Lexicalized Noun Phrase

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Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree Doctor of Philosphy in the Graduate

School of The Ohio State University


Carol Jean Godby, B.A., M.A.


The Ohio State University


Dissertation Committee: Approved by

Professor Craige Roberts, Adviser

Professor Chris Brew
Professor David Dowty Department of Lingistics
Copyright © Carol Jean Godby 2002


Lexicalized noun phrases are noun phrases that function as words. In

English, lexicalized noun phrases are often realized as noun-noun compounds such as
theater ticket and garbage man, or as adjective-noun phrases such as black market
and high school. In specialized or technical subjects, phrases such as urban planning,
air traffic control, highway engineering and combinatorial mathematics are
conventional names for concepts that are just as important as single-word terms such
as adsorbents, hydrology, or aerodynamics. But despite the fact that lexicalized noun
phrases represent useful vocabulary and are cited in dictionaries, thesauri and book
indexes, the traditional linguistic literature has failed to identify consistent and
categorical formal criteria for identifying them.
This study develops and evaluates a linguistically natural computational
method for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases in a large corpus of English-
language engineering text by synthesizing the insights of studies in traditional
linguistics and computational linguists. From the scholarship in theoretical
linguistics, the analysis adopts the perspective that lexicalized noun phrases represent
the names of concepts that are important to a community of speakers and have
survived a single context of use. Theoretical linguists have also proposed diagnostic
tests for identifying lexicalized noun phrases, many of which can be formalized in a
computational study. From the scholarship in computational linguistics, the analysis
incorporates the view that a linguistic investigation can be extended and verified by
processing relevant evidence from a corpus of text, which can be evaluated using
mathematical models that do not require categorical input.
In a engineering text, a small set of linguistic contexts, including professor of,
department of or studies in, yields long lists of lexicalized noun phrases, including
public safety, abstract state machines, complex systems, computer graphics, and
mathematical morphology. The study reported here identifies lexical and syntactic
contexts that harbor lexicalized noun phrases and submits them to a machine-learning
algorithm that classifies the lexical status of noun phrases extracted from the text.

Results from several evaluations show that the linguistic evidence extracted from the
corpus is relevant to the classification of noun phrases in engineering text. Informal
evidence from other subject domains suggests that the results can be generalized.


I returned to graduate school nearly 15 years after I dropped out and am now
in a position to apply the results of my research in my professional work. These
unlikely events converged because I have been fortunate enough to work in an
intellectually rich and supportive environment. I am grateful to my managers and
colleagues at OCLC, who believe in me and understand the relevance of linguistics
for solving the problems presented by large repositories of machine-readable text.
My deepest thanks go to Martin Dillon, who invited me to join the Office of Research
and gave me an interesting problem to work on. This dissertation is the result. Joan
Mitchell and Diane Vizine-Goetz supported my interest in terminology identification
and invited me to many professional venues, where I could discuss my work and
develop my ideas. Traugott Koch gave me permission to use a valuable data set that
he and his colleagues at Lund University in Sweden collected, without which the
project reported here could not have been completed.
I am also grateful to the professors and students in the Linguistics Department
at Ohio State, who welcomed me back as one of their own. Their collegiality and
professionalism made the work go as smoothly as possible. My heartfelt thanks go to
my dissertation committee for their help in shaping my research problem into a
linguistically sophisticated inquiry. Craige Roberts, my adviser, intervened several
times with much-needed encouragement when I was overwhelmed and ready to give
up. David Dowty, always a linguist’s linguist, pushed me to higher standards of
scholarship than I could have achieved on my own. Chris Brew arrived at Ohio State
just in time with the expertise in corpus linguistics that I needed to do this project
Special thanks go to my friend Lee Jansen, who did a thorough job of editing
the manuscript. Finally, I thank my other old friends who kept me sane as I worked
on this project: Mark Bendig, Jeff McKibben, Rosanne Norman, Debbie Stollenwerk,
Margaret Thomas and Patricia Weiland.


1954............................................................................Born – Newport News, Virginia

1977............................................................................Bachelor of Arts
The University of Delaware

1981............................................................................Master of Arts
The Ohio State University

1982............................................................................Graduate teaching associate

English as a Second Language
The Ohio State University

1984............................................................................Education consultant
Software Productions
Columbus, Ohio

1984............................................................................Courseware developer
College of Medicine
The Ohio State University

1988............................................................................Senior programmer/analyst
Online Computer Library Center
Dublin, Ohio

1990............................................................................Systems analyst, OCLC

1992............................................................................Associate research scientist,


1995............................................................................Research scientist, OCLC

1999-present...............................................................Senior research scientist, OCLC


Carol Jean Godby and Ray Reighart. 2001. Terminology identification in a collection
of Web resources. In Karen Calhoun and John Riemer, (eds.), CORC: New Tools and
Possibilities for Cooperative Electronic Resource Description. pp. 49-66.
Binghamton, New York: The Hayworth Press.

Carol Jean Godby, Eric Miller and Ray Reighart. 2000. Automatically generated
topic maps of World Wide Web resources. The Annual Review of OCLC Research.
Accessible at:

Anders Ardö, Jean Godby, Andrew Houghton, Traugott Koch, Ray Reighart, Roger
Thompson and Diane Vizine-Goetz, 2000. Browsing engineering resources on the
Web. In Clare Beghtol, Lynne Howarth, and Nancy Williamson, (eds.), Dynamism
and Stability in Knowledge Organisation. pp. 385-390. Würzburg, Germany: Ergon

Carol Jean Godby and Ray Reighart. 2000. Using machine-readable text to update
the Dewey Decimal Classification. Advances in Classification Research, pp. 21-34.

Carol Jean Godby and Ray Reighart. 1999. The WordSmith indexing system. The
Annual Review of OCLC Research. Accessible at:

Diane Vizine-Goetz and Carol Jean Godby. 1998. Library classification schemes and
access to electronic collections: enhancement of the Dewey Decimal Classification
with supplemental vocabulary. Advances in Classification Research, pp. 14-25.

Diane Vizine-Goetz, Carol Jean Godby and Mark Bendig. 1995. Spectrum: A Web-
based system for describing Internet resources. Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems. 27:985-1002.


Major Field: Linguistics



Abstract .............................................................................................................................. iii


Vita..................................................................................................................................... vi

List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... x

List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xiii


1. Words that Masquerade as Phrases................................................................................1

1.0. Introduction............................................................................................................1
1.1. The automatic identification of noun phrases ........................................................2
1.1.1. Noun phrases in the information-retrieval task...........................................2
1.1.2. Noun-phrase collocations............................................................................7
1.2. Perspectives from theoretical linguistics ...............................................................8
1.2.1. Syntactic properties of lexicalized noun phrases ........................................8
1.2.2. Lexicalized noun phrases and compositional semantics...........................12
1.3. Toward a refined computational procedure .........................................................15
1.4. An empirical study of lexicalized noun phrases ..................................................19
1.5. The organization of this dissertation....................................................................24

2. Algorithms for Extracting Noun Phrases from Text....................................................25

2.0. Introduction...........................................................................................................25
2.1. Four components in a system for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases..............26
2.1.1. Part-of-speech tagging ..............................................................................26
2.1.2. Syntactic parsing .......................................................................................29
2.1.3. Identifying lexicalized noun phrases using statistical filters .....................32 Measures of association ...............................................................33 Using measures of association to identify lexicalized phrases ....36
2.1.4. The assignment of internal structure..........................................................39 Algorithms for assigning internal structure .................................41 An extension ................................................................................42
2.2. A system architecture for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases..........................45

3. Corpus Evidence for Lexicalization...............................................................................47

3.0. Introduction.............................................................................................................47
3.1. A first look at the engineering corpus ....................................................................48

3.2. A look at the engineering thesaurus........................................................................52
3.3. Toward the identification of lexicalized noun phrases from corpus evidence........62
3.4. The corpus contexts of lexicalized noun phrases....................................................70
3.4.1. Contexts for names of disciplines ...............................................................71
3.4.2. The contexts of quotation ............................................................................73
3.4.3. Syntactic contexts ........................................................................................75
3.5. Extending the analysis .............................................................................................79
3.6. Toward a computational analysis of local context...................................................82

4. A Machine-Learning Study............................................................................................89
4.0. Introduction.............................................................................................................89
4.1. Computational lexicography as a machine-learning application ............................91
4.2. The identification of attributes................................................................................94
4.2.1. Lexical attributes...........................................................................................97
4.2.2. Syntactic attributes......................................................................................106 Conjunctions ..................................................................................105 Phrase structure..............................................................................110
4.2.3. The linguistic attributes: a summary............................................................113
4.3. The training phase..................................................................................................115
4.4. The test phase.........................................................................................................125
4.4. Summary and conclusions .....................................................................................130

5. Concluding Remarks....................................................................................................131
5.0. Syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases in coherent text.......................................131
5.1. A theory of common usage ...................................................................................134
5.2. Some extensions ...................................................................................................138
5.3. Future prospects ....................................................................................................139

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................141


Table Page

2.1. A contingency table for two variables ......................................................................33

2.2. A contingency table for steel scrap ..........................................................................34

2.3. Contingency table for this file...................................................................................34

2.4. An extended contingency table.................................................................................37

2.5. Bigrams with high and low log-likelihood values ....................................................39

2.6. Astronomy terms that require modification..............................................................44

3.1. Frequency distributions for five nouns and noun phrases in six partitions
of the engineering corpus..........................................................................................49

3.2. Selected entries from the Engineering Information Thesaurus.................................53

3.3. Token sizes and syntactic forms of the entries in a random sample from in
the Engineering Information Thesaurus....................................................................54

3.4. Citations of thesaurus entries in the engineering corpus ..........................................56

3.5. Token sizes and syntactic forms of the 1000-word sample from the
Engineering Information Thesaurus that are cited in the engineering corpus ..........57

3.6. Log-likelihood summary statistics for two classes of noun phrases in the
first partition of the engineering corpus...................................................................59

3.7. Citations of artificial in noun phrases other than artificial intelligence..................60

3.8. The distribution of integrate* in the first partition of the

engineering corpus ...................................................................................................61

3.9. The distribution of small in the first partition of the engineering corpus ................62

3.10. Semantic classes of adjectives and nouns that rarely occur in

lexicalized noun phrases ..........................................................................................65

3.11. Noun-phrase bigrams created from two classes of adjectives .................................67

3.12. Log-likelihood scores of two classes of noun phrase bigrams in the first
partition of the engineering corpus ..........................................................................68

3.13. Names of disciplines in the engineering corpus ......................................................72

3.14. Objects of …known as, is referred to, also known as and so-called ........................74

3.15. Conjunctions from the engineering corpus involving lexicalized noun phrases .....77

3.16. Lexicalized noun-phrase modifiers of compound nouns .........................................78

3.17. Local syntactic contexts for hanging chad ..............................................................79

3.18. Some common noun-phrase heads in two collections of documents ......................81

3.19. Categorizations of noun phrases using two sources of corpus evidence .................84

3.20. Noun phrases related by such as in engineering text...............................................86

4.1. Local contexts for cote.............................................................................................90

4.2. The 50 most frequent context-dependent adjectives and noun-phrase bigrams

in the first partition of the engineering corpus......................................................100

4.3. Distribution of positive lexical cues across the training portion of the corpus......101

4.4. Distribution of negative lexical cues across the training portion of the corpus.....102

4.5. Average log-likelihoods of noun phrases in lexical and non-lexical contexts.......103

4.6. Cross-tabulations of noun phrases and contexts ....................................................104

4.7 Frequencies of unique conjoined noun phrases in six partitions of the

engineering corpus .................................................................................................109

4.8. Log-likelihoods of conjoined noun phrases...........................................................110

4.9. Raw frequencies of unique noun-phrase heads and modifiers in six partitions
of the engineering corpus.......................................................................................112

4.10. Log-likelihoods of noun-phrase heads and modifiers............................................112

4.11. Counts of training contexts in all six partitions of the engineering corpus ...........114

4.12. Hypothetical co-occurrences of attributes with training data ................................117

4.13. Cross-validation results for all linguistic variables................................................120

4.14. Cross-validation results for linguistic variables and log-likelihood ......................122

4.15. The relative contributions of attributes to the cross-validation results ..................123

4.16. Performance on unseen data of known status in the training corpus .....................124

4.17. Some new classifications in the training corpus ....................................................125

4.18. Classifications in the test data................................................................................127

4.19. Agreements between the classification algorithm and human experts ..................129

4.20. Kappa scores for all pairs of judges .......................................................................130

5.1. Citations of overall survival in a corpus of medical text .......................................137


Figure Page

2.1. Two part-of-speech (POS) tag assignments for a structurally ambiguous


2.2. POS tag assignments for the declarative reading of Time flies like an arrow ...........28

2.3. POS tag assignments for the imperative reading of Time flies like an arrow............28

2.4. Patterns of noun phrases recognized by a template matcher .....................................32

2.5. A hypothetical Zipf curve ..........................................................................................35

2.6. Correct and incorrect noun-phrase hierarchies ..........................................................40

2.7. Process flow for extracting lexicalized noun-phrase candidates from text................46

3.1. A document in the engineering corpus to which the noun-phrase parser has
been applied ...............................................................................................................50

3.2. A discourse context for character issue.....................................................................82

4.1. A sample ARFF file containing classified noun phrases ...........................................95

4.2. Process flow for identifying noun phrases in selected lexical contexts...................105

4.3. Process flow for identifying noun phrases in conjunctions .....................................106

4.4. Conjunctions with lexicalized noun phrases............................................................107

4.5. Process flow for identifying noun-phrase structure .................................................111

4.6. Process flow for constructing ARFF files................................................................113



1.0. Introduction

This dissertation is about English expressions, such as high school, poison ivy
and police dog, which I will call ‘lexicalized noun phrases’ because they are multi-
word phrases that can function as the subject or object of a sentence and have been
collected and defined in dictionaries. Though lexicalized noun phrases have been
described under many labels, most readers probably recognize the examples I have
cited as compound nouns like those they learned about in grammar-school language-
arts classes. But in the ensuing discussion, I will argue that the meaning of the phrase
compound noun is too narrow to cover all of the interesting cases, and that other
labels introduced by linguists and lexicographers have similar shortcomings.
The above examples may seem unremarkable because they are ordinary
enough to be part of everyday discourse, but lexicalized noun phrases that are closer
to the edge of our linguistic knowledge are more mysterious, and perhaps more
valuable because they hold the key that can unlock the rich stores of textual
information now freely available on the Web. For example, if I take more than a
casual interest in the bear-shaped cookie jar that has been sitting on the top of my
parents’ refrigerator for the past forty years, I might start with a query to the Web.
But which query? Cookie jars? Pottery? Teddy bears? McCoy, the word stamped
on the bear’s bottom? These queries get me somewhere, but if I use the lexicalized
noun phrase art pottery, I discover a set of documents that describe the social context
in which ceramic teddy bear cookie jars are produced and appreciated. Within a few
minutes, I learn that art pottery is usually understood to consist of the antique and

collectible products of defunct pottery factories. I also learn that the McCoy factory
was located in Ohio, as were many other long-closed factories whose output is now
prized by collectors, including Roseville, Rookwood and Hall.
The purpose of the research reported here is to develop improved automated
methods for identifying lexicalized noun phrases in machine-readable text. Many
concepts, especially in esoteric or technical subjects, have phrasal names and are
constantly evolving in the living world documented by the Web. For example, ten
years ago, the concepts behind Internet service providers, digital signatures, semantic
Web, and ontology interchange language did not exist, but there are now hundreds of
Web pages devoted to the exploration of these topics. To make the knowledge in
these pages accessible to those of us who are not specialists in the development of
Internet standards for data exchange, we can write computer software that identifies
the most significant noun phrases and collect them in subject indexes, lexicons,
dictionaries and knowledge bases, creating reference works that give the novice a
place to begin a serious inquiry. But this narrow and practical goal masks a multi-
disciplinary subject that goes far beyond lexicography and computational linguistics,
reaching into theoretical linguistics and philosophy, as well as the psychology and
sociology of linguistic behavior. We need to review the treatment of lexicalized noun
phrases from these perspectives these to learn how best to frame the problem at hand.
What is special and difficult about these expressions?

1.1. The automatic identification of noun phrases

1.1.1. Noun phrases in the information-retrieval task

As a starting point for discussion, it is worth taking a closer look at the act of
formulating an English-language query to a search engine because it provides an
anchor for describing the conceptual problem that this dissertation attempts to
address. Though databases have been available to the academic research community
since the 1960s, computers with access to the Internet and its large stores of textual
information can now be found in most libraries and classrooms in the United States,
as well as a growing number of homes and offices. Increasingly, a query to a search

engine is an everyday activity, and proficient exercise of this skill is destined to
become a facet of basic literacy, just as the ability to find information in dictionaries
and encyclopedias is.
Consider what happens when a third-grader or a non-native speaker of
American English consults an Internet search engine by issuing the query system to
obtain information about the sun and the heavenly bodies that are Earth’s closest
neighbors. As literate native speakers, we know that this query can retrieve the
desired information because documents about solar systems are relevant to the user’s
information request, but it is too ambiguous or general to be effective. Dictionaries
may list several senses of system, including arrangement or organization, a group of
things working together, and the behavior of matter obeying the laws of chemistry
and physics. Accordingly, my recent search for system on Yahoo1 returned
approximately 120 articles about astronomy, scattered among 33,000 documents
about The International System of Units, the University of Alabama health care
system, the UNIX operating system, movie rating systems, the wheeling system in the
Florida lottery, California’s electricity system, and hospital patient locator systems.
In other words, the astronomy articles were lost among tens of thousands of
documents about no subject in particular.
In linguistic terms, what has happened? Given the current state of
development of search engines for textual databases, the user was put in the position
of having to second-guess the literal wording of unseen documents to satisfy a need
for information. Some researchers would argue that if the user makes the query
system more specific by attaching solar to it, the search engine returns only the 120
articles of interest—a much more satisfactory experience. Alternatively, the
hypothesis that I will defend in this dissertation is that the effective use of a search
engine exercises the same linguistic skill that is required for extracting information
from a dictionary or encyclopedia: it’s a test of vocabulary, and solar system is a
word that the user must know to perform an effective search.

Accessible at <http://www.yahoo.com>

But this claim has hidden complexity. In English, a word is usually identified
as a single sequence of letters bounded by whitespace on a printed page, but this
description fails to consider the fact that words must also have definitions that refer to
objects or concepts. When it does, multi-word units such as solar system, operating
system and movie rating system are also identified as words. These may be obvious
examples of lexicalized noun phrases to literate adults, but as laymen, we get to
experience the third-grader’s confusion whenever we try to navigate the unfamiliar
linguistic landscapes of antiques and collectibles, engineering, finance, medicine, or
hundreds of other specialized subjects that are now accessible from our desktops
through the Internet. Are additional activities, astronomical bubble, recurrent
erosion and wireless alphabet soup lexicalized noun phrases, too?
Once we admit that English words can consist of more than one token, we
introduce a serious problem: we can’t easily identify them. In the past twenty years,
researchers who study information retrieval have done many experiments that
simulate the user’s interaction with a search engine by identifying phrases of various
kinds and submitting them as queries to textual databases. In this research tradition,
phrasal queries are identified in collections of machine-readable text by simple
automated methods that search for sequences of words whose parts of speech qualify
them as noun phrases, perhaps filtered by length and frequency. But in study after
study, the most commonly reported result is that a small number of successes are
buried in a large number of failures. Noun-phrase queries to a search engine return
too many unrelated documents or none at all because they simulate the user’s unfair
task of having to second-guess the exact wording of an unseen document, and they do
it poorly. The hit-and-miss quality of these queries can be illustrated by submitting
the list of noun phrases at the end of the previous paragraph to Yahoo. Additional
activities returns about 35,000 documents on no particular subject. Wireless alphabet
soup is the name of an electronic journal originating from a personal-computer users’
group in Australia. Astronomical bubble returns no documents at all. But recurrent
erosion returns 150 documents, 149 of which are about a disease of the human cornea
characterized by an abrasion that reappears after it has apparently healed.

Mitra, et al. (1997) presents an excellent review of the research on noun-
phrase queries in information retrieval. Unfortunately, this scholarship fails to give
satisfactory answers to the most basic questions raised by this data. For example,
why is recurrent erosion a more successful query than additional activities or
astronomical bubble? The information-retrieval task raises raises an interesting
linguistic problem, but we need to appeal to linguistics for a sophisticated

1.1.2. Noun-phrase collocations

I believe that the treatment of noun phrases in information retrieval research is
problematic because it offers no serious account of which ones are lexicalized. But a
seminal paper written by a computational linguist and a lexicographer, Church and
Hanks (1990), presents a starting point for solving this problem. This study argues
that when machine-readable text is processed only by filtering for parts of speech or
word frequencies, a significant characteristic is missed: persistence. Statistical
measures of persistence account for the fact that solar system and recurrent erosion
are ‘frozen’ expressions. In statistical terms, this means that, when solar and system
occur in a collection of specialized text, they usually occur together, and the same can
be said for recurrent and erosion. Only rarely is one seen without the other. But the
other noun phrases I discussed previously don’t have this property. For example, the
phrases additional activities and solar system may be equally frequent in some texts,
but additional activities is not persistent because additional combines with hundreds
of other words, forming phrases such as additional assessment, additional candidates
and additional electricity. And so does activities. Smadja (1993), whose research
builds on the insights of Church and Hanks, refers to persistent expressions as
collocations, or recurrent sequences of words.
Collocation is a valuable concept in our discussion, in part because it bridges
statistics with lexicography. From the lexicographer’s perspective, a collocation is
lexical knowledge that arises from habitual use. Words that constantly appear
together in experience are eventually associated in the minds of language users and
may be listed together in dictionaries and thesauri. For example, we can consult a

thesaurus to discover that start and finish are antonyms. Start also elicits finish in the
psychologist’s word association test, which may be an unremarkable observation until
we realize that there are many words with roughly similar meanings, such as begin
and initiate or terminate and halt, which don’t exhibit this behavior. Only start and
finish are collocations—and not, for example, initiate and halt—perhaps because we
frequently encounter this pair of words as names of important features on race tracks,
games and computer displays, as well as in the many verbal descriptions of such
things. As Halliday and Hasan (1976) argue, a lexical collocation is one of the
linguistic elements that transform a collection of words into a coherent discourse.
Lexical collocations may also consist of frozen sequences of words, as are all
of the examples I have discussed, except start and finish. If so, they are treated as
immutable linguistic chunks that can be produced and understood at will by
competent language users at all levels of education and linguistic awareness.
Ordinary people jot down peanut butter, cat food and spaghetti sauce in their grocery
lists next to bananas and yogurt. When lexicographers create a dictionary, they write
definitions for guinea pig, sea wall, human being and diesel engine, as well as for
filth and hyperbole. Ophthamologists who specialize in disorders of the cornea create
Web sites2 that describe recurrent erosion, corneal dystrophy (inherited bilateral,
non-inflammatory disease) and petrygium (scar tissue on the surface of the cornea).
These examples illustrate a property that is at the heart of the definition of ‘word’
taught to new students of linguistics: a word is internally stable but positionally
mobile. Like words, lexicalized noun phrases are a minimal unit of language that can
appear in lists and many other contexts of use, and it may simply be an accident of
orthography that such words have a white space in the middle.
The lexicographer’s concept of collocation helps us realize that the task facing
users of search engines may not be so unreasonable after all. To find information in a
collection of text, users must formulate their requests in terms of vocabulary that is
appropriate for their domain of interest. The experiments conducted by researchers
interested in information retrieval that simulate queries to a search engine can help in
this effort because the same computational techniques can be used to construct

For example, <http://www.cornealdocs.com/patient_education.html#q4>

indexes that enable readers to discover vocabulary in an unfamiliar subject, much as
back-of-the book indexes do. But the failure of these experiments implies that the
computational methods for identifying noun phrases need to be made more
sophisticated, perhaps by incorporating statistical measures of collocation.
Unfortunately, statistical measures are a noisy estimate of lexical collocation.
One of the major goals of the research reported in this dissertation is to supplement
measures of lexical collocation with evidence that reduces the error. The details are
deferred to later chapters, but I can state the problem here because it is conceptually
simple. For starters, not every linguistic pattern that scores high on measures of
statistical collocation is lexical knowledge. For example, all Web pages in a
collection from a large news organization may carry the same copyright statement,
and the words in the statement may co-occur so frequently that the entire sentence is a
statistical collocation. But this collocation probably does not belong in a dictionary.
Conversely, in collections on highly specialized subjects, many lexicalized noun
phrases are formed from the same small set of words. For example, in a corpus of
texts about molecular biology, cell combines with words commonly found in coherent
texts about biology, forming noun phrases such as cell metabolism, cell membranes,
cell morphology, cell formation, and cell linings. These phrases may be listed in
indexes or dictionaries of molecular biology, but are unlikely to achieve high scores
on measures of statistical collocation because cell combines too freely with other
words that are frequent in the text. Because of problems like these, the refinement of
statistical models of lexical collocation is an active subject of research. Schone and
Jurafsky (2001) provide a review and evaluation of recent proposals.

1.2. Perspectives from theoretical linguistics

One of the hypotheses I explore in this dissertation is that lexicalized noun

phrases can be identified with greater precision if statistical collocations are
supplemented with linguistic knowledge that can be obtained from coherent text.
How can lexicalized noun phrases be identified, using principles of theoretical

linguistic analysis? Answers to this question form a rich tradition in theoretical
studies of syntax and semantics, and highlight the significance of lexicalization as a
linguistic phenomenon that deserves a sophisticated account.

1.2.1. Syntactic properties of lexicalized noun phrases

Perhaps the least controversial examples of lexicalized noun phrases are

compound nouns such as lighthouse, shellfish, doghouse, blockhead, hairpin and
eggplant, which have been cited by many scholars of English word formation,
including Ball (1941). These phrases are compounds because they are made up of
two words, and they are unquestionally lexicalized because they are written as a
single token. Because noun-noun sequences are uncommon in English, except for
those rare sentences in which unmodified noun-phrase constituents appear
fortuitously next to one another, as in They gave her dog biscuits, a first definition of
lexicalized noun phrases might say that all unbroken surface sequences of nouns are
lexicalized. This has the advantage of subsuming the much larger class of compound
nouns, including state police, parish priest, and theater ticket, which are not written
as single words and which scholars of compounding have almost always regarded as
functionally similar.
There is a compelling reason for stopping with this simple definition, as
Downing (1977) did in her seminal work on English nominal compounding. Because
sequences of unmodified nouns in well-formed sentences are almost always nominal
compounds, their presence might carry a social message. Why would a speaker or
writer choose this mode of expression instead of a sentence or a complex phrase?
According to Downing, speakers use a compound noun instead of an expression that
contains adjectives or other parts of speech when they wish to imply that a
relationship is permanent, recurrent, or generic. For example, citing Gleitman and
Gleitman (1970), Downing says that not every man who takes out the garbage is a
garbage man, only those men who remove garbage for a living:

Compounds, unlike full sentences, typically serve as naming devices, used to denote ‘relevant
categories’ of the speaker’s experience….In such instances, the speaker is presumably faced
with a situation where he wishes to denote an entity or a member of a category which has no
pre-existing name, but which merits easy access in communication by means of a lexical item
instead of a description. (Downing 1977:823)

Marchand (1969) expresses a similar idea in his standard reference on English word
Many…compounds denote an intimate, permanent relationship between the two significates to
the extent that the compound is no longer to be understood as the sum of the constituent
elements. A summer-house, for instance, is not merely a house inhabited in summer but a
house of a particular style and construction which make it suitable for the warm season
only….(Marchand 1969:18)

Unfortunately, two problems arise when the study of lexicalized noun phrases
is restricted to noun-noun compounds. First, Downing observed that not all noun-
noun compounds express habitual or permanent relationships because many arise
spontaneously in conversation and are quickly forgotten. In a celebrated example,
she describes a breakfast party with a table that has been set with a different beverage
at each plate. As the guests arrive, the hostess directs someone to sit at at what she
dubs the apple juice seat, thereby coining a noun-noun compound that may never be
uttered again because we rarely encounter such oddly configured breakfast tables. In
other words, if apple juice seat is a word, it’s a useless one.
The second problem with the equivalence between lexicalized noun phrases
and as noun-noun compounds is that many other noun phrases have the same
functional properties. The most often studied are adjective-noun combinations such
as redcoat and black market, but Marchand (1969:80) cites phrasal compounds—or
‘lexical phrases’, in his terminology—that may be listed in a dictionary. For
example, mother-of-pearl, a noun phrase with an embedded prepositional phrase, is a
rainbow-colored material that forms the lining of some seashells; and kiss me under
the garden gate and love lies a-bleeding, which are complete sentences, are also the
names of two flowers in an old-fashioned garden. Even without the complexities
introduced by Marchand’s exotic examples, the analytical task of identifying the
adjective-noun phrases that should be included in a study of lexicalized noun phrases
is elusive. Though some are obviously lexicalized because they appear in dictionaries
and linguistic studies of word formation, most are not, and it is difficult to specify
formal criteria that distinguish the two cases.

