Jojms MS Id 555652
Jojms MS Id 555652
Jojms MS Id 555652
The experiment was carried out at the Agronomy Field of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Lamjung during kharif season
of 2017 to find out the effect of spacing and number of seedlings hill-1 on the performance of old aged seedling of Hybrid rice (U.S. 312). The land
was moderately fertile with clay loam soil type with pH 5.7. Two factors were used a) Spacing of transplanting b) Seedling number hill-1. Spacing
of transplanting used was 15cm x 15cm (S1), 15 cm x 20 cm (S2), 20cm x 20cm (S3) and seedling number per hill were single seedling per hill,
double seedling hill-1 and triple seedling hill-1. The experiment was laid in two factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three
replications. Effect of Spacing and seedlings number hill-1 was significant for most of the parameters except plant height, panicle length, straw
yield and harvest index. Results revealed that maximum grain yield (3.40 t/ha) with mean harvest index 0.31 was found in 20cm x 20cm spacing.
Similar results were obtained in case of effective tillers (8.55), filled grain/ panicle (89.42), Spikelet fertility (81.29%) and panicle length (26.04),
where 20cm x 20cm spacing recorded the higher value compared to others. In case of Seedling number hill-1, Grain yield was found similar in
all seedling number hill-1 but other parameters like effective tillers (9.12), filled grain/ panicle (87.57), Spikelet fertility (79.01%) and panicle
length (26.65) were found statistically superior in triple seedling hill-1. The interaction between spacing and seedling numbers/ hill was found
non-significant for all the parameters used in the research. 20cm x 20cm spacing with triple seedlings/hill was found superior in majority of
parameters used. However, the results need to be confirmed for different aged seedlings used by farmers in Nepal.
Keywords: Hybrid rice; Seedling number hill-1; Spacing
number of tillers produced per hill. Higher the tillering higher
Rice is a staple food crop belonging to Family Graminae &
will be the yield of rice. When seedlings stay for a longer
genus Oryzae linn (Grist, 1986). It is grown in 114 countries
period of time in the nursery beds, primary tiller buds on the
across the world in around 150 million ha (11% of the world’s
lower nodes of the main culm become degenerated leading to
cultivated land), producing 575 million ton with an average
reduced tiller production [4]. Also, early transplantation allows
productivity of 3.83mt/ha [1]. In Nepal, it is cultivated in
better plant growth with short phyllochrons interval due to less
1.36-hectare area with production of 4.29 million metric ton
transplanting shock. This short phyllochrons interval facilitates
and productivity is 3.154 ton/ha in year 2015/16 [2] which is
more number of tillers produced per hill as two phyllochrons
significantly higher compared to last few decades. The same
produces another tiller later under favorable growing conditions
report of MOAD shows that 69.92% of total cultivated land of
[5]. When rice seedlings are transplanted at the right time in
Nepal is irrigated and remaining 30.08% of land is rainfed in
terms of age, tillering and growth precede normally but late
case of rice cultivation. About 49% rice cultivation of mountain
transplanting results in lower tiller number during vegetative
and and 40% rice cultivation of hilly region of Nepal is rainfed
growth [4].
respectively. Rainfed Farming system of Nepal is dependent on
monsoon rain from Bay of Bengal. Due to irregular and scattered Plant spacing and Number of seedling hill-1 is another
monsoon and disturbance in delivery of irrigation water by important factor which can play an important role in the boosting
mountainous terrain, it is difficult to forecast upcoming drought yield of rice. Many studies reveal that closer spacing may cause
in rice field in Nepalese context which force farmers to plant old mutual shading, lodging, insect pest infestation due to more
aged seedling of hybrid rice. intra-specific competition [6,7]. Optimum plant density ensures
the plant to grow properly by utilizing more solar radiation and
Age of seedling at transplanting is an important factor
soil nutrients [8]. Also, Number of seedling hill-1 influences the
for uniform stand of rice [3] as it primarily contributes to the
tiller formation, solar radiation interception, nutrient uptake, Besides this, spatial arrangement of seedling per hill helps
rate of photosynthesis and other physiological phenomena to cut down excess seed requirement and helps farmer to
which ultimately affect the growth and development of rice plant plan farming activities effectively. It is, therefore, necessary to
[9]. The lesser number of seedlings hill-1 may cause insufficient determine the suitable number of seedlings hill-1 for obtaining
tiller number, thus keeping space and nutrients underutilized higher yield from a hybrid rice variety so, the present study was
and total number of panicles unit-1 area may be reduced resulting done to evaluate performance of old aged seedling of hybrid rice
in poor gain yield. under different spacing and seedling number per hill.
Materials and method
Table 1: Effect of spacing and number of seedling/ hill on plant height, panicle length and flag leaf area of rice during kharif season, 2017.
