1086 3469 1 PB
1086 3469 1 PB
1086 3469 1 PB
Sariaman Gultom1, Ahmad Fakhri Hutauruk2, Andres M. Ginting3
Lecturer in Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program, Universitas Simalungun, Indonesia
Lecturer in History Education Study Program, Universitas Simalungun, Indonesia
Abstract Keywords
Lack of student interest in learning results in pre-determined skills; teachers; interest in learning
learning goals not being achieved. The teacher must work hard
to find new breakthroughs so students are interested in learning.
In addition to implementing a good work ethic, a teacher must
also have skills in teaching as to achieve learning objectives in
accordance with curriculum requirements. This research involves
qualitative research method. The data analysis techniques used
are: data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions /
verification. The result of the study indicate that a teacher must
have several teaching skills, namely: (1) questioning skills, (2)
reinforcement skills, (3) variation skills, (4) explaining skills, (5)
learning skills opening and closing, (6) small group discussion
guiding skills, (7) small classroom management skills, and (8)
small group and individual teaching skills.
I. Introduction
III. Discussion
Problems that often occur in class are often due to students who do not care about the
teacher in front of the class which results in the learning process not going well, so the
learning objectives are not achieved according to curriculum demands. How will it be
realized if the students are just not interested in taking lessons in class? Therefore, teachers
need to make new breakthroughs to attract students' learning interest. In addition to the
teacher must master learning material, learning methods, learning models and the use of
media in accordance with the material being taught, the teacher must also have skills in
Before understanding and applying teaching skills, a teacher first understands and
has a good work ethic. As explained by Sinamo (2011) that (1) Work is Grace; I Work
Sincerely Gratitude, (2) Work is Trustful; I Work Right Full of Responsibility, (3) Work is
a Call; I Work Completely Full of Integrity, (4) Work is Actualization; I Work Hard with
Enthusiasm, (5) Work is Worship; I Work Seriously with Love, (6) Work is Art; I Work
Smart Full of Creativity, (7) Work is Honor; I Work Diligently Full of Excellence and (8)
Work is Service; I Work Plenary Full of Humility.
Thus it is hoped that later the learning process can run well and students have an
interest in participating in learning well. The intended teaching skills are as follows:
This is emphasized by Wina Sanjaya (2005: 166) that everyone has a boredom in
learning to feel bored, bored, less passionate, even sleepy as these conditions usually arise
ue to the presentation of your teacher who is less attractive, so you want the learning
process to end quickly . To avoid students' boredom in learning, teachers need to have
stimulus variation skills.
Thus, teachers need to use lectures for auditive students, teachers need to use media,
visual aids for students, and teachers must hold discussions, experiments, demonstrations,
and practices for kinetic students. If the teacher has done this it means the teacher has
touched each student's intress. In addition, the use of variations in learning activities is
intended to overcome the boredom and boredom of students due to monotonous learning,
by holding variations in learning activities, it is expected that learning is more meaningful
and optimal, so students always show perseverance, enthusiasm, and full participation in
learning activities (Rusman, 2011: 85).
been learned. Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that the skills of opening
and closing lessons are very important as the key to the success of teachers in achieving the
desired goals and to find out the level of achievement of teachers' success in the learning
process (Supriatna and M Arif, 2015: 67-68).
classroom. These skills will enhance the understanding of the teacher and students
involved, as well as understanding in organizing teaching and learning or educational
interactions. Interpersonal and social relationships, and organizing are important for the
success of teaching small groups and individuals. Therefore teachers must have the ability
to do personal relationships, if they want to apply the teaching skills of small groups and
individuals (Nasrul, 2012: 71-72).
Thus the skills of teaching small groups and individuals can be done by: (1)
Developing skills in organizing, by providing motivation and making variations in the
assignment of tasks, (2) Guiding and facilitating learning, which includes reinforcement,
initial process, supervision, and learning interactions , (3) Planning the use of space and (4)
Giving clear, challenging, and interesting tasks.
IV. Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion of teacher skills in teaching can
increase student interest in teacher learning, it can be seen that a teacher must have some of
the skills described, namely: (1) asking questions, (2) strengthening skills, (3) holding
skills variations, (4) explaining skills, (5) opening and closing lessons, (6) small group
discussion guiding skills, (7) classroom management skills, and (8) small and individual
group teaching skills.
The implementation of teaching skills is expected to attract students 'interest in
learning better, more conducive classroom conditions and students' readiness to accept
learning material taught by teachers so that learning objectives can be achieved in
accordance with curriculum demands.