Levi (1978) offers the most comprehensive and insightful treatment of this
issue, and I adopt many details of her analysis in the computational account of
lexicalized noun phrases that I describe in Chapters 3 and 4. First, she performs the
valuable service of distinguishing lexicalized noun phrases from linguistically
interesting noise. Linguistics textbooks describe a hallmark behavior of native
speakers of human language that now seems commonplace but was revolutionary
when Noam Chomsky wrote about it in the 1960s (eg., Chomsky 1963). As he
argued, when children master the syntax of their native language, they can create
sentences that have never been said before, and the same competence enables other
native speakers to understand them. This remarkable skill is exercised unconsciously
in the everyday acts of having conversations, attending work and school, writing
email, and reading the newspaper. Indeed, most of the thousands of sentences and
smaller expressions that we encounter in a single day are novel, and as a matter of
course, we process this language to extract its content and quickly forget its literal
form. At this point in my dissertation, what reader remembers that I have used the
phrases unremarkable observation, important features, excellent review, or
collections of machine-readable text? Levi calls these reflexes of linguistic creativity
‘syntactic phrases’ to distinguish them from the small subset of noun phrases that
persist in memory because they name an object or concept of lasting significance.
Levi refers to the noun phrases that have been lexicalized as ‘complex
nominals,’ a term that I do not adopt here because I believe it is opaque and
confusing. Though her analysis is consistent with Downing’s analysis of noun-noun
compounds, Levi extends the scope of the study by identifying criteria for classifying
some adjective-noun phrases as lexicalized. On the one hand, she argues that some
adjective-noun phrases must be classed as lexicalized because they occupy the same
syntactic position as nouns in phrases that are synonymous or parallel in meaning.
For example, corporate lawyer and tax lawyer, or parental prerogative and student
prerogative. It’s possible to supplement her examples with pairs of technical terms
such as city planning and urban planning, or civil engineering and highway
engineering. In some cases, a noun-noun compound is essentially synonymous with

an adjective-noun phrase whose modifier has undergone a a word-formation rule that
transforms a noun to an adjective, as in atom bomb and atomic bomb, or linguistic
difficulties and language difficulties.
On the other hand, Levi argues that some adjectives are more likely to form
syntactic, not lexicalized noun phrases. For example, adjectives with an adverbial
meaning, especially time-denoting adjectives such as future, occasional, eventual and
potential, are more likely to characterize syntactic phrases, as in potential enemy,
former roommate, future dependents, and occasional visitors. Levi also observed
that degree adverbials such as very can be used as a reliable test to distinguish
syntactic from lexicalized noun phrases. Syntactic phrases can be modified by very,
as in very destructive riots, very extensive injury, very efficient conductor—Levi’s
examples; or phrases very unremarkable observation, very important features, or very
excellent review—my examples. But lexicalized noun phrases that have been
modified by very are, in her terms, ungrammatical, as the starred examples illustrate:
*very urban riots, *very bodily injury, *very civil engineering, *a very solar system
and *a very atomic bomb. Similar observations can be made about adverbs that end
in –ly. Speakers and writers may discuss extremely important features or quietly
efficient conductors, but not *exceptionally civil engineering or *strangely atomic
Levy describes another useful linguistic test for distinguishing adjectives that
can form lexicalized noun phrases from those that usually do not, which is more
subtle than the previous tests and hinges on the difference between attributive and
predicative adjectives. In English, both classes of adjectives may appear before the
noun, as in important features or solar system, but predicative adjectives may also
surface in a predicate, usually introduced by a form of the verb to be. Levy argues
that only attributive adjectives form lexicalized noun phrases. Writers write about
solar systems, but not *systems that are solar; civil engineering, but not *engineering
that is civil; and urban riots, but not *riots that are urban. On the other hand, the
syntactic locations of beautiful, logical, efficient and important are left to the
discretion of the speaker. On different occasions, we may read or hear about

beautiful princesses, or princesses who are beautiful; efficient conductors, or
conductors who are efficient; conclusions that are logical, or logical conclusions; and
important features, or features that are important.
Unfortunately, as Levi herself observes with lament, all of the linguistic tests
that distinguish syntactic from lexicalized noun phrases have exceptions. For
example, the phrase very important person is so frozen that is is often represented as
the acronym VIP. The same can be said about frequently asked questions, or FAQs,
the lists of elementary questions that typically introduce well-organized Web sites
about specialized or technical topics. Lexicalized noun phrases can also be formed
with time-denoting adjectives, as in the physicist’s concept of potential energy; or
with predicative adjectives, as in high school or artificial intelligence. Because
syntactic tests may be a little slippery, we need to go to a deeper level of linguistic
analysis to look for the criterion that distinguishes the two classes of noun phrases.

1.2.2. Lexicalized noun phrases and compositional semantics

Near the beginning of the previous section, I cited a quote by Marchand, who
observed that lexicalized phrases denote a ‘permanent relationship between the two
significates to the extent that the compound is no longer to be understood as the sum
of the constituent elements.’ I discussed permanence in the earlier context, but it is
also important to understand the final part of Marchand’s quote because it describes
an essential difference between syntactic and lexicalized phrases. To comprehend a
simple sentence such as John runs we add the meaning of John to the meaning of
runs to obtain a composite meaning. The same process applies to a smaller phrase
such as logical conclusions. The class of concepts denoted by the word conclusions
intersects with the class of concepts deemed logical, and the meaning of logical
conclusions resides at that juncture. In both cases, explicit rules can be defined for
deriving the meaning of the larger expressions from the words that constitute them,
which are formalized by linguists who specialize in compositional semantics. By
contrast, the import of summer house, garbage man, recurrent erosion, solar system
and the other lexicalized noun phrases I have mentioned so far cannot be identified by
compositional semantic rules. We can guess that a garbage man has something to do

with garbage, but the expression doesn’t yield any clue that this is the established
name of a profession. Instead, lexicalized phrases are simply defined somewhere in
our experience, or we don’t truly understand what these expressions mean.
If we conclude that syntactic noun phrases are interpreted by compositional
semantic rules, while lexicalized noun phrases always have idiosyncratic meaning, we
can draw a distinction that accounts for the fundamental difference in their use. It
explains why we can understand sentences that we’ve never heard before. Though it
is logically impossible to store an infinite number of sentences, as Chomsky argued,
we can store a finite number of rules for unpacking their meaning. It also explains
why lexicalized phrases are part of our vocabulary. At any given moment, there are a
relatively small, finite number of lexicalized phrases, many of which are defined or
listed in dictionaries, thesauri and encyclopedias or indexes. We consult these
resources in some literal or metaphorical fashion whenever we produce or
comprehend them.
The semantic distinction between syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases also
permits a deeper insight about the syntactic observations made by Levy and
Downing. Thus it is possible to argue that Downing, whose fundamental interest is
the psychology and sociology of naming, is correct in restricting her focus to noun-
noun compounds because these constructions never have a compositional meaning. If
the compound is not destined to become an entry in a dictionary because it has a
temporary referent, it is necessary to appeal to the phrase’s immediate context of use
for interpretation. Downing’s apple juice seat is a vivid, if concocted, illustration of
this problem, but such compounds are also commonplace in news headlines.
For example, a headline from a Reuters news story that appeared on the Web
during the week of November 26, 2001 proclaims that ‘Artificial heart operation man
dies.’ As linguists interested in compositional semantics, we have to ask: is the ‘man’
the doctor or the patient? The four-noun compound offers no help, so the first
sentence in the story has to clarify the meaning: ‘A man suffering from chronic heart
failure died from severe bleeding during surgery to implant a self-contained
mechanical heart, doctors said.’ Similar comments can be made about noun-noun
compounds that have been lexicalized. They are equally opaque, but because such

expressions name useful, recurrent concepts, we understand their meanings because
they have been committed to memory. For example, grocery bags are flimsy plastic
bags that are dispensed in supermarkets to hold a customer’s purchases of food and
drugs; shopping bags are large, sturdy, reusable bags, typically with a logo from a
high-status department store; and paper bags are either made of paper, or are intended
to hold paper. In none of the examples I have just cited is the meaning of the noun-
noun compound derived from the application of a regular compositional rule. As
Dowty (1979:316) argued in a classic study, the relationship between the words in
such examples can be anything that is ‘appropriately classificatory’—in other words,
the words in these compounds are in no regular, semantically definable relationship at
A similar argument has been made about attributive adjectives, which have a
special status in Levy’s analysis of lexicalized noun phrases. Semanticists observe
that predicative adjectives such as red are well-behaved because they form noun
phrases whose properties intersect: a red ball refers to the set of red things that are
also balls. But noun phrases formed with attributive adjectives—which, in Levy’s
analysis, appear exclusively in lexicalized noun phrases—are idiosyncratic in the
same way that noun-noun compounds are. As Murphy (1988:536) notes, the
interesting thing about the adjective modifiers in compounds such as lunar rock,
musical clock and corporate lawyer is that none of them can be defined in terms of a
principle, such as set intersection, that could be used to specify an explicit
compositional semantic rule. Perhaps such expressions have a common core of
meaning, he argues, but it is vague. Noun phrases of the form lunar X, musical X and
corporate X have something to do with the moon, music, and corporations but the
salient features change depending on which nouns are modified. Lunar rock is rock
from the moon, while a lunar landing is a visit by a spacecraft; a musical clock is a
clock that plays a tune, while a musical education is the formal study of music; and a
corporate lawyer attends to the legal affairs of a corporation, while corporate
stationery is writing material embossed with a company’s logo.

Though it is possible to generate many more examples like those in the
previous paragraphs, some scholars object that the picture is not so chaotic. For
example, Pustejovsky (1995), Johnston and Busa (1996) and Copestake and
Lascarides (1997) argue that many noun-noun and adjective-noun compounds are
generated by rules that assign predictable interpretations. For example, if race car is
a car used for racing and steak knife is a knife used for cutting, perhaps there is a rule
of the form ‘N2 is-used-for N1’ that can be invoked to interpret novel compounds such
as shop car, a car used for shopping. Similarly, glass door, leather shoe and
gingerbread house imply the existence of a rule ‘N2 is-made-of N1.’ And molasses
cookie, peanut-butter fudge and eggplant lasagna suggest that there is a productive
rule ‘N2 has-primary-ingredient N1.’ Such regularities among English nominal
compounds obviously exist, and have been extensively documented (Marchand
1969), but their linguistic status is controversial. Are they an essential element of
semantic knowledge, as Pustejovsky claims, or are they rules of thumb that ease the
burden of creating and interpreting names? As Carroll (1985) claims, we can assign
an interpretation to eggplant lasagna or pumpkin lasagna even if we have never heard
these phrases before because they are the output of naming conventions that are
commonly used in recipes or restaurant menus. But semanticists would object that
such phrases can be interpreted only if we invoke our previous experience in the
relevant subject domain. And rules of thumb don’t cover all the cases. According to
a sign in a Columbus, Ohio bakery, preacher no-bake cookies were whipped up
quickly one day from a batch of fudge when a homemaker saw the preacher
approaching her front door.

1.3. Toward a refined computational procedure

With the survey of relevant issues in theoretical linguistics, I can now return
to the central problem of my research. How can we use the insights of linguists who
specialize in the study of the lexicon to improve the methods for algorithmically
identifying lexicalized noun phrases in stores of machine-readable text? Of course, a
pessimistic conclusion is that the problem is now more difficult than it first appeared.
A reasonable start is to identify noun phrases and filter the results with a measure of

statistical collocation, as Daille (1996) proposed, but the discussion in the previous
section reveals just how unclear this simple proposal turns out to be. The problem is
that lexicalized phrases may take any syntactic form, ranging from noun-noun
compounds to complete sentences—if we broaden our focus to the ‘lexical phrases’
that Marchand discussed—so any decision about how to configure a parser must be
But even if the parser is restricted to recognize only short, simple patterns,
such as sequences of adjectives, nouns and prepositions, the output from software
programs that attempt to identify lexicalized noun phrases in unrestricted text is not
directly usable. As a result, some researchers—for example, Bourigault (1992)—
report that they hand over the lists of noun phrases generated by their software to
professional terminologists for final checking. Others, including Xhai (1997) and Lin
(1999), appeal to semantic compositionality to isolate the noun phrases that are
lexicalized, but they propose algorithms that do not encode a sophisticated grasp of
theoretical issues. For example, Xhai (1997:3) argues that stock market is not, in his
terms a ‘lexical atom,’ because the meaning can be derived from compositional
semantic rules. As he says, ‘both stock and market carry their regular meanings in
contributing to the meaning of the whole phrase stock market.’ On the other hand,
Xhai claims that white house is a lexical atom because, to the uniniatiated, the phrase
conceals its reference to the mansion where the president of the United States lives.
Yet semanticists would argue that stock market is lexicalized, too, because it is a
noun-noun compound that refers to a persistent concept in American culture. Thus,
an algorithm for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases that distinguishes between
white house and stock market performs an uninteresting task.
Fortunately, another interpretation of the issues I have presented in this
chapter is far more positive. Despite the fact that I have considered the distinction
between syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases from the perspectives of several
academic disciplines and potential real-world applications, a surprisingly coherent
picture emerges.

For one thing, several lines of evidence suggest that we can productively
focus our attention on noun-noun compounds and a subset of adjective-noun
compounds. Such noun phrases can be extracted from machine-readable text with
relatively simple computational tools, aided by diagnostic tests like the ones that
Levy and Downing proposed. Though many of these tests work from observable
linguistic evidence such as adverbial modification, they point to the defining semantic
distinction between syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases that is not directly
observable because it encodes a relationship between language and the world. The
same short, syntactically simple noun phrases also usually score high on measures of
statistical collocation and get noticed by linguists, lexicographers, highly educated
experts in arcane subjects, and ordinary people with special interests. I believe that
much more can be learned from this simple observation. The computational study
reported in Chapters 3 and 4 of this dissertation describes a systematic way of
collecting this knowledge from coherent text by starting with some of Levy’s
diagnostic tests and supplementing them with empirical evidence that can only be
obtained from a large corpus.
Results from the information-retrieval task also fit into this coherent picture.
The distinction between syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases confronts us every
time we issue a query to a Web search engine. If we are successful, our queries
consist of noun phrases that represent the names of significant, persistent concepts in
a domain of interest. In other words, such queries represent the upper bound on the
literal sequences of text that users of search engines have to second-guess when they
try to satisfy their information needs from unseen documents. When we issue a query
that exceeds this bound, the result is either nothing at all, or the idiosyncratic
expression of a single writer. For example, if I consult Yahoo with the query ‘In the
long journey out of the self, there are many detours, washed-out interrupted raw
places where the shale slides dangerously,’ I retrieve one document: the text of
Theodore Roethke’s poem ‘Journey into the Interior.’3 Only one person has ever
assembled these words in exactly this way, and I was able to issue this query because
I had to memorize Roethke’s poem as a college sophomore.

Accessible at: <http://gawow.com/roethke/poems/187.html>

Though I am not primarily concerned about the performance of search
engines, the results of the linguistic inquiry reported here are relevant to this problem
in two respects. First, the results can be used to interpret the failures in previous
attempts by information-retrieval researchers to identify phrasal queries. If their
algorithms identified mostly syntactic noun phrases, it is not surprising that the
queries generated from such algorithms were disappointing and even
counterproductive. Second, it provides system designers with an improved procedure
whose output is a list of noun phrases that act as words and help readers discover the
knowledge encoded in a collection of text about an unfamiliar subject.
Because I have several sources of observable evidence—including syntactic
tests, the recorded linguistic behavior of language users, and at least one real-world
method for double-checking the output—I can make progress on the problem of
identifying lexicalized noun phrases without having to tangle with the thornier
semantic problems that I discussed in the previous pages. Indeed, the semanticist’s
inquiry is motivated by a simple question that also produces an observable result:
what do we put in the dictionary? Lyons (1976) echoes the view commonly held
among linguists and computer scientists that dictionaries are repositories of
exceptions, where we list words that must be defined, or store oddball data that can’t
be processed by the normal rules:
Now, one way of looking at the dictionary, or lexicon, in relation to the grammatical description
of a language is to regard it as a kind of appendix to the grammar—an appendix in which we
find, appropriately indexed, all the information that we need to know about particular lexemes
or their associated forms and cannot derive from anything else that the grammatical…analysis
tells us about them (Lyons 1976: 514).

When phrases are listed here, it’s because they have meanings that can’t be computed
by the standard machinery of compositional semantics.
But professional lexicographers don’t always refer to compositional semantics
when they make their decisions about what goes in a dictionary. According to the
Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary (Hornby 1974: 239), a dictionary also has a
social function; it is a ‘book listing and explaining the words of a language, or the
words or topics of a special subject.’ The National Information Standards
Organization (NISO) specification for the design of machine-readable thesauri gives
this advice for the treatment of compound nouns: ‘Retain as a single word when the

compound noun has become so familiar in common use that it is considered for
practical purposes to represent a single concept,…[as in] data processing and gross
domestic product (NISO 1993).’ Similarly, Chan (1995:43), an expert on the subject
headings used in libraries for organizing collections of published material, says that
‘Single-concept headings appear in the form of single- or multiple-word
terms…When a single object or concept cannot be properly expressed by a single
noun, a phrase is used. Multiword terms appear in the form of adjectival or
prepositional phrases…[and include examples] such as chemical engineering,
mathematical statistics, [and] earthquake engineering.’
Nevertheless, what is common in these citations is a point about which
semanticists would not disagree: lexicalized noun phrases have unique referents.
Whether the referent is characterized in such a way that phrases such as art pottery,
data processing or earthquake engineering are theoretically comprehensible when we
encounter them for the first time, or whether the unique referents guarantee that all
lexicalized phrases are semantically opaque remains a controversial issue that we can
sidestep without having to commit ourselves to a semantically unsophisticated
analysis. The very fact that such phrases get noticed implies that they are used
repeatedly, perhaps because they are the conventional names for important concepts.
If so, they are operationally useful in a way that syntactic phrases are not. In the
information-retrieval task, the lexicalized noun phrase art pottery returns a
manageable number of documents about collectible antique ceramics, which implies
that the phrase is the established name of a single, persistent referent in a specialized
subject, while the syntactic noun phrase additional activities returns tens of thousands
of documents about nothing in particular because the referent presumably changes
from context to context. Lexicographers may have a man-on-the street answer to
what goes in the dictionary that is theoretically less imprecise, but it is not
inconsistent with the outcome of a semantic analysis.

1.3. An empirical study of lexicalized noun phrases

I have said many times in this discussion that competent speakers and writers
display their awareness that some noun phrases may have lexical status. Linguistic

tests encode some of this knowledge because lexical status determines whether a
concept is conveyed through a noun-noun compound, or through a noun phrase
modified by very. But much more evidence can be found in a corpus of coherent text.
For example, consider the two paragraphs cited below. The first is from an article
that recently appeared in a newspaper in Columbus, Ohio. The second is from a
trendy book series published in the 1990s that describes one feature of a popular
computer programming language.

They’re called “popcorn fires” – those little nuisance incidents that cause smoke, set off fire
alarms and drive college students grumbling from their dormitory rooms. College safety
officials know that if they can cut down on popcorn fires, students are more likely to take real
fire alarms more seriously.

You can sum up the big difference between beans on the one hand and Java applets and
applications on the other in one word (okay, two words) : component model. Chapter 2
contains a nice, thorough discussion of component models (which is a pretty important
concept, so I devoted an entire chapter to the subject).

Even without a dictionary, collocation statistics, a sophisticated parser, an

understanding of the academic arguments of compositional semantics, or a
specialized knowledge of the taxonomy of fires or software development using the
Java programming language, we can read these passages and infer that popcorn fires
and component models are lexicalized noun phrases. How? Writers drop hints about
the lexical status of the expressions they use, and the more deeply we analyze the
text, the more clues we can discover. Only superficial scanning is required to
discover that lexicalized noun phrases are often enclosed in quotes or are the objects
of fixed expressions such as is called, which imply that the expression is not the
writer’s invention. They may be are printed in nonstandard typefaces, as when
component model is italicized in the sentence ‘You can sum up the big difference
between beans on the one hand and Java applets and applications on the other in one
word…: component model.’ A deeper level of analysis requiring some knowledge of
syntax reveals that lexicalized phrases are often conjoined with other words or
lexicalized phrases. The previously cited example also illustrates this point: the
single word applications is conjoined with the lexicalized noun phrase Java applets,

The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus Ohio, January 20, 2000, p. 3A.

Java Beans for Dummies. Emily Vander Veer Chicago, IL: IDG Books Worldwide. 1997, p. 14.

both of which are names for important concepts in the domain of Java programming.
Additional evidence for the hypothesis that a phrase may be the name of a concept
can be obtained with an even deeper level of understanding that requires discourse
analysis. In the second sentence of the same quote, component models is co-referent
with concept and subject: ‘Chapter 2 contains a nice, thorough discussion of
component models (which is a pretty important concept, so I devoted an entire
chapter to the subject).’
The major goal of the research reported in this dissertation is to analyze local
evidence in coherent discourse for the light it can shed on the distinction between
syntactic and lexicalized phrases, using computational methods. This study
complements both traditions of scholarship discussed in this chapter. Starting from
the studies of Downing and Levy, I construct a series of tests for classifying a noun
phrase as syntactic or lexicalized, supplementing it with tests that can be constructed
when lexicalized noun phrases are observed in the context of coherent discourse. Of
course, an important conclusion from the linguistic scholarship is that observable
sources of evidence pertaining to the lexical status of a noun phrase are rarely, if ever,
categorical or definitional. Nor is the new evidence I consider. Not every phrase
printed in italics is lexicalized; nor is every noun phrase in a conjoined list. As Levy
(1978:46) asked, ‘May we conclude…that there are no clear and consistent criteria
according to which an entity called the nominal compound may be identified?’
Despite Levy’s negative conclusion, I believe that this evidence can be productively
evaulated using an appropriate mathematical model.
The results from this study also complement the evidence supplied by
statistical collocations. Statistical collocations, of the sort that Church and Hanks
studied, are currently identified using global evidence from a corpus, and the results
exhibit variable degrees of overlap with lexical collocations. When local evidence
from a corpus of coherent text is also considered, it has the effect of increasing the
linguistic input to the decision about which noun phrases are lexicalized. For
example, if the entire text of Java Beans for Dummies is submitted to measures of
lexical collocation, it is likely that component model would achieve a relatively high
score because it is mentioned so frequently. If so, the local evidence in the quoted

passage would simply increase our confidence that component model is lexicalized.
This application of local evidence is a strategy that has been successfully applied to
other classic problems of lexical knowledge acquisition, such as word sense
disambiguation (Ide and Veronis 1998) and the lexical semantics of verbs (Lapata
Chapters 3 and 4 identify many sources of local evidence and describe the
computational study that evaluates them, but the procedure can be outlined here. A
list of lexicalized noun phrases obtained from a published thesaurus provides the
starting point for a linguistic and a computational analysis. A corpus that has many
citations of the entries in the thesaurus is analyzed for the presence of local syntactic
and lexical cues like those discussed in this chapter, using efficient computational
techniques. This evidence is used to train a classification algorithm to make a binary
decision regarding the lexical status of phrases whose status is unknown. For
example, if a lexicalized noun phrase candidate is modified by very, evidence begins
to accumulate that it is a syntactic, not a lexicalized phrase. Conversely, the phrase is
eventually categorized as lexicalized if it is the object of is known as, or appears in a
list of conjuncts that contain words or other lexicalized noun phrases. The result is a
confidence measure for each phrase that combines the outcome of the classification
algorithm with a collocation score, which is evaluated using human judges.
The corpus for this study is a collection of approximately 150,000 English-
language documents in the domain of engineering that were harvested automatically
from the Web in 1997-1998 and classified using the Engineering Information
Thesaurus (Milstead, et al. 1995), under the auspices of the Engineering Electronic
Library Project at Lund University in Sweden, whose goal is to increase the
accessibility of specialized collections of Web documents. The results are available
in a searchable and browsable Web interface accessible at <http://eels.lub.lu.se/ae/>.
The length of the documents, discourse style and content is highly variable, but much
of it consists of academic papers and home pages for university departments,
commercial engineering services, and scientific institutes. The harvesting process
preserves as much of the text as possible while eliminating some common problems
with Web documents, making it appropriate for linguistic analysis, but it is

insufficient for reproducing the ‘Web experience’ of the original documents because
embedded computer software code and references to graphics are eliminated. Since
the corpus was automatically obtained, the quality of the text varies, as does the
subject matter.
Though a corpus like this presents analytical difficulties because it has not
been subjected to editorial processes that ensure quality and stylistic consistency, it
has several compelling advantages for studies like mine. First, it is rich in lexicalized
noun phrases. Levi’s theory of complex nominals already gives prominence to the
subtleties in the deceptively ordinary-looking phrase electrical engineering and solar
generator, but when I extend it in Chapters 3 and 4, it must account for many more
phrases from this domain, such as air traffic control, applied mathematics, chemical
agents, heat transfer, and strength of building materials. Second, the Engineering
Information Thesaurus is rich with terminology that engineers actually use and is
cited in the corpus, which provides a starting point and a set of correct answers for
seeding my analysis. Finally, this corpus, with approximately 500 megabytes of
usable text, is very large by current standards. A large corpus is necessary for
studying lexical issues because words, especially lexicalized noun phrases, are
sparsely distributed.
The immediate outcome of this research is a falsifiable method to identify
lexicalized noun phrases that can be viewed as a testbed for evaluating linguistic tests
like those found in classic studies such as Levi’s, and possibly supplementing them.
Unlike previous attempts to solve this problem, it doesn’t require judgments about the
compositionality of the words in the phrase or human operators who filter the output.
An important side effect of this work is that the sources of evidence can be ranked by
the classification algorithm, which promises to lead to computationally cheaper
methods for the linguistic objects of interest.
This research also has theoretical implications. The most fundamental is a
theory of common usage, which, as Abney (1996) argues, is one of the major
contributions that statistics can make to linguistic analysis. I believe that a theory of
common usage is already implicit in the linguistic scholarship on nominal
compounding but it isn’t fully grounded. Without such a theory, too much

importance may be attributed to rare or unusual data. Perhaps eggplant has been
erroneously identified as the textbook example of the lexicalized nominal compound,
with its semantically opaque roots, and orthographic representation as a single token.
But lexicalized phrases that fail these classic linguistic tests may be far more

1.5. The organization of this dissertation

The rest of this dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 2 is a technical

review of the computational tools required to recognize noun phrases in coherent text,
to identify those that might have terminological status, and to assign an internal
structure to them. Chapter 3 describes the distribution and behavior of lexicalized
and syntactic phrases in the corpus of engineering documents and develops a theory
of the linguistic limits of such phrases. Chapter 4 presents the results of a machine-
learning study that uses the local evidence obtained from a corpus to classify a noun
phrase as lexical or syntactic. Chapter 5 considers how the analysis can be extended
to new sources of linguistic evidence.




2.0. Introduction

This chapter reviews the technical infrastructure required to recognize noun

phrases in coherent text, to identify those that might have terminological status, and
to assign an internal structure to them. The practical goal of a system developed from
these tools is to discover data that would shed light on the philosophical and
psychological issues regarding lexicalized noun phrases discussed in Chapter 1 by
automating some of the methods for collecting them. The material in this chapter is
mostly review because it describes the kernel of a system that can be constructed
from the results of previous research. I will use this system to generate noun phrases
that will be evaluated more rigorously in the study described in Chapters 3 and 4. To
achieve further grounding in the central problem of this dissertation, I also take a first
look at the engineering corpus that I described in Chapter 1 and supplies most of the
data for my investigation.
Together, Chapters 1 and 2 constitute a tutorial on the rich problems presented
by lexicalized noun phrases as they are addressed by several communities of scholars:
theoretical linguistics, philosophy, lexicography, information retrieval, and several
sub-disciplines of computational linguistics. Given that lexicalized phrases reside at
the boundary between syntax and the lexicon, encode clues about the significant
concepts defined by a language community, are important for the proper functioning
of natural language processing systems, and show promise of being discovered
without incurring great computational expense, it should not surprising that they have

been studied from so many perspectives. Computationally cheap methods for the
automatic identification of noun phrases make it feasible to work on large stores of
text, such as the 500-megabyte corpus in my study. Such methods have been
investigated since the early 1980s, first in the information retrieval community and
later in the computational linguistics community at large. Interest in these methods
has been driven at least partially by the hunch that important lexical information can
be extracted without incurring the computational overhead of a parser that attempts to
assign structure to complete sentences. Nearly twenty years of work on the problem
has produced general agreement that the task has four parts, which can be executed in
a linear sequence: part-of-speech tagging, noun-phrase identification, internal
structure assignment, and an optional filter that is used to distinguish a small number
persistent and therefore potentially lexicalized phrases from the far more common
syntactic phrases.

2.1. Four components in a system for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases

2.1.1. Part-of-speech tagging

One of the first big successes in the statistical processing of machine-readable

text corpora was Church’s (1988) stochastic part-of-speech tagger. Patterned after
successes in speech recognition, the Church tagger solved the problem of identifying
the parts of speech of tokens in text by consulting a hidden Markov model. A hidden
Markov model is essentially a finite state machine augmented with two sets of
probabilities: transition probabilities assigned to the arcs and emission probabilities
assigned to the nodes. A Markov model is said to be hidden if we don’t know which
path was taken through the finite-state machine to reach the final state. Markov
models solve problems by predicting the most likely current state based on the
contents of the adjacent prior context. The size of the context can vary but there is a
tradeoff between the accuracy in performing the task and the expense of maintaining
and traversing potentially large tables of transitional probabilities. In practical terms,
Markov models that are created to solve problems in corpus linguistics are usually

limited to one or two words of prior context—the so-called bigram or trigram models.
Charniak (1996) contains a useful tutorial on the linguistic applications of hidden
Markov models.
Using a bigram model for simplicity, we may want to know the part-of-speech
assignments for the words in the sentence Time flies like an arrow. Since this
sentence is structurally ambiguous, it has the two plausible tag assignments shown in
Figure 2.1. The first structure assignment identifies the usual declarative
interpretation of this sentence, a cliché about the quick passage of time; while the
second assignment identifies the grammatical structure of a bizarre imperative to
measure the speed of flies using an arrow as a guide. The tags are the same ones that
were used to annotate the Brown Corpus (Kucera and Francis 1967) and have been
widely adopted in the computational linguistics community.

Time flies like an arrow

Time flies like an arrow

DT Determiner
IN unspecified part of speech
NN Uninflected noun
NNS Plural noun
VB Uninflected verb
VBZ 3 -person singular verb
# Sentence boundary

Figure 2.1 Two part-of-speech (POS) tag assignments for a structurally

ambiguous sentence

In Church’s algorithm, part-of-speech tags can be assigned using two sources of

information: the tag assigned to the prior word and the probability that the current
word is assigned a given tag. Probabilities for both of these values are estimated from
raw frequencies obtained from a corpus that has been tagged by hand. Sample
probabilities for the sentences in Figure 2.1 are shown in Figures 2.2 and 2.3. The
equations cited in these figures simply compute, for each sentence structure, a product
of probabilies using Church’s two sources of information: the probability that time is
a noun, that flies is an inflected verb, the probability that the word immediately to the

right of a sentence boundary is a noun, and so on. The algorithm eventually selects
the tag assignments in Figure 2.2 because, in a typical corpus, time is almost always a
noun. And the token flies is tagged as an inflected verb because flies is usually an
inflected verb, especially when it is immediately preceded by a noun. Of course, this
discussion is a simplification because the part-of-speech assignments in Figures 2.2
and 2.3 are only two of the many logically possibly ones that would be considered in
an execution of a hidden Markov model.

Time flies like an arrow


Figure 2.2 POS tag assignments for the declarative reading of

Time flies like an arrow

Time flies like an arrow


Figure 2.3 POS tag assignments for the imperative reading of

Time flies like an arrow

If, counter to expectation, the structure assignment in Figure 2.3 turns out to
be the correct answer, as it might be in a literary work or in a corpus of linguistics
textbooks about structural ambiguity, a stochastic tagger could arrive at this result in
one of two ways. First, the tagger could learn from hand-tagged input containing a
large number of sentences like Figure 2.3. Second, it could make a second pass
through the data and repair mistakes by learning from rules that are peculiar to the
current data. This is the strategy of the tagger developed by Brill (1995), which is
freely available and widely used in the research community.

Stochastic taggers that encode the algorithms described in this section achieve
accuracy rates approximating 95%-98%, leading many researchers to conclude that
part-of-speech tagging is a mature technology. I adopt Brill’s part-of-speech tagger
in my system for identifying noun phrases.

