Promotion Circular
Promotion Circular
Promotion Circular
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
[Training Division]
2. This training program aims to help improve the income of small-scale farmers and
establish food value chains (FVC) in developing countries by practicing and disseminating
Agricultural management methods that meet the market needs.
3. The Applying organizations are expected to select nominees who meet the
following qualifications.
(a) Whether he/she has attended any foreign training program in the past? If so,
the duration/details thereof;
(b) Whether he/she is cleared from vigilance angle;
(c) Age: No age limit;
(d) Whether he/she is working in North East State/J&K;
(e) A brief in 50-100 words justifying the nomination. . .2/..
5. The course covers the cost of a round-trip air ticket between international airports
designated by JICA and Japan; Accommodation arranges by JlCA; allowances for meals,
living expenses and stopover); expenses for JICA study tours and medical care for
participants who become ill after arriving in Japan (the costs relating to pre-existing illness,
pregnancy, or dental treatment are not included).
eshraj Yadav)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele No: 011-26194167
Copy to: - (Through DoPT's website).
Promotion of Food
Value Chain for
Agri-Business (B)
NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Leader DC and Google Chrome are recommended as PDF viewer. JAWS and NVDA are recommended as screen reader.
NOTE: If there are any difficulties in reading this document, please contact JICA Office in your country or JICA Center in Japan.
NOTE: Depending on the circumstances, some or all of the program periods may be changed or cancelled after the application has been accepted.
How do we
design & build
Food Value Chain?
Learn methodology of food value chain,
and Gain insight to an essence of
sustainable regional development more
practical, more interactive, more
inspirational from the experiences of
This program is designed for
the personnel in Agriculture
related governmental
organizations and academic and
research organization to learn
about Japanese food value
chain practice (FVC).
You will also learn Japan style
supply chain and value chain
The course will be held face to
face and will include self-study
and discussion.
You will experience FVC
directly in the field of Japan.
You can use the knowledge
gained in this program to find
ways to apply to your own
All sessions are carried out in
Course Capacity
20 participants
JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program
The Japanese Cabinet released the Development Cooperation Charter in
June 2023, stated that “In its development cooperation, Japan has
maintained the spirit of jointly creating things that suit partner countries
while respecting ownership, intentions and intrinsic characteristics of the
country concerned based on a field oriented approach through dialogue and
collaboration. It has also maintained the approach of building reciprocal
relationships with developing countries in which both sides learn from each
other and grow and develop together.” We believe that this ‘Knowledge Co-
Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process.
(Online Program Period, Face-to-Face Program Period) ....................................... 7
(Place Where the Program Take Place) .............................................................. 8
(How to Learn, Language, Commitment to the SDGs) .............................................. 8
(Program Structure) .................................................................................... 9
(Instructors, Coordinator, Interpreter, Program Officer) ........................................ 10
(Past Program Alumni Comments) ................................................................. 11
Administrative Arrangements
(Organizer (JICA Center in Japan), Implementing Partner, Travel to Japan,
Accommodation in Japan, Expenses, Pre-departure Orientation) ...................... 16-17
(Country Report) ....................................................................................... 18
How to Learn
• Lectures • Discussions
• Field Visits • Q&A Session
• Workshops • Presentations
Commitment to the SDGs
2nd Week
Lecture about FVC from Kochi University
Lecture about Agriculture Policy of Kochi prefectural Office
Discussion and Presentation
3rd Week
Lecture about Livestock Policy of Kochi Prefectural Office
Lecture about Agriculture Cooperatives
Site Visit & Field Work at Agri-Product Processing Company
4th Week
Lecture about Tosa Food Business Creator-Product Development,
Branding, Marketing
Lecture about Small Scale Farms
Site Visit to Private Production Companies
5th Week
Site Visit to Private Companies
Lecture about Logistics
Action Plan Guidance
Discussion & Work on Action Plan
6th Week
Action Plan Presentation
Courese Evaluation
Closing Ceremony
Applying organizations are expected to select nominees who meet the following
(1) Essential Qualifications
1) Officially nominated by his/her own government.
3) Experience in the relevant field: have practical experience of more than Five
(5) years’ experience in the field of mentioned above 2).
*More than middle ranking executives as a position in your organization will be the
main target.
7) IT environment & literacy: Stable and Hi-Speed internet and PC (at least 3GB
of vacancy) are essential for your participation (during ONLINE period). You
are required to use Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc. for having your
presentations and working on program-related activities. It is also possible for
you to learn with assigned/extra online materials such as videos. This ONLINE
program will be delivered by Google Classroom. If you have any concern,
please ask JICA office freely.
(2) Photocopy of Passport: if you possess your passport which you will
carry when entering Japan for this program. If not, you are requested to
submit its photocopy as soon as you obtain it.
*The following information should be included in the photocopy:
Name, Date of Birth, Nationality, Sex, Passport Number and Expiry Date
(2) Selection
Primary screening is conducted at the JICA overseas office (or the embassy of
Japan) after receiving official documents from your government.
JICA Shikoku Center will consult with concerned organizations in Japan in the
process of final selection. Applying organizations with the best intentions to
utilize the opportunity will be highly valued.
