash
for the distraction. She says she won’t fall for that.
 Exit to the map and go to Malachi’s apartment.
 Examine the kitchen to enter a close-up.

 Click on the knife block and use the hand icon to take the SCISSORS. Exit the close-up. +2 points
 Operate the door to Malachi’s bedroom on the second floor.
 Operate the nightstand to enter a close-up.
 Click on the MP3 PLAYER and use the hand icon to take it. +2 points (187 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the jar of change and use the hand icon to take CHANGE. +1 point (188 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and Malachi’s bedroom.
 Operate the door to David’s room. Malachi asks to speak to him in the kitchen. +1 point (189 POINTS
 Exhaust his dialogue options. The conversation ends automatically. +1 point (190 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit Malachi’s apartment. Return to Bethesda Square.
 In your inventory, make MP3 PLAYER your active item. Click on the girl and combine the MP3
PLAYER with her. +2 points (192 POINTS TOTAL)
 The girl goes over to distract the man. He turns to watch her.
 In your inventory, make SCISSORS your active item.

 Click on the man and combine SCISSORS with him. Malachi walks over and cuts the VIP badge cord,
then picks it up. You now have CUT VIP PASS. +4 points (196 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the map. Return to Rector’s Antiques.
 Operate the newspaper stand. In your inventory, make CHANGE your active item.
 Click on the newspaper stand and use the combine items option to use CHANGE on it.
 You’ll receive NEWSPAPER and enter a close-up of it. Click on the newspaper and then exit the close-
up. +2 points (198 POINTS TOTAL)
 Enter Rector’s Antiques.
 Exit to Rector’s office. Operate the desk to enter a close-up.
 Click on the SUPERGLUE and use the hand icon to pick it up. +2 points (200 POINTS TOTAL)

 In your inventory, use the combine item icon on SUPERGLUE and CUT VIP PASS. You’ll now have
 Exit back to the map and return to Bethesda Square. Go down the stairs.
 In your inventory, make FIXED VIP PASS your active item. Click on the guard and combine FIXED
VIP PASS with him.
 The guard still won’t let you in because your name isn’t on his list.
 Open your phone and enter the contacts menu. Call Congresswoman Smythe.
 Malachi tells her the appraisal of her rifle and then asks to be added to the Senator’s VIP list. She
promises to send an updated list over. +2 points (204 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to the guard again. Malachi gains access to the tent and meets the Senator briefly during a
cutscene. He has a flash of a vision of the Senator as someone from history, then keels over as his head
begins pounding. The screen fades out. +3 points (207 POINTS TOTAL)
 You regain control of David in Malachi’s apartment. He’s supposed to meet Gretchen at Cherries on
Top, the bar across from Malachi’s store.

 Operate David’s backpack to enter a close-up.

 Click on his WALLET and use the hand icon to pick it up. +2 points (209 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the bedroom and the apartment. Head to Rector’s Antiques.
 Cross the street by clicking on the “cross the street” exit. You’ll be in front of a flower stand.
 Examine the flower stand. Operate the flower stand to enter a close-up.
 Speak to the flower vendor. She recommends a red rose.
 In your inventory, make WALLET your active item. Click on the flower vendor and combine your
WALLET with her.
 You’ll receive ROSE. Exit the close-up. +2 points (211 POINTS TOTAL)
 Enter Cherries on Top.
 In your inventory, select ROSE as your active item. Click on Gretchen and combine the ROSE with
her. David sits down next to her and they begin talking. +2 points (213 POINTS TOTAL)

 Exhaust all of her dialogue options. Ask about “Malachi” last.

 After you’ve spoken to her about Malachi, the conversation ends. +2 points (215 POINTS TOTAL)
 David returns to the apartment and hears Malachi scream from his room.
 Operate Malachi’s bedroom door. It’s locked; David needs to find another way inside.
 Operate David’s bedroom door. Operate his backpack.
 Take his GRAPPLING HOOK and KNIFE. +4 points (219 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the backpack close-up. Take JUMPROPES off the wall. +2 points (221 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the bedroom. Operate the balcony door to exit to the balcony.
 In your inventory, combine JUMPROPE and JUMPROPE to get COMBINED JUMPROPES. +2 points
 In your inventory, combine COMBINED JUMPROPES with GRAPPLING HOOK to get
 In your inventory, make JUMPROPES AND HOOK your active item. Click on the second floor
balcony and combine the JUMPROPES AND HOOK with it. David notes he needs something that can
bridge the gap and hold his weight.
 Go back inside the apartment. Click on the coffee table in the living room and use the hand icon. David
notes he’ll pick the table up when he figures out how to use it. You now have a ghost TABLE in your
inventory. +2 points (226 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go back out on the balcony. In your inventory, make TABLE your active item. Combine it with the
second floor balcony. +2 points (228 POINTS TOTAL)
 Now use JUMPROPES AND HOOK on the second floor balcony. David throws the grappling hook
over the railing. +2 points (230 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the balcony to begin climbing. You’ll be in control of David while he’s climbing.

 You’ll need to select “climb” to move upward. However, go slowly. Click “climb” when David is
looking up at the grappling hook. After a couple climbs, he will slip in one direction—if he slips to the
right, move your mouse to the left and select “lean left.” If he slips to the left, move your mouse to the
right and select “lean right.”

 Keep at it until he reaches the top. After each movement, wait to see what David does. If you click too
quickly “climb,” and he needs to lean, he will fall. If you fall off, he’ll die, but you can keep retrying.
 David gets upstairs and finds Malachi in some kind of trance. Malachi awakens and yells at David to
get out. The next morning, Malachi is embarrassed that he had a “panic attack” and David saw. He
believes it was triggered by meeting Markham. He decides to text Dexter to meet up. +8 points (238
 Open your phone menu. You have a new internet search option; go to the internet search.
 Search for “Augustus Caesar.”

 Exit the internet search and enter your contacts menu. Select the text message icon for Amble Dexter.
 Malachi texts Dexter that they need to meet. Dexter responds a few seconds later, saying come to his
office—and bring your security. +1 point (239 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit Malachi’s bedroom. Walker is downstairs, but he tells Malachi he’s leaving: he won’t protect him
if Malachi won’t keep him informed.
 You enter a conversation with Walker as he tries to leave.

 Select “Last night was a panic attack.”