2.1.2. Syntactic parsing

A parser assigns syntactic structure to a well-formed sentence that has usually

been annotated with part-of-speech tags. The construction of sentence parsers has
been a fruitful research enterprise among linguists and computer scientists since the
late 1970s, but here I will discuss the arguably far easier problem of partial parsing.
Partial parsing is a reasonable technical solution in a natural language processing
system when the objects of study are short phrases in large collections of text because
such expressions can be quickly located and analyzed with a reasonable degree of
accuracy. As a result, partial parsers are commonly used in applications whose goal
is to extract isolated words, proper names, noun phrases or verb phrases from large
stores of machine-readable text—as in information-retrieval systems, terminology
extractors, and in many machine- translation systems. In an excellent survey of the
technical approaches to partial parsing, Abney (1996) states that, regardless of how a
partial parser is implemented, the goal is to scan a sentence for an ‘island of
reliability,’ which presumably contains the linguistic unit of interest and has the
necessary context from which the rudiments of an accurate structure can be assigned.
Partial parsers vary considerably in the linguistic naturalness with which they
carry out their tasks, a point that can be illustrated by considering two processes for
identifying the noun phrases in a structurally ambiguous sentence such as She gave
her dog biscuits. On the one hand, the Fiddich parser (Hindle 1994), which encodes a
high degree of linguistic naturalness, would attempt to assign a complete structure to
the sentence. It would have no serious trouble until it encounters the verb-argument
ambiguity of dog biscuits, which forces human readers to wonder whether the woman
gave biscuits to her dog, or whether she give dog biscuits to an unspecified female.
To solve the problem, the parser isolates the offending constituent and assigns a
structure to the rest of the sentence. The unparsed subtree is assigned a structure with

a finite state automaton that is dedicated to the analysis of such problems and the
results are attached to the sentence. In this example, the Fiddich parser would
correctly report that the sentence is structurally ambiguous.
On the other hand, a partial parser such as FASIT (Dillon and McDonald
1983), which has been widely employed in the information-retrieval community, uses
templates to identify the linguistic structures of interest. To assign a structure to the
sentence She gave her dog biscuits, the FASIT parser would scan the part-of-speech-
tagged text, looking for nouns. When a noun is located, FASIT would examine a
small window of left and right context in an attempt to match the part-of-speech tags
of the tokens to a set of templates that specify the structure of a simplex English noun
phrase—i.e., a noun phrase with a simple linear structure and no embedded clauses,
such as the man who came in from the cold. Since her dog biscuits is a legal noun
phrase in English and FASIT is optimized to identify the longest sequence of tagged
tokens that match a template, the structural ambiguity of the sentence is overlooked.
Essentially the same result can be obtained with an even simpler parser that employs
regular expressions such as (NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|JJ|DET|)*(NN|NNS|NNP|NNPS|VBG), a strategy
explored by Turney (1997) in his evaluation of algorithms for the identification of
noun phrases in unrestricted text. This pattern identifies arbitrary sequences of
adjectives, nouns, prepositions, and determiners and relies on input that is
syntactically correct, for the most part, to compensate for its obviously deficient
phrase structure specification.
Sophisticated symbolic partial parsers such as Fiddich and the simple pattern-
matching parsers have tradeoffs if the goal is to identify lexicalized noun phrases. As
I suggested in Chapter 1, long or complex noun phrases are rarely, if ever, lexicalized,
so the advantage that the Fiddich parser would have over the simpler solutions in
identifying these structures is not compelling because it is also computationally far
more expensive. Though the Fiddich parser is better equipped to handle structural
ambiguities, corpus evidence can be used to resolve problems that result from parsing
failures. If She gave her dog biscuits is embedded in a large corpus that contains
other citations of dog biscuits, the template-matching parser extracts useful
information from this sentence, despite a possibly inappropriate structure assignment.

Because of these issues, I have adopted a template-matching parser whose
design is similar to FASIT. Like FASIT, the parser does its essential work by
scanning text that has been processed by the Brill part-of-speech tagger, looking for
simple linear patterns of tags that represent simplex noun phrases. To eliminate some
computational overhead and potential sources of error, the input text is first chunked
by heuristics that grossly identify noun phrase boundaries. For example, punctuation
marks are reliable end boundaries; and determiners and quantifiers are reliable start
boundaries. Since the boundaries are eliminated from the parsed output, the effect of
the chunker is to normalize the noun phrases to something that looks like a dictionary
citation form, such as clean energy technologies, which facilitates the tabulation of
the citations clean energy technologies, these clean energy technologies and some
clean energy technologies as instances of the same phrase.
If the goal is to examine the full scope of lexical phrases, which Marchand
(1969) defined and I discussed in Section 1.2.1 of Chapter 1, the list of patterns would
include ‘N-and-N,’ which would permit the recognition of bread and butter; or ‘N-of-
N,’ which would admit mother-of-pearl. Otherwise, this list is restricted to patterns
of adjectives and nouns. The patterns are stored in a text file that can be easily
modified; a fragment is shown in Figure 2.4. The last pattern in illustrates a common
problem. Though the Brill part-of-speech tagger can distinguish between nominal
(NNG) and verbal (VBG) gerunds if it is appropriately trained and given sufficient
context, the tagging of gerunds remains a difficult and error-prone process. If
patterns with VBG are excluded from further analysis, many valid noun-phrase
candidates would be dropped, but some verb phrases would be admitted if VBG is
listed as a valid tag. As with all decisions about which patterns to include in the
template file, the VBG tag introduces a nuisance that may be effectively handled in a
later processing step.

Pattern Example

NN NN resource management
NNS IN NN IN NNS rules for certification of airmen
JJ NNS NNS human factors resources
JJ CC JJ NNS molecular and mesoscopic structures
JJ JJ NN NN electronic computational chemistry conference
VBG NN diving community

Figure 2.4 Patterns of noun phrases recognized by a template matcher

My goal in constructing the list of patterns is to maximize the number of

simplex noun phrases that can be recognized by the parser, using a part-o-speech-
tagged sample from the engineering corpus as a guide. Because a template-matching
parser is not sophisticated enough to encode recursion without introducing problems
of overgeneration, the list of patterns is a simple enumeration.

2.1.3. Identifying lexicalized noun phrases using statistical filters

In Chapter 1, I suggested that syntactic parsing cannot guarantee the discovery
of lexical knowledge and must be supplemented with a concept of persistence that
models the lexicographer’s concept of a collocation. Church and Hanks (1990)
argued that linguistically interesting collocations consist of pairs of words that are not
merely frequent in a given corpus but also highly associated with one another.
Lexicalized noun phrases—such as civil engineering, stock market, and white house,
which I cited in Chapter 1—often achieve high scores on statistical measures of
collocation when they are embedded in a large corpus of coherent English text. But
sequences of words that are merely frequent, such as the recurring syntactic patterns
such as of the or in a, do not usually correspond to names of concepts and are, by
most statistical measures, not highly associated, as I will show below.

32 Measures of association

Statistical measures of association commonly used in the computational

linguistics community are based on values obtained from contingency tables. The
simplest contingency tables summarize the relationship between two variables a and
b and can be used to test the hypothesis that they are linked, dependent, or associated.
Table 2.1 shows a simple contingency table for two variables, Li and Lj. The tilde (~)
signifies the absence of the variable.

Lj ~Lj
Li a c
~Li b d

a. the frequency of pairs involving both Li and Li
b. the frequency of pairs involving Li, but not Lj
c. the frequency of pairs involving Lj, but not Li
d. the frequency of pairs involving neither Li nor Lj

Table 2.1 A contingency table for two variables

The relationships in in Table 2.1 can be made concrete by the data in Tables 2.2 and
2.3, which show contingency tables with frequency counts for two bigrams: one with
a high association value but a relatively low frequency, steel scrap; and one with a
low association value and a high frequency, this file. Steel scrap is a potential
lexicalized noun phrase that could be listed in an index; this file is an ordinary
syntactic phrase.

Lj ~Lj
Li 7 19
~Li 1 842571

Li = steel
Lj = scrap

Table 2.2 A contingency table for steel scrap

Lj ~Lj
Li 47 2915
~Li 637 842524

Li = this
Lj = file

Table 2.3 A contingency table for this file

The values in Tables 2.2 and 2.3 are obtained directly from the corpus and are used to
estimate the probability that the two word sequences are associated. For steel scrap,
LiLj, or 7, is the joint frequency of steel and scrap; Li~Lj, or 19, is the count of steel
in bigrams other than steel scrap; ~LiLj, or 1, is the count of scrap in bigrams other
than steel scrap; and ~Li~Lj , or 842571, is the frequency of bigrams containing
neither steel nor scrap. Even without an association measure, it is obvious from this
data that there is a strong dependency between steel and scrap and a weaker one
between this and file. Scrap appears apart from steel only once, while file appears in
contexts other than this 637 times and the bigram frequency of this apart from file is
even larger.
Statistics such as chi-square, mutual information, and log-likelihood use the
values from the contingency table in different ways to compute an association
measure. However, mutual information, the measure introduced to the computational
linguistics community by Church and Hanks (1990), is perhaps intuitively the most
straightforward. Without normalization, it is simply the ratio of the value (a) in Table

2.1 to the product of (a+b) and (a+c), or the ratio of the joint frequency of bigrams
such as steel scrap to the product of the total frequencies of steel and scrap in the
corpus. Standard elementary statistics textbooks (for example, Hays 1981) explain
how to compute the chi-square measure from contingency tables. But an important
paper by Dunning (1993) warns that chi-square and mutual information assume
normal distributions, and words in a corpus of coherent text are not normally
distributed. When words are tabulated and plotted against their rank order, their
distribution forms a hyperbolic curve like that in Figure 2.5, as Zipf (1949) first



Figure 2.5 A hypothetical Zipf curve

The Zipf curve illustrates an important generalization about the distribution of words
in coherent text that is true regardless of language or subject matter: only a few words
are used frequently, while most words are used once or infrequently. Thus if statistics
assuming a normal distribution are used to compute associations, the importance of
the rare words in the long tail of the Zipf curve is overestimated. In other words, they
are given more importance than they deserve. According to Dunning’s critique, we
have to be careful in our interpretation of the lexical status of steel scrap, given the
data I have presented. It might be an artifact because Table 2.1 shows that the
absolute frequency in the corpus is suspiciously low. To avoid this problem,
recommends using the log-likelihood statistic, which is robust even on data that is not
normally distributed, assigning a score that can be more confidently interpreted as a
measure of lexical collocation. If steel scrap should achieve a high log-likelihood

score, we can be more confident of its status as a lexicalized noun phrase. Daille
(1996) gives useful formulas for computing mutual information and log-likelihood
from values in a contingency table.6 Using measures of association to identify noun phrases

How can measures of statistical association be used in a software program that

automatically identifies lexicalized noun phrases? Justeson and Katz (1995) propose
a system that first applies the statistical filter to the raw text, identifying a list of
highly associated bigrams such as best practice, he said, and linear regression. The
parser then filters all but the last item because it is the only phrase in the list that
exhibits the noun-noun part-of-speech pattern that reliably identifies multi-word
terms in technical texts. However, Daille (1996) argued that fewer legitimate terms
are lost if the sequence of the two processes is reversed. In her model, the parser
extracts noun phrases from the text and the collocation filter identifies from this
output the much smaller subset of those that have been lexicalized.
Unfortunately, this account glosses over a technical detail that must be
addressed before the filter can be used in a realistic application. As the examples I
have cited so far imply, statistical measures of association are defined only for pairs
of observations. But noun phrases that occur naturally in coherent text can be
arbitrarily long, and the procedures I have described so far cannot be used to identify
lexicalized noun phrases such as biomedical engineering department, air safety
information resource and standard generalized markup language.
One solution is to complicate the mathematical model by extending the
contingency table. For example, to identify the associative strength of the words in
trigrams such as biomedical engineering department, the contingency table would

Daille’s computing formulas for the two statistics discussed here are as follows. Using the values
a,b,c,d in the contingency table given in Table 1a:

Mutual information (Church and Hanks 1990) = log2 (a/(a+b)(a+c))

Log-likelihood (Dunning 1993) = aloga+blogb+clogc+dlogd

have 23 entries. This is difficult to depict graphically because the table is a cube, but
for expedience, it can be represented as a traditional 2-by-2 table with the third
variable completely nested in the other two. Table 2.4 shows an example.

Li ~Li

LiLjLk ~LiLjLk
Biomedical engineering department not-biomedical, engineering department
LiLj~Lk ~LiLj~Lk
Biomedical engineering, not department not-biomedical, engineering, not-department

Li ~Li

Li~LjLk ~Li~LjLk
Biomedical, not-engineering, department not-biomedical, not-engineering,

Li~Lj~Lk ~Li~Lj~Lk
Biomedical, not-engineering, not-department not-biomedical, not-engineering,

Li = biomedical
Lj = engineering
Lk = department

Table 2.4 An extended contingency table

As in the simpler contingency table with two variables, the values for the eight
cells in Table 2.4 are probabilities that are estimated from the frequencies observed in
the corpus. Since many of these cells will have very small probabilities, it is tempting
to remove them from the model, which is perhaps one of the motivations for a
commonly used shortcut that makes multiple passes through the data, creating
bigrams at each step. On the first pass, highly associated bigrams such as biomedical
engineering are identified. On the next pass, this bigram is treated as a single term
and the bigram biomedical-engineering department is identified—a process that

continues until an expedient upper limit is reached. Zhou and Dapkus (1997) use this
heuristic to identify potentially lexicalized noun phrases in a large corpus of news
For both solutions, a pass through the data is required for each increment in
the size of the word sequence. Though this is computationally expensive in a large
corpus, a worse problem is that the natural cutoff in the data is difficult to identify
without introducing even more complexity. For example, the iterations may stop
when certain lower-bound association thresholds are no longer reached, as should
happen when the lexicalized phrase biomedical engineering is paired with a syntactic
boundary such as is. But since reasonable thresholds may be difficult to specify, a
common alternative solution is to iterate a given number of times—say, 6 or 7—using
the common-sense assumption that simplex English noun phrases rarely exceed this
length. Nevertheless, the cutoff is arbitrary with respect to the corpus, and it
introduces problems for filter-first models such as the one proposed by Justeson and
Katz because it creates false truncations. For example, a filter-first system might
produce international journal of plant from a corpus of biology text. This is a
syntactically valid noun phrase, but if the real collocation is international journal of
plant pathology, the phrase is truncated too soon if the corpus accidentally produces a
low association value for plant pathology.
Parse-first models such as Daille’s avoid this problem, but they must still
select the lexicalized noun phrases from a list ranked by the value assigned from the
association measure. In this model, some genuine lexicalized phrases are missed,
while spurious phrases that achieve a high score are erroneously selected. Table 2.5
illustrates the problem in bigram data from the engineering corpus. Though most of
the phrases that receive high scores are probably lexicalized, economically feasible is
probably not. Nevertheless, it is ranked higher than health service, which probably is

Bigrams with high associations Bigrams with low associations

sri lanka 11.07 which contains 2.87

saudi arabia 10.76 these letters 2.85
zonal wind 10.75 procedures for 2.84
avant garde 10.64 this file 2.83
steel scrap 10.25 search contents 2.82
hazardous waste 10.02 health service 2.81
fossil fuels 9.91 arranged by 2.78
economically feasible 9.73 publications data 2.77

Table 2.5 Bigrams with high and low log-likelihood values

Because of the issues considered in this section, I adopt a parse-first model. A

filter that identifies lexicalized phrases based on the log-likelihood statistic is
eventually applied to the data, but only after considering the cues in the linguistic
context found in the corpus that bear on the decision to identify a noun phrase as
lexical or syntactic. My hypothesis is that these cues go a long way toward
compensating for the errors that result when an association statistic is the sole input to
the decision. Additional linguistic analysis is required to identify these cues, and
computer software must be developed to identify them automatically. These topics
consume most of Chapters 3 and 4.
I also follow the practice commonly adopted by computational linguists and
apply the log-likelihood statistic as a utility function. If two contiguous words are
highly associated, the result can often be interpreted as linguistically interesting
lexical knowledge. Other pairwise associations between linguistic objects may not
have this narrow interpretation, but they are nevertheless important for system-
building. An example is developed in the next section.

2.1.4. The assignment of internal structure

When applied to a large corpus, the processes I have described so far produce
many noun phrases that consist of three or more tokens. Should information retrieval
experiment be analyzed as [[information retrieval] experiment] or [information
[retrieval experiment]]? Or should aerospace engineering department be analyzed as
[[aerospace engineering] department], or as [aerospace [engineering department]]?
Noun phrases that have adjective modification may also have complex internal

structure and are common in collections of technical text, such electrical engineering
department, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, thermal properties measurement, and
tactical communications protocol.
An algorithm that assigns internal structure to such noun phrases satisfies the
need for completeness in a research program devoted to the extraction of terminology
from text, but it also has real uses. For example, an accurate internal structure is
required for the construction of correctly formed hierarchical listings of noun phrases
that are typically found in indexes or taxonomies. An example is shown in Figure
2.6. The index in the left column is constructed from correctly parsed phrases such as
[microwave [background radiation]], while the one on the right propagates the
mistake of identifying ban treaty as a phrase that can exist independently. The
correct parses of the noun phrases on the right, such as [[[antiballistic missile] ban]
treaty], reveal that ban treaty is an odd phrase because it requires a left modifier and
is split by a constituent break. Neither problem is observed in the internal structures
of noun phrases containing background radiation.

Background radiation *Ban treaty

Cosmic background radiation Nuclear test ban treaty
Microwave background radiation Antiballistic missile ban treaty

Figure 2.6 Correct and incorrect noun-phrase hierarchies

A more subtle point about examples like those shown in Figure 2.6 was made
by Marchand (1969: Ch. 4) in a discussion of the process by which compound nouns
become lexicalized. As he said, once a compound is established, it is free to appear
in the same syntactic positions as single words. In expository text, and especially in
technical text, the modifier position of a compound noun is a common location for
lexicalized compound nouns, perhaps because noun phrases can be formed so freely
from heads such as department from single-word modifiers such as math department.
As a result, by many measures described in this dissertation, the phrases aerospace
engineering, sanitation engineering and electrical engineering show evidence of
lexicalization. Other examples extracted from the engineering corpus include
information technology, wastewater engineering, and health care, which appear in

the longer noun phrases information technology division, wastewater engineering
virtual library, and health care providers. In Section 3.4.3 of Chapter 3, I use the
results of an algorithm for identifying the internal structure of noun phrases to
construct a test that provides one source of evidence for the existence of lexicalized
noun phrases in unrestricted text. Algorithms for assigning internal structure

When confronted with the need to decide between [[information retrieval]

experiment] and [information [retrieval experiment]] as the correct internal structure
for information retrieval experiment, a human parser with access to deep semantic
information might select the first assignment because English has a productive
process for creating nominal compounds from a nominalized verb and its direct
object. Other examples are snow removal and error recovery. The second structure
is problematic because the nominal head retrieval experiment is missing an essential
argument and is thus not a viable free-standing compound. The first structure
assignment is preferred because retrieval is a deverbalized noun that needs a direct
object such as information.
The correct answer can also be derived algorithmically from distributional
evidence in the corpus without incorporating computationally expensive knowledge
of deverbalized nouns and other lexical properties that may influence the internal
structure assignment of compound and complex noun phrases. Lauer (1995)
hypothesizes that the structure could be assigned by examining the mutual
information of information and retrieval, as well as retrieval and experiment. If the
first association score is higher than the second, information retrieval is a likely
collocation, and the first structure [[information retrieval] experiment] is preferred.
Unfortunately, this appealingly simple idea runs aground because a given corpus may
not contain enough instances of the words needed to obtain reliable association
statistics for all of the compounds in need of a structure assignment. To increase the
number of observations, Lauer counts equivalence classes of words instead of raw
tokens. Thus, compounds such as information retrieval test or text retrieval

experiment would be equivalent because information and test are in the same
semantic field, as are test and experiment. He uses Roget’s thesaurus to obtain
equivalence classes, with mixed results.
Lapata (1999) developed an alternative corpus-based algorithm for assigning
internal structure to noun-noun compounds and showed that its performance was
superior to the predecessors reported by Lauer and his predecessors. Working with
100 million words of news text in the British National Corpus, Lapata studied this
problem as a side issue in a larger research program devoted to the evaluation of
corpus evidence for verb arguments. She argued that some cases can be resolved by
referring to simple heuristics. For example, the verb phrase killed henry phipps
probably has a single argument because a sequence of proper nouns is usually a single
noun phrase. But the verb phrase offer an express bus service can’t be so easily
disambiguated. Is express bus service parsed as the single noun phrase [an [express
bus] service]], as the alternative structure [an [express [bus service]]], or as two noun
phrases [an [express bus]] [service]? To make a decision solely based on corpus
evidence and a dictionary, Lapata devised an algorithm that works on linear
sequences of three or more nouns. If the sequence n1n2 is in the dictionary, the
structure [[n1 n2] n3] is assigned; or if the sequence n2n3 is in the dictionary, the
structure [n1 [n2 n3]] is assigned. If neither sequence is in the dictionary, the log-
likelihoods for both n1n2 and n2n3 are computed and the sequence with the highest
value is chosen, assuming that they cross a threshold. For sequences of nouns whose
log-likelihoods are below the threshold, the corpus does not support the claim that
they are noun-noun compounds, and they are best interpreted as multiple noun
phrases. The algorithm can be applied iteratively to longer phrases. An extension
The Lapata algorithm produces impressive results, and I have incorporated it
in my system for identifying lexicalized noun phrases, but I have made a few
modifications. First, I extend her analysis to include adjective-modified phrases and
explore other sources of linguistic evidence relevant to the assignment of internal
structure in noun phrases. Moreover, unlike Lapata, I must process Web text of

unreliable quality. Web text that has been lightly parsed has fragments such as
windowwithborder windowwithtitle or news updates job opportunities, which a parser
recognizes as legal noun phrases but are probably remnants of programming language
code or the text of buttons that are adjacent to one another on a displayable page. My
modifications to Lapata’s structure-assignment algorithm can eliminate these phrases
from further analysis by assigning structures such as [windowwithborder]
[windowwithtitle], indicating two adjacent simple nouns; or news] [updates][job
opportunities], indicating adjacent nouns, one of which is missing a left modifier.
The extensions to the Lapata algorithm are derived from the argument
presented in Godby and Reighart (1999) that corpus evidence can be used to identify
single-word tokens of topical interest in a subject-restricted collection of text. In
earlier proposals, such words were identified by consulting a dictionary, or by
comparing word frequencies against the words in a background corpus that covers a
broad range of subjects. For example, Zhou and Dapkus (1995) argue that topical
terms such as moon, stars, and galaxy would be relatively more frequent in a corpus
about astronomy than in a corpus of mixed subjects.
The same result can be obtained by constructing, for each word, a ratio of
local syntactic contexts, like those used by Hindle and Rooth (1993) for solving the
conceptually similar problem of attachment ambiguity in sentences with
prepositional-phrase complements. Consider, for simplicity, the proposal that moon
is commonly found in compound nouns such as full moon, harvest moon and waxing
gibbous moon, though it also frequently appears without any modification. This
amounts to the claim that when all of the left contexts of moon are tabulated, markers
of clause and phrase boundaries such as conjunctions, determiners, prepositions and
punctuation marks are relatively more common than adjectives or nouns. Along with
moon, the nouns that appear most frequently without modification in a corpus of texts
about astronomy are sun, earth, atmosphere, evening, nature, morning and equator.
Conversely, the nouns shown in Table 2.6 require modification because the left
contexts contain modifiers more frequently than boundary markers. The same
analysis can be extended to identify the logical boundaries of longer sequences of

Term Sample collocation

einstein albert einstein

herschel william herschel
armstrong neil armstrong
belt asteroid belt
borealis corona borealis
centauri alpha centauri
cluster star clusters
way milky way

Table 2.6 Astronomy terms that require modification

This method for identifying noun-phrase boundaries is consistent with

Lapata’s algorithm for assigning internal structure to multi-word phrases and can be
used in two contexts. First, it provides input that may settle the indeterminate cases,
where the log-likelihoods are too low to support the assignment of any internal
structure. In a phrase such as software engineering major, the log-likelihoods for
software engineering and engineering major are low in the engineering corpus
because all three words are common and appear in many other combinations. But the
low log-likelihood score may be an accidental failure due to an unfortunate
combination of words. Corpus evidence can be used to determine whether
engineering tends to form larger phrases, and whether those phrases branch to the left
or the right.
The algorithm is executed when part-of-speech tags are partitioned into
modifiers and boundaries and the text is partitioned into sequential three-word
windows. Then, for each word at position 2 in the window, two pairs of log-
likelihoods are calculated, one pair each for the left and right flanks. The calculations
are based on two sets of counts: those of the word paired with modifiers, and those of
the word paired with boundaries. If the log-likelihood of the word-modifier pair is
higher than that for the word-boundary pair, then the centered word expects a
modifier at the flank; otherwise it expects a boundary. To illustrate, consider how the
information obtained from this calculation might resolve an indeterminate case such
as software engineering major. If evidence from the corpus suggests that engineering
usually appears with a modifier, the structure [[software engineering] major] can be

tentatively assigned. If engineering itself is usually a modifier, the structure
[software [engineering major]] is favored. And if engineering appears most
commonly in boundary environments, the sequence is assigned a structure that
represents the three separate nouns [software] [engineering] [major].
The same algorithm can also be used to check the integrity of the boundaries
of the sequence of words identified by the noun-phrase parser, an issue not directly
addressed by Lapata or others who devised noun-phrase structure algorithms based on
corpus evidence. For example, the words image processing may have a high log-
likelihood score, which can be used to assign the appropriate structure to a larger
phrase such as [[image processing] software]. But corpus evidence might reject the
the phrase as ill-formed because the log-likelihood for image paired with a modifier is
high, which suggests that the noun-phrase extractor erroneously truncated the left
flank of a longer noun phrase such as document image processing software. A check
like this is especially important for Web text of uncertain quality. The corpus I have
used for this study contains many noun phrase sequences such as organization
agreements, rgb column vector, directive background document followup, control
information and electronic form postscript. These phrases are extracted from Web
pages whose layout may be as complex as a magazine page and which a partial parser
is not powerful enough to decode. They are best excluded from further study.

2.2. A system architecture for recognizing lexicalized noun phrases

I am now in a position to propose a system architecture for extracting
lexicalized noun-phrase candidates. As shown in Figure 2.7, the most straightforward
system is simply a linear sequence of the processes described in the previous section.
Two components require further comment. The component that assigns internal
structure is not literally necessary for the analysis that I describe in Chapter 3, whose
input is the raw list of noun phrases extracted from the corpus. The internal-structure
component is applied at a much later stage to obtain a source of evidence for the
lexical status of noun phrases, which I describe in Section of Chapter 4.
Similar comments apply to the component that calculates log-likelihoods. Though

the calculation is done on the raw text, when the raw frequencies of words in the
corpus and pairwise frequencies of adjacent tokens can be tabulated, the information
is used much later.

Raw text


Part-of- Noun-phrase
speech extraction

Figure 2.7 Process flow for extracting lexicalized noun-phrase candidates from text

Together with Chapter 1, this chapter builds the foundation for the study at the
core of this dissertation. Starting with a literature review that emphasizes
philosophical issues and data obtained from observation as well as intuition, we have
developed the necessary foundation for an empirical study that supports and extends
the theoretical linguistic arguments regarding the significance of lexicalized noun
phrases. When the computational techniques reviewed in this chapter are applied to a
large corpus, the result is a list of noun phrases whose lexical status must be
evaluated. This is a large subject, which I explore in the next two chapters.



3.0. Introduction

With computational and theoretical linguistic grounding, I am now ready to

address the central problem of this dissertation. How can lexicalized noun phrases be
identified in a corpus of coherent text about engineering? This is not simply a technical
problem that can be solved by writing software that encodes the formalizable insights of
previous scholarship; Chapters 1 and 2 identified serious gaps in our understanding that
would guarantee failure. In this chapter, I attempt the sometimes tricky analytical task of
filling in some of these gaps by appealing to insights and methodologies from several
research traditions. From corpus linguistics, I adopt a respect for data that can be
observed and counted, as well as the philosophical view that language is best understood
in context. From theoretical linguistics, I adopt the goal of seeking a solution that is
linguistically natural and reflects insights about language that generalize beyond the
current narrowly defined problem. And from psycholinguistics, I adopt the view that
observed language is a sample of behavior, which enlightens our understanding of
differences between lexicalized and syntactic noun phrases in ways that the other
perspectives cannot. Of course, this program is ambitious and I can only sketch the
highlights here; a more coherent account must await the concluding remarks in Chapter 5.
The immediate deliverable from this analysis is a list of linguistic contexts that
will be sumbitted to the computational model described in Chapter 4, which attempts to
classify noun phrases as syntactic or lexicalized, using the contexts as sources of
evidence. Though the input includes tests identified by linguists including Marchand,
Downing, and Levy, the primary purpose of this chapter is to argue that a large corpus is
rich with evidence that supplements the traditional accounts, as long as we respect an
essential quality of the data that previous scholarship has already pointed out. As Levy
(1978) said, there is no categorical evidence that distinguishes lexicalized from syntactic
noun phrases. But this conclusion does not have to be an admission of failure or an
impediment to progress. Relevant evidence that is robust but not categorical is still
valuable, and can be evaluated with the appropriate computational tool.

3.1. A first look at the engineering corpus

The corpus used in this study was obtained with an algorithm that searches the
Web for sites about engineering, starting from a list of suggestions supplied by a human
operator.When an appropriate site was found, all local documents were downloaded and
the text was stripped out, which eliminated such extraneous material as HTML markup
and pointers to images or other pages. Though the resulting pages vary considerably in
size and rhetorical style, the harvesting algorithm successfully partitions the data into
sixteen 30-megabyte blocks, each containing approximately 9,000 documents. Thus the
total corpus consists of approximately 150,000 documents and occupies nearly 500
megabytes; the average document size is approximately 3,300 kilobytes. Koch (1998)
describes the document selection process and the harvesting algorithm in more detail.
Of course, it is impossible to inspect a corpus of this size. Even the automated
analysis that is the primary subject of this chapter and Chapter 4 uses only a subset of the
data as input. The rest will be used to validate the analysis by making predictions about
the unseen portions. Thus it is important to determine whether the partitions are
relatively similar, at least in the ways that matter most to my research problem. Though I
address this issue more extensively in Chapter 4, Table 3.1 gives an encouraging first
The top half shows raw tabulations for the five most frequent words in the first six
partitions, excluding closed-class words such as prepositions and determiners. The
bottom half shows the five most frequent noun phrases in each partition that were
recognized by the noun phrase parser, which I described in Section 2.12 of Chapter 2 and
is here configured to recognize simplex noun phrases with no embedded prepositional
phrases or conjunctions. The tabulations show remarkably high counts for words and

phrases that are suggestive of engineering topics. They also show such balanced
distributions of the terms and phrases across the partitions that the rank order in Partition
1, which was used to organize the data in Table 3.1, closely matches those in the
remaining five partitions. Neither outcome can be guaranteed from a semi-automated
process that collects text of uncertain quality. For example, it is conceivable that the
Web page harvester could have started from a human-supplied cue to search for
documents about neural networks and filled only the first partition with them. Or it could
have filled several partitions with documents that are not primarily about engineering
because the automated process that identifies relevant documents is also fallible.

