Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Why Support Education? 4 Global Efforts to Support Education 5 Japans International Cooperation Policies in Education and Their Features 6 Japans Major Assistance in the World [Basic education] 8 Japans Assistance : Case Studies
Basic education Ensuring access to education 10 Improving the quality of education13 Improving the management of education 16 Education in post-conflict and post-disaster situations / Education for human security 18 Promoting multi-sectoral approach 20 Partnering for the progress 21 Higher education/Technical education Higher education 22 Technical/Vocational education and training 24 Assistance for international students 26
Basic education comprises education for acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills required by the people to sustain their daily lives and education that meet their basic learning needs. The scope of basic education varies with individual countries and cultures but it generally covers primary, lower-secondary, pre-primary, and non-formal (youth and adult literacy education, etc) education. Spirit of One Hundred Sacks of Rice The prosperity of a country, the growth of cities everything depends on people. Build schools and develop people of ability. (From the play One Hundred Sacks of Rice by Yuzo Yamamoto) In the early Meiji period, Nagaoka Domain, suffering from severe poverty, received a relief package of hundred sacks or about six tons of rice from a neighboring province. One of the Domains chief executives, Torasaburo Kobayashi, suggested the rice should be used to generate funds to build a new school, since it would be all gone within several days if it was distributed to local communities. As a result, quality human resources were developed at the school. The Spirit of the One Hundred Sacks of Rice, a guiding principle from this episode, emphasizes that investment in education is most important for nation-building.
In Kenya(photo : Kazuhito Hattori for JICA) Cover Picture Lontan primary school students in Myanmar (photo : Kenshiro Imamura for JICA)
Basic Education in the World(Number of out-of-school children and adult literacy rate)
Central Asia
Adult Literacy rate
100% 99%
Achieving goals
The United Nations Millennium Summit held in September 2000 adopted the Millennium Declaration, leading to the establishment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), aiming at poverty reduction. Two education-related goals - (i) Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary schooling by 2015 (goal 2); and (ii) Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015(goal 3) are incorporated in MDGs, important targets that international society must work together to achieve. In 2002, the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative (FTI) was launched as a global partnership to ensure accelerated progress toward the goal of universal primary education by 2015. The low-income countries that demonstrate serious commitment to achieve this goal through the formulation of Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and a sound national education plan can receive support from the FTI. With regard to higher education, UNESCO convened a World Conference on Higher Education in 1998. The conference reaffirmed the important role of higher education in contributing to development, and discussed many issues including the need to expand higher education opportunities for women, modernize higher education institutions and share knowledge across borders. While these policies have been globally adopted, Sector-Wide Approaches (SWAps) are being introduced in many developing countries, to comprehensively address various issues faced by the education sector of each country. This approach is a method of working that brings together development partners to support the national education plans developed with the ownership of developing countries themselves.
Arab States
Adult Literacy rate
73% 51% B G
Number of out-of-school children (thousands) Boys 1,245 Girls 1,443 Adult Literacy rate
70% B G 54%
Number of out-of-school children (thousands) Boys 2.992 Girls 4.450 Adult Literacy rate
71% B G 45% 95% 88%
Total 103
million people
Number of out-of-school Number of out-of-school children children (thousands) (thousands) Boys 18,301 Girls 21,990 Boys 13,518 Girls 22,289
Assistance for improving quality of education Assistance for science and mathematics education Assistance for teacher training Assistance for improvement of school administration and operation Improvement of management of education Enhancement of support for formulation of education policies and education development plans Assistance for improvement of educational administration system
2,000 Trainees accepted 63.47 1,500 200 194.51 183.54 134.54 100 169.76 148.89
Priority areas
Assistance for ensuring access to education Construction of school buildings and related facilities serving various needs Assistance for elimination of gender disparities (girls education) Assistance for non-formal education (promotion of literacy education) Active utilization of information and communication technology (ICT)
