Promotion Circular

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Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
[Training Division]

Block-4, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-67

Dated: 30.05.2024


Subject: Knowledge Co-Creation Program on "Promotion of Food Value Chain

for Community-Based Agri-Business" to held in Japan from 17.10.2024
to 28.11.2024 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the
Government of Japan.

The undersigned is directed to state that the Japan International Cooperation

Agency (JlCA) has invited applications for Knowledge Co-Creation Program on
"Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business" to held in Japan
from 17.10.2024 to 28.11.2024 under the Technical Cooperation Program of the
Government of Japan.

2. This training program aims to help improve the income of small-scale farmers and
establish food value chains (FVC) in developing countries by practicing and disseminating
Agricultural management methods that meet the market needs.

3. The Applying organizations are expected to select nominees who meet the
following qualifications.

I) Officially nominated by his/her own government.

ii) Current Duties: be an official/researcher/representative of business
association or committee currently responsible for FVC promotion and
development, especially those who are involved in the sector of Food
Production (Agriculture, Livestock, etc.) such as production, manufacturing,
processing, distribution and consumption. Mixed participants from industry
(private or public associations) - government (central or local) — academia
(university, research institutions, etc.) are highly recommended.
iii) Experience in the relevant field: have practical experience of more than Five
(5) years' experience.
iv) Educational Background: be a graduate of university or equivalent level.
v) English Language Qualification: Language: have a competent command of
vi) Age: No age limit.
vii) Health: must be in good health (Both physically and mentally) and more
details of the program may be seen in the brochure.

4. In addition, the following information in respect of the nominated officers may

please be mentioned while furnishing the nomination: -

(a) Whether he/she has attended any foreign training program in the past? If so,
the duration/details thereof;
(b) Whether he/she is cleared from vigilance angle;
(c) Age: No age limit;
(d) Whether he/she is working in North East State/J&K;
(e) A brief in 50-100 words justifying the nomination. . .2/..

5. The course covers the cost of a round-trip air ticket between international airports
designated by JICA and Japan; Accommodation arranges by JlCA; allowances for meals,
living expenses and stopover); expenses for JICA study tours and medical care for
participants who become ill after arriving in Japan (the costs relating to pre-existing illness,
pregnancy, or dental treatment are not included).

6. It is requested that the nomination of suitable candidates may please be forwarded

(in two copies) to this Department in JICA's prescribed format duly authenticated by the
HOD of the concerned Ministry/Department/State Governments/UTs in accordance with
the eligibility criteria.

7. The applications should reach this Department through the Administrative

Ministry/Department not later than 02.08.2024. Nominations received after the prescribed
date may not be considered. The details of the program (General Information Brochure)
and application form may be taken from the website of DoPT.

eshraj Yadav)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele No: 011-26194167
Copy to: - (Through DoPT's website).

a. Secretary, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Gol, New Delhi.

b. Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Gol, New Delhi.
c. Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Gol, New Delhi
d. Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Gol, New Delhi.
e. Chief Secretaries to State Governments/Union Territories (with request to
circulate the same amongst related Departments/Organizations under them)
(through the website of this Department).
£ Senior Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency, l6th Floor,
Hindustan Times House, 18-20 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi -110001.
g. NlC with request to post the circular along with the JICA's circular on this
Department's website.

Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food
Value Chain for
Agri-Business (B)

Course Number: 202313562J001

Course Period: October 17- November 28, 2024

NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Leader DC and Google Chrome are recommended as PDF viewer. JAWS and NVDA are recommended as screen reader.
NOTE: If there are any difficulties in reading this document, please contact JICA Office in your country or JICA Center in Japan.
NOTE: Depending on the circumstances, some or all of the program periods may be changed or cancelled after the application has been accepted.
How do we
design & build
Food Value Chain?
Learn methodology of food value chain,
and Gain insight to an essence of
sustainable regional development more
practical, more interactive, more
inspirational from the experiences of
This program is designed for
the personnel in Agriculture
related governmental
organizations and academic and
research organization to learn
about Japanese food value
chain practice (FVC).
You will also learn Japan style
supply chain and value chain
The course will be held face to
face and will include self-study
and discussion.
You will experience FVC
directly in the field of Japan.
You can use the knowledge
gained in this program to find
ways to apply to your own
All sessions are carried out in

