Inherited C-Terminal TREX1 Variants Disrupt Homology-Directed Repair To Cause Senescence and DNA Damage Phenotypes in Drosophila, Mice, and Humans

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Inherited C-terminal TREX1 variants disrupt

homology-directed repair to cause
senescence and DNA damage phenotypes in
Drosophila, mice, and humans

Received: 3 November 2023 A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper

Accepted: 22 May 2024


Age-related microangiopathy, also known as small vessel disease (SVD), causes


damage to the brain, retina, liver, and kidney. Based on the DNA damage
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theory of aging, we reasoned that genomic instability may underlie an SVD
caused by dominant C-terminal variants in TREX1, the most abundant 3′−5′
DNA exonuclease in mammals. C-terminal TREX1 variants cause an adult-onset
SVD known as retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy (RVCL
or RVCL-S). In RVCL, an aberrant, C-terminally truncated TREX1 mislocalizes to
the nucleus due to deletion of its ER-anchoring domain. Since RVCL pathology
mimics that of radiation injury, we reasoned that nuclear TREX1 would cause
DNA damage. Here, we show that RVCL-associated TREX1 variants trigger DNA
damage in humans, mice, and Drosophila, and that cells expressing RVCL
mutant TREX1 are more vulnerable to DNA damage induced by chemotherapy
and cytokines that up-regulate TREX1, leading to depletion of TREX1-high cells
in RVCL mice. RVCL-associated TREX1 mutants inhibit homology-directed
repair (HDR), causing DNA deletions and vulnerablility to PARP inhibitors. In
women with RVCL, we observe early-onset breast cancer, similar to patients
with BRCA1/2 variants. Our results provide a mechanistic basis linking aberrant
TREX1 activity to the DNA damage theory of aging, premature senescence, and
microvascular disease.

Age-related small vessel disease (SVD) can cause organ damage and SVD that affects multiple organs, including the liver, kidney, retina, and
disability, but the molecular mechanisms underlying SVD are incom- brain4. Patients with RVCL develop symptoms affecting these organs
pletely understood. The pathophysiology of SVD involves damage to between the ages of 35 and 555–8. All patients with RVCL exhibit brain
small arteries and capillaries, resulting in diminished blood flow to lesions and atrophy, and the large brain lesions often resemble tumors
sensitive organs including the brain, eye, and kidney. This can ulti- on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)5–8. One half of family members
mately lead to stroke, dementia, kidney failure, and blindness1. Various are affected by the disease-causing mutations, leading to disability and
triggers of SVD include aging, hypertension, and genetic premature death in 100% of affected individuals, often within 5–10
abnormalities1–3. Here, we report our studies of SVD-causing genetic years of symptom onset5–8.
variants in humans, mice, and Drosophila. RVCL is caused by heterozygous, dominant mutations in the
Retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and three-prime repair exonuclease 1 (TREX1) gene, which encodes the
systemic manifestations (RVCL or RVCL-S) is a dominantly inherited most abundant mammalian 3′−5′ exonuclease in mammals9. In patients


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with RVCL, a C-terminally truncated TREX1 exonuclease completely that was more severe in fruit flies expressing RVCL mutant TREX1
lacks the transmembrane domain (TMD), which anchors TREX1 to the (Fig. 1a, b). Notably, exonuclease-inactivation (ΔExo RVCL TREX1)
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)9. Anchoring of TREX1 at the ER can pre- mitigated the severity of the rough-eye phenotype induced by RVCL
vent TREX1 from interacting with genomic DNA, and ER localization TREX1 (Fig. 1a, b). While WT TREX1 was predominantly localized in the
also allows TREX1 to degrade aberrant cytosolic DNA, thus negatively cytoplasm, some WT TREX1 was found in the nucleus (Fig. 1c, d). By
regulating cGAS-STING-type I interferon (IFN) signaling10,11. Indeed, contrast, both RVCL and ΔExo RVCL TREX1 mutants were localized
TREX1 loss-of-function or dominant negative variants cause inter- throughout the cell, including a much larger fraction in the nucleus
feronopathy in humans and mice, including in patients with Aicardi- (Fig. 1c, d), which suggests that nuclear localization of enzymatically
Goutières syndrome (AGS)12–14. Whereas some have proposed that active TREX1 exacerbates eye disease in Drosophila. The disease phe-
RVCL mutant TREX1 may also cause interferonopathy15,16, larger stu- notype in Drosophila expressing WT TREX1 might be explained by
dies do not suggest systemic inflammation in RVCL17,18. Nevertheless, over-expression, which might drive a certain amount of nuclear mis-
MRI imaging frequently reveals contrast enhancement of brain lesions, localization of full-length TREX1. Although both WT and RVCL mutant
suggesting that local inflammation might contribute to disease. Thus, TREX1 cause the rough eye phenotype in Drosophila, the disease is
the role of local inflammation in RVCL pathogenesis remains to be fully more severe in RVCL mutant flies (Fig. 1a, b), implying that higher levels
defined. of nuclear mislocalization of RVCL mutant TREX1 might be driving the
Under certain conditions, full-length TREX1 can act on nuclear, rough eye phenotype. Indeed, the rough eye phenotype may be a
genomic DNA19–21. Although TREX1 is normally excluded from the consequence of DNA damage, since it also occurs upon knockdown of
nucleus19,21, wild-type (WT) TREX1 can also translocate to the nucleus to the DNA damage repair protein ATM29.
interact with nuclear enzymes including PARP122. This suggests that To further elucidate the genetic pathways that influence the
TREX1 may participate in DNA repair in a highly regulated manner. For rough eye phenotype in the Drosophila model of RVCL, we conducted
example, DNA-damaging agents cause full-length TREX1 to translocate an RNAi screen of 367 genes encoding nuclear proteins (Supplemen-
to the nucleus23, and TREX1 can remove 3′-DNA–peptide/protein cross- tary Data 1). Knockdown of Rad50, a gene involved in regulating DNA
links arising from abasic site adducts generated during DNA damage damage repair pathway utilization30, exhibited the second-highest
events24. This highlights a regulated role of WT TREX1 in DNA repair, rough eye suppression in flies expressing RVCL mutant TREX1 (Fig. 1e
including regulated translocation of TREX1 into the nucleus in specific and Supplementary Data 1). Whereas Rad50 deletion causes pupal
circumstances24. lethality in Drosophila31, Rad50 knockdown is paradoxically protective
Given the fact that TMD-deficient TREX1 is a fully functional but of DNA damage phenotypes in Drosophila, including the rough eye
mislocalized exonuclease, we reasoned that RVCL-causing TREX1 var- phenotype in ATM knockdown Drosophila29,32. Indeed, reducing Rad50
iants may exhibit aberrant nuclear activity leading to chronic DNA expression levels may prevent excessive activation of DNA damage
damage, ultimately resulting in premature senescence or cell death. repair pathways29,32. Our gene ontology (GO) pathway analysis on the
Furthermore, RVCL patients are usually healthy until the 4th or 5th 24 genes that ameliorated the rough eye phenotype of RVCL TREX1
decades of life, and this may imply that age-related cellular damage flies revealed gene clusters in DNA damage response (DDR) pathways
underlies the disease. A role for DNA damage in RVCL is also suggested (Fig. 1f). Thus, RVCL-associated TREX1 mutants exacerbate the rough
by the fact that brain pathology of RVCL resembles radiation necrosis, eye phenotype in Drosophila, perhaps by inducing DNA damage or
a type of pathology associated with DNA damage induced by ionizing dysregulating the DNA damage response.
radiation7. To test whether RVCL TREX1 causes DNA damage in human cells,
Here, we demonstrate that TMD-deficient RVCL mutant TREX1 we established an inducible Flp-in expression system for TREX1 var-
suppress homology-directed repair (HDR), leading to accumulation of iants associated with several human diseases, including RVCL, sys-
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in Drosophila, mice, and humans. We temic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS),
show that RVCL mutant TREX1 causes premature senescence in some and familial chilblain lupus (FCL) (Fig. 2a and Supplementary Fig. 1b–c).
cell types, and premature cell death in others. The DNA damage repair We quantitated the formation of γH2AX and 53BP1 foci, markers of
phenotypes of cells expressing TMD-deficient TREX1 resemble those DNA DSBs (Fig. 2)33. All RVCL TREX1 mutants caused increased num-
observed in breast cancer patients with inherited BRCA1/2 variants25,26. bers of DSB foci; however, none of the TREX1 mutants associated with
Consistent with our molecular findings, we demonstrate that cells SLE, AGS, or FCL altered the frequency of DSBs (Fig. 2b, c)12,14. Large
expressing RVCL mutant TREX1 are more vulnerable to ionizing numbers of DSB foci required enzymatic activity and nuclear locali-
radiation and chemotherapy, which trigger a cycle of DNA damage, zation of RVCL TREX1 (Fig. 2b, c). Additionally, we detected higher
inflammation, cytokine-mediated TREX1 induction. Finally, we show levels of DNA-damage response (DDR) signaling, as indicated by the
that RVCL mutant TREX1 inhibits homology-directed repair (HDR) and phosphorylation of ATM and Chk2 in cells expressing TREX1 mutations
causes DNA deletions upon induction of DNA double-strand breaks, that cause RVCL, but not in cells expressing TREX1 variants associated
and we demonstrate that women with RVCL have higher odds of with other diseases (Supplementary Fig. 2b, c). Again, we observed that
developing breast cancer before age 45, likely because of underlying enhanced DDR signaling required both the enzymatic activity and
DNA damage repair defects. Our results have major implications for nuclear localization of RVCL TREX1 (Supplementary Fig. 2b, c), sug-
the care of patients with RVCL, and our discoveries provide insights gesting that aberrant nuclear activity of TREX1 causes DNA damage.
into the mechanistic basis of RVCL and the role of TREX1 in small vessel Since cell immortalization can alter the DDR, we created an
disease and aging. inducible, stable TREX1 expression system in non-immortalized IMR-
90 cells, a cell culture model of cellular senescence when cells are
Results maintained within the Hayflick limit (Supplementary Fig. 3a)34,35. We
To better understand the molecular mechanisms of RVCL pathogen- found that IMR-90 cells expressing RVCL TREX1 had an increased
esis, we utilized the Drosophila melanogaster model, a well-established number of DSB foci and increased DDR signaling (Fig. 2d–e and Sup-
fruitfly system for genetic studies, including RNA interference (RNAi) plementary Fig. 3b–e). Similar to the DNA damage observed in
screens27. We generated transgenic Drosophila lines expressing human HEK293T cells, DNA damage induced by RVCL TREX1 in IMR-90 cells
wild-type (WT) TREX1, C-terminally truncated TREX1 (V235Gfs; RVCL relied on nuclear localization and enzymatic function of TREX1
TREX1), or enzymatically inactive RVCL TREX1 (ΔExo RVCL TREX1) (Fig. 2d–e and Supplementary Fig. 3b‒e). Furthermore, we found that
(Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1a)28. Drosophila expressing human RVCL TREX1 caused more DNA damage in the comet assay (Supple-
TREX1 exhibited the “rough-eye” phenotype, a developmental defect mentary Fig. 3f–h). All of these results indicate that RVCL TREX1 causes

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DNA damage. Furthermore, IMR-90 cells expressing RVCL TREX1 but was not detected in the nuclei of cells expressing RVCL TREX1 (Fig. 2h),
not ΔExo RVCL or NES RVCL arrested proliferation and up-regulated suggesting a distinct mechanism of action for RVCL TREX1-induced
genes related to the senescence-associated secretory phenotype DNA damage. Together, these findings suggest a mechanism by which
(SASP) (Fig. 2f–g), another result consistent with a role for RVCL TREX1 the aberrant nuclear activity of TREX1 induces genotoxicity.
in promoting DNA damage. Notably, WT TREX1 can respond to or To understand the effects of C-terminally truncated TREX1 in
cause DNA damage under certain conditions, including translocation mice, we generated a mouse model of RVCL that is heterozygous for
to the nucleus with the SET complex19,21. Interestingly, the SET complex the TREX1 T235Gfs mutation at the endogenous locus (Supplementary