JOCVs dispatched
1 9 9 9
2 0 0 0
2 0 0 1
Experts dispatched 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 3
0 2 0 0 4 Year
-Punjab Literacy Promotion Project Technical Cooperation -Balochistan Middle Level Education Project Yen Loan
-Strengthening Primary Teacher Training on Science and Mathematics Project Technical Cooperation -Project for Support to Intensive District Approach to Education for All Grant Aid -Project for Improvement of Primary Education Through Second Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP II) Grant Aid
Grant Aid
-The Community-based Alternative Schooling Project (CASP) Technical Cooperation -Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support Primar of Education for All Grant Aid -Community Learning Centres to Help Grass-roots Community, Lear ass-roots Community Especially Women and other Disadvantaged Groups, to Regain omen Disadv Human Security / Dignity and to Enhance their Capacity for Personal & Social Development Human (UNICEF)
-Project for Reconstruction of Primary Education Iraq (UNICEF) -Project for Strengthening Primary and Secondary Education -School Rehabilitation Project Emergency (UN-HABITAT) *2
Emergency (UNICEF)
Grant Aid Yen loan (ODA) Technical Cooperation Emergency Grant Aid United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Projects International Reconstruction Fund for Iraq
-Strengthening the Planning Capacity for In-serve Teacher Training Technical Cooperation -Teaching Methods Improvement Project towards hing Impro Children's Development Technical Cooperation en's -Project for Development of Primary School Facilities, Phase II Grant Aid -Rehabilitation of Boarding Schools and Provision of Refresher Training Course for Headmasters and Teachers aining in the Dzud (natural disaster affecting livestock caused by severe winter conditions) affected Gobi Desert Provinces Human (UNICEF) -Supply of Mimeog Mimeograph to Promote School Educational NGO Activities
Yen Loan
-Project for Construction of School Facilities for Basic Education, phase I and II Grant Aid -Broadening Regional Initiative for Developing Girls Education (BRIDGE) Program in Taiz Governorate am
Technical Cooperation
*1 UNMIK : United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo UNOPS : United Nations Office for Project Services *2 UN-HABITAT : United Nations Human Settlements Programme *3 WFP : World Food Programme *4 UNCRD : United Nations Centre for Regional Development
-Project for Construction of Basic Schools
Grant Aid
Yen Loan
-Earthquake-Affected Education Sector Reconstruction Project
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools Grant Aid -Project for Impro Improving Science and Mathematics Teacher Training Technical Cooperation -Girls Education and Community Development for Awareness Raising and Prevention of Girl Trafficking Human (UNICEF) s
-Project for Improvement of Life of Women in Marginalized Communities in vement ginalized Urban Zone of Chiapas State, The United Me Mexican States Technical Cooperation
-Rural Secondary Education Expansion Project
Yen Loan
-Project for the Improvement of Teaching Method in Mathematics, phase II Technical Cooperation
-Project for Strengthening Cluster-based Teacher Training and School Management Technical Cooperation -Project for Improvement of Facilities of Primary Schools in Northern Mountain Region, Phase II Grant Aid
Republic Dominican
-Project for the Improvement of the Quality of Teaching in Mathematics in the Dominican Republic Technical Cooperation
-Project for Rehabilitation of Basic Education Facilities in Managua -Project for Construction of Primar Schools Facilities Grant Aid Primary -Project for the Improvement on Mathematics Teaching in vement Primary Primar Education Technical Cooperation
Grant Aid
-Support for Urban Youth at Risk: House for Youth
-Project for Improvement of Educational Facilities Grant Aid -Third Elementar Education Project Yen Loan d Elementary -Secondary Education Development and Improvement Project y Improvement
Yen Loan
Sierra Leone
-Children and Youth Development Project in Kambia District
Technical Cooperation
-In service Teacher Education and Training in Mathematics and aining Natural Science Technical Cooperation
Sri Lanka
-Improving School Management to Enhance Quality of Education with Special Reference to Science and Mathematics
Technical Cooperation
Solomon Islands
-Project for Rehabilitation of Schools in Provinces Affected by Ethnic Conflict
Human (UNDP)
El Salvador
-Project for the Improvement on Mathematics Teaching in vement Primary Primar Education Technical Cooperation
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools in the City of Conakry
Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools
Grant Aid
-Project for Reconstruction of the Third Primary School in Male hool
Grant Aid
-Project for the Improvement of Teaching Method in Mathematics vement hing
Technical Cooperation
-Project for Strengthening Basic Education (Construction of Primary and Secondary School)