Treatment Plant height (cm) Panicle length (cm) Flag leaf Area(cm2)
Factor A: Spacing
15 x 15cm 98.07 24.96b 40.85
15 x 20cm 101.36 26.12a 45.87
20 x 20cm 98.9 26.04a 42.17
F test (at 5%) NS * NS
LSD 5.89 0.86 6.12
Factor B: Seedling/ hill
Single seedling/ hill 97.93 25.21b 41.69
Double seedling/ hill 99.75 25.26b 44.97
Triple seedling/ hill 100.64 26.65a 42.23
F test (at 5%) NS ** NS
LSD 5.89 0.86 6.12
CV% 5.98 3.38 14.4
Grand Mean 99.44 25.71 42.96
In a column figures with same letter or without letter do not differ significantly, whereas figures with dissimilar letters differ significantly (as per
(Table 1) The experiment was carried out in agronomy field plant height was that of 15 x 20 cm (101.36 cm) whereas 15 x
of Lamjung campus during kharif season of 2017. The land was 15 cm has lowest plant height (98.07cm). In case of number of
moderately fertile with clay loam soil type with 5.7pH. 40 days seedling transplanted, planting 3 seedling /hill gives maximum
old seedlings of Hybrid rice U.S. 312 was used in experiment. height followed by double seedling /hill and single seedling/
Two factorial experiments were conducted one being Spacing hill. Similar results were observed in case of Flag leaf area where
of transplanting and other Seedling number per hill. Spacing of non-significant relation to spacing, number of seedling/hill and
transplanting used was 15cm x 15cm (S1), 15 cm x 20cm (S2), their interaction was observed. But, the highest panicle length
20cm x 20cm (S3) and seedling number per hill were single was measured in case of 15 x 20cm spacing (26.12cm) which is
seedling per hill, double seedling per hill and triple seedling statistically similar with 20 x 20cm (26.04cm). 15 x 15cm spacing
per hill. The experiment was laid in two factorial randomized has lowest panicle length (24.96cm) and found statistically
complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The unit inferior than other spacing. In case of seedling number, Panicle
plot size was 6m2 with different plant density per plot i.e. 150, length was found longest in triple seedling/ hill (26.65cm). Single
195 and 260 hills for 15cm x 15cm (S1), 15cm x 20cm (S2), and seedling/ hill have shortest panicle length (25.21cm) which is
20cm x 20cm (S3) spacing plot. Seedling were transplanted found statistically similar with double seedling/ hill (25.26cm).
accordingly, and gap filling was done after a weeks. Three weeding Similar results was observed by [10-14].
was done at 30DAT, 45 DAT and 60 DAT after transplanting. All Yield and Yield attributing characters
other operations were carried out properly and DATA was taken
In Table 2 all the parameters taken shows non-significant
at 30 DAT, 60 DAT, 90 DAT and at the time of harvesting. Grain
relationship to interaction of spacing and seedling number.
yield was adjusted to 14% moisture content and converted to t/
hec. The DATA was analyzed using R-studio and MS-Excel. Spacing and Seedling number had significant effect on total
tillers, effective tillers, filled grain and Fertility percentage. Total
Results tillers and effective tillers were observed significantly higher
Growth Character at 20 x 20cm spacing and lower at 15 x 15cm spacing. Also,
they were observed significantly higher in triple seedling/ hill
Plant height shows non-significant relation to spacing,
whereas lower value was observed in single seedling/ hill. Similar
number of seedling/hill and their interaction. However, tallest
results was obtained by Rashid and [15-18] where there was an
How to cite this article: S Pokharel, LP Amgain, B Sapkota, A Khanal, TB Gurung. Effect of Spacing and Number of Seedling Hill-1 on Grain Yield and
other Agronomic Traits of Hybrid Rice (U.S. 312) on Late Transplantation. JOJ Material Sci. 2018; 5(1): 555652. DOI: 10.19080/JOJMS.2018.04.555652.
Juniper Online Journal Material Science
increased in total tillers with increasing spacing. The number result showed that the spikelet fertility% was highest in 20 x
of filled grains was observed highest in 20 x 20cm spacing with 20cm spacing (81.29) which is statistically superior than others
mean value 89.4. In case of seedling/ hill, highest filled grains two spacing. In case of seedling/ hill, higher fertility% was
per panicle was observed in triple seedling/ hill (87.57) which observed in triple seedling/ hill (79.01%) which is statistically
is statistically superior than single seedling/ hill (77.11). This superior to single seedling/ hill (72.70%).
Table 2: Effect of Spacing and Seedling number on Yield and Yield attributing characters of rice during kharif season, 2017.
