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TITM Errata 100116red

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Tigers in the Mist Errata and Clarifications

1 October 2016
Latest changes are in RED.


Sequence of Play: "7. Supply Phase" should be relabeled "Attrition Phase."


5.23: Only those Allied units that have a green triangle in the bottom right corner of
their counter are eligible to move on the first impulse of December 16. These units may
not move across a red or green scenario line on the 16-1 impulse. No other Allied units
may move on the 16-1 impulse. Any Allied unit (except armor or units in an area where
German units are present) may entrench on the first impulse of December 16.

6.0: In the sequence of play, IV-VII should read "Steps I, II and III above are repeated..."
instead of "Steps II and III above are repeated..."

8.26: Add: Units may move from an on board area into a perimeter zone. Note that
subsections 11.2 and 12.2 contain some restrictions which may apply to movement to
or from zones.

8.295: Under the original rules, when a hole existed in the enemy line, supply could be
traced to just about anywhere on the map. This led to some unrealistic play situations.

When a hole exists in either sides line at the end of a player impulse, place a movement
marker on the hole(s) to indicate a point from where supply for units to be moved on
the following impulse may be traced. The marker is placed on the closest connecting
area between two friendly units that is closest to the other players supply zones. Moving
units must pass through this area prior to moving further from their supply zones.
Examples follow.

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 1

Example 1.
There is a hole in the US line at Rochefort at the beginning of the turn. German units at
Wellin, Grupont and Marche may not move further from their supply zones without first
passing through Rochefort. Any of these three German units may move directly to
Rochefort and then to Forzee and continue moving. The units at Petit Han and Ouffet
may not move past the US line on this impulse.

Example 2.
There is a hole in the US line at Noville at the beginning of the turn. German units at
Bastogne, Longvilly and Houffalize may not move further from their supply zones
without first passing through Noville. Any of these three German units may move
directly to Noville and then to Bertogne and continue moving.

If the US unit in Longvilly was not present, the marker would still go to Noville because it
is closer to Zones B & C than Bertogne.

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 2

If the German unit was in Longvilly, but there was not one in Bastogne, the marker would
still go into Noville, not Buret, because Noville is one area from both Longvilly and
Houffalize whereas Buret is two areas from Houffalize.

Example 3.
There are holes in the US line at Noville and Martelange at the beginning of the Dec 18
turn. These holes are marked with German Moved counters. German units at Bastogne,
Longvilly, and Houffalize must move through Noville prior to entering Bertogne. German
units at Martelange may move to Fauvilliers. German units in Bastogne may not move
directly to Nives.

8.34: Delete the word "have"

8.34: Units may not cross rivers where there is no bridge or blown bridge. The first
paragraph of 8.2 clearly states that movement between adjacent areas must be along

11.11: Some US reinforcements specify multiple zones for their initial deployment (eg. D
E F). The owning player may place those reinforcements in the possible entry zones in
whatever combination he prefers.

11.24: Allied units may exit the map via a perimeter zone (D-P only) and re-enter the
map at another zone after paying impulse and movement penalties per rule 11.14. In the
smaller scenarios, on map units may not move to or from a zone if that requires them to
move out of the scenario playing limits.

11.33: Superiority in only one of the listed areas is sufficient to release Axis contingent
reinforcements. The OB cards for the scenarios are very explicit compared to the rules.

11.34: German reinforcements are not released if the unit(s) in the release area are
placed OOS during the same game impulse superiority for release is achieved.

12.22: To effect control of a VP area, a unit must end an impulse in the area. Units can
later move out of the area and it will still generate VP for that side, but the initial change
of possession must be effected by a unit ending a player impulse in the VP area.

12.22: VP for control of on board areas is only scored if the units in the VP area are in
supply at the end of the turn.
TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 3
12.23: Add: VP for occupation of zones is only scored at the end of a scenario.

12.26: The German player scores VP normally at the end of the 22-1 impulse in the
scenarios that end on 22-1. For scoring purposes, this one impulse counts as an entire

13.21: Attrition losses occur simultaneously for both sides. Therefore attrition losses
have no effect on the OOS condition of any of the affected units for the current
Attrition Phase.

14.13: In the smaller scenarios, the German Special Forces Unit may not be placed
outside of the scenario lines for the scenario being played.

Examples of Play

Combat; the US mech unit shown in the example should have a strength of three in order
to agree with the text.

Scenario Cards

5th Panzer Army Scenario card: for impulse 20-1, Beaufays and Oneux should be deleted
from the list of areas for conditional reinforcements because they lie outside the map
boundary for the scenario.

7th Army Scenario card, Turn Record Track: the first "16-3" should be a "16-2".


Introductory Scenario (The 7th Army Attacks)

Special Rules
Add: For the Seventh Army scenario ONLY, Mersch is also a US supply source.


Due to an oversight, no substitute Wehrmacht mech units were printed. Use SS mech
substitutes instead. We hope GMT will print some in an upcoming issue of C3i.

Questions and Answers

Q. (7.2) Is it legal to overstack in an area by bringing in fresh troops from behind the
line and take the stacking losses from weak or already committed units?

A. No. Rule 7.2 was written so that there was a penalty for mistaken overstacking, not
so it could be twisted in an unreasonable fashion so as to circumvent the intent of the
general stacking limit rules. Killing your own exhausted troops in order to make room for
fresher units is not allowed.

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 4

Q. (8.28) May a unit in a scenario enter the active playing area at a location where it
would be out of supply?

A. No. See Rule 8.28.

Q. (8.28) Is a supplied unit allowed to move so that during the move it's OOS, but at
the end in supply?

A. No.

Q. (8.28, 13.23) May a unit that is out of supply move away from it’s own lines?

A. A unit that is OOS may move further OOS (one area). If it is not OOS, it may not
move so as to become OOS.

Q. (8.3) Friendly Unit A (foot infantry) starts next to bridge and attempts to cross.
Enemy Unit X blows bridge. Unit A loses 1 MP, so now has 4 MPs. Can Unit A cross river
(3 for river crossing, +1 for entering enemy occupied area)?