Grant Aid
East Timor
-Project for Reconstruction of Primar Schools and Junior High Schools Grant Aid Primary - 100 Schools Project: Improving the Quality of Primary Education Human (UNICEF) Impro
-Education System Improvement Program Technical Cooperation -Project for Improvement of Educational Equipments for Elementary Schools Grant Aid -Project for Construction of Classrooms for Elementary Schools Grant Aid
-Secondary Science and Mathematics Teachers' Project (SESEMAT) Technical Cooperation
-Community-based Basic Education Improvement Project Technical Cooperation Improvement -The Project on Increasing Access to Quality Basic Education through Developing School Sc Mapping and Str Strengthening Microplanning in Oromia Region Technical Cooperation -Project for Consolidation of Educational Television and Radio Recording Studios, phase I and II Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh Grant Aid -Project for Improving Science and Mathematics Education Technical Cooperation -Project to Construct a School Building at Sansam Kosal Primary School, Phnom Penh City NGO -Non-Formal Basic Education and Vocational Skill Training for Children and Youth at Risk Human (UNESCO)
-Project for Construction of Primary and Secondary Schools in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools
Grant Aid
-Project for the Quality Improvement of Primary School Education (Child Centered Teaching Project) Technical Cooperation
-Regional Educational Development and Improvement Program
Human (UNICEF)
South Africa
-Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE), phase II
Technical Cooperation
-Project for Construction of Primary and Junior -Capacity Development in Educational Planning Project Technical Cooperation Secondary Schools in Limpopo Province Grant Aid -Project to Support the Operationalisation of the -Project for Construction of Primary and Junior INSET Policy Technical Cooperation Secondary Schools in Eastern Cape Province, phase II Grant Aid
-Strengthening Child-centered Approach (SCCA)
Technical Cooperation
-The Project for Strengthening of Educational Management in the Rural Education Networks of Canas and Suyo Technical Cooperation
-Project for Development of School Facilities for Dar Es Salaam Primary Schools Grant Aid -Basic Education and HIV/AIDS and Life Skill for Out of School Children Human (UNICEF) -Support to Primary Education in Drought Prone and Pastoralist Areas Human (WFP) *3
Benin Niger
-Project on Improvement of Mathematics Education
Technical Cooperation
Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Basic Schools in Lusaka, phase II Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools, phase II
Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Dosso and Tahoua Regions Grant Aid -Project on Support to the Improvement of School Management through Community Participation (School for All) Technical Cooperation
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda Province Grant Aid
-Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education in Malawi (SMASSE-Malawi) Technical Cooperation -Project for Improvement of Domasi College of Education Grant Aid
- School Earthquake Safety Project
Human (UNCRD)
-Project for Construction of Additional Classrooms for Primary Schools Grant Aid
-Project for Construction of Primary Schools, phase III Grant Aid
-Project for Reconstruction of the Xai-Xai Primary Teacher Training Center
Grant Aid
Basic education
Technical Cooperation
participation in school management. To this end, the goverment is promoting the establishment of school management committees (COGES) comprising of teachers, parents and community representatives. JICA has supported a School for All project since January 2004 with the aim to provide a management model for COGES and to enhance the capacity of local education administrators to support COGES activities. The ultimate aim of the project is to make community members play a central role in school management. In several districts, the community members have already planned and implemented action programs to make their local schools better, which has contributed to improved learning environments as well as increased educational opportunities for children.
Grant Aid
Government developed a new education program, Education for All 2004-2009, in order to further expand and improve primary education. The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Support of Education for All has been conducted since October 2003, to support the construction of classrooms and education resource centers in 15 selected districts, which were selected based on needs, poverty levels and access to schools. The Government of Japan provided financial and material resources needed for the school construction, while the actual construction work was carried out with the active participation of local people.
Furthermore, the project has begun to have significant impact at the national level. For instance, the study manual developed for the project has been utilized as the basis of Nigers official study manual.