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Fig. 1 | Disease-causing, C-terminally truncated TREX1 exacerbates the rough RNAi. f Over-represented GO terms enriched by genes with reduced toxicity of
eye phenotype in Drosophila. a Representative images of compound eyes from RVCL mutant TREX1 with respect to biological process classification. The plots are
Drosophila over-expressing WT human TREX1 (WT), the TREX1 C-terminal frame- size-scaled by the number of effective genes enriched for each GO term and color-
shift mutant (RVCL), the TREX1 C-terminal frameshift mutant lacking exonuclease scaled by the gene ratio (ratio of the number of effective genes to the number of
activity (ΔExo RVCL), and control (Normal). b Quantification of rough eye pheno- genes associated with the GO term). Data in a, c, and e are representative of
typic scores from a. (P < 0.0001 for Control vs. WT, WT vs. ΔExo RVCL, and RVCL vs. independent experiments. Data in b represent n = 25 control, n = 36 WT, n = 29
ΔExo RVCL, P = 0.0033 for WT vs. RVCL) c Representative fluorescence microscopy RVCL, and n = 34 ΔExo RVCL. Data in d represent n = 10 for all groups. Boxes in
in Drosophila Kenyon cells over-expressing WT TREX1, RVCL TREX1 (V235Gfs), or b represent the 25th and 75th percentiles, with a solid line within the box showing
ΔExo RVCL with immunostaining for Myc (TREX1), DAPI (nucleus), and CD8-GFP the median value. Whiskers show the largest and smallest observed value. Data in
(structural integrity). Scale bar = 4 µm. d Quantification of the ratio of nucleic to d represent the mean ± SD. Data in b and d were analyzed one-way ANOVA with a
cytoplasmic TREX1 signal from c. (P = 0.0004 for WT vs. RVCL, P = 0.0005 for WT two-sided Bonferroni post hoc test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
vs. ΔExo RVCL). e Representative image of compound eye of Drosophila over- **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.
expressing RVCL TREX1 with either control RNAi or the rough eye-modifying rad50

Fig. 4a). Like patients with RVCL, these mutant mice produce both full- aclarubicin (Supplementary Fig. 7a). This further supports the idea that
length and C-terminal-truncated TREX1 proteins (Supplementary RVCL cells are more vulnerable to chemotherapy. In light of these
Fig. 4b). We hypothesized that tracking TREX1 expression levels would observations, we reviewed patient case records, including those of
be critical for studying the toxic effects of the RVCL TREX1 mutant, so patients previously treated with aclarubicin. We observed that treat-
we defined expression levels TREX1 protein in MEFs that express both ment with aclarubicin did not halt disease progression. In fact, dose
WT and mutant TREX1 from the endogenous locus. Cells with defects reduction was required because of weight loss and morbidity in mul-
in DDR have increased sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents25, so we tiple patients. Furthermore, based on MRI imaging of the brain taken
tested our hypothesis using a cell viability screen in non-clonal popu- as part of routine standard of care, disease progression was observed
lations of WT and RVCL mutant MEFs treated with DNA-damaging in the months following dose escalation of aclarubicin (Supplementary
agents such as PARP inhibitors. Treatment with the PARP inhibitor Fig. 7b-c). Collectively, these results are consistent with the idea that
olaparib resulted in a 15–20% cell death in heterozygous RVCL MEFs RVCL mutations create heightened sensitivity to the DNA-damaging
compared to 3–6% death in WT MEFs (Fig. 3a, b). Olaparib also caused effects of chemotherapy, and that chemotherapy might even worsen
increased DNA damage in RVCL mutant MEFs, as indicated by γH2AX or accelerate disease.
staining (Fig. 3c). However, unlike our flow cytometric data, the PARP Since high expression of the RVCL mutant TREX1 induces cyto-
inhibitor dose responses revealed more subtle effects of PARP inhibi- toxicity, we next wondered what types of stimuli might regulate TREX1
tors in non-clonal MEFs, despite the increased presence of dead cells in expression. The promoters of both mouse and human TREX1 have
the culture (Fig. 3a, b and Supplementary Fig. 5a). However, we noticed multiple putative binding sites for cytokine-responsive transcription
that TREX1 expression is highly heterogeneous in cloned MEFs (Sup- factors, including STAT-binding sites, interferon (IFN)-stimulated
plementary Fig. 5b). Therefore, we reasoned that vulnerability to PARP response elements (ISRE), and NF-κB-binding sites (Fig. 4a). Therefore,
inhibitors depends on expression levels of the RVCL mutant TREX1. we reasoned that interferons and pro-inflammatory cytokines would
Indeed, in cultures of MEFs with heterogeneous TREX1 expression, we up-regulate TREX1. To begin to test this hypothesis, we treated cul-
found that PARP1 deletion selected for MEFs with low expression of the tured BMDMs with a type I IFN (IFN-β), type II IFN (IFN-γ), or lipopo-
TREX1 mutant (Supplementary Fig. 5c). Thus, RVCL TREX1-high cells lysaccharide (LPS), and this led to significant up-regulation of TREX1 in
are more vulnerable to PARP1 deletion. response to all three stimuli (Fig. 4b, c). Next, we performed intra-
Given the importance of TREX1 expression levels in our studies, peritoneal injection of LPS to induce pro-inflammatory cytokines in
we realized that we must control for TREX1 expression levels in studies mice, and this also caused rapid up-regulation of TREX1 in mice
of DNA damage. Therefore, we utilized mice expressing HA-tagged expressing TREX1 under control of the endogenous promoter
full-length or RVCL mutant, since the tag allows antibody staining to (Fig. 4d). Thus, TREX1 is up-regulated in response to inflammatory
facilitate comparisons between TREX1-high and TREX1-low cells signals including cytokines in mice.
(Fig. 3d and Supplementary Fig. 6a, b)36. Treatment of primary mouse Since the mouse and human TREX1 promoters are both respon-
BMDMs with olaparib led to more up-regulation of γH2AX in RVCL sive to cytokines42 (Fig. 4a), we tested cytokine levels in the sera of a
TREX1-high cells compared to RVCL TREX1-low or WT TREX1- large cohort of RVCL patients and age-matched healthy controls.
expressing BMDMs (Fig. 3e, f). DNA damage was blocked by a TREX1 Analysis of serum samples did not reveal any signs of systemic
inhibitor in RVCL mutant cells (Fig. 3g, h), suggesting that TREX1 inflammation in patients with RVCL (Supplementary Data 2). Similarly,
enzyme activity is required for DNA damage. Next, we utilized the no statistically significant differences were found in interferon-
SensiTive Recognition of Individual DNA Ends (STRIDE) assay37 to stimulated gene (ISG) expression between the peripheral blood
quantitate the number of DSBs in olaparib-treated BMDMs, thereby mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of RVCL patients and healthy controls
confirming higher numbers of DNA breaks in RVCL BMDMs compared (Supplementary Fig. 8).
with WT BMDMs (Fig. 3i, j). Thus, RVCL TREX1 renders primary BMDMs Because RVCL is a late-onset disease, and since aging itself is
more vulnerable to a PARP inhibitor, further suggesting a role for RVCL associated with low-grade inflammation43,44, we tested whether age-
TREX1 in promoting DNA damage. To test whether RVCL animals also related TREX1 up-regulation coincides with age-related inflammatory
exhibit greater sensitivity to PARP inhibitors, we injected RVCL mice gene expression in humans. We analyzed data from the publicly
and WT littermates with olaparib daily for two weeks. Histopatholo- available voyAGEr database, which contains age-related transcriptomic
gical examination revealed perivascular inflammatory lesions in the data from 48 human tissues45, and we found that TREX1 expression
livers of RVCL mice but not WT littermates (Fig. 3k). increases with age in the brain and liver, which are two organs severely
Olaparib is a chemotherapeutic agent38, and another chemother- affected in patients with RVCL (Supplementary Fig. 9a). Indeed, we
apeutic agent called aclarubicin was previously considered as a found that inflammatory genes increase with age in multiple organs
potential therapy for RVCL, including a Phase I clinical trial39–41. In our including the arteries, the brain, and kidneys (Supplementary
own experiments testing aclarubicin in MEFs, we observed that a Fig. 9b–f), a result consistent with the theory that aging is associated
subset of WT MEFs was resistant to aclarubicin (Supplementary with chronic, low-level inflammation43,44, and implying a mechanism
Fig. 7a). In contrast, all RVCL MEFs died after treatment with for age-related up-regulation of TREX1. We also confirmed that TREX1

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protein is up-regulated in the liver and brain of older adult mice and also whether TREX1-mediated DNA damage might cause low-level
compared to 1-month-old animals (Fig. 4e, f). Age-related up-regula- inflammation. Indeed, exposure to ionizing radiation caused more up-
tion of TREX1 might explain why patients with RVCL become sick only regulation of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) in RVCL MEFs (Fig. 4g), a
around the 4th or 5th decades of life. result that may reflect cell-intrinsic immune activation due to DNA
DNA damage causes inflammation, including the type I IFN damage. Next, we confirmed that the topoisomerase inhibitor camp-
response and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines46,47, so we tothecin (CPT) also causes more DNA damage in RVCL mutant BMDMs
tested whether DNA damage might also cause up-regulation of TREX1, (Supplementary Fig. 10a-b), demonstrating that RVCL mutant BMDMs

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Fig. 2 | Aberrant nuclear activity of C-terminally truncated TREX1 triggers DNA RVCL, or ΔExo RVCL. The graph shows the data as 100% of the average value on day
damage and senescence in mammalian cells. a Schematic depicting the distinc- 0. (P = 0.0001). g Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) profile of SASP gene sets
tion between locations of interferonopathy-associated TREX1 variants and RVCL- from RNA-seq performed in IMR-90 cells stably expressing RVCL mutant TREX1
causing TREX1 variants. The exonuclease (EXO) and transmembrane (TMD) (TREX1 V235Gfs) by doxycycline for 2 weeks and in cells without doxycycline.
domains are indicated. b Representative confocal immunofluorescence images of Analysis was performed with n = 4 replicates. FDR is highlighted in red.
Flp-in 293 T cells stably expressing WT TREX1 or disease-causing TREX1 mutants h Representative fluorescence microscopy images of IMR-90 cells with immunos-
associated with RVCL, SLE, AGS, or FCL or RVCL TREX1 (V235Gfs) with a nuclear taining for NM23-H1, DAPI (nucleus), and myc (TREX1). Data in h are representative
export signal (NES RVCL) or lacking enzymatic activity (ΔExo RVCL) with immu- of 3 independent experiments. Scale bar = 15 μm. Data in b, c, and f are repre-
nostaining for 53BP1 (red) and γH2AX (green). Scale bar = 15 µm. c Quantitation of sentative of at least 2 independent experiments performed with n = 5 replicates per
cells with >5 γH2AX/53BP1 foci in cells from b. (P = 0.008) d Representative images cell line. Data in d–e are representative of at least 2 independent experiments
of pATM foci in IMR-90 cells with doxycycline-inducible WT TREX1, RVCL TREX1, performed with n = 6 replicates per cell line. Data in c, e, and f represent the
ΔExo RVCL, or NES RVCL. Scale bar = 10 µm. e Quantitation of frequency of cells mean ± SD. Data in c and e were analyzed by one-way ANOVA with a two-sided
with >5 pATM foci in cells from d. (P = 0.01 for WT vs. RVCL, P = 0.0007 for RVCL vs. Bonferroni post hoc comparison. Data in f were analyzed by two-way ANOVA.
ΔExo RVCL, P = 0.045 RVCL vs. NES RVCL). f Line graph of the change in pro- Source data are provided as a Source Data file. * P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
liferation rate over time of IMR-90 cells expressing WT TREX1, RVCL TREX1, NES ****P <0.0001.