 Select “You want to know what pills I take?”
 The conversation ends and Walker agrees to remain with Malachi; you regain control of them at
Dexter’s office building. +5 points (244 POINTS TOTAL)
 Note: if you want to earn an achievement, select “I don’t owe you an explanation.” David leaves and
you have to head to the meeting alone, then call David when you can’t get in. This path is worth fewer
points towards your total score.

 In the office lobby, examine the FITA logo. You’ll receive a new internet search option.
 Open your phone and the internet search. Search for “FITA.” The page is deleted while Malachi is
reading it. +1 point (245 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the FITA logo again and use the brain icon to analyze it.
 Click on the starburst and select “deals with space”
 Click on the name and select “government agency”
 Click on the moebius strip and select “deals with infinity or repetition”
 Click on the bottom of the logo and select “implies tie to NASA logo”
 Click “finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (247 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to the security guard. He seems to know David. He sends you up to Dexter’s office. +1 point
 In Dexter’s office, you’ll enter a conversation with him. Exhaust his dialogue options in order.
 After discussing Markham, select “Job.” Dexter wants you to find the actual modern equivalent to Livia
Drusilla. Bianca was not it, and they want to protect the real Livia before she is murdered as well.
 Select “I want to know more about FITA.” Dexter explains that they merely watch the patterns and try
to make sure they unfold as they’re supposed to. He tells Malachi that he is the savant archetype, and
that his historical equivalent is Benedict de Mont Froi, the man who developed the Moebius Theory.
 Malachi and David then get on a plane bound for Paris—but not before being seen off by Senator
Markham, and a mysterious limo driver who exchanges Malachi’s Xanax for something else…Chapter
3 ends. +5 points (253 POINTS TOTAL)

Chapter 4: Drowning in the Seine

Overview: Malachi and David are sent to Paris by Dexter, who wants Malachi to continue researching potential
candidates for Livia Drusilla. While there, Malachi also looks into the hints about his own historical
connections that Dexter gave him—but his search is cut short.
 Malachi and David arrive in Paris. David urges Malachi to focus on his job and let David handle
security issues. Malachi pops a few pills (but what kind now? We have no idea).
 A text message from Dexter comes in. You’re supposed to investigate a woman named Caroline
 Your dossier section of your phone now contains folders on Caroline Alfonse, David Walker, and the
Moebius Theory.
 Review all three dossiers, and specifically the Moebius Theory. +1 point (254 POINTS TOTAL)
 In David’s dossier, Malachi notes that he needs to find more information on him—find out what
historical person’s pattern David matches.

 Open your phone’s internet search and search for “Benedict de Mont Froi” and “Dr. Wilhelm Rarich.”
Exit your phone.
 Speak to David. Exhaust his dialogue options.
 Select “The Army” and “How old were you when you joined?” +1 point (255 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “The Army” and “Why did you leave?” +1 point (256 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “The Army” and “What did you study in college?” +1 point (257 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Hometown” +1 point (258 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “FITA” and then “I can’t trust anyone yet.” +1 point (259 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Joke” five times—David will tell Malachi five different jokes. +1 point (260 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Girlfriend” +1 point (261 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the barista and select the brain icon to analyze him.
 Click on his glasses and select “style conscious but not well-off, probably a student”
 Click on his tattoo and select “symbol has meaning to wearer”
 Click on his hands and select “participates in extreme sports”
 Click on his arm and select “active in sports”
 Select “Finish” and then exit the analysis +2 points (263 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the hotel lobby. Go to Alfonse’s home first.
 Malachi meets the butler, Brett, who tells him Caroline and her father are away for the weekend, but he
will help as much as possible.
 Click on Brett and select the brain icon to analyze him.
 Click on his head and select “nervous”
 Click on his eyes and select “something in the room is distracting him”
 Click on his hand and select “subconscious tell – trying to hide something in the room”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (265 POINTS TOTAL)

 Speak to Brett. Exhaust his dialogue options. He’s not very helpful at the moment.
 Examine the mirror behind Brett. Click on the mirror and select the brain icon: Malachi can easily tell
the mirror is a forgery.
 Examine the clock next to Brett. Click on it and select the brain icon: Malachi notes it’s genuine but not
especially valuable.
 Examine the vase near the balcony. Click on it and select the brain icon: Malachi notes it’s also a fake.
+3 points (268 POINTS TOTAL)
 Technically, you can speak to Brett now, but if you want an achievement, keep analyzing all the
antiques in the room:
 Examine the statue near the door. Click on it and select the brain icon: Malachi notes it’s also a fake.
 Examine the gold urn near the couch. Click on it and select the brain icon: Malachi notes it’s also a
 Examine the couch. Click on it and select the brain icon: Malachi notes it’s not fake.

 Examine the globe in the bottom-left corner. Click on it and select the brain icon: another fake.
 Examine the clock atop the bookcase and use the brain icon: it’s a fake.
 Examine the bookcase and use the brain icon: it’s authentic.
 Examine the mirror above the fireplace and use the brain icon: it’s authentic.
 Examine the small cabinet near the fireplace and use the brain icon: it’s authentic.
 Speak to Brett again. Select “Knock-off antiques.”
 Select “The Family’s Return” and then “Caroline’s Room.” Brett lets you into Caroline’s room.

 Examine the certificate on top of the bookcase. +1 point (269 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the bookcase. +1 point (270 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the magazines on the desk. +1 point (271 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the head on top of the dresser. It opens a secret compartment in the mural. +2 points (273
 You need the combination for the mural-safe. It’s six numbers; Malachi notes possibly a date? We
don’t know the code yet and need to find more info on Caroline.
 Exit the mural-safe close-up and the bedroom. Exit the Alfonse home.
 Go to the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (library).
 Operate the garbage can to enter a close-up. +1 point (274 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the coffee cup and then exit the close-up.

