5-Spec Bedding Sand

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A. The subgrade and/or aggregate base course for pedestrian and vehicular concrete paving blocks
shall be prepared as per the particular specifications and Contract documents, as applicable.
Moreover, in absence of these document, the subgrade shall follow ASTM, ASHTO, or EN standard.
B. Installation teams are to be properly trained and to have previous experience in the installation of
interlocking pavers and shall follow the requirement/ specification recommended by manufacturers,
as approved by the Owner.
C. After preparation of the subgrade or aggregate base course for the concrete paving blocks, as
applicable, the Contractor shall place 50mm of bedding sand complying with the grading limits
specified in the table below. The bedding sand shall be crushed material.

Table 7-51: Grading for Bedding Sand for Less Aggressive Zone(1)

Sieve Size Percent Passing for Each Sieve(2)

5 mm 89 to 100%

2.36 mm 65 to 100%

1.18 mm 45 to 100%

600 µm 25 to 80%

300 µm 5 to 48%

150 µm 0 to 15%

75 µm 0 to 5%

Notes: 1) Less aggressive exposure zones have deeper water tables, comprising
more fresh water. This type of zone is generally found in regions of Al Ain and Al
2) As per BS 7533 Part 3 Category IV for pedestrian surface.

Table 7-52: Grading for Bedding Sand for Aggressive Zone(1)

Sieve Size Percent Passing for Each Sieve(2)

14mm 100%

10mm 98 to 100%

6mm 85 to 99%

2mm 0 to 15%

1mm 0 to 2%

63 µm 0 to 1%

Notes: 1) Aggressive exposure zones are those areas where a shallow water table is
known to be present. This underground water is generally brackish, where salt and
other mineral content is capable of attacking Interlocking Concrete Pavers. This type

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Table 7-52: Grading for Bedding Sand for Aggressive Zone(1)

of zone is generally found in Abu Dhabi City and other coastal areas throughout the
2) According to BS EN 13043, category 2.8/6.3 Gc80/15.

D. The bedding sand shall be uniformly spread over the compacted subgrade or aggregate base
course, as applicable for pedestrian or vehicular areas, and screed uniformly to grade approximately
5 to 10 mm higher than required. Actual height to be determined from site trial.
E. The sub base/ subgrade below the bedding aggregates to a depth of 30 cm shall have maximum
acid-soluble total salt content < 1% (according to BS 1377 Part 3)
F. Where utilities are present, preparation of subgrade and sub base should be in accordance with
utility providers’ requirements, including minimum depth of cover.
G. Concrete paving blocks in the approved pattern should be placed as close together as possible
such that the spaces of the joints are between approximately 3 mm and 5 mm. It is important that
the spaces be consistent so that the pattern will remain constant.
H. Utility chamber access openings should be integrated with the paving pattern.
I. Paving blocks should be laid from a mix of pallets to avoid any significant colour banding due to
variation in batches.
J. Any necessary cutting of concrete paving blocks shall be done with a mechanical block splitter or
a purpose built proprietary diamond saw. In all such situations, only cut paving units with true, even
and undamaged edges shall be laid. Cut paving with ragged edges and producing voids shall not be
installed. Cut pieces to be laid shall not be less than 30% of a full paving unit and where necessary
the cut shall be shared uniformly with the next complete unit.
K. Dimensional accuracy, uniformity of joint gaps, alignment and squareness shall be checked after
laying the first three rows of blocks and thereafter at regular intervals. If joints begin to open the
blocks shall be knocked together using a rubber mallet.
L. After each 100m², or such area that has been agreed with the Owner, has been laid the blocks
shall be compacted to the required levels using a plate vibrator.
M. Interlocking concrete paving blocks should be tamped with a mechanical plate vibrator equipped
with a rubber pad on the tamping face (to minimize damage to the finished surface and appearance
of the paving blocks), until pavers are uniformly levelled, true to grade and free of any movement.
The mechanical plate vibrator shall have a plate area of 0.20 to 0.35m² and have a compaction force
of 12-24 KN and a frequency of approximately 75 to 100 Hz. Compaction above and around
underground chambers requires particular attention.
N. The joints in the paving blocks shall be filled with sand complying BS 7533-3:2005+A1:2009 by
sweeping in the jointing sand, unless otherwise approved by project Owner. The grading limits for
the jointing sand specified in BS 7533-3:2005+A1:2009 are indicated in the table below.

Table 7-53: Grading for Jointing Sand

Sieve Size Percentage Passing Each Sieve

2.36 mm 100%

1.18 mm 95-100%

600 μm 50-100%

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