are more vulnerable to a variety of chemotherapeutic agents. After decline in SSTR efficiency in cells expressing the RVCL TREX1 mutant
treatment of BMDMs with CPT and a blocking antibody against the (Fig. 7b). This suppression was mitigated when RVCL TREX1 was
type I IFN receptor (IFNAR1), we found that CPT causes IFNAR1- modified by either addition of a nuclear export signal or by introdu-
dependent up-regulation of both WT and RVCL mutant TREX1 (Sup- cing an inactivating mutation in the exonuclease domain (Fig. 7c).
plementary Fig. 10c), confirming a role for IFNs in up-regulating TREX1 Conversely, we observed increased NHEJ efficiency in cells expressing
in response to DNA damage. Treatment of BMDMs with type I or type II the RVCL TREX1 variant, similar to that reported in HDR-deficient cells
IFN led to more DNA damage in RVCL BMDMs that express TREX1 from (Fig. 7d, e)53. The effect of RVCL mutant TREX1 on NHEJ was also
the endogenous promoter (Fig. 4h–j). This suggests a model in which dampened by introducing a nuclear export signal or by eliminating the
RVCL mutant TREX1 may trigger a malignant cycle mediated by DNA catalytic activity of TREX1 (Fig. 7f). Next, we performed long-read
damage, leading to inflammation, cytokine-induced TREX1 up-regula- sequencing DNA sequencing to directly test whether the RVCL mutant
tion, and further DNA damage (Fig. 4k). TREX1 causes deletions at the DSB site. We found that large deletions
Since we had discovered that TREX1 expression must be tracked were most prevalent in cells expressing the RVCL mutant TREX1, but
with defining RVCL molecular phenotypes, we wanted to characterize that WT TREX1 also induced large DNA deletions, albeit to a lesser
endogenously expressed TREX1 levels in different cell populations in degree (Fig. 7g, h). This confirms that the RVCL mutant TREX1 is more
mice. TREX1 is a highly potent enzyme with very low expression levels genotoxic than WT TREX1, although WT TREX1 can also induce large
in most cell types, making it very difficult to observe the heterogeneity deletions when expressed at high levels. However, only RVCL mutant
of TREX1 expression among different cells. As a consequence, the cell TREX1 caused a high frequency of small DNA deletions (Fig. 7i), pro-
type-specific expression patterns of TREX1 had not been clearly viding further support to the model that the RVCL mutant directly
defined. Therefore, we studied TREX1-dsRed reporter mice that damages genomic DNA, perhaps by degrading 3′ overhangs to inhibit
express TREX1 as well as dsRed under control of the endogenous HDR (Fig. 7j).
TREX1 promoter (Fig. 5a). We found that TREX1-dsRed is highly Since RVCL mutant TREX1 is localized in the nucleus, we hypo-
expressed in certain myeloid cell subsets, including Ly6C+ monocytes thesized that TREX1 may directly bind to chromatin to promote DNA
and CD11c+ myeloid cells (Fig. 5b–d). In contrast, Ly6G+ neutrophils do damage. In subcellular fractionation experiments with a DNase diges-
not express the TREX1 reporter (Fig. 5e), and B cells, CD4+ and CD8+ tion step, we confirmed that RVCL mutant TREX1 is indeed associated
T cells, and NK cells express very low levels of the reporter (Fig. 5f–i). with chromatin (Fig. 8a), confirming that RVCL mutant TREX1 mis-
Thus, within the hematopoietic compartment, TREX1 is most highly localized to the nucleus even when an expression is driven by the
expressed within specific myeloid cell subsets. endogenous promoter. Next, we performed co-immunoprecipitation
Since TREX1 is up-regulated in response to inflammatory signals of human WT and RVCL mutant TREX1 followed by mass spectrometry
including IFNs, we transduced mice with adeno-associated virus (AAV) to identify potential TREX1-interacting proteins. We found that both
containing either the type I IFN, IFN-α2, or LacZ (Fig. 6a), and we WT and the RVCL-causing TREX1 V235Gfs mutant interact with many
confirmed IFN-α2 up-regulates ISGs in the liver of WT animals, but not nuclear and chromatin-bound proteins, including those involved in
in animals lacking the receptor for type I IFN (Ifnar1-/- mice) (Fig. 6b, c). DNA damage response, transcription, and nucleosomes (Fig. 8b, c). For
Seven days after transduction of mice with AAV-IFN-α2, we observed example, WT TREX1 was previously reported to bind PARP1, even in the
partial depletion of TREX1-expressing myeloid cell subsets in RVCL absence of chromatin22, and we found that both WT and RVCL mutant
animals but not in WT littermate control mice (Fig. 6d–f). Unlike TREX1 interact with PARP1, as well as with many other proteins
TREX1-expressing monocytes and macrophages, neutrophils do not involved in DNA damage repair (Fig. 8c). The high degree of overlap
express TREX1 (Fig. 5e), and neutrophil numbers remained similar in may be explained by the fact that WT TREX1 can translocate to the
WT and RVCL animals after transduction with AAV-IFN-α2 (Fig. 6g). nucleus and interact with nuclear proteins under certain
Thus, inflammation causes partial depletion of TREX1-expressing conditions19–21, with the key distinction being that RVCL mutant TREX1
myeloid cells in RVCL animals. is constitutively in the nucleus (Fig. 8a). These interactions between
Next, we hypothesized that RVCL TREX1 may cause DNA damage TREX1 and chromatin-associated proteins may be direct or indirect
by disrupting a specific DNA repair pathway. DSB repair occurs through chromatin bridging. Thus, while both WT and RVCL mutant
through three primary pathways: homology-directed repair (HDR), TREX1 can interact with nuclear proteins, only mutant TREX1 is con-
non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), and alternative NHEJ (Alt- stitutively bound to chromatin.
NHEJ)48,49. We simultaneously measured HDR and NHEJ at endogenous HDR mediates chromosomal cross-over and segregation during
gene loci using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated cleavage with a single-stranded meiosis54,55. Some families with RVCL recently began choosing in
donor template for single-stranded template repair (SSTR), a type of vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic testing. During the
HDR (Fig. 7a)50,51. The SSTR template was phosphorothioate-modified course of routine clinical care and preimplantation genetic testing,
to resist TREX1-mediated degradation52. We observed a significant we incidentally made some unexpected findings. We observed an

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extraordinarily high rate of aneuploidy, including large chromoso- disease-causing mutations57,58. Both maternal and paternal chro-
mal deletions, in four of seven embryos from a 27-year-old woman mosomes were involved, suggesting that some effects occurred
with RVCL (with the TREX1 D272fs mutation), at an age where such during early cell divisions of embryogenesis. During routine SNP
frequent aneuploidy is highly unusual (Fig. 9a)56. Interestingly, array analysis as part of the clinical standard of care, we also
aneuploidy was observed in embryos regardless of whether they had observed fewer HDR-dependent crossover events than expected
inherited the pathogenic maternal TREX1 variant. Early embry- based on datasets of embryos from non-RVCL patients (Fig. 9b, c)56.
ogenesis occurs prior to embryonic genome activation, but mater- These observations are consistent with the model of TREX1-
nal proteins from the egg can persist in embryos that do not inherit mediated inhibition of HDR.

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 7


Fig. 3 | High expression of C-terminally truncated TREX1 causes vulnerability to h Quantitation of MFI of γH2AX from g. (P < 0.0001) i Representative images of
DNA-damaging agents. a Representative flow cytometric plots of live (NIR-) and DNA DSB STRIDE analysis of WT or RVCL BMDMs treated with olaparib (10 µM) for
dead (NIR+) WT and RVCL MEF cell populations following 72 h treatment with 72 h. Scale bar = 10 µm. j Quantitation of nuclear DSB STRIDE foci in WT and RVCL
vehicle control (DMSO) or 10 µM olaparib. MEFs used in a–c express TREX1 out of BMDMs treated with 10 µM olaparib. (P < 0.0001). k Representative histological
the endogenous locus under control of the endogenous promoter. b Quantitation images of liver tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin from WT litter
of percent dead (NIR+) cells from a. (P = 0.0002) c Representative histogram of mate control and heterozygous RVCL TREX1 (T235Gfs) mice treated with olaparib
γH2AX immunostaining in WT and RVCL (TREX1 T235Gfs) MEFs following 72 h of (40 mg/kg) for 14 days. Scale bar = 40 µm. Data in a–c and k are from mice
treatment with vehicle (DMSO) or olaparib (10 µM). d Representative flow cyto- expressing TREX1 from the endogenous locus under control of the endogenous
metric analysis of TREX1lo and TREX1hi primary BMDM populations from these promoter. Data in d–j are from mice expressing TREX1 under control of the CAG
animals (upper panel) and a schematic of Cre-mediated recombination at the ROSA promoter. Data in a, c, d, e, g, and k are representative of at least 3 independent
locus of Floxed-STOP WT TREX1 and V235Gfs TREX1 mice (lower panel). experiments. Data in b, f, and h represent the mean ± SEM of n = 8 samples per
e Representative histograms of γH2AX expression of gated TREX1lo and TREX1hi WT genotype from 2 independent experiments. Data in i are representative of 2 bio-
and RVCL BMDMs treated with vehicle (DMSO) or olaparib (10 µM) for 72 h. logically independent experiments, each with multiple technical replicates. Data in
f Quantitation of median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of γH2AX immunostaining of j represent the mean ± SEM of WT n = 451, RVCL n = 494. Results in b, f, h, j were
TREX1hi WT and RVCL BMDM populations from e. (P = 0.0003 for vehicle, analyzed using two-sided Mann–Whitney test. Source data are provided as a Source
P < 0.0001 for olaparib). g Representative histograms of γH2AX in TREX1hi WT and Data file. ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.
RVCL BMDMs treated with olaparib (10 µM) and TREX1 inhibitor (10 µM).

Inherited mutations that impair HDR (e.g., BRCA1 and BRCA2 HDR50, we also demonstrated that TMD-deficient TREX1 decreased
variants) are associated with elevated cancer risk, including early-onset HDR, and that this effect of TREX1 depends on both nuclease activity
breast cancer59–61. With this in mind, we reviewed clinical and family and nuclear localization. Remarkably, we observed a reduced inci-
histories obtained during routine clinical care of patients with RVCL. dence of HDR-dependent genetic recombination events in embryos of
Remarkably, three out of 19 female patients developed early-onset a female patient with RVCL, as well as a high odds ratio of breast cancer
breast cancer, all diagnosed before the age of 45 years. The odds ratio in young adult women with RVCL. While these clinical observations are
(OR) for early-onset breast cancer in our RVCL patients is 8.74, com- preliminary, the molecular basis for them is supported by our exten-
pared to OR values of 18.8 and 9.3 for BRCA1 and BRCA2 variant car- sive cell culture and animal model results. Thus, TMD-deficient TREX1
riers, respectively (Fig. 9d)62. Multiple other family members with is a potent suppressor of HDR and a mediator of DNA damage, leading
unknown TREX1 status had passed away from breast cancer at an early to DNA damage phenotypes in multiple species.
age, suggesting that this might be an underestimate of the true odds There are multiple mechanisms by which TREX1 may cause DNA
ratio. Thus, inherited C-terminal truncation variants in TREX1 might damage. Nuclear TREX1 may act at DNA breaks to degrade 3′ over-
cause increased odds of breast cancer, similar to the common risk hangs, which are critical for HDR as they facilitate strand invasion by
alleles in BRCA1 and BRCA2. aiding the entry of undamaged DNA strands66,67. In vitro experiments
Collectively, our discoveries in Drosophila, mice, and humans have previously demonstrated that TREX1 is capable of degrading 3′
suggest that TMD-deficient TREX1 variants cause genomic instability single-strand overhangs24,68, suggesting a mechanism by which TMD-
and disruption of DNA damage repair, and that this occurs via effects deficient TREX1 may suppress HDR. In our systems, we found that
on HDR. These findings reveal a TREX1-mediated mechanism of DNA RVCL mutant TREX1 causes both large and small deletions around the
damage in human disease (Fig. 9e) and would explain why patients site of DNA double-strand breaks, consistent with the hypothesis of
with RVCL develop small vessel disease that mimics the effects of mutant TREX1 degrading 3′ overhangs. Alternatively, TREX1 may
ionizing radiation. directly interact with or compete with DNA damage repair factors to
inhibit HDR22. Indeed, we found that both WT and RVCL mutant TREX1
Discussion associates, either directly or indirectly, with chromatin-associated
We found that TMD-deficient TREX1, which causes an inherited sys- proteins including PARP1 and other DNA damage repair factors.
temic small vessel disease called RVCL, inhibits HDR and promotes Surprisingly, we made the preliminary finding of an increased
DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and deletions. Inflammation and odds ratio of breast cancer in RVCL patients. Mutations in BRCA1 and
aging are associated with up-regulation of TREX1 in specific cell types, BRCA2 are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer owing to
which may lead to accumulation of DSBs, cellular senescence, and loss the critical role of BRCA1/2 in DNA repair62. Mutations in these genes
of specific cell subsets. Thus, our results link TREX1-mediated DNA compromise HDR, leading to the accumulation of DNA damage and
damage to age-related small vessel disease. genomic instability, thereby increasing breast cancer susceptibility69.
In our mouse model expressing TMD-deficient TREX1 under Thus, a high odds ratio of breast cancer in women with RVCL supports
control of the endogenous promoter, we observed that DNA- the hypothesis that TREX1-mediated DNA damage, likely occurring via
damaging agents such as PARP inhibitors and cytokines led to an disruption of HDR, increases the risk of breast cancer. We propose that
accumulation of DSBs and increased cytotoxicity. This vulnerability to carriers of RVCL-related TREX1 variants should undergo earlier and
PARP inhibitors mirrors the susceptibility observed in HDR-deficient more frequent screening due to the increased odds of developing
cancer cells, such as BRCA1/2-deficient breast cancers25,26. Although we breast cancer.
did not identify the precise molecular mechanism by which TREX1 Our findings have significant therapeutic implications for patients
promotes DNA damage, we confirmed that TMD-deficient TREX1 is with RVCL. Strategies to prevent DNA damage and inhibit TREX1
constitutively localized in the nucleus and associates with chromatin, activity and TREX1 nuclear translocation are potential candidates for
suggesting that the mutant TREX1 exonuclease may directly act on RVCL treatment. In this study, we demonstrated that a TREX1 inhibitor
genomic DNA. DSBs in cells expressing TMD-deficient TREX1 were also effectively reduces DNA damage70. The efficacy and potency of TREX1
induced upon treatment with other chemotherapeutic agents, as well inhibitors in preventing TREX1-mediated pathology in animals is under
as upon treatment with cytokines63,64. Collectively, our results suggest investigation and will be considered with caution. Indeed, genetic
that RVCL-causing TREX1 mutants might not inherently produce DSBs, deletion of TREX1 also causes DNA damage via inflammatory
but rather disrupt the repair of newly formed DSBs in response to a pathways71, suggesting that small molecular inhibition of the TREX1
variety of DNA-damaging agents. Using an established assay to quan- enzyme may also carry risks of causing genomic instability via indirect
tify the efficiency of single-stranded template repair50,65, a type of mechanisms. In addition, caution is advised when exposing RVCL