Count in partition

Word/phrase 1 2 3 4 5 6

Information 13,843 13,223 12,658 11,299 13,579 13,787

Page 10,875 10,316 11,876 9,304 10,636 10,192
Engineering 9,218 9,253 8,042 7,718 9,780 9,328
University 8,849 9,748 8,476 7,085 9,601 10,052
Research 8,191 7,738 7,641 6,604 8,312 8,136

Computer science 846 842 781 484 868 754

Electrical engineering 385 384 349 240 407 353
Mechanical engineering 368 430 392 327 502 366
Neural networks 273 171 209 216 198 241
Virtual library 226 252 261 234 295 240

Table 3.1 Frequency distributions for five nouns and noun phrases in six partitions
of the engineering corpus

Figure 3.1 shows a sample document in the corpus. The underlined words and
phrases represent the output of the noun phrase parser on this document, while the
italicized expressions identify noun phrases that the parser failed to recognize. At 1,020
bytes, this document is only one-third the size of the average document in the corpus, but
it illustrates some typical data-processing issues that my study must confront. First, the
sample consists primarily of coherent text about an engineering topic, though it has not
been carefully edited. It has spelling mistakes, such as acquistion, and errors of diction:
divested should be followed by itself. Second, the automatic process that eliminates page
markup introduces noise because headers such as Acquisitions and Dispositions are
combined with the text. In this example, the noun phrase parser correctly identified the
nouns near the problem because partial parsers look for islands of text that contain
relevant patterns without attempting a full sentence parse. But to such a parser, the
header and the sentence following it, acquistions and dispositions since its
inception…appear as a single unit of text and parsing mistakes can occur if the sentence
following a header begins with a noun. On this document, the performance of the noun
phrase parser is reasonable. It recognized 43/45 noun phrases, or 95%, and did not
falsely identify any noun phrases. Moreover, the failures are due to part-of-speech
tagging problems. Proven, reserves, and existing are ambiguously adjectives or verbs
and the part-of-speech tagger made the wrong choices in the context of this document.

Acquisitions and dispositions Since its inception, the company has had an ongoing acquisition program
which has resulted in periodic acquistions of natural gas and oil properties. Our most recent significant
acquistion is that of the Manilla Village, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Acquired from Wolf Productions,
Loiuisiana this producing area with proven reserves surmounting 300,000 BBL, proves to be yet another
successful acquisition with promising future returns. During 1994 and early 1995, natural gas and oil
reserves generally available for acquistion were at usually high costs. As a result and in reaction to the
market conditions, the company focused most of its activities during that period on its exploration program
as opposed to the acquisition of proved developed oil and gas properties. The company took advantage of
this situation and divested of selected proved producing natural gas and oil properties. The company
recently sold one of its interest in the Frio/Miocene Trend, Chambers County, Texas resulting in net gains of
$800,000. The company will continue to evaluate existing reserves for potential sale if economically
advantageous. Back to Cedyco Corporation Home Page

Figure 3.1 A document in the engineering corpus to which the noun phrase parser
has been applied

With the foundations developed in Chapters 1 and 2 and the text of Figure 3.1 in
view, I can now state the goals of the research that is reported in the rest of this
dissertation. Philosophically, it is to identify the noun phrases that represent persistent
names for significant concepts, using evidence from a corpus to guide the decision. This
goal excludes three classes of nouns identified by the noun phrase parser in text samples
like that shown above. First, single-word nouns are only of minor interest. They can be
used to check the performance of the noun-phrase parser, as I have done here; and, more
subtly, to provide evidence regarding boundary assignments in multi-word phrases, as I
argued in Section 2.1.4 of Chapter 2. Second, proper names, dates and quantities, such as
Cedyco Corporation, Louisiana, 1995 and 300,000 BBL, are eliminated from further
consideration. By linking my analysis to the tradition of scholarship that studies
compound nouns and lexical phrases, I am restricting my attention to common nouns
which may happen to consist of more than one word. Finally, since I rely on an external
source for judgments about lexicalized noun phrases in engineering texts, my analysis is
necessarily skewed toward the identification of others that resemble those in the
authoritative list. Accordingly, the lexicalized phrases are restricted to the domain of
engineering, and noun phrases such as net gains and market conditions are excluded.
By the measures identified in this dissertation, the only candidates for further
analysis in Figure 3.1 are natural gas, oil reserves, and natural gas reserves. Since only
3/45, or 6%, of the noun phrases in a small sample of text are potentially lexicalized noun
phrses, the analytical task is to develop a filter that eliminates the far more common
artifacts of syntactic productivity in a way that is linguistically informed and conceptually
simple by making use of the information in the corpus to guide the decision.
When evaluating the filter, I make reference to a simple metric that is widely
adopted by computational linguists and is a variant of the precision/recall measure used
by information retrieval researchers when they assess the performance of text retrieval
engines. Whenever a user issues a request to a search engine for information, the
documents returned are either relevant or irrelevant to the information need. Precision is
defined as the ratio of relevant documents to the total number of documents that are
returned from the search; recall is the ratio of relevant documents returned from the
search to the total number of relevant documents. More abstractly, precision is a measure
of noise and recall is a measure of completeness. Though I discuss the issue of
evaluation in more detail in Section 4.3 of Chapter 4, it is conceptually important here
because it helps frame the problem I am trying to solve.
In the context of my problem, a high precision score indicates that the output
consists mostly of lexicalized common noun phrases from the domain of engineering and
is relatively free of extraneous problems such as tagging and parsing mistakes; a high
recall score indicates that the output contains most of the lexicalized noun phrases in the
corpus. I am more interested in maximizing precision precision than recall. Though both
goals are desirable, they are mutually contradictory, and I am interested in simulating the
editor’s task of identifying candidates for a domain-specific lexical resource such as an

engineering thesaurus. A list of noun phrases that maximizes recall at the expense of
precision creates too much work for the editors because they would have to sift through
noisy output. A smaller, cleaner list might mean that some lexicalized noun phrases are
missed, but it promises to be far more comprehensive than a purely manual effort.

3.2. A look at an engineering thesaurus

To begin the core task of my analysis, I take a glimpse at the contents of The
Engineering Information Thesaurus (Milstead 1995). Since my professional expertise is
linguistics, not engineering, I don’t have consistently clear intuitions about the
terminology of engineers, so I rely on a resource maintained by professional
lexicographers who specialize in engineering as a trustworthy substitute. As the name
implies, The Engineering Information Thesaurus is more than a simple list of terms. It is
valuable to researchers primarily because it organizes terms into relationships that can be
construed as a high-level map, or ontology, of the subject of engineering. Such
relationships are familiar to users of general-interest thesauri such as Roget’s Thesaurus.
They include broader-than—abutments/bridge components; narrower-than—accident
prevention/blowout prevention; and related-to—acoustic microscopes/imaging
techniques. Nevertheless, I am interested only in the terms, not the relationships, and The
Engineering Information Thesaurus is the most comprehensive resource available on the
subject, with nearly 17,000 entries in the current edition. Though I refer to the
Engineering Information Thesaurus for illustration in this chapter, many of the common
terms listed there appear in other lexical resources that contain substantial lists of
engineering vocabulary, such as the relevant schedules in the Dewey Decimal
Classification (Mitchell 1996) and the Library of Congress Subject Headings7, which is
freely available to researchers.
Since my goal is to identify terms in the engineering corpus that are similar to
those in an engineering thesaurus, it can’t be accomplished unless some of these terms
are also found in the corpus. This requirement suggests that the analysis at this stage has
two dimensions. The first is a description of the salient linguistic characteristics of

engineering terms that are observable from an isolated list. For the subset of those that
are cited in the corpus, the description can be rounded out with observations that can only
be made from a context of coherent discourse. The result is a glimpse at how lexicalized
and syntactic noun phrases differ, from the perspective of a data-intensive analysis.
To anchor the initial discussion, I have listed some hand-selected noun-phrase
entries from the Engineering Information Thesaurus in Table 3.2.

Acoustic properties of materials Highway engineering

Acoustical technology Information retrieval
Aerospace engineering Integrated circuits
Air traffic control Mechanical engineering
Applied mathematics Natural gas
Artificial intelligence Nickel and alloys
Biomedical engineering Nuclear engineering
Chemical agents Nuclear fuels for fission reactors
Chemical apparatus Nuclear power plant construction
Chemical engineering Oil reserves
Chemical operations Sanitation engineering
Chemical plants Sanitary engineering
City planning Strength of building materials
Combinatorial mathematics Structural design
Communication engineering Synthetic rubber
Data processing Textile mills
Diesel engines Urban planning
Highway engineering Water analysis

Table 3.2 Selected entries from the Engineering Information Thesaurus

The entries in this table suggest that most, if not all, of the vocabulary is
comprehensible to the educated non-specialist. Fortunately, it means that my study does
not reduce to a purely formal manipulation of tokens that would effectively have to be
treated like a language that I don’t know. In the initial stages, at least, I can use
traditional tools of linguistic analysis—as have others who have considered some of this
data. For example, Levy (1978) discussed syntactic and semantic properties of the
phrases city planning, urban planning and electrical engineering, all of which appear on
this list.

Accessible at ,http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/lcco.html>
The most straightforward linguistic observation to be made about the entries in
Table 3.2 concerns their syntactic form. Most of the terms are short, simplex noun-noun
and adjective-noun compounds, an observation that is supported more rigorously by the
tabulation shown in Table 3.3 obtained from a random sample of 1000 terms listed in the
Engineering Information Thesaurus.

size Count Example

1 226 adsorbents
2 517 copper mines
3 191 waste heat utilization
4 43 underground air conditioning systems
5 19 ground vehicle parts and equipment
6 3 complementary metal oxide semiconductor integrated circuits
7 1 combined gas and steam cycle power plants

Total: 1,000

Syntactic form (other than nouns)

Adjectives 242 wooden bridges

conjunctions 34 tin and alloys
prepositions 19 settling of structures

Table 3.3 Token sizes and syntactic forms of entries in a random sample from
the Engineering Information Thesaurus

Only rarely do the phrases contain prepositions and conjunctions, as in nuclear

fuels for fission reactors or nickel and alloys, about 5% of the items in the sample.
Missing altogether are complex noun phrases containing that clauses, such as interpreted
data models that describe concepts that are common to more than one Application
Protocol, a citation from the corpus. For the most part, the entries in the thesaurus
conform to Levi’s (1978) description of complex nominals. Though most are noun-noun
compounds, about 24% are adjective-noun compounds such as nonferrous metals,
sanitary engineering, structural design and urban planning, which cannot, in principle,
be excluded from the analysis. Thus the adjective-noun compounds pass two of Levi’s
critical tests for inclusion as complex, or lexicalized, noun phrases, rather than syntactic

noun phrases. First, they perform the same semantic work as a noun in an essentially
synonomous phrase (urban planning vs. city planning and sanitation engineering vs.
sanitary engineering). As the previous example suggests, many adjectives alternate with
nouns to form parallel but non-synonymous expressions, such as the names of the various
subdisciplines of engineering: nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, and
industrial engineering vs. ocean engineering, communication engineering, and highway
engineering. Second, Levi observed that adjectives in syntactic phrases may be modified
by very, as in the following citations from the engineering corpus: very graphic
presentation, very crude capitals, very simple interpreters and very short routines. Not
surprisingly, little useful information, crude capitals, simple interpreters and short
routines are not listed in the thesaurus. Conversely, linguists as well as engineers judge
the lexicalized thesaurus entries to be ungrammatical when they are modified by very, as
in *very mechanical engineering and *very urban planning, and *very integrated
My analysis would have to stop here if none of the thesaurus entries appeared in
the engineering corpus. But natural gas and oil reserves, lexicalized-phrase candidates
that I identified in the sample document shown in Figure 3.1, also appear in Table 3.3, a
hint that some of the entries in the Engineering Information Thesaurus are also cited in
the corpus. Table 3.4 shows the tabulation of the top ten single-word and noun-phrase
thesaurus entries that are most commonly cited in the first six partitions of the corpus.
These distributions show that the corpus has many citations of the thesaurus entries,
which are more-or-less evenly balanced across the six partitions. The tabulations for the
single terms are cleaner than those of the noun phrases because the most common
citations also have nearly the same rank order in each partition. Among the noun
phrases, the same ten noun phrases usually rank among the most commonly cited in each
partition, but their rank order is scrambled from one partition to the next.

Count in partition

Term 1 2 3 4 5 6

research 1,915 1,860 2,062 1,784 1,937 1,875

technology 1,870 1,634 1,607 1,538 1,798 1,684
design 1,631 1,384 1,479 1,543 1,534 1,553
engineering 1,512 1,316 1,277 1,391 1,556 1,564
industry 1,051 970 1,014 1,001 1,031 1,066
control 1,032 1,085 981 905 1,033 1,230
water 1,002 1,215 852 984 923 854
paper 913 1,004 617 800 861 979
analysis 829 760 608 772 884 720
education 827 790 892 693 774 699

Count-Rank in partition

Noun phrase 1 2 3 4 5 6

computer science 444-1 470-1 417-1 243-1 426-1 390-1

neural networks 259-2 178-7 204-5 208-4 193-6 226-4
electrical engineering 226-3 242-3 207-4 168-6 259-4 249-2
artificial intelligence 214-4 114-13 98-12 180-5 147-9 176-6
civil engineering 205-5 208-5 220-3 166-7 284-3 161-7
mechanical engineering 186-6 253-2 221-2 208-3 305-2 207-5
chemical engineering 178-7 212-4 159-7 215-2 186-7 242-3
materials science 166-8 174-8 169-6 122-8 184-8 139-9
environmental engineering 159-9 151-10 124-8 119-9 136-11 99-14
information technology 120-10 145-11 111-9 107-11 153-10 150-8

Table 3.4 Citations of thesaurus entries in the engineering corpus

The data in Table 3.4 is a fortunate result for the purposes of my study, but not
one that I could assume without verification. Thesauri, dictionaries and other lexical
reference works often adopt stylistic conventions that may reduce the hit rate when their
entries are used literally as search terms in a corpus of naturally occurring text. For
example, they may list only the plural forms; they may split compounds into their
component parts, creating entries such as engineering—electrical; or they may retain
archaic language such as aeroplanes. But much of the terminology in the Engineering
Information Thesaurus is vocabulary that is actually used by engineers. Some of the
thesaurus entries are even highly frequent in the corpus. For example, all of the noun

phrases listed in Table 3.1 (except for virtual libraries, which is not listed in the
thesaurus), as well as data processing, geothermal energy, heat transfer, high energy
physics, information retrieval and laser applications, rank in the top half when they are
tabulated as words along with more conventional tokens, such as transportation, bridges
and surveying.
Table 3.4 hints at another conclusion that I can use to focus the rest of my
analysis. Despite the evidence from Table 3.3 showing that the entries in the thesaurus
exhibit a small number of the syntactic forms—including prepositional phrases and
conjunctions—that, in Marchand’s analysis, justified a superordinate category lexical
phrase to which compound nouns and Levi’s complex nouns belong—none of these
entries are counted among the most commonly cited in the corpus. This conclusion is
supported more explicitly by the data in Table 3.5, which shows a tabulation of the gross
forms of the sample from the thesaurus that are cited in the corpus. In other words, no
credible corpus evidence exists for deciding the status of terms in the thesaurus that
formally resemble familiar collocations such as bread and butter and beast of burden,
which I discussed in Section 1.2.1 of Chapter 1, in a review of Marchand’s research on
this topic.

size Count Examples

1 204 turbomachinery, visualization, ultrasound, mechanization

2 343 white noise, voice recognition, transfer functions,
statistical thermodynamics
3 69 time series analysis, solid state relays, water supply systems,
air traffic control
4 6 high performance liquid chromatography,
ocean thermal energy conversion
5 2 reflection high energy electron diffraction

Total: 624

Syntactic forms other than nouns: counts and examples

Adjective 249 thermodynamic stability, seismic waves, rare earth elements

Conjunction 0
Preposition 0

Table 3.5 Token sizes and syntactic forms of the thesaurus sample with corpus citations

As a result of this gap in the data, nothing interesting can be inferred about noun phrases
that appear in Table 3.2 such as nickels and alloys, acoustic properties of materials, or
nuclear fuels for fission reactors. Their absence in the corpus may be due either to
sampling errors, or to the fact that they reflect the editorial style of the thesaurus, not the
natural vocabulary of engineers. Nevertheless, the scarcity of these forms suggests that
little of interest is lost if the noun-phrase parser is configured to exclude conjunctions and
prepositions from further analysis.
So far, the analysis of the entries in the Engineering Information Thesaurus that
are cited in the corpus provides empirical support for claims made in previous studies of
lexicalized noun phrases. As Marchand, Downing, Levi, and Justeson and Katz, and
other linguists that I discussed in Chapter 1 observed, noun phrases that function as
words are almost always short, simple, and restricted in their syntactic form. But
lexicalized noun phrases are restricted in another important respect that is difficult to
document without the benefit of a corpus: they are frozen. As a result, they exhibit far
less syntactic variability than the lexical semantics of their components would predict.
This observation is perhaps the basis of one of Levi's tests that determines whether noun
phrases containing adjectives are syntactic or lexicalized phrases. As she argues,
lexicalized noun phrases—‘complex nominals,’ in her terminology—are formed with
attributive adjectives, such as electrical in electrical engineer or urban in urban
planning, which can appear only in the prenominal position. Syntactic phrases, on the
other hand, are formed with predicative adjectives, such as short and simple, which can
appear either as prenominal or predicate modifiers. Thus, it follows from the
attributive/predicative distinction that the phrases simple interpreters and interpreters
that are simple are grammatical, while *engineer who is electrical is not. However, the
lexicalized noun phrases in the engineering corpus present a problem for Levy’s
distinction: predicative adjectives are commonplace. Even the sparse sample represented
in Tables 3.2-3.5 includes almost as many examples as Levy discussed in her entire
treatment of the subject: integrated circuits, natural gas, sanitary engineering, synthetic
rubber, structural design, wooden bridges, artificial intelligence, geothermal energy, and
white noise.
Nevertheless, evidence from the corpus suggests that these expressions are as
fixed as Levy’s examples electrical engineer and urban planning. Lexical semantics do
not restrict the formation of sentences such as circuits that are integrated or intelligence
that is artificial, or gas that is natural, yet alternative expressions like these are not
observed. Though this may be another accidental gap in the data from which nothing
interesting can be inferred, lexicalized noun phrases achieve a high score when they are
submitted to a statistical model of lexical collocation, the log-likelihood statistic that I
discussed in Section 2.1.3 of Chapter 2—and this score is a hint that the components of
the phrase participate in very few alternations. Similar comments apply to Levy’s
examples. Electrical engineer is a highly frozen expression, but not because of a
limitation imposed by lexical semantics. As a handyman once said when he diagnosed a
problem in my house, ‘I think your problem is electrical.’
The frozenness of the expressions in the thesaurus is reflected in the high mean
log-likelihood scores of those that appear in the corpus, relative to all noun phrases that
were extracted using the parser described in Section 2.1.2 of Chapter 2, which was
configured to recognize simplex noun phrases with no embedded conjunctions or
prepositions. Mean log-likelihood scores for all multi-word noun phrases in the first
partition of the engineering corpus are shown below.

Mean log-likelihood

All noun phrases in the sample 58.85

thesaurus entries 74.23

Table 3.6 Log-likelihood summary statistics for two classes of noun phrases in
first partition of the engineering corpus

Among the thesaurus entries are some noun phrases that are exceptionally frozen.
For example, artificial intelligence has the highest log-likelihood score, 4,170, which is a
consequence of the fact that artificial has a frequency of 235 and the phrase has a

relatively high frequency of 214. In other words, 91% of the occurrences of artificial are
followed by intelligence in the first partition of the corpus. It is instructive to examine
the other occurrences of the root word artificial; they are listed in Table 3.7.

4 Artificial lakes
1 Artificial life
2 Artificial organs
6 Artificial neural networks
7 Artificial radioactive elements
1 Artificially accelerated atomic particles

Table 3.7. Citations of artificial in noun phrases other than artificial intelligence

The phrase artificial organs is listed in the Engineering Information Thesaurus

and artificial life is cited in many other subject indexes. But the partition of the
engineering corpus that I processed for this example contains no instances of predicative
adjectives and only one phrase containing the adverbial form. The adjective artificial, it
seems, has a much more restricted distribution than its morphology or semantics would
predict in a corpus of engineering documents.
The same point can be made about integrated, which appears in the engineering
corpus and in the Engineering Information Thesaurus in the phrase integrated circuits.
The higher than average log-likelihood score of 340 is evidence that the phrase is
relatively frozen. But it is much lower than the score for artificial intelligence, which
reflects something about the subject matter of engineering text. A log-likelihood score
that is only somewhat elevated suggests that integration is an important principle and that
circuits of all kinds are widely discussed, including arithmetic, asynchronous, calculator,
digital, logic, low-voltage, non-linear, solid-state, and vlsi circuits. However, despite the
high frequency of integrated in the corpus—and the fact that integrate* is a root that can
be grammatically realized as a prenominal or an attributive adjective, as well as a verb or
a noun—the distribution has noticeable gaps. The corpus contains no examples of
integrated as a predicative adjective; and 91% of the occurences of the root integrate are
attributive adjectives, appearing in phrases such as integrated gas, computer-integrated
construction, computer-integrated manufacturing, integrated optics, integrated transport

systems, integrated manufacturing and integrated application resources. The rest of the
occurrences of integrate* in the first partition of the corpus are various verb forms, as
summarized in Table 3.8.

Syntactic Form Count Example

Prenominal adjective 1592 integrated optics

Nominalization 13 synchronized multimedia integration language
Present 49 This package integrates connection,
file transfer and terminal emulation modules.
Infinitive 62 …in order to integrate their options
Passive 25 The temporal subschema that will allow
geographic information to be integrated with
other aspects of information technology.
Total : 1,741

Table 3.8 The distribution of integrate* in the first partition of the engineering corpus

By contrast, consider the adjective small, which can be modified by very, can be
attributive or predicative, and is similar in frequency in the corpus sample to integrated.
Table 3.9 shows that 73% of the occurrences of small are attributive—still a skewed
distribution, given the variety of syntactic contexts and morphological forms that possible
for small, but it shows that a word that primarily forms syntactic phrases exhibits greater
syntactic variability than integrated, a word that primarily forms lexicalized phrases in
this corpus. Accordingly, 85% of the word pairs starting with small have log likelihoods
that are smaller than the standard deviation for the collection, compared with 47% of
those starting with integrated. This reflects the fact that small primarily combines with a
large number of highly frequent words to form infrequently occurring phrases such as
small contribution, small processors, small data, small noise, small quantities, small as,
small scale and small group.

Syntactic Form Count Example

Prenominal positive 1,265 …a very small number of cases are available

Predicative positive 99 …in a sense this is dithering, but with
device dots so small that acceptable
pictures can be produced at reasonable
viewing distances
Prenominal comparative 122 The smaller design allows a faster clock
rate to be achieved.
Predicative comparative 222 Binary format files can be loaded up to 5
times faster and are some 25% smaller.
Prenominal superlative 24 …with two exceptions, the smallest size fraction

Total: 1,732

Table 3.9 The distribution of small in the first partition of the engineering corpus

3.3. Toward the identification of lexicalized noun phrases from corpus evidence

Starting with noun phrases identified by lexicographers who specialize in

engineering, the analysis in the previous section suggested that the entries in the
Engineering Information Thesaurus can be said to represent the living vocabulary of
engineers because they are frequently cited in a large corpus of academic engineering
text. And, as vocabulary, these noun phrases differ from syntactic noun phrases, which
are the usual reflex of linguistic creativity, in many ways that can be observed from
corpus evidence. The predictive power of this analysis can be tested by applying it to the
central problem of this dissertation. Is it useful for discovering additional noun phrases
in the corpus that resemble those listed in the thesaurus but are, as of now, not listed?
This is a difficult test because the analysis doesn’t have access to a key piece of
information that the human expert can take for granted. As I argued in Sections 1.1 and
1.2 of Chapter 1, lexicalized noun phrases involve a relationship between language and a
persistent object or concept, which can be known but not directly observed.
One encouraging result of the analysis at this stage is the suggestion that the hunt
for lexicalized noun phrases can be narrowed down dramatically because they appear to
be restricted in their syntactic form. In effect, the noun-phrase parser needs only to
recognize fairly short, grammatical sequences of nouns and adjectives. This conclusion
is nothing new. The evidence I have considered merely supports the conclusions of other
linguistic studies of multi-word terminology, technical and otherwise. Carroll (1985), a
psychologist who studied the genesis of names in experimental settings, suggested that
the formal simplicity of noun phrases that function as names is grounded in cognitive
psychology. In one experiment, human subjects were supplied with lists of ingredients
for recipes and expected to assign names to them. Most followed the simple strategy of
creating compound nouns whose modifiers were the ingredients and the head was the
product: for example, molasses peanut cookie was the name assigned to a cookie made
from molasses and peanuts. Carroll speculated that the act of naming is difficult enough
without incurring the additional burden of syntactic complexity.
Nevertheless, as I argued in Section 2.1.3 of Chapter 2, syntactic form alone is an
insufficient criterion for distinguishing lexicalized from syntactic noun phrases. Consider
the least problematic case, the noun-noun compounds that Downing (1977) studied. A
corpus of engineering text has many noun-noun compounds such as aircraft
maintenance, aluminum chloride, antenna design, wind conditions and wildlife
toxicology. Given the arguments I made in Section of 1.2 of Chapter 1, can’t we assume
that noun phrases of this form are always names? Unfortunately, the answer is ‘no.’ A
large corpus has many noun-noun sequences that cannot reasonably be interpreted as
lexicalized because they are the artifacts of noisy automated processing. For example,
some are obtained from common Web page layouts, such as news classifieds archives,
which are probably names that appeared on navigational buttons and were accidentally
represented in a text file as an uninterrupted string when layout markup was carelessly
stripped out. Some spurious noun-noun sequences result from parsing failures that can be
traced to failures by the part-of-speech tagger, such as the phrase bet/NN cause/NN
problems/NN. Some cannot be removed from their discourse contexts without a severe
loss of meaning, a point that I consider in more detail in Section 3.5 of this chaper.
A more serious problem is that the analytical tools I have used so far are
insufficiently powerful to distinguish lexicalized noun-noun compounds from the nonce
compounds that were the focus of Downing’s study. As I discussed in Section 1.1 of
Chapter 1—and, more technically, in Section 2.1.3 of Chapter 2—statistics such as log-
likelihood, which measure the strength of association underlying the claim that a

sequence of words is a lexical collocation, make incorrect predictions on rare, sparse, or
non-occurring data. And nonce compounds are, by definition, rare or unique. A heuristic
for filtering noun-noun compounds based only on frequency might correctly eliminate
control specification problem and bullet sprawl in the engineering corpus, but only at the
expense of also eliminating low-frequency noun-noun compounds in the corpus, such as
pattern recognition, application programming, user interface design and video
electronics, all of which are listed in the Engineering Information Thesaurus. Because of
this problem, it is necessary to proceed with caution. Interpretations of rare occurrences
are problematic in the engineering corpus because it represents a sample of engineering
discourse that may continue to grow and change. Thus, control specification problem
may be a nonce compound in the part I have analyzed, but it may be frequent enough in a
later sample to be identified as lexicalized. Claims about relative frequency are on firmer
methodological ground when they are made with respect to the Engineering Information
Thesaurus, which is a work of scholarship that purports to represent a complete map of
the important concepts of engineering.
Of course, this account also fails to consider nouns modified by adjectives, which
constitute over 20% of the entries in the thesaurus and are arguably the most difficult part
of the analysis because no clear criteria have been established for determining which
adjectives can be included or excluded in a lexicalized noun phrase. And the real answer
may be that no such criteria can be identified. This result would have been anticipated by
the studies of Lyons and Marchand that I discussed in Chapter 1, which claimed that
speakers and writers can create persistent expressions using any linguistic means at their
disposal. But I believe it is possible to advance the analysis with a simple observation.
When a noun phrase is identified for inclusion in a lexical resource, it is, according to
expert judgment, no longer the property of an individual speaker because it is used by a
community of speakers as the conventional name of an object or concept. Thus, a
lexicalized phrase must retain a constant meaning when it is removed from a particular
text or context of use. Accordingly, adjectives or nouns that imply dependencies on a

text, or on common but changeable elements in a situation such as time, space, other
objects or concepts under discussion, or the properties of a speaker, are rarely found in
lexicalized phrases. Some of these classes are listed in Table 3.10.

Anaphoric and deictic elements: subsequent, next, previous, aforementioned

Cardinal numbers: first, second, third
References to time and space: past, future, early, late, distant, nearby, eventual
References to a speaker's attitude, state of mind, or state of knowledge: interesting, daunting,
difficult, obvious, terrible, particular, significant, special, favorite, excellent
Degree adjectives: large, new, small

Table 3.10 Semantic classes of adjectives and nouns that rarely occur in
lexicalized noun phrases

The sample from the Engineering Information Thesaurus has only seven citations
containing the adjectives listed in Table 3.10. All involve the degree adjectives large and
small: small automobile engines, small nuclear reactors, small power plants, small
turbomachinery; large scale integration, large scale systems, and large screen projection
television. In Carroll’s terms, the rarity of context-dependent words in lexicalized noun
phrases may be a reflex of the psychological difficulty of naming. If they are admitted as
part of a name, a detailed context would have to be carried along as part of the name’s
referent. Of course, names may sometimes contain these elements if a community can
agree upon a stable referent or a conventional interpretation that can be divorced from a
particular context of use. But they are confusing to outsiders, perhaps because the
preferred interpretation is the context-dependent one: small nuclear reactors compared to
what, or according to whom? To consider an example from a different subject domain, I
once attended a meeting with entrepreneurs from a Web startup company. When they
described their financial circumstances, they used the phrases first-round and second-
round funding. The true meaning of these expressions was lost on me because I simply
assumed that they had tried a couple of times to sell their ideas, according to the needs of
their project. They had to explain patiently that cycles of funding are part of an
established ritual for obtaining venture capital.