Period of the program

October 17 to November 28,

Course Capacity
20 participants
JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program
The Japanese Cabinet released the Development Cooperation Charter in
June 2023, stated that “In its development cooperation, Japan has
maintained the spirit of jointly creating things that suit partner countries
while respecting ownership, intentions and intrinsic characteristics of the
country concerned based on a field oriented approach through dialogue and
collaboration. It has also maintained the approach of building reciprocal
relationships with developing countries in which both sides learn from each
other and grow and develop together.” We believe that this ‘Knowledge Co-
Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Table of Contents
For what/To Whom?
(Job Areas and Organizations, Targeted Countries) ............................................. 6

(Online Program Period, Face-to-Face Program Period) ....................................... 7

(Place Where the Program Take Place) .............................................................. 8

(How to Learn, Language, Commitment to the SDGs) .............................................. 8
(Program Structure) .................................................................................... 9
(Instructors, Coordinator, Interpreter, Program Officer) ........................................ 10

(Past Program Alumni Comments) ................................................................. 11

Eligibility and Procedures

(Expectations to the Applying Organizations, Nominee Qualifications) ...................... 13
(Required Documents for Application) ............................................................... 13
(Procedures for Application and Selection) ........................................................ 14
(Additional Document(s) to Be Submitted by Accepted Candidates) ........................... 14
(Conditions for Participation) ........................................................................ 15

Administrative Arrangements
(Organizer (JICA Center in Japan), Implementing Partner, Travel to Japan,
Accommodation in Japan, Expenses, Pre-departure Orientation) ...................... 16-17

(Country Report) ....................................................................................... 18

For Your Reference

(JICA and Capacity Development, Japanese Development Experience) ....................... 21
For To
What? Whom?
――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――
Background Job Areas and
. In developing countries, consumer The administrative organization who
demand for food products is
has intention to manage FVC
expanding and their needs are
diversifying by economic growth.
-National/Local Government,
Although food production in these
Ministry, Municipality, etc.
countries is mainly supported by
-University, Research Institution,
small-scale farmers, the current
situation does not lead to higher Private Sector
incomes for small-scale farmers The applying organization with the best intention
to utilize the opportunity of this program will be
because they do not fully practice highly valued in the selection.
farming to satisfy market needs. ―――――――――――――――――――
This training program aims to help Targeted Countries
improve the income of small-scale
Cambodia, Vietnam, Mongolia, India,
farmers and establish food value
Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Iraq, Turkey,
chains (FVC) in developing countries
Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Cameroon,
by practicing and disseminating
Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Haiti
Agricultural management methods
Azerbaijan, Zambia
that meet the market needs.
Objectives Participants who have successfully completed
the program will be awarded a certificate by
This program will be conducted with JICA.
the purpose of practicing and
disseminating products management
methods that meet market needs in
developing countries, and contributing
to the improvement of small-scale
farmers' income and the stablishment
of FVC.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
When? Where?
This course is organized by JICA
Shikoku Center and the program will
Program Period
be operated by Kochi University.
ONSITE (in Japan): You will also receive essential materials
October 17- November 28, 2024 for your self-study at your office or
home prior to the course start.
Real-time lecture, sight visit,
workshop, discussion, etc.

How to Learn
• Lectures • Discussions
• Field Visits • Q&A Session
• Workshops • Presentations

Commitment to the SDGs

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Program Structure
1st Week
General Orientation in JICA Tokyo
Country Report Presentaion
Visit to Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MAFF)
Visit to Ota Fresh Market
Move to Kochi

2nd Week
Lecture about FVC from Kochi University
Lecture about Agriculture Policy of Kochi prefectural Office
Discussion and Presentation

3rd Week
Lecture about Livestock Policy of Kochi Prefectural Office
Lecture about Agriculture Cooperatives
Site Visit & Field Work at Agri-Product Processing Company

4th Week
Lecture about Tosa Food Business Creator-Product Development,
Branding, Marketing
Lecture about Small Scale Farms
Site Visit to Private Production Companies

5th Week
Site Visit to Private Companies
Lecture about Logistics
Action Plan Guidance
Discussion & Work on Action Plan

6th Week
Action Plan Presentation
Courese Evaluation
Closing Ceremony

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Management Members
Course Leader
Mr. Kohei SATO
Kochi University
He has been in charge of promoting international collaboration in order
to solve various challenges and agenda we are facing. He hopes that all
participants enjoy the course and learn a lot from Kochi.

Programe Officers in JICA

Mr. Shunichi NAKADA
Senior Advisor, Agriculture and Rural Development, JICA HQ
Message: Hello, participants. I have worked for agriculture
development for over 30 years, half in Japan (Ministry of Agriculture)
and half in other countries. My experience tells me there are lots of
similarities in agriculture development process beyond countries.
What I would like you to extract from this courses is, to identify similarity and extract
lessons from Japanese experience in value chain development, which you can apply
back in your country.