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 8


Fig. 4 | Ionizing radiation and cytokines up-regulate TREX1 and cause excessive P < 0.0001 for WT 10 Gy vs. RVCL 10 Gy). h Representative histograms of γH2AX
DNA damage in RVCL cells. a Schematic of the TREX1 gene showing the location of expression of BMDMs from WT or heterozygous RVCL mice treated with vehicle or
consensus sequences for NFκB binding sites, STAT binding sites, and Interferon- IFN-β (100 IU/mL) for 72 h. i Quantitation of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of
stimulated response elements (ISREs). b Representative Western blot of BMDMs γH2AX immunostaining from (h). (P < 0.0001) j Quantitation of MFI of γH2AX
from WT or heterozygous mice expressing RVCL mutant TREX1 under control of immunostaining of BMDMs form WT or heterozygous RVCL mice treated with
the endogenous promoter after 6 h of incubation with vehicle or LPS (1 µg/mL) with vehicle or IFN-γ (10 ng/mL) for 72 h. (P = 0.02 for WT IFN-γ vs. RVCL IFN-γ,
immunoblotting for TREX1 and GAPDH. c Western blots of BMDMS from WT or P = 0.0002 for WT vehicle vs. WT IFN-γ, P < 0.0001 for RVCL vehicle vs. RVCL IFN-γ).
RVCL mice after 3 days of incubation with vehicle, IFN-β (100 IU/mL), or IFN-γ k Model of a malignant cycle of DNA damage and inflammation in cells expressing
(10 ng/mL), followed by immunoblotting for TREX1 and GAPDH. d Western blot of RVCL mutant TREX1. Created with released under a Creative
liver from WT or heterozygous RVCL mice after intraperitoneal injection of vehicle Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Data in
or LPS (5 mg/kg), followed by immunoblotting for TREX1 and GAPDH. b–j are from mice expressing TREX1 from the endogenous locus under control of
e, f Representative Western blot of liver (e) and brain (f) from WT or heterozygous the endogenous promoter. Data in b–f and h are representative of 2–3 independent
RVCL mice at ages 1 month (Young) or 15 months (Old), followed by immuno- experiments. Data in g, i, and j represent the mean ± SEM of n = 9 samples per
blotting for TREX1 and GAPDH. g Quantitation of relative expression of the indi- genotype from 3 independent experiments. Data in g, i, and j were analyzed by one-
cated ISGs by RT-qPCR in MEFs from WT or heterozygous RVCL mice 24 h after way ANOVA with two-sided Šidák’s multiple comparisons test. Source data are
X-ray irradiation. (P = 0.0001 for RVCL 0 Gy vs. RVCL 10 Gy Ifit1, P = 0.007 for RVCL provided as a Source Data file. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.
0 Gy vs. RVCL 10 Gy Isg15, P = 0.0031 for RVCL 0 Gy vs. RVCL 10 Gy Rsad2,

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 9


Fig. 5 | CD11c+ myeloid cells and monocytes have high TREX1 expression b–i Representative flow cytometric histogram of dsRed expression (left) with
in mice. a Model of TREX1-dsRed reporter mice that express TREX1 and dsRed, quantitation of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of dsRed (right) in the indicated
separated by an IRES, at the endogenous TREX1 locus under control of the endo- cell types. Histograms are representative of n = 3 independent experiments. Error
genous TREX1 promoter. Created with released under a Creative bars denote the SEM. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license.

patients to genotoxic agents and radiation, as treatments that elevate these patients may be particularly sensitive to DNA-damaging agents,
TREX1 expression or induce DNA damage may exacerbate disease we emphasize the need for a thorough risk-benefit evaluation before
progression or trigger excessive inflammation. For instance, aclar- administering DNA-damaging agents to individuals harboring RVCL-
ubicin, a DNA-damaging agent, initially showed promise in reducing related TREX1 mutations. Since we found that the genotoxicity corre-
chemokine production in RVCL cells and quickly proceeded to a phase lates strongly with RVCL mutant TREX1 expression levels, more tar-
I clinical trial39. The notion that aclarubicin might be useful for RVCL geted therapies designed to diminish TREX1 expression deserve
was based on the idea that RVCL mutant TREX1 could trigger the exploration as an approach to ameliorate this devastating disease.
production of aberrant sugars that cause inflammation, and aclar- Our results also indicate the potential risks of exposing patients
ubicin had been reported to block the formation of these sugars15. We with RVCL to ionizing radiation. The brain pathology in RVCL closely
think sensitivity to aclarubicin likely reflects the vulnerability of RVCL mirrors the features of radiation-induced necrosis, including vessel
cells to chemotherapeutic agents generally. In support of this, aclar- wall thickening, luminal narrowing, fibrinoid necrosis, adventitial
ubicin was toxic in patients with RVCL, dose reduction was necessary fibrosis, and hyalinization in vessels72. Patients with DNA damage
because of toxicity, no benefit was observed, and a phase II trial was syndromes, including ataxia telangiectasia (AT), Nijmegen breakage
not pursued. This fact, taken together with the heightened vulner- syndrome (NBS), and Fanconi anemia (FA) develop brain lesions that
ability of RVCL cells to aclarubicin, strongly indicates that che- can sometimes resemble those of patients with RVCL, and patients
motherapeutic agents are not a reasonable therapy for the disease. with AT, NBS, and FA have increased susceptibility to DNA damage
Furthermore, we have observed that many patients with RVCL have from radiation73–75. RVCL patients might have a particularly high risk
historically been treated with cyclophosphamide, another DNA- for radiation-induced tissue pathology since irradiation can up-
damaging chemotherapeutic agent that is commonly prescribed to regulate TREX1 expression and promote its nuclear translocation22.
patients with systemic autoimmune disease. Given that we found that This raises the concern that irradiation could exacerbate the

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 10


Fig. 6 | IFN-α up-regulates TREX1 and causes loss of CD11c+ cells and macro- for e). Data in b–g are from mice expressing TREX1 from the endogenous locus
phages in heterozygous RVCL mutant TREX1 mice. a Model of experimental under control of the endogenous promoter. Data in b represent the mean ± SEM of
layout. Created with released under a Creative Commons n = 7 WT LacZ, n = 5 IFNAR1 KO LacZ, n = 6 WT IFN-α2, and n = 5 IFNAR1 KO IFN-α2
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. b Quantitation of mice pooled from 2 independent experiments and were analyzed by
relative expression of the indicated ISGs in the liver of WT or IFNAR1 KO mice 1 Mann–Whitney U-test. Data in c are representative of 3 independent experiments.
week after injection with AAV-LacZ or AAV-IFN-α2. (P = 0.0043) c Representative Data in d–g represent the mean ± SEM of n = 7 WT LacZ, n = 8 RVCL LacZ, n = 6 WT
Western blot of TREX1 and GAPDH from the livers of WT and heterozygous RVCL IFN-α2, and n = 14 RVCL IFN-α2 mice pooled from 2 independent experiments and
mice one month after injection with AAV-LacZ or AAV-IFN-α2. d–g Quantitation of were analyzed by two-sided unpaired t-test. Source data are provided as a Source
cell number by flow cytometry from the spleen of WT or heterozygous RVCL mice Data file. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.
one week after injection with AAV-LacZ or AAF-IFN-α2. (P = 0.0351 for d, P = 0.0048

pathological state in RVCL patients by increasing the levels of TREX1, type. Further investigation is warranted to elucidate the regulatory
thereby amplifying DSBs. Indeed, we observed heightened inflamma- mechanisms governing TREX1 protein expression in different organs,
tion upon irradiation of cells expressing RVCL mutant TREX1, likely as this may offer insights into these clinically relevant phenomena.
reflecting inflammation in response to DNA damage. Alternatively, Mutations in TREX1 are associated with multiple different diseases
radiation-mediated ISG induction in RVCL cells may reflect increased including RVCL, SLE, FCL, and AGS14. Unlike what occurs in RVCL,
inflammatory signaling, although this seems unlikely given the fact dominant negative and loss-of-function mutations in TREX1 cause
that C-terminal truncation of TREX1 does not activate the cGAS-STING interferonopathies12,13. Although some studies have suggested that
pathway17. Therefore, extreme caution is advised when considering type I IFN signaling may be increased in RVCL cells under certain
radiation procedures for patients with RVCL6. Even in individuals conditions15,16, including the accumulation of single-stranded DNA in
without RVCL-related mutations, radiation may result in elevated the cytosol and impaired glycosylation15,16, these results might actually
TREX1 levels and nuclear translocation, including nuclear transloca- reflect byproducts of DNA damage. Indeed, single-stranded DNA is
tion of full-length TREX123,76, leading to an increased incidence of produced as a result of DNA break repair78,79. Thus, DNA damage may
radiation-induced DNA breaks. Thus, inhibition of TREX1 activity may underlie the increased ssDNA and increased interferon signaling
be a potential strategy for mitigating radiation-induced brain injury observed by others under certain conditions16. Nevertheless, we must
including from recurrent CT scans. emphasize that our findings, including serum cytokine analyses, do not
In our study, we observed considerable variations in TREX1 support the idea that RVCL is a disease of systemic inflammation.
expression levels when TREX1 is regulated by the endogenous pro- Indeed, others have also demonstrated that patients with RVCL have a
moter. We also found that higher TREX1 levels positively correlated unique disease presentation without systemic elevation of type I IFN or
with DNA damage. Furthermore, we found that the expression of ISGs18. Our results suggest an alternative possibility, which is that local
TREX1 in the brain and liver, both of which are susceptible in RVCL, inflammation triggered by DNA damage—rather than systemic hyper-
increased in an age-dependent manner45. These observations suggest cytokinemia—may play a role in this disease. However, the lack of
that regulation of TREX1 expression by age and inflammation may systemic hypercytokinemia does not exclude a role of cytokines or
contribute to organ-specific manifestations, late disease onset, or age- local inflammation in RVCL. Indeed, patients with RVCL exhibit blood-
related progression in the brain. However, previous studies found that brain barrier leakage of gadolinium contrast in MRI imaging, sug-
circulating mRNA levels of TREX1 decrease with age in humans, gesting that inflammation occurs in some tissues during the course of
although protein levels were not measured77. By contrast, we found disease. Whether inflammation is a consequence of DNA damage and
that TREX1 protein levels increase with age in tissues. Thus, age-related injury, rather than the proximal cause of disease, remains to be
regulation of TREX1 expression undoubtedly varies by cell and organ determined. In RVCL, DNA damage might trigger activation of pattern

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 11


recognition receptors in specific cell types or tissues, leading to local retina, and other organs. Another unanswered question involves the
cytokine-mediated up-regulation of TREX1, further DNA damage, and a middle age-onset of RVCL, as well as the mechanisms underlying the
malignant cycle of local inflammation. progression of brain lesions5–8. One possibility for the delayed onset
Although our work strongly suggests that RVCL is a DNA of the disease is that DNA damage accumulates over the lifespan of
damage syndrome, many unanswered questions remain. First, our patients, causing local inflammation and depletion of important cell
mouse models do not spontaneously reproduce systemic SVD, and types, but only when TREX1 expression reaches a critical threshold.
there is still a need to create SVD models affecting the brain, kidney, Physiological sources of inflammation including aging and infection