Effective Total filled Spikelets Biological Grain Yield Straw Yield Harvest
Treatment Total tillers
tillers grains Fertility % Yield (t/ha) (t/ha) (t/ha) IndexI
Factor A: Spacing
15 x 15cm 7.11b 6.19b 77.75b 71.59b 13.46ab 2.90b 10.55 0.318
15 x 20cm 8.62a 7.80a 80.44b 74.99b 12.36b 3.008ab 9.35 0.33
20 x 20cm 9.37a 8.55a 89.42a 81.29 a 14.10a 3.40a 10.7 0.315
F test (at 5%) ** ** ** *** * * NS NS
LSD 1.34 1.3 6.89 3.51 1.3 0.4 1 0.041
Factor B: Seedling/ hill
Single seedling/ hill 7.20b 6.53b 77.11b 79.01a 12.79 2.96 a 9.83 0.311
Double seedling/ hill 8.78a 7.72ab 82.93ab 76.15ab 13.49 3.11a 10.38 0.338
Triple seedling/ hill 9.12a 8.28a 87.57a 79.01a 13.63 3.23a 10.39 0.317
F test (at 5%) * * * ** NS NS NS NS
LSD 1.34 1.3 6.89 3.51 1.3 0.4 1.39 0.041
CV% 16.25 17.57 8.43 4.67 9.86 13.2 13.81 13.04
Grand Mean 8.37 7.51 82.54 7 5.95 13.31 3.1 10.2 0.32
In a column figures with same letter or without letter do not differ significantly, whereas figures with dissimilar letters differ significantly (as per
Biological yield showed significant difference with in used for research. This might be due to the easier establishment
spacing and is non-significant to number of seedling/ hill. of seedlings after transplanting because they suffer less root
Biological yield was observed 14.10ton/ha in 20 x 20cm spacing damage during uprooting, with minimum transplanting shock
which was statistically superior to 15 x 15cm spacing (13.46). and mortality rate. As the more number of seedlings is used at
Similar was the case for grain yield where the grain yield was the time of transplanting, the trauma of root damage will be less
found statistically different among various spacing and was and Seedling mortality will also be less as three seedlings jointly
independent to number of seedling/ hill. It was observed higher contribute to recover seedling from transplanting shock.
at 20 x 20cm spacing (3.40t/ha). This is in conformity with
When we observe the grain yield in case of late transplanted
earlier observations of [19]. where rice transplanted at 30cm
rice, the overall mean yield was found very low (3.1 t/hec).
x 30cm spacing yielded significantly higher grains than those
This value of yield obtained in the research seems very low as
transplanted at 10cm x 10cm spacing and 20cm x 20cm spacing
compared yield of rice at normal transplantation or productivity
respectively. Straw yield and harvest index was found statistically
of U.S 312 at research trail. In our research, we have used 40
similar for different spacing and seedling number.
days old seedling of rice and transplanted by topping upper one
Discussion third part of seedling in order to prevent lodging problem. This
has created stress in plant which has lengthened the phyllocron
Different spacing and seedling number had great role in
interval and ultimately reduced tillering capacity of rice. Besides
growth and yield characters of rice. Most of the parameters
this, as seedling stays for greater times in nursery bed, its primary
were found superior (whether statistically or arithmetic mean)
bud degenerates delaying time of primary tillers initiation and
in case of 20x20cm spacing. As the ground area per hills was
reduces the grain yield which was further reinforced in different
greater in 20x20cm compared to 15x15cm and 15x20cm
spacing and seedling number.
spacing, Plants will have more nutrient use efficiency, light
penetration, moisture and space for better crop establishment. Conclusion
There will be less competition between plants as they are spaced
As age of seedling at the time of transplanting plays great role
apart. More spacing favors larger leaf area too, which increases
in determing yield of rice, it is better not to transplant old aged
net photosynthetic assimilates and helps for vigorous growth
seedling of hybrid rice (U.S. 312) by the farmers. In extreme case,
of plant. Similarly, in case of seedling number per hills, Triple
it is suggested to plant old aged seedling at spacing 20x20cm
seedlings per hill were found superior in most of the parameters
spacing and triple seedling per hills.
How to cite this article: S Pokharel, LP Amgain, B Sapkota, A Khanal, TB Gurung. Effect of Spacing and Number of Seedling Hill-1 on Grain Yield and
other Agronomic Traits of Hybrid Rice (U.S. 312) on Late Transplantation. JOJ Material Sci. 2018; 5(1): 555652. DOI: 10.19080/JOJMS.2018.04.555652
Juniper Online Journal Material Science
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How to cite this article: S Pokharel, LP Amgain, B Sapkota, A Khanal, TB Gurung. Effect of Spacing and Number of Seedling Hill-1 on Grain Yield and
other Agronomic Traits of Hybrid Rice (U.S. 312) on Late Transplantation. JOJ Material Sci. 2018; 5(1): 555652. DOI: 10.19080/JOJMS.2018.04.555652.