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Lab 2 Etoys Basics: University of Illinois Computer Science Department

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University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Lab 2 Etoys Basics

(c) 2005, 2010 Lenny Pitt. Permission is granted to copy in whole or in part for nonprofit educational use.

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Lab 2 Etoys Basics

You already have used important programming concepts during the car tutorial. In this section, youll get a better understanding of what actually happens and why - when you code your objects to do more interesting things. Real world vs virtual world Remember the virtual car? Well, everything in the programming world is virtual. The real world is the world around you everything you see, feel or interact with is part of the real world. The virtual world is a representation of the real world something that you, as a programmer, can create and control. So, since we are programming in the virtual world, why even bother about the real world? Well, virtual world objects are very similar to real life objects. The real world has objects with properties and behaviors. The virtual world has objects with variables and scripts. What is an object? It is anything you want it to be. It is something that you draw, or that you pull out of the supplies bin in Etoys, or it is something that is composed of many smaller such parts. Writing programs in Etoys, or in many object-oriented programming languages, amounts to describing a collection of objects (the "things") and their behaviors. Properties of objects Each object has variables or properties that describe its basic attributes (such as height, width, length, color, speed (say, for cars), or height, hair-color, age, mood (for people)). These attributes can be constant (like a car's width), or may vary (like a person's age). Since in principle, any of these can be changed (varied), we call them all variables. In addition to specifying what the objects are, we must also say how they behave, which is done by writing scripts in Etoys (called "methods" in Java). In the following, well learn additional programming constructs by creating a roadway for our car to drive on as part of a simple car-driving game.

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual Step 1: Recovering Your Work. Open Etoys, and Find your project by clicking on the Find button on the Navigator Bar. Click on Etoys in the left pane, select your project in the right pane, and click OK. Either draw the following, or drag them from the desktop if they have been provided. Name them garage and road. Shown here, reduced and not to scale.

Lay them out so that the road connects to the garage. Click on the car and the wheel to bring them to the front. Just like other programs, you can usually drop a file into a document that is open by an application program that knows how to handle the file. Etoys knows how to handle image files it imports them and pretends they are pictures you have just drawn. No pane, no gain: Using panes in a viewer Notice that the viewer is broken up into different panes. Each pane shows a category of action tiles and properties. You may see search, basic, or others. Click on the blue plus sign that is in the top right corner of a viewer. Notice how more panes appear? Click on a circle at the top of one of the panes, and notice that the pane disappears. Dont worry, you can get it back again. You can have as many panes open as can fit on your screen. Every pane is the same in that it can hold any of the categories that you set it to. To change the category of tiles appearing in a pane, use the pull down menu at the top of the pane. On the next page, weve shown you some of the more useful panes, and the instructor may talk about these, or give you time to explore. Make notes next to the tiles as you learn about them.

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual Dont get overwhelmed with options or concern about not absorbing it all. The basic pane has perhaps all you need right now, but geometry and motion have some additional useful properties. Well see more panes as we need them. In programming languages, there are often MANY MANY options available. One of the skills of learning a language is slowly learning over time the various commands that you can use. Languages like Java have large libraries of pre-made scripts that you can import to your own program instead of doing it from scratch. But searching for the right thing can also be frustrating. For now, learn to use the tools that you know about to best advantage. When you learn a new command in a new pane, you may say Oh that makes doing such and such soooo much easier!

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Random numbers

Create a script to make the car react randomly when moused Create a new car script called jump containing car forward by 5. Drag out a random number tile by first clicking on the icon of the small box near the right corner of the script header. Drop the tile over the 5 so that you get the following:

Fire it once by clicking on the exclamation point and see how much the car jumps forward.. Repeat and see how it changes each time. Random 180 picks a random number between 1 and 180 each time the statement is executed. The whole idea of randomness is that it is not always the same, and it is unpredictable. Change random 180 to random 10. How would you make it jump backwards? Random 100 chooses a number between 1 and 100 randomly. Random 100 chooses a negative number between 1 and 100. How would you get it to jump EITHER forward or backward? Hint: Start over with car forward by 5 and click on right arrow, and add random tile, to get car forward by 6 + random 11. Why does that work? List all possibilities. You can choose the range of a random number. By using simple arithmetic you can change the range in interesting ways. What will [2 * random 10] result in? Random numbers are used in many ways in computer science: For video games, you want some unpredictability. Random numbers are used in cryptography and in e-commerce to make sure that people cant figure out your Visa card, or impersonate you electronically. Random numbers are also used a lot in building computer experiments and simulations to see, say, how a disease spreads throughout a population, or how traffic congestion changes depending on how traffic lights are placed.