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 12


Fig. 7 | Catalytically active, nuclear TREX1 disrupts HDR and enhances NHEJ. NHEJ repair efficiency based on the mismatch cleavage band ratio of PCR amplicons
a Schematic overview of the droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based HDR repair assay digested with mismatch cleavage nuclease from RVCL, ΔExo RVCL, and NES RVCL
utilized in b, c. b Quantitation of HDR mediated repair via ddPCR assay of Flp-in 293 T cells. Data are expressed as percentage change in doxycycline-treated
doxycycline-treated Flp-in 293 T cells expressing WT or RVCL TREX1. Data are cells relative to untreated cells. (P = 0.0058 for RVCL vs ΔExo RVCL, P = 0.0003 for
expressed as percentage change in frequencies of HDR in doxycycline-treated cells RVCL vs NES RVCL) g Representative read alignments from long-read deep
relative to untreated cells. (P = 0.0017 for WT vs. RVCL, P < 0.0001 for WT vs sequencing around the cut site from a in WT and RVCL Flp-in 293T cells before and
293 T cells) c Quantitation of HDR mediated repair via ddPCR assay of Flp-in after doxycycline induction. h, i Quantitation of the frequency of large (h) and small
293 T cells expressing RVCL mutant TREX1, RVCL mutant TREX1 lacking enzymatic (i) deletions from g. (P = 0.0145 for WT Dox+ vs. RVCL Dox+ large deletions,
activity (ΔExo RVCL), or RVCL mutant TREX1 containing a nuclear export signal P < 0.0001 for Dox- vs. Dox+ large deletions, P < 0.0001 for WT Dox+ vs. RVCL Dox+
(NES REVCL) with data expressed as percentage change in frequencies of HDR in and RVCL Dox- vs. RVCL Dox+ small deletions). j RVCL mutant TREX1 disrupts DNA
doxycycline-treated cells relative to untreated cells. (P = 0.0154 for RVCL vs. NES damage repair by degrading 3′ overhangs, leading to accumulation of deletions,
RVCL, P = 0.0004 for RVCL vs. ΔExo RVCL) d A representative ScreenTape elec- cell death, and senescence. Data in b–f, h, and i represent the mean ± SD and are
trophoretic gel image of PCR amplicons digested with mismatch cleavage nuclease representative of independent biological replicates; n = 5 (b, e), n = 6 (c), n = 10 (f),
from non-edited Flp-in 293T and CRISPR-Cas9-edited Flp-in WT TREX1, and TREX1 or n = 3 (h, i). Data in b, c, e, and f were analyzed by ANOVA with Bonferroni post
V235Gfs (RVCL) 293 T cells. e Quantification of NHEJ repair efficiency based on the hoc comparison. Data in h and i were analyzed by ANOVA with two-sided Šidák’s
mismatch cleavage band ratio in d with data expressed as percentage change in multiple comparisons test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. *P < 0.05;
doxycycline treated cells relative to untreated cells. (P = 0.008) f Quantification of **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

Fig. 8 | RVCL mutant TREX1 interacts with chromatin and nuclear proteins interacting partners (right). Nuclear-localized proteins are indicated in red.
involved in the DNA damage response. a Representative Western blot after c Summary diagram of WT TREX1- and TREX1 V235Gfs-interacting proteins with at
subcellular fractionation and SDS-PAGE of lysates from WT and heterozygous RVCL least 20 unique peptides detected by immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry.
BMDMs followed by immunoblotting of TREX1, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3 from the TREX1-interacting proteins are organized by their subcellular localization and cel-
indicated subcellular fractions. b A silver-stain of co-immunoprecipitated proteins lular functions. Data in a are representative of 3 independent experiments. Data in
using 3x-FLAG-tagged TREX1 V235Gfs as bait (left) and quantitation of unique co- b and c are from one mass spectrometry screen. Source data are provided as a
precipitated peptides in the band that identified PARP1 and some of the other Source Data file.

might cause TREX1-mediated DNA damage that accumulates over endogenous promoter. We speculate that cell type-specific differ-
many years. In future studies, we will attempt to clarify the ences in TREX1 expression and DNA damage responses determine
mechanisms underlying various types of small vessel lesions as well the various outcomes, including senescence or cell death. This
as large brain lesions, and why these brain lesions can sometimes underscores the need for further studies on the role of TREX1 in DNA
progress rapidly in RVCL patients. In the Drosophila model and damage repair in different cell types. Based on our finding that
cultured cells, TMD-deficient TREX1 spontaneously caused DNA irradiation induces more inflammation in RVCL mutant cells, we
breaks. By contrast, cytokines or DNA-damaging agents were speculate that RVCL patients also may be more sensitive to ionizing
required to observe RVCL-associated DNA damage in primary cells, radiation, although additional data are necessary to confirm this
including in macrophages expressing TREX1 under control of the hypothesis. Finally, we speculate that genomic DNA damage might

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 13


Fig. 9 | Aneuploidy and reduced meiotic crossovers in embryos of a female causing TREX1 variants compared with publicly available ORs of breast cancer in
RVCL patient and breast cancer in female patients with RVCL. a Diagram women with variants in BRCA1 or BRCA2. e Model of RVCL disease pathogenesis.
representing the observed chromosomal aneuploidy in embryos of a 27-year-old Created with released under a Creative Commons Attribution-
RVCL patient undergoing in vitro fertilization with pre-implantation genetic testing. NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Data in a–c represent inde-
Red stars indicate location of deletion. b Heatmap showing the number of cross- pendent embryos analyzed as part of routine clinical care; healthy control embryo
over events normalized to chromosome length (cM) per chromosome in healthy n = 67, RVCL embryo n = 4. Error bars in d represent 95% confidence intervals from
control and RVCL patient embryos. c A scatter plot showing the distribution of total n = 19 female patients with RVCL. Data in c analyzed by two-sided Mann–Whitney U
crossover events in healthy control and RVCL patient embryos. (P = 0.0004) test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. ***P < 0.001.
d Interval plot depicting the odds ratio (OR) of breast cancer in females with RVCL-

not be the sole mechanism of TREX1 toxicity in RVCL cells, although Methods
other mechanisms remain to be definitively proved. Approvals
In summary, our study demonstrates that RVCL causes DNA All protocols for animal studies were approved by the Institutional
damage and disease phenotypes linked to genotoxicity, including Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) or Institutional Review
heightened risk of breast cancer and sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents. Boards (IRB) at the respective institutions. Serum samples of RVCL
These findings have substantial clinical implications for the management patients and healthy controls were IRB-exempt because the samples
of patients with RVCL. Moreover, the observed accumulation of DSBs, were anonymous and not linked to any clinical data. Other clinical
attributed to the suppressive role of TREX1 in HDR, may have broader findings were incidental to clinical care, including SNP results during
relevance, not only to RVCL but also to more general questions of preimplantation genetic testing, clinical histories of our patients, brain
inflamm-aging and post-irradiation injury to blood vessels. These dis- MRI assessments of patients with a history of prior treatment with
coveries underscore the opportunity to develop targeted strategies aclarubicin, and cases of breast cancer discovered incidentally during
against TREX1 as therapies for both common and rare diseases. the course of routine clinical care. Additionally, our patients gave

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 14


signed consent to participate in our longitudinal clinical studies Signaling Technology, CST, 2276 S), rabbit anti-Histone H2AvD pS137
including the IRB-approved REVEAL study at Penn. (Rockland, 600-401-914), anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 568 (Thermo Fisher
Scientific, A-11004) and anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 633 (Thermo Fisher
Fly strain Scientific, A-21071). The specimens were mounted using the Vecta-
This study utilized several strains of flies, all of which were reared on shield mounting medium (Vector Laboratories). To visualize the
standard fly food at a temperature of 25 °C. Among these strains was nucleus, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, Bio-Rad, 1351303) was
GMR-Gal4 (#1104), a Gal4 strain expressed in the fly eye during used. Images were scanned using an FV3000 confocal microscope
development. In addition, this study utilized a strain that possesses (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) and captured using Imaris software (Oxford
Gal4 and UAS sequences: c739-Gal4 and UAS-CD8GFP (#64305) Instruments, Zurich, Switzerland). To quantify the localization pattern
expressed in the α/β lobes of Kenyon cells. As a negative control, the of each human TREX1 transgene, one- to two-day-old adult female flies
UAS-Luciferase RNAi strain (#31603) was used, which is an Inverted were dissected. Referring to the DAPI signal, the region of the nucleus
Repeat strain for the luciferase gene. UAS-dicer2 (#24648) was used to was selected using freehand selection in Fiji, an open-source image
enhance RNAi efficiency. All strains were obtained from Bloomington analysis software83. The nucleus was selected by experimenters who
Drosophila Stock Center (Bloomington, IN, USA). For the screening were blind to the genotype. The average fluorescence intensities of the
process, all genes categorized under “Chromosome” in the Flybase nuclear and non-nuclear regions were calculated. To quantitatively
database were considered as candidates. A total of 367 RNAi strains evaluate the localization of myc-tagged human TREX1, the range
were used in the screening, the details of which are listed in Supple- stained by DAPI was considered the intranuclear signal and compared
mentary Data 1. These strains were procured from the Vienna Droso- with the extranuclear signal to calculate the ratio of nuclear to
phila Resource Center (Vienna, Austria). cytoplasmic TREX1.

Establishment of transgenic Drosophila expressing Ribonucleoprotein electroporation for HDR induction

human TREX1 To examine the efficiency of HDR and NHEJ, the ribonucleoprotein
For the wild-type human TREX1, as well as RVCL mutant TREX1 (TREX1 (RNP) complex was electroporated into the Flp-In 293 T cells. Briefly,
V235Gfs) and ΔExo RVCL mutant TREX1 (TREX1 R62A/V235Gfs), PCR the gRNA complex was prepared by mixing equal amounts of Alt-R
was used to amplify the insert fragments. Using the DNA Ligation Kit CRISPR Cas9 crRNA and tracrRNA at equal concentrations (50 μM) in
Mighty Mix (Takara Bio, Shiga, Japan), these fragments were incorpo- duplex buffer (IDT), heated 95 °C for 5 min, and allowed to cool to
rated into the 20×UAS-IVS-P10 vector80. During this process, a Myc tag room temperature. The prepared gRNA (120 pmol) was mixed with
(EQKLISEEDL) was added to the N-terminus of each inserted human 100 pmol Alt-R Cas9 Nuclease V3 and allowed to form an RNP complex
TREX1. The constructed recombinant vectors were then injected into for 5 min at room temperature. Next, 4 μl of RNP complex was added
fly embryos and inserted into the ZH86Fb landing site (Wellgenetics, to 1 × 106 cells suspended in 100 μl Opti-MEM with 1.2 µl of 100 µM (120
Taipei, Taiwan). pmol) electroporation enhancer (IDT) and 1 µL of 100 µM (100 pmol)
HDR single-strand donor oligo and incorporated by electroporation
Evaluation of the rough eye phenotype using a NEPA21 electroporator (NEPAGene). For single-strand donor
Each human TREX1 variant was expressed under the control of the oligos, ultramer DNA oligonucleotides were used in which the bonds
GMR-Gal4 driver and the resulting flies were reared at 29 °C. After between the five bases at the 3′ and 5′ ends were modified with
eclosion, adult flies were frozen and stored at -80 °C for later use. To phosphorothioate to protect from degradation by nucleases, includ-
photograph the compound eyes of the flies, a DP23 camera (Olympus, ing TREX152. In addition, a two-base mutation immediately upstream of
Japan) was attached to an Olympus BX53 microscope (Olympus, Japan) the stop codon was introduced into the donor oligo to detect the HDR
to capture images at 20x magnification. The area was photographed, repair allele (Fig. 7a) specifically. The detailed target gene recognition
including the compound eye, shifting the focus incrementally by 1.87 sequences of the crRNA and single-stranded donor oligo sequences
μm for each shot. These images were then depth-composited for each are as follows: crRNA recognition sequence for the human ACTB gene
focus slice and the resulting phenotypic score was calculated using (CCGCCTAGAAGCATTTGCGG)84. Donor oligo: (C*C*G*T*GTGGATCGG
Flynotyper81. This phenotypic score reflects structural abnormalities in CGGCTCCATCCTGGCCTCGCTGTCCACCTTCCAGCAGATGTGGATCA
the compound eye, with a higher score indicating a greater degree of GCAAGCAGGAGTATGACGAGTCCGGCCCCTCCATCGTCCACCGCAAA
disorder in eye arrangement. A gene knockdown screen to alleviate the TGCTTCTAGATGGACTATGACTTAGTTGCGTTACACCCTTTCTTGACA
rough eye phenotype caused by the RVCL mutant TREX1 was per- AAACCTAACTTGCGCAGAAAACAAGATGAGATTGGCATGGC*T*T*T*A:
formed using the following procedure. First, primary screening by phosphorothioate bonds are indicated by the asterisk (*) between the
visual inspection using at least three samples for each candidate gene bases.). After electroporation, the cells were divided into two groups,
was performed under blinded conditions. Based on the primary one of which was induced to express TREX1 by the addition of dox-
screening, 67 genes were identified. Furthermore, quantitative sec- ycycline. Seventy-two hours after electroporation of RNP, genomic
ondary screening was performed on these 67 genes using Flynotyper. DNA was extracted and cleaned using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit
Statistical analysis of the 67 samples was performed using Prism (Qiagen) and AMPure XP (Beckman coulter). The effect of each
9 software. For comparative analysis, one-way analysis of variance mutated TREX1 on HDR and NHEJ efficiency was assessed as the per-
(ANOVA) was initially attempted. Subsequently, a nonparametric test centage change from dox-free cells between split pairs after
with a Kruskal-Wallis test was performed to determine if there were electroporation.
statistically significant differences between the groups. GO enrichment
analysis was performed on a group of genes with reduced toxicity of Quantification of HDR efficiency using droplet digital PCR
the mutant TREX1 ( Assignment of human In this assay, the primer was set upstream of the complementation
ortholog to fly genes was performed using the DRSC integrative region with the donor oligo and inside the donor oligo, so that the
ortholog prediction tool (DIOPT) ( mutation within the donor oligo was included in the amplified product. To quantify the total PCR amplification product and HDR allele-derived
product in the same amplicon, two types of probes were designed in a
Immunohistochemistry and imaging of Drosophila single amplicon (Fig. 7a). The first is a FAM-labeled reference probe
Immunohistochemistry was performed as previously described82. The that does not overlap with the cut site and always binds to the ampli-
following antibodies were used: mouse anti-myc (9B11) (1:2,000; Cell con regardless of the presence of the mutation insertion. The second is

