Fetal Non Stress Test
Fetal Non Stress Test
Fetal Non Stress Test
Non Stress Test Evaluation of Fetal Status Pre Conception Counselling
Infertility Workup
Observation of fetal heart rate (FHR) associated IUI or Intra Uterine Insemination
with fetal movement IVF or In Vitro Fertilization
With movement of the fetus, the FHR Should ICSI or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Increase or Acceterate Oocyte Donation and Egg Sharing Programmes
This test is based on the knowledge that when the Surrogacy
fetus has adequate oxygenation and an intact Embyro Freezing and Oocyte Freezing
Central Nervous System (CNS) there are Cyro Preserved Semen Bank
accelerations of FHR with movement. Andrology Clinic
Basic and Advanced Endoscopic Surgery
What do the NST results mean and what Hormone Analysis
are the reasons for further testing? Genetic Counseling
Pre Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
A reactive non-stress results indicates that blood Pre Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS)
flow (and oxygen) to the fetus is adequate. A Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic
non-reactive Non-Stress test requires additional Nutrition Clinic
testing to determine whether the result is truly due Pharmacy
to poor oxygenation , or whether there are other
reasons for fetal non reactivity (i.e. sleep patterns,
certain maternal prescription or non-prescription
drugs. It may be repeated after a sugar drink or
food and usually the results improve. Remember
babies can and sleep inside the mother’s womb.
1 Care IVF Lansdowne: 88 B, Sarat Bose Road,
Kolkata 700 026 Ph. : 033 40707001
2 Care IVF Salt Lake: AC-12, Sector-I, Salt Lake City
Reactive (Reassuring) - When two or more Kolkata 700 064 Ph. : 033 40053085
accelerations of more than 15 beats per
minute above the baseline and longer than 3 Care IVF Jamshedpur: Michel John Tower
15 seconds in duration are present in a 20 Souther Town Area - 06, K. Road, Bisthupur. Ph. : 7280088421
minutes observation in association with 4 Care IVF Siliguri: Tilak Road, Hakim Para,
movement of fetus Siliguri - 734001 Ph. : 9073304279, 7003822488
Non-reactive (Nonreassuring)-Absence of
any fetal reactivity.
FETAL NON STRESS TEST (NST) Why would NST be performed? What are the risks and side effects to the
Non–Stress is a simple, non-invasive test An NST may be performed if: mother or baby?
performed in Pregnancies over 28 week’s • You sense that the baby is not moving as A NST is a noninvasive test that poses no known
gestation. The test is named “non-stress” because frequently as usual risks or side effects to mother or baby.
no stress is placed on the fetus during the test. The • Baby is small for its age How is NST perfomed?
same when done during labor is called CTG or
• Amniotic fluid is either too much or too little 1. The test involves attaching one belt to the
Cardio TocoGram.
mother’s Abdomen to measure fetal heart rate
• You are over due
When Is NST Performed? and another belt to measure uterine
• There is any reason to suspect that the contractions.
NSTs are generally performed after 28 weeks of placenta is not functioning 2. You are also asked to press a button when the
gestation. Before 28 weeks, the fetus is not baby moves so that the heart rates can be seen
developed enough to respond to the test protocol.
What does the NST look for?
in relationship to that movement.
It can be repeated every week or even more The primary goal of test is to measure the heart 3. Movement , heart rate and “reactivity “of heart
frequently. rate of the fetus in response to its own movement. rate to movement is measured for 20-30
Healthy babies will respond with an increased minutes, usually, but may be done longer if
heart rate during times of movement, and the necessary.
heart rate will decrease at rest. The concept 4. If the baby does not move, it does not
behind a non-stress test is that adequate oxygen is necessarily indicate that there is a problem; the
Don’t worry required for fetal activity and heart rate to be baby could just be asleep.
It’s not stressful. within normal ranges. When oxygen levels are low, 5. A nurse may use a small “buzzer” to wake the
the fetus may not respond normally. Low oxygen baby for the remainder of the test.
NST during level can often be caused by problems in placenta 6. It will be sensible to pee and tuck in a snack
pregnancy is just a or umbilical cord. It may also indicate other causes before the procedure as the whole thing can last
third trimester check of foetal distress. for an hour.
of your baby’s External Fetal Monitor
well-being Transducer for sensing
Sensing contractions Contractions
Transducer for
Sensing fatal Fetal heart
External Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring heart rate
Fetal Heart
Rate Sensor