 Operate the computer on the table to enter a close-up. Malachi notes he needs the librarian to send the
computer info to be of any use. +1 point (275 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the “Archives” button. It requires a password.
 Exit the computer.
 Click on the librarian and use the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her eyes and select “not attracted to me; prefers blondes?”
 Click on her lips and select “trying to draw attention to her lips”
 Click on her shoulder and select “uptight person, rule enforcer”
 Click on her shirt and select “sexually frustrated”
 Click on her hand and select “coffee drinker; low on caffeine”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (277 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to David. Select “Flirt with librarian.” He needs a “good reason to talk to her.”
 Operate the trash can. Take the coffee cup from the trash can to get CUP WITH DREGS. +2 points
 In your inventory, examine the CUP WITH DREGS. Malachi gets a sample of the coffee that’s left in
the cup. +1 point (280 POINTS TOTAL)

 Speak to the librarian. Ask about “Caroline Alfonse” and “Benedict Benedict de Mont Froi”
 Ask about “coffee.” She notes there’s nowhere nearby to get coffee, unfortunately.
 Operate the computer at the table again. Click on “Alfonse, Caroline”

 Scroll through the files on Caroline; there are three total. Malachi notes he’ll take a picture of them for
DIVORCE ARTICLE. Exit the computer. +7 points (287 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the library and return to your hotel.
 Speak to the barista. Malachi buys a fresh cup of coffee. +2 points (289 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the cream and sugar counter next to the barista to enter a close-up.
 Examine the used coffee cup. Malachi notes it’s tan and definitely has cream in it.
 Operate the used coffee cup. Malachi notes it’s sweet, sweeter than he would like. +1 point (290
 Operate the heart-shaped cutter. Malachi makes a heart-shape in the fresh coffee.
 Operate the cream.
 Operate the sugar.
 If you operate the coffee, Malachi notes it’s not sweet enough.
 Operate the sugar again. The coffee is now ready. +4 points (294 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and the hotel. Return to the library.
 In your inventory, select FILLED CUP as your active item. Click on David and give him the FILLED
 David distracts the librarian and she turns her back to you. +2 points (296 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on the post-it note on her computer monitor and take it. +2 points (298 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the post-it note in your inventory to get the password.
 Operate the computer on the table. Click on “Archives” and then click on the password field.
 Select “Eiffel88”

 Click on the search topic box and select “Mont Froi.” Exit the computer.

 Click on the archive slot and take the item inside. You’ll enter a close-up of a page.
 Click on the page and Malachi reads it. He needs to find out more about “St. Armand.” +8 points (306
 Exit the close-up. Malachi takes a photo of the book and you now have MONT FROI PHOTO.
 Operate the computer again. Click on “Archive,” enter the password (Eiffel88) and click on the search
 This time, select “St. Armand.” Exit the computer. +2 points (308 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the archive slot and take the item inside. You’ll enter a close-up of the page about St.
Armand. Click on the page.
 Malachi learns he’s buried in the Paris catacombs and decides to go see. You receive ST. ARMAND
PHOTO. +3 points (311 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and speak to the librarian. Ask about “St. Armand.”
 Then ask about “Paris catacombs.” The conversation ends automatically.
 Exit the library and return to the Alfonse’s home.

 Speak to Brett. Exhaust all of his dialogue options. +2 points (313 POINTS TOTAL)
 Enter Caroline’s bedroom. Examine her mural-safe.
 We now have the code to her safe—it’s in one of the three documents Malachi got from the library.
 The code is in the article about her parents’ divorce…

 It’s the date they announced their divorce: August 20, 2008. So the code is: 200808.
 Once you’ve entered the code into the keypad, click on the safe handle and operate it to open it. +2
points (315 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the brochure to examine it. +2 points (317 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the ledger and take it. +3 points (320 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the letter that was under the ledger. +1 point (321 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and the bedroom. Malachi confirms there’s nothing else in this room to discover.
 Exit the home. A new location is available on your map: travel to Le Chateau Champagne.
 You’ll arrive at the Chateau and be standing in front of Caroline.

 Click on the lantern and pick it up to receive LANTERN AND MATCHES. +2 points (323 POINTS
 Click on Caroline and select the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her face and select “cold, business-like person”
 Click on her shoulder and select “proud, regal”
 Click on her arms and select “very private person”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (325 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Caroline. Exhaust her dialogue options.
 Select “Account Ledger.” +2 points (327 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Her Father” again. +1 point (328 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Marrying Etienne.” +1 point (329 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about “Catacombs” and then “St. Armand.” Caroline recommends you speak to a “cataphile.”
 Once all topics have been covered, the conversation ends. Malachi has enough to complete his analysis
of Caroline now. +4 points (333 POINTS TOTAL)

 Open your phone and the internet search; look up “cataphiles.” +1 point (334 POINTS TOTAL)
 Open the dossier section of your phone and view Caroline’s file. Select “Analyze.”
 This analysis is a bit different: the only possible comparison is Livia Drusilla. You need to compare the
data points of the two women’s lives.
 Select in the following order: 1) Not a match, 2) Not a match, 3) Match, 4) Not a match, 5) Match, 6)
Match, 7) Match, 8) Match, 9) Match, 10) Match. Select “Finish” to complete the analysis.
 Caroline is not the match for Drusilla; Malachi texts Dexter and receives his next destination: Zurich.
+6 points (339 POINTS TOTAL)
 First, we want to explore the catacombs. Return to your hotel.

 Speak to David. Talk to him about the investigation and select “Tell him everything.”
 Talk to him about Markham and select “Here’s what I know.”
 David opens up to you with a few more details on his life. Exit the conversation. +3 points (342
 We now have all of David’s data points. Open your phone and go to his dossier.
 Select “Analyze.”
 Eliminate everyone except St. Armand, King Richard I, and Captain Roderick Butler.
 Select “St. Armand” and hit “Select.” Malachi says that David could fit any of those men, and he needs
Dexter’s data to be sure. Exit the analysis.
 Speak to the barista. Select “Tattoo.”

 Select “Cataphile.” Then select “Catacombs” and “St. Armand.”

 The barista gives you directions to find St. Armand’s skeleton. +2 points (344 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the map. Operate the new location that is now available: manhole / catacombs. +1 point (345
 In your inventory, select LANTERN AND MATCHES to make it your active item. Click on the now-
open catacombs location and combine the two.

 You’ll be in the catacombs, in front of St. Armand. +1 point (346 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the skulls and panel on the right-hand wall. You’ll enter a close-up.
 Malachi notes it’s a Crusade Shield and must have something to do with St. Armand.
 This is a puzzle: you can swap skulls by clicking on them. Click on one skull and then another to swap
their locations. The same is true for bones.
 You need to spell something specific. Do you have an item related to St. Armand that can provide
 Look at your ST. ARMAND PHOTO in your inventory. Use the magnifying glass to examine it
closely; the page appears in front of the panel so you don’t have to keep referencing it.
 Spell out the phrase on the picture—”PRIUS MORI QUAM FIDEM FALLERE”—using the skulls and
bones. You should begin in the bottom-left corner and work your way up and around to the bottom
right corner.