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Execute script on mouseover Click and hold on normal and select a condition like on mouseup or mouseEnter. See what happens when you click or mouse over the car.

Programming languages allow different ways for the programs to interact with the user. Sometimes you want to click, sometimes to just move the mouse over, sometimes you want to use the keyboard as an input device. A good programming language gives you ways to listen to various input devices, and use this information within a program. In a later lab, well be showing you how to control objects using the keyboard
Assignment Statements. In Etoys, green/white arrows are assignment statements. These can be used to change properties, like location, by programming. You get them by dragging the arrow out of the viewer pane.

Assignment statements are one of the main tools in all programming. You store data by assigning its value to a memory location, much as you would in a calculator. You can later change the value by adding to it, multiplying it, etc, and reassigning its value to the new value.
Create a fire-once script to reset an object with assignment statements. Well create a script to position the car on the driveway ready to go Drag out an emptyscript for the car, and call it goHome. Drag green/white arrow cars x <- , and cars y <-, and cars heading <Click and see what happens. Change the values on right side of arrows, and click ! again and see. Can you figure out what the numbers should be so the car is in the driveway ready to drive out in the correct direction? (hint: move the car to where you want it to be and see what the correct x, y coordinates are) (warning: once the car is at the garage, it may be under the garage and hidden from view. If so, you may need to send to back for garage. this is done by selecting that option from the white halo icon of the garage ask your instructor for help)

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Often, programs need to be initialized or reset to initial positions, or values for all data, before they can begin again. In a video game, that would be the players health, level, location, etc. For medical diagnosis software, you might zero out the current patient data and start over, entering new data about a new patient. We wouldnt want to forget to set things back to healthy or unknown, otherwise a new patient may look like she has the previous patients measurements.

Create a button to fire a fire-once script Click on the white menu in the top right of the goHome scriptor. Click and scroll down to select button to fire this script. Set the button down where youd like it, and try it. Note you cant move a button by clicking on it you need to alt-click to get the halo, and use the black tongs or brown move icons on the top of the halo)

Often we use or create widgets like buttons and sliders to make it easier for the user to interact with a program. A lot of study goes into which layouts, and behaviors of programs, make for good user experiences.
Make one script start another ticking Insert the tile car start script drive at the end of the goHome script. The tile can be found in the scripting (not scripts) category of the cars viewer. (now goHome is a bad name. Perhaps startOver is better. Change the name of the script to startOver by clicking on the name and typing the new name when it is highlighted. Make sure to hit enter. Notice that your goHome button has now also changed its name automatically)

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

You should have something like the above script. Now, when you click on the button, the car should reposition itself in the driveway, and start moving. Its up to you to get to the finish line.

One script starting or firing another is a common practice in programming. If one big script, or program had to do everything, nobody would understand it. Each script is a specialist that handles just one part of the overall design. startOver doesnt need to know how the cars script drive works. It just tells the car to do its thing, and relies on the assumption that the drive script works properly. Just as large complex companies have specialists and an organizational hierarchy, and just as buildings have different subsystems (plumbing, electrical, roofing, ) software is broken up into subsystems and modular pieces that all work together. A challenge is to make sure that they DO work together, and not at odds with each other.
TESTS We put the car on road, and test when it reaches the finish line. Create a new empty script called finishRace

Tearing off a TEST box and placing into a new script

obtain this tile: and place it in the script:

from here

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Obtaining test tiles from the tests category pane. Your instructors will show you how to select the cars color sees tile, and go through the following sequence by clicking on the color boxes to set the test to see if the specific red of the car ever touches the specific yellow of the finish line.