The Government of Japan will examine applicants who belong to the military
or other military-related organizations and/or who are enlisted in the
military, taking into consideration of their duties, positions in the
organization and other relevant information in a comprehensive manner to
be consistent with the Development Cooperation Charter of Japan.
5. Additional Documents to Be Submitted by Accepted
1)Inception Report (Power point)
6. Conditions for Participation
The participants of KCCP are required
(1) to strictly observe the course schedule,
2. Implementing Partner
(1) Name: Kochi University
(2) Course Leader: Mr. Kohei SATO
(3) URL:
3. Expenses
The following expenses in Japan will be provided by JICA
(1) Allowances for meals, living expenses, and stopover.
(2) Expenses for study tours (basically in the form of train tickets).
(3) Medical care for participants who become ill after arriving in Japan (the
costs related to pre-existing illness, pregnancy, or dental treatment are not
(4) Expenses for program implementation, including materials.
(5) For more details, please see “III. ALLOWANCES” of the brochure for
participants titled “KENSHU-IN GUIDE BOOK,” which will be given before
departure for Japan.
5. Reference
For more detailed terms and conditions
KenshuーIn guide book 2024.pdf
Website: JICA
JICA Website/index.html
1.Applicant’s Information
--Name [Family] /[First]/[Middle]
--Nationality :
--Email address :
2. Name of Organization
--Your relationship with JICA volunteers and/or the other JICA’s activities, if any
4. Organization Chart (Mark your position) *Please attach the organization chart.
(5) Current situation on FVC development and regional agri-business promotion in your
(6) Responsible ministry and organization for solving the above obstacles/problem
This guideline explains how to apply for the Knowledge Co-Creation program (KCCP) of the
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the Official Development Assistance
Program of the Government of Japan.
Please complete the Application Forms according to the guideline. For additional
information, please consult the JICA Office, or in its absence, the Embassy of Japan in your
Form Filled by
Form1. Official Application Form ・ To be filled by you and your
・ To be signed by your supervisor
・ Official stamp of your organization
is needed.
Form2. Nomination from the Organization You and your supervisor *
Form3. Individual Application Form You
Form4. Questionnaire on Medical Status You
and Restrictions
Form5. Terms and Conditions, and You
*Supervisor: the head of the department/division of your organization
Please be advised:
(a) To carefully read the General Information (GI) of the KCCP,
(b) To fill only in typewritten except for signature,
(c) To fill in the form in English,
(d) To use “√” or “x” to mark the ( ) options,
(e) To attach your photographs,
(f) To prepare document(s) described in the GI and/or confer with the JICA Expert or JICA
overseas office, and attach these documents to the completed Application Forms,
In submitting the Application Forms and attached documents, please make sure:
(g) To prepare a copy of your passport,
(h) To confirm the application procedure stipulated by your government,
(i) To submit the original Application Forms with all necessary document(s) to the
responsible organization of your government according to its application procedure, and
(j) That your participation may be denied, if you fail to provide all required information and
documents completely and on time.
CHECK LIST before submission:
Note for Applicants from Latin American and the Caribbean Countries:
(1) If you are from any of the countries listed below and have a passport with a valid U.S. visa,
please attach herewith a copy of Identification Pages on the inside cover of your passport (i.e.
the two pages that include your photograph and detailed passport information), and the page
of U.S. visa:
(2) If you are from any of countries listed below and have a passport without a valid U.S. visa,
please attach herewith a copy of Identification Pages on the inside cover of your passport (i.e.
the two pages that include your photograph and your detailed passport information).
Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program:
3. Course Duration
From to (DD/MM/YYYY)
4. Country
5. Organization
Date: Signature:
Title / Position
Department / Division Stamp
Office Address and
Contact Information Tel: E-mail: Fax:
Date: Signature:
Official Stamp
Title / Position
Department / Division
(taken within
the last six months)
2. Course Number: (the number as “xxxxxxxxxJxxx “shown in the GI)
Size: 4.5x3.5cm
First Name
Middle Name
2) Nationality
(as shown in the passport)
3) Sex
( ) Male ( ) Female
(for VISA application)
Date Year (as of the date of
(ex. April)
4) Date of Birth the form)
5) Passport/Visa
Passport possession ( ) Yes ( )No Expiry date Date Month Year
of passport
USA visa possession* ( ) Yes ( )No
6) Contact Information
Private TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
Office TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
Relationship to you:
TEL*: Mobile*:
FAX*: E-mail:
*Please fill it out from country code for telephone, mobile, and fax number.
7) Present Position
Department / Division
No. of years of Years
service in the present
Number of employees
(YES / NO) the Military, an active military personnel or a military personnel listed in the muster roll/military
(YES / NO) an organization affiliated with the Military, or a personnel who does not belong to the military at
present but is listed in the muster roll/military register
(YES / NO) the Department or the Ministry of Defense, an organization affiliated with the Ministry of Defense,
or staff of the Ministry of Defense
(YES / NO) an civilian organization but with military personnel or a military division within the organization
(YES / NO) an organization which will be affiliated with or under the control of the Military in times of
emergency as specified clearly in its organic law/law of establishment
4. Experience and Eligibility
1) Career Background (After graduation and before taking the present position)
*Only Applicants for KCCP (Group and Region Focused) are requested to fill in this part.
