Axis and Allies Special Units W - HGB Pieces

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These rules are meant to amend or replace the existing rules of Global 1940: A3. As a rule of
thumb, if there is a rule that directly refers to the same gameplay actions as the ones described in the
book, this rulebook overrides those in the official rules. If there are additional rules in the original
rulebook describing rules not covered in this book, use them in addition to these rules here.


Throughout the rulebook, the number that each unit hits on is written as ​number​/​number​. This is to
differentiate between d6 combat and d12 combat. Refer to the first number for d6 combat, and the second
number for d12 combat.

Supply: (Optional​) ​In this rule, players must choose carefully which tiles are in supply. Two supply
tokens can be purchased for the price of 1 IPC, and completely supplies all units within the chosen tile.
Once bought, the supply token can be placed anywhere on the map that draws a direct line through land or
sea tiles back to closest controlled victory city. If the supply line is cut, and no new line can be drawn, the
unit is out supplies and cannot move or attack. The supply token is returned to the tray. If the unit loses
its supply token, and a new line can be drawn once again, then the player may buy a new supply token to
resupply his troops. Once supplied the units are now considered supplied (effectively immediately?).
Enemy units can capture unguarded supply tokens, and from captured territories.

Modified Victory Condition Rules: If the Allied players agree to the rule before the game starts, the
Allied players may not necessarily be on the same side. During the game, the Allied players will be split
into three sides, the UK and her Commonwealths(ANZAC/FEC), the US, and the Soviets. For every
victory city liberated and held for one turn, that one side who captured the city earns one Victory point.
For every enemy capital captured, Berlin or Tokyo, will be awarded three Victory points. If the allies
win, one or multiple sides may claim complete victory. Allied nations may not attack each other.
If the entire Allied team wishes to win together, they may choose to not activate this rule.

The German player and Japanese player must each conquer and hold 8 victory cities and 6 victory
cities respectively to achieve victory.
Airfield Damage Rules:
For every two points of damage, the airfield may scramble one lesser unit. At 5 points of
damage, the airfield does not give the additional movement bonus to friendly aircraft.

Destroying own facilities.

Lend-Lease Program: During the Purchase phase of a player’s turn, players on the same side of the game,
whether it be Axis or Allies, may exchange wealth and equipment amongst each other. Players can trade
two types of goods, capital, or units.b For example, the US player may deliver any goods or capital to
China but does not have to be at war with Japan. To deliver capital, a player simply chooses another
player to receive the IPCs, and the receiving player can utilize the additional IPCs at the start of their next
opportunity, if the delivery was successful. Regardless of the result of the delivery, the giving player
subtracts that many IPCs from his total. If the giving and receiving player are separated by an ocean or
enemy territory, draw out a route that connects one tile of the delivering player to one tile of a receiving
player. This route may be whatever length, but must not cross a tile that contain any enemy units, and can
cross through a tile with friendly or allied units. A country can receive a max of 12 IPCs a turn, by any
combination of countries.

Countries can also agree to send units to another nation, to achieve any military objective that they see fit.
Only the UK, the UK FEC, the US, the Soviet Union, France, Free France, China, or any other Allied
country can exchange units with each other, while only Germany and Italy can trade with each other. If
the giving and receiving player are separated by an ocean or enemy territory, then draw out the shortest
direct line from a territory of the giving player to a single territory of the receiving player. Once drawn,
refer to the chart and roll a D12 for each of the units or IPCs. If the units are successfully delivered, then
the receiving player places the delivered units in the territory selected, and can utilize those units at the
start of the receiving player’s next turn. A max of 15 IPCs worth of units may be delivered, overall, to
one country per turn.

To see if the delivery succeeds, refer to this chart

If a 1-10: the delivery was successful, and the receiving country gains that
amount of IPCs or the delivered units the next turn.