 Once the skulls and bones are in the correct location, the panel opens. Examine the picture inside. +3
points (349 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Malachi has a vision of St. Armand and David as the same person. They return to the
hotel, where Malachi has another “panic attack.” David calms him down; Malachi texts Dexter after
realizing he had his Xanax replaced with a placebo. Chapter 4 ends.

Chapter 5: The One

Overview: Malachi and David have been sent to Zurich to investigate another candidate for Livia Drusilla.
Malachi learns a lot more than he anticipated, and then everything changes…

 Malachi and David are now in Zurich in order to research Allesandra Lorraine. You’ll take control of
Malachi inside her mansion, shortly before a big party is to begin. +4 points (353 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the butler, Gustav, and use the brain icon to analyze him.
 Click on his head and select “sexually manipulative”
 Click on his mouth and select “hired for his looks”
 Click on his tie and select “aspires above his station”
 Click on his hands and select “subconscious gesture: greedy personality”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (355 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exhaust all of his dialogue options, including “The Party” when it appears. +1 point (356 POINTS

 Enter the buffet room. Click on Alessandra and use the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her hair and select “obsessed with her own appearance”
 Click on her phone and select “she’s hoping to hear from someone”
 Click on her dress and select “she likes to be the center of attention”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (358 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Alessandra. Exhaust all of her dialogue options. +3 points (361 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the garden. Walk north until you reach the fountain. Walk to the statue to the east (easiest to
just teleport there).

 It’s a statue of Aphrodite. Click on the flowers at the statue’s base and take some to get ROSES. Exit
the close-up. +2 points (363 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go to the statue to the west. Click on the flowers at the statue’s base and take some to get PEONIES.
Exit the close-up. +2 points (365 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go to the statue to the southwest and take some of its flowers to get JASMINE. Exit the close-up. +2
points (367 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go to the statue to the southeast and take some of its flowers to get HYDRANGEAS. Exit the close-
up. +2 points (369 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the garden, back to the buffet room.
 Exit to the foyer, then enter the library. Karl Lorraine is here (and apparently wants some cake).
 Click on Karl and use the brain icon to analyze him.
 Click on his eyes and select “he’s a lonely man.”
 Click on his tuxedo and select “is not really interested or engaged in tonight’s party”
 Click on his hand and select “suffering from a long-term illness”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (371 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Karl. He doesn’t feel like talking to you tonight; Malachi needs to get him to talk.
 Click on the calligraphy pen in front of Karl and take it. You’ll receive PEN. +2 points (373 POINTS
 Exit the library. Enter the buffet room again.

 Click on the cake at the end of the table and pick it up. You receive CAKE. +2 points (375 POINTS
 Return to the library. In your inventory, make CAKE your active item.
 Click on Karl and give him the CAKE. He agrees to speak to you now. +2 points (377 POINTS
 Speak to Karl. Exhaust his dialogue options.
 Ask about “Your son.” +1 point (378 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about “Alessandra” and then “Has she won any awards for beauty?” +2 points (380 POINTS
 Ask about “Alessandra” and then “What are her interests?” +1 point (381 POINTS TOTAL)
 Once you’ve exhausted his dialogue choices, exit the conversation and the library.
 Head upstairs. There is a screen halfway up the stairs.

 Examine the portrait of Alessandra with another woman. +1 point (382 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the portrait to enter a close-up. Examine it again; Malachi notes that Alessandra is holding
jasmine flowers.
 Exit the close-up.
 Speak to David while we’re here.
 Exhaust David’s dialogue options. If you select “Joke” five more times, you’ll earn an achievement.
 Head downstairs. Speak to Gustav. Exhaust his dialogue options, especially about Helene. +2 points
 Exit the conversation and enter the library.

 Speak to Karl and ask about “Helene.” +1 point (385 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the conversation and the library.
 Enter the buffet room. Speak to David.

 Malachi asks him to steal Alessandra’s cellphone while Malachi distracts her.
 Click on the wine glasses near the exit. Pick one up to receive WINE. +2 points (387 POINTS
 In your inventory, make WINE your active item. Click on Alessandra and combine her with WINE.
 Malachi walks over and spills the wine on her; David steals her phone. +2 points (389 POINTS
 You now have ALESSANDRA’S PHONE. In your inventory, examine it. Malachi reads a text that
says “Meet me at Aphrodite at 3 gongs.” +1 point (390 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on the phone and select the operate icon. Malachi sends a response that says she will attend the
meeting. But he needs to make Alessandra less angry. +2 points (392 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and the buffet room.
 Enter the library and speak to Karl. Ask about “three gongs.” He says it refers to the grandfather clock
in the foyer, which chimes three times at half-past the hour. +1 point (393 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the library and head upstairs.
 On the stairway landing, there is a blue ribbon underneath the portrait. Click on it and take it to get
 In your inventory, combine ALESSANDRA’S RIBBON with JASMINE to get BOUQUET OF
JASMINE. +2 points (397 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, combine BOUQUET OF JASMINE with PEN. Malachi writes a message on the
 Select “Forgive me.” +2 points (399 POINTS TOTAL)
 Head back downstairs and into the buffet room. In your inventory, make BOUQUET OF JASMINE
your active item.

 Click on the southern table in the buffet room and combine the BOUQUET OF JASMINE with it.
Malachi leaves the bouquet on the table for Alessandra to find. She does, and the three gongs play. +5
points (404 POINTS TOTAL)
 Head outside into the garden. The meeting is taking place at the Aphrodite statue, which is the
northeast-most statue.
 Enter the area with the Aphrodite statue. Malachi hides behind the bushes and see Alessandra secretly
meeting with Gustav, with whom she is apparently having an affair. +4 points (408 POINTS TOTAL)
 You have enough data points on Alessandra now. Enter you phone’s dossiers and click on
 Click “Analyze.” Again, we are only comparing her to Livia Drusilla.