Ms. Katsura YAMAUCHI

Programe Officer, JICA Shikoku
Message: Greetings from JICA Shikoku. This program will provide you a lot
of learning opportunities, and tips to the challenging issues in your
country. We are looking forward to interacting with you and deepening
your understanding.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001

Past Program Alumni Comments



As a Federal Agent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock acting as Coordinator

for Agribusiness Innovation Environments and Secretary of the Thematic Chamber of
Agrodigital Innovation for Agriculture and Livestock the experience of participating at
the Course promoted by JICA and Kochi University " Promotion of Food Value Chain
for Community-Based-Agribusiness" exceeded my personal expectations as it
demonstrated a lot of synergy with the strategic axes pursued in Brazilian public
policies for agriculture, such as sustainability, bioeconomy, open innovation, digital
and foodtech. I recommend everyone who has this opportunity to have this
absolutely enriching exchange of experience for those who work with production


As an educator, extensionist and advocate of rural community development, the

program has been my anchor towards the promotion of food value chain (FVC) in our
local community. The program has further strengthened my knowledge towards
value-adding concepts such as endogenous evolution and 6th sector
industrialization. These concepts have guided me as I extend and speak to rural
communities and in my entrepreneurial classes. With this direction, I am hopeful
that as we continue to promote FVC shifting from conventional mindset to
agribusiness mindset, we can create a collaborative and synergistic community to
uplift lives and contribute in food security and sustainability.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Eligibility and
1. Expectations to the Applying Organizations
(1) This course is designed primarily for organizations that intend to address
specific issues or problems identified in their operation. Applying
organizations are expected to use the program for those specific purposes.
(2) This course is enriched with contents and facilitation schemes specially
developed in collaboration with relevant prominent organizations in Japan.
These special features enable the course to meet specific requirements of
applying organizations and effectively facilitate them toward solutions for
the issues and problems.
2. Nominee Qualifications

Applying organizations are expected to select nominees who meet the following
(1) Essential Qualifications
1) Officially nominated by his/her own government.

2) Current Duties: be an official/researcher/representative of business

association or committee currently responsible for FVC promotion and
development, especially those who are involved in the sector of Food
Production (Agriculture, Livestock, etc.) such as production, manufacturing,
processing, distribution and consumption. Mixed participants from industry
(private or public associations) - government (central or local) - academia
(university, research institutions, etc.) are highly recommended.

3) Experience in the relevant field: have practical experience of more than Five
(5) years’ experience in the field of mentioned above 2).

*More than middle ranking executives as a position in your organization will be the
main target.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
4) Educational Background: be a graduate of university or equivalent level.

5) Language: have a competent command of spoken and written English.

6) Health: must be in good health, both physically and mentally, to participate

in the program.

7) IT environment & literacy: Stable and Hi-Speed internet and PC (at least 3GB
of vacancy) are essential for your participation (during ONLINE period). You
are required to use Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc. for having your
presentations and working on program-related activities. It is also possible for
you to learn with assigned/extra online materials such as videos. This ONLINE
program will be delivered by Google Classroom. If you have any concern,
please ask JICA office freely.


2. Required Documents for Application

(1) Application Form: The Application Form is available at the JICA
overseas office (or the Embassy of Japan)
* If you have any difficulties/disabilities which require assistance, please
specify necessary assistances in the QUESTIONNAIRE ON MEDICAL STATUS
RESTRICTION (1-(c)) of the application form. Information will be reviewed and
used for reasonable arrangements.

(2) Photocopy of Passport: if you possess your passport which you will
carry when entering Japan for this program. If not, you are requested to
submit its photocopy as soon as you obtain it.
*The following information should be included in the photocopy:
Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Sex, Passport Number and Expiry Date

(3) Questionnaire: to be submitted with the application form. Fill in



JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
4. Procedures for Application and Selection

(1) Submission of the Application Documents

Deadline for application: August 20, 2024.

(2) Selection
Primary screening is conducted at the JICA overseas office (or the embassy of
Japan) after receiving official documents from your government.
JICA Shikoku Center will consult with concerned organizations in Japan in the
process of final selection. Applying organizations with the best intentions to
utilize the opportunity will be highly valued.

