2-Who Left The Stacked Firewood For Marlow and The Crew To

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1-What job does Marlow take with the Company?

a)Engineer b)Translator c)Riverboat captain d)Manager

2-Who left the stacked firewood for Marlow and the crew to
find on their journey to the Inner Station?
a)Kurtz b)The Russian trader c)Natives d)Pilgrims
3-What does Kurtz use to adorn the fence post around the
Inner Station?
a)Severed heads b)Jungle greenery c)Fragrant flowers
4-Who ordered the attack on the steamer?
a)The Russian trader b)Kurtz’s African mistress c)Kurtz
5-What are Kurtz’s final words?
a)“My Nellie.” b)“Run for your life!” c)“The horror! The
horror!” d)“Leave me here.”

6-Who is the object of Marlow’s quest?

a)Cannibals b)Kurtz’s African mistress c)The general
manager d)Kurtz
7-How does the general manager control those around him?
a)He limits their food b)He kills them c)He makes them feel
unsettled d)He tricks them
8-What is the chief accountant’s accomplishment?
a)He keeps the books b)He steals money c)His clean, white
clothes d)Gaining weight
9-What do Kurtz and his African mistress have in common?
a)They hate the jungle b)They are enigmas c)They get sick
d)They lie to Marlow
10-Who is the audience for the central story of Heart of
a)Pilgrims b)cannibals c)Kurtz d)Men aboard the Nellie
11-Marlow can be read as an intermediary between the
extremes of which two figures?
a)General manager/brickmaker b)Natives/Pilgrims
c)Kurtz/The Company d)Kurtz/Natives
12-What archetype does Kurtz resemble?
a)Evil genius b)Lost hero c)Unhinged villain d)Immoral
13-What does Kurtz’s style mask?
a)He’s frightened b)He’s coldhearted c)He’s immoral
d)He’s lacking in substance
14-Which of Marlow’s characteristics is not one of a
traditional hero?
a)Honesty b)Independent thinking c)Cynicism

15-Which character acts as a guide for the reader?

a)Marlow b)Kurtz c)The general manager d)Russian

16-Heart of Darkness opens in what setting?

a)A boat on the Congo River b)A boat on the Thames River.
c)The Company’s offices in Brussels d)The Outer Station

17- Where does Kurtz die?

a)At the Inner Station b)In Brussels c)Aboard Marlow’s
steamer. d)In the jungle
18-What does Marlow discover atop the fence posts at the Inner
a)Human heads. b)Monkey skulls c)Dead infants d)The
Company flag
19-The Company trades primarily in
a)Gold b) Slaves c) Bananas d)Ivory.
20-Which of the following receives Kurtz’s “Report” after his
a)Marlow’s aunt b)Kurtz’s “Intended” c) A representative of the
Company d)A journalist.
21- Most of Marlow’s adventures take place in
a) Kenya b) Rhodesia c) Congo. d)England
7- Which of the following is not something that Marlow gives
to the Russian trader?
a)Food. b)Gun cartridges c)Tobacco d)Shoes
22-What do the men at the Central Station hear about the
fate of the Eldorado Exploring Expedition?
a)That they have been successful and are returning with lots
of ivory. b)That the expedition’s pack animals are dead.
c)That the men have been ambushed and killed by natives.
d)That the expedition has found Kurtz
23-At the end of his “Report” on the natives, Kurtz writes:
a)“Exterminate all the brutes!” b)“God help us!” c)“No
more death!” d)“God save the King!”
24-What one thing does Marlow need to repair his wrecked
a)Steel plates. b)A new boiler. c)Tools. d)Rivets
25-Which of the following does not accompany Marlow on
his journey up the river from the Central Station?
a)The chief accountant. b)The general manager c)The
cannibals d)The pilgrims
26-How does Marlow’s helmsman die?
a)He is killed and eaten by the cannibals. b)He is shot by
an angry pilgrim. c)He is impaled on a spear thrown
from the riverbank. d)He falls overboard and drowns.
27-The Company is
a) English b)French c)Dutch d)Belgian

28-At the Company’s offices Marlow encounters

a) Kurtz b)Kurtz’s fiancée c)Two old women knitting

d)A Russian trader

29-Why are the cannibals aboard the steamer hungry?
a) The pilgrims threw their rotting meat overboard.

b)There are no humans for them to eat. c)They have no

way to make a fire to cook their food. d)They are
fasting for religious reasons
30)Who is ultimately responsible for the attack on the
a) The Russian trader b)The general manager c)Kurtz


31-Marlow’s predecessor with the Company dies as a result

of a quarrel over
a)Ivory b)Hens c)A card game d)A woman

32-The last person Marlow sees in Brussels is

a) The president of the Company b)His aunt c)Kurtz’s

cousin d)Kurtz’s fiancée

33-Who helps Marlow to get a job with the Company?
a) Kurtz b)The Director of Companies c)His father

d)His aunt

34-What does the Russian trader leave downriver for the

approaching steamer?
a) Firewood b)Water c)A map d)Food

35-Before he goes to Africa, Marlow has been on a voyage

a) The South Pacific b)Asia c)Central America d)Alaska

36-Where does Marlow encounter the “grove of death”?

a) Brussels b)The Outer Station c)The Central Station

d)The Inner Station

37-The chief accountant’s most notable characteristic is
a) His bald head b)His spotless white clothing c)His

shining black shoes d)His unusual hat

38-At the Central Station the native laborers burn
a) A hut full of trade goods b)Marlow’s steamer c)The

chief accountant’s quarters d)The surrounding forest

39-What are Kurtz’s last words?
a) “Exterminate all the brutes!” b)“The horror! The

horror!” c)His fiancée’s name. d)“God help me!”