Start here: in the cars viewer (tests category pane) and drag and drop the top tile cars color sees into the finishRace script, and set the colors to get

first this:

then this:

We want to test when the red of the car touches the yellow of the finish line. We can set the colors in the color sees test by clicking on the first small colored box in the colorsees tile, which brings up an eyedropper, which we then click on the red part of the car. We do the same with the second box and the yellow of the finish line. Finally, go to the scripting category pane of the cars viewer, and pull out the tile that says car pause script emptyscript, drop it next to YES (look for the green highlight to know where to drop it), and change emptyscript to read drive. You should know have:

University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual Creating new Variables (properties) How can we keep track of the gas used by our car? If you explore all of the panes in the viewer for car, youll find all sorts of properties like heading, theta, brightness under, all of which have to do with sketches on a computer screen. But none of which have anything to do with being a car. Wouldnt it be nice if there was a gas property, and as the car drove, the gas ran out? What is great about programming in any language is that you can pretty much do whatever youd like. Well create a gas property. Well start calling these variables, because their values can change, or vary. Most programming languages use the term variables. To create a variable, click on the small v at the very top of the viewer. A menu will come up asking you to name the variable. Type in the word gas. Afterwards, the variables pane will probably appear. Using watchers for variables No decent car neglects to allow you to see how much fuel you have remaining. To the left of the cars gas tile is a small menu icon. Click on it, and then select detailed watcher, and pull out something like this:

This is a watcher, and is just a display that shows us the current value of the gas property. If you change the amount shown in the viewer, it will also change in the watcher, and vice-versa. Lets start off with a lot of gas: Change the amount by typing in some large number, say 100. Now, how can we make the car use gas as it goes, and, if it runs out, the car should stop? You already know all the answers! You can use a variable assignment to change the amount of gas at each tick, as the car moves forward. By clicking and dragging on the green/white arrow next to cars gas in the viewer, insert the following tile into the cars drive script.


University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual By clicking on gas increase decrease , you can choose from several options. To enter a fractional (decimal) value as shown above for the amount of gas to use at each tick, simply type in 0.1 for example. Testing the values of variables in TEST statements. How can we make the car stop if we are out of gas? If we look on the tests pane for the car, we see only things like overlaps (if the car overlaps a particular other object), colorsees (very useful), but nothing that lets us test the amount of gas. Wed like to test whether the gas is at 0, or (less than or equal to 0). Every property can be tested to see whether its value is higher, lower, equal, to any particular number, or any other value. Build the following, and add it to your drive script:

Where does the tile cars gas <= 0 come from? If you drag out the variable name cars gas which you created, (do not drag by the white arrow), then when placed down correctly next to the TEST, it will expand to something like cars gas < 5, and at that point you can change the number youre comparing it to, as well as whether the comparison is for less than, greater than, etc. This tells Etoys to stop the drive script, which is the one moving the car, if the car should happen to run out of gas. Now, see what the least amount of gas you can use in getting from the start to the finish! Is there a way to stop the car should you run out of gas? Extensions: Are you worried that people can cheat by going off road. Use a test to keep the driver from escaping the roadway.


University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Tie all things together with start script, test for finish. This is a good time to pause and think of three creative ways to extend the car project. Some examples are on the next page. Think of your own!


University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

1. Place gas tanks on the road, if you go over them your gas increases TEST cars overlaps gastank YES cars gas increase by 10 2. Instead of gas being exhausted, why not record the time. Create a new variable called time, set it to 0 in the goHome script, and then with each time tick increase the time by one. 3. If the car hits a banana peel, it skids out of control Use a colorsees test over the banana peel, and the consequence could be a random turn and random forward move. The possibilities are endless!


University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Lab 2 Skill Summary

Finding your project in the My Etoys folder Using panes in a viewer: getting more panes, changing pane categories most useful categories: basic, motion, geometry, scripts, tests Random numbers, and adjusting the random range, and random jumping Execute scripts on mouseover and other events Assignment statements give values to variables Creating a reset script that does assignments Buttons to fire a fire-once script. One script starts another ticking TESTS (conditional statements) Obtaining test conditions from the tests category pane colorsees One script pauses anothers execution Creating your own variables (example, score) Detailed (and simple) watchers for property and variable display Use a test to keep the car from cheating by going off road


University of Illinois Computer Science Department Etoys Lab Manual

Lab 2 Review Questions

1. You and a friend are arguing over where to go to lunch. You have no coins to flip, but you do have Etoys. What can you do to decide the question fairly? 2. What pane would you go to to figure out how tall an object was? 3. What is the difference between car start script move and car do script move? 4. True or False: A watcher can be used to see the value of a variable or property of an object, but it cannot be used to change the value. 5. What does the test colorsees do? Give two examples of projects where you might use it. 6. What does the test obtrudes do? (You may need to explore this one on your own. Try dragging out a watcher for it, and then move your object around the screen, especially near the edges.) How can you use this in a game? 7. In the car tutorial, we forced the car to stop when it hit the edge of the road. How might you change the script so that the car turned back onto the road and kept on going?


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