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 15


a HEX-labeled probe that binds specifically to amplification products of the harvested medium to remove cell debris, a Retro-X concentrator
derived from alleles undergoing HDR repair. To ensure specificity of was added to the medium and incubated overnight 4 °C. The pro-
the donor oligo-derived mutant sequence by HDR repair, this probe is cessed medium was centrifuged at 1500×g for 45 min at 4 °C and the
chimerically modified with locked nucleic acids (LNA). This HDR supernatant was discarded. The precipitated virus products were dis-
probe-positive amplicon was detected only when the donor oligo was solved in a fresh medium. For retroviral transfection into target cells,
introduced during genome editing. The detailed sequences of the 1.4 × 105 IMR-90 cells were seeded in 6-well plates 24 h before trans-
primers and single-stranded donor oligo are as follows: FW primer fection. The seeded cells were co-transduced with RetroX-Tet3G and
(CTTCCCTCCTCAGATCATTGC), RV primer (AGAAAGGGTGTAACGC RetroX-TRE3G retroviruses at a ratio of 2:1 with polybrene (8 µg/ml)
AACTAA), reference probe (CTGTCCACCTTCCAGCAGATGTGG), and and centrifuged at 1500×g for 60 min at room temperature, followed
HDR-specific probe (CTT + CTAG + A + T + GGA + C + TAT; LNA mod- by overnight incubation in a humidified incubator. After virus trans-
ifications are indicated by the plus sign(+) to the right of the modified duction, the cells were exposed to 2 µg/ml puromycin (Thermo Fisher)
base). Droplets enclosing the PCR mix were formed using the Bio-Rad and 600 µg/ml geneticin (Thermo Fisher) for 6 days and used for each
QX-100 emulsification device. After PCR cycling, droplets were ana- experiment. Cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s med-
lyzed immediately using QuantaSoft v.1.6 (Bio-Rad). Frequencies of ium (DMEM, Gibco) supplemented with 10% Tet System Approved FBS
HDR in each sample are calculated as FHDR = CHDR × 100/Ctotal, where F (Clontech). As a positive control to analyze the behavior of the SET
= allelic frequency (%), CHDR = the HDR-repaired allelic (HDR-specific complex, IMR-90 cells were treated with granzyme A (2.5 μM) and
probe positive) concentration, and Ctotal = the total allelic (reference perforin (40 ng/ml) for 20 min before analysis. All the cells were
probe positive) concentration (Fig. 7a). negative for mycoplasma.

Mismatch cleavage assay Neutral comet assay

The genomic DNA sequence region containing the CRISPR Cas9 cut Cellular DNA damage was assessed by a neutral comet assay using a
site was amplified by PCR using PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase. PCR comet assay kit (Trevigen). LMAgarose was melted by heating prior to
products were denatured by heating at 95 °C for 5 min and then cooled the experiment. Briefly, 1 µl of SYBR Gold was dissolved in 30 mL of
using a thermocycler at rates of 2 °C/s to 85 °C and 1 °C/s to 25 °C to Tris-EDTA buffer (pH 7.5). The dissociated cells were adjusted to 1×105
form heteroduplexes. Heteroduplex DNA digestion was performed per ml with cold PBS. 30 µl of the cell solution and 300 µl of Comet
using Guide-it Resolvase (TaKaRa) for 30 min at 37 °C. Digested PCR LMAgarose were combined and 50 µl of the mixture was evenly placed
amplicons were separated by capillary gel electrophoresis and uncut on the designated slides. The slides were placed on ice for 5 min and
amplicons and cleaved fragments were detected and quantified using incubated at 4 °C for 30 min. Afterwards, the slides were incubated in
an Agilent 2200 TapeStation system. The NHEJ efficiency was calcu- lysis solution at 4 °C for 60 min and then in 1×Neutral Electrophoresis
lated as the ratio of the cleaved fragment signal to the total DNA Buffer (50 mM Tris, 150 mM Sodium Acetate, pH 9.0) at 4 °C for 30 min
fragment signal. without light exposure. Electrophoresis was conducted in 1×Neutral
Electrophoresis Buffer at 4 °C and 17 volts for 45 min. Slides were
Plasmid construction incubated in DNA precipitation buffer (1 M ammonium acetate in
The full-length coding region of human TREX1 cDNA was amplified by ethanol) at room temperature for 30 min and then in 70% ethanol at
PCR from a human cDNA library (Clontech) with an N-terminal myc-His room temperature for 30 min. The slides were dried and incubated
tag and subcloned into the multiple cloning site of the pcDNATM5/ with diluted SYBR Gold [1:30,000 in 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA (pH
FRT/TO vector (BamHI/XhoI)(Thermo Fisher) or pRetroX TRE 3G 7.5)] for 30 min without light exposure. The slides were observed
vector (BamHI/MluI) (Clontech). Each mutant construct was produced under an all-in-one microscope (Keyence; BioRevo BZ-9000) with a
using the GeneArt site-directed mutagenesis system (Thermo ×40 objective lens. These images were analyzed using OpenComet, an
Fisher)14,28,85. A consensus MAPKK NES (NLVDLQKKLEELELDEQQ)- open-source plugin for the image-processing program ImageJ. 20–30
fused TREX1 was created by PCR using specific primers from the cDNA cells were analyzed per assay, and five independent assays were
library and subcloned into the pcDNATM5/FRT/TO vector86. The pri- performed.
mer sequences used by GeneArt to construct the mutant plasmid are
indicated in Supplementary Data 3. EdU proliferation assay
Proliferation of IMR-90 cells was determined using the Click-iT EdU
Establishment of cells with stable gene expression Imaging Kit (ThermoFisher) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Stable gene-expressing cells were produced using the Flp-In system Briefly, IMR-90 cells with inducible TREX1 expression were seeded at
(Thermo Fisher) or Retro X Tet-On 3 G Inducible Expression System 50% confluency one day before adding EdU solution. Half of the
(Clontech). In the Flp-In system, T-Rex-293 Cells (Thermo Fisher) were medium was replaced with 10 µM EdU solution and the cells were
seeded at approximately 60% confluent in 35 mm dishes one day incubated in a humidified incubator for 24 h. The cells were fixed with
before transfection. Then, 150 ng of pcDNA5/FRT/TO vector with each 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) (Fujifilm) in phosphate buffer solution for
human TREX1 mutant cDNA and 850 ng of pOG44 was transfected into 15 min and permeabilized with 0.5% Triton X-100 (Sigma Aldrich) for
T-Rex-293 Cells by X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent 20 min. EdU and azide were reacted with a copper catalyst for 30 min.
(Roche). The medium was replaced with a selection medium contain- Cell nuclei were visualized using Hoechst 33342 (Thermo Fisher). The
ing 250 µg/mL hygromycin B. Each surviving colony was picked up and percentage of EdU-positive cells relative to doxycycline-untreated
used for each experiment after confirming normal growth capacity and cells, after doxycycline-induction of the indicated form of TREX1 in
doxycycline-induced gene-of-interest expression. IMR90 cells, was calculated each day after doxycycline addition.
The RetroX Tet-On 3 G inducible expression system was estab-
lished in two steps. For retrovirus production, GP2-293 packaging cells Mice
were seeded at 60% confluence in 100 mm dishes 24 h before trans- A targeting sgRNA was designed with specificity to the location of the
fection. pAmpho vector (15 µg) and pRetroX Tet-3G vector (15 µg) or codon encoding threonine 235 of mouse TREX1, and site-specific
pRetroX TRE-3G vector (15 µg) with each human TREX1 mutant cDNA cleavage was assessed in vitro using previously described methods87.
were transfected into the cells using the Xfect Transfection Reagent spCAS9 and sgRNAs were in vitro-transcribed from PCR amplicons
(Takara). After 4 h of incubation, the medium was replaced with a fresh purified by Qiaquick PCR purification spin columns (Qiagen) using the
medium. The medium was collected after 48 h and 72 h. After filtration MEGAshortscript T7 kit (Thermo Fisher) for sgRNA and mMESSAGE