The Government of Japan will examine applicants who belong to the military
or other military-related organizations and/or who are enlisted in the
military, taking into consideration of their duties, positions in the
organization and other relevant information in a comprehensive manner to
be consistent with the Development Cooperation Charter of Japan.

(3) Notice of Acceptance

The JICA overseas office (or the Embassy of Japan) will notify the results not
later than September,9 2024.

5. Additional Documents to Be Submitted by Accepted
1)Inception Report (Power point)

2)Pre-Interview Sheet & Data Collection Sheet (Word)

-- to be Submitted by October 11, 2024.

Document Forms will be sent to the accepted candidates with the Notice
of Acceptance.

6. Conditions for Participation
The participants of KCCP are required
(1) to strictly observe the course schedule,

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
(2) not to change the air ticket (and flight class and flight schedule arranged by
JICA) and lodging by the participants themselves,
(3) to understand that leaving Japan during the course period (to return to home
country, etc.) is not allowed (except for programs longer than one year),
(4) not to bring or invite any family members (except for programs longer than
one year),
(5) to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be
stipulated by both the nominating Government and the Japanese
Government in respect of the course,
(6) to observe the rules and regulations of the program implementing partners to
provide the program or establishments,
(7) not to engage in political activities, or any form of employment for profit,
(8) to discontinue the program, should the participants violate the Japanese laws
or JICA’s regulations, or the participants commit illegal or immoral conduct,
or get critical illness or serious injury and be considered unable to continue
the course. The participants shall be responsible for paying any cost for
treatment of the said health conditions except for the medical care
stipulated in (3) of “3.Expenses”, “Administrative Arrangements”,
(9) to return the total amount or a part of the expenditure for the KCCP
depending on the severity of such violation, should the participants violate
the laws and ordinances,
(10) not to drive a car or motorbike, regardless of an international driving license
(11) to observe the rules and regulations at the place of the participants’
accommodation, and
(12) to refund allowances or other benefits paid by JICA in the case of a change
in schedule.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
1. Organizer (JICA Shikoku Center in Japan)
(1) Center: JICA Shikoku Center (JICA SHIKOKU)
(2) Program Officer: Ms. Katsura YAMAUCHI (

2. Implementing Partner
(1) Name: Kochi University
(2) Course Leader: Mr. Kohei SATO
(3) URL:

3. Expenses
The following expenses in Japan will be provided by JICA
(1) Allowances for meals, living expenses, and stopover.
(2) Expenses for study tours (basically in the form of train tickets).
(3) Medical care for participants who become ill after arriving in Japan (the
costs related to pre-existing illness, pregnancy, or dental treatment are not
(4) Expenses for program implementation, including materials.
(5) For more details, please see “III. ALLOWANCES” of the brochure for
participants titled “KENSHU-IN GUIDE BOOK,” which will be given before
departure for Japan.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
4. Pre-departure Orientation
A pre-departure orientation will be held at respective country’s JICA office (or
the Japanese Embassy), to provide Participants with details on travel to Japan,
conditions of the course, and other matters.


5. Reference
For more detailed terms and conditions
KenshuーIn guide book 2024.pdf

Video: JICA Predeparture Briefing

For more information on life in Japan and KCCP
JICA pre-Departure Briefing

Website: JICA
JICA Website/index.html

PDF: JICA Shikoku Profile

JICA Shikoku/brochure.pdf

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Annex Ⅰ
Preliminary Activity
Please watch the following movies stored in web site in

Food Value Chain Structure

Agricultural support that responds to changes in the food value

chain(Full ver)【UD】 (

Kochi University Information

- Kochi University (Official site)

- “International Exchange Activities at Kochi University” (YouTube

Channel/subtitle in English)

Information about Kochi prefecture

- VISIT KOCHI JAPAN (Official site)

- “VISIT KOCHI JAPAN” (YouTube Channel)

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
Annex Ⅱ

1.Applicant’s Information
--Name [Family] /[First]/[Middle]

--Nationality :


--Email address :

2. Name of Organization

3. Your professional Status

--Your duties in charge(Please itemize)

--Your relationship with JICA volunteers and/or the other JICA’s activities, if any

4. Organization Chart (Mark your position) *Please attach the organization chart.

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
5.Current situation in your country
(1) Basic information of your country and applicants’ region regarding FVC

(2) Expected role of your organization and department on FVC

(3) Legal Framework on FVC in your country

(4) Government’s/municipality’s policy related with the promotion of FVC

(5) Current situation on FVC development and regional agri-business promotion in your

(6) Responsible ministry and organization for solving the above obstacles/problem

(7) Your engagement and position regarding obstacle of FVC

(8) Remark (special needs in your region e.g.)