 Select the following answers: 1) Not a match, 2) Not a match, 3) Match, 4) Match, 5) Match, 6) Match,
7) Not a match, 8) Match, 9) Match, 10) Match, 11) Match, 12) Match
 Finish the analysis and exit. Alessandra is not Livia. +5 points (413 POINTS TOTAL)
 Malachi wants to look around more before finalizing his report.
 Enter the house and head upstairs. Helene is standing on the stairway landing.
 Click on Helene and select the brain icon to analyze her.
 Click on her hair and select “has a classic, timeless style”
 Click on her face and select “elegant and reserved”
 Click on her neck and select “serious, not frivolous”
 Click on her arm and select “strong and disciplined, mentally and physically”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. Malachi notes he needs to touch her hand…+2 points (415
 Speak to Helene. Exhaust her dialogue options. One of them will upset her, but you have to exhaust all
of her dialogue to move forward. +1 point (416 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the conversation and try to operate Helene. Malachi notes she’s angry with him and needs time to
cool down; a gift might also help.

 Walk back downstairs. There’s a glove on the floor of the foyer (it blends in with the white tile and is
difficult to see at first glance). Pick it up to receive HELENE’S GLOVE. +2 points (418 POINTS
 Head back upstairs. Make HELENE’S GLOVE your active inventory item. Click on Helene and give
her the glove.
 Select “Would you allow me?”

 Select “Apologize.”
 Select “Karl’s health.”
 Helene reaches out and touches Malachi; he receives a vision that she is Livia Drusilla. He texts Dexter
to tell him this, and asks David to go down to the party and keep an eye on Helene.
 You now have a dossier for Helene in your phone. View it; Malachi notes that he needs to gather more
data on her to prove his suspicion is correct. +5 points (423 POINTS TOTAL)

 Head upstairs to the top floor, where their private residences are.
 Operate the garbage can to enter a close-up.
 Operate the flowers to move them out of the way. +1 point (424 POINTS TOTAL)
 There is a pregnancy test underneath.
 Examine the pregnancy test and then pick it up to receive PREGNANCY TEST. +3 points (427
 Exit the close-up.
 Examine the star artwork on the wall. +1 point (428 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the desk to enter a close-up.

 Examine the magazine. +1 point (429 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the phone. You’ll enter a close-up of the screen, requiring a password. Exit the close-up. +1
point (430 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the left page of the planner. +1 point (431 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the right page of the planner. +1 point (432 POINTS TOTAL)

 Take the yellow post-it note to get NOTE. +2 points (434 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up and exit to the balcony.
 Examine the USB cable. In your inventory, make SMARTPHONE your active item. Click on the USB
cable and combine it with SMARTPHONE. Malachi plugs the phone in. +2 points (436 POINTS
 You’ll automatically look through the telescope, with the NOTE displayed on the left side of the screen.
 The note contains coordinates; adjust the arrows on the telescope to match the coordinates.

 The top number should be 03:00:00 and the bottom number should be 56:00:00.
 Once you reach those coordinates, click on “Save image” on the “Device found” button.
 Exit the telescope close-up. You now have CONSTELLATION PHOTO in your inventory. +2 points
 Examine CONSTELLATION PHOTO. Exit the balcony and the bedroom; head back downstairs.

 Enter the library. In your inventory, make CONSTELLATION PHOTO your active item.
 Click on the bookshelf with astronomy books. Combine CONSTELLATION PHOTO with this
 Malachi looks up the coordinates; they are Cassiopeia. +2 points (440 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go back upstairs to Helene’s bedroom. Operate her desk.

 Operate her phone. Click on the lock screen and select “Cassiopeia.”
 Malachi views her text messages; she has messages from her lover / father of her child. He needs to
trace the number. Exit the close-up. +3 points (443 POINTS TOTAL)
 Open your phone and enter the contacts. Text Amble Dexter.
 Malachi requests a phone trace; Dexter soon responds that the number belongs to the president of
France. +2 points (445 POINTS TOTAL)
 You now have enough data to analyze Helene. Enter her dossier and select “Analyze.”

 Select “Match” for all 12 data points. Then select “Finish.”

 Malachi texts the data to Dexter. We see David at the party; he sips a glass of wine and quickly realizes
he’s been drugged. Helene sips the same type of wine and faints; she is carried outside and placed in a
black van. The van begins to speed off as Malachi watches helplessly from above; then returns and
picks up the unconscious David as well. Chapter 5 ends. +5 points (450 POINTS TOTAL)

Chapter 6: A Terrible Silence

Overview: With both David and Helene kidnapped, Malachi is on a mission for answers. He needs to figure
out who leaked the info about Helene and track them back to the kidnappers in order to save both her and

 Malachi begins this chapter in Dexter’s office. They’re frantic over David and Helene, but Dexter
believes they are still alive.
 Exhaust Dexter’s dialogue choices. Ask about Walker and exhaust all options about him. +2 points
 Ask about the mole; Dexter grants Malachi access to Reichart’s office.
 Ask about Markham. +2 points (454 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about Reichart; ask “What’s his position at FITA?” +1 point (455 POINTS TOTAL)
 Ask about Reichart; ask “How can you trust Reichart?” +2 points (457 POINTS TOTAL)
 Once you’ve exhausted all dialogue choices, exit the conversation. You now have a dossier on Reichart
in your phone.
 Open your phone and the internet search. Search for “Michael Reichart.” You get too many results.
 Exit your phone and Dexter’s office. Malachi notes Reichart’s office is on the second floor.
 Speak to the guard; Malachi tells him he has free access to Reichart’s office.
 Go up to Reichart’s office.

 Examine the books on his bookshelf. +1 point (458 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the display case to enter a close-up.
 Operate the daughter photo. Examine the daughter photo while up close. +1 point (459 POINTS
 Exit the close-up and operate the son photo. Examine it while up close. +2 points (461 POINTS
 Exit the close-up and operate the wedding photo. Examine it while up close. +2 points (463 POINTS
 Open your phone and go to the internet search. Search for “Michael Reichart Marilyn.” +3 points (466
 Exit your phone. Operate the puzzle box. You’ll enter a close-up; it’s a picture puzzle.