Of course, I do not wish to claim here that lexicalized noun phrases are never
formed from the classes of adjectives listed in Table 3.10. Some are, and they may be
elevated to ordinary discourse. For example, to American English speakers, terrible twos
are rambunctious two-year-old children; significant others are adult partners of
unspecified gender, sexual orientation or marital status; and second-stringers are athletes
who are skilled enough to be chosen for a sports team, but not skilled enough to play very
often. But in terms of corpus evidence, lexicalized noun phrases formed with context-
dependent adjectives are rare relative to the frequency of the adjectives. Consider for
example, the two lists shown in Table 3.11, which represent the most common noun-
phrase bigrams in the first partition of the engineering corpus formed from two
adjectives—only one of which, in my analysis, is a context-dependent adjective. In this
sample, neural and significant are closely matched in frequency: neural occurs 470 times,
while significant occurs 511 times. Only neural is used to name concepts. As a result,
readers can reasonably guess the subject domain from which the phrases shown in the left
half of Table 3.11 are obtained: coherent text that contains these phrases routinely
discusses topics either in artificial intelligence or neurobiology. Moreover, several of
these phrases, including neural network(s), neural net and neural computers, appear in
the Engineering Information Thesaurus or the Dewey Decimal Classification. The
phrases that are not listed in lexical resources, such as neural controllers, can be issued as
a queries to a Web search engine, where related concepts such as neural controllers,
evolutionary algorithms, robots, fuzzy-neural methods and mathematical neuron models
may be discussed, and where a patient search may eventually turn up a definition.
However, none of these points can be made about the noun phrases formed from
significant. Only one phrase in this list—significant results—has a specialized meaning
that might have to be defined for the benefit of readers who are not familiar with
elementary concepts in statistics.

neural networks significant amount
neural network significant increase
neural nets significant contributions
neural computers significant impact
neural systems significant progress
neural tube significant number
neural prosthetic significant earthquakes
neural models significant improvement
neural controllers significant results

Table 3.11 Noun-phrase bigrams created from two classes of adjectives

The arguments I have just made suggest that the corpus can provide an additional
source of evidence for distinguishing lexicalized from syntactic noun phrases: context-
dependent adjectives are more likely to modify syntactic noun phrases. This principle
must be stated carefully because it is obviously possible to modify lexicalized noun
phrases with context-dependent adjectives, producing results such as my favorite
electrical engineer or previous seismic waves. But when the noun phrase is a bigram, it
is more likely to be syntactic than lexicalized. Table 3.12, which compares the mean log-
likelihood scores of bigram noun phrases containing context-dependent adjectives with
all noun-phrase bigrams in the first partition of the engineering corpus, supports this
observation. The low log-likelihood scores for the bigrams with context-dependent
adjectives reflect the fact that these adjectives are highly frequent and are attested in
many combinations. For example, available has a frequency of 4,480, talent has a
frequency is of 37, available talent has a frequency of 1, and the log-likelihood score is
2.19 in this corpus.

Phrase type Score Examples
All noun-phrase bigrams 10.13 zinc dust, yellow pages, academic collaboration,
air duct, alternative lifestyles, basic
interface, buckyball bibliography, carbon paper,
characteristic symptoms, civil engineering,
interstellar clouds, japanese submarines,
labor costs
Noun-phrase bigrams
with context-dependent
modifiers 6.59 acceptable alternatives, additional parameters,
available talent, certain browsers, considerable
work, enough memory, exciting thrust, favorable
kinetics, first biomass,further optimizations,
second prototype, unacceptable vibration

Table 3.12 Log-likelihood scores of two classes of noun-phrase bigrams in the

first partition of the engineering corpus

I believe that this account of context-dependent adjectives provides a generalized

and corpus-aware interpretation of many of the linguistic tests that Levi proposed for
distinguishing lexical from syntactic noun phrases. For example, as Levi suggested, very
is a reliable test for distinguishing the two classes of expressions. But in many cases,
very is used either as a deictic element, as in You're the very man I want to see, or as an
intensifier, as in a very small component, which usually indicates a single speaker's
attitude toward a subject. As Levi also suggested, adjectives with a putative adverbial
source—especially time-denoting adjectives such as future, occasional, eventual and
potential—are also more likely to characterize syntactic than lexicalized phrases, as in
her examples potential enemy, former roommate, future dependents, and occasional
visitors. But in my view, these are just the context-dependent adjectives that denote a
changing referent, an anchor in a single context, or a single speaker’s state of mind or
state of knowledge, none of which may be shared by a community.
This analysis is important for my goals because it suggests that the distribution of
lexicalized and syntactic noun phrases in a corpus is not random, but is limited in ways
that can be specified by linguistic principles. If so, it provides one reason why the log-
likelihood statistic and other measures of statistical association come up short when they
are applied to the problem of identifying lexical collocations in sequential tokens of
coherent text: in their usual mode of application, they fail to take this linguistic context

into account. For example, an appeal to the log-likelihood score would make the wrong
choices in this ranked list of adjective-noun bigrams from the first partition of the
engineering corpus: further information 991.88; first generation 93.53; second stage
28.7; synthetic lubricants 24.90; structural geology 21.31; and nonlinear equations
11.33. The noun phrases in the bottom half of the list are citations from the Engineering
Information Thesaurus and achieve low scores because they have low frequencies or are
formed with words that are observed in many other combinations. But if we eliminate
the top half because they are outliers in a distribution that has a lower-than-average log-
likelihood score and appear in linguistic contexts that favor syntactic, rather than
lexicalized noun phrases, we have overridden the inaccurate information provided by the
log-likelihood measure in this narrow application.
Unfortunately, the linguistic evidence presented so far is relevant to the
identification of syntactic phrases, but is less helpful for finding the real objects of
interest, partly because of the limitations of the evidence and partly because of the
methodology I have adopted in this study. Scholars such as Levy consulted their
intuitions and concluded that lexicalized noun phrases are ungrammatical in the
environments that favor syntactic noun phrases. But without the luxury of trustworthy
intuitions, I can’t make the same inference because the non-appearance of a lexicalized
phrase in a particular environment could be a random gap in the portion of the corpus I
am currently looking at. For example, as I examine the first partition of the engineering
corpus, I do not find any noun phrases listed in the sample from the Engineering
Information Thesaurus that are modified by very, but I may discover some cases in a
future study of other partitions. The claim that lexicalized and syntactic noun phrases
have different distributions in coherent text would be stronger if we could identify
linguistic contexts that favor lexicalized noun phrases—the complementary part of the
analysis in Levy’s seminal work. And for that, citations in the corpus of entries from the
Engineering Information Thesaurus can be used as a starting point.

3.4. The corpus contexts of lexicalized noun phrases

Though it is a truism of contemporary linguistics that every sentence is potentially

original, linguistic creativity often takes the back seat to social convention when the goal
is effective communication. Deference to social convention is observed in part by
referring to objects and concepts of common interest with usual and expected vocabulary
instead of idiosyncratic expression. When someone does this successfully, we say that he
talks the talk, or speaks our language. In Chapter 1, I suggested that writers often drop
hints when they use an expression that is not their own. Here I wish to lay the foundation
for the argument that, if we collect and analyze these hints, we can discover many
lexicalized noun phrases using methods that are linguistically motivated and conceptually
simple. The full development of the argument will consume the rest of this chapter and
the next.
The goal of this section is to identify a short list of linguistic contexts in the
engineering corpus where entries from the Engineering Information Thesaurus are
commonly found—and, by extension, other lexicalized noun phrases that are suggestive
of engineering topics. The list is by no means complete because, at this stage, I am
interested only in proof of concept. To this end, I present a set of linguistic contexts that
are semantically or syntactically restricted and can be viewed as thumbnail sketches that
could be expanded into separate studies. The list is biased toward noun-phrase contexts
because I first discovered linguistic contexts for lexicalized noun phrases in the output of
the noun-phrase parser when it was configured to recognize noun phrases containing
conjunctions and prepositional phrases. I will generalize my account in Section 3.5. As
might be expected from the quality of the other data that is relevant to the distinction
between syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases, the linguistic tests that emerge from this
data may be robust but not exceptionless. But they can be evaluated with the
computational tools that are introduced in Chapter 4.

3.4.1. Contexts for names of disciplines
I once heard a professor of comparative literature say, “Disciplines rest on chairs,
professors, departments, journals and congresses.” By this remark, he meant that areas of
academic study have firm boundaries that are patrolled by high-status members of the
profession. One probable linguistic consequence is that social conventions for the names
of disciplines are firmly established and their referents are clear and stable. If so,
discipline names are textbook cases of lexicalized noun phrases. When I wrote the first
sentence of this paragraph, I knew that professor of creates a slot for a conventional name
of an academic subject, so I filled it with comparative literature, a phrase that appears in
dictionaries and college catalogs, instead of a creative description. In the engineering
corpus, the noun-phrase objects of professor of, chairman of, department of, journal of,
school of, degree in, society for, career in, center for and workshop on contain so many
names of disciplines that I am conducting a separate study of this vocabulary (Godby
2001). Though some of the data is obtained from proper names, such as the names of
journals or workshops, it does not violate my restriction against including proper names
in the analysis because these are functional names that are made up of common nouns,
much like the ones that Carroll observes in many of his studies. Table 3.13 shows some
examples. The underlined forms are not listed in the Engineering Information Thesaurus.

Career in: electrical engineering, food science, automotive diagnosis, transportation

Degree in: physics, computer science, electrical engineering, nuclear engineering, geology, petroleum
engineering, engineering, fire protection administration, environmental technology, forestry

Department of: optoelectronics, physics, public safety, pure mathematics, statistics, transportation,
mathematical sciences, environmental protection, atmospheric sciences, radiation physics, biomedical

Professor of: earth sciences, photogrammetry, computer science, engineering design, toxicology and
environmental health, civil engineering

Journal of: astroparticle physics, adaptive behavior, control systems, computational physics, urban
planning and development, offshore mechanics and arctic engineering, numerical heat transfer,
neuropsychological rehabilitation, biochemistry, dynamic systems, irreproducible results, urban economics,
leisure sciences, biological chemistry, food technology, environmental engineering, thermal spray

Workshop on: adaptive and learning systems, agrobiodiversity assessment, computer-assisted orthopedic
surgery, digital image processing, computer architecture, earthquake-resistant design, historic mining
resources, intelligent information agents, software metrics, uncertainty and probability in artificial
intelligence, thin dieletric film metrology

Bibliography on: abstract state machines, active databases, algebraic specification, combinatorial
optimization, complex systems, computational geometry, computer arithmetic, database systems, digital
watermarking, electronic publishing, empirical software engineering, file systems, font readability, form
features, geometric modeling, graphics, hardware verification, implicit surfaces

Study of: air flow contaminants, brain biomechanics, bubble and liquid flow characteristics, civil
engineering, coastal geology, estuary hydrodynamics, finite amplitude thermal convection, fundamental
problems, heat transfer, metallurgy, neural networks, plate boundary deformation, russia and east european
countries, scientific and engineering principles, undergraduate biology majors

Table 3.13 Names of disciplines in the engineering corpus

Table 3.13 shows that all of the discipline-name contexts have citations in the
Engineering Information Thesaurus. Presumably, many of the underlined noun phrases
name areas of study, too, especially the ones that appear near the top of the table. To
fully understand the organization in this data, it would be necessary to make reference to
a knowledge ontology that has hierarchical structure, such as WordNet (Fellbaum 1998)
or the Dewey Decimal Classification (Mitchell, et al. 1996). With such a tool, we could
explore the hypothesis that some contexts, including degree in and career in, have noun-
phrase objects that respresent highly established names and are listed at relatively high
nodes in a knowledge hierarchy; while others, including workshop on, bibliography on
and study of, have objects that are less likely to be lexicalized and less commonly
represented in published knowledge ontologies. But when they are listed, they appear at
low nodes because they are highly specialized and closer to the leading edge of
knowledge. If the goal is the creation or maintenance of a knowledge hierarchy, the
engineering corpus could be consulted for additional lexical clues that reveal even lower
nodes in the hierarchical structure of concepts. For example, from the expressions
chemistry of hydrocarbon resources, electrochemistry of zeolite-encapsulated iron, and
physics and chemistry of mercury cadmium, we can infer, among other things, that
professional chemists have a concentrated interest in the chemical properties of
hydrocarbons, that electrochemistry is a sub-discipline of chemistry, and that mercury
cadmium is an object of study in physics as well as chemistry.
I mentioned at the beginning of this chapter that one of the objectives of the
research in this dissertation is to develop computer software that assists in the
maintainence of a thesaurus. But I said that only in the spirit of focusing the study on an

interesting philosophical problem. If it were a literal objective, the list of noun-phrase
contexts like those in Table 3.13 might be sufficient. All of these these contexts imply
the existence of something talked about, written about, or studied—the Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary definition of ‘subject’—the same something that motivates the
listings in a specialized thesaurus, which provides a high-level map of a body of
knowledge. Since thesauri are maintained by human effort, it is not surprising that some
of the noun-phrase objects even in high-level contexts, such as professor of, fail to appear
in the Engineering Information Thesaurus. These might be an easy source to mine for
new vocabulary, but there is greater payoff in the low-level contexts because they contain
hints about where the frontiers of knowledge are changing. But the data is noisier, as the
list of noun phrases appearing in the context of study of in Table 3.13 shows. To
compensate for the noise, I need to consider other sources of evidence and a more
sophisticated computational model. In doing so, I can generalize the analysis beyond a
small number of lexical choices in a corpus of academic text about engineering.

3.4.2. The contexts of quotation

The citation from a newspaper article cited in Section 1.3 of Chapter 1 starts out,
“They’re called popcorn fires…” The writer proceeds to define popcorn fires as fires that
start in dorm rooms when students try to make popcorn with cheap, dangerous electrical
appliances. This sentence is significant here because it illustrates a linguistic context of
quotation or attribution, where the writer signals through his choice of the verb call and
the passive voice that the noun-phrase object is not his own expression. Since it has an
established referent that is shared by a community of speakers and writers and is
presumably a fixed expression, it also fits the definition of lexicalized noun phrase that I
have developed in this dissertation. And since it appears in a newspaper article about a
topic that is not covered in the engineering corpus, it extends my argument for the
existence of positive contexts for lexicalized noun phrases in several ways. But not
surprisingly, given the pedagogic intent of much academic writing, similar citations are
abundant in the engineering corpus.

Table 3.14 shows some examples. The underlined expressions are entries in the
Engineering Information Thesaurus, a confirmation of the hunch that at least some of the
noun phrases that appear in these contexts are lexicalized. Other noun phrases in these
contexts are obvious words because they consist of a single token; still others, such as
multidimensional scaling, digital library and descriptive markup, are listed in lexical
resources such as the Dewey Decimal Classification. As in the case of linguistic contexts
for discipline names, these contexts are noisy, in part because they reveal other
potentially valuable lexical information, including the introduction of proper names and
the definition of acronyms.

Each entry in a database is called a record.

The technique we are going to try is called multidimensional scaling.
Duplication resulted during what is called overlay processing.
A member of I is called an IP (Internet Protocol) address.
In the last decade, there has been a growing interest within the human-computer interaction (HCI)
community in what is called user-centered design.
Increasingly, the collection of information available on the Web is referred to as a digital library, a virtual
library or THE global digital library.
When the image has cartographic or bibliographic information added, it is referred to as a remote-sensing
By now, you have probably heard more than you wanted to know about the so-called Y2K bug.
Some applications of such interfaces are database queries, information retrieval from texts and so-called
expert systems.
This kind of tagging, known as descriptive markup, should improve searching precision.
The type of structure adopted here...is known as a frame.
Includes links to other sites about the fire, which is known as the 'Great Fire' or 'Great Chicago Fire'.
In three dimensions there are only five such solids known as the Platonic polyhedra, which were discovered
by the Ancient Greeks.
…form what is generally known as a hyper-cube or 4-dimensional cube.
They are also known as floppy disks, stiffy disks, computer diskettes or floppy diskettes.
..asynchronous communications. Also known as serial communications.
Java enables document page animation through special-use software applications known as applets.
..established an initiative, known as the Digital Object Identifier.
The IETF is working on a replacement to be known as the Portable Network Graphics.
The Telecommunications Association also maintains a political action committee, known as TELEPAC….
This process of trapping the longwave radiation is known as the greenhouse effect.

Table 3.14 Objects of ...known as, is referred to, also known as and so-called

3.4.3. Syntactic contexts

The contexts for discipline names and quotation/attribution yield over 100 noun-
preposition collocations whose objects are often lexicalized noun phrases, including
basics of, courses in, information about, branch of, concept of, elements of, (on) the
subject of, research on, topics in, and theory of; others that are more narrowly focused by
subject include algorithm for, biology of, chemistry of, and science of. In academic
writing, word choices like these are common, but, I believe, finite—and their noun-
phrase objects yield large quantities of data that will be evaluated more rigorously in
Chapter 4. Here I wish to make the psycholinguistic argument that this data constitutes
evidence that, in the prosaic act of constructing a sentence to satisfy a perceived
communication need, speakers or writers constantly make minute choices about when to
be creative and when to retrieve entries from an enriched lexicon that may have many
phrasal entries. When engineers write the phrases topics in combinatorial chemistry,
topics in hazardous materials, and topics in networking; or theory of neural networks,
theory of evolution, and theory of quantum mechanics, they are not uttering collocations
as lexicographers define them because these aren’t fixed expressions; as a linguist, I
might say topics in computational lexicography or theory of categorial grammar.
Instead, topics in creates a context that favors collocations because the permissible
objects are variable and potentially infinite, restricted only by the semantics of the
dominating noun phrase.
The psycholinguistic argument would be stronger if I could generalize it beyond a
small set of lexical choices and the confounding issues of subject domain and discourse
style. Fortunately, the data I have examined so far show two syntactic contexts that
harbor lexicalized noun phrases, and they have already been surreptitiously introduced.
Table 3.14 cites sentences from the engineering corpus that contain four lists, all
conjoined with or— hyper-cube or 4-dimensional cube; floppy disks, stiffy disks,
computer diskettes or floppy diskettes; 'Great Fire' or 'Great Chicago Fire'; a digital
library, a virtual library or THE global digital library. Other conjoined lists from the
corpus are shown in Table 3.15. In a celebrated dissertation that treats lists as a subject
for literary criticism, Robert Belknap says, ‘Lists are deliberate structures, built with care

and craft, and perfectly suited to rigorous analysis (Monaghan 2001).’ Even in the
writing of engineers, lists of noun phrases are collections of like things. The examples in
Tables 3.13 and 3.14 show sets of synonyms and names of disciplines at similar levels of
generality. More importantly for my analysis, items in the list have similar lexical status,
much like those in an ordinary grocery list: eggs, bananas, potato chips, milk, toilet
paper, peanut butter, hot dogs, coffee. The underlined examples in Table 3.15 are
citations from the Engineering Information Thesaurus, and the noun phrases that are
listed with them are usually also lexicalized, a hypothesis that I will test in Chapter 4.

....the department is a centre for teaching and research, with divisions for mechanics, structures, materials,
fluid mechanics and heat transfer, electrical engineering and information engineering

....engineering, artificial intelligence, expert systems, neural nets, and genetic algorithms

....our research is focused on advanced soil mechanics, cold region soil mechanics and environmental
geotechnical engineering

....artificial intelligence and cognitive science

....product design and materials handling

...on manufacturing and health care

...aluminum, chemicals, forest products, glass, metalcasting, petroleum refining and steel

...the college offers degrees in engineering, computer science, construction engineering management,
engineering physics and radiation health physics
...covering thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, materials science, control engineering,
aerodynamics, dynamics of machines, etc.

International Computer Power is a world leader in the design, application and manufacture of high-
performance AC power converters, rotary ups, the patented kinetic battery and power conditioners…

Electrical engineering encompasses a wide range of topics, including computers, communication systems,
automatic control systems, digital systems, electronics, energy conversion, signal analysis, neural networks,
fuzzy logic and integrated circuits.

The ISR’s research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems; they include intelligent control of
processes, electromechanical motion control, wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and
terrestrial communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual factories for the manufacture of
electromechanical devices.

…has active research-oriented graduate programs in the areas of power, communications, signal
processing, control and systems theory, microelectronics, computer engineering, VLSI, applied
electromagnetics, and nondestructive evaluation.

…Alpha Tec Ltd specializes in graphics, computer vision, signal and image processing….

Table 3.15 Conjunctions from the engineering corpus involving lexicalized noun

The second syntactic context was introduced in Table 3.14 in the phrase remote
sensing maps, where the modifier of the compound noun is an entry in the Engineering
Information Thesaurus. Modifiers of multi-word compound nouns are commonly
lexicalized, an observation that is supported by the large number of underlined
expressions in Table 3.16, which indicate that these phrases are listed in the thesaurus.
This pattern is general and not especially subtle. In speech, the lexicalized expression
may be preceded or followed—but not split up—by a long and sometimes filled pause, as
in this overheard sentence: Surely, they will do a rights management …component. The
underlined phrase preceding the pause is the established name of important concept in the
digital library world that I inhabit. In writing, the lexicalized modifier may be set apart
with distinctive fonts or scripts. For example, I once saw a box of salt behind the counter
at Wendy’s that was labelled French Fry Salt. French fry was printed in red cursive
writing, but salt was in yellow block letters. Since I don’t have access to extralinguistic
cues like these when analyzing the data in the engineering corpus, I must resort to corpus
evidence to assign internal structure to long compound nouns so I can discover the
lexicalized modifiers. The algorithm is described in Section 2.1.4 of Chapter 2.
When I view this data from a psycholinguistic perspective, I am compelled to ask
two questions. First, what is special about the modifier position? Of course, lexicalized
noun phrases can appear in compound-noun heads, too, and Table 3.16 lists two
examples: virtual library and research center. But even two-word compounds refer to
highly specific concepts, so there may be fewer occasions to distinguish them even
further. Second, it is reasonable to wonder why the modifiers in multi-word compounds
are often lexicalized, a hypothesis that I will support with more evidence in Chapter 4. If

I am right that a syntactic noun phrase describes an object or concept in a context where
temporary relationships are important, we may need the full expressive power of syntax
to make these relations explicit. For example, as I write this sentence, I notice a news
headline, which is incomprehensible because it is nearly devoid of syntactic markup: Big
client firm reps accused spy. Conversely, a lexicalized noun phrase simply refers to
something persistent, and is thus psychologically no more complex than a single word
that may be used as a modifier. Perhaps this difference underlies the exhortations by
prescriptive grammarians to avoid the creation of novel compounds. For example,
Kilpatrick (1999) warns that a long compound noun such as the one in the sentence He
had other improper organized crime ties ‘rolls more trippingly on the tongue’ if it is
recast as He had other improper ties to organized crime.

[information technology] division [ferroelectric [random access]] memory

[wastewater engineering] virtual library [water conservation] program
[reservoir engineering] professionals [natural gas] association
[civil engineering] world [algebraic mapping] networks
[concurrent engineering] research center [latex particles] journal
[[high energy] physics] theory [emergency preparedness] plan
[international [water resources]] association [entrepreneurial management] program
[health care] providers [long term] stability
[air pollution] effects [radiological washdown] requirements
[computer programming] practice [defense system] life cycle
[information retrieval] systems [special purpose] machines
[electronic materials] conference [variable complexity] modeling
[fuzzy logic] hardware [compound interest] calculator

Table 3.16 Lexicalized noun-phrase modifiers of compound nouns

Taken together, the evidence presented in this section and the previous one imply
that a corpus can be consulted to obtain positive as well as negative contexts for
lexicalized noun phrases, all of which are linguistically motivated. In Chapter 4, I argue
that the evidence can be viewed as a list that can expand and contract according to the
goals of the research. But even with the small number of contexts I have described here,
I can collect enough data for a sophisticated test.

3.5. Extending the analysis

If I am correct in claiming that coherent text contains many linguistic and

metalinguistic cues indicating the lexical status of noun phrases, these cues should be
present in texts covering a broad range of subjects. The examples so far have been drawn
primarily from scholarly articles on engineering topics. But many of the same cues can
be found in coherent text on other subjects, expressed at lower levels of formality than is
usually found in academic writing. For example, the American voting public was
introduced to hanging chad in the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, which was
contested in Florida because of faulty voting procedures. This phrase is embedded in
remarkably similar contexts, as a small sample from Internet discussion groups obtained
in November 2000 shows:

Is called

If this chad is loosened but not removed, it is called a "hanging chad."

The trick with the Votomatic is something called "hanging chad."


Without warning, viewers were treated to plot twists! Conflicts! Mystery! False leads! Highly paid anchors
with egg on their face! Even odd new terms like "butterfly ballot'' and "hanging chad''!

That's a far different process than the one that we've seen on TV, where they're sitting here looking at a
pregnant chad or a dimple or a hanging chad or a swinging chad. I mean, that's a heck of a lot different.

It gave rise to a new lexicon: swinging chad, hanging chad, tri-chad, pregnant chad and dimpled chad—a
”chad” being the bit of paper that did not fully detach when the voter punched a selection.

Modifier position in a compound noun

Punched cards give results that are more or less repeatable (ignoring the hanging chad problems).

"If I hear one more hanging chad joke I’m going to hit somebody,” says standup comedian Barry Weintraub,
who staged his own mock campaign.

The race for the White House has been reduced to hand-to-hand, "hanging chad'' combat between lawyers
before courts and elections boards across the state.

Table 3.17 Local syntactic contexts for hanging chad

The discussion can be also be generalized by looking beyond syntactic and lexical
environments for clues that a given noun phrase is lexicalized. Though I have focused on
clues that can be identified in the phrase’s local context, I believe that a larger window of
discourse context is perhaps a richer source of evidence. The analysis of discourse is
beyond the scope of this dissertation, but I cited two small examples at the beginning of
Chapter 1 to illustrate some of the consequences that can be observed when a speaker or
writer acknowledges that an expression is not original. Here is another, a snippet of
overheard conversation from a librarian who had just returned from an international
convention: ‘I didn’t even know the vocabulary the people were using. For example, I
didn’t know what legal deposit was. I found out that, in other countries, they’re already
talking about legal deposit loans!’
The meaning of legal deposit, like hanging chad in the previous set of examples,
can be computed from the transparent composition of its parts. Both expressions also
pass one of Levy’s tests for syntactic phrases because the adjectives can be predicative.
So why do the discourse contexts show evidence that these are words that must be
defined before they are fully understood? In the above example, legal deposit is treated
as a fixed expression that has a metalinguistic referent to vocabulary and an extra-
linguistic referent that is unknown to the speaker. Even so, its status as a fixed
expression permits its appearance as a modifier in the compound noun legal deposit
loans, whose referent also eludes the speaker. The interaction of lexical choice and
discourse is a topic that is only beginning to yield to computational analysis.
For example, Wacholder (1998) observed that, when all noun phrases in a
coherent text are tabulated, topical concepts can be identified by creating clusters of noun
phrases whose heads appear most frequently. As she observed, in a computer user
manual, file and disk are frequent noun-phrase heads. A tabulation of all noun phrases
containing these heads would, among other things, include a list of the kinds of files and
disks that are discussed in the manual, giving some superficial clues about the topic of the
document. This observation can be translated into a reliable heuristic that also works on
collections of text in a restricted domain as well as single documents. Table 3.18 shows
the most frequent noun-phrase heads and the noun phrases that were constructed from

them in two document collections: a corpus of political news and one of popular articles
about astronomy. More examples from these collections are cited in Godby and Reighart

Program(s): Affirmative action programs, corporate welfare programs, domestic spending program, housing
program, jobs program
System: Air defense system, ballistic missile system, child care system, criminal justice system, democratic
Issue(s): Abortion issue, campaign issues, character issue, foreign policy issues.
Material: Organic material, circumstellar material
Galaxy: Parent galaxy, andromeda galaxy, elliptical galaxy, dwarf galaxies, cartwheel galaxy
System: Surveillance system, astrophotography system, solar system, ring system, planetary system

Table 3.18 Some common noun-phrase heads in two collections of documents

I dwell on Wacholder’s heuristic at some length because it addresses a problem

that is similar to the one that motivates my research: to develop a conceptually simple
automatic method for identifying noun phrases in coherent text that are suggestive of a
given subject domain. However, the noun phrases produced by the application of her
heuristic may or may not be lexicalized. Of course, Table 3.18 lists one noun phrase—
solar system—that is so strongly lexicalized that native speakers of English can verify its
status through introspection. Most of the galaxy types are also lexicalized because they
appear in indexes of astronomy terms, and perhaps constitute a local ontology, as
Johnston, et al. (1995) would define it. Many other entries in Table 3.18 are three-word
compound nouns whose modifier is a noun phrase that would be identified as lexicalized
by the measures discussed in this chapter. The lexicalized phrases found in this local
syntactic context include affirmative action, corporate welfare, child care, domestic
spending and criminal justice. Other noun phrases in Table 3.18 derive their meaning
from the discourse that embeds them. For example, consider the citation of character
issue in the text fragment shown in Figure 3.2, which is extracted from one of the articles
in the political news corpus. Here, character issue is an anaphoric element that refers to
North’s ideologically inconsistent behavior, for which the episode described in the
previous sentence is offered as evidence.

Republicans and Democrats alike are widely circulating a piece by Rachel Wildavsky of Reader’s Digest
titled “Does Oliver North Tell the Truth?” In the article, Wildavsky relates many instances in which North has
claimed one thing (such as a close relationship with former President Reagan) and witnesses, most of them
conservatives, have reported something else. North’s problems on the character issue limit his
effectiveness when he lobs charges of immorality against his probable Democratic rival…. [Italics mine]

Figure 3.2 A discourse context for character issue

It is perhaps not surprising that the output from the application of Wacholder’s
heuristic, which follows from an insight about the development of topics in coherent text,
contains several elements of cohesive discourse that were identified by Halliday and
Hasan in their classic work (Halliday and Hasan 1976). Since lexical cohesion is one
such element, it is also not surprising that the output from Wacholder’s heuristic includes
some lexicalized noun phrases, though it admits too much noise to serve my current
research goals.

3.6. Toward a computational analysis of local context

To summarize the argument so far in this chapter, I have used methods of

traditional linguistic analysis, supplemented with some descriptive statistics, to
distinguish lexicalized from syntactic noun phrases in a corpus of texts about
engineering. The lexicalized noun phrases of greatest interest are relevant to topics in
engineering and may thus be said to constitute the shared vocabulary of a community, not
the idiosyncratic expression of isolated speakers or writers. I used the lexicalized noun
phrases that are listed in an engineering corpus and cited in the corpus to bootstrap the
analysis. Tabulations reveal that the relevant citations consist of adjective-noun and
noun-noun sequences, which is consistent with the remarks of Marchand, Levi, Johnston
and Pustejovsky, and Justeson and Katz, who observed that lexicalized noun phrases are
almost always simplex and short. But despite this apparent simplicity of syntactic form,
considerable analytical effort is required to characterize those that can be inserted into
another text while preserving their core meaning. The main conclusion is that a
lexicalized expression can have no obvious dependencies on a particular context of
usage, such as a given speaker’s state of mind, state of knowledge, or the relationship of
the current topic to other topics under discussion.