Technical Cooperation
Ye m e n
opment Strategy in 2002, aiming at providing children with greater opportunities for basic education, with particular emphasis on eliminating gender disparity. However, since the decentralization process in public administration has been introduced only recently, the country faces a number of challenges including the low level of planning capacity of local education administrators, insufficient management capacity of school administrators and low level of community involvement in education development. JICA has been supporting Broadening Regional Initiatives for Developing Girls Education (BRIDGE) Program in Taiz Governorate from June 2005 to November 2008. The project is expected to establish a model for effective local administration system in education that can promote girls education initiated by schools and communities, through the activities jointly conducted by local education administrators, school administrators and community members.
Yen LoanODA
has failed to keep up with the sharp increase in the number of primary school graduates, thereby constraining the national secondary school enrollment ratio to 63%. Particularly, a shortage of secondary schools in remote rural areas is a serious issue, where their enrollment ratio is only 42%. Another challenge is a low enrollment of female children in remote rural areas that was 33% compared with 79% in urban areas, in 2001. In response to this challenge, one of the priorities of the educational sector in Morocco is to construct secondary schools in each municipality in rural areas, so as to increase enrollement in secondary education. Japan provided 8.9 billion yen to Morocco through the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) to finance the Rural Secondary Education Expansion Project. The project consists of constructing additional 101 secondary schools as well as providing necessary equipment and library facilities for these schools in the rural areas of five regions. Moreover, the project will contribute to strengthening the management capacity of the Education/Human Resources Development District Academy, which is the implementing agency of the project. It is expected that the project will propagate secondary education in the poor rural areas and help reduce disparities in access to education between urban and rural areas as well as between male and female children.
Basic education
model CLCs in these provinces an urgent task. Under these circumstances, JICA, in cooperation with NFUAJ, supported a Project for Promotion of Community Learning Centers in the Northern Mountainous Region from October 2003 to June 2005. The main aim of the project was to establish a model CLC in each of the eight targeted province, to provide non-formal education for local villagers, particularly adult illiterates and primary school drop-outs. The project contributed to improving the standard of living of the people in the targeted communities and spreading CLCs in the region.
Technical Cooperation
training for elders as well as male and female community leaders. Moreover, the Terakoyabased centers serve as local libraries and meeting places for the communities. Vocational training classes such as sewing classes are also being provided in the centers, in order to meet the needs of the local people, who are striving to make their living.
Technical Cooperation
2003 to June 2006. With discussion and exchange of ideas between Japanese and Kenyan experts, the project has adopted a unique approach of encouraging teachers to conduct innovative lessons utilizing science experiments and practices. This method of lesson innovation is called the ASEI (Activity, Student, Experiment, Improvisation) approach, aiming at making teaching and learning more student-centered. The project has also successfully introduced the PDSI (Plan, Do, See, Improve) method, which encourages teachers to constantly fine-tune their curricula according to the students learning achievements and educational needs. Kenyas experience and achievements have gained great attention from neighboring countries in Africa, and a regional cooperation network in education called SMASSE-WECSA was established in 2002. Currently, more than 30 African countries participate in the SMASSEWECSA, to conduct training and establish regional network on ASEI and PDSI approaches. The SMASSE-WECSA is recognized as one of the most important projects in the New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD) and also plays a central role in science and math working group of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).
Grant Aid
Education in Ethiopia faces many challenges including a shortage of teachers and textbooks, low net enrollment ratio in primary education, and large disparity between urban and rural areas. Under these circumstances, distant learning is considered as one of the effective ways to provide children with wider opportunities for basic education and to reduce regional disparity . Although Ethiopia is a multi-lingual country, the distant learning programs had been broadcast only in English until the Education Sector Development Program was introduced in 1996. The program set out a new policy direction that primary education should be provided in each local language in line with the countrys decentralization policy. Subsequently, distant learning programs need to be made according to the specific curricula developed by different local education departments and broadcast in respective local languages. Japan supported the Project for Consolidation of Educational Television and Radio Recording Studios and provided broadcast equipment at eight radio stations and two TV stations. Also, Japanese experts on radio/TV education programs have been dispatched to support the program. Thus, the project has been contributing to the establishment of a decentralized national distance learning system, through the provision of both hardware and software assistance.
Basic education
Technical Cooperation
(FTI). The project has also had a positive impact on education in neighboring countries. The project became one of the subjects discussed at the Central America Education Ministerial Meeting held in 2003. It was decided that the project achievements would be introduced in other countries in Central America through a launch of a regional cooperation network. In this way, more than 15-year cooperation in math education by JOCVs in Honduras are now about to bear fruit in the region.