If a 11-12: the delivery was unsuccessful, and the IPCs or units are lost

If the delivery was unsuccessful, and there is an enemy unit within one tile of delivery route:
If a 1-8: the IPCs or units are lost and are never found by any nation

If a 9-12: the IPCs or units are captured by the enemy nation with the most
powerful and closest group of enemy units. If no enemy group is within two
tiles, choose the enemy nation with the closest land tiles.
The many countries of the game are distributed among seven players in the game. The distributions are:

USA, China
UK (London, African territory, Middle Eastern Territory), France
UK FEC (India, Asian Territory), ANZAC
Soviet Union, Mongolia


Heavy Carrier
Atk: 2/3
Def: 3/6
Mov: 2
Cost: 20
Special Rules:
“Mobile Airport”
This unit may hold and launch three fighters/tactical bombers, or a single strategic bomber and a
fighter/tactical bomber. This units also acts as an airport for all movement means, and grants the normal
bonuses to departing aircraft just as a typical airport would. The airport is destroyed when the carrier is


Anti-Aircraft Gun (Against Land Units)

Atk: n/a
Def: 2/3
Mov: Non-combat only: 1
Cost: 5

Special Rules:
Anti-Aircraft guns may participate in land battles if the player controlling them chooses to not engage in
combat with enemy air forces

Elite Infantry
Atk: 1/3
Def: 2/5
Mov: 1
Cost: 4

Special Rules:
Elite Infantry each have different special abilities based on the country that built them, for example, US
Rangers were renowned for their leadership ability, while SS were known for their fanatic dedication to
the Reich. France, Italy, and China do not have their own special Elite Infantry, though they can create
generic Elite Infantry with an attack of 1/3 and a defense of 2/5. Chinese elite infantry may be built in a
victory city or in a tilt connected by the Burma Road.

At the beginning of the game, before the partisan phase, each allied country may replace one infantry on a
victory city tile with that country’s elite infantry. China does not replace on of their infantry with an elite
infantry. Each Axis country may replace two infantry on a victory city tile with elite infantry of their

United States: During land or amphibious combat, the Rangers can reroll dice after all dice have
been rolled. The US player chooses one US land unit to reroll its combat dice. If the unit hits,
add an additional casualty on the enemy units. Even if the reroll is worse, the player must still
keep the second roll. This ability does stack, so more Ranger units do allow the player to reroll
more dice. Only two Rangers units may exist at any given time.

USSR: Unlike typical infantry, the Guards take two hits to be destroyed in combat. If the unit
survives combat, then the unit is automatically healed to full health the next turn. Only three
Guards unit may exist at one given time.

Japan: The SNLF act as standard Elite Infantry, except that they defend at 3/6 instead of the
typical 2/4. Only 3 SNLF infantry units can exist as one time.

UK: On the first round of combat, if the British Commando unit hits, then the enemy player must
remove on of their units immediately before the removed unit has the ability to fire. Only three
British Commandos may exist at one time

Germany: During combat, a SS infantry unit can engage enemy partisan units during their combat
moves, cannot be targeted by the partisan “Ambush!” ability, and suppress all partisan special
abilities. In combat with partisans, the SS unit may force a partisan unit to reroll once per game.
Only 3 SS units may exist at one time.
(Alternate SS): The SS unit gains a +1 (D12 only) to attack and defense against Soviet units.
Only 3 SS units may be built at a time.

Atk: 2/3
Def: 2/3
Mov: 1
Cost: 3
1. If a country’s capital has been captured, the player of the country may build a free partisan unit
every other turn in any of their original tiles as long as it does not exceed the maximum allotted.
2. This unit may attack and move like normal like any other units during the Partisan phase.
Partisans must first move, then attack. Partisans can not take over territory.
3. When moving, partisans may move through water tiles at a speed of 1. Naval bases do allow
partisans to move two tiles instead of 1. There is no combat in the ocean between partisans. In
addition, partisans can move through enemy and neutral territories and water tiles without
instigating conflict.
4. (Only use if you are using the supply rule) Does not require supply to attack
5. There is a maximum number of partisans for each country. They are as follows: USA: 2,
AODW: 3, E or P only game: 1, France: 1, UK London: 1, UK FEC: 2, Japan: 2, USSR: 2
AODW: 3 , Germany: 3, Italy: 1. Players can never exceed these national maximums for
partisans. If a country is not mentioned here, then that country may not build partisans
6. Partisan units can be upgraded to regular Infantry units for free, but it can only be upgraded in a
friendly territory. The new infantry unit loses all qualities of a partisan unit and becomes a
typical infantry unit.