But we can learn more about the differences between lexical and syntactic phrases
by using the corpus to generalize across contexts. The log-likelihood measure, a simple
statistical model of the lexicographer’s concept of collocation, can be used to document
the extreme frozenness of the lexicalized phrases in an engineering thesaurus, reflecting
the fact that lexicalized phrases are word-like in their internal stability and positional
mobility. There is no ready explanation for the frozenness of expressions such as
artificial intelligence or integrated circuits because they are formed with words that have
the linguistic potential to combine much more freely than has been observed. On the
other hand, syntactic phrases—as identified by tests reported in traditional linguistic
studies, as well as my own analysis reported in this chapter—are far less fixed. So much
can be inferred from the low log-likelihood scores that are computed from syntactic
phrases in a large corpus because such phrases often consist of words that are highly
frequent and appear in many combinations. Speculating beyond the evidence supplied by
the log-likelihood scores, I cited anecdotal evidence suggesting that heavily context-
dependent words such as new or small appear not only in many more noun phrases than
artificial or integrated, but also in a greater variety of morphological and syntactic
contexts, which is a symptom of their status as building blocks for productive syntactic
phrases, not frozen lexicalized phrases.
Observations like these may highlight an important difference between syntactic
and lexicalized noun phrases, but an analysis derived solely from measures of frequency
obtained from a corpus is deceptive because it is easily corrupted by sampling errors.
The remaining task in this dissertation is to explore the hypothesis that the distinction can
be made more reliably by supplementing this distributional evidence with linguistic
knowledge that is also found in the corpus. After all, the context surrounding the citation
of a noun phrase has much more than the anaphoric or deictic elements that can’t survive
transplantation. As I argued in this chapter, writers and speakers drop linguistic hints
regarding the lexical status of the expressions they employ. Many are found in the local
syntactic context, while others may eventually be recovered from a larger sample of

discourse. To achieve analytical rigor, my focus is on the local context of lexicalized-
phrase candidates in a corpus of engineering texts, but the evidence that I cited at the end
of the previous section suggests that the analysis might extend to other subject domains.
Philosophically, this analysis suggests that writers of many different genres know
the conventional names for concepts in their domains of interest and compose their
sentences accordingly, constantly fine-tuning their choices about when to retrieve items
from their mental lexicons and when to exercise their linguistic creativity.
Computationally, the result is a model of the evidence used by the reader to discern the
writer’s lexical knowledge. The model calculates a score obtained from the relevant
linguistic context, which compensates for some of the errors produced by the application
of the log-likelihood statistic or other measures of statistical association. One possible
interaction of the log-likelihood score and the proposed context score is shown in Table
3.19. For simplicity, this table assumes that the two scores have equal weight in the
computational analysis, but I will revisit this issue in Chapter 4.

High log-likelihood score + High context score

The entries in this category are the uncontested lexicalized noun phrases, such as electrical engineering,
information retrieval, and artificial intelligence.

Low log-likelihood score + High context score

These are the lexicalized noun phrases that may have a low frequency in the corpus, or consist of words
that are frequent in the subject domain and appear in many other domain-specific noun phrases. But these
noun phrases appear in lexical contexts. Examples from the engineering corpus include pattern recognition,
computational geometry, and engineering mechanics.

High log-likelihood score + Low context score

These are statistical collocations that may represent lexical knowledge of some sort, but are not the
lexicalized noun phrases that are of primary interest in this dissertation--i.e., those that may be idioms such
as worst case scenario, proper names such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or remnants of
boilerplate Web text, such as News Links Search Contact.

Low log-likelihood score + Low context score

These are the syntactic phrases, such as first problem or unconvincing argument, which do not appear in
lexical contexts and occur too infrequently or in too many other phrasal combinations to accumulate high
association measures.

Table 3.19 Categorizations of noun phrases using two sources of corpus evidence

The design and evaluation of the software that yields the context score is the primary
subject of Chapter 4, but the discussion in this chapter can be used to sketch the outline.
The problem of distinguishing syntactic from lexicalized noun phrases using linguistic
cues from a corpus has two essential properties that can be exploited in a computational
First, I have argued that the local syntactic context yields a rich source of clues
regarding the status of a lexicalized-phrase candidate. If so, syntactic and lexicalized
noun phrases may be distinguished primarily by using knowledge-poor computational
methods, which can execute without human intervention or reference to hand-built
resources such as databases, knowledge-bases or inference engines. These methods have
the considerable advantage of being computable on large stores of data, but perhaps at the
risk of sometimes forcing simplistic analyses of linguistic data. Strategies such as partial
parsing to extract noun phrases and the extraction of evidence from local context relevant
to their classification as syntactic or lexical are knowledge-poor because they use
minimal linguistic input. Thus, a partial parser can operate without the syntactic
knowledge of complete sentences, and a context extractor can mine the local context of a
noun phrase of interest without significant knowledge of the discourse that surrounds it.
Most of the software tools that were introduced in Chapter 2 and applied to the
engineering corpus to produce the baseline study described in this chapter encode
knowledge-poor methods. Of course, when I refer to an engineering thesaurus for a clear
set of judgments regarding the vocabulary of engineers, I am introducing an external
source of knowledge, but I use it primarily for analysis. Chapter 4 discusses the
possibility that the thesaurus may be dispensed with entirely once the software is mature.
A useful framework for understanding my approach to the problem of identifying
lexicalized noun phrases is provided by the computer scientist’s concept of data mining.
In a typical application, algorithms skim large stores of data, looking for a small number
of probes where the object of interest is most likely to be found. In my case, the data is a
corpus of coherent text, and the probes are the linguistic contexts that often harbor
lexicalized noun phrases. If my analysis succeeds at identifying these probes, the result is
new linguistic knowledge that heretofore resided only implicitly in the text.

Data mining is the organizing theme of Chapter 4, but we can get an advance peek
at the flavor of this work by briefly considering Hearst (1998), a classic and widely cited
study of knowledge-poor methods for the automatic acquistion of lexical information.
She was interested in mining lexical relations such as hyponomy from stores of coherent
English-language text, with the goal of automatically enriching WordNet—a thesaurus-
like lexical resource that is widely used in the computational linguistics research
community. She found that many hypernym/hyponym relations could be discovered in
the context of a small number of fixed phrases. A sentence in this paragraph has one of
the productive patterns that she identified, which relates lexical relations and hyponomy
through the fixed phrase such as when it appears in the pattern NP such as NP*. In the
engineering corpus, the such as pattern connects hypernyms to hyponyms in sentence
fragments such as those in Table 3.20.

…useful for applications such as geosciences, fluid analysis, and medical mapping.
…the components have different media types, such as audio, video, image or text.
…the method works for applications such as business graphics
…in graphic file formats such as GIF or TIFF
…its parameters will be used by devices such as flat-panel displays
…in languages such as C, C++ and FoxPro

Table 3.20 Noun phrases related by such as in engineering text

With sample data from an application of Hearst’s algorithm in view, I can now
consider a second property of the problem of identifying lexicalized noun phrases, as I
have defined it, that looms large in a computational analysis. This chapter has argued
that coherent text has many observable sources of evidence that are relevant to the
classification of a noun phrase as syntactic or lexicalized. But more work must be done
to ensure that this evidence is useful for solving the problem.
For example, the citations in Table 3.20 suggest that Hearst’s patterns are relevant
to my analysis. Lexicographers may argue whether applications and geosciences encode
lexical knowledge that is as stable as the relationship between languages and the list of
well-known computer programming languages in the last example in Table 3.20. But it is
perhaps less controversial to argue that most of the noun phrases following such as in the
above examples are, in fact, words. This is the logically prior conclusion that Hearst
needed to establish before attempting to mine lexical relations from a corpus of text.
Fortunately, a cursory look at the data from the engineering corpus suggests that many
noun phrases that participate in her pattern are obviously so, because they consist of
single tokens—video, image—or are the the product of word-formation processes that
compress noun phrases into single tokens, as in TIFF (tagged image file format) and GIF
(graphic image format). Others are listed in conjuncts that feature at least one word or
lexicalized noun phrase.
As an example of how my analysis will proceed, the engineering corpus can be
consulted to provide several sources of evidence that medical mapping, a noun phrase
listed in the first line of Table 3.20, is lexicalized. First, it has a higher than average log-
likelihood score. It is also conjoined with the word geosciences, as well as fluid analysis,
which is listed in the Engineering Information Thesaurus. Finally, if we choose to build
on Hearst’s analysis, we can observe that medical mapping appears in a syntactic pattern
that writers commonly enlist to make their knowledge of lexical relations explicit. Put in
operational terms, as an ever-larger corpus is investigated, evidence accumulates for the
classification of medical mapping as lexicalized. In this case, a single citation contains
more than one source, but other citations may not be as rich. The result of the
computation is a score that reflects a measure of confidence in the classification.
Before this score can be computed, however, the sources of evidence must be
evaluated because none of them are foolproof. All of the tests identified by linguistic
analysis have exceptions and may not occur frequently enough in the corpus to be useful.
The log-likelihood score may be artificially low because of sampling errors.
Conjunctions are not always lists of lexicalized noun phrases. Lexical contexts such as
study of do not always contain stable names of academic disciplines but may instead
constitute part of an anaphoric element that does not belong in a dictionary of engineering
terms, as in the phrase study of greatest relevance to the current investigation. And not
all citations containing such as encode lexicalized noun phrases, let alone lexical
relations. For example, two paragraphs ago, I used in it in the anaphoric expression
sentence fragments such as those in Table 3.20. Perhaps it is not surprising that the
central problem of this dissertation would be cast in these terms, given Levy’s concerns

from a quarter of a century ago regarding the lack of categorical evidence for the
distinction between syntactic and what she termed ‘complex’ noun phrases, which I
discussed in Section 1.2 of Chapter 1.
As I argue in the next chapter, computational techniques developed by computer
scientists who study machine learning are well-suited to the task of evaluating and
ranking sources of evidence whose reliability is uncertain. If the analysis of the problem
is sound, the result may be a conceptually simple, automated method to identify
lexicalized noun phrases in a corpus of text that is too large to process by hand, as well as
an empirical test of our linguistic intuitions.



4.0. Introduction

Chapter 3 introduces the essential elements required to execute a pilot study that
algorithmically distinguishes syntactic from lexicalized noun phrases using a large corpus
of coherent text, knowledge-poor computational techniques, and exemplars from a
dictionary of engineering terms. A human expert knows that artificial intelligence,
magnetic resonance, and adaptive behavior are the names of persistent concepts in
engineering, while enough memory, considerable work and additional parameters are
almost certainly not. The study reported in this chapter proceeds from the hypothesis that
the same distinction can be made by a well-informed software program. But before this
program can be implemented, I need to identify an appropriate framework for
formalizing and testing the intuitions that underlie the arguments I made in the previous
To establish a starting point for discussion, it is instructive to review a study by
Yarowsky (1994), who used a machine-learning algorithm to solve a conceptually similar
problem. Yarowsky’s goal was to restore accents and diacritics in Romance-language
texts that had been stripped of all diacritics. For example, he observed that the corrupted
French token cote is ambiguous between côte (coast) and coté (side). But evidence for
the two meanings of cote can be recovered from easily computable clues in the local
syntactic context of coherent text that is correctly represented. From a list of contexts in
a 45-million-word corpus of French newswire text, Yarowsky computed log-likelihood

measures for each distinguishing feature that associated the presence of a diacritic and the
feature, which were ranked and represented in a table. Table 4.1 shows some of his

Collocation côte coté


du cote 0 536
la cote 766 1
un cote 0 716
notre cote 10 70

Table 4.1 Local contexts for cote (from Yarowsky 1994: 90)

Once created, Yarowsky’s’ table was used to make decisions about citations of
cote observed in the corrupt corpus. For example, when an instance of cote is preceded
by notre, the data in the table provides strong evidence for a representation as coté,
though this evidence is not strictly categorical. Coté is simply the best guess in this
context because the other possibility was observed in only 10 of the 80 instances. The
data in Table 4.1 suggests that, for the problem of accent restoration in French, some
sources of evidence are better than others. Yarowsky tested various algorithms for
weighting the evidence to classify the instances of cote and concluded that highly
accurate classifications could be achieved by considering only the single best source—in
this case, the presence of un in the immediate left context.
As I design my study, I can take advantage of a resource that was not available
seven years ago when Yarowsky conducted his study. Classification algorithms are one
valuable result of research in machine learning, which is a mature sub-discipline of
computer science. Until recently, machine learning was studied primarily by scholars
interested in devising new algorithms, comparing the performance of existing algorithms,
or using machine learning to solve problems in computer science. But Witten and Frank
(2000) have written a brilliant and useful book that makes this material accessible to
scholars in other fields of study. Their book describes the intuitive meaning behind the
half-dozen or so machine-learning algorithms commonly used to mine information from

collections of numeric and textual data. The authors also implement the algorithms,
standardize the design of the input and output files, and make their software available
free of charge from the Web.8
The impact of the Witten and Frank book on studies like mine is twofold. First, it
removes most of the burden of programming and allows me to focus on issues of
linguistics that can be addressed by the application of machine-learning algorithms.
Second, it imposes a structure on the task, which consists of four steps:

1. Define the characteristics of the problem that make it suitable as a machine-

learning application.

2. Identify a set of attributes that can be subjected to automated study.

3. Run the training phase.
4. Run the test phase and evaluate the results with human judges.

These steps dictate the organization that I follow in the rest of this chapter.

4.1. Computational lexicography as a machine-learning application

Machine-learning algorithms are guided by characteristics of data analyzed with

human effort to make decisions about unknown data. This strategy can be productively
employed to study many linguistic problems. Indeed, Yarowsky argued that Romance-
language accent restoration is one instance in a general class of problems involving
lexical ambiguity, all of which require the analysis of local syntactic context to identify
cues that reveal a word’s meaning. For example, if the word bank is used in the sense of
travel with one side higher than another, the local context is more likely to have words
that mention plausible modes of transportation, such as car or plane, as well as syntactic
evidence showing that bank is a verb. However, if the sense of bank is financial
institution, the local context should contain words from the semantic field containing the
words teller, money or finance. A machine-learning algorithm can be ‘trained’ to
recognize the difference between the two senses of bank if it is first provided with text in
which all instances of bank are tagged by human experts with the correct sense. The

Accessible at: <http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/>
algorithm tallies the features found in the contexts of [bank]finance and [bank]travel, which
enables it to identify the senses of bank in test data that has not been annotated. For
example, a given instance of bank in a test corpus is tagged with the finance sense if its
local context has many features associated with discussions of financial institutions that
were identified in the training data. Word-sense disambiguation is a well-studied
problem that raises many issues, including the identification of the classifying features,
the analysis of the ambiguous word’s linguistic environment, the evaluation of suitable
classification algorithms, as well as the definition of word sense itself, which is
problematic to some philosophers and lexicographers (Kilgariff 1997). A good summary
of recent progress can be found in a special issue of Computational Linguistics devoted to
the problem (Ide and Veronis 1998).
The problem of distinguishing lexicalized from syntactic phrases is perhaps near
the outer edge of Yarowsky’s class of lexical ambiguity problems because it is primarily
an ambiguity of lexical status, not meaning: the task is to determine whether a phrase is a
persistent name, or an incidental description. But when a syntactic phrase becomes
lexicalized, it is capable of acquiring an ambiguity of meaning. Not only does it have the
meaning that can always be computed from the composition of the meanings of the
component words, but it may also have a non-predictable meaning that arises from its
repeated use as a name for a persistent concept. And the local context of the phrase in
coherent text may harbor some clues regarding the difference. Thus it is reasonable that
Xhai’s study of ‘lexical atoms’ (Xhai 1997) that I discussed in Section 1.3 of Chapter 1
defines the problem as one of lexical ambiguity. If white house appears in a text that is
primarily about houses, the local context should contain many other words from the same
semantic field, or realm of experience, such as paint, neighborhood, houses and fence.
But if white house refers to the mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington,
D.C., where the president of the United States lives, the local context probably contains
more words from the domain of politics.
As I argued in Chapter 1, however, Xhai’s analysis is theoretically unsatisfying.
It under-specifies the set of phrases that have been lexicalized because only a relative few
have diverged so far from their compositional meanings that sense distinctions can be

recovered from the surrounding text. In the study that is the focus of this chapter, I
investigate the hypothesis that what is essentially a set of metalinguistic cues can be
exploited to make the same distinction because speakers and writers know the
conventional names for important concepts in their language community and construct
their sentences accordingly. After all, in Xhai’s primary example, a metalinguistic cue—
capitalization—is sufficient to distinguish the senses of white house in a given discourse,
so a further investigation of the phrase’s linguistic context is superfluous.
How does the problem of distinguishing lexicalized from syntactic phrases
compare to word-sense disambiguation cast as a machine-learning problem? The
computational effort in a word-sense disambiguation project is preceded by intellectual
analysis that identifies two—or, more typically, multiple—senses, usually with reference
to a lexical knowledge base such as a dictionary or WordNet, which serves as an
objective source of judgments. My problem is arguably simpler because only a binary
decision is required. In the training phase, the metalinguistic cues that feed the
classification algorithm are identified by examining the places in the corpus where entries
in the reference lexicon can be found. For example, the noun phrase that serves as the
object of department of is identified as a cue because entries from engineering thesauri
frequently appear in this context, perhaps because names of disciplines are listed in a
specialized thesaurus and count among the most frequent and stable multi-word names in
a corpus of academic text. Unlike the word-sense disambiguation task, the training phase
is not technically distinct from the intellectual analysis phase because the cues are
selected by hand, though automation of this step is possible, in principle. The cues are
then fine-tuned and the optimal classification algorithm is selected, using the guiding
principles of simplicity and parsimony. In the test phase, new lexicalized noun-phrase
candidates are classified, in a procedure that is analogous to the one used in the word-
sense disambiguation task.
Intuitively, this test encodes the hypothesis that other noun phrases appearing in
the same contexts as attested lexical phrases may also be lexicalized. For example, many
engineering thesauri list the phrase electrical engineering, which frequently appears in
the context of department of in the engineering corpus. So does radiation physics, which

is not listed in an engineering thesaurus but may be accidentally missing from a lexical
resource that is maintained by human effort. If the classification algorithm selects
radiation physics as a lexicalized noun phrase and human judges agree with the
classification, then we can say that the algorithm ‘learned’ how to make the correct
categorization from the input cues and the corpus. As a result, radiation physics is
identified as the name of a concept that may be added to a future edition of the
engineering thesaurus.
There is one important difference between this study and the typical word-sense
disambiguation experiment. In the test phase of a word-sense disambiguation task, each
corpus citation of the ambiguous word is considered separately. For example, the cues in
the local context of the first citation of bank in a corpus of, say, newswire text, might
suggest the financial reading because they appear in a story about the stock market, while
the third citation is tagged with the sense ground near a river because its local context
has lexical cues that are typically found in stories about floods. In the test phase of my
experiment, however, all citations of a given phrase are assumed to have the same
classification because the corpus is restricted to a single subject domain. If so, evidence
for the categorization of a given lexicalized noun-phrase candidate can accumulate
throughout the corpus. Thus if an unclassified phrase such as radiation physics appears
in the context of professor of and other attributes discussed in the next section, in addition
to department of, the classification algorithm can be even more confident that it is a
lexicalized, rather than a syntactic phrase

4.2. The identification of attributes

The machine-learning algorithms in the Witten and Frank implementation require

a set of attributes, features, or cues, that can be represented in a standard format, which
they call an ARFF file (Witten and Frank 2000: 49-50). Once the data is in this form, it
is possible to perform many experiments with the Witten-Frank software library. A
sample ARFF file with realistic, but hypothetical, linguistic data is shown in Figure 4.1.

A file like this is used twice: once to train the classification algorithm with
exemplars whose status is known, and again to classify unknown instances. Figure 4.1
represents a file that might be used in a training run.

1 @relation LexicalStatus
2 %1
3 @attribute department-of real
4 %2
5 @attribute definition-of real
6 %3
7 @attribute topics-in real
8 %4
9 @attribute very: real
10 % 5
11 @attribute compoundNounModifier: real
12 % 6
13 @attribute lexicalized {yes, no}
14 @data
15 % Phrase Attribute value
16 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 % 1 2 3 4 5 6
18 %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 % Magnetic resonance
20 0, 0, 12, 0, 67, yes
21 % Artificial intelligence
22 0, 2, 52, 0, 171, yes
21 % Certain browsers
22 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, no
23 % Abundant compounds
24 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, no
23 % Civil engineering
24 59, 0, 0, 383, 2, yes
25 % Remote sensing
26 0, 2, 97, 0, 207, yes
25 % Molecular beam epitaxy
26 0, 0, 10, 0, 1, yes
27 % High production
28 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, no

Figure 4.1 A sample ARFF file containing classified noun phrases

Except for the line numbers, which I have added here to aid exposition, Figure 4.1
contains the literal text of an ARFF file that can be submitted to the Witten-Frank
software package. Lines that start with the ‘%’ symbol are comments. Otherwise, the
file has two logical parts: a list of attributes (lines 1-13, including comments), and a list
of lexicalized phrase candidates to be classified (lines 19-28). The lines that describe the
attributes have three parts: the keyword @attribute; the name of the attribute, such as
compoundNounModifier; and the type of data, which is a real number for every attribute,
except the final one. The list of attributes includes one—very—that is more often
associated with syntactic phrases than with lexicalized phrases, and four that are usually
associated with lexicalized phrases: department-of, topics-in, definition-of and
compound-noun modifier. Since this ARFF file is used for training the classification
algorithm, the attribute lexicalized supplies the correct answer key. Lines 19-28 show
eight lexicalized- phrase candidates and a list of numbers that represent the raw counts of
the citations in the corpus containing the phrase and the attribute in the appropriate
syntactic relationship. These lines show that magnetic resonance, artificial intelligence
and molecular beam epitaxy co-occur more frequently with the attributes that are usually
associated with lexicalized rather than syntactic phrases, which would be predicted by my
analysis because these phrases are cited in an engineering thesaurus; the converse is true
for certain browsers, high production and abundant compounds.
In Figure 4.1, the input data is of two kinds: numeric and nominal. The numeric
data records the counts of citations in the corpus in which the lexicalized phrase
candidate and the attribute co-occur in the correct syntactic relationship. The nominal
variable lexicalized? identifies membership in a category. Since numeric and nominal
data can be intermixed in the same ARFF file, the input data can be heterogeneous and
thus may also consist of different kinds of numeric measures. In Section 3.6 of Chapter
3, I suggested that a heuristic for distinguishing syntactic from lexicalized phrases for
identifying cues in the local context could supplement the log-likelihood measure, which
uses different kinds of corpus evidence to identify collocations and may sometimes be
accidentally wrong in ways that can be compensated. If the fine-tuning process reveals
that log-likelihood increases the accuracy of the classification algorithm, this measure can
be added to the ARFF file as an additional attribute, and the result is still conceptually
simple. For many problems in computational linguistics, the Witten-Frank software
provides relatively few constraints, as long as the input can be represented in the ARFF
file format.

The data in this small file raises issues that will be discussed more thoroughly in
the next two sections of this chapter. For example, most of the attributes do not
categorically identify lexicalized or syntactic phrases—but, as in Yarowsky’s study, are
only more-or-less correlated with one of the classifications. The co-occurrence of very
with syntactic phrases may be so high as to be essentially absolute, but its value as an
attribute might be limited if it occurs relatively rarely in the data. The resolution of
issues like these is part of a fine-tuning process that might result in a startlingly simple,
linguistically motivated, data-tested procedure for distinguishing lexicalized from
syntactic phrases. Or, since the test is falsifiable, the exercise could reveal that further
analysis is required to make the automated classification of noun phrases truly effective.
The next three sub-sections discuss the identification of attributes and describe the
procedures for constructing the ARFF file using the software that I discussed in Chapter 2
and input from the engineering corpus and an engineering thesaurus. To make the task
manageble, I focus my effort on a subset of the engineering corpus. Approximately two-
hundred megabytes, or the first six partitions, are used for analysis and training of the
classification algorithm; the seventh partition is used for testing. An important sub-goal
of the analysis in the first stage is an assessment of the six partitions of the training
corpus to determine whether the attributes are commonly observed and more-or-less
evenly distributed. Accordingly, most of the tables in this section show separate
tabulations for each partition. If the attributes pass these strict tests, I can be reasonably
confident that they appear in the same proportions in the unseen partition that represents
the test corpus.

4.2.1. Lexical attributes

Section 3.4 of Chapter 3 argues that writers drop frequent lexical hints that their
word choice is not always their own invention. To conduct a computational study of this
observation, I restrict my attention to prepositional-phrase complements such as journal
of applied physics or bibliography on computer-aided vision. Examples like these are
common in a corpus of engineering text. Moreover, the syntactic relationship between
the noun phrases to be classified and the lexical cues, which are underlined in these

examples, can be identified with a reasonable degree of accuracy using the shallow
parsing techniqes described in Chapter 2. I ignore other potentially robust lexical cues,
such as noun-phrase/acronym pairs, primarily because their identification requires more
complex processing than is feasible in this pilot study. For example, in coherent text, the
acronym often appears after the lexicalized phrase in parentheses, as in The U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS), or in an apposition delimited by commas, as in Total Quality
Management, or TQM; sometimes the acronym appears at a difficult-to-specify earlier or
later point in the discourse. At any rate, since there is no consistent syntactic relationship
between the acronym and the noun phrase of interest, the study of acronyms is best left to
a more specialized investigation, which would take possible discourse cues into account
that are beyond the scope of this study. Bowen, et al. (1996) describes an algorithm that
solves part of this problem.
Given these restrictions, lexical attributes are identified in two ways, depending
on whether they are positive or negative cues for lexicalized phrases. To identify positive
attributes, I need a list of engineering terms that are cited in the engineering corpus, as I
discussed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of Chapter 3. To execute the study described in this
chapter, I obtained a sample of 5,000 common engineering terms that are listed in the
Engineering Information Thesaurus (Milstead, et al. 1995) and other subject indexes such
as the Dewey Decimal Classification (Mitchell, et al. 19996),9 which I refer to as the
engineering index in subsequent discussion. Single words as well as phrases appear in
the sample, and I use all of them, on the assumption that since entries in a lexical
resource are words that name persistent concepts, there should be no difference in the
status of citations such as aerodynamics or aerospace engineering as persistent names for
important concepts in this subject domain. A software program that collects keyword-in-
context, or KWIC, citations identified approximately 3,000 sentences from a 50-

To ensure success in the analysis, I needed a sample of engineering vocabulary that was commonly used
and generic. This information is readily accessible in the Relative Index portion of Dewey Decimal
Classification (Mitchell, et al. 1996) that is devoted to engineering topics and shows a high degree of
overlap with the Engineering Information Thesaurus. Permission to use a machine-readable copy of the
Dewey Decimal Classification is gratefully acknowledged.
megabyte sample of the engineering corpus that contained the engineering index entries.
I inspected these citations to find the patterns of interest, creating the so-called positive
lexical cues or attributes.
Negative evidence is more difficult to obtain in an empirical study like this one
because I don’t have access to intuitions, grammaticality judgments, or a list of syntactic
phrases that matches the authority of thesaurus citations for lexicalized phrases. Thus,
the syntactic phrases that I use in the analysis portion of this test are a hypothetical subset
of the non-lexicalized noun phrases that are the common reflex of syntactic creativity, as
I discussed in Section 1.2.1 of Chapter 1. I created the hypothetical syntactic noun
phrases from bigrams that consist of nouns modified by context-dependent adjectives,
which I identified from output of the noun-phrase parser on the first partition using the
criteria listed in Table 3.10 in Section 3.3 of Chapter 3. Table 4.2 shows the flavor of this
data, listing the 50 most frequent context-dependent adjectives and the 50 most frequent
bigrams formed from these words. Though none of the noun phrases listed in the bottom
of Table 4.2 are names of concepts in engineering that would be listed in a
thesaurus, this list has a few bigrams that achieve high log-likelihood scores because they
are frequent and relatively frozen, such as first name, which have a lexicalized status in
other domains of interest. More examples are listed in Table 3.11 of Chapter 3.

Context-dependent adjectives

first certain considerabl favorite

different actual diverse false
additional excellent corresponding fifth
full comprehensive adequate consistent
new entire acceptable adjacent
basic third enough explicit
second extensive exciting expensive
appropriate big biggest fascinating
complete conventional frequent convenient
further accurate fourth excessive
available exact ethical crucial
final essential extreme amazing
complex extra

Some noun phrases with context-dependent adjectives

further information first prototype different ways complete line

additional information first half first place first meeting
full text second prototype full details basic information
full coverage complete list first amendment fourth quarter
first time first page full name final rule
further details second edition first day first week
different types first name basic principles final manuscript
full range basic research second half additonal support
first step third quarter full papers full spectrum
final report first year ethical issues full list
complex systems first line complete listing comprehensive environment
full time first quarter first part complete manuscript
comprehensive range extensive use

Table 4.2 The 50 most frequent context-dependent adjectives and noun-phrase bigrams

The negative lexical cues were identified from the linguistic studies that I
reviewed in Chapters 1 and 3 and were subjected to the same constraints of computability
that restrict the positive cues. Two lexical cues for syntactic phrases best reflect the spirit
of Levy’s analysis and are easily computable: the noun-phrase contexts of –ly adverbs
and very. Noun phrases from the engineering corpus that are modified by –ly adverbs
include extremely rich collection, electronically submitted articles, badly referenced
nodes, incredibly short time, fairly general setting and frequently used commands. Noun
phrases from the engineering corpus that appear in the syntactic context of very include
very first article, very complex interface, very high speed systems, very aggressive drive,
very well equipped laboratories, very graphic presentation and very high degree.
The lexical cues must pass two initial checks: they must be relatively frequent and
evenly distributed across the corpus. If they are too infrequent, their value as attributes is
severely limited, and they will be automatically eliminated in Step 3 of this study when
the classification algorithm is fine-tuned. If they are not evenly distributed, we can’t be
confident that similar topics are discussed in all partitions, or that the cues represent the
common idiom of the engineering community instead of the idiosyncratic language of a
single writer or institution. A simple frequency tabulation resolves both doubts.
Table 4.3 lists the most frequent positive lexical cues in the six partitions of the
training corpus. The tabulation shows the 15 most common lexical cues in the first
partition; 88% of these cues also rank among the top 15 in the remaining partitions and
are similar in frequency. Not surprisingly, the most frequent lexical cues in all partitions
are fragments of proper names, many of which are built from common nouns; for
example, the objects of center for include scientific computing, information law and
policy, automation research, and x-ray lithography. Many lexical cues that may or may
not form proper names are also highly ranked in all partitions; examples include
conference on and research in, which have noun-phrase objects such as software
engineering, machine learning, discrete mathematics, ecosystems and sustainable
development, computational geophysics, magnetic levitation, non chlorine-based
bleaching, science and engineering, and theoretical optics.

Count-Rank in partition

Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6

Department-of 2,425-1 2,426-1 2,091-1 1,910-1 2,348-1 2,258-1

Center-of 736-2 634-5 699-4 612-6 827-4 674-3
Journal-of 711-3 640-4 957-2 833-2 1,169-2 667-4
Institute-of 709-4 833-2 751-3 769-3 908-3 883-2
Conference-of 705-5 579-7 561-7 744-4 768-5 589-6
School-of 696-6 702-3 617-5 630-5 668-6 554-8
Development-of 619-7 585-6 572-6 566-7 541-7 573-7
College-of 517-8 413-9 357-11 440-9 444-9 641-5
Research-in 450-9 447-8 422-8 498-8 482-8 428-10
Society-for 370-10 275-17 289-15 368-12 349-14 317-4
Control-of 335-11 409-10 383-9 335-14 391-10 479-9
Design-of 314-12 285-15 300-13 403-10 385-11 357-12
Application-of 305-13 364-11 257-17 280-17 351-12 334-13
Aspects-of 302-14 306-13 296-14 338-13 350-13 289-17
Association-of 288-15 157-29 184-26 211-24 196-26 166-28

Table 4.3 Distribution of positive lexical cues across the training portion of the corpus

Table 4.4 shows the tabulation of the negative lexical cues across the six
partitions of the training corpus. Both negative cues are evenly distributed and nearly as
frequent as the most frequent positive cues, though the overall frequency of the syntactic
cues is swamped by the lexical cues because only two have been identified. The
relatively low absolute frequencies of –ly adverbs may be due to the fact that they
function more frequently as predicative or preverbal modifiers; examples from the
engineering corpus include …are continuously adjustable, …arrived at empirically, and
…you can easily extend it.