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
For Your Reference
JICA and Capacity Development
Technical cooperation is people-to-people cooperation that supports partner countries in enhancing
their comprehensive capacities to address development challenges by their own efforts. Instead of
applying Japanese technology per se to partner countries, JICA’s technical cooperation provides
solutions that best fit their needs by working with people living there. In the process, consideration is
given to factors such as their regional characteristics, historical background, and languages. JICA does
not limit its technical cooperation to human resources development; it offers multi-tiered assistance
that also involves organizational strengthening, policy formulation, and institution building.
Implementation methods of JICA’s technical cooperation can be divided into two approaches. One is
overseas cooperation by dispatching experts and volunteers in various development sectors to partner
countries; the other is domestic cooperation by inviting participants from developing countries to Japan.
The latter method is the Knowledge Co-Creation Program, formerly called Training Program, and it is
one of the core programs carried out in Japan. By inviting officials from partner countries and with
cooperation from domestic partners, the Knowledge Co-Creation Program provides technical knowledge
and practical solutions for development issues in participating countries.
The Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group & Region Focus) has long occupied an important place in
JICA operations. About 400 pre-organized course cover a wide range of professional fields, ranging from
education, health, infrastructure, energy, trade and finance, to agriculture, rural development, gender
mainstreaming, and environmental protection. A variety of programs is being customized by the
different target organizations to address the specific needs, such as policy-making organizations, service
provision organizations, as well as research and academic institutions. Some programs are organized to
target a certain group of countries with similar developmental challenges.

Japanese Development Experience

Japan, as the first non-Western nation to become a developed country, built itself into a country that is
free, peaceful, prosperous and democratic while preserving its tradition. Japan will serve as one of the
best examples for our partner countries to follow in their own development.
From engineering technology to production management methods, most of the know-how that has
enabled Japan to become what it is today has emanated from a process of adoption and adaptation, of
course, has been accompanied by countless failures and errors behind the success stories.
Through Japan’s progressive adaptation and application of systems, methods and technologies from the
West in a way that is suited to its own circumstances, Japan has developed a storehouse of knowledge
not found elsewhere from unique systems of organization, administration and personnel management
to such social systems as the livelihood improvement approach and governmental organization. It is not
easy to apply such experiences to other countries where the circumstances differ, but the experiences
can provide ideas and clues useful when devising measures to solve problems.
JICA, therefore, would like to invite as many leaders of partner countries as possible to come and visit
us, to mingle with the Japanese people, and witness the advantages as well as the disadvantages of
Japanese systems, so that integration of their findings might help them reach their developmental

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group and Region Focus)

Promotion of Food Value Chain for Community-Based Agri-Business (B)
Course No. 202313562J001
This information pertains to one of the JICA
Knowledge Co-Creation Programs (Group &
Region Focus) of the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) implemented as
part of the Official Development Assistance of
the Government of Japan based on bilateral
agreement between both Governments.
For enquiries and further information, please contact the JICA office or Embassy of Japan.

Further, address correspondence to:

JICA Shikoku Center (JICA SHIKOKU)
Address: 1F, Kagawa Sanyu Bldg, 3 Kaziya-machi, Takamatsu, Kagawa, 760-0028, Japan
TEL: +81-87-821-8824 FAX: +81-87-822-8870
(“81” is the country code for Japan, and “78” is the local area code.)

Application Guideline for

the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program

This guideline explains how to apply for the Knowledge Co-Creation program (KCCP) of the
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the Official Development Assistance
Program of the Government of Japan.
Please complete the Application Forms according to the guideline. For additional
information, please consult the JICA Office, or in its absence, the Embassy of Japan in your

Form Filled by
Form1. Official Application Form ・ To be filled by you and your
・ To be signed by your supervisor
・ Official stamp of your organization
is needed.
Form2. Nomination from the Organization You and your supervisor *
Form3. Individual Application Form You
Form4. Questionnaire on Medical Status You
and Restrictions
Form5. Terms and Conditions, and You
*Supervisor: the head of the department/division of your organization

Please be advised:
(a) To carefully read the General Information (GI) of the KCCP,
(b) To fill only in typewritten except for signature,
(c) To fill in the form in English,
(d) To use “√” or “x” to mark the ( ) options,
(e) To attach your photographs,
(f) To prepare document(s) described in the GI and/or confer with the JICA Expert or JICA
overseas office, and attach these documents to the completed Application Forms,

In submitting the Application Forms and attached documents, please make sure:
(g) To prepare a copy of your passport,
(h) To confirm the application procedure stipulated by your government,
(i) To submit the original Application Forms with all necessary document(s) to the
responsible organization of your government according to its application procedure, and
(j) That your participation may be denied, if you fail to provide all required information and
documents completely and on time.


