Uid 31521 Urrb

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MAY 2015 U/ID 31521/URRB

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (40 × 1 = 40 marks)

Choose the best answer from the given alternatives.

1. The strange case of Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde was

written by –——————.
(a) George Orwell (b) R.L.Stevenson
(c) Carlyle

2. –—————— wrote literary biographies of

Robert Browning, Charles Dickens and
R.L. Steven son.
(a) G.K.Chesterton (b) Blake (c) Lytton

3. –—————— came to public notice by his

unusual collection of biographies entitled
“Eminent Victorians”.
(a) Lytton Strachey (b) Hudeon (c) Edward

4. –—————— came to be known as ‘Lawrence of

(a) Huxley (b) T.E.Lawrence (c) Walter
5. –—————— is an allegory of the failure of the
Russian Socialism under Status.
(a) Animal Farm (b) Ends and Means
(c) Music at night

6. Tennyson’s “In Memoriam” is an elegy written on

the death of his friend –——————.
(a) Arden (b) Byron (c) Arthur

7. The form chosen by browning to delineate the

soul-struggle of man is –——————.
(a) Elegy (b) Ode (c) Dramatic

8. –—————— is an example of Pre-Raphaelite

(a) Atlanta in Calydon (b) Christabel
(c) The blessed Damozel

9. –—————— is a poem in five parts.

(a) Geroution (b) Burnt Norton
(c) The Waste Land

10. –—————— was hailed as a modern shelley.

(a) Cecil Day Lewis (b) Hopkins
(c) Spender

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11. J.M.Synge’s –—————— is one of the master
pieces of modern theatre.
(a) The Tinker’s wedding (b) Riders to the sea
(c) Deirdre of the sorrows

12. “Peter Ban” comes first in popular esteem among –

—————— plays.
(a) Seen O’ Casey (b) Barrie (c) Marlowe

13. Pinter’s plays are called –——————.

(a) Sentimental comedies (b) Comedy of
(c) Modern Comedy

14. –—————— was the best exponent of poetic

drama in the Twentieth Century.
(a) John Peter (b) T.S.Eliot (c) Peter Barrie

15. J.M.Barrie gained immense popularity especially

(a) The Little Minister (b) Peter Pan
(c) Quality street

16. Dickens’ Novels belong to the –——————

movement of the Victorian era.
(a) Humanitarian (b) Restoration
(c) Puritan

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17. –—————— is the key note of Thackeray.
(a) Irony (b) Satire (c) Pathos

18. Mrs.Gaskell is a pioneer in the novel of –————.

(a) Character (b) Stream of consciousness
(c) Adventure

19. Wilkie Collins is a writer of –——————.

(a) Mystery Stories (b) Interesting novels
(c) Science fiction

20. –—————— , Charlotte, Emily and Anne were

the draughts of the Rev. Patrick Bronte.
(a) The Brontes (b) The daughters
(c) The sister

21. In 1814, –—————— made his first locomotive.

(a) Graham Bell (b) George Stephenson
(c) Rowland Hill

22. –—————— introduced the Second Reform Bill

(a) Earl Grey (b) William IV (c) Gladstone

23. The plan drew up by the Chartists for a through

reform of the Parliament was called –—————.
(a) The people’s charter (b) The Reform Bill
(c) Corn law

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24. –—————— because the founder of modern

(a) Florence Nightingale (b) Victoria

(c) Mother Teresa

25. –—————— drew up an elaborate ‘Cradle to

Grave’ scheme to help the poor.

(a) Kaiser William (b) Sir William Beveridge

(c) Karl Marx

26. –—————— provoked the First World War.

(a) The assassination of the Austrian Prince

by a Serb (b) A submarine attack on
England (c) Misappropriation of funds

27. T.S.Eliot represented post war England as –———


(a) Victorious (b) Disabled (c) Wasteland

28. –—————— was formed in order to avert future


(a) NATO (b) UNESCO (c) U.N.O.

29. The II World War came to an end with –———— .

(a) The surrender of Germany and Japan

(b) European Supremacy (c) The Terrible

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30. In Post-war England the gap between the rich and
the poor was –—————— by successive

(a) Increased (b) Levelled (c) Reduced

31. Aristotle thought that –—————— was the

noblest form of literature.

(a) Comedy (b) Tragedy (c) Tragi-comedy

32. –—————— is a combination of music,

elaborate scenic effect and dancing woven around
a fairy tale, myth or allegory.

(a) The Masque (b) The Farce (c) The Melodrama

33. –—————— is cast in the form of a speech

addressed to a silent listener.

(a) The Farce (b) The Dramatic monologue

(c) The Soliloquy.

34. The conflict in a melodrama is –——————.

(a) Internal (b) False (c) External

35. The predicament of modern man is the subject of

the –——————.
(a) Problem play (b) Farce (c) The absurd

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36. Marian Crawford terms the novel as –————.

(a) Long narrative (b) Pocket theatre

(c) Social criticism

37. –—————— is the originator of the novel form.

(a) Samuel Richardson (b) Adam Bede

(c) Charles Dickens

38. The first great historical novel in English was Sir

Walter Scott’s –——————.

(a) A Tale Two cities (b) Ward and Peace

(c) Waverley

39. The term “Picaresque” is derived from the Spanish

‘Picaro’ meaning –——————.

(a) Hero (b) An anti hero or rogue

(c) Villain

40. Virginia Woolf’s Mrs.Dalloway’ is a –——————


(a) Stream of Consciousness (b) Historical

(c) Sentimental
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SECTION B — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)

Write short notes on any FIVE of the

following in about 200 words
41. Write a note on A.G. Gardiner’s essays.
42. What are the characteristic features of Browning’s
43. Assess the contribution of Samuel Beckett.
44. Discuss George Eliot as a novelist.
45. Give an account of Education in the Victorian
46. How was life in the Sixties?
47. Write an essay on the characteristic features of
the comedy.
48. Write briefly on the historical novel.

SECTION C — (2  20 = 40 marks)

Write essay on any TWO of the following

in about 500 words each.
49. Discuss effects of the two World Wars on English
50. Assess Arnold’s contribution to English Literature.
51. Discuss the growth of the novel as an Art form.


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