In 2005, Japan provided another 243 million yen in grant to UNICEF for the purpose of strengthening community-based school management and providing educational opportunities for socially vulnerable children such as children from lowincome families, ethnic minorities and children with disabilities.
external support to achieve the goal and develop Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and a sound national education plan can receive support from the FTI. As of September 2005, sixteen low-income countries were endorsed by the initiative. Japan has given aid to 14 of the 16 countries. In FY2004, Japans aid in basic education to these countries has doubled.
Grant Aid
teaching at secondary schools do not have teaching certificates for secondary education, making it difficult to pursue regular curriculum in many secondary schools. Accordingly, training of additional secondary teachers including female teachers became an urgent task. Domasi College of Education, the largest teachers college in Malawi, has a serious shortage of educational facilities and materials needed to train secondary school teachers since it was initially established as a primary teachers college. Against this background, Japan provided a grant aid for the Project for Improvement of Domasi College of Education in July 2004, to upgrade the school facilities and provide the needed equipment. It is expected that 480 qualified secondary school teachers including 120 female teachers will be trained each year, contributing to the improved quality of secondary education and increased female students enrollment.
Basic education
teacher supplies, and expanding and improving school facilities. However, lack of detailed action plans to implement such strategy and lack of mechanism to coordinate development partners had been a problem. Moreover, there was an urgent need to strengthen the capacities of local education departments, which have responsibilities for teacher recruitment and school construction. Against this background, JICA conducted a Support Program on Primary Education Development from July 2001 to March 2004, to strengthen planning capacities of education administrators at provincial level to support the formulation of national education development plan, and to incorporate it in provincial education plans. JICA also helped strengthen Vietnams capacity to coordinate the activities of different development partners working in the education sector in Vietnam.
other provinces, the Regional Educational Development and Improvement Program are being implemented since September 2004, with particular emphasis on strengthening the capacity of local education administrators. The program is expected to be completed in September 2008.
Grant Aid
equipment for the University of Kabuls Schools of Science and Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary and Medicine and the Kabul University of Education. Furthermore, as public-private cooperation, five womens universities in Japan have been working together to jointly accept more than 10 female Afghan lecturers every year for training. Also, academic partnership agreement has been signed between the School of Agriculture of the University of Kabul and a Japanese university, assigning several Afghan lecturers to be trained in Japan.
Science class at University of Kabul
Afghanistan, Iraq
Afghanistan / Iraq
cities in southen Iraq, assisting the early resumption of these schools. These rehabilitation programs are also expected to create new employment opportunities for local communities.
Yen LoanODA
Moreover, a serious shortage of classrooms and educational equipment caused by the earthquake have forced many primary schools to go back into operating on a double-shift system that the Algerian government plans to abolish by 2008. Japan provided Yen loan of approximately 2.9 billion yen throgh JBIC for the Earthquakeaffected Education Sector Reconstruction Project. The loan will finance civil work for rebuilding 26 primary schools, as well as four junior and six senior high schools that were most heavily damaged by the earthquake, together with education equipment for these schools. These new schools are all resistant to earthquakes.
Cambodia, Vietnam
Cambodia / Vietnam
and dignity in the world. The fund has been utilized to support a number of projects including reconstruction of education systems in post-conflict situations and education of children and youth at risk. In Cambodia and Vietnam, many youth have migrated from poverty stricken rural area to urban areas searching for better lives. However, most of them have few or no opportunities for education and jobs and the number of youth living on the street is increasing. They are at high risk of exploitation, physical abuse, prostitution and human trafficking. Against this background, Japan provided approximately US$360,000 of the Human Security Fund for Support Urban Youth at Risk: House for Youth project, carried out by UN-HABITAT (United Nations Human Settlements Programme). The project provided street youths with opportunities for basic education and vocational training, while various awareness raising activities about drug abuse and HIV/AIDS as well as psycho-social care programs were carried out. In addition, capacity development seminars for social orientation were conducted. The Trust Fund for Human Security also financed approximately US$610,000 for Nonformal Basic Education and Vocational Skill Training for Children and Youth at Risk project in Cambodia, which was implemented by UNESCO Cambodia office in cooperation with five local NGOs. The project targeted about 3,000 children in difficult circumstances aged five to twenty four including orphans, school dropouts and street children, and provided them with opportunities for literacy and math classes, capacity building in problem-solving and life skills. Also, vocational training programs such as cosmetology, poultry, sewing and electric product maintenance were conducted to help these children and youth to pursue self-reliance and reintegration in the society. In addition, the project supported them to go back to formal schooling system whereever possible. 19
Technical Cooperation
development activities and pilot projects for parasite control in cooperation with the project in Thailand. In the course of the project, the development of the countrys national school health policy had gathered momentum and the actual formulation of the plan has been assisted by JICA. Recently, JICA dispatched experts in school health to support the policy implementation and to strengthen the capacities of school health promotion committees, as well as to enhance the capacities of school principals and teachers for ensuring the sustainability of the activities.