City/ Position or Title and
Organization From To Brief Job Description
Country Department/Division
Month/Year Month/Year
2) Mother Tongue
3) Other languages
( ) Excellent ( ) Good ( ) Fair ( ) Poor
( )
Refined fluency skills and topic-controlled discussions, debates & presentations. Formulates strategies to deal
with various essay types, including narrative, comparison, cause-effect & argumentative essays.
Conversational accuracy & fluency in a wide range of situations: discussions, short presentations & interviews.
Compound complex sentences. Extended essay formation.
Broader range of language related to expressing opinions, giving advice, making suggestions. Limited
compound and complex sentences & expanded paragraph formation.
Simple conversation level, such as self-introduction, brief question & answer using the present and past
1) Current challenges in the organization in relation to the theme of the KCCP you are applying:
Describe the issues that your organization/department intends to tackle by participating in this program.
2) Main duties of Applicant: Describe your main duties and responsibilities in relation to this program.
3) Relevant Experience of Applicant: Describe previous occupational experiences that is highly relevant in this
4) Your individual Goal: Elaborate on your plans to apply the lessons learned from this program to your organization.
5) Area of Interest and/or your expectation: Specify your particular interest with reference to the contents of this
By Applicant
Application form for the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program
1. Present Medical Status
(a) Have you taken any medicine or had a medical checkup by a physician for your illness
such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Name of illness ( ), Name of medicine ( )
If yes, please attach your doctor's letter (preferably, written in English) that
describes the current status of your illness, and gives agreement to your
participation in the program.
(b) Do you have any allergies with medicine, food, pollen, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
What are you allergic to? What kind of allergic symptoms do you have such as itch,
rash, hives, etc.?
( )
(c) Please indicate any needs arising from disabilities that may require additional support or
( )
Note: Disability will not lead to exclusion of the Applicant from the program. However, the Applicant may be
directly inquired by the JICA official in charge for a more detailed account of his/her condition.
2. Medical History
(a) Have you had any illness such as heart, hepatic, kidney disease, etc.?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(b) Have you or/and your family members had tuberculosis?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(c) Have you ever been a patient in a mental clinic or been treated by a psychiatrist?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
(d) Have you ever had any sleeping, eating or other disorders?
[ ] No [ ] Yes:
Please specify ( )
Name of medicine taken if any ( )
3. Other Medical Issues/Conditions
If you have any medical issues/conditions that are not described above, please indicate
I certify that I have read the above instructions and answered all questions truthfully and
completely to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that medical conditions resulting from pre-existing conditions will not be
financially compensated by JICA, and may be a reason for termination of the program.
I understand that this questionnaire will be checked by the people who are engaged in the
program during my stay in Japan.
By Applicant
※ Please notify JICA staff upon any changes in your health condition after
submission of the form.
1. General Rules
2. Privacy Policy
Information, and to otherwise properly manage such information.
※JICA’s policy for the transfer of personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to outside the
EEA (to Japan and third countries);
JICA has revised “Bylaws for the Implementation of Personal Information Protection” which was published
based on Japan’s legislation by adding new provisions regarding how to deal with personal data within the
EEA in order to meet General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR’s) requirements for data protection.
Based on the new bylaws, JICA entered into the EU Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) which allows
us to transfer personal data from offices within the EEA to offices outside the EEA (in Japan and third
3. Copyright Policy
The participants are requested to comply with the following;
1. The participants shall use all the documents provided for the KCCP (including texts,
materials, etc.), within the scopes and/or conditions separately approved by JICA and/or
the Original Author.
If the participants apply to the KCCP, the participants shall also comply with Terms of
Use of the Materials for the KCCP that are shown on the JICA website.
2. All the documents prepared for the KCCP (including reports, action plans, presentations,
etc.) shall be prepared by the participants themselves in principle. If the participants use
any third party’s(ies’) works (photograph, illustration, map, figures, etc.), which are
protected under the copyright laws and regulations in the participants’ countries or
copyright-related multinational agreements, the participants shall obtain a license
necessary to use the works from such third party(ies).
3. The participants agree that JICA may use (including, but not limited to, reproduce,
publicly transmit, distribute and modify) any documents prepared by the participants for
other programs conducted by JICA (for example, as a reference for the other KCCP
courses and a project formulation).
4. JICA will not be liable for the contents of any documents created by the participants for the
purpose of the KCCP.
JICA would appreciate it if the participants of KCCP grant the participants themselves
portrait right license to JICA for photos and images taken described above.
It is, however, not a requirement of KCCP. The participants do not agree to grant the
participants themselves portrait right license to JICA, has absolutely no problem in
participating KCCP. JICA respects the intention of each participant.
・I understand the intention of JICA on “4.Portrait Right Policy” mentioned above, and my
intention for usage/publication of photographs and videos including the portrait of myself
by JICA for the purpose above is as follows:
□ Agree / □ Disagree
・I certify that the statements I made in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
By Applicant