Partisan turn order: Before the commencement of any of the player’s turns, players may purchase, place,
and activate partisan units. If a partisan unit is created, it can be placed and used that turn. The order of
the partisan phrase follows a simple turn order. Axis partisans move first, then Allies partisans move,
then Axis partisans attack or use their special ability, followed by the same actions by the Allies. First,
each player activates each of their partisans once. This activation may be an attack, move, or a special
ability. After every partisan has been activated once, a second round of activations is started, and all the
partisans are activated again. The partial phase is over once all players have finished their partisan related
unit activities.

Partisans, once bought, are instantly placed in any friendly or allied territory. Players can build partisans
in neutral countries with their corresponding political leaning.

Partisan Special Ability

Partisan units may initiate ambushes against enemy troops within the same tile. They attack at a 2/3, and
if they hit, one enemy unit is immediately removed from play. The surviving defending troops may not
return fire, and casualties are taken. The partisan player must retreat after one turn of combat with enemy
troops, but can continue combat with other partisans indefinitely. If partisans are engaging each other, the
immediate casualty rule is not used.

“Viva la Resistance!”
This unit may complete one of the following actions during its combat move, when it decides to invoke
the the “Viva La Resistance” special ability. You must roll lower than the number given to succeed on
the action.

Infrastructure Damage 3 Partisans make a strategic attack on a local

factory, naval port, airport, or anti-aircraft gun.
Success causes 2 point value if a 2 or 3 was
rolled. If a 1 was rolled, the target takes 3 points
of damage. If the target was an anti-aircraft gun
and it succeeds, the AA gun is automatically

Combat Support 4 After a successful roll, partisans assist invading

forces, so each successful partisan may be taken
as a casualty instead of a friendly unit. This only
occurs when combat is initiated between friendly
forces and enemy forces within the same territory
that the partisans currently reside in, or in an
adjacent territory where combat is also taking
place. Successful partisans may choose when
and what unit they sacrifice for. A player with
partisans who have successfully rolled for
Combat Support may refuse to grant combat
support to a battle for any reason.

Counter-partisan Tactics 2/3/2 Partisans can attempt to cancel enemy partisan

special abilities. If the enemy partisan is within
the same tile, and succeeds on its action, roll a
D12. If you reach the minimum number, the
effects of the enemy’s special ability is cancelled.

Recruit 3 For every successful usage of this action, one

additional partisan unit is created for free, in the
same tile or in an adjacent tile. Partisan unit
numbers may not exceed the pre-established
maximum of their own country.

Tank Destroyer
Atk: 3/7
Def: 4/8
Mov: 2
Cost: 8

Special Rules:
If enemy tanks are present in the same combat as this unit, and this unit scores a hit, the enemy must take
a tank or tank destroyer as a hit. 1 Tank Destroyer may be built a turn from any single player.

Heavy Tank
Atk: 4/8
Def: 4/7
Mov: 2
Cost: 7

Special Rules:
Though heavy tanks are available to UK London, Germany, Italy, and the USSR, Italy, UK London, and
France can only build one per turn, and the USA can build two. Germany and the USSR can build three
per turn.

Atk: 1/2

Def: 1/3
Mov: 1
Cost: 3

Special Rules:
The conscript can be placed in any original territory of the player. Only three conscripts may be built a
turn. The maximum number of conscripts that can be placed in a country is two for tiles with an IPC
value of 0-2, while for tiles with an IPC value of 3 or higher the building player may place 3 conscripts.