CHECK LIST before submission:

Items Form No. Check

1. Fill in all items in typewritten All the forms
2. Your signature Form 3, 4, 5
3. Signature of your supervisor* Form 1, 2
4. Official stamp of your organization Form 1
5. Your photo Form 3
6. Attach a copy of passport (Machine Readable Zone) -
*Applicants from Latin American and the Caribbean
Countries, please refer to the note below.
7. Attach the required document(s) as instructed in the GI -
*Supervisor: the head of the department/division of your organization

Note for Applicants from Latin American and the Caribbean Countries:
(1) If you are from any of the countries listed below and have a passport with a valid U.S. visa,
please attach herewith a copy of Identification Pages on the inside cover of your passport (i.e.
the two pages that include your photograph and detailed passport information), and the page
of U.S. visa:

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina (only Japanese descendants), Barbados, Bolivia,

Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti,
Mexico, Peru, Rep. of Dominica, St. Christopher and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and
the Grenadines, Suriname, or Venezuela.

(2) If you are from any of countries listed below and have a passport without a valid U.S. visa,
please attach herewith a copy of Identification Pages on the inside cover of your passport (i.e.
the two pages that include your photograph and your detailed passport information).

Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Marshall, Micronesia, Nicaragua,

Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay.

Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program:


*To be signed by your supervisor (the head of the relevant department / division of your

1. Course Title (as shown in the GI)

2. Course Number (the number as “xxxxxxxxxJxxx “shown in the GI)

3. Course Duration

From to (DD/MM/YYYY)

4. Country

5. Organization

6. Name of the Nominee(s)

1) 3)
2) 4)

7. Confirmation by the organization in charge

Our organization hereby applies for the Knowledge Co-Creation Program of the Japan
International Cooperation Agency and proposes to dispatch qualified nominees to participate in
the programs.

Date: Signature:


Title / Position
Department / Division Stamp
Office Address and
Contact Information Tel: E-mail: Fax:

(If necessary) Confirmation by the organization in charge

I have examined the documents in this form and found them true. Accordingly, I agree to
nominate this person(s) on behalf of our government.

Date: Signature:

Official Stamp
Title / Position

Department / Division

Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program


*To be signed by your supervisor (the head of the relevant department / division of your

1. Reason for nominating the Applicant

Please describe the reason(s) why the Applicant was selected, referring to the following
points; 1) Program requirement, 2) Capacity/Position, 3) Future plan to be done by the
Applicant after the KCCP, 4) Future plan of your organization and 5) Others.

2. Expectation and Future Plan of Actions

Please describe how your organization shall make use of the expected achievement of the
Applicant after the program, in addressing the said issues or problems.

By nominator (head of relevant department/division)


Name and Title/Position



Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program:


*To be filled by Applicant.

1. Course Title: (as shown in the GI) Attach here

your photo

(taken within
the last six months)
2. Course Number: (the number as “xxxxxxxxxJxxx “shown in the GI)
Size: 4.5x3.5cm

3. Personal Information on Applicant

1) Name of Applicant (as shown in the passport)

*Please type the name as shown in the passport carried. The information will be used for flight

Family Name /Surname

First Name

Middle Name

2) Nationality
(as shown in the passport)
3) Sex
( ) Male ( ) Female
(for VISA application)
Date Year (as of the date of
(ex. April)
4) Date of Birth the form)

5) Passport/Visa
Passport possession ( ) Yes ( )No Expiry date Date Month Year
of passport
USA visa possession* ( ) Yes ( )No

*Applicants from Latin American and the Caribbean Countries only.

6) Contact Information
Private TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
Office TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
Relationship to you:
TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
*Please fill it out from country code for telephone, mobile, and fax number.

7) Present Position


Year that entered

the organization

Department / Division


No. of years of Years
service in the present

( ) National Government ( ) Local Government ( ) Public Enterprise

Type of Organization ( ) Private (profit) ( ) NGO/Private (Non-profit) ( ) University
( ) Other :

Number of employees

Home Page Address

【Questionnaire on Relationship with the Military】

*If your organization and/or your status is related to the Military, please mark with YES or NO
below in the ( ) which best describes the relationship.

