Water Bound Macadam-Wbm
Water Bound Macadam-Wbm
Water Bound Macadam-Wbm
Water Bound Macadam is another form of Wet Mix Macadam.
Where size and quality of aggregate and stone dust required for Wet
Mix Macadam shall not be founded, then Water Bound Macadam
shall be used for any road work.
Coarse Aggregates
Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed
slag, over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregates or any other
naturally occurring aggregates such as kankar and late-rite of
suitable quality. Water bound macadam materials other than
crushed or broken stone and crushed slag shall be used in sub-base
courses only. If crushed gravel is used, not less than 90 percent by
weight of the gravel pieces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at
least two fractured faces. The aggregates for water bound
macadam shall conform to the physical requirements given below in
Table. The type and size range of the aggregate for water bound
macadam shall be specified in the Contractor shall be as specified by
the Authority Engineer. If the water absorption value of the coarse
aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness test shall be
carried out on the same material delivered to site as per IS: 2386
(Part 5).
Physical Requirements
of Coarse Aggregates for Water Bound Macadam for Sub-base/Base
Grading Size
Range IS Sieve Designation Percent by weight
No. Passi
1) 63 mm to 45 mm 75
mm 100
63 mm 90-
53 mm 25-
45 mm 0-15
22.4 mm 0-5
2) 53 mm to 22.4 mm 63
mm 100
53 mm 95-
45 mm 65-
22.4 mm 0-
11.2 mm 0-5
Binding Material
Binding material to be used for water bound macadam as a filler
material meant for preventing raveling shall comprise of a suitable
material approved by the Engineer having a Plasticity Index (Pl)
value of less than 6 as determined in accordance with IS:2720 (Part-
Construction Operations
Preparation of Base
The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the
prepared sub-grade/ sub-base in the required quantities from the
stockpiles to a proper profile by using templates placed across the
road about 6 m apart, in such quantities that the thickness of each
compacted layer is not more than 75 mm. In no case shall these be
dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to be laid nor
shall their hauling over a partly completed base be permitted.
Wherever possible, approved mechanical devices such as aggregate
spreader shall be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to
minimize the need for manual rectification afterward.
Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates,
rolling shall be started with three-wheeled power rollers of 80 to 100
kN capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to
100 kN static weight. The type of roller to be used shall be approved
by the Engineer based on a trial run.
Application of Screenings
The screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform rate (in three
or more applications) so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be
accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical
brooms, hand brooms or both. In no case shall the screenings be
applied so fast and thick as to form cakes or ridges on the surface in
such a manner as would prevent filling of voids or prevent the direct
bearing of the roller on the coarse aggregates. These operations shall
continue until no more screenings can be forced into voids of the
coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling, and brooming of
screenings shall be carried out in only such lengths of the road which
could be completed within one day's operation.
The water bound macadam work shall not be carried out when the
atmospheric temperature is less than 10°C in the shade.