Water Bound Macadam-Wbm

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Water Bound Macadam is another form of Wet Mix Macadam.
Where size and quality of aggregate and stone dust required for Wet
Mix Macadam shall not be founded, then Water Bound Macadam
shall be used for any road work.

Water bound Macadam work shall consist of clean and crushed

aggregates, mechanically interlocked by rolling and
bonding together with screening, binding material where
necessary and water laid on a properly prepared sub-grade /sub-
base/base or existing pavement, and finished in accordance with the
requirements of Specifications and thickness as per approved plans
or as directed by the Authority Engineer.

Coarse Aggregates
Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed
slag, over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregates or any other
naturally occurring aggregates such as kankar and late-rite of
suitable quality. Water bound macadam materials other than
crushed or broken stone and crushed slag shall be used in sub-base
courses only. If crushed gravel is used, not less than 90 percent by
weight of the gravel pieces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at
least two fractured faces. The aggregates for water bound
macadam shall conform to the physical requirements given below in
Table. The type and size range of the aggregate for water bound
macadam shall be specified in the Contractor shall be as specified by
the Authority Engineer. If the water absorption value of the coarse
aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness test shall be
carried out on the same material delivered to site as per IS: 2386
(Part 5).

Physical Requirements
of Coarse Aggregates for Water Bound Macadam for Sub-base/Base

S.No. Test Test

Method Requirements
1)*** Los Angeles Abrasion value IS: 2386(Part 4) 40 percent
Aggregate Impact value IS: 2386 (Part-4) or 30 percent
2) Combined Flakiness and Elongation IS:2386 (Part-1) 35
Indices (Total) **

* Aggregates which get softened in presence of water shall be

tested for Impact value under wet conditions in accordance with

** The requirement of flakiness index and elongation index shall be

enforced only in the case of crushed broken stone and crushed slag.

*** In case water bound macadam is used for sub-base, the

requirements in respect of Los Angeles Value and Aggregate Impact
Value shall be relaxed to 50 percent and 40 percent maximum

Crushed or Broken Stone Quality

The crushed or broken stone shall be hard, durable and free from
excess flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated particles, dirt, and other
deleterious material.
Crushed Slag
Crushed slag shall be made from air-cooled blast furnace slag. It
shall be of an angular shape, reasonably uniform in quality and
density and generally free from thin, elongated and soft pieces, dirt
or other deleterious materials. The weight of crushed slag shall not be
less than 11.2 kN per cum. and the percentage of glossy material shall
not be more than 20. It should also comply with the
following requirements:

i) Chemical stability - To comply with requirements of an

appendix of BS:1047
ii) Sulfur content - Maximum 2 percent
iii) Water absorption - Maximum 10 percent

Overburnt (Jhama) Brick Aggregates

Jhama brick aggregates shall be made from over burnt bricks or

brickbats and be free from dust and other objectionable and
deleterious materials. This shall be used only for road stretch when
traffic is low.

Screenings / Grading Requirement

of Coarse
Screenings to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally
consist of the same material as the coarse aggregate. However,
where permitted, predominantly non-plastic material such as
moorum or gravel (other than rounded river-borne material) may be
used for this purpose provided liquid limit and plasticity index of
such material are below 20 and 6 respectively and fraction passing
75-micron sieve does not exceed 10 percent.

Grading Requirements of Coarse


Grading Size
Range IS Sieve Designation Percent by weight
No. Passi

1) 63 mm to 45 mm 75
mm 100
63 mm 90-
53 mm 25-
45 mm 0-15
22.4 mm 0-5

2) 53 mm to 22.4 mm 63
mm 100
53 mm 95-
45 mm 65-
22.4 mm 0-
11.2 mm 0-5

Note: The compacted thickness for a layer shall be 75 mm.

The number of screenings required for various grades of stone

aggregates are given in Table 400-11 MORTH 5th revision.
The use of screenings shall be omitted in the case of soft aggregates
such as brick metal, kankar, laterites, etc. as they are likely to get
crushed to a certain extent under rollers.

Binding Material
Binding material to be used for water bound macadam as a filler
material meant for preventing raveling shall comprise of a suitable
material approved by the Engineer having a Plasticity Index (Pl)
value of less than 6 as determined in accordance with IS:2720 (Part-

The quantity of binding material where it is to be used will depend on

the type of screenings. Generally, the quantity required for 75 mm
compacted thickness of water bound macadam will be 0.06-0.09
m3 per 10 m2.

Grading For Screenings

Application of binding materials may not be necessary when the
screenings used are of a crushable type such as moorum or gravel.

Construction Operations

Preparation of Base

The surface of the sub-grade/sub-base/base to receive the water

bound macadam course shall be prepared to the specified grade and
camber and cleaned of dust, dirt and other extraneous material. Any
ruts or soft yielding places shall be corrected in an approved manner
and rolled until the firm surface is obtained.

Where the WBM is to be laid on an existing metaled road, a damaged

area including depressions and potholes shall be repaired and made
good with the suitable material. The existing surface shall be
scarified and re-shaped to the required grade and camber before
spreading the coarse aggregate for WBM.

As far as possible, laying water bound macadam course over existing

bituminous layer may be avoided since it will cause problems of
internal drainage of the pavement at the interface of two courses. It
is desirable to completely pick out the existing thin bituminous
wearing course where water bound macadam is proposed to be laid
over it.