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 16


mMACHINE T7 ultra kit (Thermo Fisher) for Cas9 mRNA. In vitro- Cell culture
transcribed Cas9 RNA was purified via lithium chloride precipitation To generate BMDMs, 5×106 marrow cells were cultured for 37 °C in 5%
and sgRNA was purified using the MEGAclear RNA purification kit (Life CO2 in 10-cm Petri dishes with D10 with 40 ng/ml of macrophage
technologies) and diluted in nuclease free injection buffer. The TREX1 colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) (PeproTech, 315-02). On day 3
T235Gfs frameshift was introduced using a single-stranded DNA oli- macrophages were fed with 5 mL complete DMEM containing 40 ng/
gonucleotide donor (ssODN) which include the 5 aberrant C-terminal mL M-CSF. Cell lines were cultured in D10 and incubated at 37 ˚C in
amino acid residues found in human TREX1 V235Gfs with 99 nucleo- 5% CO2.
tide flanking sequences homologous to the TREX1 open reading frame
synthesized by IDT (ultramer oligo with the inserted nucleotides in SDS-PAGE and Western blotting
uppercase): 5′(ctactgcagtgggtggacgaacatgcccggccctttagcaccgtcaag BMDMs, primary MEFs and HEK 293 T cells were solubilized in 1x RIPA
cccatgtacggcGGTCACA-GCCTGTGTTAGTAAactccggctaccactggaacaac buffer (CST, 9806) supplemented with protease and phosphatase
caacctaaggccacatgctgccacagctactacaccc)3′. Four-week-old female inhibitors (Thermo Fisher, A32959). For tissue lysates, organs were
C57BL/6 J mice were super-ovulated with pregnant mare serum gona- homogenized in 1x RIPA buffer with protease and phosphatase inhi-
dotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and bitors. The protein content of lysates was quantitated via BCA assay
mated with C57BL/6 J male mice. Fertilized single-cell embryos (Thermo Fisher, 23225) and equal amounts of protein were mixed with
(embryonic day 0.5 [E0.5]) were isolated and microinjected with a 2x Laemmli sample buffer (Biorad) with 5% β-mercaptoethanol (BME;
combined mixture of 50 ng/µl Cas9, 25 ng/µl sgRNA and 100 ng/µl Sigma Aldrich) and boiled at 95 °C for 5 min. Denatured samples were
ssODN or 25 ng Cas9, 13 ng/µl sgRNA and 100 ng/µl ssODN in Dnase/ loaded on 4-20% SDS PAGE gradient gels (Biorad), then transferred to
Rnase free microinjection buffer (1 mM Tris, 0.25 mM EDTA, pH 7.4). polyvinylidene fluoride membranes (EMD Millipore) via semi-dry
Following microinjection ~80-100 modified embryos per day, over a transfer. Following transfer, membranes were blocked for 1 h at
period of 6 days, were transferred into E0.5 pseudo-pregnant ICR/CD1 room temperature with 3% BSA or 5% non-fat milk in TBST. Resolved
female recipient mice. Colonies were established from two indepen- proteins were immunoblotted using primary antibodies against γH2AX
dent founder mice backcrossed to wild-type C57BL/6 J mice for five (CST, 2577), H2AX (CST, 2595), GAPDH (CST, 2118), TREX1 (BD,
generations, wild-type litter control mice were used for all experi- 611986), PARP1 (CST, 9542) and H327kac (CST, 8173), Myc (MBL, 562),
ments. Experiments were performed on mice of both sexes between (2 Tubulin (Sigma, T9026), Chk2 (CST, 2662), p-Chk2 (T68) (CST, 2197),
– 12 months) of age, matched with littermate control animals. Sample ATM (abcam, ab32420), p-ATM (S1981) (abcam, ab81292). Membranes
sizes were derived from previously published studies. Mice were ran- were stained using horseradish peroxidase conjugated secondary anti-
domly allocated for all experiments. Human TREX1 mutant mice were rabbit antibody (CST, 7076 S) or anti-mouse antibody (CST, 7074 S).
generated at Cyagen/Taconic as previously described88. Briefly, a CAG Blots were developed using SuperSignal West Pico PLUS substrate
promoter, a transcriptional stop sequence flanked by loxP sequences, (Thermo Fisher) and scanned with a Bio-Rad XRS+ gel imaging system.
and N-terminal HA-tagged WT or RVCL human TREX1 cDNAs were
cloned into ROSA26 targeting vectors. In vitro-transcribed Cas9 Subcellular fractionation
mRNA, sgRNAs, and targeting vectors were microinjected into ferti- BMDMs were harvested in ice-cold PBS supplemented with 1 mM EDTA
lized embryos and implanted into C57BL/6 J mice. Colonies were on ice using a cell scraper and centrifuged at 300×g for 5 min at 4 °C.
established after backcrossing founder mice to wild-type C57BL/6J BMDMs were then resuspended in 5 mL complete DMEM and counted.
mice for five generations. Expression of TREX1 protein in macrophages Briefly, 3 × 106 cells per condition were taken for subcellular fractio-
was achieved by crossing the floxed-STOP TREX1 mice to transgenic nation using the Subcellular fractionation kit for cultured cells
LysM-Cre animals (Jax 004781). TREX1-dsRed reporter mice were (Thermo Fisher) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The
produced at Ozgene and provided as a gift from the late Herbert C. protein content of membrane, cytosolic, soluble nuclear, and
Morse III (NIH). For olaparib injections, mice were injected intraper- chromatin-bound nuclear extracts were quantitated via BCA assay
itoneally (IP) with 40 mg/kg of olaparib (Selleck Chemicals) in 30% (Thermo Fisher). Subcellular fractions were then resolved via SDS-
polyethylene glycol (PEG) 300 (Selleck Chemicals) daily for 14 days. PAGE and immunoblotted for proteins of interest using antibodies
For AAV transduction, AAV8 encoding IFN-α2 or LacZ was produced at specific to individual subcellular compartments.
the Gene Therapy Program (University of Pennsylvania). Mice were
intravenously injected with 1×1011 genome copies of AAV in PBS and Flow cytometry
euthanized 1 week later for tissue analysis. Mice were housed in To assess cellular viability, cell suspensions were washed with PBS to
pathogen-free mouse facilities at the University of Pennsylvania Per- remove residual FBS then stained with Zombie NIR™ (BioLegend,
elman School of Medicine and fed a standard diet and water ad libitum. 423106) in PBS for 15 min on ice. Cells were washed and fixed in 4% PFA
for 10 min at room temperature. After fixation, cells were permeabi-
Cell isolation lized in 90% methanol for 15 min on ice. Cells were washed to remove
Spleens were kept on ice in Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium residual methanol, and stained for γH2AX (CST, 9718) and HA (CST,
(DMEM; Gibco, 11995081) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum 2367) in FACS buffer for 1 h on ice. Fixed cells were then stained with
(FBS), 2 mM L-GlutaMAX (Gibco, 35050061), 1X non-essential amino fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies, AF488 donkey anti-rabbit
acids (Gibco, 11140050), 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Gibco, 11360070), IgG (Invitrogen, A-21206) and AF647 donkey anti-mouse IgG (Invitro-
10 mM HEPES (Gibco, 15630080), 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 mg/mL gen, A-31571). For flow cytometry studies of splenocytes, spleens were
streptomycin (Gibco, 15140122) (D10). To obtain single-cell suspen- mashed through a 70-µm strainer and washed in PBS. Red blood cells
sions, organs were mechanically disrupted and passed through 70-mM were lysed in ACK Lysing Buffer (Gibco, A10492-01) before staining
cell strainers and rinsed with 20 mL PBS. Red blood cells (RBCs) were with Zombie NIR in PBS for 15 min on ice. Cells were then stained for
lysed with the addition of 2 mL ACK lysis buffer (Gibco, A1049201) for CD45 (BV605, BioLegend, 30-F11), CD4 (BV421, BioLegend, GK1.5),
3 min, the cell suspensions were washed once with PBS (Gibco, CD8a (PerCP/Cy5.5, BioLegend, 53-6.7), CD19 (FITC, BioLegend, 6D5),
14190136) supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum (Omega scientific, and NK1.1 (PE, BioLegend, PK136), or CD45 (BV605, BioLegend, 30-F11),
FB-01) (FACS buffer). To Isolate bone marrow cells for bone marrow CD11c (AF488, BioLegend, N418), CD11b (BV510, BioLegend, M1/70),
derived macrophage differentiation, femurs and tibias were dissected MHCII (PE, BioLegend, M5/114.15.2), Ly6G (PerCP/Cy5.5, BioLegend
from animals and the marrow flushed from bones. Debris were 1A8), Ly6C(BV421, BioLegend, HK1.4), and F4/80 (AF700, BioLegend,
removed by filtration through a 70-µm cell strainers. BM8) in FACS buffer for 30 min on ice. For all experiments, Fc-

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 17


mediated interactions were blocked by incubating cell suspensions using ADP-lite cell viability assay (PerkinElmer) according to the
with purified rat anti-mouse CD16/32 (BD Biosciences, 553142) in FACS manufacturer’s instructions. ATP-lite assay and drug treatments of
buffer during primary staining. In all flow cytometry experiments, cells cells was performed using a D300e liquid handling system (TECAN) by
were analyzed on an Attune NxT Flow Cytometer (Thermo Fisher) or the High-throughput Screening Core (University of Pennsylvania).
LSR II (BD Biosciences) and data analysis was conducted in FlowJo™
v10 software (FlowJo LLC). CellTiter-glo viability assay
WT and RVCL MEFs were seeded at 1500 cells per well and treated with
Histology 100 IU mouse IFN-β (PBL Assay Science, 12400) for 24 h. Following pre-
Livers were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, washed with 70% ethanol treatment MEFs were treated with indicated concentrations of aclar-
prior to embedding in paraffin wax and sectioning. Three-µm tissue ubicin for 24 h. Viability of treated cells as assessed using Cell-titer glo
sections were stained with hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) and slides luminescent cell viability assay (Promega) according to the manu-
were imaged on an EVOS M5000 microscope (Thermo Fisher). facturer’s instructions.

Immunofluorescence Sensitive Identification of Individual DNA Ends (STRIDE) analysis

IMR-90 cells and Flp-in 293 cells expressing myc-tagged TREX1 were dSTRIDE were performed as described previously37 by intoDNA.
cultivated on poly-L-lysine coated coverslips before fixation. BMDMs Briefly, BMDMs from LysM-Cre-positive WT TREX1 and LysM-Cre-
were cultivated on gelatin-coated coverslips before fixation with 4% positive RVCL mutant TREX1 micewere dissociated on Day 7 post-
paraformaldehyde for 15 min at room temperature and permeabilized differentiation and seeded into gelatin-coated glass cover slips. On day
with 0.3% Triton X-100 for 20 min at room temperature. Coverslips were 8, BMDMs were treated with 10 µM olaparib or DMSO for 72 h,
washed with 1x PBS and blocked with blocking buffer (5% BSA in DPBS refreshing drug media every 24 h. Cells were fixed with ice-cold 70%
supplemented with 3% goat serum) for 60 min. Coverslips were immu- ethanol and shipped to intoDNA for analysis. TREX1 expression was
nostained for γH2AX (abcam, ab26350), 53BP1 (Novus Biologicals, assessed by staining with anti-HA conjugated antibody.
NB100-904), pATM (Rockland, 200-301-400), ER-associated protein
disulfide isomerase (PDI) (Thermo Fisher, S34253), myc (MBL, 562) and TREX1 inhibitor synthesis
HA (CST, 2367 S) in blocking buffer for 60 min at 4 °C, and washed with The TREX1 inhibitor Compound 16 was synthesized as previously
PBS. Primary stains were visualized with the addition of anti-rabbit or described70. All solvents and chemicals were purchased from com-
anti-mouse fluorescent-conjugated secondary antibody. Nuclei were mercially available sources and used without further purification, or
stained with 4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI; purified according to Purification of Laboratory Chemicals90. Solvents
Thermo Fisher) and mounted in ProLong™ gold anti-fade mounting were dried under standard conditions. Reactions were monitored by
medium (Thermo Fisher). Images were acquired on the Leica TCS SP8 thin layer chromatography (TLC) using pre-coated silica on aluminum
WLL Confocal. Images were analyzed in ImageJ version 2.9.0. plates from Merck (60F254). TLC plates were visualized with ultraviolet
light and/or by treatment with ceric ammonium molybdate solution
Gene expression analysis (CAM) and heating. Products were purified on column chromato-
Total RNA from MEFs, BMDMs and human PBMCs were extracted graphy with Silica gel 60 from Macherey Nagel (0.036–0.071 mm;
using the RNAeasy mini kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer’s 215–400 mesh), a CombiFlash Rf+ Teledyne Isco system fitted with
instructions. Total RNAs were treated with RQ1-Rnase-free Dnase pre-packed silica gel columns (Interchim) or/and preparative HPLC
(Promega, M6101) and TaqMan RNA-to-Ct 1-step kit (Applied biosys- Quaternary Gradient 2545 equipped with a Photodiode Array detector
tems) was used to measure mRNA expression. Primer probe assays (Waters) fitted with a reverse phase column (Xbridge Prep C18 5 μm
were obtained from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT). Full sequence OBD, 30 × 150 mm). NMR spectroscopy was performed on Bruker
information and assay identification numbers are tabulated in spectrometers to confirm Compound 16 was in accordance with the
sequence information (Supplementary Data 4). Ct values of target previous spectra described by Letourneau et al.70. The purity of final
genes were normalized to the values of the reference gene Polr2a. Fold compounds, determined to be >95% by UPLC MS, was recorded on a
change in target gene expression was reported as 2- ΔΔCt, normalized to Waters Acquity H-class equipped with a Photodiode array detector and
the average expression observed in WT mice. SQ Detector 2 with a reverse phase column (Aquity UPLC® BEH C18 1.7
μm, 2.1 × 50 mm).
RNA sequencing
RNA of IMR-90 cells stably expressing RVCL TREX1 (V235Gfs) by dox- Inhibitor and interferon treatments
ycycline for 2 weeks and in cells without doxycycline was extracted BMDMs (Day 7 of culture) or MEFs were treated with 10 µM olaparib in
using Direct-zol RNA Miniprep (Zymo Research). The RNA-seq library complete DMEM for 72 h, where the media was refreshed every 24 h with
was prepared using an Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep fresh olaparib. For TREX1 inhibitor experiments, BMDMs were treated
Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The libraries were with 10 µM TREX1 inhibitor with or without 10 µM olaparib for 72 h.
pooled and sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform (high Media was refreshed every 24 h with fresh TREX1 inhibitor and olaparib.
output mode, 2 × 100-base paired-end). The clean reads were mapped For CPT treatment, BMDMs were incubated with 1.25 µM CPT in com-
to the human reference genome sequence (GRCm38/p13.genome). plete DMEM for 48 h. For interferon treatments, BMDMs were treated
Deseq2 was used to identify differentially expressed genes with an with 100 IU/mL of IFN-β (PBL Assay Science, 12400) or 10 µg/mL of IFN-γ
adjusted P-value < 0.05. Gene set enrichment analysis was performed (Peprotech, 315-05) for 72 h. Media was refreshed every 24 h with fresh
using the GSEA software (Broad Institute) using SASP gene panel89. IFN-β or IFN-γ. Following incubation, BMDMs were mechanically dis-
These RNA-seq raw data using IMR90 are available from the DDBJ associated from the culture surface with 1 µM EDTA in PBS, while MEFs
Sequence Read Archive ( – accession were trypsinized in 0.25% trypsin for 5 min to remove from the culture
numbers DRA016748). surface. Cell suspensions were then analyzed by flow cytometry.