 You need to swap the pieces to form a series of pictures. When you click on a piece, it will be
removed. Click on another piece and the previously removed piece will be put in its spot; the new piece
will be put in the old piece’s spot. A few pieces do not move, which gives a hint as to where to begin.
 Arrange the puzzle pieces to match the image above.
 When you have it correct, the box lid will open. +2 points (468 POINTS TOTAL)
 Take the DATAKEY from inside the box. +2 points (470 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up of the puzzle box and the display case.
 Examine the degree on the wall. +3 points (473 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the cryptology book. You’ll see a close-up of a page on ciphers. Click on it and then exit. +1
point (474 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the file on Reichart’s desk. Click on it and use the hand icon to pick it up. Malachi reviews
the page—it’s about him. Exit the close-up. +3 points (477 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate Reichart’s computer. His password has a hint but it’s encoded by a cipher. Click on the
password and guess one; Malachi writes down the hint on a piece of paper, CRYPTOLOGY PUZZLE.
+1 point (478 POINTS TOTAL)
 To try to solve the CRYPTOLOGY PUZZLE, you need to use the magnifying glass to examine it in
your inventory. However, we don’t know Reichart’s cipher yet.
 Make DATAKEY your active inventory item. Use DATAKEY on Reichart’s computer. +2 points (480
 Again, we still need to figure out his password cipher. Exit the computer for now.
 Exit Reichart’s office. You’ll be in the lobby.
 Click on the elevator to go to Dexter’s office. Speak to Dexter.
 Ask about “Reichart.” Ask “When was he married?” and “What’s his interest in cryptology?” The
conversation ends once you’ve asked both questions. +1 point (481 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit Dexter’s office and the building. Go to Rector’s Antiques. Gretchen is happy to see you’re safe
but very worried about David.
 Speak to Gretchen. Exhaust her dialogue options. She agrees to book you a private charter to DC to see
Markham. Exit the conversation. +4 points (485 POINTS TOTAL)
 Go into Malachi’s office. Operate the desk to enter a close-up.

 Examine the newspaper. +1 point (486 POINTS TOTAL)

 Enter your phone’s internet search and search for “Dr. Andrew Michael Reichart” +4 points (490
 Open your inventory. Use the magnifying glass to examine the CRYPTOLOGY PUZZLE. You have
the correct cipher now. You can go through and try different ciphers until you find one that doesn’t
produce gibberish.

 The correct cipher is “Caesar Cipher” and then “1994 (Olympics)”

 Follow the cipher instructions to unlock the password.
 The answer is “Marilyn’s Maiden Name.” Malachi knows her maiden name is Lewis.
 Now he needs to encrypt the information. Follow the instructions again.
 The correct answer is “KVNER” Exit the puzzle. +10 points (500 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit Malachi’s office. Before you leave, examine the earrings shining on the table.
 Now exit Rector’s Antiques. Return to FITA and go up to Reichart’s office.
 In your inventory, make DATAKEY your active item. Use DATAKEY on Reichart’s computer again.
You’ll be prompted for the password.
 We know it now. Click on the password box and select “KVNER”
 Click on the icon for the USB drive.
 Click on “FITA Employees”

 Click on “Mole.” This file seems to indicate Reichart is innocent. Exit the computer. +3 points (503
 Open your phone and go to Reichart’s dossier. Click “Analyze” to begin his analysis.
 Eliminate everyone except: Alastair Denniston, Herbert Osbourne Yardley, and William Penny
 Select Alastair Denniston. Exit the analysis. +5 points (508 POINTS TOTAL)
 Malachi knows Reichart is not the traitor now.
 Exit Reichart’s office and FITA. On the map, go to Malachi’s apartment. Malachi begins to have a
panic attack as soon as he enters the apartment.
 Operate the door to Malachi’s bedroom upstairs.

 Operate the metal rings. Malachi waits out the panic attack. He realizes that David has an ability to
keep the attacks at bay. +3 points (511 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate Malachi’s closet. He unpacks his suitcase and freshens up. You’re ready to head to the airport
and DC to meet Markham.
 Exit Malachi’s bedroom. Operate the kitchen.
 Click on the knife block and use the hand icon. Malachi decides to take a KNIFE with him.
 Exit Malachi’s apartment. On the map, go to the airport. Malachi flies to Washington, D.C.
 The only address we know here is Markham’s. Head there now.
 Malachi appears in Markham’s office. He offers to help Malachi in any way possible to find the
kidnappers and Helene and David. +3 points (514 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Senator Markham. Exhaust all of his dialogue options. When you ask to see the email, he
refuses, saying he has very sensitive information on his computer.
 We need to see the email, but need a way to convince him first. Exit the conversation. +2 points (516
 Examine the window behind Markham.
 Examine the switch by the windows (and the flag).

 Operate the switch. Malachi asks Markham to close the blinds. We can now sort of see his computer
screen reflected in the window. +2 points (518 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the window and use the brain icon. Malachi examines the computer screen and notices the
password prompt is up. +2 points (520 POINTS TOTAL)

 Speak to Markham. Select “Helene email.” Markham will reach for his computer and begin inputting
his password. Click on the window and select the brain icon to study his movements.
 Malachi learns his password: “1470” Now he needs to get Markham to leave the room. +2 points (522
 Exit the Helene email line of questioning. You can now ask either “Glass of water” or “Personal
assistant question.” Ask the personal assistant question.
 Any of the questions should suffice. We asked “Did he see any unknown vehicles?” Markham leaves
the office to check. +2 points (524 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate Markham’s computer. Enter the passcode: 1470

 Click on the “Mail” icon. Malachi finds the email about Helene and notices it’s been forwarded.
 Click on the “sent” icon in the mailbox. Malachi notes the email address it was forwarded to.. Exit the
 Markham returns and Malachi tells him what’s happened; Markham gives him permission to go speak
to Dominique, the jilted ex-girlfriend. +7 points (531 POINTS TOTAL)
 You’ll be on the D.C. map. A new location is now available: Dominique’s condo.
 Click on Dominique’s condo. You’ll receive a text from Dexter: he doesn’t want you to upset
Dominique and is sending two men to accompany you. Dominique greets you at the door and you sit
next to her on the couch. Dominique’s dossier is added to your phone.

 Click on Dominique and use the brain icon to analyze her.

 Click on her face and select “man-hungry, finds me attractive”
 Click on her necklace and select “thinks antique jewelry makes her look classy”
 Click on her clothes and select “vain, always ready to be ‘seen'”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (533 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the mirror on the wall. +1 point (534 POINTS TOTAL)
 Speak to Dominique.
 Ask for a “Drink.” Dominique notes it’s polite to bring a gift if you’re on a social call.
 Select “Flirt” five times. Dominique says she’s still trying to make up her mind about you.
 Exit the condo.
 Go to the airport and return to Manhattan. Remember those earrings we examined at the beginning of
this chapter?
 Go to Rector’s Antiques. Enter Rector’s Antiques.
 Click on the earrings. Use the hand icon to take them. You now have EARRINGS. +2 points (536
 Exit to the street. Walk down near the newspaper stand and cross the street.
 Enter Cherries on Top. Examine the bottles behind the bar.