Children at a sanitation campaign event
information and opinions on cooperation policies and strategies in education assistance. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assists a number of development and humanitarian projects undertaken by Japanese NGOs through the Grant Assistance for Japanese NGO Project. The Grant was established in 2002, by merging Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects and the Grant Assistance for Supporting NGO Emergency Activities. This new grant scheme partially covers
the expenses for NGO personnel and conducting meetings, supporting the smooth and effective operations of NGOs activities. In FY 2004, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided 1.04 billion yen to 72 projects in 32 countries carried out by 46 Japanese NGOs under this grant. The projects supported by the grant include the Project to Construct a School Building at Sansam Kosal Primary School in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, by Japan Team of Young Human Power (JHP).
Higher education
In the age of accelerated globalization of economy, the critical role of higher education has received renewed recognition. Higher education institutions in developing countries are required to change positively in this new global environment. For instance, higher education institutions are expected to develop human resources needed for knowledge-based society, serve a society as a whole, promote the culture of lifelong learning and strengthen networks with industry circles. Japan supports the expansion and improvement of higher education in developing countries, through improving the contents of learning and methods of teaching, upgrading facilities, reducing disparities and improving school management, particularly in such fields as engineering, agriculture and business administration. Moreover, in response to the recent trend of globalization in university education, Japan promotes global education and research networks, dispatches teachers from Japanese universities, exchanges teachers between Japanese universities and those in partner countries and carries out distant learning by optimizing information and communications technology.
Yen LoanODA
region. Yen loan was provided for the project to upgrade school facilities and equipment, train lecturers and administrators from the Chinese targeted universities in Japan and carry out joint research projects between Japanese and Chinese universities. The projects activities cover 167 universities in 19 provinces, municipalities and autonomous areas in the inland region. Since the start of the project, 695 university staffs had already visited Japan by May 2005. The project has been contributing to promoting mutual understanding between the two countries and pursuing their joint activities to tackle various global issues, while the advanced knowhow and academic resources of the Japanese universities are expected to be optimized for the greater good.
1993. Since 1999, a new project on Strengthening of Polytechnic Education in Electric-related Technology was launched, aiming at creating a four-year teacher training course in electricrelated fields (electricity, electronics, telecommunications and information) and a three-year course in information technology. In FY 2001 and 2002, grant aid was again utilized for the construction of school facilities and the procurement of educational and laboratory equipment. Today, the third country training has been extended to cover Africa, and the AsiaAfrica cooperation in the related fields is underway.
* Training implemented by JICA, aiming at enabling a developing country to transfer the skills it has acquired through technical cooperation provided by Japan to other developing countries.
Technical Cooperation
sities from 10 ASEAN member countries and 11 support universities in Japan. The project is being carried out from 2001 to 2006, with the purpose of establishing the network itself and improving the research and education capacity of the participating 19 ASEAN universities in the field of engineering, through the cooperation with Japanese universities. The main activities of the project are the creation of a network of researchers and teachers of higher education institutions specializing in engineering education in the ASEAN region, the provision of support to pursue advanced studies (Masters in ASEAN and PhDs in both ASEAN and Japan), as well as research support and organization of academic workshops and seminars. This cooperation network was first proposed at the 1997 Japan-ASEAN Summit Meeting. It was based on the idea that in order to overcome the economic crisis experienced by the ASEAN countries, a new network of institutions specializing in engineering education should be created.
The Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya won the 2001 NHK Robot Contest (in the category of university).
Technical Cooperation
Seminar participants
Students learning at a Faculty of Economics and Business Management, National University of Laos
Technical Cooperation
capacity acquired under the project, support has been provided to conduct in-service training to the instructors from other vocational schools in Uganda as well as neighboring countries in Southeast Africa, which is expected to contribute to improving their teaching capacities.
Technical Cooperation
college has started providing short-term training programs for employees of local factories as well as taking manufacturing orders from private firms. Through these activities, the project greatly enhanced the schools capacity to understand the local business needs and develop its training programs according to such needs, further facilitating the good and trustworthy relationships with the local industry. The students who completed the training course supported by the project have acquired not only specialized technical expertise but also proper working attitude and ethics as well as high motivation to manufacture quality products. Accordingly, they are enjoying a high reputation among local industry circles including local Japanese-affiliated firms.
Yen LoanODA
In Uzbekistan, which is in transitional period from socialist economy to a market economy, the agricultural sector is one of the most important industries, accounting for 40% of employment and 30% of the GDP. Thus, the development of agriculture sector and the improvement of agriculturerelated education are two of the most important tasks that the government has to address. Uzbekistan has been pursuing education reform that includes the introduction of compulsory senior secondary education. As part of the reform, the government has been trying to expand and improve vocational education particularly in the field of agriculture. To support such efforts of Uzbekistan, Japan provided a Yen loan of 6.3 billion yen through JBIC, for the Senior Secondary Education Project. The loan supported the countrys 50 agricultural schools through the provision of educational materials such as science laboratory equipment and tractors. Training courses for school principals and senior administrators in charge of school management were also conducted both in Japan and Uzbekistan. In Japan,the trainees from Uzbekistan learned know-how in school management, crop cultivation, dairy husbandry/veterinary and food processing. In particular, training such as dairy production and civil engineering machine operation utilizing the advanced technology impressed many trainees.
Turnery practice
For enhancing human resouces capacities to develop and implement economic and development policies as well as to advance industrialization, Japan has provided a total of 59.1 billion yen in loans to three countries : Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.
Science and Technology Manpower Development Project Professional Human Resources Development Project () Professional Human Resources Development Project ()
Higher Education Loan Fund Project () Look East Policy Project Higher Education Loan Fund Project ()
Malaysia has set itself the goal of becoming a developed country by 2020. To achieve this goal, the country has placed priority on further expanding and improving higher education institutions as well as fostering human resources development in the field of scientific research through the promotion of overseas education. The Higher Education Loan Fund Project II (HELP-II), a project that supports Malaysian students who wish to study abroad, has been implemented with an ODA loan provided through OECF (Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund), following the project I (HELP-I) that started in 1992. The study under HELP I consists of 2-year preparatory study in an educational institution in Malaysia and 4-year undergraduate study in Japanese universities after their entrance examination. In the phase II, a twinning program was introduced at undergraduate level. In the twining program, a part of university education is provided in Malaysia, and these credits earned are acknowledged by Japanese universities letting Malaysian students transfered to the 2nd year. Thus, twining system contributes to making the period of their stay shorter and reducing the cost accordingly. With great cooperation and understanding from Japanese universities, the project has been supporting Malaysian students study at universities of science and technology in Japan in a sustainable manner. In the five-year period starting from 2001, approximately 300 Malaysian students have been transferred to Japanese universities by using the twining program and their academic performance has been receiving a high reputation.
Total number
55,755 53,640
41,347 40,000 31,251 18,631 22,154 17,701 25,643 25,852 20,549 4,118 976 4,465 934 4,961 1,026 35,360
14,659 9,267 11,733 3,077 3,458 2,345 2,502 798 774 895 995
5,219 1,072
5,699 1,058
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan Education for Growth Initiative of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology International Cooperation Agency Bank For International Cooperation
1,517 1,627
1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (year)
China Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Bangladesh The Philippines Malaysia Mongolia Brazil Cambodia
0 151 500 1000 1500 240 220 315 255 440 530 622 600
November, 2005