(YES / NO) the Military, an active military personnel or a military personnel listed in the muster roll/military
(YES / NO) an organization affiliated with the Military, or a personnel who does not belong to the military at
present but is listed in the muster roll/military register
(YES / NO) the Department or the Ministry of Defense, an organization affiliated with the Ministry of Defense,
or staff of the Ministry of Defense
(YES / NO) an civilian organization but with military personnel or a military division within the organization
(YES / NO) an organization which will be affiliated with or under the control of the Military in times of
emergency as specified clearly in its organic law/law of establishment

4. Experience and Eligibility

1) Career Background (After graduation and before taking the present position)
*Only Applicants for KCCP (Group and Region Focused) are requested to fill in this part.
City/ Position or Title and
Organization From To Brief Job Description
Country Department/Division
Month/Year Month/Year

2) Academic Background (University, College or Higher Education)

Institution From To Degree Major
Month/Year Month/Year

3) Experience of Training or Study in Foreign Countries (including all the training

experience in JICA’s programs)
*Only Applicants for KCCP (Group and Region Focused) are required to fill in this part.
Institution From To Field of Study / Program Title
Month/Year Month/Year

4)Language Proficiency (Self-Assessment)

1) Language to be used in the course (as shown in GI)

Listening ( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor

Speaking ( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor

Reading ( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor

Writing ( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor

Language Test Scores if any

(ex. TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.)

2) Mother Tongue

3) Other languages
( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor
( )

Refined fluency skills and topic-controlled discussions, debates & presentations. Formulates strategies to deal
with various essay types, including narrative, comparison, cause-effect & argumentative essays.

Conversational accuracy & fluency in a wide range of situations: discussions, short presentations & interviews.
Compound complex sentences. Extended essay formation.

Broader range of language related to expressing opinions, giving advice, making suggestions. Limited
compound and complex sentences & expanded paragraph formation.

Simple conversation level, such as self-introduction, brief question & answer using the present and past

5. Background and Purpose of Application

1) Current challenges in the organization in relation to the theme of the KCCP you are applying:
Describe the issues that your organization/department intends to tackle by participating in this program.

2) Main duties of Applicant: Describe your main duties and responsibilities in relation to this program.

3) Relevant Experience of Applicant: Describe previous occupational experiences that is highly relevant in this

4) Your individual Goal: Elaborate on your plans to apply the lessons learned from this program to your organization.

5) Area of Interest and/or your expectation: Specify your particular interest with reference to the contents of this

By Applicant

Name and Title/Position


Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program



1. Present Medical Status
(a) Have you taken any medicine or had a medical checkup by a physician for your illness
such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Name of illness ( ), Name of medicine ( )
If yes, please attach your doctor's letter (preferably, written in English) that
describes the current status of your illness, and gives agreement to your
participation in the program.
(b) Do you have any allergies with medicine, food, pollen, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
What are you allergic to? What kind of allergic symptoms do you have such as itch,
rash, hives, etc.?
( )
(c) Please indicate any needs arising from disabilities that may require additional support or
( )
Note: Disability will not lead to exclusion of the Applicant from the program. However, the Applicant may be
directly inquired by the JICA official in charge for a more detailed account of his/her condition.

2. Medical History
(a) Have you had any illness such as heart, hepatic, kidney disease, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(b) Have you or/and your family members had tuberculosis?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(c) Have you ever been a patient in a mental clinic or been treated by a psychiatrist?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(d) Have you ever had any sleeping, eating or other disorders?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
Name of medicine taken if any ( )

3. Other Medical Issues/Conditions
If you have any medical issues/conditions that are not described above, please indicate

* Are you pregnant?

[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Weeks of pregnancy ( weeks)

I certify that I have read the above instructions and answered all questions truthfully and
completely to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that medical conditions resulting from pre-existing conditions will not be
financially compensated by JICA, and may be a reason for termination of the program.
I understand that this questionnaire will be checked by the people who are engaged in the
program during my stay in Japan.

By Applicant

Name and Title/Position


※ Please notify JICA staff upon any changes in your health condition after
submission of the form.

Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program


1. General Rules

The participants are requested:

(1) to strictly observe the course schedule,
(2) not to change the air ticket (and flight class and flight schedule arranged by JICA) and
lodging by the participants themselves,
(3) to understand that leaving Japan during the course period (to return to home country,
etc.) is not allowed (except for programs longer than one year),
(4) not to bring or invite any family members (except for programs longer than one year),
(5) to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be stipulated by both
the nominating Government and the Japanese Government in respect of the course,
(6) to observe the rules and regulations of the program implementing partners to provide
the program or establishments,
(7) not to engage in political activities, or any form of employment for profit,
(8) to discontinue the program, should the participants violate Japanese laws or JICA’s
regulations, or the participants commit illegal or immoral conduct, or get critical illness
or serious injury and be considered unable to continue the course,
(9) to return the total amount or a part of the expenditure for the KCCP depending on the
severity of such violation, should the participants violate the laws and ordinances,
(10) not to drive a car or motorbike, regardless of an international driving license possessed,
(11) to observe the rules and regulations at the place of the participants’ accommodation,
(12) to refund allowances or other benefits paid by JICA in the case of a change in schedule.

2. Privacy Policy

The participants are requested to understand Privacy Policy of JICA as follows.

(1) Scope of Use

Any information used for identifying individuals (hereinafter referred to as “Personal
Information”) that is acquired by JICA will be stored, used, or analyzed only within the
scope of JICA activities. JICA reserves the right to use such Personal Information in
accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy.

(2) Limitations on Use and Provision

JICA shall never intentionally provide Personal Information to any third party with the
following three exceptions:
(a) In cases of legally mandated disclosure requests;
(b) In cases in which the provider of the Personal Information grants permission for its
disclosure to a third party;
(c) In cases in which JICA needs to provide Personal Information for the persons or
entities where JICA contracts out all or part of the KCCP and its relevant projects.
The Personal Information provided herein will be only limited to the information
necessary for the persons or entities to implement the contracted tasks.

(3) Security Notice

JICA takes measures required to prevent the divulgence, loss, or destruction of Personal

Information, and to otherwise properly manage such information.

※JICA’s policy for the transfer of personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to outside the
EEA (to Japan and third countries);
JICA has revised “Bylaws for the Implementation of Personal Information Protection” which was published
based on Japan’s legislation by adding new provisions regarding how to deal with personal data within the
EEA in order to meet General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR’s) requirements for data protection.
Based on the new bylaws, JICA entered into the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) which allows
us to transfer personal data from offices within the EEA to offices outside the EEA (in Japan and third

3. Copyright Policy
The participants are requested to comply with the following;

1. The participants shall use all the documents provided for the KCCP (including texts,
materials, etc.), within the scopes and/or conditions separately approved by JICA and/or
the Original Author.
If the participants apply to the KCCP, the participants shall also comply with Terms of
Use of the Materials for the KCCP that are shown on the JICA website.

2. All the documents prepared for the KCCP (including reports, action plans, presentations,
etc.) shall be prepared by the participants themselves in principle. If the participants use
any third party’s(ies’) works (photograph, illustration, map, figures, etc.), which are
protected under the copyright laws and regulations in the participants’ countries or
copyright-related multinational agreements, the participants shall obtain a license
necessary to use the works from such third party(ies).

3. The participants agree that JICA may use (including, but not limited to, reproduce,
publicly transmit, distribute and modify) any documents prepared by the participants for
other programs conducted by JICA (for example, as a reference for the other KCCP
courses and a project formulation).

4. JICA will not be liable for the contents of any documents created by the participants for the
purpose of the KCCP.

4. Portrait Right Policy

During the implementation period of KCCP, JICA (including hired photographer and program
implementing partners) will shoot photographs and video footage mainly for the following
・ Use on the website or in SNS administrated/operated by JICA,
・ Use in JICA publications (public relations magazines, annual reports, journals, etc.) in
printed or electronic form,
*Photos and images taken will not be used for commercial purposes and the participants’
personal information will not be disclosed to any third party without the consent of the

JICA would appreciate it if the participants of KCCP grant the participants themselves
portrait right license to JICA for photos and images taken described above.
It is, however, not a requirement of KCCP. The participants do not agree to grant the
participants themselves portrait right license to JICA, has absolutely no problem in
participating KCCP. JICA respects the intention of each participant.

DECLARATION (to be signed by the Applicant)

・I understand and fully agree to the following terms and conditions set forth above.
1. General Rule
2. Privacy Policy
3. Copyright Policy

・I will be subject to any penalties imposed as a consequence of my failure to abide by the

above terms and conditions.

・I understand the intention of JICA on “4.Portrait Right Policy” mentioned above, and my
intention for usage/publication of photographs and videos including the portrait of myself
by JICA for the purpose above is as follows:
□ Agree / □ Disagree

・I certify that the statements I made in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

By Applicant

Name and Title/Position



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