The document is a final exam for a Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences class that covers topics related to community, including definitions of community and different community perspectives. The exam consists of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and an essay about defining and understanding community.
The document is a final exam for a Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences class that covers topics related to community, including definitions of community and different community perspectives. The exam consists of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and an essay about defining and understanding community.
The document is a final exam for a Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences class that covers topics related to community, including definitions of community and different community perspectives. The exam consists of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and an essay about defining and understanding community.
The document is a final exam for a Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences class that covers topics related to community, including definitions of community and different community perspectives. The exam consists of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and an essay about defining and understanding community.
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PCH-1 DAMILAG MANOLO FORTICH BUKIDNON Government Recognition No. 001 s. 1998 School ID 404972 Senior High School ID No. 349027 FINAL EXAMINATION GRADE 12 HUMSS
“Cheating is nothing to be proud of”-Mark Hunt
“GOOD LUCK” NAME: YR/STRAND: DATE: I. Modified TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If incorrect, replaced the underlined word/s on the space provided before each number to make the statement true. ________________ 1. One of the importance in studying the community is that the people see an opportunity to understand the policies within and values cultural capital. ________________2. The interaction taking place in the community is community dynamics itself. ________________ 3. Changes in the community can be brought about by social, cultural and historical experiences. ________________ 4. Geographical communities are formed based on needs, ideas, interests and identity, practices and roles in social institutions. ________________ 5. Macro-level perspectives are focused on pursuing common interests or goals like forming a small organization to hold an advocacy. ________________ 6. Empowerment is to raise awareness about certain communal issues that needs to be addressed. ________________ 7. Community Action is any activity that aims to increase the understanding, involvement and empowerment of communities for the intention of giving services to people. ________________ 8. It is important to identify the different needs of the community that should be addressed. ________________ 9. People in a community share something in common. ________________ 10. It is important that engagement occurs so that members will be able to involve meaningfully in the activities that they have created. II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. This type of community where members share the same geographical vicinity such as village, province or neighborhood. a. Community b. Non-Geographical Community c. Geographical Community none of the above 2. Is a community formed based on needs, ideas, interests, identity, practices, and roles in social institutions such as at home, all work, in government, society, or the community at large. a. Community b. Non-Geographical Community c. Geographical Community none of the above 3. A group is formed based on personal ties. a. Community b. Micro-level Community c. Geographical Community d. none of the above 4. A large group affiliation is formed such as national Communities, international communities, and virtual communities. a. Community b. Micro-level Community c. Macro-level Community d. none of the above 5. Is any activity that aims to increase the understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities for the intention of giving services to people a. Community Action b. Community Engagement c. Community Involvement d. Community empowerment 6. Raise an awareness about certain communal issues that needs to be addressed. a. understanding b. empowerment c. engagement d. Involvement 7. The main goal of engaging in the community is to improve the partnership and coalitions among the community. a. understanding b. empowerment c. engagement d. Involvement 8. Enable the people to independently decide, plan-out and take action to control the situation they have in the community. a. understanding b. empowerment c. engagement d. Involvement 9. It is defined as the networks of relationship among people who live and work in a particular society for the effective functioning of the community. a. Social Capital b. Communitarianism c. Self-organization d. Volunteerism 10. It explains the connection between the individual and the community. a. Social Capital b. Communitarianism c. Self-organization d. Volunteerism 11. The process can be spontaneous when sufficient energy is available, not needing control by any external agent. a. Social Capital b. Communitarianism c. Self-organization d. Volunteerism 12. It is about people’s need to participate in their group or organization to benefit the community in various activities or action. a. Social Capital b. Communitarianism c. Self-organization d. Volunteerism 13. An umbrella term for various fields of study which examines social relations and human society. a. Social Science b. Political Science c. Anthropology d. Sociology 14. This field examines the various aspects of humans, such as their biology, behavior, culture and social interactions. a. Social Science b. Political Science c. Anthropology d. Sociology 15. This field studies the production, allocation and consumption of goods and services. In any community, one finds various forms of wealth distribution. a. Economics b. Political Science c. Anthropology d. Sociology 16. The field encompasses the various ways and means of allocating power, influence, and decision-making. a. Economics b. Political Science c. Anthropology d. Sociology 17. This discipline studies the human mind, brain, and social behavior. This extends to interaction between people and interpersonal relationships. a. Psychology b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. Political Science 18. This field is the study of society, social order, social interactions, and culture. It introduces the concepts of social capital and communitarianism. a. Sociology b. Politics c. Governance d. Political Ideology 19. Defined as the networks of relationship among people who live and work in a particular society for the effective functioning of the community a. Sociology b. Social-Capital c. Governance d. Political Ideology 20. Explains the connection between the individual and the community. a. Sociology b. Social-Capital c. Communitarianism d. Political Ideology III. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being asked. _______________1. This field is focused in the study of society, social orders, socialization and culture. _______________2. One of the perspectives in community wherein it understands that community is composed of the ways people interact with each other, react, and expect each other to act and interact. _______________3. Institutional community is a _______ model as it is defined by its networks and institutions. _______________4. The ultimate of this discipline is to improve the lives of others such that their needs are satisfied. _______________5. Civil society perspective is considered as __________ model since because of collaboration a sense of belonging is achieved. _______________6. One highlight of civil society perspective wherein the members of the community may involve themselves in various community activities. _______________7. It is most often associated with the study, diagnosis of mental illnesses. _______________8. It is described from social science perspective as a group of people interacting together. _______________9. This community perspective uses self-organization and encourages the local citizens to contribute to the community by taking responsibilities and actions. _______________10. It explains the connection between the individual and the community.
IV. ESSAY: 5 points each. Please provide ½ cross wise for your answer. 1. What is your definition of community?
2. How can we create solidarity within community?
3. What are your perspectives in understanding the community?
“There are no secrets to success.
It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” ― General Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State
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