Sanjaybhai Ranchhodbhai Patel (1) - Watermark
Sanjaybhai Ranchhodbhai Patel (1) - Watermark
Sanjaybhai Ranchhodbhai Patel (1) - Watermark
ITA No.1225/Ahd/2019
Assessment Year: 2011-12
3. The original return of income was filed on 28.03.2012 showing total income
of Rs.41,81,710/- which was processed under Section 143(1) of the Income Tax
WWW.TAXSCAN.IN - Simplifying Tax Laws - 2024 TAXSCAN (ITAT) 696
ITA No.1225/Ahd/2019
Assessment Year: 2011-12
Page 2 of 4
Rs.4,91,871/- towards the disallowance under Section 36(1)(iii) of the Act. The
Assessing Officer also made disallowance under Section 14A of the Act
amounting to Rs.1,71,576/-
4. Being aggrieved by the Assessment Order, the assessee filed appeal
before the CIT(A). The CIT(A) partly allowed the appeal of the assessee.
5. The Ld. AR submitted that on the basis of material found, the reopening is
not permissible in respect of protective addition as the reasons are only of
assumption. The reasons categorially not mentioned by the assessee as
purchaser or seller and there was no nexus between the information and
formation of the assessee’s involvement in the transaction. Thus, the Ld. AR
submitted that there was no application of mind while reopening the assessee’s
case. The Ld. AR further submitted that notice issued under Section 148 of the
Act is also not erroneous as the Assessment Order mentioned in the said notice is
that of 2009-10 and not the year under consideration.
6. The Ld. DR submitted that the notice issued under Section 148 of the Act
was that for the year 2011-12 only and the mistake in the paragraph no.2 of the
notice is a typographical error as the subject itself mentions notice under Section
148 for the A.Y. 2011-12. As regards reopening not permissible under protective
addition, it will not be appropriate as the assessee is the partner in the group that
has been searched and, therefore, the reopening was validly done.
7. We have heard both the parties and perused all the relevant material
available on record. It is pertinent to note that the subject of notice under Section
148 of the Act clearly mentions that the Assessment Year is 2011-12 and,
therefore, mention of Assessment Year 2009-10 is just a typographical error,
appears to be genuine contention of the Ld. AR. As regards reopening not
permissible in respect of protective addition, since the substantive addition has
already been made in case of the firm, the Assessing Officer cannot make
protective addition in the present assessee’s case which tantamount to double
taxation and, therefore, ground no.2 is allowed.
8. Since the assessment itself becomes bad in law as stated hereinabove, the
merit is not decided upon.
WWW.TAXSCAN.IN - Simplifying Tax Laws - 2024 TAXSCAN (ITAT) 696
ITA No.1225/Ahd/2019
Assessment Year: 2011-12
Page 4 of 4
Sd/- Sd/-
Accountant Member Judicial Member
By order
Assistant Registrar
Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
Ahmedabad benches, Ahmedabad