 Speak to the bartender. Malachi requests a housewarming gift. You receive WHISKEY. +2 points
 Exit to the map, return to the airport, and go back to Dominique’s condo.
 Malachi automatically gives the WHISKEY and EARRINGS to Dominique upon entering her
apartment. +4 points (542 POINTS TOTAL)
 The two of you sit on the couch again. Speak to Dominique.
 Ask for “A Drink.” Dominique gets up and goes to the bar.
 Operate the side table on the left side of the room. Malachi sorts through the table.
 Examine the newspaper.
 Operate the mail. Examine it and then operate it. +1 point (543 POINTS TOTAL)
 Examine the group photo. +1 point (544 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the close-up. Malachi sits on the couch again and Dominique returns.
 Ask about “Senator Markham.”
 Select “When did you start seeing each other?”
 Select “Did he make you any promises?” When she asks if you agree with her, select “Oh yes.
 Ask “Why did he end things?” When she mentions a civil suit, select “You should sue him.”
 Select “Hospital.” +1 point (545 POINTS TOTAL)
 Respond with “I admire a woman with brains.”
 Select “Parents.” +1 point (546 POINTS TOTAL)
 Respond with “You’re better off without them.”
 Select “College boyfriend.” +1 point (547 POINTS TOTAL)
 Respond with “You must have been angry.” +1 point (548 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Angela Martin.” +1 point (549 POINTS TOTAL)
 You now have enough information to complete your analysis of Dominique.
 Select “Goodbye” to exit the conversation.
 Open your phone. Go to the internet settings and research “Dr. Angela Martin.”
 Open your dossiers and go to Dominique’s. Select “Analyze.”
 Eliminate everyone except Anne Boleyn, Lucrezia Borgia, and Medea.
 Select “Medea” and click “Select.” Exit the analysis.
 Dominique invites you to her bedroom. +10 points (559 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the door to lock it. +1 point (560 POINTS TOTAL)

 In your inventory, make KNIFE your active item. Note: if you didn’t pick up the KNIFE from
Malachi’s apartment, there’s a pair of scissors in the manicure set on Dominique’s dresser.
 Click on Dominique and use the combine items icon to use the KNIFE on her. Malachi threatens her
and demands to know who she forwarded the email to.
 We then see Malachi in Dexter’s office, telling him that Carter is the one behind the kidnapping. Dexter
insists on approaching Carter with caution but Malachi storms out.
 You’ll take control on the map screen; your only available destination is Carter’s home. +6 points (566
 Open your phone and go to the internet search. Search for “Douglas Wilde Carter.” +2 points (568
 Go to Carter’s home. Speak to Carter.

 Select “Cairo attack.”

 Select “Walker’s release.”
 Select “Work for Carter.”
 Respond with “I can identify the patterns.” Malachi offers to demonstrate on Carter himself.
 You now have a dossier on Carter but you need more data. Select “Goodbye” to exit the conversation.
 Operate the wedding pictures on the wall to enter a close-up.
 Examine the picture.
 Click on the picture and use the brain icon. Exit the close-up.
 Operate the pictures on the other wall.
 Use the brain icon on the political pictures. +1 point (569 POINTS TOTAL)
 Use the brain icon on the army pictures. Exit the close-up. +1 point (570 POINTS TOTAL)
 Open your phone and go to the internet search. Search for “Douglas Wilde Carter’s Daughter” +2
points (572 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit your phone. Click on Carter and use the brain icon to analyze him.

 Click on his face and select “proud and intelligent man”

 Click on his shoulder and select “accustomed to having command of a room”
 Click on his pool cue and select “pool is a metaphor; he doesn’t like to lose”
 Select “Finish” and exit the analysis. +2 points (574 POINTS TOTAL)
 Open your phone and go to the dossiers. Click on Carter’s and then “Analyze”
 Eliminate everyone except Benedict Arnold; Godwin, Earl of Essex; and Richard Neville, 16 th Earl of

 Select Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick and choose “Select.” +6 points (580 POINTS TOTAL)
 Carter asks for your employment terms. Select “I want Walker released, unscathed.” +3 points (583
 Carter wants proof of your loyalty. In your inventory, select Markham’s password “1470” as your
active item. Click on Carter and give him the password. (You can also give him the DATAKEY.) +1
point (584 POINTS TOTAL)
 Carter texts his men to not kill David; Malachi grabs him and texts Dexter David’s location. He then
eats Carter’s sim card and leaves. Chapter 6 ends.

Chapter 7: Finding the Light

Overview: The location where David and Helene are being held has been revealed: a fortress in Qatar. Malachi
travels there with the military but decides to take David’s rescue into his own hands.
 Malachi arrives in Qatar to rescue David. The military has also been deployed, but Malachi fears their
priority is Helene and David will be considered expendable.
 Open your phone and search for “Qatar Fortress.” Malachi learns there’s a tunnel system under the
fortress. +1 point (585 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the guarded truck.

 Click on the flashlights and use the hand icon to take one. Malachi speaks to the guard.
 Select “Flashlight.” The guard gives you FLASHLIGHT. +2 points (587 POINTS TOTAL)
 Select “Grenade.” You don’t get a grenade. +2 points (589 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, make FLASHLIGHT your active item.
 Walk over to the unguarded truck to the east.
 Click on the unguarded truck and use the combine items icon. Malachi looks in the truck with his
 Click on the flashbangs and take one. You now have FLASHBANG. +2 points (591 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit the truck. Make the FLASHLIGHT your active item again.
 Click on the rocks behind the truck. Combine them with your FLASHLIGHT. Malachi shines the light
on them and discovers a grate. +2 points (593 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the grate. It’s rusted shut.

 Walk back around the unguarded truck. Make FLASHBANG your active inventory item.

 Click on the military tent. Combine the tent with the FLASHBANG. Malachi will walk behind the
nearby truck and ask to set a timer.
 Select 10 seconds. (Really, you can set it to any time, it doesn’t matter.) Once you have control of
Malachi again, the timer will begin. It’s recommended that you double-click to teleport during this
sequence because he walks pretty slow otherwise.
 Teleport behind the unguarded truck. When the FLASHBANG goes off, the guard will go to
investigate. +2 POINTS (595 POINTS TOTAL)
 Quickly teleport to the truck he was guarding and operate it.