40-hat is the name of the ship in the Thames where Marlow
tells his story?
a) Santa Maria b)Penelope c)Queen Victoria d)Nellie

41-On what river did Marlow captain a steamship for the

a) Thames b)Congo c)Mississippi d)Nile

42-What inspired Marlow to go to Africa?

a) A friend’s recommendation b)A map c)Greed d)A

lost parent
43-How did Marlow get his job with the Belgian Company?
a) His aunt b)A friend c)His father d)Letter of

44-Why was the Company eager to send Marlow to Africa?
a) He was very qualified b)He excelled at sailing c)He

spoke the languag d)His predecessor died

45-Where does Marlow believe the general manager’s
authority comes from?
a) Family connections b)Resistance to tropical disease

c0Above average intelligence dpKindness

46-What do the natives do when a grass shed housing trade
goods burns down?
a) Run into the jungle b)Start a rebellion c)Dance

d)Save the goods

47-Who has a painting of a blindfolded woman holding a
lighted torch in his quarters?
a) The general manager b)Marlow c)The brickmaker

d)The chief accountant

48-What is the name of the group of white men led by the
general manager’s uncle?
a) Eldorado Exploring Expedition b)Belgian Mining

Corporation c)Congo Conquerors d)African

Exploration Group
49-What item from the coast does Marlow tell the
brickmaker that he needs to repair the steamer?
a) Sheet metal b)Screws c)An engine d)Rivets

50-Who does Marlow overhear having a conversation one

night while he is lying on the deck of the wrecked steamer?
a) General manager/his uncle b)Two natives c)Kurtz/the

brickmaker d)General manager/Kurtz

51-What does the general manager’s uncle imply may kill
a) The natives b)Tropical disease c)Infection

52-How did the clerk describe Kurtz’s condition to the
general manager when he delivered Kurtz’s load of ivory?
a) Ill and not recovered b)Happy and healthy

c)Suspicious and crazy d)Disheartened and sad

53-What do the men aboard the steamer hear at night on
their journey to Kurtz’s station?
a) Monkeys b)Screaming c)Drums d)Nothing

54-Where does the Eldorado Expedition go when they leave

the Central Station?
a) To Europe b)Out to sea c)The Outer Station d)The

55-What disturbs Marlow the most about the way Kurtz
talks about his Intended, ivory, the Inner Station, and the
a) His disregard for them b)His air of possession c)His

hatred towards them d)His love of them

56-Whom does Marlow blame for the death of the African
a) Himself b)The natives c)The pilgrims d)The African
57-How does Marlow dispose of the African helmsman’s
a) The cannibals eat it b)The pilgrims bury it c)He

throws it overboard d)Puts it below deck

58-Who beckons to the steamer from the shore at the Inner
Station when they arrive?
a) Kurtz b)Kurtz’s mistress c)Natives d)The Russian

59-When Marlow arrives at the Inner Station, what
explanation does the Russian trader give for the natives
attacking the steamer?
a) They were hungry b)They were protecting themselves

c)Preventing Kurtz’s departure d)They hate the

60-What does Kurtz’s African mistress do when she sees
Kurtz being brought aboard the steamer?
a) Stares and then leaves b)Attacks the steamer c)Cries

out d)Dances on the shore

61-What does Marlow say to completely alienate himself
from the general manager and the rest of the Company’s
a) He calls them cowards b)He calls them fools c)He calls

Kurtz remarkable d)He calls Kurtz repulsive

62-According to the Russian trader, who really ordered the
attack on the steamer?
a) Kurtz’s African mistress b)The general manager

c)The natives d)Kurtz

63-Before leaving in a canoe, which of these items does the
Russian trader not ask Marlow for?
a) Shoes b)Food c)Tobacco d)Gun cartridges

64-After rushing at Kurtz’s stretcher with a piercing cry,

why do the natives withdraw and allow the party to pass?
a) Pilgrims shoot them b)Kurtz’s mistress stops them

c)Kurtz talks with them d)The steamer whistle sounds

65-Who nurses Marlow back to health once he returns to
a) His wife b)Kurtz’s Intended c)His aunt d)The

Company doctor
66-According to his cousin, Kurtz’s talent was ___?
a) Dancing b)Science c)Poetry d)Music
67-What does Kurtz’s journalist colleague believe were
Kurtz’s true skills?
a) Popular or extremist politics b)Travel and

international coverage c)Business and corruption

coverage c)Leading and controlling others
68-When Marlow visits Kurtz’s Intended and finds her still
in mourning, how long has it been since Kurtz’s death?
a) Three months b)Two years c)Over a year d)Eight

69-Marlow tell Kurtz’s Intended that Kurtz’s last words
were ___?
a) “Take me home.” b)“Forgive me.” c)“Run for your

life.” d)Her name

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