Thermo Vapour Compression Distiller: TVC Series

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Thermo Vapour Compression Distiller

TVC Series

Application Benefits
Conversion of seawater through Multi-Effect Distillation for Lowest overall water production costs:
production of high purity water for domestic and industrial • Simple raw water pre-treatment
use. Applicable on Cruise Liners, Oil & Gas Industry, Power • 25 years economical life
Plants, Industries and domestic water production. • Lowest operation and maintenance costs

Features Highest availability:

• Simple design • > 90% of yearly hours
• Plate type evaporator/condenser
• Titanium heat transfer surfaces Simple operation & maintenance:
• Non-coated materials resistant to seawater and brines • Full access to evaporator heat transfer surfaces for
• Easy access for service manual cleaning
• Simple and reliable automation and control • Low educational requirement for operating crew
• Enhanced performance by means of thermo vapour
compression High distillate purity:
• Conductivity < 10 uS/cm
• Lowest cost for technical water treatment
Capacity range The preheated seawater is then delivered into the Titanium
Our product range covers capacities from 200 up to 25,000 plate heat exchangers' evaporator section. The seawater
m3/day per unit. Based on standard components and a flows on the plates in an even and controlled falling film. While
modular concept, each unit is custom-designed for each flowing down, the seawater film is heated up and partially
particular installation. evaporated by the heat obtained from the condensation of
vapour on the other side of the plate. The released vapour
The process then flows through a demister to the Titanium plate heat
Thermo vapour compression is a distillation process, where exchangers' condensing side of the subsequent effect. Here
evaporation of seawater is obtained by the application of heat the vapour condenses into pure distillate water while transfer-
delivered by motive steam and recompressed low pressure ring its latent heat, and thereby evaporating the seawater
vapour. which flows on a falling film on the other side of the plates.
The process is repeated in all effects of the desalination unit.
The effect of compressing water vapour is obtained by means
of an ejector system (1) motivated by live steam supplied at The transport of fluids inside the evaporator such as vapour,
a pressure of typically 3-10 bar. The ejector system recycles distillate water and brine is done by the pressure differential
vapour produced in the last (cold) effect of the desalination created between effects. The effect number one, which oper-
process, and increases its pressure and temperature. Then ates at the highest temperature, has the highest pressure,
the mixture of live steam and recompressed vapour is inject- - the subsequent effect has a lower temperature and pres-
ed as heating media at the first (hot) effect of the desalination sure. This pressure differential is maintained throughout all the
plant. effects of the unit.

The sea cooling water is pumped into a condenser (2) and is The evaporation is done at subatmospheric conditions and
heated by the condensation of vapour produced in the last vacuum is created and maintained by a venting system. The
(cold) effect of the unit. The feed-water, the water to be evap- venting system can either be a water driven ejector (4), as
orated, is taken from the outlet of the condenser, thus utilizing shown on the flow diagram, or a steam driven ejector. The
the pre-heating provided by the condenser. The remaining venting system evacuates the plant at start-up and extracts
part of the sea cooling water is rejected back to the sea. non-condensable gases during operation of the plant.
The Plate Technology
Alfa Laval's distillation equipment consists of a number of
titanium plate heat exchangers, which have been specifically
designed for this purpose. All plates are identical; with two
gasket configurations being utilised in order to form both a
condensing and an evaporating plate channel.

The plates are fitted into the evaporator vessel, forming a

complete plate pack.

Compared to traditional shell and tube technology, the Plate

Technology gives higher thermal efficiency. The material used
for the plates is Titanium grade 1, which is considered the
ultimate material concerning corrosion resistance in seawater
enrironment (especially at elevated temperatures).

Full access to the Heating Surfaces

In the Alfa Laval plate concept, the plate pack can easily be
disassembled for inspection and cleaning. In fact, the entire
plate pack can easily be removed from the vessel through

In comparison, traditional shell and tube plants have limited

access for inspection. Mechanical cleaning is practically
impossible. Should this be required in these systems, tubes
will have to be removed and replaced, thereby incurring
high costs.
Easy Removal of Scale
If calcium carbonate scaling occurs in an Alfa Laval desalina-
tion unit, it is easily removed by chemical cleaning with a mild
acid solution.

However, should calcium sulphate scaling take place, most

likely through mis-operation, disassembly of the plate pack
can be carried out, allowing the scale to fall to the bottom of
the desalination vessel.

This means that the desalination unit can be brought back on

line and up to rated capacity with minimal downtime and
virtually no expense.

Should this happen with traditional shell and tube units, the
downtime would be extended, expensive cleaning chemicals
used and virtually no guarantee that the unit will produce
rated capacity. Added to this, if the scaling is significant,
tubes will have to be scrapped and replaced.

The illustrations shown above are from a plant which was deliberately
scaled up with calcium sulphate in order to successfully test and
prove 100% cleanability.
Alfa Laval in Brief
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products
and engineered solutions.

Our equipment, systems and services are dedicated to

helping customers to optimize the performance of their
processes. Time and time again.

We help our customers to heat, cool, seperate and transport

produccts such as oil, water, chemicals, beverages, foodstuff,
starch and pharmaceuticals.

Our worldwide organization works closely with customers in

almost 100 countries to help them stay ahead.

PD 2051 E1 / 0205 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.

How to contact Alfa Laval

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are continually updated on our website.
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