 Click on the grenade box and the hand icon to take a GRENADE. Do this quickly or the guard will
return. +2 points (597 POINTS TOTAL)
 Return to the grate. Make GRENADE your active inventory item.
 Click on the grate and combine it with GRENADE. Malachi places it and you now have the remote
detonator on your screen. +2 points (599 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the unguarded truck again. Take another FLASHBANG. +2 points (601 POINTS TOTAL)
 Use the FLASHBANG on the military tent again. This time, you’re using the noise of the
FLASHBANG to hide the noise of the GRENADE.
 Set the timer to whatever you’d like. +2 points (603 POINTS TOTAL)

 The timer will countdown on the screen, below your detonator. As soon as the timer hits zero, click the
detonator button on your GRENADE detonator. The FLASHBANG should go off almost immediately
after the GRENADE, and Malachi will comment that it worked. +2 POINTS (605 POINTS TOTAL)
 Return to the grate. Let’s take another FLASHBANG, just in case.
 Operate the grate. Malachi climbs into the tunnels.
 We take control of David, stuck in a prison cell with Helene. +3 points (608 POINTS TOTAL)

 Speak to Helene. Exhaust her dialogue options (“Her Baby” will get her to snap out of it). +2 points
 Select “The Prison”
 Select “The Situation”
 Examine the crack in the floor. David notices a tunnel below them.
 Try to operate the crack.
 Examine the door. Try to operate the door.
 Speak to Helene again. Select “The Guard.” Helene agrees to help distract the guard. +2 points (612
 You need to move quickly in the next sequence. Operate the door to begin.

 As soon as possible, click on the guard and operate him. David will attack him. If you wait too long,
the guard will shoot David. Be sure to move quickly. +3 points (615 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the unconscious guard. Take his PRISON KEYS and GUN. Exit the close-up. +4 points (619
 Operate the doorway to leave the cell. +1 point (620 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, make PRISON KEYS your active item.

 Click on David’s cell and use the PRISON KEYS. David locks the door so the guard can’t follow
them. +1 point (621 POINTS TOTAL)
 Click on the gate and use PRISON KEYS on it to unlock it. +1 point (622 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the gate. David and Helene climb down into the tunnels. +1 point (623 POINTS TOTAL)

 Click on the torch on the wall and take it. +2 points (625 POINTS TOTAL)
 You can’t use hotspots in the tunnel maze. You’ll need to scroll around and search for exits.
 Take the exit to the north (only one in this room).
 Take the exit to the west (only one in this room).
 Take the exit to the north (there are two in this room).
 Take the exit to the north (only one in this room).
 Take the exit to the north (only one in this room).
 Take the exit to the west (only one in this room).
 Take the exit to the west (only one in this room).

 Examine the constellation on the wall. It hints to head west (north to David, west to the player).
 Before following the constellation, head south one screen. There is a rope here. Pick it up. +2 points
 Take the exit to the north (only one in this room).
 In the next room, a guard appears and David shoots him. He comments he needs a way to slow the
guards down…+2 points (629 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the west.
 Exit to the south.

 You’ll enter a room with wooden supports holding boulders above the door.
 In your inventory, make ROPE your active item.
 Click on the wooden supports and use ROPE on them.
 David pulls the supports down, blocks the doorway, and picks his ROPE back up. +5 points (634
 The next room has a constellation pointing south. Head south.
 Head south again.
 Head west and then head west again.
 Head west again.
 There’s a constellation here pointing north.
 Head north, then north again, then north a third time.
 The next room has a constellation pointing west. Head west.
 Head west again.

 The next room has a constellation pointing north. Head north.

 Head north one more time. David and Helene emerge in an open area and decide to rest. +3 points (637
 You take control of Malachi, who has just entered the tunnels.
 Head east.
 Since Malachi is not trying to find the exit, he needs to go the opposite direction of the constellations.
Head east again.
 Head north and north again.
 Then head east.
 There is a PICK AXE in this room. Pick it up. +2 points (639 POINTS TOTAL)
 Head south and then south again.
 Head south again. There’s a mine cart and a wall in this room.
 Operate the mine cart. Malachi pushes it against the wall. +2 points (641 POINTS TOTAL)

 Operate the mine cart again. Malachi climbs up on it.

 In your inventory, make PICK AXE your active item. Click on the wall and use the PICK AXE on it.
Malachi makes footholds in the wall. +2 points (643 POINTS TOTAL)
 Operate the wall. Malachi climbs up and over. +2 points (645 POINTS TOTAL)
 Exit to the south.
 Head south.
 Head east. There’s a constellation in this room pointing west.
 Head east.
 Head east, then south and south again.
 This room has a constellation pointing west. Head east.
 Head north.
 This room has a constellation pointing south. Continue north.
 Head east and east again.

 Malachi reunites with David and Helene. +5 points (650 POINTS TOTAL)

 Head through the north exit, then north again.

 Head north then east.
 Malachi and David realize that the tide is coming in and they’ll drown soon if they don’t get out.
Malachi leans into a panic attack in order to find the exit.
 You’ll see a handful of images float around. You need to click on the ones related to the fortress. There
are six images total that you need to identify.
 Most of the images you need to select not only depict aspects of the fortress—the prison, tunnels, etc.—
but they also have a similar art style as if they were painted in the same era / by the same artist.

 Click on the images displayed above. If you click on a wrong image (easy to do, as they rotate faster
each time you make a correct selection), that image will simply flash a soft red and then be returned to
the rotation.
 Once you’ve selected all the correct images, Malachi will receive a mental map of how to get out. This
blue map remains on your screen. +5 points (655 POINTS TOTAL)
 The exit is the circle at the top of the map; Malachi and company are marked at the bottom.
 Head east, then north, then east, then east.
 Head north, north, west.
 Head north again. You’ll be one room away from the exit. You need to get up on the ledge above the

 Pick up the ladder. David escorts everyone up the ledge. +7 points (662 POINTS TOTAL)
 In your inventory, make ROPE your active item. Use ROPE on Malachi. +5 points (667 POINTS
 David swims Helene and Malachi to safety. He’s washed away by the current; Malachi focuses and
manages to see what tunnel he would be washed to. Malachi rushes to the tunnel and rescues David.
They leave Qatar…Chapter 7 and the game ends.


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