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The Distance Learning Alternative System

Established in 1988 ● The Pioneer in College Distance Education in the Philippines ● Recognized by CHED

Good day!
Thank you for your interest in enrolling in CAP College.
As a backgrounder, CAP College offers its programs thru Distance Education, or popularly known as
“home study” or “online education.” There are no scheduled classes and you study your lessons on
your own. These lessons are contained in instructional materials called “Modules.” Every subject has,
on the average, 5 modules. Each module contains, also on the average, 5 lessons.
For every lesson, there is a Self-Progress Check Test with an accompanying Answer Key. This is not
for submission and is not part of your grade. The purpose of this is for you to gauge your mastery of
the lessons.
At the end of each module, there is a Module Test. This is for submission to the college and is 30% of
your grade. Submission of Module Tests may be thru any of our offices or by email (simply encode the
answers – exclude the questions – using MS Word). You may choose to answer the Module Tests at the
Student’s Portal if you wish to get your grades at once.
Once you are done with all the modules of a subject, you may take the Final Exam. The Final Exam
may be taken at any of our offices or may be done online at the Students’ Portal. This is 70% of your
final grade. Grades for Final Exams taken at the portal are displayed immediately after the test.
Once you are done with one subject, you may proceed to your next subject.
In order for you to have focus on your studies and to attain utmost mastery, we recommend that you do
one subject at a time.
To enroll, simply accomplish the attached Application for Admission which you may submit to any of
our offices or by email. Standard documentary requirements are to be submitted to make your
enrollment official – Honorable Dismissal or High School Card plus 2 copies 1x1 and 2 copies 2x2
pictures with white background. However, if the documents are not yet available, simply sign the
waiver in the enrollment form.
Payment may be per subject. For the Undergraduate Programs, Comprehensive Fee is PhP 1,000 per
unit or PhP 3000 per 3-unit subject. This is already inclusive of all fees including modules but
excluding the online final exam fee which is at PhP 250 per subject if you take the exam outside of
office hours. Your payment may be thru our office or thru any of the bank accounts of the college. If
payment is thru bank transfer, you need to email to us the scanned deposit slip or transaction record
for us to confirm the payment.
Subjects previously taken at another school may be credited. Simply submit a copy of your TOR so that
we can evaluate your earned credits. To view the curriculum of our programs, go to
elearning.capcollege.com.ph and click on Academic Programs. If you don’t have your TOR, you are
free to choose what subjects to enroll in based on what subjects you have already taken in another
126 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City, Philippines

(Accomplish this form as completely and as accurately as possible on a typewriter or in block print.)
Last First Middle/Maiden
Birth Date Gender: Civil Status: Citizenship:
Contact/Current Address
No. / Street / Subdivision or Village / Barangay / Town or City / Province / Region / Country

Provincial/Home Address
Email Address Tel No. Mobile No.
Occupation/Employer Position
Business Address Tel. No.

PROGRAM and MAJOR: ENTRY LEVEL: o Freshman o Transferee o Cross-Enrollee

I came to know about CAP College through: Are you a Senior High School Graduate? Yes/No ___
o CAP College website (www.capcow.com) o Streamers / Flyers o CAP Employee
o CAP College Facebook Group o Newspaper / Radio / TV o CAP College Student/Graduate
o Other Internet Sites o Friends / Acquaintances Others _____________________

I certify to the truth of all information herein and I agree to abide by all CAP College regulations.

Furthermore, I hereby promise to submit to the Registrar the original/certified true copy of the required
enrollment documents not later than __________________ under pain of having my enrollment
automatically cancelled or nullified should I fail to submit them.

Applicant's Name and Signature Date

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