Count in partition

Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6

very 683 645 592 797 403 550

-ly adverbs 512 531 620 573 489 584

Table 4.4 Distribution of negative lexical cues across the training portion of the corpus

The lexical cues must also be checked to determine whether they generally co-
occur with phrases of the appropriate classification. In other words, do the cues that
identify syntactic phrases occur primarily with syntactic phrases, and vice-versa? One
way to answer this question is to calculate the log-likelihoods of all noun phrases that
occur in these contexts. This test is consistent with the widely held belief that sequences
of words in lexicalized phrases are relatively frozen and score high on this measure
because they represent lexical collocations, as I discussed in Section 1.1.2 of Chapter 1
and Section 2.2.3 of Chapter 2. Of course, this test may sometimes err, but the results
represent a valuable rough-cut empirical confirmation of a major hypothesis in this study.
Table 4.5 shows that the average log-likelihood of the noun phrases in the contexts of
lexical cues is higher than those appearing in the contexts of syntactic cues.
It is possible to object that the high log-likelihood score for lexical contexts is due
to the high frequency of department-of, which forms many proper names. However,
since more than half of the objects of department-of are single terms—such as energy,
agriculture, defense and mathematics, which are not counted in the log-likelihood
calculation—this context is not an extreme outlier. A worse problem is that the log-
likelihoods of the three classes are not directly comparable because the raw frequencies
differ dramatically. The bottom row of Table 4.5 shows the log-likelihood of the noun
phrases in one lexical context, conference-on, which does not primarily form proper
names and closely matches the frequency of very; it is still three to four times higher.

Log-likelihood in partition

Noun-phrase class 1 2 3 4 5 6

All noun phrases 58.85 57.19 75.65 57.89 61.02 56.36

In lexical contexts 136.76 144.10 124.17 124.77 141.23 125.71
In syntactic contexts 45.79 39.28 60.42 60.86 53.77 43.43

Very 48.21 37.72 63.44 66.12 50.18 44.89

Conference-on 182.41 158.25 180.14 255.21 191.98 220.30

Table 4.5 Average log-likelihoods of noun phrases in lexical and non-lexical contexts

Another way to determine whether the attributes correspond to the correct

classifications of the noun phrases is to count the occurrences of lexicalized and syntactic
phrases in lexical and syntactic contexts. In other words, do syntactic phrases such as
first step occur only in syntactic contexts such as very first step? And do lexicalized
phrases such as artificial intelligence occur only in lexical contexts such as conference-
on? Or can phrases such as very artificial intelligence or conference on first steps be
extracted from the corpus? To make a fair comparison, I consider the results only for
very and conference-on. The noun-phrase samples were balanced by counting half of the
lexicalized phrases that matched in the engineering corpus, as well as the engineering
index; one third of the hypothetical syntactic phrases were counted. Both samples were
obtained by selecting every second or third item, respectively, from an alphabetized list
of unique items.
Table 4.6 shows an aggregate count of the relevant data in all six partitions. The
proportions of the counts in the contexts and the total counts reflect the fact that the
contexts robustly identify the two classes of noun phrases; for example, 796/2,662, or
nearly 30%, of the noun phrases that appear in the context of conference-on are listed in
the engineering index. The distribution is so unbalanced that it is reasonable to wonder
why there are any cross-category tabulations at all. Lexicalized phrases appear in
syntactic contexts because there are a few bona-fide examples of lexicalized noun phrases
that can be modified by very, such as very large scale integration. In other cases, very is
used to mark an anaphoric element as in …the very radiation hazards we had

anticipated; the underlined phrase appears in the engineering index. The syntactic
phrases that appear in lexical contexts reflect the fact that lexicalized noun phrases may
sometimes be formed from context-dependent adjectives, as I have defined them. For
example, the engineering corpus has several citations of conference on complex fluids.

Syntactic contexts Lexical contexts Total counts

(very) (conference-on) of phrase categories

Syntactic phrases 956 12 8,977

Lexicalized phrases 42 796 9,304

Total counts of the

two lexical contexts 3,760 2,662

Table 4.6 Cross-tabulations of noun phrases and contexts

Before leaving the discussion of lexical cues, I need to describe the procedure for
identifying noun phrases in the corpus in lexical and syntactic contexts, partly for the
sake of completeness and partly because some of the software components are also used
by the processes that identify the syntactic cues that I discuss in the next subsection. The
process is depicted in Figure 4.2. The text chunker first divides the corpus into sentence-
and-clause-delimited segments, using end-of-clause punctuation marks as a cue. The
keyword-in-context (KWIC) identifier has access to the list of lexical cues, the
lexicalized-phrase candidates that were obtained from the corpus using the procedure
summarized in Figure 2.7 in Section 2.3 of Chapter 2, and the list of noun phrases found
in the corpus that are listed in the engineering index. With this information, the KWIC
identifier reads in one sentence at a time and looks for lexical cues. If a cue is found, it
makes a guess at the left and right boundaries of the cue’s immediate syntactic context
and produces a line in a file that lists the cue and the context. The context contains the
lexicalized-phrase candidates that are the focus of further analysis; these are submitted to
the part-of-speech (POS) tagger and the noun-phrase parser that I described in Section 2.2
of Chapter 2.

The candidates in
engineering Syntactic Lexicalized Lexical context
phrases phrases contexts

Noun Phrase
Text KWIC POS Parser
Chunker Identifier Tagger

Figure 4.2 Process flow for identifying noun phrases in selected lexical contexts

4.2.2. Syntactic attributes

In Section 3.4.3 of Chapter 3, I argue that the existence of syntactic cues for
lexicalized noun phrases in coherent text permits me to generalize the psycholinguistic
claims that underlie my analysis beyond a highly specialized corpus of engineering text,
which may exhibit peculiar linguistic conventions. Such cues also present an opportunity
to pose important questions for computational analysis. For example, how robust are
syntactic cues relative to lexical cues for making the distinction between syntactic and
lexicalized noun phrases? If the two generic syntactic cues that I have identified are
highly reliable, lexicalized noun phrases could be extracted with relatively little effort
from a large corpus because there would be little or no need to analyze the language of
the text to discover patterns of lexical choice that may vary across subject domains.

105 Conjunctions
As I argued in Section 3.4.3 of Chapter 3, the logic of using conjunctions of noun
phrases as a source of evidence for lexical status derives from the hypothesis that, if one
element in the list is a single word or a lexicalized phrase, the other elements probably
are, too. This hypothesis can be tested on a large corpus using shallow parsing
techniques with the process flow summarized in Figure 4.3.

Chunked Lexicalized
corpus phrases

KWIC POS Boundary Noun-phrase

indentifier tagger identifier parser

Figure 4.3 Process flow for identifying noun phrases in conjunctions

The KWIC identifier, which is also used to identify the words and phrases in
lexical contexts described Section 4.2.1, isolates the sub-corpus of interest for more
resource-intensive processes. A chunk of corpus text is selected for further analysis if it
contains a conjunction and an entry in the engineering index. But after the first stage of
the process depicted in Figure 4.3, there is no guarantee that the dictionary entry is one of
the conjuncts, or even that the conjunct is a list of noun phrases. For example, the
following sentence is spuriously identified as a candidate because it contains a
conjunction and the engineering index entry information retrieval: ‘A new paradigm for
information retrieval is based on faceted classification and indexing.’ Only examples
like those shown in Figure 4.4 are submitted to further analysis.

Key Sentence

Computer-aided design The program can be used to aid grid generalization and
computer-aided design.

Neural networks The AI Software Packages section includes subdirectories for

artificial life and complex adaptive systems, distributed AI,
genetic programming, neural networks, and many others.

Figure 4.4 Conjunctions with lexicalized noun phrases

The conjuncts of interest are identified by locating the boundaries of the

conjunction and verifying that it is a list of noun phrases, one of which is a key from the
engineering index. This procedure requires part-of-speech-tagged input. Each conjunct
in the sentence is located and a pointer first moves leftward, and then rightward, to
identify the edges. A binary decision is made for each tagged token to determine whether
it can legally appear inside a simplex noun phrase. Admissible tags are noun, adjective,
determiner, comma, and conjunction. The traversal stops when a non-admissible tag is
encountered and a boundary is identified. For example, in the second sentence cited in
Figure 4.4, one outcome is the fragment artificial life and complex adaptive systems,
distributed AI, genetic programming, neural networks and, which is flanked on the left
by the preposition for and on the right by the quantifier many. After this fragment is
passed through the noun-phrase recognizer, the noun phrases artificial life, complex
adaptive systems, distributed AI, genetic programming and neural networks are obtained.
When the single terms and dictionary keys are eliminated from the list, the result is the
set of noun phrases whose lexical status is to be assigned by the classification algorithm.
This procedure works for a superficial treatment of conjunctions in a large corpus,
but much more analysis can be done, especially on reduced conjuncts. The major reason
for considering reduced conjuncts is that a proper analysis would increase the number of
observations. For example, the process depicted in Figure 4.3 would identify information

storage and retrieval from the conjoined phrase information storage and retrieval, but
information retrieval is missed, which is potentially damaging to the goals of my study
because this phrase is an entry in the engineering index.
The design of a sophisticated conjunction-reduction parser is a non-trivial task,
but a simple heuristic that works for two-word cases shows how a corpus-aware solution
might look. The procedure starts from part-of-speech-tagged input and examines the two
words that immediately flank the conjunction. If their part-of-speech tags match, as they
do in the above example because both storage and retrieval are nouns, the phrase is a
conjunction-reduction candidate. The remaining word in the longer half of the
conjunction, information, is then paired with the word in the shorter half, retrieval, and
the phrase information retrieval is checked against an external list, such as the
engineering index, or the noun phrases already collected from a first-pass look at the
corpus. If the constructed phrase is found, it is entered into the analysis as though it were
a full conjunct. More sophisticated heuristics that work on longer noun phrases require
input from a module that assigns internal structure, such as the one I discussed in Section
2.2.4 of Chapter 2 and put to use in the next sub-section, but these interesting and
important issues deserve a separate study.
Table 4.7 shows the frequency distributions of unique noun phrases that appear in
conjunctions, with and without co-occurring attested lexicalized phrases, for all six
partitions. Tabulations of noun phrases that co-occur with the hypthetical syntactic
phrases are not shown because the counts are are too small to be meaningful without
access to a conjunction-reduction parser. Since syntactic phrases are formed from
adjectives that combine freely, the engineering corpus contains many examples of
reduced conjuncts with adjective remnants, as in the sentence This problem…demands
development of efficient and accurate algorithms. The underlined expression is a
putative syntactic noun phrase, but it is conjoined with the adjective efficient, which
would not show up in a count because it is eliminated by the noun-phrase parser as ill-
formed. Interestingly, lexicalized phrases are far less affected by this limitation, despite
the fact that they may also be realized as adjective-noun bigrams. This observation, as

well as the last line in Table 4.7 showing that only 8 to 9% of all noun phrase tokens are
conjoined with entries in the engineering index, suggests that the conjunction context is a
potentially powerful selector for lexicalized noun phrases. The counts in this line can be
interpreted as a noisy estimate of the lexicalized noun phrases that remain to be

Count in partition

Noun-phrase (NP) 1 2 3 4 5 6

All NPs 299,883 285,046 287,514 280,626 299,242 296,374

All NPs
in conjunctions 68,220 66,549 68,613 72,766 70,776 68,070
NPs conjoined
with lexicalized
NPs 27,121 24,413 25,854 27,761 26,729 25,362

Table 4.7 Frequencies of unique conjoined noun phrases in six partitions

of the engineering corpus

Table 4.8 shows the log-likelihoods for noun phrases in conjunctions in the six
partitions of the training portion of the engineering corpus. The subset of the noun
phrases conjoined with lexicalized noun phrases has slightly higher log-likelihoods than
noun phrases in unfiltered conjunctions, but the log-likelihoods for conjoined noun
phrases are generally lower than the average log-likelihood score for all noun phrases.
But the log-likelihood score for the list of all noun phrases may be artificially high, in
part because it is contaminated with idioms peculiar to Web pages, such as yellow
mountain institute home page. In the first partition, home page appears in nearly 200
noun phrases, has a log-likelihood of 14,181, and does not appear in conjoined contexts.
A separate calculation on noun-phrase bigrams reduces the influence of these irrelevant
phrases and shows the predicted pattern. This calculation also permits a comparison with
the hypothetical syntactic noun phrases; bigrams conjoined with lexicalized noun phrases
have log-likelihoods that are approximately four times higher.

Log-likelihood in partition

Noun-phrase (NP) 1 2 3 4 5 6

All NPs 58.85 57.19 75.65 57.89 61.02 56.36

NPs in conjunctions 53.28 54.18 57.93 55.74 57.11 53.97
NPs conjoined
with lexicalized NPs 57.43 60.13 66.60 60.05 60.01 63.09

All NP bigrams 10.13 10.65 10.89 10.87 10.77 10.60

All conjoined
NP bigrams 26.18 20.12 20.55 19.68 20.29 20.08
All NP bigrams
conjoined with
lexicalized NPs 30.11 32.30 32.02 30.17 32.09 31.05
Syntactic bigrams 6.59 8.93 9.04 9.02 8.85 8.84

Table 4.8 Log-likelihoods of conjoined noun phrases Phrase structure

Section 3.4 of Chapter 3 argues that lexicalized phrases often appear in the
modifier portion of a compound noun, as in the phrases [[accident investigation] report],
[[alternative fuel] program], [[architectural engineering] journal], and [[automatic
control] theory]. The underlined expressions represent matches in the engineering index
and the brackets show the hierarchical structure of the pharases, as identified from corpus
evidence. The major components in the procedure for assigning internal structure to
noun phrases are depicted in Figure 4.5. A candidate list of noun phrases is obtained by
extracting the master list of noun phrases on the corpus, using a configuration that admits
only simplex noun phrases with no embedded prepositions or conjunctions. This list is
supplied to a module that uses a variation of Lapata’s (1999) algorithm for assigning
internal structure using a dictionary and corpus evidence, as I discussed in Section 2.1.4
of Chapter 2. In a noun phrase such as alternative fuel program, fuel is bracketed with
alternative if the phrase alternative fuel is in the dictionary, or has a higher log-likelihood
than fuel program. In addition, the outer boundaries are checked for completeness. If
corpus evidence suggests that alternative usually appears with a modifier, or if fuel

usually modifies another noun, the phrase is rejected. Such rejections are frequently
encountered in lists of lightly parsed Web text of uncertain quality. Examples from the
engineering corpus include measurement] [frequency range], which may consist of
incomplete remnants of two noun phrases; and [picture [home, which is presumably
missing the head noun page. Only correctly parsed noun phrases are submitted to further
analysis, and from these, the heads and modifiers are extracted and tabulated.

Noun-phrase modifiers
Lexicalized Internal structure
phrase Noun-phrase heads

Figure 4.5 Process flow for identifying noun-phrase structure

Tables 4.9 and 4.10 show the frequency tabulations and log-likelihood scores of
unique noun-phrase heads and modifiers. Since over 90% of the heads and modifiers are
bigrams, only these tabulations are shown, which has the advantage of facilitating a
comparison with the data from conjunction contexts that I discussed in the previous
subsection. Like conjunctions with lexicalized noun phrases, a correctly defined
syntactic position in a compound noun can be interpreted as a filter that isolates noun
phrases that are relatively frozen; the log-likelihoods of noun-phrase modifiers are nearly
2.5 times higher than the baseline. Since the similarity of the data for noun-phrase heads
and modifiers implies that the head position of a compound noun is also an important
location for lexicalized noun phrases, I will use both environments in the remaining

Count in partition

Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6

All bigrams 178,478 168,937 170,560 160,074 176,808 176,365

Noun-phrase heads 31,162 29,504 29,766 28,291 30,963 15,717
Noun-phrase modifiers 30,841 28,894 28,911 28,575 28,291 15,833

Table 4.9 Raw frequencies of unique noun-phrase heads and modifiers in six partitions
of the engineering corpus

Log-likelihood in partition

Log-likelihood 1 2 3 4 5 6

All bigrams 10.13 10.65 10.89 10.87 10.77 10.60

Noun-phrase heads 22.07 21.90 22.85 23.76 22.88 31.53
Noun-phrase modifiers 25.19 24.84 26.21 25.76 17.66 35.76

Table 4.10 Log-likelihoods of noun-phrase heads and modifiers

All of the processes described in this section produce lists of noun phrases that
have been tagged with a linguistic attribute. The remaining task at this stage of the
analysis is the creation of an ARFF file like the one shown in Figure 4.1. The process
flow is depicted in Figure 4.6. The ARFF file generator compares the noun phrases to be
classified against lists of noun phrases obtained from the linguistic contexts. When a
match is found, a count of co-occurrence between a noun phrase and a context is
incremented. If the incoming noun phrases are already classified as lexicalized or
syntactic, the result is a training ARFF file; otherwise, the result is a test file.

NPs in very and –ly contexts
NPs in conjunction contexts
NPs in compound noun contexts
phrases to
classify NPs in lexical (eg., journal-of) contexts

ARFF file generator ARFF file

Figure 4.6 Process flow for constructing ARFF files

4.2.3. The linguistic attributes: a summary

To summarize the discussion so far, I have identified a set of positive and

negative attributes that are linguistically motivated and bear on the distinction between
lexicalized and syntactic noun phrases in a corpus of engineering text. Descriptive
statistics suggest that all of the attributes except for –ly and very specify environments
containing noun phrases with high log-likelihood scores, but the hypothesis that these
noun phrase are the lexicalized names of concepts in engineering must be tested more
rigorously. To accomplish this goal, I use the attributes as input to an algorithm,
described in the next section, which classifies a set of noun phrases whose status is
already known. In the final section of this chapter, I use the algorithm to classify noun
phrases of unknown status and submit the results to verification by human judges.
Before I can confidently perform the next step, I need to determine whether the
known syntactic and lexicalized phrases actually appear in the engineering corpus in the
linguistic environments I have described. To build on an example I cited earlier in this
chapter, if radiation physics, whose lexical status is unknown, is presumed to be
lexicalized because it appears in the lexical environment department-of, it must be
verified that analogous noun phrases whose lexical status is known, such as electrical
engineering, also appear in this environment. If they do not, the learning algorithm has

no exemplars to learn from. The noun phrases which are known to be classified as
lexical are the entries in the engineering index that match in the corpus. In all tests
performed in the next section, I use the matches in five of the six partitions as input; the
matches in the sixth partition are set aside for validation. There are a total of 3,576
lexical matches in the first five partitions. The hypothetical syntactic noun phrases are
the bigrams formed with context-dependent adjectives, such as certain browsers, further
details and full papers, which are described in Section 4.2.1 of this chapter. I also use the
syntactic bigrams from five of the six partitions as input. But since syntactic phrases are
far more common than lexicalized phrases, I approximate the size of the set of lexical
matches by using a random sample of 11% of the total set of syntactic matches, for a total
of 3,526 observations.
Table 4.11 shows a count of the unique co-occurrences of the noun phrases in the
training corpus with the linguistic attributes. For example, 2,011/3,576, or 56% of the
known syntactic noun phrases co-occur at least once with a conjunction, an attribute that
identifies lexical contexts, while only 359/3,526, or 10%, of the syntactic noun phrases
do. Conversely, very and –ly adverbs, which are associated with syntactic contexts, co-
occur with 85/3,526, or 5%, of the syntactic phrases but with only 46/3,576, or .012%, of
the lexicalized phrases.

Attribute Lexicalized phrases Syntactic phrases

Conjunction with a
lexicalized phrase 2,011 359
Compound-noun modifier 1,409 258
Compound-noun head 1,384 192
Lexical contexts (journal-of, etc.) 944 128
Syntactic contexts (very, ly-adverbs) 46 190

Table 4.11 Counts of training contexts in all six partitions of the engineering corpus

Table 4.11 shows that the attributes co-occur in the predicted patterns with the
already-classified noun phrases and permits inferences regarding their relative
importance. Perhaps the most significant observation involves the positive cues for
lexicalized phrases: syntactic attributes such as conjunction far outweigh the lexical
attributes. However, the predictive power of the attributes cannot be calculated from the
analytical methods presented in this section, so the analysis must proceed.

4.2. The training phase

In the training phase of a machine-learning study, the data obtained from the
analysis is submitted to a classification algorithm, with the ultimate goal of making
accurate category assignments on an unseen portion of the corpus. Since the outcome of
the previous section is an ARFF file populated with the results of a linguistic analysis of
lexicalized and syntactic noun phrases in the engineering corpus, I now have the
information required to execute this step. Witten and Frank describe several
classification algorithms and make them available in their software package, but for ease
of exposition, I restrict my attention to one: the so-called Naïve Bayes algorithm. As
Witten and Frank argue, the choice of algorithm is less important than the quality of the
attributes in most machine-learning studies, and the Naïve Bayes algorithm provides an
intuitively natural formalization of how evidence observed in a corpus of coherent text
influences our belief that a given noun phrase should be classified as lexicalized or
To illustrate, I have assembled the relevant calculations in Table 4.12, which
shows hypothetical data obtained from six lines of the ARFF file depicted in Figure 4.1.
For simplicity, I have converted the numeric variables to categorical variables. If the
attribute and the noun phrase co-occur at least once in the corpus, yes is recorded in the
top third of the table; otherwise no is. With this data, we can calculate the likelihood that
a noun phrase is classified as lexicalized or syntactic by tabulating the co-occurrences of
attributes with a given classification. For example, department-of occurs with 1/3 of the
lexicalized phrases and very co-occurs with 2/3 of the syntactic phrases. In this
tabulation, shown in the middle section of Table 4.12, numerators of 3 or 0 are
represented in the fraction as 2.99 and 0.01, respectively. Since likelihood is an estimate
of a theoretical but unobservable probability, we can’t be sure from our small sample that
the co-occurrence of a lexicalized-phrase classification with an attribute is ever 100% or
0%, so these cases are represented as hypothetical numbers that are very high or very
low.10 The likelihood that a given phrase is classified as lexicalized or syntactic is
expressed as the product of all of the attribute/phrase-class proportions, shown in the
third section of Table 4.12. The two likelihoods are converted to probabilities by
normalizing them with a denominator that coerces them to sum to one, as shown at the
bottom of Table 4.12.
Put in this form, the last two equations in Table 4.12 are straightforward
instantiations of Bayes’ rule of conditional probability: pr[H|E] = pr[E|H]pr[H]/pr[E]. In
other words, Bayes’ rule expresses the probability of hypothesis H, given the evidence E;
or, the probability that a noun phrase will be classified as lexicalized, given its co-
occurrence in coherent text with the linguistic attributes I have identified in this chapter.
This can be calculated as a product of the probabilities that the phrase is observed in
contexts that favor lexicalized noun phrases, normalized by the sum of the probabilities
of the observations. For example, if the data in Table 4.12 for artificial intelligence is
substituted into the equation for Bayes’ rule, the probability that it would be classified as
lexicalized is approximately 92%. Since we already know the correct classification of
artificial intelligence because it is cited in the engineering index, this result might seem
uninformative. But the algorithm that encodes Bayes’ rule is powerful because it uses
this information to classify noun phrases whose status is unknown. For example, if
radiation physics co-occurs with many of the attributes that are observed with artificial
intelligence, it would also be classified as lexicalized with a high probability.
However, I must point out that the probabilities in Table 4.12 are unrealistically
high because the co-occurrences of the attributes with the classifications are not as robust
as this data suggests. Table 4.11 shows the real pattern of co-occurrences, on which the
results reported in the rest of this section are based.

In the real data, this adjustment is made to every observation. This is the so-called Laplace estimator,
which is described in Manning and Schutze (2000:202).

department def’n topics very Compound Lexicalized?

Phrase of of in modifier

certain browsers no no no no no no
abundant compounds no no no yes no no
civil engineering yes no no yes yes yes
remote sensing no yes yes no yes yes
high production no no no yes yes no
artificial intelligence no yes yes no yes yes

Co-occurrence with
Attribute Lexicalized Syntactic attributes

department-of 1 0.01
definition-of 2 0.01
topics-in 2 0.01
very 1 2
compound-noun modifier 2.99 1

Likelihood of:
lexicalized classification: 1/3 x 2/3 x 2/3 x 1/3 x 2.99/3 = 0.047
syntactic classification: 0.01/3 x 0.01/3 x 0.01/3 x 2/3 x 1/3 = 0.000000082

Probability of:
lexicalized classification: .047/(0.047 + 0.000000082) = approx. 99.9999%
syntactic classification: 0.000000082/(0.047 + 0.000000082) = approx. 0.0001

Table 4.12 Hypothetical co-occurrences of attributes with training data

So far, I have described how the encoding of Bayes’ rule enables the Naïve Bayes
learning algorithm to learn. But why is it naïve? A detailed answer to this question
would take us far afield into statistical theory. But the short answer is that Bayesian
inference works best when the attributes identified in the analysis are independent of each
other and, at the outset, we naively assume that they are. Since performance is degraded
if the attributes are not independent, part of the fine-tuning process, which I will discuss
later in this section, is to eliminate those that cause trouble.
I mention this issue not only because it explains the name of the learning
algorithm that I use in this study, but also because it suggests how the enterprise of data
mining is different from the execution of a typical laboratory experiment. For example, a
team of experimental psycholinguists might design an experiment using small sets of
carefully balanced variables. Once they collect the data, they test the hypothesis that
motivated the study using statistics that are appropriate for the design of the experiment.
The outcome is an inference about a population from which the data was presumed to be
a sample, which either supports or fails to find evidence for the hypothesis. By contrast,
a data-mining study is motivated by the desire to discover regularities in an existing body
of data, which may be unruly or dirty from the perspective of an experimental
psycholinguist. As in a controlled experiment, the goal of a data-mining study is to find
order. Howver, the end result is not an inference about a population, but useful new
Accordingly, a data-mining study requires different methods of evaluation. My
evaluation follows established procedure and consists of three steps. First, I perform a
sanity check on the design of the study by assuming that the training data can also be
interpreted as hypothetical test data. This is the so-called cross-validation test, which is
one output of the Witten-Frank software. In this simplest form of evaluation, I can test
the effectiveness of the attributes at predicting classifications in the best-case scenario
and optimize the fit of the attribute set to the mathematical model encoded in the learning
algorithm. In a slightly more abstract test, the algorithm classifies additional noun
phrases of known status, which were extracted from the first six partitions of the corpus
but were not used as training data. When I assembled Table 4.11, which shows the co-
occurrences of noun phrases and linguistic attributes in the training set, I counted only the
classified noun phrases in the first five partitions. The classified noun phrases in the sixth
partition are reserved for this test. In the third evaluation, a new partition of the
engineering corpus is processed. This partition presumably also contains known citations
of lexicalized and hypothetical syntactic noun phrases, which can be used to check the
performance of the classification algorithm. But a more important test is the evaluation
by expert human judges of the classifications assigned to noun phrases of unknown
status. This is the useful outcome of my data-mining study, which simulates the research

goal that I stated at the beginning of Chapter 3: to provide a list of words that a human
editor would consider appropriate for inclusion in a new edition of a dictionary of
engineering terms.
Before reporting the results, I need to describe an adjustment to the input data that
is already implicit in the transformation of the ARFF file shown in Figure 4.1 to the
fragment depicted in Table 4.12. Figure 4.1 shows numeric values for the co-occurrences
of linguistic attributes and noun phrases, which correspond to the observations in the
corpus; in Table 4.12, this information is represented as nominal data—in this case,
tabulations of yes and no. In the tests reported below, the data has been ‘discretized’
using a function available in the Witten-Frank software package. In this transformation,
the numeric scale implicit in the raw data for each numeric attribute has been aggregated
into a small number of discrete bins, ranging from three to seven, each of which
represents a range of numeric values in the scale. Thus the definitive representation of
the data is more fine-grained than what is implied by Table 4.12, where the observations
have been reduced to two bins for each attribute. Discretization has the effect of
minimizing the influence of very large numbers and permits easier comparison of data
from different sources in the corpus.
Table 4.13 shows the cross-validation results for all of the linguistic variables that
I have studied in this dissertation. As implied in Table 4.11, they are organized into five
groups of attributes: conjunctions in lexical environnments, compound noun heads,
compound noun modifiers, noun-preposition collocations such as journal-of, and
adverbial modifiers that favor syntactic phrases, such as very and ly-adverbs. Overall, the
accuracy rate is 76% and the algorithm is better at classifying syntactic than lexicalized
The data I have presented in this chapter and Chapter 3 can be used to explain
why. The linguistic attributes function in the classification algorithm as near-categorical
variables that have a few exceptions, but not enough to be disastrous for an appropriately
formalized analysis. The relatively low accuracy score for the lexicalized phrases implies
that additional linguistic analysis must be done because some lexicalized phrases do not
appear in the environments that I have identified and so cannot be distinguished from

syntactic phrases by the currently encoded evidence. But the high accuracy score for the
syntactic phrases implies that the test can perform the classification when the variables
are observed and that it is conservative, erring more in recall than precision. Thus, it
promises to accomplish the goal I described at the beginning of Chapter 3: to present an
editor with a list of candidates for inclusion in an engineering dictionary that is low in
noise, at the possible expense of missing some bona-fide candidates. Considering that
lexicalized phrases are sparse in a corpus of coherent text and that this relatively simple
pilot test has only five sets of linguistic attributes, the results support the conclusion that
lexicalized and syntactic phrases are not randomly distributed, but appear in privileged
environments that can be identified by careful linguistic analysis.

Classifications Total correct

Training terms Syntactic Lexicalized classifications (%)

Syntactic 3,243 282 92

Lexicalized 1,414 2,162 60
Overall 76.3

Table 4.13 Cross-validation results for all linguistic variables

To provide support for some of the arguments I have made in this dissertation, I
also need to assess the relationship of the linguistic variables to the log-likelihood
measure of statistical collocation. My arguments embody two claims. First, log-
likelihood scores correlate positively with the distinction between lexicalized and
syntactic phrases: lexical contexts generally harbor noun phrases with high log-likelihood
scores, while the opposite is true of syntactic contexts. Second, the attributes supplied to
the machine-learning algorithm that identify linguistic contexts can compensate for the
misleading output of this measure that results when lexicalized phrases score too low
because they are made up of words that are common in the subject domain, or when
syntactic phrases score too high because they may be idiomatic or stereotypical

The simplest test of these claims is a second baseline test on the same input files
that has a discretized form of the log-likelikhood score as the only attribute. But the
cross-validation results in this test are strongly influenced by the selection of the phrases
that are not lexicalized. The accuracy rate of the classification may be close to the results
reported in Table 4.13 because the syntactic phrases, which are also a product of my
linguistic analysis, have lower-than-average log-likelihood values. This has the effect of
making the positive correlation to lexical status even stronger. A more realistic baseline
would embody none of the linguistic analysis that I have discussed in this dissertation. It
might compare noun phrases that are presumed to be lexicalized, perhaps with the
feedback of human judges, against a background of noun phrases that have been selected
randomly. In the experiments I performed that simulated these conditions, the overall
cross-validation scores ranged from 62%-79%, depending on how the negative instances
were sampled.
It is conceptually simpler to add the log-likelihood score to the list of linguistic
attributes in the ARFF file that generated Table 4.13. The results of this experiment are
shown in Table 4.14. The addition of the log-likelihood score improves the performance
of the classification algorithm by 10% for lexicalized phrases and approximately 3% for
syntactic phrases. This result is perhaps due to the fact that, with the addition of the log-
likelihood score, every noun phrase to be classified now has at least one value on an
attribute that is relevant to the classification. When the log-likelihood score for a
lexicalized phrase that appears in the linguistic environments I have studied is low—as it
is for methanol fuels, magnetic shielding, machine parts, metamorphic rocks and
catalytic cracking—the linguistic attributes can correct the classification. Analogously,
the classification algorithm correctly fails to classify the syntactic noun phrase complete
guide as lexicalized, despite its relatively high log-likelihood score, because it does not
appear in the linguistic contexts that favor lexicalized phrases. But the log-likelihood
score can sometimes compensate when the lexicalized-phrase candidate does not appear
in the linguistic environments because of the usually high correlation between high
measures of statistical association and lexical status.