ADP-lite cell viability assay PacBio HiFi long-read and Illumina short-read sequencing of
WT and heterozygous RVCL MEFs were seeded at 1,000 cells per well CRISPR-Cas9 cleavage site
and treated with indicated concentrations of PARP inhibitors, olaparib Modifications to CRISPR/Cas9-induced DSB repair by wild-type or
or talazoparib, for 72 and 96 h. Viability of treated cells was assessed RVCL mutant TREX1 expression were analyzed by PacBio HiFi Long-

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 18


Read sequencing and Illumina short-read sequencing. HiFi long-read V235Gfs (but not present in the vector control) were excised and
sequencing used the SMRT approach for targeted amplicon sequen- analyzed by ion-trap mass spectrometry at the Harvard Taplin Biolo-
cing, with an initial round of PCR on extracted genomic DNA as a gical Mass Spectrometry Facility in Boston, MA. The mass spectro-
template to produce a 3797 bp fragment containing the CRSPR/Cas9 metry proteomics data are available from the ProteomeXchange
cleavage site using 5′-end AmMC6 modified primers (hACTB_long_F: Consortium ( via the PRIDE part-
/5AmMC6/GTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-ACCCTGAAGTACCCCATCGA, ner repository with the accession number PXD051905.
CATCTGGT) with Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix (New England Bio- Human cytokine analysis
labs), followed by a second PCR step using barcoded (Index) universal Sera from healthy controls and patients was collected and submitted
primers (Index-F: /5phos/GGTAG-Index1-GTAAAACGACGGCCAGT, for cytokine analysis performed by Eve Technologies. Samples were
Index-R: 2nd Reverse/5phos/GGTAG-Index2-CAGGAAACAGCTATGAC). anonymous, genetically confirmed, and lacked identifying information
Barcoded fragments from each sample were pooled in equimolar or associated clinical data. Sample collection was exempt from IRB
amounts and purified using AMPure PB beads. SMRTbell libraries were since samples were anonymous, not tied to clinical data, and therefore
then prepared using the Template Preparation Kit (Pacific Biosciences) not categorized as human subjects research.
according to the manufacturer’s instructions (https://www.protocols.
io/view/smrt-ots-bjugkntw). Sequencing was performed on the PacBio Human embryo crossover analysis
Sequel IIe system using Sequel II binding kit 2.2. These long-read Trophectoderm samples from embryos biopsied at day 5–7 of
sequence raw data are available from the DDBJ (https://www.ddbj.nig. development underwent whole genome amplification using multi- – accession number PRJDB17735). Using SMRT Link ple displacement amplification (RepliG, Qiagen, Germany) and
(ver., overhang adapter sequences were removed from were processed in comparison to family control DNA on the
the sequenced sequences to form sub-reads. After creating a con- HumanKaryomap-12 Array (Illumina, United States). Genome-wide
sensus sequence (CCS) aligned with these subreads, CCS reads with an haplotyping was performed using BlueFuse Multi Software (Illu-
average quality value of less than 20 per read were removed and mina, United States) and crossover events identified as switching
designated as HiFi reads. Using lima (ver. 2.7.1), reads were sorted by in the phase of key and non-key SNPs across each maternal
index, and adapter and index sequences in primers were removed. The chromosome. The frequency of crossover events in embryos of an
obtained read sequences were mapped to a reference sequence using RVCL patient was compared to the publicly available results of
pbmm2 (ver. 1.13.0). Among the mapped sequences, reads holding Hou et al.56, who quantitated crossover events using SNP loci of
20 bp at both the 5′ and 3′ ends of the PCR-amplified sequence were phased haploid cells and a hidden Markov model to infer crossover
extracted, and the frequency of the final extracted reads was tabulated events. The clinical results including SNP and deletion analysis
by deletion size within each sequence. arose as part of routine, standard-of-care clinical testing. No
The frequency of short deletions (<50 bp) was analyzed by experiments, other genetic analyses or sequencing were performed
amplicon sequencing using the Miseq. Genomic DNA surrounding the on human embryos.
CRISPR/Cas9 target site was amplified using barcoded primers
CACATCCAGGGTCCTCAC, hACTB_short_R: GTGACTGGAGTTCAG The odds ratio (OR) of breast cancer was calculated by dividing the
ACGTGTGCTCTTCCGATCTAGAGAAGTGGGGTGGCTTTT). Illumina odds of breast cancer in female patients with RVCL (3:16) by the odds
index sequences were added by a second round of PCR using index- of breast cancer in women under age 50 years in the general popula-
primers (2nd F: AATGATACGGCGACCACCGAGATCTACAC Index2 tion of the US (2100:97900) from the publicly available SEER*Explorer
ACACTCTTTCCCTACACGACGC, 2nd R: CAAGCAGAAGACGGCAT dataset92. The OR of breast cancer in RVCL was compared to published
ACGAGAT Index1 GTGACTGGAGTTCAGACGTGTG). Purified final ORs before age 50 years in BRCA1 and BRCA293.
libraries using VAHTS DNA Clean Beads (Vazyme) were sequenced
using MiSeq. These long-read sequence raw data are available from the Statistics
DDBJ ( – accession number Statistical analyses are indicated in the figure legends and were con-
PRJDB17744). Mutagenic alleles were called using CRISPResso291, and ducted in Prism (GraphPad) Version 9.5.1.
called reads with short deletions ( < 50 bp) were manually curated.
Reporting summary
Mass spectrometry Further information on research design is available in the Nature
For the identification of cellular interacting proteins of WT TREX1 and Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
TREX1 V235Gfs, large-scale FLAG pulldown was performed by trans-
fecting 12 × 10 cm dishes of HEK 293 T cells with 24 µg of DNA per dish. Data availability
Cells were transfected with WT TREX1 or TREX1 V235Gfs in the pcDNA RNA-seq data are available at the DDBJ Sequence Read Archive (https://
3.1 (-) vector containing an N-terminal 3x-FLAG tag using NheI and with the accession number DRA016748. Mass spectro-
HindIII restriction sites. Empty vector-transfected cells were included metry proteomics data are available via the ProteomeXchange Con-
as a control. Cells were harvested and lysed in ice-cold Nonidet P-40 sortium ( with the identifier
(NP-40) buffer (50 mM HEPES [pH 7.4], 150 mM NaCl, 1% (v/v) NP-40, PXD051905. Source data are provided with this paper.
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93. Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Breast cancer risk genes — E.D.O.R., Y.B., R.A.G., S.Cherry, M.U.G., T.H., O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Project
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Acknowledgements Competing interests

We acknowledge Michael S. Diamond and John P. Atkinson (WashU) for The authors declare no competing interests.
facilitating Dr. Miner’s goal of generating the TREX1 T235Gfs mice during
his postdoctoral fellowship in preparation for his independent career. Additional information
We thank the late Herbert C. Morse III as well as Alexander L. Kovalchuk Supplementary information The online version contains
for giving us TREX1-dsRed reporter mice. We also thank Andria supplementary material available at
Ford, Alexander L. Kovalchuk and Nilufar Rahimova (helpful discus-
sions), Alexandra Lopez (pilot experiments), Adam Zuiani and Canyu Liu
(critical reading of the manuscript), as well as Sally Thompson, Ashley Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
Batista, and Rennie Rhee (REVEAL study). Additionally, we thank the late Taisuke Kato or Jonathan J. Miner.
Michelle Noll for managing the TREX1 T235Gfs mouse colony as it was
initially being generated. This work was supported by National Institutes Peer review information Nature Communications thanks Rayk Behrendt,
of Health grant K08AR070918 (J.J.M.), National Institutes of Health grant Zhongsheng You and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their con-
R01AI143982 (J.J.M.), National Institutes of Health grant R01NS131480 tribution to the peer review of this work. A peer review file is available.
(J.J.M.), Scientist Development Award from the Rheumatology Research
Foundation (J.J.M.), Penn Colton Center for Autoimmunity pilot award Reprints and permissions information is available at
(J.J.M.), gift from the Clayco Foundation (J.J.M., M.U.G., and N.M.), Penn
RVCL Sisters Fund (J.J.M.), National Institutes of Health Medical Scientist
Training Program T32 GM007170 (S.D.C.), Japan Agency for Medical Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jur-
Research and Development grant 22ek0109424h0003 (O.O.), Japan isdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Society for the Promotion of Science grant 22H00466 (O.O. and T.K.),
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grant 22H02981 (T.K.), Japan Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Society for the Promotion of Science grant 18K07522 (T.K.), and Japan Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
MHLW for Research on Intractable Disease grant JP21FC1007 (O.O.). adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
Author contributions source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if
Conceptualization: S.Chauvin, S.A., O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Methodology: changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
O.O., T.K., and J.J.M.; Validation: S.Chauvin, S.A., J.A.H., S.P., C.A.M., article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless
O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Formal analysis: S.Krishnamurthy and M.N.A. indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
Investigation: S.Chauvin, S.A., J.A.H., S.P., A.S., Y.Nitta, R.K., Y.H., R.S., included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended
S.Kitahara, S.Koide, A.K., J.F., C.A.M., W.A.S., W.Q., N.S., S.Krishna- use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
murthy, F.R.Z., Y.Ning, L.K., O.P., P.S.A., C.C., G.L., L.C., R.R., N.M., use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright
M.N.A., D.C.S., P.T.C., M.U.G., T.H., O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Resources: O.O., holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
T.K., and J.J.M. Data curation: S.Chauvin, S.A., J.A.H., S.P., O.O., T.K., and licenses/by/4.0/.
J.J.M. Writing – original draft: S.Chauvin, J.A.H., S.P., and J.J.M. Writing –
review and editing: S.Chauvin, J.A.H., N.M., P.T.C., E.D.O.R., Y.B., R.A.G., © The Author(s) 2024
S.Cherry, M.U.G., T.H., O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Visualization: S.Chauvin,
S.A., J.A.H., F.R.Z., O.O., T.K., and J.J.M. Supervision: N.M., P.T.C.,

Samuel D. Chauvin 1,2,26, Shoichiro Ando3,26, Joe A. Holley1,2,26, Atsushi Sugie 4, Fang R. Zhao 5, Subhajit Poddar1,2,
Rei Kato3, Cathrine A. Miner1,2, Yohei Nitta 4, Siddharth R. Krishnamurthy6,7, Rie Saito 8, Yue Ning1,2, Yuya Hatano3,
Sho Kitahara3, Shin Koide 3, W. Alexander Stinson5, Jiayuan Fu1,2, Nehalee Surve1,2, Lindsay Kumble1,2, Wei Qian5,
Oleksiy Polishchuk1,2, Prabhakar S. Andhey9, Cindy Chiang10,25, Guanqun Liu 10,25, Ludovic Colombeau11,
Raphaël Rodriguez 11, Nicolas Manel 12, Akiyoshi Kakita8, Maxim N. Artyomov 9, David C. Schultz 13,
P. Toby Coates14,15, Elisha D. O. Roberson5, Yasmine Belkaid6,7,16, Roger A. Greenberg 17, Sara Cherry 18,19,
Michaela U. Gack 10,25, Tristan Hardy20,21, Osamu Onodera 3,22, Taisuke Kato 22 & Jonathan J. Miner 1,2,5,18,23,24

Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2RVCL Research Center,
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 3Department of Neurology, Clinical Neuroscience Branch, Brain Research
Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan. 4Department of Neuroscience of Disease, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan. 5Department
of Medicine, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, USA. 6Metaorganism Immunity Section, Laboratory of Immune System Biology, National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. 7NIAID Microbiome Program, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. 8Department of Pathology, Clinical Neuroscience Branch, Brain Research Institute,
Niigata University, Niigata, Japan. 9Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, USA. 10Department of
Microbiology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 11Equipe Labellisée Ligue Contre le Cancer, Institut Curie, CNRS, INSERM, PSL Research University,
Paris, France. 12INSERM U932, Institut Curie, PSL Research University, Paris, France. 13High-throughput Screening Core, University of Pennsylvania,

Nature Communications | (2024)15:4696 22


Philadelphia, PA, USA. 14Central and Northern Adelaide Renal and Transplantation Service (CNARTS), The Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia. 15School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. 16Institut Pasteur,
Paris, France. 17Department of Cancer Biology, Penn Center for Genome Integrity, Basser Center for BRCA, Perelman School of Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 18Institute for Immunology and Immune Health, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
PA, USA. 19Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 20Genetics,
Repromed, Monash IVF, Dulwich, South Australia, Australia. 21Genetics and Molecular Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia. 22Department of
Molecular Neuroscience, Brain Science Branch, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan. 23Department of Microbiology, University of
Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 24Penn Colton Center for Autoimmunity, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 25Present address: Florida Research and Innovation Center, Cleveland Clinic, Port Saint Lucie, FL, USA. 26These authors
contributed equally: Samuel D. Chauvin, Shoichiro Ando, Joe A. Holley. e-mail:;

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