A. Yes, it can still cross the river for 4 additional MP (total of 5).

Q. (8.3) Same situation as the above question, but Unit A just decides to cross the
river so the bridge won't be blown. Is this legal?

A. Not legal. If the bridge is up, you must attempt to cross using it.

Q. Under Rule 8.34 and 8.35, mechanized/motorized/engineer unit can cross a river as
foot infantry. Is this OK?

A. Yes, they may cross, but must move at 5 MP during that impulse and all following
impulses until they can trace a supply line back to a supply source without the supply
line crossing a blown bridge.

Q. (8.34) At what point in a turn does a mech unit announce it's going to move strictly
on foot in order to cross a river at a blown bridge?

A. Whenever the owning player chooses, so long as the unit does not spend more than
5 MP. The owning player can see if the bridge is blown first prior to changing to foot

Q. (8.52) Can an engineer moving as foot infantry (across a blown bridge) move 3 MP
and then entrench?

A. No. It costs engineers 4 MP to entrench. Engineers moving as foot infantry have

only 5 MP.

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 5

Q. (8.53) May an infantry unit move and in the next impulse, on the same day,

A. No.

Q. (9.14) If units move out of a contested area and leave some other units behind,
must the units left behind attack the defending units or become committed (receiving a
“moved” marker)?

A. No. Units in a contested area are only required to attack or become committed if
other units starting in that area or entering it attack defending units in the contested

Q. (9.46) If all attackers in a battle are eliminated, does their supporting artillery get to

A. Yes.

Q. (9.51) When motorized/mech/engineer units cross a river as foot infantry and go to

combat in the destination Area, can I treat these units as mechanized in combat?

A. The unit quality does not change as a result of the river fording rules.

Q. (9.46) (9.53) The attacker has four 1SP units: eng, mech, armor, foot infantry. May
defending artillery fire on the engineer? Is the defenders 1SP foot unit constrained to
fire on the attacking foot infantry or may it also fire on the engineer (if it survives the
artillery shot)?

A. Yes. Artillery may fire on the engineer. In this situation, 9.53 would be superceded
by rule 9.52. So unit quality requirements for targeting by ground units would be in
effect. The defender must fire on the foot unit.

Q. (10.21) Can units in an Perimeter Zone blow a bridge? It looks like the Allied player
can leave reinforcing units in Zones G and H and blow bridges in the face of advancing

A. Yes.

Q. (10.23) Does a defending infantry type unit get a bridge demolition die roll for each
unit that attempts to cross the SAME bridge into its area or only one per impulse?

A. No. There is only one bridge demo roll per bridge per impulse.

Q. (10.23) Could a stack of defending infantry type units attempt to blow up two
bridges each or is the two bridge limit/Impulse the limit for the whole stack?

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 6

A. The limit is per unit. For example: The US has a unit in Trois Ponts. The Germans try
to enter from Vielsalm, Stavelot, and Stoumont. The US unit can only attempt to blow
two of those bridges. If the US had two units in Trois Ponts, they could attempt to blow
all three bridges as the Germans tried to cross each, however they get only one demo
attempt per bridge.

Q. (10.23) Can a defending unit refuse to blow a bridge?

A. Yes. However, that refusal counts as an attempt to blow a bridge anyway.

Q. (10.24) An enemy unit is defending behind a river. Unit A enters the defenders area.
The bridge either blows or doesn’t, but unit A has enough movement to enter the area in
either case. Later in the same impulse, the player on the move attempts to move unit B
into the defenders area via another bridge. May the defender attempt to blow this

A. Yes. Rule 10.24 specifies that the defender may not blow bridges only if the
attacker has a unit in the area at the start of the impulse.

Q. (11.14) When a player wants to enter a reinforcement from a different zone, when
must he announce his intention?

A. On the impulse he intends to move the units. Example: A reinforcing unit is placed in
zone E on 17-1. On 17-2 it can enter at zone E [with no MP penalty] or at zones D or F
with the MP penalty.

Q. (11.21) What happens if a German unit enters a VP zone where Allied reinforcements
has been placed this impulse or if Allied units were left in the zone from an earlier
impulse. Are the Allied units forbidden to leave that zone and enter an adjacent area?

A. Yes.

Q. (11.21) If yes (to the question above), can they "move" to an adjacent zone
following rule 11.14, next impulse at a cost of 2 MPs per zone?

A. Yes

Q. (13.21) Units of each side occupy adjacent areas. During following impulses, both
become OOS. (Both OOS units are part of the reason the other is OOS) Which unit
suffers OOS attrition first? This could be critical since one unit surrendering might open
an LOS to the other.

A. The rules don't specify attrition order. Therefore both sides suffer attrition
simultaneously, irregardless of the effect of the attrition on the OOS condition of any of
the affected units.

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 7

Q. 5th panzer Army Scenario: Rules say that: "The scenario ends at the end of the
German December 22 - 1 impulse". This says to me that the game ends at the end of
phase II, and that it goes directly to IX Victory phase. No US move or combat and no
Attrition phase.

But then, back at the beginning of the rules under 6.0 there is an exception that says
each player gets an impulse on 22 - 1.

As I see it the exception refers solely to the Campaign. In the 5th Panzer the Germans
only get a 22 - 1 impulse. Not the US.

A. Correct

Q. The question that is left in my mind is: Is there an Attrition Phase in either scenario?

A. No

TITM Errata 1 Oct 16 Page 8

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