Spreading Coarse Aggregates

The coarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the
prepared sub-grade/ sub-base in the required quantities from the
stockpiles to a proper profile by using templates placed across the
road about 6 m apart, in such quantities that the thickness of each
compacted layer is not more than 75 mm. In no case shall these be
dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to be laid nor
shall their hauling over a partly completed base be permitted.
Wherever possible, approved mechanical devices such as aggregate
spreader shall be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to
minimize the need for manual rectification afterward.

No segregation of coarse aggregates shall be allowed and the coarse

aggregates, as spread shall be of uniform gradation with no pockets
of fine material.

The surface of the aggregates spread shall be carefully checked with

templates and all high or low spots remedied by removing or adding
aggregates as may be required. The surface shall be checked
frequently with a straight edge while spreading and rolling so as to
ensure a finished surface as per approved drawings.

The coarse aggregates shall not normally be spread more than 3

days in advance of the subsequent construction operations.

Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates,
rolling shall be started with three-wheeled power rollers of 80 to 100
kN capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to
100 kN static weight. The type of roller to be used shall be approved
by the Engineer based on a trial run.

Except on superelevated portions and carriageway with

unidirectional cross-fall, where the rolling shall proceed from the
inner edge to the outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually
progressing towards the center. First, the edge/edges shall be
compacted with roller running forward and backward. The roller
shall then move inward parallel to the center line of the road, in
successive passes uniformly overlapping preceding tracks by at least
one-half width.

Rolling shall be carried out on courses where coarse aggregates of

crushed/broken stone are used, till the road metal is partially

However, where screenings are not to be applied as in the case of

aggregates like brick metal, laterite, and Kankar for sub-base
construction, the compaction shall be continued until the aggregates
are thoroughly keyed. Rolling shall be continued and a light sprinkling
of water shall be done till the surface is well compacted. Rolling shall
not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when it causes a
wave-like motion in the sub-grade or sub-base course.

The rolled surface shall be

checked transversely with templates and longitudinally with
3 m straight edge. Any irregularities, exceeding 12 mm, shall be
corrected by loosening the surface, adding or removing the necessary
amount of aggregates and re-rolling until the entire surface
conforms to the desired camber and grade. In no case shall the use of
screenings be permitted to make up depressions.
The material, which gets crushed excessively during compaction or
becomes segregated, shall be removed and replaced with suitable

Application of Screenings

After the coarse aggregates have been rolled to Clause

404.3.5, screenings to completely fill the interstices shall be applied
gradually over the surface. These shall not be damp or wet at the
time of application. Dry rolling shall be done while the screenings
are being spread so that vibrations of the roller cause them to settle
into the voids of the coarse aggregates. The screenings shallot be
dumped in piles but are spread uniformly in successive thin layers
either by the spreading motions of hand shovels or by mechanical
spreaders, or directly from tipper with suitable grit spreading
arrangement. Tipper operating for spreading the screenings shall be
equipped with pneumatic tyres and operated so as not to disturb
the coarse aggregates.

The screenings shall be applied at a slow and uniform rate (in three
or more applications) so as to ensure filling of all voids. This shall be
accompanied by dry rolling and brooming with mechanical
brooms, hand brooms or both. In no case shall the screenings be
applied so fast and thick as to form cakes or ridges on the surface in
such a manner as would prevent filling of voids or prevent the direct
bearing of the roller on the coarse aggregates. These operations shall
continue until no more screenings can be forced into voids of the
coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling, and brooming of
screenings shall be carried out in only such lengths of the road which
could be completed within one day's operation.

Sprinkling of Water and Grouting

After application of screenings, the surface shall be copiously
sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used
to sweep the wet screenings into voids and to distribute them evenly.
The sprinkling, sweeping and rolling operation shall be continued,
with additional screenings applied as necessary until the coarse
aggregates have been thoroughly keyed, well-bonded and firmly set
in its full depth and a grout has been formed of screenings. Care shall
be taken to see that the sub-base or sub-grade does not get damaged
due to the addition of excessive quantities of water during

Application of binding material

After the application of screenings, the binding material where it
is required to be used shall be applied successively in two or more
thin layers at a slow and uniform rate. After each application, the
surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, the resulting slurry
swept in with hand brooms, or mechanical brooms to fill the voids
properly, and rolled during which water shall be applied to the
wheels of the rollers if necessary to wash down the binding material
sticking to them. These operations shall continue until the resulting
slurry after filling of voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the
moving roller.

Setting and Drying

After the final compaction of water bound macadam course, the
pavement shall be allowed to dry overnight. Next morning hungry
spots shall be filled with screenings or binding material as
directed, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No
traffic shall be allowed on the road until the macadam has set. The
Engineer shall have the discretion to stop hauling traffic from using
the completed water bound macadam course if in his opinion it
would cause excessive damage to the surface.

The compacted water bound macadam course shall be allowed to

completely dry and set before the next pavement course is laid over

Surface Finish and Quality Control of


The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requir

ements of Control on the quality of
materials and works shall be exercised by the
Engineer in accordance with Section 900.

The water bound macadam work shall not be carried out when the
atmospheric temperature is less than 10°C in the shade.

Reconstruction of Defective Macadam

The finished surface of water bound macadam shall conform to the
tolerances of surface regularity as prescribed in Clause 902.
However, where the surface irregularity of the course exceeds the
tolerances or where the course is otherwise defective due to sub-
grade soil mixing with the aggregates, the course to its full thickness
shall be satisfied over the affected area, reshaped with added
material or removed and replaced with fresh material as applicable
and re-compacted. The area treated shall not be less than 10 sq.m. In
no case shall depressions be filled up with screenings or binding

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