Ironically, the arguably modest 10% improvement in the classification of
lexicalized phrases when log-likelihood is an attribute can support the arguments made
by Church and Hanks (1990) and Smadja (1993) that sequences of words with high
scores on statistical measures of association are true lexical collocations. I have shown
that I can identify essentially the same set of word sequences in a computational study
derived solely from linguistic arguments. If I am correct, the researcher now has an
alternative way of identifying this kind of lexical information, without having to wade
into the technical difficulties of calculating association statistics on linguistic data, which
I discussed in Section 2.2.3 of Chapter 2.

Classifications Total correct

Training terms Syntactic Lexicalized classifications (%)

Syntactic 3,349 177 94.98

Lexicalized 1,062 2,514 70.03
Overall 86.12

Table 4.14 Cross-validation results for linguistic variables and log-likelihood

Before considering the other methods of evaluation, I need a better understanding

of the individual attributes, which can be obtained from a closer examination of the cross-
validation results. By systematically subtracting each attribute from the ARFF file and
re-running the classification experiment, I can observe whether the performance of the
classification algorithm is degraded by the missing information and hence determine
whether the attribute contributes to an accurate classification. The results of these tests
are summarized in Table 4.15. The data in this table support the conclusion that none of
the attributes should be eliminated from the study because all are needed to obtain the
best results on lexicalized phrases. In other words, none of the classification scores for
lexicalized phrases in Table 4.15 exceed the one reported in Table 4.13. The lexical
contexts are more valuable than the syntactic contexts because accuracy is degraded most
severely when these contexts are missing. The conjunction and compound-noun contexts
introduce noise that slightly degrade the performance of the classifier on syntactic
phrases, but not severely enough to argue for their exclusion. The attribute derived from
very and –ly adverbs mitigates this problem slightly, but has no impact on the
classification of lexicalized phrases, which implies that these contexts function as a
robust linguistic test that identifies syntactic phrases, just as Judith Levy (1978) argued.
In future machine-learning studies, references to external knowledge sources such
as the Engineering Information Thesaurus might not be necessary. If attributes are
restricted contexts such as topics-in and journal-of, the external lexical resource is not
needed because the classification algorithm does not literally refer to them. These
contexts were identified through the linguistic analysis that precedes the training step and
it is likely that such contexts also identify lexicalized noun phrases in document
collections on topics other than engineering. The compound-noun and conjunction
contexts also do reasonably well at performing the classification, though the scores on
these attributes can be obtained only with an algorithm that makes literal reference to a
list of dictionary entries from an external source, as I described in Sections and of this chapter. Without such references, the performance of the compound-noun
and conjunctions attributes in the classification task would be slightly noisier than the
results I have reported here.

Training terms Syntactic Lexicalized Classifications (%)

No conjunction contexts
Syntactic 3,290 236 93.33
Lexicalized 1,121 2,455 68.65
Overall 82.09

No compound-noun contexts
Syntactic 3,420 156 97.02
Lexicalized 1,091 2,485 69.49
Overall 81.94

No lexical contexts
Syntactic 3,314 212 93.98
Lexicalized 1,259 2,317 64.79
Overall 80.64

No very, -ly adverb contexts

Syntactic 3,279 247 93.02
Lexicalize 1,072 2,504 70.02
Overall 82.60

Table 4.15 The relative contributions of attributes to the cross-validation results

With this information, I can now perform the second evaluation on the training
data. Recall that the syntactic and lexicalized phrases in the last partition of the training
corpus, representing one-sixth of the total, were held back from the training set. This
data gives us the opportunity to perform an evaluation on unseen data without the need
for human judges. The results are shown in Table 4.16. They are slightly higher than the
results on the training data, the first hint that the trained classification algorithm can be
successfully applied to novel phrases.

Classifications Total correct

Training terms Syntactic Lexicalized classifications (%)

Syntactic 623 28 95.81

Lexicalized 160 532 76.87
Overall 87.30

Table 4.16 Performance on unseen data of known status in the training corpus

More significantly, the classification algorithm can be applied to noun phrases in

the training corpus whose status is not known. Some of this output is listed in Table 4.17.
This hand-selected list is a preview of the data that will be presented to human judges in
the final test, but it makes the discussion in this section concrete and illustrates some
problems. For the most part, the noun phrases classified as lexicalized are suggestive of
engineering topics, except for place names such as south america. The algorithm
classified as lexicalized some noun phrases that are listed in the engineering index but
were not included in the training data. The phrases preceded by asterisks do not appear
in the engineering index and would be identified by this exercise as candidates for
inclusion in the next edition. Among the noun phrases classified as syntactic are genuine
syntactic phrases such as effective strategy and three professors. The output tagged with
this classification also includes parsing errors such as orthopedics orthopedics and
phrases that should probably be classified as lexicalized, such as garbage collection
algorithm, but they are not cited frequently enough in the contexts identified by the
attributes that trained the classifier.

Lexicalized phrases Syntactic phrases

*design tools pleasant cornish weather

*server software effective strategy
*test instrumentation regular columns
linear algebra huge tome
greenhouse effect reasonable approaches
*gas turbine engine garbage collection algorithm
*circuit simulation dynamical effects
noise control three professors
nervous system national advocacy
electromagnetic compatibility individual entrants
steam traps payment options
carbon monoxide ideal vehicle
*internet services entire human body
fiber optics senator nickles
information technology solvent acts
*fault location web info
*south america orthopedics orthopedics

Table 4.17 Some new classifications in the training corpus

4.1. The test phase

In the final evaluation, I process a new 30-megabyte partition of the engineering

corpus using all of the software described in this chapter and Chapter 2. The outcome is
a complete list of simplex noun phrases in the partition, as well as the noun phrases in the
partition that occur in the syntactic environments of the attributes described in this
chapter: conjunction contexts, lexical contexts, noun-phrase head and modifier contexts
and –ly and very adverb contexts. These lists can be submitted to the ARFF-file
generator, depicted in Figure 4.6, for the creation of the test run. For this test, I restrict
my attention to the 157,000 noun-phrase bigrams because log-likelihood is one of the
effective attributes identified in the training run, and it is calculated differently for
bigrams and longer phrases, as I discussed in Section 2.1.3 of Chapter 2. Moreover, since
the selections from the list are presented to human judges, a consistent length removes a
potential source of response bias.
On a test run, the Witten-Frank software returns two results: a classification and a
confidence measure. Before I discuss the results with human judges, I want to take a
closer look at this information because it sheds light on the behavior of the attributes.
Table 4.18 shows a random sample of classified bigrams that were presented to the

human judges and three levels of confidence returned by the training algorithm for each
classification: the highest, the lowest, and the mean. The bigrams in the top third of the
table are maximally distinct from each other; the entries in top left cell are, for the most
part, the established names of concepts in engineering, while those in the top right cell
are syntactic phrases. The bigrams in the upper left quadrant produce high log-likelihood
scores, as well as high scores on most of the linguistic attributes I have described in this
chapter, while the bigrams in the upper right quadrant fail on all of these measures,
except possibly for high scores on the very and -ly attribute. In the middle of the list, we
observe the effects of the linguistic attributes because very few of the bigrams that
produce average levels of confidence have high log-likelihoods. Bigrams are classified
as lexicalized with some measure of confidence if they appear in two or more linguistic
contexts that favor lexicalized noun phrases. The bigrams at the bottom of the table are
less distinct, but the classification algorithm is still forced to make a decision, which
hinges on the reliability of conjunction versus the lexical contexts like those listed in
Table 4.3. If the bigram appears in these lexical contexts, but has no other positive scores
for attributes that identify lexicalized noun phrases, it is classified as lexicalized. But if it
appears only in conjunction contexts, it is classified as syntactic. This data suggests an
interpretation of the conjunction feature that may be used to guide future work: it has the
potential to introduce noise by falsely classifying syntactic phrases as lexicalized, but it
can’t do so in the presence of the other attributes.

Confidence Yes No
High automatic control high percentage
safety engineering sensitive instruments
decision analysis low content
virtual reality broad introduction
computer sciences latest mst
risk management photomultiplier tube
Medium soil contamination click pay
environmental geosciences production industry
adaptive structures harmful ones
photonic technology geology sofia
rapid fabrication ship production
semiconductor equipment university users

Low public economy test rig

epitaxial structure low number
human virology aquatic ecology
land subsidence drainage improvement
structural theory specifications petroleum
pellet size powder atomization

Table 4.18 Classifications in the test data

For the test with human judges, I created a random sample of twenty bigrams
from each of the six classifications shown in Table 4.18 and presented it to judges. Seven
judges, all of whom have at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering or who work as an
engineer, were presented with a printed list of 120 bigrams that was introduced with the
following instructions: ‘Below is a list of 120 two-word phrases. If the phrase is the
name of a concept or object in engineering, or a field of study that would be affected by
the work of engineers, put a check mark beside it. In other words, identify the phrases
that you would expect to find in an index about engineers and engineering.’
The results of this simple paper-and-pencil test are shown in Table 4.19. In
general, the performance by human judges is predicted by the confidence measures
supplied by the trained classification algorithm. For the lexicalized phrases, the
algorithm’s confidence score correlates positively with human judgments. Noun phrases
that achieve the highest confidence scores, such as automatic control, risk management,
and decision analysis are the same phrases that professional engineers have heard of.
The performance of the judges matches the classification algorithm less reliably on the
noun phrases to which the algorithm assigns low confidence scores, such as epitaxial
structure and land subsidence, perhaps because these phrases have lower frequency or
refer to leading-edge concepts that may require specialized expertise to recognize. The
overall agreement with the classification algorithm is higher for the ‘yes’ votes than the
‘no’ votes, which supports the claim that I made in the discussion of the training data that
the algorithm is conservative and hence skewed toward maximizing precision over recall.
For example, the noun phrase photomultiplier tube received ‘yes’ votes from all seven
judges despite its classification as ‘high-no’ by the algorithm. But noun phrases such as
drainage improvement and powder atomization are assigned a low-no classification by
the algorithm because they appear frequently as noun-phrase heads or modifiers, or in
conjunctions with known lexicalized noun phrases, and many judges identify them as
names of engineering concepts.
To support an emerging standard in corpus linguistics studies, I must also submit
the data in Table 4.19 to the Kappa statistic. As Carletta (1996) argues, Kappa, or K, is a
measure of agreement in classification tasks and encodes a correction for the possibility
that the judges’ performance may be random. Formally, K = p(A) – P(E)/1-p(E), where
p(A) is a count of observed, or actual, agreements and p(E) is the number of agreements
that would be expected by chance. K = 1 if there is complete agreement and 0 if there is
only chance agreement. Since only p(A) is represented in Table 4.19 and p(E) is an error
term, the percentages in the rightmost column represent an over-estimate of K. For all of
the observations in Table 4.17, K = .61,11 which rises to .63 if the borderline low-no and
low-yes categories are eliminated. Standards of acceptance for values of K vary
according to the subfield of computational linguistics, but .61 and .63 are slightly low for
a mature area of study, as Carleta argues, where Kappa scores of .7 and above are
reported. Nevertheless, they represent a detectable effect, which is a reasonable outcome
for a pilot study. Agreements between the classification algorithm and the judges can
probably be substantially increased by constraining the subject of the corpus. Many of
the experts who participated in my study expressed a lack of confidence that they had
mastered all of the topics represented in the test.

In a confusion matrix, such as the top half of Table 4.17, the diagonals represent the agreements; the
lower-left and upper right quadrants are the disagreements. K is calculated on this data as follows:
2(352*324 – 68*96)/((352+96)*420 + (68+324)*420) = .61
Algorithm Yes No Agreement
Yes 352 68 352/420 (83%)
No 96 324 324/420 (77%)

Agreements of judges and confidence levels reported by the algorithm levels

High yes 130 10 130/140 (92%)
Medium yes 118 22 118/140 (84%)
Low yes 104 36 104/140 (74%)

High no 34 106 106/140 (76%)

Medium no 14 126 126/140 (90%)
Low no 48 92 92/140 (66%)

Table 4.19 Agreements between the classification algorithm and human experts

Following Carleta’s recommendations, I also calculated Kappa scores for all pairs
of judges. The results, shown in Table 4.20, show a high level of inter-judge agreement,
since only 3 of the 21 pairs have Kappa scores below .60, while 15 pairs have Kappa
scores that at or above .68. Indeed, the agreement among the judges is higher than the
pooled agreement of the human judgments with the classification algorithm, which
suggests that the task made sense and was interpreted in a consistent way by the seven
judges. Failure analysis of individual items suggests three reasons for divergence with
the classification algorithm. First, the classification algorithm gave an incorrect
classification for some genuine engineering concepts, such as photomultiplier tube.
Second, the classification algorithm identified phrases such as aquatic ecology and
environmental geosciences as lexicalized, but some of the judges believed that they were
names of concepts in science, not engineering. Finally, the test set contained some mis-
parsed phrases such as specifications petroleum, which the algorithm correctly classified
as not lexicalized. But this phrase was selected by four judges, presumably because of
the word petroleum, which spuriously suggets an engineering topic.

Judges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 -- .599 .705 .679 .695 .932 .793
2 -- .639 .740 .705 .668 .599
3 -- .770 .672 .705 .575
4 -- .772 .742 .615
5 -- .771 .707
6 -- .864
7 --

Table 4.20 Kappa scores for all pairs of human judges

4.5. Summary and conclusions

The study described in this chapter accomplishes several goals. First, I have
shown that, even with relatively noisy heuristic processing, linguistically natural evidence
that is well-chosen can pass through many layers of rigorous empirical tests and go far
toward solving the central problem of this dissertation. I have also established a simple
testbed that can accept much more input from linguistic analysis. Second, the results
reported in this chapter support the claim that the task of distinguishing lexicalized from
syntactic noun phrases can be studied productively as a machine-learning problem that is
closely related to the problem of word-sense disambiguation. Taken together with the
arguments presented in Chapter 3, I have shown that a traditional linguistic analysis,
which obtains insights primarily from introspection, can be supported, broadened and
deepened by a computational analysis derived from a large corpus of coherent text.



5.0. Syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases in coherent text

At first encounter, the problem I addressed in this dissertation appears to be

elusive. While most noun phrases in speech and writing are the throw-away reflex of
syntactic creativity, some masquerade as names of persistent concepts and have acquired
word-like qualities. Is it possible to tell the difference?
Traditional linguistic scholarship is only guardedly optimistic about the prospects
of making the distinction. Many scholars agree that such names exist and figure
prominently in lexicons of technical topics. But theoretical linguists concluded that no
reliable formal criteria can be identified for separating them from syntactic phrases
because speakers and writers can use any linguistic means at their disposal to create an
expression, which may become lexicalized through repeated use. Notable examples of
lexicalized noun phrases include compound nouns such as eggplant and garbage man;
noun-adjective phrases such as blackbird and high school; or phrases with occasionally
more complex syntactic forms, such as very important person, frequently asked questions
and kiss-me-under-the-garden-gate. Such phrases are considered to be lexicalized
because they are the usual and expected names of concepts, just as single words are. To
refer to a tomato by any word or phrase other than tomato is to risk being labelled a less-
than-proficient speaker of American English; the same can be said of high school or
garbage man. Computational linguists enriched the theoretical linguist’s account with an
important observation: not only is the referent of a lexical phrase persistent, but so is the
form, and this persistence can be quantified by statistical measures of association in a

sufficiently large corpus. But the computational linguists’ account has significant gaps,
and the output of their processes must be reviewed by experts in lexicography,
terminology, or a particular subject domain.
My research attempts to fill some of the gaps in the computational analysis by
developing the argument that syntactic and lexicalized noun phrases have different
distributions in a corpus of coherent text. To achieve analytical rigor, I obtained most of
my data from a large corpus of engineering documents, but I believe that the argument
can be applied to other subject domains. In fact, this line of inquiry originated with
Judith Levy, who did not restrict herself to engineering terminology when she observed
that syntactic noun phrases may be modified by very and –ly adverbs but lexicalized noun
phrases usually cannot. In the engineering corpus that I studied, this observation
accounts for the fact that judges reject the combination of very with lexicalized phrases,
as in *very electrical engineering and *very magnetic resonance; but the syntactic
phrases very well-equipped laboratories and very complex interfaces are acceptable and
even attested in the corpus. By contrast, lexicalized noun phrases appear in syntactic,
lexical and discourse contexts that create an expectation for a conventional name. For
example, if I say professor of…, my behavior would run counter to expectation if I did
not complete the phrase with a familiar name of a field of study that could be found in a
dictionary or college catalog, such as economics, comparative literature, or artificial
intelligence. Section 3.4.1 Chapter 3 cites other contexts that favor words or lexicalized
phrases. The details of the argument may be new, but all of the evidence is consistent
with the observation made by linguists working in the 1960s and 1970s that syntactic
noun phrases describe temporary relationships, while lexicalized noun phrases are names
that have survived a single context of use.
What emerges from my analysis is a set of lingistic tests for identifying syntactic
and lexicalized noun phrases from a corpus. Traditional scholars of syntax and word-
formation processes were looking for such tests, too, but they were discouraged by the
fact that all of the tests have exceptions. Yet this result should not be surprising,
considering that the distinction between the two classes of phrases is not deeply encoded
in grammar, but has roots in the sociology of language use, which may be subject to

variation. But it does require a change of methodology. Instead of evaluating linguistic
tests by our ability to generate counterexamples, we obtain observations from a corpus of
coherent text. Tests developed by computer scientists who specialize in machine learning
can determine whether the evidence more-or-less robustly predicts whether a given noun
phrase is syntactic or lexical. This may seem like a radical change in methodology, but it
respects the ‘fuzzy’ quality of the data that nearly all scholars who have worked on the
problem have observed and produces a clean framework that is receptive to more input
from linguistic analysis. When I started this project I did not expect to discover a nearly
seamless transition from Alice Morton Ball’s classic 1941 study of English compounds
such as lighthouse and shellfish to my machine-learning study of engineering
terminology harvested from the Web sixty years later. There is no question that a period
of analysis must precede such a study, and linguistic analysis has proven to yield reliable
insights that can be formalized and projected into a body of text that is too large to
The main conclusion of this dissertation is that lexicalized noun phrases are not
randomly distributed in coherent text, but instead appear in restricted syntactic and
lexical environments that can be identified through careful linguistic analysis. In
practical terms, this means that if the task is to supply an editor of a specialized
dictionary with candidates for a new edition, a software program can find them in a text
by intelligently skipping around, in the tradition of data-mining studies based on
knowledge-poor computational techniques, without having to calculate statistical
measures of association, which can sometimes be unreliable. Philosophically, this
conclusion implies that speakers and writers have a larger-than-expected lexicon, with
many entries that look like the ordinary noun phrases used in descriptions of temporary
circumstances, which they frequently consult to construct sentences that are in line with
the expectations of readers and listeners.

5.1. A theory of common usage

In Chapter 1, I cited a position paper by Steven Abney, who argued that empirical
studies of language are valuable because they provide data-tested input to a theory of
common usage. So, what are lexicalized noun phrases like? Previous linguistic studies
have speculated that lighthouse is a fairly typical example. This noun-noun compound is
so persistent that it is no longer written as two words, and as a referent to the tall,
cylindrical structure that guides ships to the coastline, it seems only distantly evocative of
houses. But but there aren’t many lighthouses in engineering text. Perhaps database
followed a similar evolutionary path, starting out as data base and morphing to data-base
before ending up as a single word, whose transparent meaning ‘base of data’ does not
fully evoke the current usage that implies a structured repository of machine-readable
information about a single topic. But there are two reasons why lighthouse and database
are not typical of the lexicalized noun phrases found in engineering text.
First, the textbook cases of compound nouns originate from short and relatively
frequent monosyllabic words and can still be easily parsed by human readers when they
are written as a single word. But I predict that most of the citations in the Engineering
Index Thesaurus, or the noun phrases identified by my software in the Engineering
corpus as lexicalized, will never achieve the appearance of uncontroversial words, no
matter how old or frequently used they are. The texts I have analyzed have no citations
of electricalengineering, airtrafficcontrol, magneticresonanceimaging, or
statisticalthermodynamics. There is probably no extraordinary pressure to represent
these words as single tokens, except in unusual contexts where typographical white space
is a technical liability—as it is in the names of Web addresses, which sometimes take the
form of collocations such as iknowican, howstuffworks, georgewbushforpresident, or
lexicalized noun phrases like those that are the object of my study.
Second, it is not obvious that many of the lexicalized noun phrases I have
identified in the Engineering corpus have lost much of their semantic transparency, at
least to the extreme that lighthouse has. In my study, I have departed from tradition by
making no reference to semantic opacity as a defining criterion of lexicalized noun
phrases. I have seen no need to, partly because metalinguistic cues that identify their

lexical status are frequent enough in a corpus of coherent text to be the object of rigorous
study, and partly because the theoretical issues regarding semantic composition remain
controversial. Consider, for example, the phrase artificial intelligence. Computer
programs that mimic the cognitive processes of humans can certainly be characterized as
intelligence that is artificial, but the phrase artificial intelligence does not convey the fact
that this is also the name of an established area of study in computer science. As I argued
in Chapter 1, perhaps a small degree of semantic transparency is lost as soon as a phrase
is adopted as a name. Though the phrase is now ambiguous between a name and a
description, the name persists because the act of naming is psychologically difficult, and
a name that depicts salient characteristics of a concept eases the burden of processing for
both speaker and listener. As a result, further semantic drift may not be observable for a
long time, if ever.
Because most lexicalized noun phrases are probably not destined to assume what
many scholars would argue to be the two defining characteristics of words, the research
issues surrounding the status of integrated circuits, internet services, water supply
systems, and garbage collection algorithm will remain unresolved. But if, as I have
claimed, such phrases are words, we should be able to notice side effects in the lexicon,
and I believe we can.
One consequence is, simply, that the lexicon might be much bigger than we have
previously assumed. This can be studied as a psycholinguistic issue, as I hinted in
Chapter 3. If hesitations in speech occur before and after phrases such as rights
mangement, but not in the middle, then we might reasonably think of this as a lexical
chunk that is as solid as eggplant. And if failures of communication occur when a
perfectly transparent phrase such as legal deposit is not understood and a speaker refers
to it as ‘vocabulary,’ then this must be a word that names a persistent concept, not a
description whose meaning is clear from immediate experience.
In the study of collocations in the mental lexicon, foreign-language teachers are
on the forefront. As a student of German in the 1970s, I had to memorize long lists of
‘separable-prefix verbs’ such as ab-hacken (to tear apart). Foreign-language teachers

now routinely comb the research results of corpus linguists for lists of collocations like
the ones that can be extracted from coherent text with the software I have developed
because they understand that, to become fluent speakers, students must confront recurrent
sequences of words as lexical knowledge to be memorized, and not to be re-composed on
the fly as needed.
Is this enlarged lexicon just a big list, or are the entries connected by lexical
relations? Of course, the more interesting possiblity is the second one. And the authors
of the Engineering Information Thesaurus, at least, believe that the lexicalized noun
phrases in engineering enter into hypernomy/hypony relationships with single words, as
in abutments/bridge components, as well other noun phrases, as in acoustic
microscopes/imaging techniques. But logically possible relationships showing relative
degrees of abstraction may not require that the phrases in the relationship be lexicalized
because the same relationship connects cars and the ordinary syntactic phrases green
cars, expensive cars or big cars. Pairs of words and phrases in such relationships that are
undeniably lexicalized are members of word associations such as hot/cold and thick/thin.
Unfortunately, as any student of psycholinguistics knows, word associations are
positively correlated with word frequency, and if lexicalized noun phrases are words,
they are not the highly frequent ones that would be likely to participate in such
But consider the snippet from a letter that a cancer patient’s family physician
received when the patient returned from a visit to an oncologist: ‘Since the lesion appears
to be completely excised at this time and is unlikely to have an impact on her overall
survival, I have not scheduled a return appointment.’ Is this good news? The key to
understanding this sentence is the phrase overall survival, which we can analyze by
processing a corpus of medical texts about oncology harvested from the Web in 1999
using the software that I have described in this dissertation. Table 5.1 lists some

1. Early trials suggested disease-free and overall survival benefit for node-negative patients.

2. CMFPT, given for 1 year, failed to improve either disease-free or overall survival compared
surgery alone.

3. No differences in disease-free survival and overall survival were observed in these two treatment

4. Throughout 5 years of followup, the chemotherapy plus tamoxifen regimen resulted in a 91%
disease-free survival and a 96% overall survival.

5. There was, however, no significant difference in the disease-free, distant disease-free, or overall
survival in the patients receiving preoperative chemotherapy as compared to those receiving
postoperative chemotherapy.

Table 5.1. Citations of overall survival in a corpus of medical text

In all of the citations except for Sentence 5, overall survival is conjoined with
disease-free survival, which reveals volumes to the perceptive linguist. First, we can
infer that overall survival is a collocation because the same expression appears in the
oncologist’s letter as well as in a random collection medical research articles discovered
on the Web by an automated process. If so, we can infer that disease-free survival is
probably a collocation, too, because it is conjoined with a lexicalized noun phrase, which
also implies that it has a related meaning. Moreover, Sentence 1 shows that overall
survival and disease-free survival both appear as modifiers of a compound noun, forming
the expressions overall survival benefit and disease-free survival benefit. Sentence 4
provides further evidence that overall survival and disease-free survival are lexicalized
and drops a hint at how the meanings of the two phrases differ: overall survival is not as
hard to obtain in a study of medical treatment regimens as disease-free survival. On the
basis of this evidence, I would claim that overall survival and disease-free survival are
highly associated lexicalized noun phrases in the oncologist’s mental lexicon, and the
oncologist’s choice of the first expression in the letter about the patient permits the
inference that the lesion could recur but is not life-threatening. This example also shows
that, when laymen have access to the conventional names of concepts in an unfamiliar
subject, they have a powerful tool for unlocking its secrets.

5.2. Some extensions

One goal of this research was to establish support for the claim that noun phrases
can be classified as syntactic or lexicalized, based on linguistically sophisticated evidence
found in a corpus of coherent text. This goal was stated in general, and perhaps vague,
terms for two reasons. First, it was not obvious at the outset that lexicalized noun phrases
are sufficiently stable and persistent to be easily distinguishable from syntactic phrases,
especially in a technical subject domain that is constantly evolving and for which non-
specialists have no clear intuitions. Second, the goal was operationalized by assuming
that the task is to automate the discovery of new terminology that could be added to a
dictionary of engineering terms, whose entries may encompass many semantic classes,
including names of sub-disciplines such as mathematical sciences, earth sciences and
computer science; or names of substances, such as zeolite-encapsulated iron and mercury
Of course, the methodology that I used in this dissertation could be applied in
more focused studies of lexicalized noun phrases that belong to a single semantic class.
In Section 3.4.1 of Chapter 3, I mentioned one study that is already underway devoted to
the automatic discovery of the hierarchical structure of discipline names. Engineering is
more abstract than environmental technology, which is, in turn, more abstract than
agribiodiversity assessment. And it may not be coincidental that the first appears as the
object of careers in…, while the second and third are the objects of workshop on…,
suggesting that only the last two phrases name concepts that are close to the leading edge
of knowledge in this field of study.
As another example, the computational techniques used in my study can extract
names of machines and manufactured artifacts, which are abundant in a corpus of
engineering text. The object of manufacturer-of includes noun phrases such as bjork-
shiley heart valve, ozone water treatment equipment, engineered industrial products,
biological wastewater treatment equipment, screening equipment, filter presses, sludge
dryers, the vortisand ultrafine water filtration system, memory upgrade modules, and
auto speaker cabinets. For ease of computation, I restricted my attention to a small
number of syntactic and lexical contexts in this dissertation, but an analysis that does not

extend to the syntactic objects of verbs is arbitrarily restricted. After all, rich contexts for
lexicalized noun phrases such as study of, design of, application of, and others listed in
Table 4.2 in Chapter 4, are nominalizations of common verbs and many of the same
phrases can be observed in the corpus as objects of the corresponding verbs.

5.3. Future prospects

The research reported in this dissertation has so many potential applications that I
was motivated to conduct my study by a sense of urgency. It is a truism in the
computational linguistics community that vocabulary acquisition is a bottleneck that
impedes progress in the development of sophisticated language understanding systems.
As a result, nearly 50% of the papers presented at recent international computational
linguistics conferences have been devoted to the problem of lexical knowledge
But the output of the software I have described is valuable even if it is not made
available to a larger natural language processing system. As an organizing theme, I
focused my research on the practical application of creating an automated tool that assists
a lexicographer in selecting candidates for a future edition of an engineering dictionary.
But lexicographers are not the only potential beneficiaries. Lexicalized noun phrases are
so important for the effective use of Internet search engines that a recently published
book (MacDonald and MacDonald 2001) contains nothing more than lists of words and
phrases that the authors judge to be effective search terms related to various subjects.
The section on engineering lists highly abstract lexicalized phrases such as systems
engineering and automatic control, but none of the entries come close to the specificity
of digital watermarking, which my software discovered as the object of the lexical cue
bibliography-on. When digital watermarking is used as a query in an Internet search
engine, it yields just five documents, all on the same subject, one of which is an
annotated bibliography12 that defines the phrase and describes its connection to
steganography, cryptography and data hiding. Lexicalized noun phrases are effective
search terms because they have established, stable referents in a single subject domain.

Accessible at: <http://www.jjtc.com/Steganography/>
But syntactic phrases are useless in this task, just as they would be uninformative clutter
in a dictionary. But when the syntactic phrase comprehensive environment is used as a
search term, it yields 1200 matches on no particular subject.
Nevertheless, I am not optimistic that the extraction of lexicalized noun phrases
from stores of coherent text will be a fully automated process in the foreseeable future. I
have identified many points in my analysis where important details have been glossed
over. Until more effective solutions to these problems are implemented, the output will
appear to be noisy to the intended audience. As a result, human involvement will be
necessary for guiding the analysis, or for selecting and evaluating the output. But the
identification of lexicalized noun phrases remains an enduring subject for basic research.


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