Duty to the Motherland: This rule has two phases, both of which affect the abilities of Russian infantry.

Phase 1 (Soviet People’s Partisans): Two partisan units may be bought for 4 IPCs, and the USSR may
have up to 3 partisans on the board at a time

Phase 2: (Grand Soviet Conscription): Every turn, the Soviet player gains one free infantry for every 2
infantry bought.

Phase 3 (The People’s Army): The Russian player may place non-conscripted infantry in any original
Soviet or currently Soviet controlled territory with an IPC value of 3 or higher. The number of infantry
that can be built within a tile with an IPC value of 2 or higher is equal to the IPC value of the territory.

Phase 4 (Soviet Masses): All Russian infantry have attack values of 1/2 and defense values of 1/3, instead
of the typical values of 1/2 and 2/4 respectively.

Second Capital:
If Moscow was captured, give all possible IPCs from Russia’s coffers to Germany. Relocate Russia’s
capital in Stalingrad or Leningrad if possible. The USSR may continue to fight as normal.


The Sleeping Giant:

Once one of the following events are triggered, the US player gains the corresponding number of IPCs to
their new income.

Germany/Italy attacks France: +5

Germany/Italy attacks Great Britain (London, Liverpool, and/or Scotland): +15
Germany/Italy/Japan attacks Russia: +10
Germany/Italy attacks any territory in South America or enters Argentina: +20
An unprovoked declaration of war by Japan on the U.K./Commonwealth: +15
Japan attacks Australia and/or New Zealand mainland: +10
Germany/Japan attacks Moscow +5
Germany/Japan/Italy attacks Cairo +5


Tiger I Tank
Atk: 4/9
Def: 3/8
Mov: 2
Cost: 8

Death Camps: During the purchase phase of the German player, he may choose to spend 6 IPCs to create
a concentration camp within an original German territory. That camp generates an IPC value equal to that
rolled of a D6 each turn on the Collect Income phase. But, if the territory that the camp is located in is
captured, the German player loses 3 IPCs and the capturing player gains one partisan unit that may be
used immediately that may exceed the partisan limit for each country.

Once per turn per camp roll a D12:

If a 10-12: Hitler has decided to execute all the occupants of the camp. Subtract 4 ICPs, and resume
normal operations once new occupants are captured and sent to the camp.

Surprise Attack: Once during the first three turns of the game, the German player may initiate a surprise
attack against any enemy tile. Once the tile is selected and the German units attack, all German units
attack at a +1 (D12) and all enemy units defend at a -1 (D12). German units may not retreat once the
combat is initiated.

Wolf Pack:
Groups of more than 3 German U-Boats attack at a +1.

Germany may buy Tiger tanks or tank destroyers the turn after the German player declares war on the


Kamikaze Modified Rules: The Japanese player may utilize the kamikaze rule against facilities, but the
fighter may only use kamikaze on offense if the regular rules of kamikaze are in effect. Japan may
conduct kamikaze attacks in the Philippines, Malaysia, Kwangtung, India, Kiangsu, Japan, Sydney, and
Hawaii. To attack, the kamikazing aircraft must bypass the facilities AA guns, and then it may hit the
facility. Abide by all other kamikaze rules. If it succeeds, roll a D12:

If a 1-2: deal 3 points of damage to the facility;

If a 4-10: deal 2 points of damage to the facility;
If a 11-12: deal 1 points of damage to the facility.


Their Finest Hour:

All infantry defend at +1 while defending Great Britain (London, Liverpool, Scotland, and Belfast).
Fighters defend at +2 while defending Great Britain (does not include scrambling to defend sea zones).

Call to Arms:
On the turn that Great Britain (London, Liverpool, Scotland, and Belfast) is attacked by any Axis land
units, U.K. infantry cost 2 Production for that round only. This may only be used the first time it occurs.

The Sun Never Sets:

If Axis units occupy London, the Commonwealth loses all of their Production Certificates to the bank
instead of to the enemy player, but can move the capitol to either Ottawa or South Africa and continue to

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